DIY creative photo album. How to make an original photo album with your own hands. Step by step making a gift photo album

I really like to give gifts, especially to those people who are dear to me, and when no rush is required, but on the contrary there is time and the opportunity to think things over properly!

1st March was my friend Dinara's birthday. We have known her literally from the cradle. From my diapers :), because she is a little older than me - she turned 30.


We spent childhood, adolescence and youth together. We were friends, our mothers were friends, besides, for two decades we were practically neighbors - we lived in the same house, only in different entrances.

In 2006, Dinara got married and went to her husband, leaving our hometown. However, our friendship did not end; on the contrary, it grew even stronger. Dinarin's brother still lives in Penza, and he kindly agreed to give her a gift from me, going to visit her for her birthday celebration.

The basis for the scrapbook

Printed photos

Glue stick

Regular scissors

Curly scissors

Clippings from unnecessary postcards, magazines, etc.

Stickers (regular paper and 3D)

Sharmiki, keychain for mobile, adhesive flowers

A needle and white thread for attaching charms

Internet, inspiration and good mood;)

Scrapbook basis

Such a wonderful thing can be purchased in departments and stores with hobby goods (often they are combined with office supplies).

The base consists of several dense blanks. In my case, there are 8 of them, i.e. for approximately 16 photos. Or, if you leave the first and last page without photos and decorate in some other way, then for 14.

The format can be different. Such as mine or in another blank - about 16 x 18 cm:

Or, for example, landscape format. From such a basis, I made an album and gave it to me for my birthday, my friend Lena:

The patterns on the blanks are different (in general, including as part of one base). So you can choose according to your taste.

You can make album sheets yourself, armed with thick colored cardboard or separate sheets for scrapbooking. In this case, you can also determine the shape and size yourself.

But to be honest, this is not for me. If I can still cut something even out of paper, then with dense material it’s a disaster, only I’ll get nervous all over!


First, I advise you to go through your albums thoroughly and choose what might work for your goal. Let there be more of these photos than you need. Firstly, something will be eliminated later, and secondly, you may want to take two photos at once on one page (or 3-4, if the format allows it).

What photo should I choose? Of course, suitable for the subject, of good quality (otherwise is allowed in the case of a special value of the photo), those that evoke pleasant memories and give rise to associations, which is no less valuable.

After that, it is important not to miss out on such an important detail as size. I almost printed all the photos with standard ones - 10 x 15 cm. Then I took the first photo I came across as an example and began to apply it to the blanks. All the beauty of the pages was hidden under it, and there was simply not enough space for any inscription ... It was decided to reduce the size.

Not knowing whether the nearest photo studio prints a 9 x 13 cm format, I decided to resort to the following. In Photoshop (this can be done even in Paint), I processed all the photos - I just spread them apart from all four sides of the field, leaving them white.

I saved all the photos on a USB flash drive in two folders. In one - just a photo as it is, in the second - with such white fields. As a result, it was the second option that came in handy. although they print 9 x 13 cm, but on paper 10 x 15 cm. the photographer himself would have to tinker and reduce the photo before printing. And so everything turned out quickly.

To make it more varied and interesting, I cut off some photos with curly scissors:

For others, I made rounded corners with ordinary scissors:

Others were simply cut off and left as they were.

Before printing, you can arrange photos in Photoshop in the frames you like. But, in my opinion, this should be done only if the blanks themselves are decorated to a minimum. Otherwise, it will turn out too motley and tasteless.

On the subject, I used the following photos:

Important memorable places (our house, courtyard, Broadway, school, apartment windows, photographed by me on a zoom, etc.)

Our joint photos of that time with Dinara

Photo of Dinar's mother, who, unfortunately, has already died and in the last years of my life I had the opportunity to see her more often than Dinara

Pictures of the favorite of their family - cats Ksyushka


When I wrote above that photographs should evoke associations, I meant that it would be a good help to make captions, accompanying comments on photographs.

For example, I used the following options. I posted several poems of my personal composition next to the corresponding photos:

I wrote quotes from those songs that I associate with certain events, people, places depicted in the photo. For example, here are two lines from my favorite song of the group "Love stories" - "School":

And here are three quotes from a very touching song by Dina Migdal - "Mom's hands":

Under some of the photos, I simply wrote a few words from myself or left without comment. It is important to remember that anything that is too much is not very good. Measure is needed in everything :)


These words about measure refer not only to comments under the photo, but also to decorations. Don't overdo it.

First of all, I used flat and volumetric paper stickers. It's a pity that the 3D effect on the photo is not as clearly noticeable as when you hold the album in your hands.

The heart that accompanies the photo of Dinar's mother is soft and voluminous, I have left it from a set of decorative candles.

If you wish, you can use ribbons, which are sold in the same place as the base for the scrapbook, as well as in the sewing departments.

Or use lace. It will turn out very gently!

In general, when I sat down for this lesson, I laid the whole table with everything that might suddenly come in handy to me. Because only a mental representation is one thing, and the process itself is completely different, here adjustments are already being made and along the way you understand what is suitable and what will be superfluous.

I could not do without my favorite charms (small metal pendants). They can be used for a variety of handicrafts, including a photo album!

In general, you cannot let me into the hobby goods departments, otherwise I will let all the available funds go there :))

Another separate topic is my long-term love for airplanes. But the fact remains - I could not imagine an album without this aircraft))

This is how a golden airplane flies in the sky when it turns into our yard:

Each charm has a small ring for attaching. I pierced the photo somewhere 0.5 cm from the edge with a needle and thread (its white color is the shade of the sky in this case) and sewed a pendant to the photo with several stitches. And then I glued the picture to the workpiece. The plane remains mobile when viewing the album.

On the cover, I originally wanted to make a beautiful hand-written inscription "A Piece of Penza" and draw our monument of glory "Sprout" on the Sura embankment. But then she abandoned this idea. It seemed to me more appropriate and beautiful to stick a congratulation, once cut from a postcard, and a sticker with hearts as a sign of love and friendship :)

I also designed the back cover with a cardboard cutout. This girl personifies me, giving flowers to my friend and, in fact, an album :)

And on one of the two fastening rings you can see a flower - this is a pendant for a mobile, which came in handy for me in a different capacity :)

Dinara really liked the album, which made me incredibly happy!

Still, the main thing to remember is that jewelry is wonderful, but it is important that the content of such a gift is touching, photographs and inscriptions evoke memories dear to the heart or simply cheer up!

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Photography is a unique thing. This is not just a picture, this is a whole segment of life. When looking at a snapshot, memory raises from the depths a whole heap of memories.

You can spend more than one pleasant evening looking at the photo album. You can never expect such warmth and impressions from electronic versions of photo collections. In addition, if the gadget breaks down, the pictures can be irretrievably lost. Is this not a good reason to continue the traditions of your ancestors and make a photo album with your own hands?

Why your own, if you can buy ready-made options? There are a lot of arguments:

1. Because it will be unique.

2. It can be done in a variety of styles and themes.

3. A particle of your soul will fall into it.

4. And simply because it's fun.

Are you interested? Let's look at creating a do-it-yourself photo album step by step.

Scrapbooking basics

As with any business, scrapbooking needs preliminary planning. The problem is that it is not enough for a photo album to have an aesthetic appearance; it needs to carry a certain semantic load. To fulfill all the conditions, you need to find the best way to implement the idea. And here it is better to stick to the already proven techniques and stylistic ideas for decorating photo albums.

DIY photo album

It should be noted that scrapbooking is not a cheap hobby, so before you go to buy consumables, you need to think about for a future masterpiece:

  • plot;
  • composition;
  • design style;
  • implementation technique.


It is the plot that will give the idea of ​​how to make a photo album with your own hands. The design of the product will directly depend on the subject matter. The photo album can be family and gift.

Photo album design directly depends on the subject matter


For a do-it-yourself photo album, page design ideas should be correctly positioned. Photos and design elements themselves should be presented in a visual unity. Here it is important to determine the semantic center of the composition and, relative to it, to select accents or decorations for the page. The subject of the image will help you choose a title and maybe even give a short description of the picture.

All pages of the photo album must be in the same style

Stylistic focus

"When creating a photo album with your own hands, you are free to choose any style of its design"

Fans of lush decors should emphasize the American vision of the photo book. Connoisseurs of antiquity and lovers of immersion in the days of the past will surely stop at shabby chic or vintage. Adherents of minimalism can take a closer look at the European style and one of the most popular ideas for decorating photo albums - "clean and simple".

Photo album design in the "clean and simple" style.

When creating a photo album with your own hands, you are free to choose any style of its design. Other design options can also be used, as long as they can present the theme of the album from the best side.

Technique of execution

There are many options for how to make a photo album with your own hands. Implementation of ideas is helped by:

  • stamping;
  • decoupage;
  • journaling;
  • cropping;
  • distressing.

There are about a hundred more entertaining techniques that allow you to create magnificent copies of albums for photos.

Decoupage technique in photo album decor

The presented methods are distinguished by the relative ease of implementation. So in stamping, the use of applicators and all kinds of impressions is provided. In decoupage, plot drawings and ornaments are used. In cropping, they work with the photo itself. It is cropped so that only key points are preserved. It is typical for journalism to supplement pictures with original descriptions. Distressing is based on the aging of the paper.

Many different impressions are used in stamping

DIY photo album: step by step

Stage I

In essence, this is preparation for work. At this stage, we focus on the selection of tools and the procurement of materials. What is required?


  • dense (500 g / sq; m) cardboard;
  • scrap paper;
  • notebook;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • adhesive fabric;
  • ribbons.


  • awl;
  • ruler;
  • needle;
  • breadboard knife;
  • pencil.

Stage II

We sit down to plan the implementation with our own hands of ideas for decorating a photo album. The result will not be disappointing if you clearly articulate what you want to see in the end. This is where the notebook comes into play. It is desirable that it be similar in size to the future original. It will become a kind of template for work. On her pages, you can experiment with the arrangement of pictures and decor elements. The most successful options are recorded.

Sketch of the arrangement of pictures and decor elements

Let's start creating a photo album with our own hands by assembling the spines for the pages. To do this, you can use a thinner photoboard. Strips corresponding to the sheets are cut from it. The width of the stripes can vary. On average, the indicator rarely exceeds 3 cm.

Strips corresponding to the sheets of height

Using the ruler, find the center of the narrow part. We put aside 2 mm on both sides of it if the album pages have convex decorations and 1 mm each in other cases. We act in the same way from the opposite side. We connect the basting with a ruler and draw a strip not with a pencil, but not with a writing pen. This idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdesigning a photo album will help to bend the sheet strictly along the given lines. Cut the corners of the workpiece. Now you can lay sheets in them and fix them with glue. The outer sheets should not have "partners". The free part of the spine will be required for another.

Fix the leaves with glue

Stage IV

Page decoration. Their decor begins with pasting the scrap with paper. Pick the colors you want and create a general background, which will later be the location of the rest of the composition. The decor for a do-it-yourself photo album can be:

  • applications;
  • vinyl stickers;
  • newspaper clippings;
  • beautiful cords;
  • tapes;
  • lace;
  • beads.

Decorative materials for the design of the photo album

In general, everything that imagines you fantasy. In the case of an abundance of volumetric details, they should be evenly placed on the pages, then the sheets will not be deformed, and the product as a whole will not lose shape. This is another reason to work on a do-it-yourself photo album step by step.

Arrange the decor evenly on the pages

Stage V

We make the binding and fasten the cover. We collect the sheets glued into the spines into a book and glue the first ones with a piece of bandage, gauze or glue cloth, so that one and a half centimeters of free matter remains at the edges of the binding.

Glue the spine with gauze

Cut out two strips of cotton tape with processed edges, similar to the width of the binding length. We bend the remnants of the gauze and glue them exactly along the edge. This photo album design idea will help hide the flaws in the assembly of the end part of the binding and will become an additional fixation for the sheets, not allowing them to come off.

Glue two strips along the edge

While the gauze dries, work directly on the binding spine. If the paper is not too thick for work, then the part can be made prefabricated. We'll have to cut out two components: one strictly according to the size of the binding, the second - with a 3cm width allowance. We put the smaller strip on the large one so that uniform allowances remain on both sides. Mark the borders and glue the details.

Spine for binding

It would seem that everything? But at this stage there are secrets. Design ideas from scrapbooking professionals will help you make a high-quality photo album with your own hands. What do they advise? A thicker spine will prevent the album from opening. Can problems be avoided? Yes, if you draw longitudinal lines with a step distance of 1 cm on the inner side of the spine with a sharp object (the same non-writing pen). This technique will allow the part to bend smoothly.

But the nuances of the topic “how to make a photo album with your own hands” do not end there.

The spine is fixed under the cover

The spine must not be glued to the binding. He's on the cover. The structures are allowed to dry, after which the sheets collected on gauze are laid in it. We fix the free ends of the fabric and the part of the leaf spine that was prudently left during the assembly of the photo album with our own hands to the inner side of the cover. Better to make it transparent "Moment". It keeps it stronger and easier to remove marks. The streaks are simply erased with an eraser.

Inner cover

Photobook creation is complete. It remains to decorate the cover and fill it with content.

Thematic ideas for the design of a photo album

Fond memories require a beautiful cut. The selfie that has become fashionable allows you to make photo albums with your own hands for almost every occasion, but still they are often created for more global reasons.

Family Chronicle

She can get the look of a full-fledged photobook. Its contents will be not only interesting and memorable pictures, but also newspaper clippings, postcards dear to the heart, things closely related to family history. It is a good idea to write a motto on the title page that reflects the creed of the clan.

DIY family photo album

How to make a photo album about a family with your own hands? For example, in genealogical chronology. Dig through the family archive. There will probably be many pictures of ancestors that you remember and will be able to tell something to your descendants. These photos will appear on the first pages of the chronicle. The story should continue to this day. In the future, your creativity can lay the foundation for a whole galaxy of such photo albums.

Make a series of family photo albums

If a family leads an active lifestyle and does not forget to record everything that happens in it on the camera, then it will be difficult to fit everything into one album. In this case, it is worth breaking all the photos into thematic groups and trying to assemble a photo album with your own hands for each case.

Love to travel - take a selection of pictures of your most memorable trips. An additional decoration for such albums can be postcards depicting excursion places of countries or obtained trophies, such as a dried leaf of an exotic plant. The epic about sea recreation is perfectly decorated with sand, pebbles, seashells from the beaches, seagull feathers, algae twigs.

DIY photo album about travel

Do not be lazy to describe what is depicted on the pages. It will be interesting to read about your adventures for posterity.

Start working on a do-it-yourself photo album, and design ideas will spawn in your head. All relatives can be involved in the case. Highlight them a page and ask them to decorate it as you wish. You can ask to compose a verse or write down a life story, make a drawing with your own hand. In a family photo album, any illustration will be meaningful.

Make a photo album with the whole family

"Do not think that the period for making a child's photo album with your own hands will be limited to one day - it will be a long process."

The appearance of a child is probably the most important event in the life of every family, overshadowing even a wedding, so the desire to immortalize every minute of the child's life is quite natural. How to make a photo album of a child with your own hands so that what is reflected in it evokes affection even after years? Pay attention to detail and correctly plan the order of filling with photos. From the pile of pictures, try to select symbolic images that tell about a new milestone in a child's life.

DIY children's photo album

You can start the story from afar. Let a photo of the last days of pregnancy appear on the first page. An excellent addition to them will be ultrasound printouts. A logical continuation will be shots from the discharge photo session in the ceremonial hall of the maternity hospital. This will be followed by pictures with relatives. Later, the first smile, the first tooth, the first independent breakfast, the first steps will be pasted into the photo album with their own hands. For every mom, these events are simply engraved in the memory, and a desire is born to share her happiness with the whole world.

An excellent addition would be ultrasound printouts

There are a lot of ideas for decorating baby photo albums. They can be made as a repository of children's relics by gluing inside a strand of the first hair, ribbons from the cap, a piece of bow, which was used to tie the blanket. Over time, it will be possible to add children's drawings and crafts and greeting cards brought from kindergarten and school. Then they will be replaced by artifacts of achievements in the form of certificates and awards.

An example of the design of the pages of a children's photo album

Do not think that the time for making a child's photo album with your own hands will be limited to one day - this will be a long process. Its content will be replenished as the object grows.

One more thing. Children often delight us with pearls. Don't be lazy to record them on the same album. It will be a great reason for fun years later and will be a nice decoration for the pages if it appears on them in color.

Wedding photoalbum

The wedding day is special for both newlyweds. Naturally, you want to keep every moment in your memory. A huge number of pictures from the celebration will require system storage in a decent design. So how to make a do-it-yourself photo album as unusual as the event itself?

DIY wedding photo album

It is not trivial to decorate it. This will help the bride's accessories, lace, ribbons, elements of wedding paraphernalia. The photo can be decorated with dried flower buds from a young wedding bouquet. Over the years, these little things will become incredibly valuable and touching. Here are some more photo album design ideas.

1. Recreate the historical fidelity of the wedding ceremony by grouping the photos according to their chronology.

Recreate the timeline of events in the album pages

2. Do not be afraid to put so-called reportage and staged pictures into the album. They can be quite funny.

3. Try to give the design of the photo album a specific stylistic direction. It can be retro or something more modern.

Give the album an overall stylistic dimension

4. Select personal pages for portraits of heroes of the occasion and VIP-guests.

5. When making a photo album with your own hands, supplement it with images of landscapes that served as a background for the wedding event.

Complete the album with landscape images

6. The multi-colored pages in the album will look original.

7. Rely on the originality of the pictures themselves. Let them be highlighted with sepia or decorated with a painting. Dilute color photographs with black and white.

Dilute color photographs with black and white.

8. In the wedding album, you can use several photos of the newlyweds, taken on the eve of the wedding, as well as telling about the twists and turns of preparation in it.

9. Divide the formal part and the party. Thus, you will have two albums with photos at once.

10. Photo collage of small-format pictures is also interesting.

Photo collage of small format shots

The design ideas used when creating a photo album with your own hands can cause a certain imbalance in the perception of compositions due to the overload of frames by actors. When posting large-scale group shots in a self-created photo album, try to place them on a spread so that the gaze of the guests captured on them are directed in the same direction. Then you don't get the impression that they are looking at each other. Also, the spread, literally "littered" with small photos, is perceived not in the best way. Use a compositional approach to their location, dilute the pictures with texts and decorative elements. Let your design talents make a splash!

Add text and decor to your shots


The proposed options for creating and filling albums for photos are just the tip of the iceberg called scrapbooking. Knowing how to make a photo album with your own hands, you will ensure that he excites memories of bygone days and helps bring loved ones closer.

Photo gallery - do it yourself photo album

The scrapbooking technique is very exciting and original in its performance. When working with this design technology, original drawings, newspaper clippings, colorful paper sheets, and much more are used. A self-decorated photo album using the scrapbooking technique will be a great addition to your interior or will serve as an original gift for loved ones, for grandmothers, mothers or godparents.

Using scrapbooking materials, you can make a photographic album in absolutely any style: in a retro style, in a nautical style, or for children.

There are several main types of photo albums in the modern world. One of the first types of photo storage can be called a classic photo album. Such albums have several types of sheets filling them:

  • thick sheets of cardboard, on top of which printed photographs are glued;
  • sheets with magnetic photo holders;
  • leaves with pockets made of files made of plastic material, in which the printed photographs are placed.

Of course, the simplest and most convenient to use is the idea of ​​a photo album with plastic compartments for photos. In them, you simply distribute your printed materials and enjoy the result. However, such albums cannot be called original and creative at all. Guests who will be viewing such a photo album may not be at all interested in doing this.

Albums for photos with thick cardboard sheets are less practical, but you can arrange them in an original and unusual way. You can place on a thick sheet of photographs of various sizes for a boy or a newborn. Also you can add decorative elements to the album page or original signature.

Albums for photographs with "magnetic" sheets also allow you to get creative, and you don't have to worry about glue or adhesive corners - you can place photos of different formats on the sheets, and then change their position. However, after a certain period of time, the magnetic sheet turns yellow and scratches, the photos begin to peel off.

It is best to design several thematic albums for individual events. Wedding photos, summer memories or childhood photos are best placed in separate albums. For a colleague, beloved or girlfriend, you can show exactly those photos that you want.

Be very careful when choosing your photo album cover. The choice of covers in modern stores is very diverse: glued covers, from various fabrics, with decorative elements, from fur, from artificial and natural leather. Covers with flowers, kittens and dogs are no longer in vogue, choose more stylish solutions. In addition, there are special thematic albums dedicated to a particular event - pay attention to them.

We analyze ideas for decorating a wedding album using the "scrapbooking" technique

We offer several design ideas and a master class on making a wedding album for photos with your own hands. Any couple in love wants to save wedding memories and moments. That is why it will be relevant to make an original album for photos from this significant event.

The cover of the wedding album can be decorated with kanzashi flowers, the petals of which are folded from white satin ribbons. Graceful hearts can be cut out of felt.

Also, between some pages of the album, you can place various cute memorabilia reminiscent of bright wedding moments. For example, a fragment of a pillow from wedding rings, lace, bows and other accessories of the bride, several dried flowers from a wedding bouquet.

You can arrange the pages of your album into thematic divisions and sections. Also, an original solution would be to add several pages with congratulations from your guests and relatives.

It is advisable to arrange all pages in a single style. For example, pages made in vintage style or decorated semi-antique look very beautiful.

To design a wedding album, it is enough to turn on your creative imagination and imagination.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch several thematic videos on the topic of the article. In them you can see in more detail the process of decorating and creating albums for photos with your own hands.

A photo is a memory and pleasant emotions. If you are printing them, try making an original photo album. Consider original ideas and study several workshops.

Each mother will be pleased to receive a beautiful exclusive album made by the hands of a loved one as a gift. Such materials and tools will be required;

  • thick corrugated cardboard;
  • split rings for paper;
  • hole puncher;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pens or markers;
  • drawings (thematic images of angels, babies, baby nipples and bottles, strollers);
  • dense fabric;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ribbon;
  • glue.

Manufacturing instruction

DIY making:

  1. Prepare your cover. Cut two pieces of the same size from thick corrugated cardboard.
  2. Cover both sides of the cover with a cloth and glue it with all-purpose glue. The edges of the material should be on the inside.
  3. Glue paper to the inside of the cover pieces to cover the edges of the material.
  4. Cut the pages out of cardboard.
  5. Use a hole punch to punch holes in the cover and cardboard. Assemble the album by stringing the pieces onto the split rings.
  6. Glue a piece of tape to the inside of the cover from the inside to make ties.
  7. Decorate the album with images of babies, nipples, strollers, toys, bottles. Glue a few on the cover, decorate the pages with the rest.
  8. Cut out squares from colored paper, make pockets out of them on several pages, gluing along the edges on three sides: side and bottom.
  9. Write on the pockets the words: "My first hair", "My tag" and so on.
  10. On several pages, write something like “My first words”, “My achievements”, “My weight and height”. There will be photos corresponding to the themes.

Wedding photoalbum

Try to make a wedding album for photos using the scrapbooking technique, which was popular in 2017-2018. Would need:

  • fabric (for example, canvas);
  • graph paper with markings;
  • scissors;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • paper (plain white or special for scrapbooking with patterns);
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • rings for paper;
  • hole punch or awl;
  • ribbon;
  • images for page decoration;
  • beads or rhinestones.


  1. Determine the size of the photo album. Using graph paper (can be replaced with a regular ruler), mark the cardboard and synthetic winterizer. For the cover, you will need two pieces of cardboard and two padding polyester.
  2. Glue a synthetic winterizer to one cardboard sheet - this is the back of the album.
  3. In the front of the cover there will be a window for photos of the newlyweds. You can make it rectangular, square, or heart-shaped. Cut an opening from the remaining piece of padding polyester. Glue soft insulation to the cardboard.
  4. Start covering the cover with fabric. Cut two pieces out of the canvas material, adding 1.5-2 cm to the dimensions of the album on each side. Glue one piece to the back of the cover, pulling the fabric and fixing the edges with glue.
  5. Cut out a window for a photo in another section. Glue canvas material to the front of the cover.
  6. Decorate the borders of the photo window with beads or rhinestones, gluing them with glue.
  7. Cover the inner sides of the cover with paper.
  8. Make a bow from the tape, glue it to the cover in front, next to the window.
  9. Use a hole punch or awl to make holes in both sides of the cover along the edges, insert eyelets into them.
  10. Next, make holes in the cardboard pages, collect the album.
  11. Decorate the pages with beads, thematic images: doves, rings, hearts. They can be purchased from the scrapbooking department or printed on a color printer.
  12. You can put a photo in the window on the cover, but you can leave this right to the recipients of the gift - the newlyweds.


You can make an original family album with your own hands using one of the instructions described above. You need to make a cover, cover it with fabric, collect all the parts together with the help of rings. It is desirable to complement the holes with eyelets for aesthetics.

Ideas for decorating a family photo album:

  • You can sign the cover by writing "Family photo album" or "Family ..." (instead of ellipsis there will be a surname).
  • One or more pages can be set aside for family poetry.
  • You can make a family tree. To do this, draw outlines, print an image of a tree on the page or glue it.
  • At the roots, frame the older family members. Chart as you move up to the youngest relatives. On the one side are the relatives of the husband, on the other - the wives.
  • Set aside one page for wedding photos.
  • You can select a page for each family member, stick his photo and write a few words about the biography.

Photo album for a boy

If the owner of the photo album is a boy, use the following ideas for decoration:

  • Divide the album into parts to reflect all areas of life in your photos. You can immediately designate the sections and give them names: “My sports life”, “My best friends”, “My close relatives”, “My achievements”, “My studies”, “My favorite activities”.
  • Inside the cover or on the first page, write something about the owner of the album: date and place of birth, full name, short biography, interesting facts, and so on.
  • Set aside space for a poem about boys or specifically about the owner of the photo album. You can take a ready-made version or compose a verse yourself.
  • Complete the product with drawings that may depict mischievous boys, sports equipment (ball, boxing gloves and a punching bag, gymnastic rings), certain activities (games, studies).

For girl

A photo album designed for a girl should turn out to be gentle, romantic and cute. Use purely girly jewelry, consider your preferences and interests.

Design options and tips:

  • You can divide the entire volume into parts according to age periods: starting from birth and continuing until the real age of the girl.
  • Highlight several thematic sections: “My hobbies”, “My family”, “My friends”, “How I have fun”, “How I study”, “My pet”. Complete each part with images, inscriptions, verses.
  • Use rhinestones, beads, ribbons for decoration.
  • Complete the album with drawings that reflect your child's gender. These can be jewelry, dresses, whispering girlfriends, kittens, stuffed animals.

Anniversary photo album

A photo album will be a wonderful gift for an anniversary if you try and make it yourself. Prepare:

  • thick cardboard for the cover;
  • cardboard for pages;
  • universal quick-drying glue;
  • ruler;
  • eyelets and a special punch for them;
  • double sided tape;
  • decor;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • dense material (for example, linen, cotton, jacquard).

Master Class

  1. First, make blanks for the cover. Cut out two identical parts from cardboard, having previously determined the dimensions of the product. If you have old large boxes, you can use them.
  2. Cut out pages that should be slightly smaller than the cover for a cleaner, more aesthetic look and less edge to edge.
  3. Glue double-sided tape to one of the blanks around the entire perimeter. Cut a piece out of the fabric, adding one and a half to two centimeters to the size of the cover on each side to wrap.
  4. Glue the material to the face of the workpiece. On the other side, also glue the tape around the perimeter, fold the edges of the material and fix them. Next, glue a piece of cardboard with glue to cover everything unnecessary. For an aesthetic appearance, glue scrapbooking paper onto cardboard. Design the second part of the cover in the same way.
  5. Cut out the inscription "Anniversary" or "In honor of the anniversary" from cardboard. Cut the same inscription out of scrapbooking paper and stick it on a cardboard base. Fix the decor with glue on the front side of the cover at the top.
  6. If there is a good photo of the hero of the day, you can glue it to the very center of the cover, and instead of a frame, use decorative elements, for example, beads, overlapping the perimeter with them.
  7. Start assembling. Make holes with a punch on one edge of the front of the cover, insert eyelets into them. You can find a special manual eyelet installer on sale, and it is much more convenient to use it. Make holes and fit the hardware in the back of the cover, keeping the same gaps as in the front (mark first to avoid mistakes).
  8. It remains to make holes in the pages. Apply the markings to make the product look even. You do not need to install eyelets on the pages.
  9. Collect the album using tape. Start threading it from above or below, then pass it through the holes, moving in the opposite direction. Tie the ends in a bow, fixing it with glue for reliability. Cut off all excess.
  10. On the first page or on the inside of the front cover, write your congratulations, wishes, and poem.
  11. Decorate the product. Choose jewelry taking into account gender, hobbies, age, lifestyle of the hero of the day. You can divide the album into parts, highlighting several sections according to life spheres: family, work, hobbies, entertainment. Decorations can be thematic: for example, a fisherman will appreciate the scenes of fishing, a hunter - guns. Images can be drawn independently (if you have artistic skills), found in magazines, searched on the Internet, and printed on a color printer.

How to make a binding for a photo album with your own hands

A large album must have a binding, and for its production you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • cotton cloth or gauze;
  • ribbon or braid;
  • universal glue.

Description of the process of making the binding of the album

  1. The sheets of cardboard will act as pages. To connect them from paper, cut out strips 2-2.5 cm wide and a length equal to the height of the future album.
  2. In the center of each paper strip, use a pencil or ruler to draw a strip about 3-4 mm thick. The free space left between the pages will allow you to decorate the product with voluminous decorations - paper flowers, ribbon bows.
  3. Cut all corners of the strips at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Bend the strips along the lines you marked. Glue the folded sides to the edges of the pages. Assemble the entire album, keeping it straight to ensure a neat and attractive photo album.
  5. Start binding. Cut a piece of gauze or cotton fabric: the length will be equal to the height of the album, and the width will be the thickness of the product, plus 2-2.5 centimeters.
  6. Carefully glue pieces of tape or braid to the upper and lower edges of the future binding so that the binding does not have protruding threads and looks aesthetically pleasing.
  7. Bond the binding to the album at the junction of all pages from the outside.
  8. Cut a spine out of paper: the length is equal to the height of the product, and the width is equal to the thickness of the photo album, plus two to three centimeters. Glue the strip to the top and bottom edges of the tape binding. The spine should protrude 1-1.5 cm on each side. Glue the cover to these protruding parts.

Video instructions for making a binding - Scrapbooking

If you decide to make a photo album with your own hands, study the master classes and ideas presented in the article, choose the option you like and start making. Success in creative work!

Useful Tips

What is scrapbooking

Term "scrapbooking", or as it is also called "scrapbooking" comes from the English scrap - clipping and book - book, i.e. literally it can be translated as "scrapbook".

Scrapbooking is a kind of handicraft art in which anyone makes and designs a photo album telling about family history in the form of images, photographs, notes, newspaper clippings, and other things that have a memorable value.

It should be noted that scrapbooking can not only be tied to the creation of a classic photo album, but also an album in the form of an accordion, a house, a box, as well as postcards.

Scrapbooking for beginners

Usually, when a person decides to start scrapbooking, he wants to buy a lot of things for work.

In reality, much is not needed, or you can find a suitable replacement.

Here's what you want to have if you decide to do this type of needlework:

1. Several types of scissors

With scissors, you will cut many different parts - large and small, which means you will need scissors of the appropriate size.

In addition, curly scissors will not interfere. You should not buy a large number of different curly scissors - 2-3 pieces are enough for a start.

2. Double-sided tape

You will use them to fasten photographs, ribbons, letters and other details.

This tape is NOT suitable for gluing:

Small details

Background paper

In these cases, a special tape for photographs will help you.

In addition, in stores you can find voluminous double-sided tape, which will give certain details a small volume.

3. Glue

You can choose regular or PVA glue for gluing paper.

4. Shaped hole punch

You should not buy more than 2 types of curly hole punches at once. It is worth noting that some hole punches become dull quickly. In addition, by choosing 1-2 hole punches, you can better determine what works best for you.

5. Sewing machine

This tool is optional, but it's worth noting that sewing stitches will look beautiful on postcards.

In the absence of a sewing machine, a thin awl or a thick needle will help you.

6. Ribbons, buttons, rhinestones and other details.

These little things will help you beautifully decorate your album or postcard.

7. Cutting mat or cardboard.

For beginners, it is best to use cardboard or unnecessary magazines that you can cut into.

8. Rubber stamps.

Also, you should not buy a lot of stamps, 2-3 pieces are enough. Buy stamp pads for them. You can use plexiglass as a base for a small stamp.

To clean the die, use a damp cloth (no alcohol), or you can wash the die with warm water and soap.

9. More advanced craftsmen use a grommet installer, while beginners can purchase a grommet installer kit found at sewing stores.

If you decide to work with this tool, cover the work area with a piece of cardboard.

10. Scissors and a ruler.

These tools will replace your special cutter. You can also use a utility knife and a metal ruler.

Scrapbooking (master class). Panel for photos with your own hands.

To create such an original panel, you will need a shoe box and your favorite photos, as well as:

Scrapbooking paper (can be replaced with old wallpaper)

Roll of paper (color: brown)


1. First cover the shoebox with brown paper. At the bottom of this box, you need to lay (glue) scrapbooking paper.

2. Use cardboard to make the inner dividers.

3. Now insert the laces into the sides of the box.

4. Optionally, you can decorate the box (in this example, paper flowers and butterflies were used).

You can find out how to make paper flowers and butterflies in our articles:

5. It's time to paste the photos.

6. Prepare scrapbooking paper and cut a rose from it in a spiral. Next, wrap the pencil with a rose and secure with glue.

Album (scrapbooking) from a photo in your Instagram

This mini album will remind you of the most unusual and beautiful moments in your life, because all your favorite photos from your Instagram account will be in it.

It can also be used for photos taken by the good old Polaroid.

You will need:

Colored cardboard (with a picture), old road maps or Whatman paper

Square photos

Ruler and pencil

Double tape

Plain scotch tape

PVA glue or superglue

Marker or pen


Various decoration (stickers, sequins, etc.)

1. Cut out 13x13 cm squares from colored cardboard.

2. Print photos from Instagram (PostalPix software will help you).

3. Glue or double tape the photographs to the cut-out squares.

4. Fold all the blanks, put them between the pages of a thick book so that the ends of the paper where you want to fasten the book protrude.

5. Apply glue to the ends of the paper (you may need several coats) and leave to dry.

* Alternatively, you can tape all the pages together, first two at a time, and then all together.

6. Over the place where you glued the pages, you can glue washi tape, a strip of colored paper, colored tape or a flat sticker to hide some unevenness and / or glue marks.

Mini photo album (scrapbooking)

The size of this notebook is approximately 18 * 24 cm, but you yourself can choose the size that suits you.

1. Prepare a sheet of thick paper and divide it into 12 squares. Use a ruler and pencil to do this.

2. Now you need to make two cuts on opposite sides, leaving 1 square to the end of the paper. Take a close look at the image for how this is done.

3. Fold all three obtained strips into one, gluing the places indicated by the arrows.

4. Now fold the workpiece with an accordion. The arrows indicate the places where you need to apply glue in order to connect these parts into one page.

* You can also cut these pieces to make more pages.

5. Fold the accordion and connect all the pages with washi tape or regular paper strip, which must be glued to the ends of the pages.

6. When you have a mini-photo album, you can decorate it to your liking. Use paper of various shapes and colors, markers, stickers, commemorative small souvenirs that can be pasted, etc.

How to make a unique album from a notebook

You will need:

Notepad (preferably with a bright cover)

Photos (match them logically)

Markers and pens



Glue or double-sided tape

Washi tape


1. Prepare everything you need to create an album, so as not to search later.

2. Organize your favorite photos in a specific order based on the number of 2-3 photos per page (the fewer photos on the page, the more room for decoration and experimentation).

3. To create an original album, also use:

Colored tape

Washi tape

Dies of different sizes and shapes

Brown paper for background

Stickers - they can be used to decorate almost anything if used correctly.

Gold postcard (scrapbooking)

To make gold paper, you will need:

Printing paper (any A4 white paper)


Acrylic Gold Paint

Jewelry (ribbons, beads)


1. Cover the table with newspaper and place a plastic bag on top of the newspaper. Place a sheet of white paper on top of the bag.

2. Prepare 5 white A4 sheets and crush them into a ball and moisten with hot water.

3. Put wet, crumpled paper in a bowl, where pre-pour PVA and water and stir until the consistency of kefir.

4. Remove the crumpled paper and lay it neatly on the sheet of paper you prepared in step 1.

5. Prepare the threads and place them randomly on the damp paper. You can put various small objects on top of the paper to create some texture, for example, you can wrinkle thin napkins, which you can then put on the paper or use dry grass.