Non-admission to work for medical reasons. An order to suspend an employee from work. Temporary suspension from work for health reasons: step-by-step instructions for the employer

Suspension from the main activity is considered to prevent an employee from performing his own work duties for various reasons. The director may prohibit a citizen from performing certain activities if the grounds for such are indicated in Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other documents and regulations... The employee may not be allowed to work, however labor contract continues to operate. But this situation can be a motive to fire employees. His exclusion from activity is only a temporary measure.

How to properly formalize suspension from work for medical reasons?

The exclusion process is based on the issued order. The reason may be a medical opinion, in which doctors forbid a citizen to engage in certain activities. The doctor in this document indicates the period during which the citizen will not be able to continue to work. The dependence of this period on the registration of a citizen for a position is direct. A doctor's decision can negatively affect his career. If the period is more than 4 months, the employer must offer his subordinate free and vacancies In the organisation.

Are they not there or the employee is not satisfied? Then the removal from office is made out for the entire period in accordance with the document on the medical report. The employer may refuse to labor relations entirely. According to article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment contract with the citizen is terminated.

Suspension from work under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

According to article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer can remove the employee from the activity if it reveals that the medical reports differ from the testimony of the citizen. First of all, an appropriate order is issued, which regulates the removal of an employee from his current position. The employer must notify the citizen about the absence of vacancies or estates that are not contraindicated for the employee due to health conditions. Along with this, the period is checked, as a result of which the employee is recognized as unfit for activity.

At the time of the official investigation

In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 76, it lists the grounds for employees. This includes the rules for diversion from activities and the time of verification as a result of official investigation... And also the rule that obliges the employer to eliminate employees with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for suspension from work in a state of alcoholic intoxication

The non-admission document, as a rule, is drawn up in a separate official paper. Each employee who is subject to a temporary ban from the main activity is obliged to get acquainted with him. The right to make such a decision is delegated by the employer. This applies to your own deputy, including the head of your unit, foreman and site manager. The act should also indicate the place, including the time of drawing up the document, position and surname.

Sample order for suspension from work for medical reasons

The prohibition of the employee from the main activity is documented by the order of the enterprise or company. The document reflects the reasons and grounds for which the employee is not allowed to enter the workflow. It will serve as the main order for the accountant to suspend payroll.

Legal consequences of unlawful suspension from work

Depending on the enterprise, the suspension time may or may not be paid. According to article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers are not paid wage until the moment he re-enters the service. But if he was not admitted through no fault of his own, for example, did not pass a medical examination due to the fault of the employer or training in labor protection, the time is paid in the form of downtime. The payment procedure can be found in article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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The employer's duties include the removal of their subordinates from the performance of their labor duties, in accordance with the employment contract. but the employer can do such an act only in the presence of circumstances. In addition, he must correctly draw up the suspension, otherwise the employee may challenge such actions of the employer in court. And the employer will have to pay for the days forced absenteeism employee.

The list of circumstances when the employer is obliged to make a decision to remove his subordinate is indicated in Art. 76 Labor Code of the Russian Federation... Among them, there is the following reason:

  • The employee has medical contraindications. But they must be drawn up in the conclusion of doctors, indicating the period of these contraindications. The procedure for issuing a suspension will depend on this.

The employer must send the employee a written notice of suspension from work due to a medical report.

Suspension from work for health reasons

For some categories of employees, it is necessary to organize mandatory medical examinations. This is the responsibility of the employer. Based on the results of these examinations, he can find out about the health of his subordinate.

But many citizens undergo regular medical examinations on their own. They can notify their employer about the contraindications that have arisen. Having received such a medical report, the employer is obliged to respond immediately.

The doctor must indicate in his opinion that the employee cannot perform exactly these labor duties as it is harmful to health. But to work in softer working conditions he is able to. Then this employee is subject to temporary transfer to another position. The employer is obliged to offer the subordinate all vacant positions that are suitable for him in terms of qualifications, education and medical evidence.

Each vacancy is offered in writing, and the employee writes either a refusal or consent.

Transferring a subordinate to another position is possible only with his written consent. This procedure may be somewhat delayed, since the legislation does not stipulate the timing of the employer's offer of vacancies, as well as obtaining the consent or refusal of the employee from a particular vacancy.

How to properly issue suspension from work for medical reasons

The non-admission of a subordinate to his position occurs on the basis of an order. And its basis is the conclusion of doctors about contraindications for a specific position.

The doctor must indicate in his conclusion a specific period during which the citizen will not be able to work under the previous conditions. The design of the procedure for not admitting an employee to his position depends on this period. If the doctor has indicated a period of less than 4 months, then the employer must offer his subordinate vacant positions in his company.

If there are no such positions, or they do not suit the employee himself, then the suspension is issued for the entire period specified in the doctors' report. Workplace for this, employees are retained, but wages are not charged.

If the period specified in the medical certificate exceeds 4 months, then the suspension is not issued, but a permanent or temporary transfer to another position. If the employer has a position that is not suitable for this employee, or if he refuses them, then, according to Part 3 of Art. 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment contract with this employee is terminated.

Order of suspension from work for medical reasons

There is no unified order form, but it is drawn up either on the company's letterhead or on a regular sheet. But with the following information:

  • Full corporate name of the employer;
  • Serial number of the document;
  • Date and place of its compilation;
  • Document's name. In this case, "On suspension from work";
  • Grounds information:
    • Full name of the employee who is being removed;
    • Suspension order;
    • Suspension period;
    • An indication that wages are not charged during this period;
  • The position of the manager from the employer;
  • His signature and date;
  • The employee's signature and its decryption.

The order must be signed by the employee without fail.

- the duty of the employer, which he must apply in cases specified by law (for example, in case of failure to undergo a medical examination, or). One of the main reasons for this is medical indications.

Normative consolidation

This requirement is enshrined in the labor code, namely in its articles:

  • 76th, which describes the motives of the suspension, including the medical one.
  • 213rd- on the compulsory medical examinations.
  • 212nd- about their consequences, depending on the result.
  • 73rd, telling about how it is possible for medical reasons.

Whenever possible

The wording of a medical suspension implies several different circumstances, which include:

  • Failure, for whatever reason,.
  • Refusal to undergo regular medical examinations, which are mandatory for all employees of the company.
  • Medical contraindication for working in this profession.
  • A disease detected during the passage of the commission, or in another way, which interferes with the performance of work duties.

In all such cases, the administration is obliged to suspend (temporarily) the worker, pending a final decision, which will depend on his health and medical opinion.

And this must be done in accordance with all the rules, with the consistent execution of the documents necessary for the removal.

Order and other documents

  • Medical report. This is the basis for not allowing the worker to perform his duties. It should reflect the reason and the length of the suspension.
  • Order. Mandatory document for suspension.
  • Report card. In it, upon removal, appropriate marks must be made: "NB", if without payment, and "NO", if s.

There is no binding order form. It can be issued on company letterhead, or on a regular sheet, but the content should be as follows:

  • A regular hat with the name of the company, order number and date.
  • The name of the order: "Suspend from work."
  • Suspended employee details: initials, Personnel Number, place of work.
  • Grounds for dismissal (indicating the article of the Labor Code), the term of the order.
  • Signature of the director and those responsible for execution.
  • Familiarization of the employee.

In case of refusal to sign the worker, an appropriate act is drawn up in this regard. The form is not relevant, but the following information should be recorded in it:

  • Reason for compilation.
  • The employee's initials.
  • The fact of his refusal to sign.
  • Signatures of witnesses to this.

You can download a sample suspension order.

Sample order


  • Identification of actual indications for dismissal from work in the medical department: obtaining a doctor's opinion, or not passing a medical commission.
  • Notice about this guide.
  • Issuance of an order for the temporary suspension of a worker.
  • Familiarization of the employee with the order.
  • Deciding on the sequence of further actions.
  • If the matter is in the commission, then the employee is given time to go through it.
  • With a temporary nature of the disease, its duration is determined.
  • If there are medical contraindications to work in this specialty, then the administration must choose another job in the company.
  • Then comes the negotiation of new conditions.
  • When a consensus is reached, a new TD is concluded, if not, the worker is dismissed under the relevant article.

Features and timing

In the conclusion of doctors on the recognition of the impossibility of working in the profession, the period of this period must be indicated. The further algorithm of the administration's actions depends on this:

  • If the period of suspension is less than 4 months, then the worker will have to be given an easier job, and he is suspended for the period of re-registration and training. In this case, the salary is saved.
  • If more, then the salary is not charged, and the employee in the absence of facilitated work.

Legal implications

Suspension is a temporary measure, but it should have its legal consequences. It:

  • Admission to work, after fulfilling medical indications, or successfully passing the commission.
  • Transfer to another, easier work by mutual agreement with the administration.
  • Dismissal if compromise on new job has not been achieved.

Protection of rights

There is always a danger that the administration can take advantage of such an excuse to illegal dismissal... It is when.

The issue of removing a colleague from performing duties may interest the employer, most often, during inspections and the already clear, manifested illness of a subordinate.

Due to the shallow study of this issue, due to the unusualness and rarity that the employer can explain, the likelihood of making mistakes when released from work for health reasons is quite high.

We will discuss the most common reasons for dismissal from service for medical reasons and health and what needs to be done to avoid mistakes.

Grounds for suspension from work

Labor legislation in the Russian Federation presupposes a procedure for the suspension of an employee from performing his duties.

In article seventy-sixth of the labor code of the Russian Federation, there are many different causal relationships that oblige the employer to release his subordinate, including for medical reasons.

But, in order to eliminate only for medical reasons, the worker must have documentary evidence of this. That is, the facts of calling a doctor or examination.

Conclusions on health grounds must be issued in accordance with the rules and regulations established by a special package of laws, which has rules exempting from work for health reasons.

Suspension from work for medical reasons according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is the employer's responsibility to know which qualifications are unacceptable for their employee. Also for medical reasons in his medical book or the card should indicate the illness and the reason for the suspension.

The testimony must be substantiated by an employment contract, which must be presented by the employer himself. There are many positions where applicants are required to undergo professional diagnostics for medical reasons.

It also happens that an employee is obliged to undergo diagnostics before the working day or shift begins. This type of medical diagnostics refers to some employees who are engaged in harmful or dangerous conditions, at a high-rise facility, drivers of a trucking company, and others. These workers are required to undergo health checks from the very beginning of the day.

And the employer is obliged to observe this in order to identify the pathology in which it is forbidden to work out his experience. If a worker is found to have a reason that makes it impossible to continue due to health, action should be taken quickly.

Therefore, it is very important to have periodic check-ups to determine the ability to do whatever is necessary for health reasons.

Employees are prohibited from performing their labor duties stipulated by the employment contract if, for medical reasons, there are corresponding diseases.

Suspension from work for health reasons, as mentioned above, is inevitable even when employed in a special hazardous work... But in the future, according to the state of the employee, it will be possible to determine the issue of recruiting back to the service to perform previous duties.

The procedure for suspension from work duties

The procedure for dismissal for health reasons should have a special alignment. The Labor Code even stipulates the employer's obligations to relieve a colleague from fulfilling official duties with an appropriate contraindication, confirmed by a professional medical examination.

But the procedures for formalizing the suspension from work are not established by the summary of laws. There is sufficient knowledge of medical indications to remove from the employee the obligation to perform from work. Further, the employer simply draws up the order without a unified form in the usual business style.

Temporary suspension from work for health reasons

Suspension from work for the employee's condition for one day is temporary, usually due to poor health due to various factors.

For example, a drunk employee is suspended from his work, for shifts, one shift, for one day from work. Except for the case when other terms are indicated in the medical summary point - in case of severe alcohol poisoning of an employee who was poisoned in his free time from work, the term for release as a result of his condition may take up to two days.

How to issue an exemption from work for health reasons?

Usually, if the employees did not register a complete loss of the ability to work, but a temporary violation, then the law imposes on the employer the obligation to release or transfer him to a completely different position and profession in accordance with the conclusion and data of the examination.

In any case, in order to issue a temporary or non-temporary suspension, you need to negotiate and contact specialists for a full consultation. You should contact medical institutions.

In general, many employers and doctors know the entire system for obtaining exemptions. So you don't have to worry about it.

There is an article in the labor code providing for the removal from labor activity... In some cases, health problems are the cause.

The suspension process is the employer's responsibility, not his right. In other words, if an employee has a serious illness, the boss cannot but fire him. The grounds for dismissal are contraindications to the performance of labor activity. In addition, the contraindication must be confirmed by a medical opinion in accordance with the legislation of the country. In this case, the opinion of the employee himself is not taken into account.

Medical conditions for suspension

Liberating diseases are those that make it impossible to work in a given institution. This is the basis for medical suspension. So, with the development of bronchitis, one cannot work at chemical enterprises, and those employees who have identified a risk of developing oncology are not allowed to work at a nuclear power plant. With the development of allergies, the employee is transferred to more safe work... Also, the patient can be removed if he came to the place in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication.

According to Labor Code, all employees of an enterprise or organization are required to undergo annual medical examinations. In the absence of their results, a person is excommunicated from labor collective. This is due to the fact that the worker can be contagious to others. However, if an enterprise or organization forces you to pass medical checkup at the expense of their own Money, then the person has the right to refuse. But, according to Article 213 of the Labor Code (Russia), the medical examination must be paid by the enterprise or organization itself.

An agreement is concluded between the medical institution and the enterprise, providing for the examination of all employees on the indicated dates according to the schedule drawn up by them. If a person undergoes such an examination, then the enterprise assumes all costs, and the employee receives his average earnings.

Delivering Diseases from Work

An employee is suspended from his work activity if complications of the following diseases and conditions are observed:

  • chickenpox and other contagious diseases;
  • acute sinusitis:
  • conjunctivitis;
  • mental disorders, conditions that pose a threat to the health of others;
  • severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  • periods of exacerbations of serious diseases.

An employee is not allowed to the workplace if the patient has a specific disease or condition. There is a list of harmful professions and jobs that are suitable only for healthy people with strong immunity:

  • production is located near the cancer cluster;
  • strenuous and stressful work;
  • building sector;
  • rubber production;
  • chemical production;
  • chimney cleaning;
  • auto repair shop;
  • mining;
  • plastic manufacturing plant;
  • metalworking, plastic production;
  • work in the beauty industry, hairdresser (performing manicure and pedicure involves contact with harmful substances);
  • X-ray room;
  • farming and agricultural work;
  • work on the plane (pilots and flight attendants).

Suspension from work for medical reasons

It can be dangerous to do work if you have a medical condition. To be excommunicated from work, you must prove your health status. Only the attending physician can issue a medical certificate. The entire registration procedure must take place in accordance with the country of residence and its laws:

  • In Russia - par. 5 h. 1 tbsp. 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • In Ukraine, this is Article 46;
  • In Belarus - Article 49 of the Labor Code.

Procedure for suspension from work

The procedure for registration of suspension from employment is not described in legislation. When an employee provides a medical report, the employer is obliged to issue an order. There is no single form of order, so he can prepare it in free form. However, the order must include the following data:

  1. Suspension period.
  2. Surname, name and patronymic of the employee.
  3. Position held.
  4. Details of the conclusion (number and date of issue).

If the medical report does not contain information about the period for which the employee is suspended, then the employer has the right to designate him independently. The period established in this way is valid until further decision and clarification of the circumstances. A sample order is presented below.

Example of an order of an enterprise

After drawing up the order, the employee is obliged to familiarize himself with it and put his signature. If the employee does not want to read the order, then he draws up an appropriate act. It must be certified by the signatures of witnesses. The document should display:

  • the reason for drawing up the act;
  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • the position of the person;
  • place and date of drawing up the act.

Depending on the period of suspension from work

The period of suspension is of great importance. No more than 4 months - the employee is registered for another, not contraindicated job, in the same institution. At the time of searching for a suitable vacancy, the patient is shown a temporary suspension from work for medical reasons.

If the employee refuses to work or there is no suitable place for him at all, then the excommunication is issued for the entire period specified in the certificate of medical indications. However, at the time of excommunication, the position remains with the employee. If the suspension for health reasons is up to 4 months, then the employee has no salary.

Suspension from work for failure to pass a medical examination

If the period of exclusion from work is exceeded for more than 4 months, then the procedure is not subject to registration. If a person nevertheless agrees to engage in other work that is safe for health, then, of course, a permanent or temporary transfer is issued.

If there is no suitable vacancy or there is no job, then the employment contract is terminated and the employee is fired, but this is only if the suspension period is exceeded for more than 4 months. In case of suspension from work for medical reasons, payment is also not charged.