How to get an electronic signature in the Savings Bank. Simple electronic signature. Possible problems when working with Sberbank AST

The Sberbank-AST platform is one of 6 federal electronic trading operators authorized to conduct state trading. In addition, the site publishes the procedures of commercial customers and subjects of 223-FZ.

EDS key for Sberbank-AST: where to get it?

To work at Sberbank-AST, a kit is usually purchased that is suitable for all state sites. In the EETP line, this is a kit. In addition to access to Sberbank-AST, the signature also allows you to work on the following sites:

  • Unified electronic trading platform
  • "RTS-tender"
  • "Russian Auction House", lot-online
  • AGZRT, zakaz-rf
  • MICEX ("National Electronic Platform").

Where else can you use EDS for trading Sberbank AST?

The signature can be used when working in the commercial section, in the electronic document flow, to access more than 100 electronic interaction systems and more.
If you are interested in a variety of applications and do not want to buy multiple kits, the EETP kit may be suitable for you. Do you need access to Sberbank AST? Select the item "On 6 federal trading floors" in the ordering system. Add the features and options you are interested in and get a package that fits your needs perfectly.


Sberbank-AST is one of the federal sites accredited for public procurement. An electronic signature is a prerequisite work on the site.
Among the EETP kits, kits are suitable for work on the site

Today, quite a few people already know what a Sberbank digital signature is and what it is for. This attribute is becoming more and more popular not only among entrepreneurs and owners. big business, but also ordinary individuals.

Receiving EDS through the Sberkey website

An excellent opportunity to acquire an EDS is to register on a specialized site called Sberkey.

By purchasing such an electronic signature, the client gets the opportunity to become bidders on the relevant platform. In addition, the holder is free to post informational advertisements.

This resource is available not only to representatives of small, medium and large businesses, but also to ordinary individuals.

To gain access, you must fill out the application available on the website. All entered data are subsequently displayed in a special certificate. It also contains information for how long the key was issued.

EDS owner's capabilities

The client, filling out an electronic digital signature, gets quite ample opportunities. This list can include:

  • Signing of documents. By affixing an EDS, the owner confirms the authenticity of all data available on electronic documents. Such securities are legally binding. You can get the corresponding certificate in special branches of Sberbank. You need to understand that if an entrepreneur plans to carry out his activities via the Internet, then electronic signature he will simply need it. Such a requisite is considered necessary in this case. If the person does not have a certificate, then the electronic signature does not have any legal force... Consequently, the document itself will be invalid.
  • Ability to work freely on a variety of trading platforms in different industries. At the same time, it will be necessary to carry out activities on those resources that belong to Sberbank or cooperate with it.
  • EDS allows you to promote your own services and goods. High tech modern world allowed Sberbank to verify the authenticity of the signature used. At the same time, one must not forget that any electronic document must be certified with the appropriate signature.
  • A client with an EDS can freely use not only the developed services, but also the offered innovative products. So, for example, through the Internet, if you have an EDS, you can get a loan without leaving your own office or home.
  • If necessary, you can prepare reports in in electronic format... To certify it, it is enough to attach an EDS to the document. At the same time, a person does not have to print the documentation, take it to the appropriate centers - all this can be done via the Internet. In addition, today many organizations are obliged to provide different types of reporting in electronic form.

The client, issuing an EDS, will quickly forget about the difficulties that he previously faced in his daily work.

What do you need to get an EDS?

Having set a goal to issue an EDS, a person immediately thinks about what he has to do, what documents to issue, how long will all this take?

So, for a full-fledged work with an electronic digital signature, you need to get a special certificate, along with which EDS keys are issued. You need to get it in a special Certification Center of Sberbank.

We must not forget that only one member of the system can use an EDS. If access is needed for several, but an application for obtaining several keys at once is filled out.

To work correctly with several signatures at once, each user must have a separate pin code.

You can apply for a new certificate on the Sberbank Business Online platform. This requires:

  1. Go to the special navigation panel.
  2. There you should find the Services menu item and select Crypto information exchange in the list that appears.
  3. Next, you need to select Requests for a new certificate.
  4. In the window that appears, the corresponding crypto profile must be indicated.
  5. The fields of the position and email address must be filled in.
  6. After that, a request is formed and sent to the bank.
  7. Next, you need to print the created request and redirect it to the department that serves the organization. In this case, EDS forms must be certified. 3 copies of the form and the certificate must be sent. The head also signs the signature there and puts the seal of the organization, if any.
  8. After considering the application, the bank activates the keys. You can find out the status of the request in personal account... If everything goes well, the Unloaded message should appear.
  9. Then the user will be able to log into his newly created account and upload the certificate.

All these actions will allow you to use an electronic digital signature in your work.

If the EDS is received for the first time, then the company data, full name and some other information must be indicated. If the organization receives the certificate, then certain documents (articles of association, for example) may be required.

If the organization is state or municipal, then they need to receive certificates from the UCC FC.

About the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms

For the convenience of entrepreneurs, the ETP Association was established in 2007. Under the leadership of this organization, the work of the largest electronic trading systems in Russia is carried out. Moreover, she also cooperates with the sites of the federal level.

In addition, it is possible to obtain a certificate in a special Certification Center. EDS provision is one of the services they provide.

The services provided by this Association are truly unique due to a number of factors:

  • the highest level of security;
  • high requirements for sites;
  • the largest ETP association (work with more than 80 ETP).

Service receiving EDS is accessible to the majority of the population through an extensive network of Certification Centers.

For the first time, Sberbank offered customers the opportunity to obtain an individual electronic signature of documents in 2014. In total, over the next year, in Moscow alone, more than three million transactions were performed using electronic signatures. Currently, a third of deposit operations are also carried out using this service.

An electronic signature is a unique letter code that any client of Sberbank can register when contacting the organization. Many bank branches are equipped with special pos-terminals that support the input of an electronic signature, which can be used instead of the standard pin-code or together with it. This makes it easier to access various services and operations for bank cards and invoices, allowing employees of the organization to verify the identity of the applicant.

Another purpose of the electronic signature is to simplify the workflow in the bank, since it can replace the usual manual signature. So the client can confirm any of his actions and, as his confirmation, receive not a paper document, but his electronic version which will also be stored in electronic archives jar. Electronic and handwritten signatures are considered legally equivalent, therefore, regardless of the chosen method of signing the document, the latter will have the same legal force.

Thanks to the use of an electronic signature, which reduces paper turnover, Sberbank was able to increase the speed of customer service. Instead of signing numerous paper documents, the client is asked to provide his digital signature once for the transaction to take effect. Of course, this will also require a passport and, in some cases, entering a personal pin code for a bank card.

How to get and use an electronic signature

To obtain the corresponding digital signature key, you need to register on the Sberklyuch LLC website ( and then visit the nearest Sberbank branch to complete the identification procedure. Possessing a personal electronic signature, each client of Sberbank gets the opportunity to participate in trading and post their own ads on special electronic platforms of the bank. This service is provided to both physical and legal entities and individual entrepreneurs... In addition to the sample of the electronic signature itself, the client receives a certificate indicating the user's personal data and the validity period of the issued key.

The holder of an electronic signature is given the opportunity to sign documents on an official basis as part of interaction with the bank. Also, the electronic signature of Sberbank is an integral requisite in the implementation of various commercial transactions. The authority to possess a digital signature is regulated by a certificate, therefore, in the event of its loss or expiration, the previously issued documentation will no longer have legal force.

Additional advantages of possessing an electronic signature of Sberbank include the ability to test innovative products that are provided by the organization to a limited number of people. In addition, having a digital key increases the chances of loan approval for favorable terms... The bank recommends getting an electronic signature to all entrepreneurs who often trade on the foreign exchange market and conclude investment transactions. Thanks to the private key, any of these operations are simplified and do not require the bank to constantly verify the identity of all participants in the process.

Considering the legislative need to draw up electronic reporting, the digital signature becomes an integral tool in this case. This handy tool to maintain electronic document management, since any key already contains all the basic data of the applicant, which are automatically entered into any of the documents that are compiled. Among the disadvantages of the service, one can only note the lengthy primary procedure for user identification and the high cost of issuing a certificate.

The Sberbank-AST trading platform is intended for commercial and public procurement... Since 2009, its creators have been collaborating with the largest financial companies Russia and certification centers that issue electronic digital signatures.

Electronic trading platform Sberbank-AST

Its main purpose is to organize tenders to meet municipal needs, to select the optimal supplier of goods or services for state-owned enterprises.
Bidding Sberbank-AST are governed by the relevant clauses of the Federal Law. They are held on the website However, at will large customers it is possible to select individual sites for organizing purchases.

Benefits guaranteed to participants in trading on Sberbank AST:

  • selection of goods / services with an optimal price / quality ratio;
  • saving own funds and free time;
  • maximizing profit from the sale / lease of state property.

All the above possibilities will be provided to you by the electronic trading platform Sberbank-AST.

A potential participant in electronic procurement is required to: order an electronic signature certificate that ensures the legitimacy of all transactions made on this site. It is worth noting that the platform in question allows potential bidders to undergo special training, if necessary.

Electronic signature certificates for Sberbank-AST

An electronic signature for this site is provided to all trading participants for full-fledged document management, submitting orders, concluding transactions, etc. To work at the Sberbank-AST site, many certificates from the TC SKB Kontur are suitable. To obtain a certificate, call the contact phone number or fill out an application using the link below.

Sberbank-AST is the largest website where are held electronic auctions government customers.

Now about 50-55% of all government purchases take place on this site! And this is several thousand fresh tenders every day, tens and hundreds of millions of rubles.

Therefore, we propose to order an EDS, which is guaranteed to work on the largest website of state electronic auctions.

How much does it cost and how to get it

Price making electronic signature for Sberbank-AST is 4500 rubles.

This is the price for 1 year (EDS are issued for this period). No additional monthly payments are required. Pay once and work all year.

Additionally, you can order:

  • a secure token flash card from which no one can copy your digital signature (1200 rubles)
  • CryptoPro encryption provider - a necessary program for the EDS to work on your computer (1200 rubles)

To order a digital signature, send this application. After that, a specialist of the certification center will call you. He will send you an invoice and a contract for the production of an electronic signature.

After receipt of payment and verification of your documents (they must be sent by e-mail), your electronic EDS key will be ready within 2-3 hours. Ideally, this will all take 1-2 days..

You can get a digital signature in most major cities in Russia.

Why do we need an EDS that works at all sites, and not only at Sberbank? Because you may not know in advance where the tenders for your profile will take place.

Where to learn how to work with the Sberbank-AST site

Have automated system Sberbank-AST has its own training center, where you can undergo training online at any time.

At the moment there are the following courses:

  • Basics of Participation in Procurement
  • Organization and participation in the competition for 44-FZ
  • Work on the electronic platform "Sberbank - AST" according to Law No. 44-FZ
  • Contract System - Electronic Auction
  • Conclusion and execution of contracts
  • Conclusion of an agreement with sole supplier under 44-FZ
  • Lending to participants in order placement
  • Procurement planning and substantiation of the NMCC

Some of the online courses are free (for example, on working with an electronic platform), and some are paid.

If you are not comfortable with the online training format, then you can.

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