How to get out of neurosis and learn to always do only what you want. I can, I want, I must. How do you get what you want? My help to you - "The Life of a Wizard"

We have already encountered many wonderful solutions that true and complete faith has suggested. In many cases, faith alone was enough to achieve happiness. In many areas of life, a person who believes and trusts himself is ahead of others.

What is trust? It means believing in yourself. Until now, reason has not been able to give birth to trust as such. We can assume that we have to win, that winning is better than losing, and then, during the game, we suddenly lose. Your conscious self can roughly understand what faith is, but it will never make you believe.

Only your subconscious half, the great superego, can lead you to faith. We agree that with faith, feelings are also tested. Most of them are so delicate and complex that we cannot understand how they act on faith.

Always present in the easy life

If we could give birth to faith in this hidden, omnipotent part of the person, then we would receive the kind of faith that is necessary for an easy life.

Faith must be present in every action, big or small. You need to know that you really know how to deal with weaknesses or make your dreams come true. And you know this if you only strongly believe. Let's get back to the lost item problem for a moment. You know perfectly well where the thing you need is, but you cannot verbalize this knowledge. I repeat, you know where she is. And you believe you know. Analysis of the structure of faith should lead to its dramatic growth.

In all matters related to faith, consciousness, properly used in good health, uses faith to carry out its plans. It then is the inner great Self, which needs the development of faith. Thus, your inner self prefers formulas over facts. It loves to joke, because in jokes there is a hidden belief in the principle of achieving a goal. It loves illusions, whether it sees them with a football player or with a doctor. It loves calculating machines, considering mathematical formulas to be principles that make it possible to get answers to complex questions. The correct formula is tremendous power.

Your subconscious self is a ritualist

Your inner self believes in power. Like a dog becoming a ritualist of daily activities, your subconscious, with all its aspects, strives to ritualize the things it believes in. Turn this half of yours more and more towards formulas, whether in the field of metaphysics, physics or the psyche, the Engineer believes in a slide rule, and this tool in the subconsciousness strengthens his faith.

Slide rule at friendly meetings

One engineer once told me: “I take a ruler with me no matter where I go, even to a dinner party, where it would seem that it cannot be useful to me. However, she is a talisman for me that strengthens my faith.

When the conversation turns to topics that I do not understand, I put my hand in my pocket, touch the ruler and feel how my faith in my own capabilities increases and that I can participate in the conversation without exposing myself to ridicule. Belief in the line wonderfully strengthens my belief in myself. "

"I can do whatever I want"

Your inner self believes much more in the possibility of achieving difficult goals. When you plan something impossible, for example, to earn a million in five years, consciousness refuses to do anything. Does not believe. The subconscious mind does not turn away even from such a goal. Seeing that consciousness can abandon this idea, it begins to sulk or resent and you are already torn in two. One of your parts regrets asking the question. A good remedy for a general lack of faith is the formula “I can do whatever I want! I can do whatever I want! " It is quite acceptable for the subconscious, while the consciousness will refuse it and discourage you. Example:

When you say, "Every day in everything I do, I get better!" - your mind asks: “Yes? I wonder how? Prove it! " However, repeating the formula over and over, according to proponents of the easy life, can do the impossible, and you will truly become a better person. Probably no one needs to be convinced that self-hypnosis in many situations can work wonders. And thinking about the prefix "self" will show that both of your parts are involved in this process.

Faith is not a conscious act

It is a misunderstanding to treat faith as a conscious act. True belief is, by definition, subconscious; it is not a rational product. The principles of the religion you profess have been instilled in you since childhood. Bypassing consciousness, faith has penetrated mainly into your subconscious and is rooted there so firmly that it does not allow any doubts.

Therefore, subconscious faith is a thousand times stronger than faith born of consciousness. Practice translating your faith into the realm of the subconscious, especially in problems that consciousness considers insoluble. When consciousness tells you that flying saucers do not exist, because this is contrary to the laws of physics, answer yourself this way: "Everything is possible that does not contradict itself." Or: "How is it that this means that thousands of people who saw them are wrong?" offer a logical argument that can be accepted by the mind: “Suppose, for example, that both parts of me believe in flying saucers. I have nothing to lose". Repeat this as many times as you see fit, changing the wording to draw faith out of your consciousness and transfer it to the full disposal of your subconscious.

A few easy ways to start believing

1. In all matters of faith, subordinate it completely to your subconscious. Try to experience the pleasure of accepting things that consciousness denies as impossible. To develop faith, you must be naive. Believe all advertisements. Believe in everything that random fellow travelers tell you, because it won't hurt you. Protests, skepticism, criticism are all exercises in unbelief. These shortcomings, which we have so often, actually destroy our faith.

2. Initiative gives birth to faith, patience strengthens it. You can consciously say, "I can never write a book." Think of the thousands of people who claim that their lives are excellent material for an interesting book, but do not even think about writing it. They don't believe in their capabilities. Sit back, relax and think that you could write a book. Start writing even if your faith is zero. Take the first step, start writing, and the first spark of faith will jump out of the depths of your self. Continue and the sparks will soon turn into fireworks. Be patient and your book will be published soon. And then you will begin to respect your faith, which it fully deserves.

3. Stop criticizing and believe for at least half an hour. If you want to understand how easy it is to come to faith, refrain from constantly looking for minuses from others. The more intelligent you are, the more difficult it will be for you to come to faith, and the more it will give you.

If you are critical, try reading the book, taking every line as if it were a line from the gospel. When a coworker pisses you off with an awkward move, tell yourself, "It's not him, I'm awkward." Believe in every nonsense they tell you. Try to believe it for at least half an hour.

Of course, I am not suggesting that you stretch this experiment for a lifetime. However, if you do this for at least a few minutes, it will bring you much closer to faith.Also, as we saw in the chapter on obedience, unfounded faith, deliberately giving up intelligence, humiliates your surface self, resulting in reconciliation.

One very intelligent student wrote the following thing: “I have a professor who makes me sick. He absolutely does not understand his subject, authoritarianly speaks banal truths, repeats generally accepted things, which are often meaningless.

Under the influence of an inner impulse, I decided to believe in everything he said. After all, it's only one hour a week, I'm not risking anything.

Now this hour is a real pleasure for me. Not because I began to believe in all the nonsense that he says, but because a positive disposition to faith destroyed the tendency to criticize everything. Now I understand him better, as well as my fellow students. My ability to believe has grown enormously, and through the exercise of faith in insignificant mistakes, I have learned to discover added value in them. "

4. Formulas against confidence. The Great Self in your soul has never been an enthusiast for the obvious. Consciousness always respects the obvious, regardless of whether it is related to the past or to the present. When you are faced with something that can change your life, you subconsciously do not believe in the obviousness of the facts, you try to refute them.

Some people can never come to terms with the death of someone close. It takes them a long time for it to finally reach the deepest layers of their subconscious. After all, this is a new state, a new experience, and the subconscious is always suspicious of news. On the other hand, consciousness always accepts irrefutable facts, since this is required of it by its nature. For it is created in order to act on the basis of experience resulting from gathered facts.

5. Embrace a new "religion". The new religion is often called a hobby, quirk, favorite pastime. She has hundreds of names. Religion in the meaning of a cult is rarely enough for a person, unless he follows the path of close connection with the Church. Priests, cardinals, and monks, too, often confess that they need a second religion. The common man thinks that those people who have completely dedicated themselves to God have found the path to the highest happiness. Meanwhile, these are people who, like everyone else, are subject to temptation, doubt and loneliness.

I know many such people as people of art, real artists, competent in the most difficult areas. If religion satisfied them completely, they would not need to devote themselves to art, collecting, or other pursuits. This tendency to accept additional religion confirms the need to strengthen their faith in God and the hard, renounced life that they have chosen.

Mockery of the second religion

One very devout man was the object of ridicule by his children, who made fun of him because he devoted more time to his hobby than to religion. His affection was the trade union movement, which he himself organized. He spent all his energy working in trade unions. In different periods, he held different positions, without receiving a dime for it.

Later, his children joked that he easily forgets what happened in the family and perfectly remembers everything connected with trade unions. He even wrote a book about them, based solely on the facts he took from memory.

Is the hobby too expensive?

A valuable hobby that brings joy to many people. Sometimes only their wives are forced to intervene when calculating the costs. Most often to no avail, because attachment to a hobby does not allow husbands to agree with any logical arguments.

Few retirees are able to live without a hobby. Some of us, even in our youth and in the prime of life, say: "My hobby is my work." But this is a very dangerous hobby. Some economic factors can take away your interest in him. But, if you devoted a lot of time and money to him, you will remain faithful to him for the rest of your life. A hobby makes you tense, learn, develop, and allows you to see everything in bright colors. When a person does not know what to do, destructive thoughts about death come to him, he starts a dizzying dance of fears, thinking that life has come to an end.

6. Keep in mind the achievements of your youth. While you may feel that you are incapable of accomplishing something great, a detailed analysis of your life will demonstrate how much you have done in it. Especially the successes of youth have the wonderful property of strengthening your faith in yourself. "When I was nine years old, I made the tablecloth myself, very beautiful." “In the fourth grade I knew from memory large fragments of the Iliad.”

After all, many times, as a child, you did something that attracted the attention of adults, and for which everyone praised you. Although everyone has already forgotten about it, the achievements of childhood remain in your memory. Remember them. Try to experience those wonderful feelings again. You will feel strength, faith and perseverance growing in you. If once you have done something, believing in your own capabilities, it does not matter the weight of what you have done, the abilities that you possessed then and which you still have are important.

7. Trust in your instinct. Your abilities then surprised you, because they were previously unknown. You just brought them into the light. As a child, you knew nothing about a factory hidden within you that could do almost anything. Now you can call it your main wealth.

The thing smoked before the start

Ben Hogan, a master of golf, said that during the game he can concentrate to such an extent that he sees a blow before he hits. Who can define the thousands of smallest movements that make up a good hit? Ben has never hit blindly in his entire sports career. He was guided by instinct. And he won, because he sincerely believed in him.

8. Belief in inner conviction. If you believe your doctor, then he is a good doctor for you. If you don't trust him, then his prescriptions and diagnoses won't give you anything. Confidence in a doctor comes from observation: how he moves, how he sits down, how he speaks. These are parameters that affect your internal assessment, far from cold calculation and logical thinking. The very presence of a doctor can positively influence the way you feel about them, building trust, which can be critical to your recovery.

9. Believe what's best. Every hobby should have some kind of developing force. Reach the maximum possible! Win! Fight against what has not yet been achieved! Records are there to be broken!

The inner unity of your personality is the best you can achieve. And to do this, you have to believe! And then both halves of your I recognize the highest value in unity.

Descriptions of Experiments with Belief in an Easy Life

Here are comments from people who have experienced the magical power of easy life first hand, “Let me tell you how I feel when I am one. It's like getting good news every minute. Nothing but good news! " “I compare it to being attracted to a girl: it doesn't last long, but when it’s with me, I’m in earthly paradise.”

Family support

Like everyone else, I have good moments in my life. Unfortunately, their characteristic excitement disappears at the first failure. The best way to describe this condition is to describe it as being immune to all shocks.

I had the feeling that I was dressed in a harness, light and non-conspicuous, which protected me from all troubles and misfortunes. Afterwards, I told myself that this was my natural state, to which I have every right, because my faith gave me this. I became carefree, not frivolous. I still have to support my family, I still drive carefully, I still pay all the bills.

Fear of getting stupid

Another story: “I had trouble accepting all of the principles in the chapter on submission. Do I really need to tell myself that I am stupid, that my classical education does not give me any privileges, will my reputation really not suffer from this? One evening, after an unpleasant quarrel with a police officer, I lay in bed, knowing that I would not be able to sleep for a long time. Recalling the incident of the day and the policeman's injustice towards me, I contemplated a plan for revenge.

It seemed to me that I physically felt the increasing pressure, my heart was beating so fast that I was quite frightened by it. And in the depths of my soul I realized that I myself had brought myself into this state. I punished myself. I admitted that my consciousness was so confident in itself and in its correctness that the subconscious was resolutely opposed to it. The result was unbalancing my body. " He himself asked for forgiveness. “It became clear to me that the policeman was by no means the cause of my condition. By my own stupidity, I myself was the cause. And I began to ask my inner self for forgiveness. It was as if I was standing in front of someone very important. It was such an intense experience that I suddenly discovered a password that helped calm me down. I began to say: “Uncle! Uncle!" Soon I fell asleep calmly, and early in the morning I could not remember the details of the incident. "

Faith Strengthens Faith

As you progress in your experiences of the easy life, it may happen that your factory pokes fun at you, leaving you with nothing. Despite your skepticism, try to keep repeating passwords. If only to prove that the system is ineffective. Of course, effectiveness depends on strong faith, desire, a well-defined purpose, and inner unity. However, it happens that passwords, contrary to skeptics, work without it.

Conduct ten tests of the easy life. Two of them may end with success, despite the fact that you have not yet believed in an easy life. Success will come after several attempts, and not under the auspices of religion, mesmerism, occultism or some other supernaturalism. It will come naturally, regardless of your religion, and your faith will be strengthened by your success.

The advice “to do only what you want” is perceived by our citizens as a call to anarchy. They consider their greatest desires to be certainly base, vicious, dangerous to others. People are sure that they are secret lawlessness and are simply afraid to give themselves up! I see this as a serious symptom of a general neurosis.

You tell the person: do what you want! And he: what are you! Is it possible ?!

The answer is: if you consider yourself a good person, then yes. It is possible and necessary. The desires of a good person coincide with the interests of others.

Six rules that have helped dozens of people to get out of neurosis are the result of 30 years of practice. This does not mean that I have been thinking about them for 30 years. Rather, one day they themselves spontaneously lined up, like the periodic table in Mendeleev's head when he woke up.

The rules are simple at first glance:

  1. Do only what you want.
  2. Do not do what you don’t want to do.
  3. Immediately talk about what you don't like.
  4. Not answering when not asked.
  5. Answer only the question.
  6. When clarifying a relationship, talk only about yourself.

Let me explain how they work. Every neurotic, as early as childhood, receives a certain stimulus in his life, and not even one. Since this is an annoyingly repetitive stimulus, the child's psyche develops the same stereotypical reactions to it. For example, parents yell - the child gets scared and withdraws into himself, and since they are constantly yelling, the child is constantly in fear and depressed. It grows and the behavior continues to take hold. An irritant is a reaction, an irritant is a reaction. This is how it goes year after year. During this time, strong nerve connections are formed in the brain, the so-called reflex arc - nerve cells lined up in a certain way, which make them react in the usual way to any similar stimulus. (And if the child was beaten or even abandoned? Can you imagine what reactions he develops to life?)

So, in order to help a person overcome fears, anxieties, insecurity, low self-esteem, this arc must be broken. Create new connections, their new order. And there is only one way to do this "without the use of lobotomy": with the help of actions unusual for a neurotic.

He needs to start to act differently, to break their behavioral stereotypes. And when there are clear instructions on how to behave in each specific situation, it is easier to change. Not thinking, not reflecting, not referring to my own (negative) experience. For life in general, it doesn't matter what you think - only what you feel and what you do matters.

My rules suggest a way of behavior that is completely unusual for neurotics and, on the contrary, characteristic of mentally healthy people: calm, independent, with high self-esteem, those who love themselves.

Point one evokes the greatest resistance, a mass of questions, doubts, and accusations against me. They say to me: what is this? "Love yourself, sneeze at everyone, and success awaits you in life"? Although I never and nowhere speak about "give a damn at all".

For some reason, everyone stubbornly believes that living the way you want yourself means living to the detriment of others. In addition, in our society there is a contemptuous attitude towards our own desires, as if they must necessarily be base. And vicious. I would even say that our citizens treat their desires with apprehension or even fear. The concept is: “Just give me freedom! I uuuh! Then I will not be stopped! (Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll or like “I'm going to kill everyone here!” And “I'm scared in anger!)” If that's true what he wants, then what kind of person is this? Further, he usually admits that he needs a firm hand, a strong bridle, and so on. In my opinion, such a psychology is called slavish.

There is one more concept. Mom's favorite shout after (possibly, father) was: "You cannot live the way you want!" And what worse did she say about those who live like this (perhaps about their father). My grandmother had a saying: “We live not for joy, but for conscience,” and the whole family had a sign: if we laugh a lot today, then tomorrow we will cry. The result is that a person with an anxious psyche is organically unable to do what he wants. He cannot even determine what exactly he wants. He is, as it were, guilty in advance and is sure that reckoning will come for fulfilled desires, and therefore preventively it is necessary to behave "as it should".

And yet “doing what you want” is often confused with “being selfish”. But there is a big difference! The egoist does not accept himself and cannot calm down in any way. He is absolutely fixated on himself, his problems and inner experiences, the main of which is the feeling of resentment. He cannot help you or sympathize not at all because he is so bad, but because he does not have the mental strength to do it. After all, he has a stormy, exciting relationship with himself. And it seems to everyone that he is insensitive, callous, cold, that he does not give a damn about everyone, but at this time he thinks that it’s just that everyone does not care about him! And he continues to accumulate grievances.

And who is a person who loves himself? This is the one who will always choose a business to which his soul lies. And when it is necessary to decide what to do, he may figure out what is effective, what is reasonable, as a sense of duty dictates, and then he will do as he WANTS. Even if you lose money on it. And he has a lot to lose. But who should he be offended at? He is fine. He lives among those he loves, he works where he likes ... He has everything agreed with him and harmoniously, and therefore he is kind to others and open to the world. He also respects other people's desires as much as he respects his own.

And by the way, this is precisely why he does not have that inner conflict that is characteristic of neurotics who live a double life. For example, with a wife - out of a sense of duty, and with a mistress just out of a feeling. And then he buys a gift for his wife because "it is necessary", and not because he WANTS to please her. Or he goes to work because he likes what he does, and not because he has a loan and hopes to endure five more years in this office hell. Here it is - duality!

Wanting to achieve results, many consider it their duty to fight with themselves, suppress emotions, say to themselves: nothing, I'll get used to it! The result, achieved without struggle and self-overcoming, apparently does not please them. Here is a universal example of such a struggle: on the one hand, she wants to eat, and on the other, she wants to lose weight. And even if he loses weight, he loses. She loses to herself because she still dreams of a cake, especially closer to one in the morning. (We will talk about the connection between overweight, overeating and neuroses of all stripes. And the connection is direct).

Well, roughly what I say to my clients when I explain the first and probably the most important of my six rules. By which, by the way, I myself try to live. And I will not pretend that it was easy for me. It takes a lot of effort to “live the way you want” at first. The psyche habitually leads you along the path of compromises and fears, and you catch yourself by the hand and say: damn, what am I doing? I don’t want that! And so many times, after which it becomes easier and easier to make decisions. In their favor, but not to the detriment of someone. I know that I am a good person, which means that my desires will not create problems for anyone.

And to be honest, it becomes easier and easier to live. Moreover, after training, after a while you can no longer do otherwise. Sometimes you think “to act wisely”, but contrary to desire and will, and the body is already resisting. Until you give up what you really don't want, but you seem to need. And joy comes. True, in this way I have recently lost a decent income, but better income than health and joy.


A clear and understandable formula for creation. You can want, but not be able and, therefore, not to do.

You may be able, but you may not want to.

And you can do it without desire and skill. It is so?

But all of the above is not about you: YOU WANT, CAN AND DO.

Read the text below the line at any time, except for the segment from 9 am to 9 pm your time on Saturday.

I want, I can and I do.

I want to live, I can live, I live.

I want to love, I can love, I love.

I want to create, I can create, I create.

There are no random thoughts in my head, every thought, being born, is realized, building the events of my life in the best way for me.

I want to give joy and love. I can give them away. I give joy and love to other people.

I go to my desk, grab a piece of paper and a pen, and start writing a positive scenario for my life.

I want to do this. I can do it. I'm doing it.

I want to have a healthy, strong, beautiful body. I can make my body healthy, strong and beautiful, I know how it can be done and I have every opportunity to make my body healthy, strong and beautiful. I make my body healthy, strong and beautiful. My body is healthy, strong and beautiful. Everything works out as it should be.

I want to be rich, to live in abundance and prosperity. I can create myself as a rich person, live in abundance and prosperity, I know how to do this and have every opportunity to come to the level of prosperity I need. I make myself a rich person, I live in abundance and prosperity. The Creation Formula works perfectly.

I want to know the wisdom of life, I want to receive True Knowledge, develop it and walk through life consciously and wisely. I can cognize wisdom, I can receive True Knowledge, develop it and walk through life consciously and wisely. I cognize the wisdom of life, receive the True Knowledge, develop it, walk through life consciously and wisely. I thank the World for the formula of creation given to me.

With gratitude I remember the past, I remember myself as a person who did not want, could not and did not do. I left (left) that state, now I have been given the formula of creation - I want, I can, and I do, but I sincerely thank the World for the past experience, which right now, at this moment, shows me the difference of life with the formula of creation and without it.

I want, I can and I do. The formula of creation is inscribed by the Creator in heaven in huge, bright, living letters. As soon as I doubt its action, I turn my gaze to the sky and the confidence that I want, can, do, and that everything in my life will be exactly as I want, flows into me. After all, as soon as I want something, a huge number of opportunities immediately arise, I get all the necessary resources in order to understand what I can, and I do, achieving any goals.

Before proceeding to the main topic of the article, let us touch a little on the reason for our "fatigue" from life. And our joy to the holidays and rest.

What we get tired of

To summarize, we get tired of two things:

  • From internal stress and resistance
  • From external resistance

When you do what your soul sings about, do you not get tired?
And when the world supports and helps in everything - is it also easy?

How can you not “strain” in this complex world? After all, if you “don't strain,” you can live every day - joyfully and relaxed, and at the same time do something useful.

"I can, I want, I must"

Question: Who needs it? Me or the world?

Let's take a look at two typical human claims to the world:

  • "I want to do this, but nobody needs it from me" (fails)
  • "I want to get this, but I can't afford it."

We all in the world do something - we give, and we receive something for life and our needs - we take. If you look at such a model of interaction (energy exchange) with the world, you can describe it as follows:

Model A:
« I want to give that something, and that I can get for that"?

In order to understand this model, we introduce the concept “ necessary"- the true" need ", what do we really need, and what does the world need?

to me need to What I want, or what I am can?
My desires are a manifestation of my needs, and my “cans” are limitations. Another question is whether these desires are imposed or not, but let's assume for now that we already know what we really want - that is, what is value for us, and we "need".

When you are more motivated to get something affordable, or something very desired?

A the world, need to What I want, or what I am can?
If I let the world know what I want to do, it is unlikely that he will “buy” it from me. What if I don't want to do anything for the world? Most likely, when the world needs something, he talks about it. And often these signals are what we can do, what we are most often asked for. These are our capabilities. The world needs what we can do.

Tell me when advice or help is effective: when do you want to help or give advice, or when you are asked for help or advice?

As a result, Model A converted like this:

« I want to give that something, and that I can get for that"
-> "The world doesn't need what I want to give, I don't get what I need"

And now you are ready for the next step. Change what you give to change what you get:

Model B:
« Want getting what i am can give for this? "
-> "I need what I ask, the world needs what I give"

Great energy exchange, right?

Another example from business.

Model A: We come to a businessman and say to him: "I want to do something, what can you give me for it?"

Do you think a businessman is obligated to pay you for what you want to do? He looks rationally at things, adequately, he has plans in his head and problems - needs. And he is ready to pay for the solution of these problems. And he will not deal with auxiliary problems (if they are not related to the activity).

Model B: If we come to him and say: “What can I do for you based on my skills? My interest and my motivation is to make money on this. "

Honest and transparent conversation. You have discovered your interest - what you work for, and you give what you can. If you really can do something that a businessman needs, he will at least consider the possibility of working with you.

Businessmen love such workers. Because they themselves are engaged in the same work in relation to employees: they strive to give what they can in order to get what they want. And they do the same in relation to clients (if the business is healthy).

Business is a transparent and honest fractal of the reality of energy exchange. If the model is correct, then money appears.

Do you need an example from your family? I think you yourself can finish building which families are stable and which are problematic.

Model limitations

We take a closer look at Model B: I get what I want, I do what I can. Doesn't it look like anything?

"From each - according to his possibilities, to each - according to his needs!" - the well-known slogan of the system (socialism), which existed only due to coercion, and collapsed. Why?

Because the correct message has turned into an animal race of "freeloaders":

  • Be able to do less (and free more)
  • Want to have more (and take more)

And people hoped that an external force (coercion of the system) could compensate for the imbalance.

Pay attention to the important and invisible law of the universe: “ Saving energy exchange". For free - it will not work (at least for a long time). To receive something, you must first give something. The market economy is a more honest illustration of this law of the universe.

What do I want to receive? What can I do?

And now the following theorem:

« You can have whatever you want
if you do everything you can for it

Think about where does what you really want to have come from?
And what is “what can I do”?
What prevents me from wanting to have? What prevents me from being able to do?

Here is your task for the New Year holidays.

My help to you - "The Life of a Wizard"

And I will not dwell on this in detail today - because this is the topic of a whole training, at least for 2 days.

Day 1 is true desires. What I really want, what I really need. No frills, but with comfort. How do I want to see my life? How to make these desires come true?

Day 2 is a way of acting and living. How do I know what I can do? Where are my talents? Where does it come from? How to live life every day, doing what "I can", how not to worry, to be confident in the future? How to ensure sufficient energy exchange for the fulfillment of desires?

Day 3 is about working with what is hindering us from within us. It interferes with "daring" to want to have, and therefore being content with what "we can" have. It interferes with "being able" to do something, and therefore strive to do what we want and dissolve ourselves. This is a day of working with subconscious patterns.