Electronic reporting which program to choose. Choosing a system for sending electronic reporting. We purchase software

Submitting reports to in electronic format there are dozens of benefits. These include saving money and time, the ability to send documents even half an hour before the deadline, work from any city, automatic error checking, quick responses from regulatory authorities, and much more. Now there are several services that are designed for submitting reports in electronic form. To make the right choice, you should pay attention to each of them.

Although all of this software is designed to solve the same problems, the specifics of the services vary greatly. And we are talking not only about the cost, but also about the interface, reliability, functionality, volume of work and other nuances.

When choosing a program for submitting electronic reporting, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • Convenience of installation and connection. Full online version, if required.
  • Which regulatory authorities can you submit reports to?
  • Additional functionality that can simplify the work of an entrepreneur or accountant.
  • Price policy. This is not only about reporting rates. Some services offer package solutions that are not always relevant to the user - sometimes you have to pay extra for unnecessary options.

The cost of the program can be influenced by:

  • The number of regulatory authorities to which you can submit reports in electronic form.
  • Availability of additional modules. Some of them are not related to the submission of reports, but increase the cost of the license.
  • The number of users who will be able to work with the program. Especially relevant for corporate clients.

It is necessary to take into account the costs of connecting the program itself. Not all services offer free option... It is also important to compare the annual or quarterly costs of an electronic reporting program.

Some services offer a free trial period. In addition, you can pay attention to promotions - this will save you money.

Best Electronic Reporting Software

To get into the list of the most worthy, services must meet several requirements. In particular, we have selected electronic reporting programs that guarantee the confidentiality of user data, easily integrate with systems accounting, have a user-friendly interface and do not require long training and special skills. The less effort it takes to master the program, the better. Also an important criterion is the minimum risk of errors in the preparation of reports.

The basic functionality of the services that we will consider is almost the same. Each of them allows you to generate tax reporting taking into account the requirements of the Federal Tax Service and encrypts all electronic documentation, preventing it from being passed to third hands. In addition, each of them makes it possible to send documents to the FIU or the tax office via the Internet.

Also, programs for submitting electronic reporting may have common drawbacks. In particular, while they all offer 24/7 technical support, it is not always easy to reach them. This is especially true for reporting periods when many users ask questions at the same time.

Although services often provide for the possibility of consulting a tax inspector, clients often prefer to contact the Federal Tax Service directly.

Let's take a closer look at the best services.

Kaluga Astral (1C-Reporting)

The program is called "1C-reporting" - in fact, it is one of the built-in options for "1C". It is supposed to work with the CryptoPro CSP crypto provider. To use the service, you only need 1C and a crypto program. The client can get electronic certificate remotely, without visiting the office of the company.

"Tensor" (VLSI)

The Tensor company is the leader of the electronic reporting market in terms of growth customer base... It has retained this advantage since 2012. The electronic reporting program of the Tensor company is called VLSI. Its peculiarity is a combination of flexible tariffication and wide functionality. At the moment, this tool for submitting reports via the Internet is considered one of the best - it is used by more than a million companies throughout Russia.

Convenient connection and installation

Separate program. Can be integrated with 1C.

additional services

Printout of reports, including with a two-dimensional barcode. Detailed instructions for filling in each line, built into the service. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (the number is not limited). Comprehensive desk audit. Financial and management analysis, business value calculation, company reliability assessment. Tax audit risk assessment. Choosing the optimal taxation system. Calculation of the amount of a possible loan using banking techniques. Selection of tenders and tenders according to various criteria. Online registration of KTT in the Federal Tax Service.

Which authorities can you submit reports to?


The cost of connecting one legal entity in Moscow and the Moscow region

From 500 rubles. in year

Taxcom (1C-Sprinter)

The program for electronic submission of reports is integrated into "1C" and is similar in functionality to "1C-Reporting". Works with the cryptographic information protection system "CryptoPro".

SKB Kontur (Kontur-Extern)

Feature - work through a web application without installing software on a computer. It is also possible to install the program - and this option has advantages over the online service. For example, you cannot send several documents at the same time through web applications, work with reports from different organizations and with large files.

What to consider when choosing an electronic reporting program

Particular attention should be paid to the functionality. It is important that it meets your needs. It's good if you can use one service to solve several problems at once instead of paying for 2-3 types of software.

Choose a system for delivery
electronic reporting online through
the Internet

Applications issued:

Attention! A Qualified Electronic Signature (CEP) is issued.


Any questions about reporting - on our forum

Forum on the programs "Buchsoft Online" and "Astral Report"

The forum is one of the most effective ways to get technical support and advice. Judge for yourself:

  1. Of all the technical support options, the forum is a public communication tool. That is, the quality of consultations is assessed not only by the client who asks the question, but also by all visitors. A poor-quality answer will surely cause angry disapproval of an experienced audience, which means that the motivation for a quality answer is noticeably higher than, for example, a telephone conversation.
  2. The forum is not only a question and answer, it is a social environment in which specialists who are not indifferent to the issues discussed take part. The willingness of people to help each other allows you to quickly find the most objective ways to solve certain problems.
  3. The forum is a knowledge base. Most of the questions are typical, which means that to get an answer it is not necessary to formulate a question and wait for an answer, it is enough to enter keywords in the line Search.

The forum also has other advantages. In chapter Electronic reporting via the Internet our specialists are constantly increasing the number of answers to the "frequently asked questions" of the clients of the Astral-Report programs and the reporting module of the Buchsoft Online service. We will be happy to answer any questions related to electronic reporting via the Internet. On the most difficult issues on our forum, experts advise directly from the development companies (Kaluga-Astral and Buchsoft).

The forum does not require registration. Ask your question >>

... as well as programs Sprinter (Taxcom), Kontur Extern, VLSI ++ (Tensor)

At our forum, in addition to consulting on Astral Report programs and the Buchsoft Online reporting module, our specialists will be happy to discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of other programs that provide electronic reporting via the Internet, their price-quality ratio.

Share your experience of working with such software systems and reporting developers for TCS as Sprinter (Taxcom), Kontur-Extern, Kontur Extern Light, Accounting, Kontur (SKB Kontur), SBIS ++ (Tensor), Feldjeger (Rus-Telecom) and other developers. Your experience will help others.

The electronic reporting market is very dynamic, and the forum allows you to keep track of the most interesting news related to the provision of this type of service. We are not against posting on our forum in the section Electronic reporting via the Internet official press releases of companies providing electronic reporting via the Internet.

We are grateful to users of Buchsoft programs for their wishes about integration with other systems for connecting to electronic reporting.

The procedure for sending reports to tax office, Pension Fund and FSS with BukhSoft

Which system to choose for submitting reports via the Internet? This question is the most important for those who have decided to go to a "paperless" relationship with the inspection. To answer it, the accountant needs to know what is fundamentally different existing systems... And for accountants who already submit declarations in electronic form, the description of systems given in our article will help them find a way out of difficult situations faster. Such, for example, as a computer breakdown or disconnection of the Internet at the time of preparing reports for sending.

At the moment, there are more than 10 licensed systems for generating and sending reports. However, most of them do not have fundamental differences from each other - only the set of services and the manufacturer's brand are different in them. As for the principle of operation, all systems are divided into only two categories. These are offline systems (also called "thick client") and online systems ("thin client").

Offline system

When using an offline system, the program is installed on the taxpayer's computer. Accordingly, the formation of reports takes place on the hard disk of the computer. When the statements are generated, the accountant signs it with a private key. Then encrypts the resulting file with the open EDS key"His" inspection, and sends a report. He only needs an Internet connection at this moment - just before sending.

The report (encrypted file) is sent by e-mail to the server of the communication operator. Having received the report, the special operator sends a confirmation to the taxpayer by e-mail - a file signed by the special operator's EDS. And the special operator sends the report itself to the inspection server. That is, the report travels two segments of the path. The first is from the taxpayer's computer to the special operator's server. The second is from the special operator's server to the inspection server.

In a similar way - from the inspection server through the special operator's server to the taxpayer's computer - the documents move, which the inspectorate sends to the taxpayer. This is a receipt, which confirms that the reports have reached the inspection server, and the acceptance of the declaration, which indicates whether the report was accepted or not, and informs about the reasons for the refusal.

In total, there are more than 10 offline systems on the market. The most popular (the number of subscribers is in the hundreds of thousands) are Taxcom-Sprinter, SBiS ++, Astral Report, Kontur-Extern Light.


1. When using a dial-up connection ("weak" access channel) to access the Internet, offline systems are more convenient than an online system.


1. Self-installation of updates. In offline systems, taxpayers are required to set new tax return formats on their own. If the accountant does not install the updates, the reports will not be accepted by the inspection. At the same time, the installation of updates often turns into abnormal situations that make it impossible to send reports. For example, some systems have the following disadvantage: if the Internet is disconnected while downloading the update, it will be impossible to send reports.

The old declaration format will be removed from the computer, and the new one will not be installed. Moreover, if operating system(say, Windows) of the taxpayer has some flaws (for example, an unlicensed system is installed or a program is missing in the package), then it may not be possible to install updates. Finally, problems can arise when too many accountants at the same time (for example, in the last hours of reporting) try to download updates from the server.

2. The need to store the archive on separate media. In offline systems, the archive of submitted reports is stored on the taxpayer's computer. Accordingly, a serious breakdown of the computer will lead to loss of reporting. Therefore, the sent declarations and calculations after sending must be copied to other media.

3. Binding to the computer where the system is installed for sending. If the reporting is sent on the last day and during its preparation either the computer breaks down or the electricity (Internet) is cut off, then the accountant will most likely have to urgently run to the post office and send the declarations on paper. The reason is that the sending program is installed on a specific computer. Accordingly, if it breaks down, it will be impossible to send "electronic" reporting. And in case of a power outage or the Internet, the accountant will need an “alternate airfield”. That is, an office or apartment, where there is currently electricity, Internet access and the consent of the owners of the computer to install several programs on it. Moreover, if, when the Internet is turned off, the program for sending can be copied and transported on a flash drive, then in the event of a power outage, the system unit will have to be taken to the spare office (after all, the program cannot be copied).

4. Less certainty with fixing the time of sending the report. The date of dispatch is fixed upon confirmation of the special communication operator. Let's say a taxpayer submits reports through an offline system "on a flag" (say, a few hours before the expiration date). When he sends the report by mail, he will have to wait for some time until the mail delivers the report to the special operator's server and until the confirmation goes back. If the mail for some reason delays the report, it may happen that after midnight the taxpayer will receive a confirmation dated later than required in the day. And he will not have time to rectify the situation.

Online system

Such a system, unlike an offline system, implies work in a browser (for example, Internet explorer). This means that you do not need to install special programs for generating reports on your computer. Using the certificate of his EDS, the taxpayer enters the server of the special operator, receives the current formats from there and proceeds to generate reports. In the most common online system "", data can be entered manually, or you can attach a ready-made file generated in an accounting program.

In this case, the formation, signing and encryption of the report is carried out at the taxpayer's workplace. The difference from the offline system is that all these processes do not take place on the hard drive, but with the help of so-called temporary Internet files. (It is this feature of online technology that saves the taxpayer from having to keep track of updates and download them to the hard drive of their computer). It should be clarified that working in a browser (with temporary files) is not the same as working on a special operator's server. Roughly speaking, the cable that provides the connection to the Internet (and, accordingly, the connection to the server of the special operator) can be pulled out of the computer during formation, signing and encryption, and this will not affect the work with reporting.

The connection to the server is required after signing and encrypting the report. It is needed to send it. When the connection to the server is established and the accountant clicks the "Send report" button, the data is not sent by mail, but is immediately saved on the special operator's server. In this case, the report signed by the taxpayer goes to the server of the special operator (and then is stored there) only in encrypted form.

A few seconds later, in the browser window, the accountant sees the confirmation of the special operator generated by the server, according to which the time of sending the report is recorded. The server then sends the report to the inspection. That is, the report goes through one segment of the path - from the special operator's server to the inspection server. There is no segment from the computer to the special operator's server when using the online system.

Further, the inspectorate sends the taxpayer documents on the acceptance of reports. They come in encrypted form to the special operator's server and are stored there. With the help of his EDS certificate, the accountant enters the server and reads receipts and protocols.

The online system has many advantages and is very simple and convenient to use. But creating and maintaining such a system is much more difficult. Therefore, only one online system for generating and sending reports - "", has so far become widespread (about 1 million subscribers).


1. When using a dial-up connection for Internet access ("weak" access channel), working with the online system may be uncomfortable.


1. There is no need to install updates. New formats of declarations and calculations are laid out by the specialists of the system manufacturer. Accordingly, the problems described above related to the installation of updates do not arise. Whatever the level of "computer" literacy of the accountant, he can be sure that he will always be able to send the declaration in an up-to-date format.

2. No need to store sent reports. All previously sent reports are encrypted and stored on the special operator's server. With the help of his EDS certificate, the accountant can access them from any computer. Please note: in order to access previously sent declarations, you must also store those keys that have already expired. Reports sent in, say, 2006 can only be read using the private key that was in effect at that time. At the same time, nothing prevents the accountant from copying even encrypted or decrypted reports and storing them on any media.

3. The accountant is not "tied" to a specific computer. If on the last day of submitting reports, the computer breaks down, electricity or Internet access is cut off, reports can be sent from another computer. To do this, the accountant will only need a ru-token (analogue of a flash drive) or a floppy disk where key certificates are stored. You also need a program for encryption "Crypto Pro". Having a medium with the listed data, installing the Crypto Pro program and registering a certificate, you can send reports.

4. Instant fixation of the reporting date. When an accountant clicks the "send report" button, he does not send it by mail, but saves it on the special operator's server. Therefore, the confirmation by which the date of sending is fixed is generated instantly. Therefore, in the case of sending a declaration "on the flag", the accountant can be sure that he has submitted the reports on time within a few seconds after sending.

5. "Two in one". Buying the online system "", the accountant receives the offline system "Kontur-Extern Light".

The norms of legal acts provide for the obligation of economic entities to send certain reporting forms to the tax authorities, to Rosstat, to off-budget funds and other recipients. For some time now, the electronic submission of reports has been in effect. Moreover, for some categories of organizations, it should be carried out in mandatory.

Businesses have several ways to submit reports to recipients, among which are the following:

  1. Directly to the inspector personally- the most affordable way to small businesses and entrepreneurs. It is necessary to bring the reports on paper in duplicate to the supervisory authority and hand them over to the inspector. If the documents are submitted by a representative, it is also necessary to present documents establishing his powers. However, this method has limitations. For certain reports, it is not available when the number of employees specified by the law is exceeded.
  2. - in this case, the reports on paper are placed in an envelope, their inventory is made, and the letter is sent by registered means to the supervisory authority. As with personal submission of reports, this method is not available for some subjects due to existing restrictions.
  3. Submission of reports in electronic form- this method of sending reports to regulatory authorities is available to everyone who has access to the Internet and an electronic digital signature. This option should be used for certain categories of business entities.

In what case is electronic submission of reports obligatory?

Legislative regulations stipulate the cases when the submission of reports via the Internet should be carried out:

  • If business entities submit VAT declarations, only an electronic submission form is provided for this report.
  • For organizations and individual entrepreneurs, the number of employees of which exceeds 100 people. These entities must submit reports to the tax authorities only electronically. The rule applies both to newly created companies with more than 100 employees, as well as to existing ones if they have more than 100 employees in the previous year.
  • Reports to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund must be submitted in electronic form if business entities have an average number of employees of more than 25 people.
  • Electronic reporting to the IFTS is mandatory for calculating insurance premiums and personal income tax, if the number of employees in the company is more than 25 people.
  • Organizations recognized as the largest taxpayers.

Attention! Business entities should remember that if they do not follow the methods of submitting reports provided for them, they may be held liable under the law.

What is needed in order to submit reports via the Internet

To submit reports electronically, you must first fulfill a number of conditions:

  • It is necessary to sign an implementation agreement with some regulatory authorities before submitting reports. electronic document management... This agreement deals with the procedure for submitting reports and how to behave in controversial situations.
  • EDS acquisition - All documents involved in electronic document flow must be signed with an EDS, which allows the sender to be identified. If it is absent, then no reports can be sent directly to the supervisory authority. However, you can contact a special operator who has the right to send electronic reports by power of attorney, signing documents with his signature.
  • Purchase of software - to send reports, you can use services on the Internet (for example, the tax website) or purchase specialized programs that allow you to draw up reporting forms and send them to regulatory authorities. When buying a program, you need to decide on the volume and list of forms that the subject needs to pass, since there is their gradation - for the USN, for the OSNO, etc.

Attention! You can purchase an EDS from a specialized certification center along with the appropriate software. For example, you can purchase an EDS from the operator Kontur. It should be taken into account that EDS can be of different scope.

What kind of reporting can be provided via the Internet

It is possible to submit reports in electronic form to the supervisory authority, provided that it has the technical capability for electronic document management.

In order to submit reports to the tax office in this way, the user needs to:

  • Get an identifier using the special service "Subscriber Identifier Obtaining Service";
  • Install on the computer a special program "Taxpayer Legal Entity";
  • Install a set of root certificates and public keys.

When submitting reports in this way, the user still has the obligation to receive a qualified electronic signature from one of the special operators, which will sign the reports upon sending. Since the signature serves as a kind of identifier for the sender, no change is possible without it.

Thus, this method is relatively free - there is no need every reporting period pay for a special software product, but the obligation to renew the EDS annually remains.

On the other hand, paid services offer the ability to submit reports in all directions at once - not only to the Federal Tax Service, but also to the Pension Fund, FSS, Statistics, etc. Also, the service package includes round-the-clock user support.

Attention! There is also a legal way to use paid services for some time completely free of charge - many of them provide a free trial period, during which all the features of the service are available.

For example, in the Kontur-Extern system it is 3 months. But such an opportunity is available only once, the second time you will not be able to take free months.

They are actively being introduced into our life innovative technologies... And entrepreneurs faced many changes in their activities. For example, it became possible to transfer the necessary documentation to the tax authorities and extra-budgetary funds through computer technology... Electronic reporting in the FIU, FSS and IFTS is increasingly used by modern entrepreneurs.

In this article, we will talk about how to submit reports electronically with minimal financial losses, and also consider the features of electronic accounting reporting. Read about in the article electronic journal"General manager".

Registration of declarations and settlements in electronic form is necessary if the conditions specified in the table are met.

Electronic filing of value added tax returns is mandatory for all payers.

Electronic reporting: key benefits

The introduction of electronic document management with control authorities was aimed at simplifying the reporting procedure and minimizing the risk of errors.

The following are some of the advantages of electronic reporting over paper reporting.

  1. Delivery of reports is very fast. The addressee receives the data in electronic form within a few minutes after sending. In addition to on-time delivery, it is guaranteed that the report will not be lost as human factor absent.
  2. The costs for registration and submission of electronic reports are less. There is no need to apply personally to various authorities to submit a report. This saves a lot of time.
  3. The possibility of sending a report with errors is eliminated. It is possible to evaluate the generated report for errors. A multi-stage system has been developed that allows regulatory authorities to check an electronic document before it is accepted. It doesn't take a lot of time. If the report is compiled with errors, it will be returned for revision, and you will be shown the shortcomings. The check is carried out quickly, which allows you to submit electronic reporting on time.
  4. There is more time for submission of electronic reporting. It is allowed to send reports in electronic form at any time of the day.
  5. It is possible to apply electronic methods of document processing. With this, the process of creating the required forms is significantly accelerated.

Electronic reporting allows you to simplify the workflow between business entities and control bodies, minimize the risk of errors and reduce the cost of paperwork.

Electronic reporting: possible schemes

The law provides for the following reporting methods:

  • in person or through a representative;
  • by mail with a valuable letter (it is necessary to describe the attachment);
  • electronically via the Internet.

The first two are simple and straightforward, but currently not all business entities can use them. For example, paragraph 3 of Art. 80 and clause 5 of Art. 174 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establish the obligation of all VAT payers (and tax agents) to draw up and send tax returns only in electronic form, using telecommunication channels for this. Similar requirements apply to the preparation of personal income tax returns, calculations of insurance premiums, etc.

Before choosing software, you need to understand the technological side. Reports can be submitted according to the following schemes:

  • straight;
  • representative;
  • using portals.

The essence of the scheme

Provides for the conclusion of an agreement between the client and the operator of electronic document management / intermediary. The subscriber receives a software product that allows sending reports, and an electronic digital signature is issued to the manager or other authorized person.

There is a guarantee total control for registration and submission of reports.

FTS can send messages and requests.

Connecting several companies will be cheaper.

The need to pay every year.

Only a person who understands the process, knows the requirements and keeps track of the deadlines can deal with the submission of reports.


Reports are sent by a company that has software through which other organizations and individual entrepreneurs can report.

The cost of one shipment is small (from 100 rubles).

The scheme is very simple - you come to the representative and he himself takes care of the dispatch.

There is no guarantee that the representative is bona fide.

There is no feedback (if it is not provided by the contract). Have the reports been delivered? Did they accept them or not?

The Federal Tax Service cannot send requests and requests and receive answers to them.

The tax office keeps the representative scheme in the spotlight. It is expected to be canceled soon.

State portals

The company acquires a key to an electronic digital signature (EDS) from any accredited certification center and gets the opportunity to report through state portals(https://www.nalog.ru/, http://fss.ru/ and others).

Small expenses (only for the purchase of an electronic digital signature).

You need to go through the registration procedure on each portal.

Each portal has its own specifics of working with it.

You should not count on help and support.

Electronic reporting software: how to choose the right one

The main programs for electronic document management are provided by such special operators: Tenzor, Taxcom, ZAO PF SKB Kontur and ZAO Kaluga Astral. Another well-known player on the market is Rus-Telecom LLC, its software is called Feldjeger.

There are programs not only for submitting reports, but also allowing accounting and. These are 1C, Astral, Tensor, SBS, Argos and others.

Each software product allows a comprehensive approach to work: in addition to drawing up reports, you can download ready-made files from other accounting systems, transfer them. In addition, other related services are offered (base of regulatory documents, electronic document management with contractors, etc.). It is clear that each option costs money, the price of different solutions varies. The main factors influencing it are the type of organization and the tax regime.

In the Russian Federation, there are 119 EDM operators who have passed the registration procedure. A list of them can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Before choosing software, you need to decide on your preferences. There are two types of programs that differ technologically:

  • offline - copies are installed on a PC (on an external hard drive or flash drive);
  • online is a cloud-based software that allows you to work from any PC on the Internet.

Offline products include SBiC ++, 1C-Reporting, Astral Report and others.

Dealing with online programs is more difficult. Users mistakenly believe that this group of products allows them to work from any PC with Internet access. For example, software "Kontur-Extern". In the Kontur program, electronic reporting can be created and uploaded on the Internet portal, however, a mandatory requirement is the installation of a cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) at the workplace. You need to understand that if you install the cryptographic data protection tool on a PC, then it will not be possible to work from any computer. If the download of the cryptographic information protection tool to the computer is not required, then this is the online version. This group includes the following programs: "Accounting.Kontur" and Kaluga integration solutions "Buchsoft", "MoeDelo", "Glavbukh" and others.

A high price is not always a guarantee of a perfect solution. Additional fees may apply for completely useless options. Therefore, the correct prioritization is so important before making a choice. You should figure out whether you only need to send reports or you will need and Additional services.

Operators can provide quite a few of them. The main ones are as follows:

  • automatic execution of functions professional accountant(the program itself calculates taxes and fees, and the client can submit electronic reporting with one click of a button);
  • registration of an electronic digital signature;
  • training to work with the service;
  • consulting on issues related to accounting;
  • provision of a base of regulatory documents;
  • data storage.

So, you only needed a product to send reports, and you also received additional services. For some, this option is suitable, since it will solve all the problems, but for some, such a package will be useless. In this regard, when choosing software, specify what the cost of the product includes. Refuse unnecessary additional service or contact other special communication operators.

Letters, reconciliations, the function of preparing and checking reports, the ability to download the required files from other programs (except for sending to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, FSS and Rosstat) - these are the minimum requirements for the electronic reporting system. As a rule, this basic set is in demand among users, not hung with additional options. Also consider the number of subscribers. If you manage several organizations, then it will be beneficial for you to connect a tariff for a group of companies. Ask suppliers for availability.

Another criterion for choosing a program is the interface. It should be understandable at an intuitive level, then you will not need to train employees to work in the service.

You can connect to the software for submitting reports according to a certain procedure. It is the same for different programs. To send reports electronically, you will need:

  • application for connection;
  • operator service agreement;
  • agreement on exchange in the electronic document management system;
  • documents for issuing an electronic digital signature (these are copies of the TIN and OGRN of the organization / individual entrepreneur, which must be certified, the passport and SNILS of the head).

To transfer reports to government agencies via TCS, it must be encrypted and certified with an EDS certificate, which is issued to an employee who has the right to sign. This is usually the head of the company.

The purpose of an EDS is to confirm the authenticity of documents that are transmitted via telecommunication channels:

  • to certify that the signed text comes from the person who certified it;
  • protect documents from changes.

Those who supply products for electronic reporting can register an EDS certificate. Before this procedure, you need to determine the scope of the signature. It may be needed not only for the certification of electronic reports. For example, EDF requires certification of documents using an electronic signature. It is also needed to participate in auctions through the Network. If you are interested in expanding the EDS application area, consult a special operator on this issue, he will tell you about the available possibilities.

Using the scheme described above for submission of electronic reporting through state portals requires registration of an electronic signature certificate with accredited suppliers. The cost of such a procedure ranges from 500 to 3500 rubles.

Electronic reporting program: comparative characteristics of market leaders

Each software product has both advantages and disadvantages.


The product allows you to report electronically to organizations such as the Federal Tax Service, FSS, Rosstat, PFR. More than 400,000 domestic companies send electronic reporting through this program.

The advantages of this service are as follows:

  • Internet does not need to be high-speed for sending electronic reports;
  • professional technical support is provided;
  • low price;
  • current report forms are available for work;
  • you can send reports executed in any accounting program.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the storage of information on a PC.


The company has become a leader for last years... The number of her clients is constantly growing. The company's software product is a reliable and proven tool that allows you to send electronic reports over the Internet. Using the package, you can submit reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, FSS, Rosstat. The advantages of the service are as follows:

  • The software is easy to install and connect;
  • there are many additional services.

To connect one organization to the service, you will have to pay 12,000 rubles. Aspiring entrepreneurs are not always able to do this. This is the disadvantage of the program.

The most common software product.

The following advantages of 1C are distinguished:

  • it is very easy to transfer electronic reporting;
  • many additional interfaces have been developed;
  • it is possible to plan the transfer of funds and control accounts;
  • you can take into account payments on payment cards;
  • the program is very convenient to use;
  • the service can be updated over the Internet.

Among the shortcomings of the 1C package are the following:

  • the software is expensive;
  • it is necessary to subscribe every year;
  • only a specialist can update the program, independent actions can lead to the loss of information.


With the program "Argos" it is quite easy to send electronic reports. The interface is intuitive. Encryption and signature of documents is provided, which makes it possible to make them legally significant. Therefore, you can submit reports to auditing organizations.

Any mail program can be used to transfer documents. Data storage is carried out on the subscriber's side, while security is not guaranteed.


The product can be installed on a PC as well as used online. Data synchronization is possible. The transmission of electronic reporting to the SBS is carried out using not a postal protocol, but a direct channel with the operator.

In this regard, receipt of reports is confirmed instantly. To make the system more reliable, you can use the mail protocol as a fallback. In this case, the highest probability of delivery of documents is guaranteed.

There are other software as well. Let's pay attention to the programs "Kontur" and "Taxcom".

"Circuit" has the following advantages:

  • the system is installed on the operator's server, so he himself monitors the appearance of updates;
  • receipt of reports is confirmed instantly.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the need for a stable connection to the Internet. If the connection is broken while working with the system, the information will be lost.

Taxcom installed locally on the user's PC. Reports are transmitted using a mail channel, the principle of which is similar to that of standard mail clients.

The advantages of the program are as follows:

  • storage location - the user's PC, but in encrypted form;
  • you don't need a permanent connection to the network.

The disadvantage of the product is the delay in the confirmation of the delivery of electronic reporting.

Programs are developed in accordance with the specifics of the activity and the volume of work. Their price and performance depend on this.

Select software should take into account the following factors:

  1. Which regulatory body do you need to report to?
  2. Does the operator provide technical support customers, and how responsive it is.
  3. What is the cost of the product, whether you need to pay extra for additional options.
  4. Is it difficult to connect and install.

When studying prices and reviews, you need to understand that the cost of acquiring different licenses for the same software will not be the same.

The amount varies depending on the following factors:

  • how many people will work with the service;
  • whether it is necessary to connect additional modules for internal DO and analytics, which do not make the reporting process faster, but increase the cost of the license;
  • to how many organizations will you report using this program.

For example, the subscription fee for using the Electronic Reporting software, depending on these indicators, varies from 1200 rubles to $ 1000 per year for 1 workplace... To connect the service, you will need to pay from 4,000 to 16,500 rubles.

The main advantage of electronic reporting is time savings and functionality. But some systems also have disadvantages. They may be significant to you, so they need to be considered.

In addition, all regulatory authorities have their own software products that allow you to fill out and send reports in electronic form.

Submission of reports in electronic form with minimal financial losses

Sending electronic reports over the Internet requires the following conditions to be met:

  1. Software must be installed that allows you to fill out forms and prepare reports electronically.
  2. You need to install an ERP product.
  3. You must have a Qualified Electronic Signature (CEP) and a cryptographic provider.

As a rule, there is an unloading of electronic reporting from accounting software (1C, Parus, SAP, etc.). Often it is accompanied by certain problems, since the forms of electronic reporting change and not all software products are updated synchronously.

  • FTS: "Taxpayer LE";
  • Rosstat: software for filling out statistical reporting forms in offline mode;
  • FIU: Spu_orb program;
  • FSS: the program "Preparation of calculations for the FSS" (also 4FSS can be filled in on the portal. In some regions, the sending of certificates of incapacity for work is available);
  • RPN: "Natural Resource User Module";
  • FSRAR: "Declarant-Alco".

In addition, the websites of the above control bodies have additional programs and services that can be used regardless of the method of compiling electronic reporting.

Many packages, developed by special communication operators and expensive, are characterized by a direct appeal to the resources of control bodies:

  • extracts from YUGRUL / EGRIP (including legally significant ones);
  • find out your / someone else's TIN;
  • program for checking reports to the Pension Fund for payers - CheckPFR;
  • other.

Many believe that government services are very far from perfect. However, the quality of the products listed above is quite good, they do an excellent job of their functions. When developing many of them, the principle of separate loading of xml templates of the required forms was used. In this regard, user control is required, since templates are updated frequently (especially at Rosstat).

Advice! Make an intermediate repository of the necessary xml templates, you will need it for centralized updates. I am currently distributing templates and providing accountants with information about updates, for which I use simple Python scripts.

The authorities exercising control have their own services that allow you to submit electronic reporting free of charge:

  • FTS: submission of accounting, tax reports in electronic form (https://service.nalog.ru/nbo/);
  • Rosstat: reporting collection system (;
  • FIU: the insured's office (https://es.pfrf.ru/#services-u);
  • FSS gateway (http://f4.fss.ru/);
  • RPN (http://rpn.gov.ru/otchetnost);
  • FSRAR web portal (https://service.fsrar.ru/).

To use the resources, you need to fulfill the standard requirements: have a qualified electronic signature (CEP), a cryptographic provider and a plug-in to work with the browser.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to register on each resource, which entails inconvenience if the amount of information is large. In paid solutions, the interface is uniform and seamless.

Before sending the generated reports, you need to sign them using an EDS. You will definitely not be able to save money here, since certificates legal entities no one provides for free.

On the official sites there are lists of organizations accredited to issue an electronic digital signature. The same resources lead to the requirements for such certification centers. If you already have an EDS, it may be suitable for signing electronic documents.

You also need to have a crypto provider program. As a rule, electronic reporting websites of control bodies use CryptoPro. You can install a trial version for three months free of charge. To save money, first install the version of "CryptoPro 3.9", and then - "CryptoPro 4.0", then you can work for free for 6 months. Then you need to buy a license to avoid problems.

Some special operators have developed cloud-based qualified electronic signatures(CloudCEP), the place of their storage is the server of a specialized telecom operator. Working with CloudCEP does not require the purchase and installation of a cryptographic provider. However, you cannot use the cloud CEP in other programs.

The widespread opinion that after purchasing the software the special operator will do everything himself is wrong. The contracts with telecom operators are well-drafted, their functions and responsibilities are clearly spelled out in them. By and large, he must take the documents and deliver them to the receiving complex of the controlling body.

Electronic submission of reports and responsibility

If within 10 working days from the moment the organization has the obligation to submit reports in electronic form to the tax, it does not provide the ability to accept documents from the IFTS in electronic form, this may lead to the blocking of its bank accounts by the fiscal authority.

In addition, the FTS, PF RF, FSS have the right to collect fines from companies if they do not comply with the procedure for filing tax returns (calculations).

The fine is 200 rubles for each report not submitted in accordance with the rules.

Electronic accounting reporting as an example of electronic reporting and its features

Financial statements are a collection of information about all financial transactions of a company, systematized in a certain way. These data characterize financial condition business entity.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, since 2013, absolutely all enterprises must keep accounting in electronic form. Electronic reporting is mandatory even for business entities operating under a simplified taxation system.

Currently, in Russia, many accountants are familiar with such a software product as 1C. Electronic accounting has many advantages. Nevertheless, there are those who treat her with distrust for various reasons.

Submitting electronic documentation is a much simpler and more enjoyable process than waiting in line for an appointment with a tax inspector in order to submit a report or declaration.

Electronic financial statements has the following advantages:

  • paperwork in electronic form takes much less time than paper;
  • it minimizes the risk of making mistakes when filling out forms.

All EDMS, which are used by enterprises to submit electronic reporting to control bodies, have programs that automatically perform calculations. All required forms can be provided via the Internet.

If the accountant submits documents in electronic form to the regulatory authorities, then there are no situations when tax officials refuse to accept them for verification.

Currently, any reports can be submitted in electronic form. There are no restrictions. Nevertheless, mainly in electronic form, they pass:

  • accounting statements;
  • reports on financial results.

The sending of documentation by an accounting employee can be carried out using Internet tools, such as e-mail. It turned out to be very convenient for individual entrepreneurs to maintain electronic reporting: now they do not have to employ accountants, they themselves can maintain documentation. To prepare and submit financial statements, they need to learn how to work with the 1C program and have access to the Internet.

But before a business entity sends electronic documentation to the tax authorities, it must officially switch to the EDI system, having previously selected any of them.

Computer-aided record keeping requires the following steps to get started:

  • writing an official statement about connecting to EDF, which will allow you to exchange electronic information with the tax office or other control body;
  • concluding an agreement with an organization involved in connecting to the EDMS;
  • signing additional agreements on the implementation of an electronic document management system in the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service, obtaining a digital key or EDS, drawn up in a special certification center.

Important: the electronic key can only certify documents submitted to the tax office. The electronic signature is intended to give a legal status to any documentation sent to different control bodies.

The reporting forms are posted on the official Internet resources of the services. Thanks to this, the work of accountants of all enterprises is greatly simplified. If you, being an accountant or head of an organization, are not able to switch to the EDI system on your own in order to pass all types financial statements using telecommunication channels for this, you can use the services of private commercial organizations... They will collect and prepare the necessary papers to connect to the electronic document management system, issue an EDS or digital key, select suitable program... Users have the right to receive certificates for electronic digital signatures and key generation.

The tax service is developing services that allow the preparation of documents in electronic form necessary for processing most of the transactions of transfer of goods, works, services from one company to another. The purpose of such programs is to stimulate the transition to EDI.

For example, it is expected that in tax authority upon his request, it will be possible to provide, using telecommunication channels, a document on the transfer of goods (works, services), created on the basis of the recommended form TORG-12, an act of acceptance and transfer of works, similar to the generally accepted paper form, an invoice with an extended set of details and NS.

Now there are so many software products with a license, allowing to implement the operation of the electronic data exchange system between contractors. The program can be paid or free. The latter, as a rule, are developed directly by the Federal Tax Service or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You should not buy expensive software, considering that the higher the price, the better the quality of the product. The choice should be made, focusing not on the amount, but on the correspondence of the program functionality to the specifics of your activity.

Electronic financial reporting is universal, easy to use, and therefore more and more organizations are switching to it. Various courses and trainings are held for faster adaptation of accounting employees and other authorized persons to new working conditions. At the legislative level, the need to sign primary electronic accounting documents with an electronic digital signature and transfer them through operators of electronic document circulation has been approved.

Reporting in case of non-compliance with these requirements will not have legal force, and documents cannot be presented for VAT offset or protection of the company's interests in court. The same reason underlies the prohibition of independent organization of document flow with counterparties (for example, using postal services) without the participation of electronic document flow operators.