Where to download the electronic version of the magazine house 2. Lilia Chetraru's friend about the participant's dark past

On September 27th, the new October issue of the magazine goes on sale! The heroes of the October issue were Anton Gusev and Victoria Romanets. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Frank interview Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev
The cover of the issue will be decorated by newlyweds Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev. We will show you exclusive photos from the wedding shoot and tell you all the details of the honeymoon. In a frank interview, Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev confessed, which is why they decided to hide the celebration from their relatives and how much money they spent on it. The couple explained why they cannot have children and who is in charge of their family.

Lera Frost passed a lie detector test
Lera Frost passed a lie detector test and revealed all the intimate secrets of her past. Cheating, parting, romance with show business stars. What else is a sexy brunette hiding? All the details in the October issue.

Maya Dontsova first showed a three-room apartment
Maya Dontsova showed a three-room apartment for the first time. The participant admitted who gave her elite housing in the center of Moscow, and told what life would be like outside the perimeter. Exclusive photos are in the new issue.

On June 27th, the new June issue of the magazine goes on sale! Olga Buzova became the heroine of the July issue. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Mom Olga Buzova about the secrets of the star daughter

Olya understands why she and her husband divorced. Everything went to this, but she always thinks of a person better than he is. Her fans have been talking about this mistress for a year. Everyone saw where, how, what time. Naturally, it hurts, and Olga will digest it for a long time.

Star numerologist about Borodina's third pregnancy

Ksenia brings good luck to her husband. He and Kurban are ideally suited to each other in the elements: she is a water sign, he is an earthly one. Borodin will give his beloved husband an heir - a son. So it is written in the program of this beautiful couple.

Walter's wife about the ex-spouse's infidelity

How many tears have I shed! Walter's phone had some intimate videos with a huge number of women with whom my husband had fornicated. Olesya also took harsh revenge - she recognized my number and began to write nasty things.

Irina Dontsova on the first "magic"

It happened almost 26 years ago. Of course, it was exciting and even to some extent scary, incomprehensible. I remember that I was in no hurry with this. In our time, there was no intimacy before marriage. We were even embarrassed to kiss in public. My first man was Maya's dad. We met when I was 17 and got married a year later.

Chief editor of the magazine Vera Kurochka about the aggression of the former

Once he came home from a corporate party heavily drunk and began to show me photographs. I calmly inquired about the name of the girl standing next to him, and he got angry ... He began to threaten me. At some point, he grabbed a magazine and threw it right in my face.

On June 27th, the new June issue of the magazine goes on sale! Olga Buzova became the heroine of the July issue. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Mom Olga Buzova about the secrets of the star daughter

Olya understands why she and her husband divorced. Everything went to this, but she always thinks of a person better than he is. Her fans have been talking about this mistress for a year. Everyone saw where, how, what time. Naturally, it hurts, and Olga will digest it for a long time.

Star numerologist about Borodina's third pregnancy

Ksenia brings good luck to her husband. He and Kurban are ideally suited to each other in the elements: she is a water sign, he is an earthly one. Borodin will give his beloved husband an heir - a son. So it is written in the program of this beautiful couple.

Walter's wife about the ex-spouse's infidelity

How many tears have I shed! Walter's phone had some intimate videos with a huge number of women with whom my husband had fornicated. Olesya also took harsh revenge - she recognized my number and began to write nasty things.

Irina Dontsova on the first "magic"

It happened almost 26 years ago. Of course, it was exciting and even to some extent scary, incomprehensible. I remember that I was in no hurry with this. In our time, there was no intimacy before marriage. We were even embarrassed to kiss in public. My first man was Maya's dad. We met when I was 17 and got married a year later.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine Vera Kurochka about the aggression of the former

Once he came home from a corporate party heavily drunk and began to show me photographs. I calmly inquired about the name of the girl standing next to him, and he got angry ... He began to threaten me. At some point, he grabbed a magazine and threw it right in my face.

On September 27th, the new October issue of the magazine goes on sale! The heroes of the October issue were and. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Frank interview Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev The newlyweds Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev will decorate the cover of the issue. We will show you exclusive photos from the wedding shoot and tell you all the details of the honeymoon. In a frank interview, Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev confessed, which is why they decided to hide the celebration from their relatives and how much money they spent on it. The couple explained why they cannot have children and who is in charge of their family.

Passed a lie detector test Lera Frost passed a lie detector test and revealed all the innermost secrets of her past. Cheating, parting, romance with show business stars. What else is a sexy brunette hiding? All the details in the October issue.

For the first time showed a three-room apartment Maya Dontsova showed for the first time a three-room apartment. The participant admitted who gave her elite housing in the center of Moscow, and told what life would be like outside the perimeter. Exclusive photos are in the new issue.

The new Angus issue of the magazine goes on sale on July 26th! The heroes of the Angus edition were Sergey and Daria Pynzar. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Daria Pynzar about "magic" after the birth of two children

You have to constantly keep yourself in shape in order to remain desirable for your man. Of course, after two childbirth, I ceased to be ashamed of everything at all. Especially after my husband was present at the birth and cut the umbilical cord himself.

Iosif Hovhannisyan about paired tattoos with Sasha Cherno

It was difficult to decide on this, but how great it is to feel Sasha on his hand. I myself proposed to get paired tattoos, although at first I was against it. Lately, her beloved has been constantly saying that she wants to fill in another image. Then this idea came to my mind, I wanted to please my Bead and prove how much I love her.

Lilia Chetraru's friend about the member's dark past

She arrived at the club and beat her married lover's new girlfriend. After desperation, it seems, she swallowed pills and ended up in a psychiatric hospital. They say that Vova had to pay a lot of money to get her out of there. He helped, but since then he doesn't even want to hear about her.

Star palmist about the future of Masha Kokhno

Kohno is characterized by increased emotional excitability up to psychopathy, changeable mood, phobias and strong attachment to the family. The line of the heart speaks of Mary's idealism, her relationships with partners are complicated. Judging by the islets on the life line, stability in the family sphere will come only by the age of 40.

Andrey Cherkasov about the beginning of a relationship with Christina Oslina

I spoke with the management and asked to release Christina from the project. At first she lived with a friend for some time, but I insisted that my beloved move to me. This is the only way to check the relationship, after all, I am a serious person. I did everything to make her feel at home and just didn't want to leave.