Frame technology. Creative project: Decorating a photo frame. Safety rules for working with a clerical knife

Municipal educational institution secondary school №2

"Decorating a photo frame"


Burkhovetskaya Alena Igorevna
Pupil 11 "A" class


Technology teacher Zheryakova Asiya Maratovna


1.Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ..… ..3

2. Motivation for choice ... ………. ………………. ………………………………… ... 4

3. Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option .... ………………………. …… .5

4. Technique of execution ………………………………………… .. ……………… ..7

5. Safety precautions ………………………………… .. ……… ....................... 9

6. Economic and environmental justification ……………………………… 10

7.Self-control ……………………… .. ……………… .............................. ..........eleven

8.Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ..12

9. List of used literature ………………………………………… ... 13

10. Appendix ……………………………………………………………… .14


Coffee is fraught with hidden energy that we need to live, feel, to absorb harmony and beauty for everyone. possible ways... Therefore, coffee is the embodiment of all human feelings. What is Coffee Decor? To understand this, you need to "turn on" all your senses. Feel the aroma of coffee. To taste it, to discern every note, every shade. The palette of color shades of "Coffee Decor" is similar to the taste of an exotic cocktail. By adding or excluding certain notes, you can customize the "motive" of future work.

Importance and relevance work consists primarily in the development and dissemination of knowledge about a new direction in the field of decoration. "Coffee decor" is just that.

Target: improving your skills in creating creative work


    Make a gift, beautiful and original

    Improve existing skills, develop imagination

    Explore the literature on the topic

Hypothesis: A DIY gift is a memory of the person who gave it to you.

Object of study: photo frame to be decorated

Subject of study: craft creation

Methodological basis: theoretical and empirical methods

The theoretical method consisted of studying the relevant literature, and the empirical method consisted in creating the investigated product.

Choice motivation

As you know, the best gift is one that is made by hand. I put my heart and soul into what I do. Moreover, people have appeared in my life who have become very dear to me. But school time is coming to an end, any graduate is already starting to think about admission, and naturally, the distance between us and our loved ones will probably become very large. Well, one should not deny the fact that our communication can be interrupted: new worries, new problems - adulthood. But I really don't want to be forgotten, so I decided to start decorating photo frames: decorating it, inserting a joint photo, I give it to the person in the hope that he will remember me, because I always remember those who at some time I was close to my life, even if not physically, but with my soul. In addition, this is a great opportunity to please a person.
So, it was this idea that formed the basis of this project. Coffee beans serve as the main idea around which everything else is already built. Why exactly coffee? Firstly, I am already familiar with this material, it is quite easy to work with it. Well, coffee beans have a very pleasant smell that lasts for a long time, have a rich color and interesting texture, do not deteriorate.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option

The preparation for the creation of this gift was quite simple in comparison with the process itself. But still it was necessary to decide how the frame-base of the whole composition would look like; I used the resources of the World Wide Web, where I found a huge number of decorated frames, which were decorated with various twigs, sticks, shells, beads, coffee, etc. I liked the idea with grains (option # 4), especially since I have already worked with them. On this help social networks I exhausted myself, but I didn't need it, I decided to decorate myself, not copying from someone's work.

Option number 1

V option number 2

Option number 3

option number 4

Execution technique

The technique I followed is straightforward. The problem is that the process takes a very long time, if you include the elimination of the difficulties that have arisen in the calculations, then a total of about 20 hours. Yes, no matter how simple the craft looks, it requires a lot of effort.

Step by step manufacturing:

1. It is necessary to stick the coffee beans in 3 rows, leaving the edges of the frame clean (about 1 cm or less). Note that the number of rows depends on the width of the frame, so it is worth buying frames as wide as possible to look more beautiful, and with a smooth surface, otherwise the work will not work.

2. Glue the remaining areas (front and back sides) with a special thread-twine. It is very important that there are no gaps between the threads of each row, i.e. they should fit snugly together.
(Excess glue is cut off with a clerical knife. This is done as carefully as possible. Be careful!)

3. We glue a thin tape along the contour of the back cover to hide the flaws that emerged during work.
4. Cut the cork circles (8 large, 8 small)
5. On the back of the frame, glue 4 large circles on the corners, followed by 4 small circles.

6. We do the same on the front part, only the small circles will no longer be located next to the large ones, but on the them.

7. Glue one small coffee bean onto the small circles of the cork.

8. Well, the final touch is a photo; a joint photo with a person who is dear to you.

Safety engineering

    During work, be attentive, not distracted

    Using glue in the process of work, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the room in which you are.

Glue gun safety rules:

1. It is important to enclose workplace from small children and pets, as high temperatures (up to 200 degrees) can cause injury.

2. When working, the gun must be installed with the nozzle down on the stand.

3. Compliance with safety measures when working with hot glue to prevent burns.

4. The switched on thermo gun should not be left unattended.

5. Dropping the appliance may result in fire.

6. If you use the glue gun continuously for a long time, leave it alone for 5 minutes every hour.

Rules safe work with a stationery knife:

1. Pull out a small part of the blade.

2. Work with a stationery knife on a work board.

3. When making cuts, hold the knife firmly with one hand and the material with which you are working with the other.

4. In the case when the knife is inoperative, the blade should be hidden inside.

Economic justification


Amount (rub.)

Frame (discounted)

Twine (thread)

Coffee beans

Satin ribbon

Thermal gun

Glue stick

Stationery knife

About 1400 rubles

Some of what was needed to create the item was already in stock, so no cost was incurred on these items. The total amount was withdrawn with an approximate account of even those items and tools that were not bought, but were at hand.

Environmental justification

During the implementation of the creative project, no harm was done to nature, all safety rules were followed.


During the execution of the work, I followed the accuracy, quality of workmanship and originality; observed safety regulations. The importance of these parameters is great in achieving the desired result.


I gave a lot of effort, time and a piece of my soul to achieve the desired result, which I was satisfied with. A gift for a loved one is ready. This photo frame will be a worthy proof that a hand-made object is a memory of who created it.
The task of developing creative abilities has been achieved. The beginning was laid to the formation of artistic taste, the pursuit of perfection in what you do with your own hands. The implementation of the project contributed to the development and improvement of my capabilities in the field of decoration and project activities; mastering technical skills, developing artistic taste and creative attitude to the work performed. The project conceived by me has been completed.


    Information resources of the World Wide Web - Internet

    Mary Ann Young, Decorating Basics. 2007
    Publisher: Astrel, AST

    The magazine "Girls and Boys. School of Crafts ". 02-2007 Publisher: "Format-M"


Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

MKOU Boguchanskaya secondary school №3

Creative project

"Photo Frame"

Performed: 11th grade student

Soldatova Maria

Supervisor: Khanygin Nikolay Seogeevich,

technology teacher

c. Boguchany


1. Selection and justification of the topic of the project p.3

2. Purpose and objectives of the project p.3

3. Thinking circuit p.4

4. The history of the framework. First steps p. 4

5. Basic parameters and limitations p. 7

6. Development of an idea p.7

7. Work on the shape of the frame (options) p.8

8. Frame ornament p.9

9. Requirements for the product p.9

10. Tools and equipment p.10

11. Materials p.10

12. Technological sequence of making the box p.10

13. Quality control p.12

14. Work safety p. 12

15. Ecological and economic justification p.12

17. Used literature p.14

Selection and justification of the project topic.

While doing woodcarving in technology lessons, I realized that I can already make a gift from a tree with my own hands. Into the sword-tah, I have long wanted to make a really beautiful carvedproduct, even if it is small in size. Rememberingtechnology lessons, in which the teacher showed us samples of various products, after some thought I stopped mychoice of making a photo frame.

This product attracted me because people love suchthings. And a little material for the frame is required. Wooden things create coziness in the house, keep the warmth of human hands, and a photo frame with a cut-out pattern will become a decoration of any room.

Also, making a frame is another one for me.a step up the development step, since this product is not easyin production. It requires perseverance, skill, attentiveness, precision and accuracy. It also makes it possibleto show your abilities and your imagination.

Purpose and objectives of the project

The goal of the project is to make a decorative photo frame from wood.

Explore the history of decorative photo frames.

Make a frame according to the technology.

To carry out a technological project according to the manufacturing technology.

3. Thinking scheme.

Before starting work on a project, you mustclearly represent all the main aspects of their work. I represent it like this:

4. The history of the frame. First steps.

The history of frames dates back to the 15th century, when painters began to decorate their paintings with artistic frames. A frame with repeating patterns emphasized the picture, being often not only an ornament, but also an ideological continuation of the plot of the picture. During the Baroque period, frames were decorated with plaster sculptures and shone with luxury in gilded vaults. The frames have already acquired an individual appearance with a characteristic pronounced structure that constitutes a separate artistic composition.

By the time photography was invented, frames could already be found in every family, regardless of social status... The first frames for photographs were most often for portraiture and therefore had an oval shape. The frames were made of wood, which was painted in different colors; there were also cast-iron photo frames for several photographs. By the 20th century, photo frames began to take more and more the form of minimalism, and even Art Nouveau frames appeared from simple, unattractive materials, but sometimes quite unusual shapes and colors. By the 70-80s. In the 20th century, unnatural frame materials such as plush or plastic and glass frames became more and more popular. Such frames were inexpensive, and their production became serial. And now the 19th century brings a lot of changes to a number of everyday objects, translating many things into digital view... The global digital modernization has not bypassed the usual photo frames, so the digital frame for electronic photographs gradually entered everyday life.

It is not difficult to notice from history that the fashion for photo frames, as well as for all things in our world, changes over time. But I suppose anyone would agree that a wooden photo frame will be an exquisite decoration for any room, regardless of interior design or fashion.

5. Basic parameters and limitations.

The product must meet the following requirements:

Environmentally friendly



6. Development of an idea.

Having made the choice of the object of labor, I began to think about the shape of the frame... To do this, I went to shops, markets, looked at samples at school, studied illustrations in books on carving. By collectingthe necessary information, I worked out the following scheme:

Photo Frame

Materials (edit)


Finishing technology


Manual jigsaw,

marking tools,


Burning out

Painting on wood

Wood carving







As a result, I determined for myself not only the object of labor, but also the technology and the style of manufacture (carving), I chose the material and design of the frame. Making sketches of the shape of the frame, I took into account that it should be beautiful, easy to use and feasible to make.

7. Work on the shape of the frame (options).

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

The final form of the frame

8. Frame ornament

Too easy 2. Not quite what I would like

9. Requirements for the product.

Product name

Photo Frame

Functional purpose

For photo storage and interior decoration



Single or mass production



Requirements for materials


Manufacturing method

Wood carving

Appearance, style

Folklore (Russian) style

Requirements from the point of view of safety of use

Smooth, burr-free surface

Environmental requirements

Environmentally friendly materials - plywood

10. Tools and equipment.

For the manufacture of the product you will need: a hand jigsaw, marking tools, a sandpaper.


For the production of the photo frame, I chose the most accessible, optimal and pleasant material for visual contact - plywood. It is, moreover, very convenient in processing and for contour carving. To perform a light composition, it is enough to cut it out. If the composition is conceived against a dark background, the plywood needs to be tinted. If a shiny surface is expected, it must be covered with black varnish. A variety of dyes are used for toning: ink, gouache, tempera, watercolor, aniline paints, various stains and stains, manganese-sour potassium. Of these items, I chose the most affordable and widespread - gouache paints. Gouache is a relatively bright paint. The surface can be left matt, but you can also cover it with a light varnish (fix the paint).

Technological sequence of frame manufacturing

the name of the operation

Equipment, tools

Mark the frame shape on the workpiece and transfer the drawing (ornament)

Workbench, pencil, square, ruler

Saw out the contours

Hand jigsaw

Grind the workpiece

Sanding block, sandpaper

Mark the place for the hole with which the frame is attached to the wall


Make a hole

Drilling machine, drill on

Paint the ornament

Gouache, brush

Cover the frame in the necessary places with stain

Stain, brush

Cover the frame with varnish

Brush, varnish

Carry out quality control

13. Quality control.

The finished product must meet the following requirements:

The frame is made neatly, in accordance with the technicallogic.

The unity of the compositional solution of the ornament and the shape of the product was observed.

The selected material corresponds to the purpose of the product.

14. Safety precautions when performing work.

Securely clamp the workpiece when cutting.

Work as a serviceable, well-adjusted tool.

Hold the jigsaw confidently in your hand, bent 90.

Remove dust, shavings, sawdust with a broom.

Work in a well-lit room.

When varnishing, work in a well-ventilated area.

When carving, keep your hands clean.

15. Ecological and economic justification.

The photo frame is environmentally friendly without bringingproduct with dangerous consequences to human health, sincemade of environmentally friendly material. Manufacturing technology forobservance of safety measures and sanitary and hygienicthe norm is also safe.

Determining the price of my box, I summed up the costsfor materials, electricity (this is the cost),deductions for the estimated salary, profit.






Goals and objectives to develop and manufacture a beautiful and inexpensive frame for a mirror from wood. While working on the project, we solved the following tasks: to develop an economical, technological, durable and reliable design of decorative and applied wood products; to develop a simple technological process for making a frame based on the studied technologies of wood processing using tools and devices available in the school workshop; to manufacture a product according to the developed technical documentation in a limited time.

The originality of the design of our product lies in the fact that from an affordable, relatively inexpensive material (you can use the scraps left over when decorating the premises) it is possible to make a convenient and durable structure that is assembled from eight identical parts - the principle of the constructor. At the same time, we save time on processing and purchasing material. As a result of assembling the product, we have an octagonal structure of the original shape.

The carved base of the frame of our mirror is decorated with geometric patterns. Each element of this ornament carries a certain semantic load. The very shape of the mirror frame symbolizes the image of our world. So, for example, 12 solar signs around the perimeter of the frame, they talk about the movement of the sun throughout the year in the sky, the Christmas tree ornament symbolizes - heavenly moisture (water cycle in nature), a set of squares in the pattern - symbolizes - Mother Cheese Earth, as well as 3 the level of the sacred worlds - lower, middle, upper. This was the opinion of our ancient ancestors, the Slavs, when they decorated with similar symbols - spinning wheels, various kitchen utensils, facades of towers, etc.

Maxim Levchenko, Dmitry Basharimov, Yuri Kalinin, Elmar Allakhverdiev, Yegor Khokhlov.

Creative project based on the "Photo-frame" technology. Gift for grandmother.



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Slide captions:

Plan Justification of the problem Determination of goals and objectives Research Material selection Manufacturing Quality control Self-assessment Conclusion

Problem What to give a grandmother for her birthday and how to do it?

Make a photo frame with your own hands! There is a solution: To make an exclusive photo frame you need designer ingenuity and desire. Novelties in the world of souvenirs. Photo of loved ones in a frame with your symbols. Nice appearance and tactile material! Fastening of any fittings is possible.

Purpose: do it yourself a Photo frame and give it to your grandmother. Objectives: 1. To study the history of the development of the photo frame. 2. Get acquainted with the techniques for making a frame. 3. Make an aesthetically beautiful product.

Research The history of the photo frame The history of the photo frame does not begin with the invention of photography, since people began to frame images much earlier. The first frames around the images were drawn - this can be clearly seen on ancient frescoes and paintings of temples, the same icons. In any case, there was a lot of symbolism in their depiction, which helped to complement the drawn image. As for the portraits of the nobility, the frame around the picture was fully a continuation of the composition - patterns with symbols of the family, royal or ducal regalia were carved on it. Such products date back even to the 14th century, which should be considered the time of the invention of this item

Research The change of styles from era to era is clearly traced in the form of frames, which in some periods were practically separate works of art. A frame with repeating patterns emphasized the picture, being often not only an ornament, but also an ideological continuation of the plot of the picture. During the Baroque period, frames were decorated with plaster sculptures and shone with luxury in gilded vaults. The frames have already acquired an individual appearance with a characteristic pronounced structure that constitutes a separate artistic composition.

Research By the time photography was invented, frames could already be found in every family, regardless of social status. The first frames for photographs were most often for portraiture and therefore had an oval shape. The frames were made of wood, which was painted in different colors; there were also cast-iron photo frames for several photographs. By the 20th century, photo frames began to take more and more the form of minimalism, and even Art Nouveau frames appeared from simple non-attractive materials, but sometimes very unusual shapes and colors. By the 70-80s. In the 20th century, unnatural frame materials such as plush or plastic and glass frames became more and more popular. Such frames were inexpensive and their production became serial. And now the 19th century brings a lot of changes to a number of everyday objects, translating many things into digital form. The global digital modernization has not bypassed the usual photo frames, so the digital frame for electronic photographs gradually entered everyday life.

Research Types of photo frames All photo frames that exist can be divided into two types - ordinary and electronic. Ordinary photo frame This type of frame is made of wood, glass, plastic, metal, and there are also plush and leather specimens. In addition, they can be of different shapes, for example, in the form of a heart, a flower, a triangle, etc.

Research Electronic frame for photography They are also called digital frames. Thanks to the memory card, the frame can store several photos and every day you can put a new photo or any other picture, the main thing is that there is the correct format. Outwardly, the frame is no different from the ordinary look. But when you turn it on, you realize that in front of you is a small computer (tablet) that allows you to create a mood on your desktop or at home.

Photo frame made of fabric and lace.

Photo frames with braid.

Fur photo frame with a toy

Photo frame with children's toys

Photo frames made of solidifying plastic materials

Selection of material "Use what is at hand and do not look for something else for yourself" - said the hero of my favorite cartoon Filias Fogh. A hand-made frame can be used to decorate a house or give it to loved ones. Use waste material in the manufacture - it is cheap and original.

Materials 1. cardboard (from old boxes) 2. paper (white or colored from magazine covers) 3. buttons, beads, beads (everything that can be found at home from old things and jewelry) 4. glue (moment and PVA) 1. Cardboard (white or colored)

Accessories 1.scissors 2. utility knife 3. ruler 4. elbow 5. pencil 6. eraser

Safety precautions 1. do not twist the scissors on your finger 2. do not turn with a utility knife 3. when did the work push the knife

details 1. window frame 2. wall 3. support

Solution 1. we wrap the support, the frame with the window and the wall with paper. 2. glue the wall with the window so that there is room left to insert photos 3. glue the leg to the wall

Decoration Stick the decoration on the sides of the window. Arrange them so that it is beautiful, harmonious: asymmetrically asymmetric

Finished works Levchenko Maxim, 6-B class. Allahverdiev Elmar, 6-A class

Finished works Basharimov Dmitry, 6-А class. Kalinin Yuri, 6-A class

Photograph Khokhlov Egor, 6-A class. one . insert the photo, it can be inserted from the top or from the side 2. when you insert a photo you can put it on grandma's dresser

Quality control. Design requirements Technological requirements Aesthetic requirements Environmental requirements Economic requirements

Self-esteem: Work as intended. Made aesthetically pleasing and neat. The assembly technology was followed. The cost of materials is small. The craft turned out to be environmentally friendly.

Conclusion: The photo frame is a wonderful decoration and very important for keeping memories. Thanks to its bright colors, the frame will organically fit into any interior, especially in the room with the grandmother. Since the frame is in a single copy, self made and made by the grandson, the more valuable the gift will be for the grandmother.

Thanks for watching. Present your loved one with a handmade gift. Till!

At school and kindergarten teachers use a large number of presentations, one way or another related to nature, ecology: both in biology, geography, the surrounding world, and class hours... In this section of the site, we have published backgrounds for presentations about nature in general.

How to make a background for a presentation based on a landscape photo?

Often templates about nature are made on the basis of photographs that the authors simply set on the background. With this method of creating a template, there is a possibility that the background will be too bright and active, and the text will not be readable. It will help to avoid this creating a "background": insert a large rectangle of white or other color on the slide, set the translucency in the properties and write the text inside this rectangle. This method will allow you to leave a beautiful background landscape, and at the same time make the text of the slide contrasting and readable.

The second problem is related to the fact that authors insert photographs as a background as they are, that is without compression... If such a photo was taken with a good modern camera, then the background size can be about 5 MB, and when inserting a photo on each slide, each slide will "weigh" 5 MB. The presentation will be very cumbersome, difficult to deliver over the Internet, and playback will freeze on low to medium power computers.

To avoid this, you need to follow two rules:

  • Preliminarily reduce the size of the photo to the screen size (approximately 1200-1500 pixels wide) and compress the photo in a graphics editor or compress the photo using Microsoft Office PowerPoint itself ( File - Save As ... - Tools - Compress Pictures ... ).
  • Insert photo as background for all slides ( Design - Background styles - Background format ... - Picture or texture - File - (select a file on your computer) - Apply to all - Close ).

This method of creating a background can be used not only for creating the background of nature presentations, but also on any other topic.

See also templates in related sections:

Background for Nature presentation

Technological progress significantly changes our ideas about how lessons and extracurricular activities should be held, what are the requirements for speaking at a teacher's council or a methodological association. Now it is hardly possible to imagine all this without a computer PowerPoint presentations... This program allows you to demonstrate during the oral presentation of the material various tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, as well as video clips. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of presentation in science lessons. Indeed, on the screen you can see both a dangerous chemical experiment, which cannot be carried out in a school laboratory, and a rare animal or natural phenomenon.

However, when preparing a presentation, too much time is spent on technical issues, one of which is layout design. After all, I want the background to be beautiful and match the topic of the lesson. But this issue can be solved much faster and easier by choosing a layout on our website. We have ready-made templates made in different styles; you can choose universal or thematic design. For example, in this section we offer you to look at beautiful and original backgrounds on the theme "Nature", download them for free in a few seconds and use them to create your own presentation.