Yota began to catch badly. Why the Internet or Yota modem does not work and how to fix it. Weather or coverage issues

Due to the imperfection of wireless Internet access technologies, many Russians are faced with weak radio signals and low Internet speeds. Various antennas and amplifiers are sold to amplify the signal, but they are quite expensive. Therefore, craftsmen have invented many ways to assemble a homemade antenna for Yota from scrap materials and save several thousand rubles. How to assemble and configure your own antenna, read below.

With the development of wireless Internet, broadband access was gained by many settlements, whose residents could only dream of it before. But today, radio technology is still very imperfect, so users have many communication problems. In particular, the speed is not as high as with a wired connection, the signal may disappear or fluctuate depending on weather and other conditions, but the main trouble is that even if the subscriber is within the network coverage area, it is not a fact that the modem will be good catch the signal. This requires a line of sight to the base station (BS), as well as a short distance to it.

One of the operators connecting Russians to the wireless Internet is Yota. Since this provider is quite popular among the residents of the Russian Federation, a huge number of people suffer from imperfections of the technologies and equipment used by Yota.

Very often, communication problems arise even in the most unexpected places, where the coverage, it would seem, should be excellent, and the signal is clear. For example, in the center of Moscow. Therefore, equipment manufacturers began to produce antennas and amplifiers to improve the signal. But, of course, the cost of such devices is considerable. So, you can buy branded Wimax antennas and amplifiers for yota for an average of 3-3.5 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the price of a Yota modem is 2.9 thousand rubles, and a compact router - 4.9 thousand rubles. That is, you have to pay twice for Internet access.

Household Grille Pseudo-Satellite Antenna

And give 6-10 thousand rubles. just for the connection, and even pay monthly fees, not everyone can. Therefore, craftsmen figured out how to make antennas for Yota at home. Those who already use such devices claim that the signal is amplified up to 7 times, and, accordingly, the access speed is growing. For example, if using only a modem, the Internet speed was less than 50 Kb / s, then with an antenna, it increased to 1 Mbit / s. In this case, the cost of a homemade antenna is about 100-250 rubles.

Such homemade antennas can be used not only when connected to Yota, but also with similar providers: Comstar, FreshTel, etc.

How to locate the nearest base station

Of course, before making a homemade antenna, you should find out if there is at least theoretically coverage in your area. If your house is listed in the coverage area, but there is no good signal, then first you need to determine where the nearest BS is and how difficult its direct visibility is. In other words, is there any connectivity at all, even with an amplifier.

Within the city, a good quality connection can be provided by a BS located at a distance of several hundred meters from your home. And in rural areas, the distance can be up to 20 km, while the quality of the connection will be good. This is largely determined by the congestion of the network, which is low in sparsely populated areas.

The easiest way to determine where the BS is located is to call the operator's support service. This will help you to position the directional antenna correctly. You can also ask for help on the provider's forum by entering your address. But if all this did not help, then there are specialized resources on which you can get the necessary data. Among them are netmonitor.ru, gsm-msk.m-pro.ru, netmonitor.ru and the like. The last option is to try to find the necessary information through search engines.

What can you make a homemade antenna for Yota

There are many options for such antennas; they make a variety of designs from a variety of materials. In particular, there are several types of such antennas: canned (made from a tin can), pseudo-satellite (has a large reflecting area, like a satellite dish), omnidirectional (looks like a pencil).

Pseudo-satellite antenna from a reflective surface of a wire and zigzag Kharchenko

For the manufacture of a can antenna, as already mentioned, an ordinary tall tin can is used, as well as a copper wire, an N-socket and a few screws. But to do it, you need to make complex calculations. However, we will talk about how to make such an antenna a little later.

Making an omnidirectional antenna at home without special knowledge is difficult, but possible. This requires a BNC cable, a soldering iron, a hot glue gun (with glue), and tools (including a ruler). The advantage of such an antenna is that it is omnidirectional, small in size, and also cheap to manufacture.

But the most used is the homemade pseudo-satellite. As a signal reflector, kitchen utensils (a colander, a saucepan or a bowl made of stainless steel, aluminum), a foil surface (a piece of cardboard with foil attached), household items (a fan grill or just a metal grill, umbrella), etc. are used.

Most often, residents of apartments use omnidirectional and canned antennas or small pseudo-satellites, and residents of private houses mainly use pseudo-satellite antennas.

How to set up a homemade antenna

Making an antenna is half the battle. You also need to properly install and configure it. Moreover, the main role here is played by the directionality to the BS - it is important to correctly direct the amplifier, taking into account both horizontal and vertical deflection. Also, remember that the signal can be caught from the most unexpected direction, because it reflects off different surfaces. Therefore, do not be discouraged if the direct direction to the BS did not give the expected result - try walking around with a laptop, wearing the antenna. Perhaps you will find the point where the signal is the strongest and highest quality. If you live in a private house, then try to raise the antenna as high as possible - this may help to pick up the signal.

For visual quality and signal level, see the Yota program.

As for the design, experience shows that the wimax adapter sensor (popularly called the "whistle") must be fixed perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the reflective surface (bowl, colander, foil surface).

On average, antenna tuning can take from half an hour to an hour, i.e. about the same as the manufacture of the device.

Is it possible to organize a mobile office using a homemade antenna and a car?

Many Russians are extremely dependent on the Internet and want to have access to the Internet anywhere and anytime, which is why the mobile Internet has become so popular. But the usual portable modem is far from being caught everywhere. Therefore, the craftsmen found a way to solve this problem too - they figured out how to make an antenna amplifier from scrap materials.

To do this, you need to have: a car, a long spinning rod, a long USB cable, an extension adapter plugged into a cigarette lighter and electrical tape / tape. It is preferable to put the car on a raised platform. Spinning out to its full length, attach the modem to its top, and tie it to the door or trunk of the car. Power the modem from the cigarette lighter using an extension cord. Start the engine at idle speed. The mobile office is ready. If there is a tower within reach, then the Internet will be available.

You can also connect a portable router to transfer the Internet to multiple devices via Wi-Fi.

You can mount such a structure in just a few minutes.

Methods for making a homemade antenna

Omnidirectional antenna

Components: 50 ohm BNC cable, knife, awl, ruler, soldering iron, hot glue gun.

Actions: at the end of the cable, remove the insulation, strip it 4 cm in length. We dissolve the screen and divide it into 4 equal parts, twist 4 beams with our fingers. Then we bend these beams of the screen 45 degrees and serve. To fix the position of these 4 branches, we use glue at their base. We shorten the bare part of the cable to 3 cm, we make the same pancakes and bends.

Preparation time: about 30 minutes.

Can antenna

Components: a can (high, for example from pineapple, paint), N-socket - "mother" (or another, depending on the contact on the wireless network card), several screws, a piece of copper wire 2 mm.

Actions: we take a clean jar with a diameter of about 7.5-10 cm and a height of more than 13.5 cm. Leave the upper part of the jar, do not cut it off. Before drilling and soldering anything, make all the calculations (we do not submit here, since this is not our profile, look on the Internet).

So, cut off a straight piece about 3.1 cm long from the copper wire, solder it to the central contact of the N-socket. But at the same time, you need to keep the wire as straight as possible. We drill a hole in the wall of the can (in the right place) and attach our N-socket to it with a soldered piece of wire (which acts as a waveguide). To protect the structure from the external environment, we close the jar with a plastic lid - first we check it in the microwave for wave conductivity (you need to put a lid and a glass of water in the microwave, turn on and bring the water to a boil, if the lid is hot, then it does not suit us). The construction is ready.

Preparation time: about 2 hours.

Pseudo-satellite antenna

Components: stainless steel colander, USB extension cable 5m, two screws M4 x 40, lining and clamping bar with threaded M4 thread.

Actions: drill 2 holes in the wall of the colander. With the pads in place, secure the USB cable outlet so that the top of the "whistle" is in the focus (center) of the colander. The whistle should be placed parallel to the bottom of the colander. Attaching the antenna is easy thanks to the handle on the colander.

Preparation time: about 10 minutes.

Before you start making a homemade antenna to amplify a 3G or 4G signal, weigh the pros and cons, make sure you really need it and that you can't just buy an amplifier. After all, if you make the antenna incorrectly or use it incorrectly, then the modem may burn out, and you will remain at a loss. It is also important to study all the nuances, make calculations, clarify the actions, and, of course, it is desirable that the hands grow from the place from which it should be.

Common problems with Yota and their solutions

Despite numerous positive reviews about the quality of the Russian LTE provider's work and, sometimes, there are still difficulties with connecting to the network and receiving a signal.

However, there is no cause for concern. Most of the reasons why Yota does not work have long been studied and considered.

In order to achieve optimal performance, it is necessary to fix the modem in the place in the house where the signal level is highest. In most cases, this is the window seat.

A good solution would be to buy a special USB extension cable that connects to your computer and modem and allows you to fix the device on the windowsill.

Signal drops

If the reception is unstable, as well as when the signal suddenly disappears, it is recommended to change the location. If these measures did not help and the signal level in this place was previously good, then it is recommended to contact technical support.

Difficulties with authorization

If the password for the profile is lost, you can use the password recovery function on the yota.ru website.

Such a situation is possible - the Yota profile does not work, and third-party sites open, in which case it is recommended to use the following tips:

1. Disable anti-virus programs and firewall for a while.

2. Disable third-party networks.

3. Try to log into your profile through another browser.

Web pages are not loading

The first step is to determine if it is accurately connected to the network. To do this, go to the device's web interface and check the status of its connection. This parameter should have the value "Connected to Yota".

Also, if Yota is not connected to the Internet, temporarily disabling anti-virus programs and third-party networks can help. Usually, reconnecting the device is enough to fix the problem.

Connection drops

If the value of the received signal displayed in the web interface is lower than SINR 2 RSRP -110, then you need to do the following:

1. Check if you get into.

2. If you are in a coverage area, you should reposition the device in your home until you get a stronger signal.

3. If the connection is disconnected, then it is necessary to determine the availability of the status in the web interface. If the web interface cannot be opened when the web interface is broken, or the message "Please check the modem" appears, then you need to make sure that the modem is directly connected to the computer without USB-extenders, and all downloads and connections are disabled.

4. You can also check the device on another computer. In this case, you may need to diagnose the user's computer.

Modem power problem

Due to the current consumed by the modem (500 mA), the device does not always have enough power. Resolve this issue by disabling the modem's built-in storage device. This requires in Windows 7:

1. Go to the "Device Manager" section.

3. Disconnect the USB storage device.

The indicated problem may be caused by the fact that the modem is connected to the computer with a damaged or too long USB cable.

Thus, if Yota is not connected to the network, there are several simple methods to fix the current situation and enjoy the Internet at high speeds.

Sometimes mobile communications or the Internet Yota (Yota) do not work - today the operator cannot boast of flawless work. However, the subscriber can cope with some of the problems on his own if he approaches the problem in a balanced manner.

Why Yota does not work: communication problems

If a subscriber is in the operator's coverage area, communication difficulties occur, although not often, an ordinary user can try to influence this:

  • It is worth examining the coverage map in the region of residence. Sometimes coverage within the same city is fragmented, communication may work poorly when leaving the countryside or in sparsely populated areas. In such situations, it is better to attend to an additional type of communication.
  • Zero balance - this problem can be easily corrected, after the account is replenished, the connection will start working again.
  • Low-quality phone. Unfortunately, today there are a lot of low-grade devices on the market at a bargain price; on such devices, interruptions in operation occur constantly, regardless of the operator.

Internet does not work today

Today, subscribers are increasingly asking why Iota began to work poorly, as a rule, the quality of the Internet causes dissatisfaction. There are many reasons for slow data transfer rates, uneven performance, or no internet at all.

Reasons that the subscriber cannot influence:

  • Lack of Internet coverage (base station) at the place of stay.
  • Breakdown at the base station.
  • Engineering works.
  • Network congestion (too many subscribers use one station at the same time).
  • Weather and natural phenomena. Snowfall, thunderstorms and solar activity affect the radio signal.

Situations in which the subscriber can turn on the Internet or increase the speed:

  • Failed settings. This happens a lot, especially with smartphones. The recommendations in this case are simple: you should try to turn off and then turn on the data transfer. If it does not help, then the subscriber should go to the network settings and fill in the window with the access point.

  • PC software problems. These can be outdated drivers, reinstalled OS, or viruses. If the user is not well versed in network and system settings, it is better to contact support consultants.

  • Weak signal. This is the most common problem, and today there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The first tip is to try to move the device (smartphone, tablet or modem) indoors and look for a signal. An external antenna, which you can purchase or make yourself, can help.

What to do if the Internet or communication does not work today

  • The first step is universal for all types of problems - you need to restart the device (phone, computer or tablet), and for modems and routers, also check the wires and connections.
  • If the problem persists, it is best to contact the support service, they are available via chat, social networks, you can call 8 800 550 00 07 or write an SMS to 0999. Instead of angry statements: “What's wrong with Yota”, “Yota slows down” - it's worth describe your problem in detail. The consultant will tell you how and what is best to do in this situation.

  • If it is not possible to contact the support service, you must independently determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action, if possible.

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Questions on the topic

    Roman 02/02/2020 18:03

    Oryol region from Bryantsevo. mobile communication does not work. What is the problem?

    Georgy 10/10/2019 18:52

    Hello, the Internet has been working badly in the Orenburg region for a month (!). Technical support threw up its hands, said that there was no overload, then changed their minds and said that there was an overload. Opinions change on the fly. So what is really going on there? Do you really care about your customers who regularly pay the highest rates?

    Dmitry 09/06/2019 18:01

    Hello! Please tell me about Salekhard. The Internet has not been working for me for two days. Some troubles?

    Dmitry 09/03/2019 17:18

    Hello, the Internet has not been working in Ulan-Ude for 5 hours already.

    Roma 09/02/2019 13:02

    For three days, the connection is sooo bad, on the PC. Cant enable any game, constant crash and restart. Before that it was bad, but it still worked. NSO Ob

    Danil 08/17/2019 12:56 PM

    Doesn't enter your personal account! When will you fix and fix all the problems with Yota and move to a high-quality and stable level of your services in Krasnodar?

    maxim 15.06.2019 16:02

    from 13.00, the Shatsky district network disappeared when it is restored

    Dmitry 05/13/2019 18:14

    Hello, today 05/13/2019, 20:12, Orenburg, the connection is bad, I can’t call and they cannot get through to me, the Internet does not catch at all, everything worked well before, I’m not willing to quality

    Rustam Yusupov 10/30/2018 12:54

    Unstable Internet in Omsk for several days. In particular, the area of ​​Krasny path 20 and the area of ​​the Cossack market on Zhukov. It is simply impossible to work, the speed regularly drops to zero. Is it for a long time?

    Badashka 10/26/2018 17:35

    Good day. There is such a thing, I cannot get through to the subscriber of iota (located in Irkutsk) even from different numbers - the call is immediately dropped and it turns out that a network failure has allegedly occurred. Everything seems to be fine: there is a connection, the balance is positive, but still it does not work out. With what it can be connected?

    Olga 20.10.2018 08:43

    Why is the Internet not working for me now? I’m just sitting watching a movie, and a pause ... again one more time, no way. I don't understand, in the android application it says that the package is blocked. what could be the problem???

While working or playing on the Internet, sometimes you may notice unstable network performance. Pages take a long time to load, or even the connection is interrupted. Bad signal from mobile operators like Yota is common, but in some cases it can be fixed. Next, we will talk about what are the main communication problems with the Yota provider most often, and how to improve the quality of Internet reception.

Among the reasons why the Yota mobile Internet does not work or does not work well, several main ones are highlighted. The most common ones are accidents and failures in the functioning of the network, as well as the lack of a signal at the location due to poor coverage.

Crashes and network failures

No operator is immune from accidents and technical failures. When there is no network in a certain area of ​​the covered area, Yota engineers begin to diagnose and correct the causes of the breakdown. Depending on how serious the accident has occurred, the time for troubleshooting can vary from a few hours to several days. To make sure that there is no stable Yota signal, and this is due to a technical malfunction, you need to call the hotline at 8-800-550-00-07 or write to the support service on the website. Operators will inform about the reasons for the lack of communication and, possibly, provide guidance on the approximate time frame for its elimination. Upon completion of the repair work, you will also receive a notification.

Poor coverage or weather

When you connect Yota for the first time, or if the Internet is used in a new location, it is recommended to check the network coverage map on the operator's official website. If the pages load poorly, sometimes the connection is interrupted, or the Internet does not work at all on a working tablet or other device, this may be due to poor Yota coverage or its complete absence. It is enough to change the location, for example, go out into the corridor, bring the device to the window and check the signal quality. If it has improved, then it's a matter of coverage. You can call the operator's hotline and report it by giving your location. Perhaps the operator will take this into account and after a while (in most cases, several weeks), the signal will improve.

To understand why Iota began to catch a signal poorly and work in a familiar place, you can simply check the weather outside the window. During thunderstorms, gusty winds or fog, the internet may be slow. Usually, this problem resolves on its own as soon as weather conditions improve.

Broken phone or problem with SIM card

If the operators report that there are no accidents or technical problems on their part, and the location is within the coverage area, the reason that the Internet from Iota does not work on the mobile phone may be a breakdown of the gadget itself or a problem with the SIM card. To verify this, just try to restart the device. Connection problems are often resolved at this stage. If this does not help, you can move the SIM card to another slot, check if it is tight. It is not recommended to use micro-SIM and nano-SIM in slots designed for SIM cards of a standard size, as the chip may not fit tightly to the sensors.

To check the health of the slots, you can temporarily insert any other SIM card into your device and check the connection. If it is stable, then the problem lies in the SIM itself. A SIM card is very fragile, a scratch that is often invisible to the eye can lead to a poor connection. In this case, it is recommended to visit the nearest office of the Iota company (you can find out the address on the official website) with a passport and ask the manager to replace the SIM card.

Payment problem

The Internet is disconnected if there are not enough funds on the balance to connect the package. In your personal account or from the operators in the support service, you can find out the date of the monthly write-off. To ensure uninterrupted access to the network, on this day or a day earlier, you need to replenish your personal account for the amount of the cost of the tariff for the next billing period. If the payment is made on time, you need to check the balance. In some payment systems, such as terminals, a commission is charged, which means that funds could be credited without taking it into account, and they are not enough to connect the package for the next month. If the balance on the personal account is zero, you should contact the operator's support service or the technical support of the payment service through which the payment was made. If you have a payment receipt, it is recommended that you prepare it and study it carefully before calling. Managers may need information about the full amount of payment (with and without commission), the date and time of the payment.

Settings problem or viruses

If, when connecting to the Internet from Yota, there is no access to the network, a virus infection is likely. Some of them "intercept" traffic for their own purposes or completely block it. You can check for viruses on your device by downloading an antivirus, but remember that not all of them can signal the presence or absence of this or that malicious content with absolute certainty. You can carry out full diagnostics and cleaning from viruses in specialized service centers. The wizards work with professional hardware and software, which dramatically increases the likelihood of detecting infected files and treating them.

Web pages load poorly or connection drops

If Yota's Internet connection disappears, or the modem does not connect to the Internet at all, the problems may be inherent in the modem itself or the device that communicates with it. As a rule, this is expressed in the fact that the Yota Internet works slowly, and the modem often freezes, gives an error: "There is no connection", or the indicator of the 4G router is red. To cope with this will help contacting the technical support service of the operator or in any of the communication salons. During the conversation, you need to state the essence of the question, for example: "The Yota 4G LTE modem turns on, but does not work when connected to a computer." The operator will definitely clarify what kind of problem arises: the modem does not connect to the network, or the Internet connection is simply slow. Usually, a small diagnosis, a verbal description of the symptoms of the problem, is enough so that he can identify the error. The technician may ask you to do things like remove the modem from the slot and then reinsert it, restart the computer, and so on. You need to be prepared for these simple manipulations: first save all open documents, as well as close programs so that the PC reboots faster. You can even remove a few unnecessary processes from startup.

Poor quality networking equipment

If all of the above tips do not help, the Internet from Iota still does not work well, slows down and dulls, or a stable network signal constantly disappears, you need to check the functionality of the network equipment. Only the operator's technicians will be able to diagnose it. You need to call the hotline, if it was not possible to identify the breakdown on your own, or the problem was not resolved after the manager's advice, it is worth agreeing on the departure of the master. If the network hardware is defective, replacing it will help solve the problem. If you use your own equipment, and there is no connection to the Internet network, or the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, not only when using the Yota operator's network, you need to test another device. For example, borrow a router from friends for testing and connect through it. Is the problem fixed? Then you have to buy a new router.

Modem or power supply problem

When using the modem, it should be carefully inspected. If a 4G / LTE Yota modem is used, and it works intermittently, or the indicator is off, this means that a bad signal is associated with it. First of all, you need to check if the device is connected to the network, this may be one of the main reasons that the router or modem does not turn on. To do this, just go to the web interface and check that the connection status says "Connected to Yota". If the device is not detected, not installed, and the computer freezes when the Yota modem is connected, which makes it impossible to enter the interface, then the equipment needs to be replaced.

So that there are no problems with the Internet from the Yota operator, and it works without interruptions, it is recommended to receive a SINR 2 RSRP -110 signal or better. To do this, you will need to walk around the house with a modem, and find a place with the best reception. If the value is lower, the location is within the coverage area, you need to determine the availability of the status in the web interface.

If the status is not available, or the message "Please check the modem" appears, you need to make sure that it is connected to the computer without splitters and USB extenders. They can be the main reason why the Iota modem does not connect to your home or work laptop. We recommend that you test it on another computer as well. If there are no connection problems on the other device, the interruptions are related to the operation of the PC.

Often the modem does not have enough power to work properly, and it does not catch the network well. This is because it draws 500mA. You can solve this problem by disabling the storage device that is built into the modem:

  • in the Windows operating system, go to the "Device Manager";
  • select the category "USB Controllers";
  • find the modem storage device and disconnect it.

If the USB extension cable is too long or damaged, and the modem does not have enough power, this is the reason why the Yota modem does not connect to the 4G / LTE network.

If you are using a PC running MacOS, you need to do the following:

  • go to "Programs" and the "Utilities" folder;
  • run disk utility;
  • find the connected storage device in the left part of the window, click on the ⏏ button or right-click on the name and select “Stop”.

Updates and drivers

If the Yota modem, designed to be used in 4G / LTE format, does not work on Windows 7 and 10, or the laptop does not find a router connected to the network, this may be due to a long absence of operating system or driver updates. In this case, it is recommended to download and install updated drivers and check for system updates. This will also solve the problem of why the system is constantly rebooting when connecting the Yota 4G modem to the computer.

If, when connecting the Yota modem, the computer displays various errors, you need to update the software or firmware of the directly connected modem.

Improving the quality of reception

You can check why there is no Yota signal reception or the reason for its poor quality by connecting another device in the same place. If the signal is also weak, then the problem is in poor coverage. However, there are opportunities to improve it:

  • use a satellite, indoor antenna or reflective grille;
  • apply boosters;
  • change the location of the modem (for example, raise it higher);
  • buy a modem with the ability to connect an external antenna.

We use boosters

A booster is a Wi-Fi signal booster for modems and routers, a kind of repeater, in case the connection from Yota is bad. An antenna must be connected to it, which will be installed on a hill or at the point where the signal picks up the best. The second antenna is located indoors in order to broadcast the signal itself to the devices directly.

Among the main advantages of using boosters is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the signal will be improved and the speed of the Internet will increase. The equipment will work automatically and will not require additional participation.

The downside is the high price of such equipment, the average cost is from 25 to 50 US dollars.

Homemade antenna amplifier

In order not to buy expensive equipment, you can assemble a signal amplifier antenna with your own hands from improvised and available materials. Using the antenna will solve the problem of the router not picking up the Yota 4G signal. However, so that the assembled device does not burn out, you must have some knowledge of working with such devices and strictly follow all assembly instructions.

To create an antenna, you will need a wire about 45 centimeters long, pliers (or round-nose pliers, which will be more convenient for making bends), a 135x120 reflector, a file, a plastic can, scissors, electrical tape, a bar on which the antenna will be fixed, several self-tapping screws, a soldering iron and two tubes for cocktails.

Instructions for assembling the amplifier antenna.

  1. You need to take the wire, mark it at 53-55 millimeters and bend it so that you get an eight of two rhombuses. The wire in the center must not touch.
  2. Then you need to lay the workpiece on the reflector and draw an obtuse angle, it should be 120 ° at both ends of the workpiece.
  3. It is necessary to drill a hole in the center of the reflector (the diameter is arbitrary, the main thing is that two wires with electrical tape fit into it), as well as two holes for self-tapping screws.
  4. It is necessary to clean the ends of the wire with a file, pickle them with acid and solder the lower ends.
  5. In a plastic jar (from gouache, for example), you need to measure about 36-40 millimeters from the bottom and cut holes in order to connect to the reflector obtained from the wire. Three holes must be drilled in the jar at the bottom, they must be located in the same way and coincide with the holes on the reflector.
  6. Next, you need to connect the jar with the reflector and the bar on which the antenna will be fixed, and fasten the structure with self-tapping screws. A large center hole for the wires must also be drilled into the block.
  7. Strip the 75 ohm cable about 15 centimeters in size, you should get two wires. You need to strip them, narrow them and carefully solder each to its own end of the reflector.
  8. You need to put tubes on the wiring so that they do not come into contact with each other. Then you will need to connect the antenna to the cable: one wire is soldered to the previously stripped and etched body of the adapter from the antenna, the second to the central core of the cable.

Installation of such an antenna-amplifier for Yota signal reception will significantly improve the quality of communication. It is enough to catch the signal by turning it towards the direction station or the city center, where the coverage is better.

The well-known mobile operator yota is popular for a reason. Among its services are not only access to the network, but also the most modern data transfer protocol - 4g, due to which browser pages are loaded almost instantly. And what should users do if the yota internet does not work for no apparent reason?

There can be several types of breakdowns. In each case, they will be accompanied by certain signs. In particular, these features include:

  • the modem does not connect to the Internet;
  • there is no connection to the computer;
  • no online registration.

To determine the methods for solving the problem, it is necessary to carefully study all types of breakdowns for iota and choose the optimal solution. It is important to emphasize that problems with the Internet and self-repair of the breakdown can lead to large malfunctions, the elimination of which will be expensive. Before you start repairing your modem or phone on your own, assess the risk of damage to the equipment.

There may be a large number of reasons why the Internet does not work. Much damage or failure can be repaired by yourself using the simplest steps. These reasons include:

  1. Changing climatic conditions. Strong wind, rain or other atmospheric precipitation can cause slow internet connection. Study the weather conditions, contact the operator and find out if they can affect the quality of communication. If the reason that the network slows down lies in the weather, it will have to wait out.
  2. Failure. If the Internet does not load well, you should contact the operator and clarify the possibility of a network failure. Even taking into account modern reliable equipment, the provider is not immune from such minor problems.
  3. No money. If you are worried about why there is no internet, check your balance first. Perhaps you just ran out of funds in your account and you need to replenish it. Use the auto-recharge feature to avoid these kinds of problems.
  4. Low or no signal. If it does not catch the provider's network, then you are in a place where there is no coverage. That is, the signals from the tower simply do not reach your modem or mobile device. Try changing your location or strengthening the signal.
  5. Equipment breakdown. If, after all these checks, the Internet iota still does not work, the reason may lie in equipment breakdown. A malfunction of a modem, computer or even a phone - all this will lead to a lack of access to the world wide web.
  6. Software failure. In the event of a software malfunction, you may also experience slow internet or no network. Check the functionality of the application, reinstall it and start the modem again.
  7. Virus software. If you downloaded applications and installed them, you could have installed viruses as well. A large number of such programs block the work of the provider, its software or the network card of the computer. Run an antivirus program on your computer and check for malware.

Internet Yota does not work on android

In addition to computers with a connected modem, the network can also disappear on an android or other type of smartphone. In this situation, you should pay attention to the connection to the access point. Unfortunately, on android, a situation is quite common when the system automatically turns off the access point for no apparent reason.

If the reason for the lack of access to the network on the phone is a disconnection, it will be enough to restart the program. A similar situation can arise when several areas of network coverage are crossed and enter the "dead zone". On such trips, it is important to check - there is a connection or the phone is no longer registered in the network and you need to reconnect it.

To connect a network on a tablet or other devices to Android, you need to perform two steps:

  • reboot the device;
  • enable 2G network and disable it.

If the loading of pages also continues to work slowly or there is no network at all, you need to contact the operator or find a better coverage area. It is better to use both methods so that the low speed returns to its previous values.

Ways to solve the problem

Not finding the reason why this does not work, and using all the options for solving it, you need to contact the operator. Several methods can be used for this:

  1. To write a message. If your speed drops, but you still have access to the world network, write a message to the operator, taking a screenshot of the program and checking the connection speed.
  2. Call. If the Internet is not available, the operator can be allowed by the service number and submit an application.
  3. Write sms. If you do not have access to the network, you can send an SMS to the operator with a request to check the connection and network equipment.