Formation of skills for safe work on the Internet among schoolchildren. Test for knowledge of rules of conduct on the Internet Test for knowledge of rules of conduct on the Internet

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Target: to study the rules of responsible and safe behavior on the Internet, ways to protect against illegal encroachments on the Internet and mobile communications.

Equipment: projector; presentation.

Lesson plan.

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Testing the knowledge of the PC device.
  3. Repetition of terms.
  4. Student speeches with presentations.
  5. Fairy tale “About the golden rules safe work in the city of the Internet "
  6. Rules for safe work on the Internet.
  7. Homework.

During the classes

1. Guys, today we continue our journey across the country "Informatics" and go to the city "Internet". Presentation 1.

When people go on a trip, they collect their luggage. Our travel luggage will be an assistant when working with information. Guess guys, what is it? "Computer".

Let's put the computer together for the trip. To do this, we will solve the riddles.

1. As a rule, it contains more than 100 keys (keyboard)

3. Special device for cursor control, manipulator (mouse)

4. Devices for storing, processing information are located in the system ... (block)

5. Device for fast image input (scanner)

6. Device for displaying information on the screen (monitor)

7. It can be matrix, inkjet and laser (printer)

8. It is divided into external and internal (memory)

Well done! Well, now you can go.

2. We arrived with you in the city "Internet". Now, guys, let's repeat the basic terms.

Internet- INTERNET (English Internet, from Latin inter - between and English net - network), a worldwide computer network that connects together thousands of networks.

The World Wide Web- The World Wide Web (World Wide Web, WWW) made surfing the Internet fast and easy.

Search engines are services designed to search for information on the global Internet. The search engine database contains information on almost any topic.

Children's search,

Email- (English email, e-mail, from English electronic mail) - technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages (called "letters" or "emails").

Browser- web browser.

Children's browser-Gogul

Netiquette- moral rules of conduct in computer networks.

Computer virus- a type of computer program or malicious code, a distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce.

Antivirus program(antivirus) - any program for detecting computer viruses, as well as unwanted programs and restoring files infected by such programs.

3. We have students in the class who have been to the city on the Internet more than once. They have prepared their presentations on this topic, which they are now bringing to your attention. Student presentations (3-5 people).

1. Children's search engines.

2. Email.

3. Internet services.

4. Communication on the Internet.

5. Antivirus programs.

4. Guys, we talked about what is interesting and wonderful on the Internet. Now let's talk about the dangers that lie in wait for us in this city. Guys, I invite you to watch the fairy tale "On the Golden Rules of Conduct in the City of the Internet." Application .Presentation 2.

5. Rules for safe work on the Internet.

(Children are given booklets with rules for safe work on the Internet)

You should know this:

  • Always ask your parents about unfamiliar things on the Internet. They will tell you what is safe to do and what is not.
  • Before you start making friends with someone online, ask your parents how to communicate safely.
  • Never tell strangers about yourself. Where you live, what school you go to, only your friends and family should know the phone number.
  • Don't send photos to people you don't know. It is not necessary for strangers to see photos of you, your friends or your family.
  • Do not meet live people on the Internet without your parents. On the Internet, many people tell lies about themselves.
  • Be friendly with others when chatting on the Internet. Do not write harsh words, reading harsh words is just as unpleasant as hearing. You can inadvertently offend a person.
  • If you are upset or offended by someone, be sure to tell your parents.

Discussion of the rules for safe work on the Internet.

6. Guys, today we visited the city “Internet”, learned a lot of new and interesting things about it. The city "Internet" is fraught with many dangers, so you need to be very careful when working on the network. I hope that you will want to visit the city on the Internet more than once. I wish you success in your study of the country "Informatics"!

7. Homework. Learn the rules of safe work on the Internet.

Lesson-project "Safe Internet"

Project organization plan: “I am not afraid of the Internet”.

I. Choice of theme.

II. Drawing up a sketch. Distribution of picture fragments. The elements of the picture are geometric shapes.

III. Drawing up a work plan. Detailing the drawing. What tools will be needed to create fragments of a drawing on a PC.

IV. Implementation of the project on a PC. Work protection.

Objectives: to repeat the themes of the Internet, computer graphics; to consolidate the rules of safe work on the Internet, to consolidate the ability to work with the tools of the graphic editor: "Pencil", "Brush", "Line", "Rectangle", "Circle", "Eraser", "Magnifier", "Fill".

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking. To foster an information culture, interest in the subject, responsibility for the work performed, your workplace.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Knowledge update.

a) oral questioning - reception of traffic lights;

b) warm-up - tasks for logical thinking.

Test on the topic "Safe Internet".

Physical education.

NS Review of the tools of the graphic editor (preparation for the project).

Project execution on a PC.

Project protection.

Reflection. Lesson summary.


Guys, you have studied the topic of the Internet. Today in the lesson we will repeat this topic, consolidate the skills of working in the Paint graphics editor with tools such as a rectangle, a curved line, recall the tools that you learned earlier. Presentation 3.

1) Now prepare the traffic lights. If you agree with the statement, then raise the “traffic light” with the green side, if not, then with the red one.

1. A set of thematically linked hypertext pages is website.

3. A web page is a file with the extension doc.

4. Incoming correspondence is placed in a folder Inbox.

5. The page loaded when the browser starts is home page of the site.

6. Pictures from the Internet are downloaded faster than text.

7. The organization that provides access to the Internet is called provider.

8. The site consists of Web pages.

9. For the computer to work on the network, you need modem.

10. Browser is a client program for working with World wide web.

Well done, they did a good job with the questions.

2) And now the task is to make words from mixed letters.





How are these words related? (These are the components of the computer)

For each word on the blue card, find a pair on the white card.

The guys in the lesson today will help us in work with a computer.

3. Guys, take your seats at the computers, we will conduct a theoretical survey on the topic “Safe Internet”.

You guys are on the site of the online course on Internet security ( Go to the link “questions for schoolchildren 7-10 years old” and take the test.

1. New friend, whose data is the same age as yours, invites you to exchange photos.

BUT I will ask for his photo and then send mine.
B I will consult with my parents.

2. In the chat they called you very rude words.

BUT I will say in response: "The fool himself."
B I'll stop talking with this person.

3. An acquaintance suggested sending out the phone number and address of the "bad girl" so that everyone would know about her.

BUT I will need proof that it is bad.
B I will refuse right away.

4. You received a message with the title "From the provider", asking for your username and password to access the Internet.

BUT I will send only the password: they themselves must know the login.
B I will mark the email as spam.

5. A friend from the Internet invited you to meet.

BUT Of course I will.
B No, I will not go, since this person may not be who he claims to be.

6. The teacher gave homework: find the answer to the question "What planets are included in the solar system?"

BUT I will find the answer on the Internet.
B I will check the information in other sources (books), since not everything that is written on the Internet is true.

7. A new song of your favorite singer (new book, computer game) has appeared on the Internet on the site of pirated products.

BUT I will definitely copy it to my playlist.
B I will buy the licensed version of the song on the official website, because someone else's property must be respected.

8. You are being threatened over the Internet.

BUT I am so scared that I am afraid to report this to anyone.
B I'll tell my parents about the threats right away.

9. Antivirus protection on your computer does not recommend going to the site that you need.

BUT I will ignore the warning, maybe the program is wrong.
B I will not go to a "suspicious" site because I am afraid of viruses that could damage my computer.

10. The film you want to watch is 18+ and you are not yet 18.

BUT Marking won't stop me, if I want to watch a movie, I'll watch it.
B I will ask my parents for advice and watch a movie if they allow.


Count how many answers "A" and how many "B"

10 "A"
You still have a lot to learn.

9 "A" and 1 "B"
Read carefully


Student worksheet

(it is suggested to fill in the blanks)

Lesson topic: ___________________________________________________________________

1. Why the Internet is useful:

· On many sites you can find a lot of interesting and useful information;

· Sitting in front of the monitor, you can __________________________________, visit __________, cathedrals, _____________________ of the world;

· By pressing a pair of keys you can _____________________________________;

There are different ways earning a livelihood;

The possibility of _____________ with a remote interlocutor, etc.

2. Why the Internet is dangerous:

3. Access to inappropriate content:


· Sites dedicated to the sale of ____________________________ or other illegal activities;

· Sites dedicated to the manufacture of explosives;

· Sites promoting ____________, violence and intolerance;

· Sites that sell weapons, poisonous substances, alcohol;

· Sites that allow you to take part in online gambling;

· Sites that may collect and sell private information about your family.

4. Internet Safety Memo for Schoolchildren:

· Spend more time with real friends.

· Be sure to tell an adult if someone on the web bothers you.

· Immediately stop contact with anyone who is trying to _______________________ about you and your family.

· Be careful of __________________ who try to turn you against your family.

· Do not share photos with strangers over the Internet.

_____________ emails from strangers and ____________ attachments.

5. How to avoid online auction fraud:

· Do not trust too attractive offers;

· Before purchasing, receive _______________________________;

· Be careful with everything related to money on the Internet;

· Remember that the Network depersonalizes and allows fraudsters to use gullible people and their money for their own enrichment.

6. ________________________ - an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from it in time.

The main types of Internet addiction:

Intrusive web surfing

Addicted to virtual communication and virtual dating

Gambling addiction

Obsessive financial need

Addicted to watching movies

Ways to solve the problem:

· Love to ________________________

· Communication with ____________________

· Creative applied ______________

7. _________________ is a type of Internet fraud, the purpose of which is to gain access to confidential user data - logins and passwords.

Security measures:

If possible, do not provide your personal information

· Never provide: __________, ____________________, _______________ or other financial information.

· When registering, use __________________; when choosing a password __________________ uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.

8. _____________________ is a program that can distribute itself and make changes to information without user intervention.

Antivirus programs:


Test on the topic "Internet: how to avoid danger".

1. Choose the correct answers to the question "How is the Internet useful?":

  1. on many sites you can find a lot of useful information
  2. impact on the fragile psyche and mind of the child
  3. the ability to communicate by email
  4. unlimited access to inappropriate content
  5. the opportunity to travel, visit exhibitions and a museum without leaving home

Answer: a, c, e.

2. Choose the correct answers to the question "Why is the Internet dangerous?":

  1. the possibility of Internet addiction
  2. potential access to your personal data
  3. the possibility of malware infection
  4. contacts with strangers via chats or email
  5. the ability to order the necessary things without leaving home

Answer: a, b, c, d.

3. What term is described below?

"Obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and painful inability to disconnect from it in time."

Answer: Internet addiction.

4. How to overcome Internet addiction?

  1. lead a healthy lifestyle
  2. switch to games on your phone
  3. communicate with wildlife
  4. be creative
  5. watch more tv

Answer: a, c, d.

5. What concept is described below?

"A type of Internet fraud, the purpose of which is to gain access to confidential user data - logins and passwords."

Answer: phishing.

6. Select the answer to the question "How to protect yourself at online auctions?"

  1. do not give your credit card numbers
  2. do not trust too attractive offers
  3. get full information about the seller before buying
  4. always buy products with discounts and various promotions
  5. buy goods only on trusted sites

Answer: a, b, c, e.

7. Which of the following programs is not anti-virus?

  1. DrWeb
  2. Avast Home
  3. Compass -3D
  4. NOD 32
  5. Antivir personal

Answer: Compass -3D

8. What sites are superfluous?

  1. educational sites
  2. official sites for job search in your city
  3. websites advertising tobacco and alcohol
  4. sites dedicated to morphological dictionaries and spellcheckers
  5. topographic sites

9. How should you behave when surfing the Internet?

  1. tell adults if someone on the web bothers you
  2. visit museums, exhibitions, art galleries, using the capabilities of the Network
  3. do not share photos with strangers via the Internet
  4. tell strangers information about yourself and your family
  5. do not open emails from strangers or download file attachments

Answer: a, b, c, e.

10. What word is encrypted below?


The answer is security.



Students have 3 cards of their choice on the tables (see Fig. 1 - 3). The teacher offers to evaluate the attitude to the lesson:

· I liked the lesson. I learned something new (see fig. 1).

· I liked the lesson. I learned nothing new (see fig. 2).

· I didn't like the lesson. Wasted time in vain (see Fig. 3).

Rice. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 3

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