Automated system of electronic document management SED. Electronic document management system (EDMS): what is it, features and recommendations. Government initiatives around the "Electronic Document"

"," Thesis "and 1C: Document flow. The share of these solutions in the TAdviser base exceeds 60%.

Moreover, for Last year information about 600 new projects appeared in it. In 2019, the TAdviser base was most often replenished with information on the implementation of the Elma, Thesis, DirectumRX and 1C: Document Management systems.

If we consider implementations by vendor, taking into account all the decisions of a particular company related to EDMS / ECM, then in this case the Top 5, as of the end of 2019, will look like this: Directum, Elma, Doxvision and Haulmont ...


According to data for December 2018, the database of EDMS / ECM projects of TAdviser included information on more than 5.1 thousand implementations. Since December 2017, i.e. since the publication of the previous report, it has grown by almost 700 new and archived projects.

Half of all projects, information about which is available on the site, falls on 5 domestic systems- Directum, Elma, Docsvision, Delo and Thesis.

If we look at the implementations of all EDMS / ECM class products of specific vendors, then by the number of projects the top five leaders will look like this: Directum, Elma, Electronic Office Systems (EOS), Doxvision and Haulmont.


The most popular EDMS / ECM systems

According to the data as of the beginning of December 2017, the database of the EDMS / ECM projects of TAdviser included information about about 4440 thousand implementations. Since November 2016, i.e. Since the publication of the previous report, it has expanded by 460 new and archived projects.

More than half of all projects, information about which is available on the site, falls on 5 domestic systems - Directum, Docsvision, ELMA, Delo and 1C: Document Management.

If we look at the implementation of all EDMS / ECM class products of specific vendors, then by the number of projects the top five leaders, as a year ago, will look like this: Directum, Electronic Office Systems (EOS), ELMA, Doxvision and 1C.


The most popular EDMS / ECM systems

As of the beginning of November 2016, the base of TAdviser projects included information on 3980 implementations of EDMS / ECM systems in various industries. According to these data, the largest number of projects was completed using Directum (677 projects), ELMA (446), Delo (430), DocsVision (428) and 1C: Document Management (164).

Of course, these figures are far from the real number of implementations, because, for example, only on the 1C website there is information about more than 1.5 thousand implementations of 1C: Document Management. Nevertheless, the voiced data makes it possible to understand which systems are most often used in Russia.

Only two foreign solutions are presented in the top ten of the most frequently implemented systems - Documentum and SharePoint. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that projects where foreign products are used are taken by volume, not quantity.

Vendors by the number of EDMS / ECM implementations

The graph above shows the total implementations of all systems of specific vendors that belong to the EDMS / ECM class. If in one project two or more solutions of the same vendor were used, which in the TAdviser database are classified as EDMS (ECM), then the implementation of each solution was taken into account separately.


The most popular EDMS / ECM systems

According to TAdviser, the Delo electronic document management system is the leader in the number of implementations. In the TAdviser base for the entire observation period, there are 418 projects performed using this solution. Slightly fewer projects were implemented with DocsVision - 416 implementations. Also, the five leaders in quantitative terms include ELMA, Directum and 1C: Document Management 8 systems - 393, 368 and 124, respectively. In total, the TAdviser base, as of November 2015, contains information on more than 3.3 thousand projects.

Among all projects completed in 2014, and there are about 500 of them in the TAdviser database, the largest number of implementations fell on the ELMA, Directum, Delo, DocsVision and

Working with documentation takes the lion's share of the time and resources of any organization, because papers accompany all stages entrepreneurial activity... Streamlining the workflow processes immediately dramatically increases the efficiency of management and accounting, the shortcomings of the document circulation system create many problems for the business.

Automation has affected this side of entrepreneurship as well.

  • Consider the features of the creation and functioning of a single organizational system at the enterprise, which ensures the movement of documents in electronic form,
  • we will discuss how to choose the most suitable system,
  • let's get acquainted with the most popular EDMS.

The essence of EDMS systems

Document flow- a term that characterizes all the processes at the enterprise associated with the fixation of various acts in the form of documentation:

  • initial writing or receiving;
  • registration;
  • ensuring the execution of the appropriate actions on the document;
  • control over execution;
  • accounting;
  • archiving;
  • storage;
  • reuse;
  • inquiry;
  • mailing.

REFERENCE! The workflow also includes the process of organizing all of the above activities. It is important to distinguish between paperwork and office work: the latter concept is broader, it denotes the entire business industry related to documentation, and includes the former.

For a long time, the workflow process was carried out exclusively in paper form, but modern technologies allow you to automate this system and switch to a completely paperless option or significantly reduce the flow of documentation on paper.

There are several options for naming such an automated electronic system work with documentation:

  • EDMS - electronic document management system;
  • SEDD - a system of electronic document management and office work;
  • SAD - office automation system;
  • SEDO - electronic document management system;
  • SADO is a document flow automation system.

The most common abbreviation is SED.

An obligatory component of the EDMS is the use electronic signature- the identifier of the electronic document, which guarantees its authenticity (plays the role of a personal visa on a paper document).

Advantages of the EDMS implementation

The most obvious advantage of using electronic document management in an enterprise is the ability to happily avoid many problems that are almost inevitable in traditional paper-based office work. These include:

  • human error;
  • loss of the required document;
  • time spent looking for the required paper;
  • problems with sending, delivering and receiving documentation;
  • difficulties, if necessary, to make duplicates;
  • additional actions related to storage, archiving and destruction of accumulated papers;
  • stationery costs;
  • a lower degree of protection against counterfeiting and possible harm, etc.

The positive qualities of the EDMS, which dramatically affect the efficiency of business processes, stem from the principles of using this system.

  1. Unique identification- in electronic form, the document is registered once, after which it can be easily identified automatically.
  2. Parallel operations- in electronic form, you can interact with several documents almost simultaneously, hence increasing efficiency and reducing time costs.
  3. Unity of the documentary base- all documents are brought together in an agreed system, as a result of which they are not duplicated or lost.
  4. Easy search- automatic identification system allows you to quickly find required document to a minimum of initial data.
  5. Attachment possibility- one or more files can be attached to any document in electronic form, which allows you to provide it with the necessary applications and attributes.
  6. Advanced reportingelectronic form allows you to group documents on the necessary grounds, which allows you to control all stages of the movement of documents and ensure complete and reliable accounting for the necessary factors.
  7. Flexible adaptation- electronic document management is easy to quickly adapt to any production needs.

NOTE! To provide all the noted advantages of the EDMS, the personnel working with the documentation will need to retrain and learn new skills.

What are the EDMS

A software product designed to perform the functions of document flow automation differs in the set of functions embedded in it.

  1. Universal EDMS(they are also called "packaged" or "boxed" - standardized systems that provide basic office work functions.
    • relatively small functionality;
    • inadaptation to the specifics of the company;
    • availability and ease of installation and implementation;
    • the most inexpensive in terms of cost.
  2. ATTENTION! When introducing a universal EDMS at an enterprise, the employer will have to acquire a license for new jobs being introduced.

  3. EDMS of individual development- systems made specifically to meet the needs of a particular customer. These products are characterized by:
    • maximum personification;
    • additional expenses for retraining employees and purchasing equipment;
    • high price;
    • takes more time to develop, install and implement.
  4. Combined EDMS- additional individual add-ons are introduced on the basis of the universal platform. Installing such a system allows you to solve the following tasks:
    • fully suited to meet the needs of the organization;
    • development, installation and commissioning costs are reduced;
    • basic modules allow you to quickly master the system and train personnel;
    • can interact with other software products;
    • the customer receives full rights to the software product.

Depending on the configuration, the capabilities of one or another EDMS provide the automation of various areas of production activity, which can be combined in different ways:

  1. Office work.
  2. General circulation of documents.
  3. Contract management.
  4. Archiving.
  5. Project management.
  6. Special documentation.
  7. Interaction with incoming documentation.

How to choose a suitable EDMS

To choose the best option for automating the document flow of an organization from a fairly wide range of products on the market, you need to know what parameters you should pay attention to.

The key factors in selection are the following organization-specific points:

  • readiness to replace paper documentation with its electronic counterpart (“maturity” of document flow);
  • goals implementation of EDMS;
  • the possibility of further development;
  • resources allocated for implementation (time and money).

Let's consider each factor in more detail:

  1. The maturity of the original workflow. The better the paper workflow is organized in the company, the easier it is to implement the EDMS, since it will immediately remove all the difficulties, providing in return the benefits of more efficient office work. Relatively small time and financial costs will be required for the installation of the system and the training of personnel. At the lower levels of document management, you will first have to spend energy on formalizing the basic document management processes, and then translate them into electronic form.
  2. Implementation goals. The choice is dictated by a set of functions that will be provided by one or another EDMS. In each case, the management of the sieves, whether the basic characteristics will be enough or personification is required.
  3. Reserves... When automation is required for already formalized processes, there is a high likelihood of their specificity. The development of the organization provides for changes in the workflow, which the system should potentially be capable of. Therefore, given the reserves for development, the implemented EDMS should be as flexible as possible.
  4. Resources... Value in terms of time and money is ultimately the investment component. Therefore, you need to take into account not only the price. software and its installation, but also how much it will cost to own this system. Additional costs can be funds for the "upgrade" of an already functioning EDMS, retraining of employees, etc.

A brief overview of several popular EDMS

In the modern market of Russia today, about 20 different EDMS are used. Let us analyze the most commonly used of them, which have successfully proven themselves in improving the efficiency of enterprise management.

  1. "Practice". In 2012, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications introduced this system as the main one for document circulation, it has about 4 thousand clients. The system is used by most government agencies the city of Moscow. This program can be used in cloud or server version. The cost of a subscription fee for an organization is relatively low; an additional payment is made for each additional user.
  2. "Naumen DMS"- development based on NauDoc (in the recent past one of the most popular EDMS), but in an improved and expanded version. Part of more wide system business process management.
  3. "Directum"- a system that focuses on the principles of collective interaction. Contains convenient mechanisms for creating databases for documentation, organizing conferences, interviews, meetings, etc.
  4. CompanyMedia- on the contrary, it provides maximum personification. With the help of this EDMS, it is easy to create personal jobs and ensure their functioning.
  5. "Case"- a leading product that occupies almost half of the EDMS market in the Russian Federation, which is used by the Central Bank, Sberbank, Rostelecom and other large organizations.

Today, most companies are moving from paper to electronic workflow. This saves both time and money for the organization. Electronic document management eliminates paperwork. You can exchange information 24 hours a day from the office or any other place. It is enough just to have a computer with electronic signature and internet access. In addition, the electronic document management system makes it possible to monitor the progress of work in real time.

What is electronic document management

If we talk in simple words, electronic document management is the exchange of electronic documents through local area network, Internet or other channels. Electronic document flow can occur both within an organization and between companies.

EDF allows you not only to exchange documents, but also to organize work without using paper media: searching for documents, drawing up reports, maintaining an archive and much more.

Electronic document circulation is carried out through the system of the EDM operator included in the trust network of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. One company sends another electronic document. The addressee receives it within a few seconds on his PC. At this time, the operator automatically checks the electronic signature with which the document is endorsed, and whether the document format complies with the legal requirements. With the help of statuses, the sender can see how the document is moving.

Types of electronic documents

Almost every document can be translated into electronic view... Typically, companies are switching to electronic contracts, invoices, various invoices, reports, and so on.

Electronic documents are divided into non-formalized documents and formalized documents.

Unformalized documents - letters, contracts, powers of attorney, technical documentation and other documents, they are exempted from strict regulation by the state.

Formalized documents have strict requirements for the format and transfer regulations. Formalized document - a document that was created in the format of the Federal Tax Service, for example, an act of acceptance of work. Formalized documents affect the correctness of tax calculations, therefore, compliance with all transfer procedures is essential for them.

Note that unformalized electronic documents can be in any format: doc, xlsx, pdf, jpg and others, while formalized documents can only be in the form of a file with the xml extension.

Functions of the electronic document management system

The electronic document management system performs the following functions:

  • registration of a document;
  • control over the execution of documents;
  • creation of reference books;
  • control of the movement of paper and electronic documents, keeping the history of work with documents;
  • creating and editing details of documents;
  • generation of reports on the document flow of the enterprise;
  • import of documents from the file system and the Internet;
  • creating a document directly from the system using a template;
  • work with document versions, complex multi-component and multi-format documents, attachments;
  • electronic distribution of documents;
  • work with documents in folders;
  • obtaining documents using scanning and recognition;
  • reducing the cost of accessing data and processing documents.

EDF options

There are two ways to organize an electronic document management system. Firstly, it is possible to conclude an agreement on electronic document management with counterparties and exchange documents that will be signed with an electronic signature via e-mail.

Secondly, it is possible to organize EDM through a special operator. In this case, you need to join the rules for the exchange of electronic documents. After that, an exchange with counterparties is available, both formalized documents and non-formalized ones.

Automation of electronic document management. Pros and cons of EDF

Electronic document management is a whole information system that includes specialized software, e-mail, Internet, local area network and others.

Electronic document flow in comparison with paper looks much more attractive. Let's highlight the main advantages of EDI.

  • the simplest one - costs associated with paper costs are reduced;
  • saves time - employees spend less time to find a paper document;
  • the transparency of the company's internal work increases - the electronic document management system makes it possible to track the status of the document;
  • a personal history of each file and accompanying documents is kept - at any time you can open all Required documents containing requirements related to different types the relationship between the company and external actors;
  • reports of the organization are promptly prepared;
  • increased data security.

Among the minuses, one can note the high cost of software and the costs associated with training employees and digitizing all available documents.

What is needed to switch to electronic document management

In order to introduce electronic document circulation, it is necessary to develop and approve the procedure for electronic document circulation; name those responsible for its maintenance; organize Electronic archive received and sent documents; prescribe in the accounting policy the rules for creating, receiving and storing electronic documents; appoint persons responsible for the formation and signing of electronic documents.

All employees who are authorized to sign documents must have an electronic signature.

Approximate algorithm of actions:

  • a technical assignment is being developed;
  • an IT solution is selected;
  • business processes are described;
  • estimates, schedules, lists of required resources and general work plan are drawn up;
  • EDF is being introduced;
  • the program is being tested;
  • the electronic document management system is launched;
  • the use of the system is monitored.

Electronic document management system

Any EDI system can contain the properties of the categories listed below, however, most of them have a specific orientation associated with product positioning.

1. Electronic archive is an EDM system, which is aimed at efficient storage and retrieval of data.

2. Electronic document management systems with advanced workflow tools - provide the movement of some objects along a certain path, which is set in advance. At each stage, the object can change, which is why it is called the general word "work". Documents are attached to the work, however, they are not the main objects here. Thanks to these systems, certain work is organized.

3. EDI systems, which are focused on supporting the management of the organization and the accumulation of knowledge. These are systems that combine the properties of the systems described above. Here the basic element can be anything - a work or a document. These systems are used by government agencies, large companies, where there are certain rules and procedures for the movement of documents.

4. EDF systems that are focused on supporting collaboration - such systems differ from the previous ones and do not have a clear hierarchy in the organization and formalization of the work flow. The task of such EDF is to ensure the work of employees in the company, wherever they are, and to preserve the results of the work done.

5. EDM systems that have advanced additional services. A prime example is the customer relationship management (CRM) service. These types of services are varied and may include different sets of services.

Any company sooner or later thinks about optimizing and increasing the efficiency of business processes, which can be established using electronic document management systems (EDMS).

EDMS allows solving problems of automating the work with documents of enterprises of various sizes and fields of activity, including geographically distributed ones. Software systems of this class ensure the organization of the company's legally significant workflow, maintaining an archive of documents, automating the work of the office (registering incoming and outgoing correspondence, scanning documents and communicating to the performers in electronic form), monitoring executive discipline, agreeing contracts and payments, coordinating and monitoring execution organizationally - administrative documents, processing and storage of primary accounting documentation, as well as automation of processes specialized for various areas of business. In addition, a feature of most modern EDMS is support for mobile devices and the ability to integrate with existing information platforms of the enterprise.

There is a huge variety of electronic document management systems on the Russian market, and to make it easier for companies to make a choice, we have compiled a selection of such solutions. All of them are exclusively domestic production, they comply with the legislative and regulatory and methodological requirements in the field of document management as a Russian regulatory framework and international standards as well as IT security requirements. Separately, it should be noted that almost all of the products listed below are included in the register of domestic software and are recommended for use in government departments and organizations of the Russian Federation, as well as in companies implementing projects under the software import substitution program.

  1. "Dialog" . Developer: State Unitary Enterprise "Crimea Technologies" (with the support of the Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea).
  2. Corporate electronic document management system CSED 3.0. Developer: KROK Region.
  3. Electronic document management system "SED-Sirius". Developer: Center information technologies and systems of executive authorities (CITiS).
  4. Process automation system for road construction organizations "Epyura" (built on the basis of the "1C: Enterprise" platform). Developer: Armen Rafikovich Arakelyan.
  5. EDMS "Sinkopa-document". Developer: Kuban-Inform-Holding-Yug company.
  6. The software package "Open modular system of electronic document management and control over the execution of orders" (SEDKP). Developer: FGAU GNII ITT "Informika".
  7. Electronic document management system Directum. Developer: Directum company.
  8. Software product "STEK - Document Management". Developer: JSC STC STEK.
  9. "Red Platform of Document Management". Developer: Red Soft company.
  10. System "Bureaucrat". Developer: LLC "Bureaucrat"
  11. Information system "Electronic office work and document management". Developer: Breeze Plus company.
  12. Komita Courier JE system. Developer: joint-stock company"Comita".
  13. Module "Document flow" (supplied as part of the ERP-system "Compass"). Developer: Compass company.
  14. EDMS WSS Docs (based on Microsoft SharePoint platform). Developer: WSS-Consulting company.
  15. Automated system of secret office work AS SDP. Developer: LLC "Center for New Technologies" Impulse ".
  16. Automation system of organizational and administrative document flow (office work) of enterprises "Lotsman: ORD". Developer: ASKON-Design Systems LLC.
  17. EOS for SharePoint system (built on the basis of Microsoft SharePoint platform). Developer: Electronic Office Systems (EOS) company.
  18. Information system EtaxReport. Developer: Electronic Business Systems company.
  19. EDMS "Aurora: Document flow". Developer: Aurora Digital Group LLC.
  20. Electronic document management system Comsoft Docs. Developer: Komsoft JSC.
  21. EDS-system Comindware (built on the basis of the Comindware Business Application Platform). Developer: Comindware company.
  22. Express Document system. Developer: Electronic Express LLC.
  23. Codex: Document Management software package. Developer: Kodeks Consortium.
  24. Automated system "Gosekspertiza". Developer: Ekomash info LLC.
  25. Secure electronic document management system "Stack-Trust". Developer: Stack group of companies.
  26. EDMS OPTIMA-WorkFlow. Developer: Optima group of companies.
  27. EDMS LanDocs. Developer: Lanit group of companies.
  28. Software complex "Document flow". Developer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Research Computing Center" of the Office of the President Russian Federation(FSUE "GlavNIVTs").
  29. SEDO solution. Developer: ID - Management Technologies LLC.
  30. Electronic document management system for government organizations and business "Practice". Developer: "Document Management Systems" company.
  31. EDMS DoXLogic. Developer: BFT company.
  32. Alpha Dock system. Developer: "Alpha Doc".
  33. System "Extern". Developer: SKB Kontur.
  34. Secure electronic document management system

In choosing an electronic document management system modern companies are guided by a general development strategy, goals, the presence of a competitive environment, the desired structure and expected economic effect from the implementation of such a solution. The goals of introducing EDMS include improving control over performance discipline, reducing the number of lost documents; reduction of the approval time; reducing the number of errors in working with standard documents.

There are a number of key requirements for the ECM functions. The further success of optimizing the company's workflow depends on the system's compliance with these requirements. The processes of document approval and assignment of tasks are performed faster when they are transferred from “paper” to electronic form, the time for processing documents and orders is also reduced, and it becomes possible to track the progress of work with the document. When working with the system, performers are automatically notified of new documents, and the timing of their processing is under control. For quick access to documents, easy search and safety of documents, an electronic storage is organized.

It is important that access rights to protected data are delimited. Significantly reduces the working time and auto fill sections of standard documents on existing reference data. It is important for a manager to have convenient means of monitoring the deadlines for completing tasks and consolidated reporting. To maintain information content in the work of the company, the EDMS should be easily integrated with the existing mail system and with the existing accounting systems in the company (personnel, financial, accounting and production management systems.

Also, more and more organizations are paying attention to the possibility of remote work in the system. Important criteria for evaluating the system include the ability to generate reports on documents, performers, document statuses, etc.; fast implementation of the system; the cost of installing and maintaining the system; ease of system development; the ability to use the system software to solve additional tasks.

And additional requirements:

  • the presence of streaming input of documents into the system, the ability to work with a scanner;
  • pre-configured contract management module;
  • tablet version;
  • mobile clients.


Let's consider how these functions are implemented in Docsvision, Directum, ELMA ECM +, Optima WorkFlow and 1C: Document Management systems 8. All these systems are united by a common concept based on a combination of classic EDMS and business process management tools. By combining the advantages of electronic document management and BPM systems, companies are developing processes and increasing the efficiency of operational activities.

Functionality and integration capabilities


The functional benefits of the Directum system include more than an expanded catalog of business solutions. From the functions that are used every day in work, one can single out convenient reminders, the ability to customize numerators and work with barcode marks. Presence of a preview of attached files, file storages, a large selection of completed reference books in the basic configuration, interactive wizards for creating documents.

Negative sides of this EDMS: the lack of page-by-page output of objects in the list of documents and search results, the inability to use additional styles in the list of the document.

These functions are implemented in Docsvision. Any web pages and customized reports are displayed inside the main application window. Archived documents are moved to separate tables in the database. System users can choose an authentication option. XSLT transformation is applied to the XML description of the registration card.


The ELMA system is distinguished by an extended line of business solutions. Among them are the ECM + module (a combination of the functions of the BPM system and the classic EDMS), Projects + - standard functions for project management plus process management; ELMA CRM + - implements a client-oriented approach through the implementation of end-to-end processes. And a KPI solution that the Directum system does not have.

On the issue of integration possibilities - ELMA ECM + and two other solutions have a plug-in for working with MS Outlook. In addition, ELMA can be easily integrated with 1C: Enterprise (with all current versions).

In order not to get confused in a large number of files with amendments and changes, documents in the application can have an unlimited number of versions, but only one can be designated as current. The entire history of document changes is collected on the document card.

Everything necessary tools to work on the document and control the performance discipline for working with these documents are at the user's fingertips.

If the document was received by the company in paper form, it is automatically saved after scanning.

The manager can view a report on the current performance situation, and users are provided with a number of filters to shape the results as they see fit.

The ECM + application can be customized according to the needs of the individual enterprise and its organizational structure.

To speed up the creation of documents, you can create templates. It is available to any user, even without programming skills.

You can configure the automatic insertion of a barcode into the template for instant recognition in the system.

All systems considered in this review have their own mobile app to operate the system functions via a tablet computer or mobile device. This allows top managers to take part in the operational activities of the company from anywhere with an Internet connection. Mobile clients are compatible with all mobile OS.

Optima WorkFlow

The advantages of the system include the possibility of using additional styles in the list of documents, displaying images in the list of documents and the viewing area. Filtration of the loaded list of documents is possible. Optima WorkFlow supports setting up rubrics in document journals, setting up the viewing area of ​​a selected record in the list of documents. Customization of the order registration card is working. Third party web applications can be embedded in the main window. There is integration with IBM WebSphere MQ. To automate the activities of archival departments, a special module Archive has been developed.

1C: Document flow 8

The main areas of work of this solution are office work, general document flow, management of contractual activities, electronic archive and work with requests. The functionality can be extended using plugins. When processing document routes, you can attach files and subsequently modify them. There is a Windows Explorer registration.

You can configure the automatic creation, registration and sending along the route of documents from various sources (folder, e-mail, web).

Flaws: there is no internal mail. You cannot create tasks for the group and folders with orders. In addition, this solution does not have a project management module. Unable to register from MS Office, Open Office. Work with QMS documentation is not supported. Also, there is no way to keep the user's personal folders.



The interfaces of all modes of operation in the Directum system are unified; you can configure the rules for processing documents and tasks. In the substitution mode, the system retains its information content. Working with files is possible online. Access rights to a separate file are distributed, each of them is attributively described. You can also note the transparency of the workflow processes. Tasks are added to the MS Outlook calendar. The advantage of the system is customizable search templates and convenient filtering mechanisms by list columns.

But there are a number of disadvantages: there is no possibility of pagination of elements (in Win32). Minimal visual effects settings. It is impossible to localize the names of the requisites in different languages. The card cannot be resized. When creating links between electronic documents, you cannot add comments to describe the relationship. The interface is overloaded.

Rice. one. Directum system interface


Docsvision uses pre-configured themes, and the command ribbon is customizable. Links between documents are displayed in a tree view. Links can be annotated. There is a possibility of designing task cards. The toolbar is customizable. Full-text search from a single line works, there are customizable search templates, the design of search forms is also customizable.

At the same time, the disadvantages of the system are that it is not possible to automatically attach a document to a task. Processes are not transparent, reminders work only when MS Outlook is on.

Rice. 2. Docsvision system interface


Externally, the ELMA ECM + interface is a standard file storage, a user without experience with such systems can easily navigate independently.

Registration of documents is carried out in a special wizard in several sequential steps. When entering the system, you just need to indicate the necessary details of the document and attach electronic version, the system automatically generates a document card with all the data on it.

All information on the organization is contained in the internal portal. All the tools you need to work are in one place: an archive of documents, tasks, calendar, message feed, reports, web documents.

Operations can be simplified or expanded during customization.

Rice. 3. ELMA interface

Optima WorkFlow

The system has an intuitive interface. Application styles are configured in the system, output to the list of documents and the viewing area of ​​details and images is available, styles of drawing the list of documents (font, fill, icon) are applied.

It is worth noting the convenient searches in the fields-lists of registration cards, the presence of visual control of the obligatory filling of the fields, the ability to work with files, links and document movement in a single window.

It is convenient to work with attached files - work is carried out online in a single window, in check-in & check-out mode. End-to-end links between documents are rendered as a tree.

You can design an assignment card when creating an assignment.

Flaws: users cannot create new magazines, document sets, settings are not saved to the database. It is impossible to customize the toolbar in the registration card, to localize the names of the requisites. The size of the card is unchangeable. Drag & drop mechanisms are not implemented. There are no basic functions of the interface selection of cards for communication. Another drawback is the opacity of the process when creating an assignment; you cannot set up reminders for performers.

Rice. 4. Optima WorkFlow interface

1C: Document flow 8

The interface is customizable for user types. You can view a list of users currently logged into the system. There are design tools for the RKK (designer), the ability to expand and customize the RKK, while you can use complex elements - tables, structures.

Flaws: no built-in viewers for attached files, no view of group tasks, no assignment of an executor as a leader from the group.

Rice. 5. Interface 1C: Document management 8

Search functions


The advantages of the system include the availability of full-text search for documents and details of registration cards (RK). Search templates can be customized according to the details of the RK. The filter of the list of documents by column values ​​is in effect. Convenient functions for customizing search templates. Search folders can be created.

Negative qualities: it is impossible to distribute access rights to configured searches; no web client searches configured; there is no possibility to create complex search queries, there is no page-by-page display of objects in the list of documents and search results, additional styles are not applied in the list of documents.


Docsvision supports the creation of complex search queries using XML and the distribution of search access rights.

Flaw- slow action of the viewer panel.


ELMA ECM + collects documents in a single electronic archive. The search for documents is carried out quickly and conveniently, not only by name, but also by the details of the document card or RK. Search results are displayed only if you have permission to access the documents. Search parameters are saved in a filter format, in the future you can quickly search for documents by saved parameters.

Flaw: lack of full-text search in documents.

Optima WorkFlow

A direct database query is applied to form a complex search query in document journals. A full-text search is carried out over the content of the document and a search is performed using a registration card sample (no need to customize search templates). You can enter search queries by the details of registration cards. Filters are applied to all available document journals.

The disadvantage of the system is the inability to save custom search templates. There is no full-text search for the details of registration cards of documents. Users cannot create search folders and complex searches. There is no full-text search for registration card details.

1C: Document flow 8

An attributive search is carried out according to the details of the document. You can create search patterns, their storage is hierarchical and categorized. Based on the search results, reports are generated.

In one request it is impossible to carry out different kinds search. There is no setting of a set of requisites for automatic search for duplicate documents during registration.

Administrative settings


The system allows you to simultaneously maintain the organizational and staff structure of several companies. Detailed information about departments and employees is provided, it can be expanded. If it is necessary to replace (full or by an assistant), "in / out" folders are automatically created. The substring filter and crawling search work.

Flaws: OShS display is not visual, there is no possibility of sorting elements in a certain order, it is difficult to create and fill out directories, there is no localization of directory entries. Minimum settings appearance and behavior of the RK.

Rice. 6. Appearance of registration cards in the Directum system


Docsvision supports the maintenance of OShS of several companies at once. There are substitution functions (permanent or temporary substitute). The substring filter works. The drawbacks partly duplicate the properties of Directum: not a visual display of OSH, there is no sorting of elements in a given order, you cannot keep a directory history, create typed directories, create hierarchical directories, there is no built-in "Nomenclature of cases" directory. Low performance of the designer.

Rice. 7. Directory of employees in the Docsvision system


It is convenient to monitor the situation in the branches of large companies. Several systems are combined in one window, organizing a single information system divisions and high-quality exchange of information. The user has all the necessary information about the external system without leaving his page. It is convenient to switch between the pages of the company divisions. In addition, information on performing activities, current news, viewing documents, launching the execution of business processes is available.

Rice. eight. Setting up branch pages in ELMA

General information on all branches and divisions is available to the head. Data on departments and employees can be expanded.

Substitutions of employees are carried out in a special section. Substitutions are canceled automatically at the end of the term. When a superseding process is installed, tasks by process are automatically transferred to it. The system informs about a one-time task and about the absence of this employee, offering to choose another performer.

Rice. 9. Configuring the "Substitution" section in ELMA

A special section "Absence Schedule" displays a list of employees who are absent from the workplace for a certain period.

Optima WorkFlow

The system supports the maintenance of OShS of several companies, the structure is clearly displayed. Substitution functions (permanent / temporary substitute) are implemented, there is a running search by first letters. Items can be sorted in the specified order; quite simple filling out of the reference book, creation of hierarchical reference books, setting the expiration date of the reference book record.

There is a designer of templates for registration cards, customizable sizes, backgrounds, bookmarks, fields, fonts, scripts are used for registration card events.

Flaws: there is no possibility of maintaining the history of the directory, there is no mirror information about the replacement. Information about departments and employees is minimal. You cannot create typed reference books, keep a history of reference books, localize reference records. There is no function for checking the syntax of the script code, there are no fields of the "radio button" type.

Rice. 10. Adding a new employee to the organizational chart in Optima WorkFlow

1C: Document flow 8

The user's desktop is customized according to their role. Provides quick access to data about employees, a list of phone numbers, recommendations for writing correspondence, etc. For the head of the department, you can set up a panel for full-text search for documents of any purpose, the manager is provided with a panel for quick access to reports. Information is distributed according to access rights. Organizational structure Organizations and executor roles can be used to select the executors of business processes.

The subsystem "Tasks and processes of employees" contains tools for creating and managing business processes, as well as setting up role-based addressing of tasks, setting up a matrix for replacing / replacing employees.

Business process modeling


The system implements convenient modeling functions. Debugging the route diagram is implemented step by step. The platform has a built-in high-level programming language IS-Builder. It is possible to create your own functions and scripts using your own API. The report editor is implemented in the IS-Builder language. Minus: the number of basic blocks is insufficient.

Rice. eleven. Modeling business processes in the Directum system


The system has convenient functions for modeling and designing a route scheme without the use of software tools. You can develop your own functions. It is possible to create scripts using its own API, call web services. Tooling tools- MS Reporting.

Flaw: it is necessary to replace a group of simple blocks with one script block for optimization.

Rice. 12. Modeling business processes in the Docsvision system


Modeling of business processes is carried out in a special graphic editor "ELMA Designer" with a simple and intuitive graphic interface. The notation for describing business processes is BPMN 2.0, which is convenient for describing workflows and contains almost all the necessary primitives. A business analyst can design business processes without the help of a programmer. You can develop a management model in a company and make changes to processes on the go, without stopping the system.

The movement of documents in the company can be organized along routes of any complexity. The route of the document reflects through which employees this document will pass, as well as the order and nature of the planned work on it. A graphic model of the process is created by dragging the necessary blocks of operations from the palette with the mouse, after which the operations are connected by transitions. You can add comments to transitions.

Rice. thirteen. Document route described as a business process in ELMA EDMS

Optima WorkFlow

The system has a designer of models of business processes, scripts are used.

Rice. 14. Modeling business processes in Optima WorkFlow

Setting up block properties is straightforward. Creation of scripts using its own API, creation of own functions and blocks, unloading of objects in an exchange format is carried out. Tools - Crystal Reports 11.0.

It is possible to customize the appearance of the application, customize the list of documents (visibility and order of columns, sorting), customize notifications.

Modeling mechanisms are inconvenient, the functions for setting up business logic are minimal, it becomes necessary to write scripts for document processing, there is no designer life cycles documents.

1C: Document flow 8

The system creates standard routes for the movement of documents, there is support for route branches and conditional transitions. There is also a designer of reporting forms.

Rice. 15. Block diagram of a business process in 1C: Document flow 8

Data and action security


Data protection in the system is carried out using a login-password and Windows accounts. You can create user groups and roles. There is a discrete and role-based access control model, as well as the ability to issue permissions and privileges. Differentiation of access rights is carried out at the level of folder, RK, file and reference book. You can configure the transfer of rights. Encryption and EDS are used.

Disadvantages of the system: there is no distribution of access rights to customized searches, there are no customized searches in the web client, and complex search queries cannot be created.

The performance of the view panes is rather slow.


The advantages of the system in terms of data security are the following: availability of mandatory access control, differentiation of access rights at all levels; setting the transfer of rights. Application of encryption and digital signature.


Any user from anywhere with Internet access can enter their username and password and log into the ELMA system. This login is configured by default for all users, but there are three main ways to protect the login:

  1. Login only through trusted devices. If you are logging in from a computer or mobile device, which is not in the trusted list, the system will report the impossibility of logging in.
  2. Login by Token. A token is a device that is associated with a user account and will correspond only to it. Plus, an individual user has their own PIN code. Several electronic keys-containers can be written to a token at once - to enter different systems, and not only in ELMA, so that the user does not carry a whole bunch of keys.
  3. Login by Certificate. The mechanism works in much the same way. The user binds the certificate to his account. You can enter the system with a certificate only from a specific workplace. This opportunity is only available in Mozilla browsers Firefox and Internet Explorer.

For approval, signing of a document or its version, an electronic digital signature is used. In this case, no other user, even having learned the password, will not be able to agree or sign the document.

ELMA provides configuration of access rights to various objects of the system. At the heart of rights management is the role of organizational structure elements and individual users of the system, the configuration process consists in the graphical display of positions, departments and divisions, and the distribution of responsibilities.

Optima WorkFlow

Data protection is carried out using login / password, Windows account. User groups and roles are created, as well as a discrete and role-based access control model. It is possible to issue powers, differentiate access rights at the folder level, set up relative access rights according to the organizational structure of the organization, use an EDS.

You cannot assign access rights to a single file. There is no file preview.

1C: Document flow 8

There are software tools for controlling the integrity of documents, support different ways authentication. The user is granted rights for the time of execution of the order or document. Documents signed by EDS are sent with saving information about signatures. Access rights are assigned in accordance with the position of the user, his role, degree of participation in business processes, stamp or individually. Rights are set for folders and types of documents and also apply to attached files, they may contain restrictions on reading or writing. Access to reports is also limited - only his reports are available to the employee, and the reports of his department are available to the manager.

There is no differentiation of access rights for parts of the document (fields of the registration form, attached files). There is no system of data backup and recovery tools.


Companies choosing EDMS face the same problem - they have to combine the acquired system and the existing business processes of the organization for a long time. To optimize the work of the entire company, it is important to build workflow processes into the main - end-to-end processes, and the sooner such a merger takes place, the better. However, this time-consuming activity requires time, experience and constant communication of all employees whose work is related to documents. To one degree or another, the systems, using their functions, can speed up this process. Summing up and evaluating the results, then ELMA ECM +, 1C: Document Management 8 and Directum correspond most of all to the key requirements.