Modern ancient Orthodoxy - Galina Tsareva: “We do not want total control. The court against the universal electronic card. galina tsareva What are you working on now


Representatives of religions about UEC

Representatives of religions express concern about the introduction of electronic maps

On March 24, 2011, during a hearing in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the topic "The problem of citizens' refusal from electronic identification and ensuring their rights", representatives of traditional religions of Russia expressed their common concern over a large-scale project to introduce universal electronic cards (UEC), the implementation of which in the country can be started as early as 2012, Patriarchia.Ru reports.

According to Tserkovny Vestnik, Bishop of Saratov and Volsk Longin, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, Mufti of Chuvashia Albir Krganov, Permanent Representative of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia in Moscow, Sanjay Lama Andrei Balzhirov, took part in the public hearings.

The round table was chaired by Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society, who initiated the hearings.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church reiterated that the state should preserve the possibility of choice and legislatively consolidate and ensure the traditional forms of registration of citizens on a par with electronic ones. “People who do not accept electronic cards should not be discriminated against, including when receiving medical care and social benefits, ”said Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin. In this regard, activists of the Orthodox public organizations made a number of proposals on amendments to the current legislation.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, in his report at the Council of Bishops in February of this year, also touched upon this problem. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church then said: "The Church understands the position of people who do not want to be subjected to control, which allows collecting comprehensive information about their private life, and in the future can be used to discriminate against citizens based on ideological principles."

As the first deputy of the Central Spiritual Directorate of Muslims said at a hearing in the Public Chamber, "Muslim believers also ask questions on this topic." A. Krganov stressed that such projects federal level must necessarily undergo a wide public discussion.

In turn, Sanjay Lama Andrei Balzhirov expressed concern that commercial structures would be involved in the preparation and maintenance of universal electronic cards. According to him, there is a real danger of hacking electronic media, when all data on a specific person becomes available to attackers, which gives rise to "the possibility of fraud, blackmail and the use of these technologies for extremist purposes."

A member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alla Gerber, like other participants in the hearings, called for an exclusively voluntary choice by citizens of one form or another of recording their data.

The hearings were attended by representatives of the RF Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Federal Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance, the Moscow Government, scientists and human rights activists, as well as representatives of the Universal Electronic Card OJSC. In this format, the discussion of the protection of human rights in connection with the development of new electronic technologies was held for the first time. Also, for the first time, the agreed position of representatives of various religious communities in Russia on the introduction of new electronic documents in the country.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, commenting on the main results of the discussion, to the Orthodoxy and Peace portal, noted: “The very fact of the meeting of representatives of public organizations concerned with the introduction of electronic technologies with representatives of ministries and departments working in this area was important.”

According to Vsevolod's father, representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow and the Federal Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance reported that when implementing the UEC, the principle of voluntariness will be observed and people who do not accept the card or refuse it will not be prejudiced, in particular, when receiving social benefits.

The Chairman of the Synodal Department expressed the hope that these assurances government agencies"Will be documented and can be used by people who would like to communicate with government or other institutions that control the receipt of social benefits, without accepting an electronic card."

The implementation of the MIRACLE CARD is a big step for the transition to this settlement system.
2. Since it is hard to believe that such a hasty introduction of these cards is so necessary at the moment for our economy and the poor population, the conclusion suggests itself that this law was initiated by the Washington or Brussels regional committee.
This version is also supported by the fact that the European Union has allocated 2 million euros for this purpose, and the Europeans, as you know, know how to count money.
Also, all equipment, including chips, is planned to be purchased from foreign companies.
3. Imagine that all your most important documents, insurance, money are gathered together in this
map. As many assume, in the future more and more services and documents will be integrated into the card and it will be impossible to exist without it.

The question is: can we, given our degree of confidence in the state and its "life-improving reforms and innovations," like a flock of sheep, silently agree to such conditions?

We thought they were in such a hurry because there is a corruption
component of the law? No, not at all. Everything is much cooler.

UEC applications summarize all personal data, even indicate
"Risk group" and other information about a person, about which he does not even
guesses. It was announced that after the adoption of this law, the authorities were the first to
business will collect information to create a database for all
residents of Moscow (12 million). Can you imagine? It will be a single database,
where ALL data will be stored for ALL citizens: registration, transactions with
real estate, medical history, blood type, vaccinations, benefits,
accrued salary, photo, address, credit history, social
behavior ... All-all-all.

I don't doubt for a second that this base will be free in a week.
sale, which will allow you to choose who - the victim of the crime, who - the organs
for transplantation, and to whom and children for pedophile "adoption". But
much worse is the other. The electronic card is "fastened" to the system
"Electronic government", which is done with the money of the European Union,
which allocated 2 million euros. According to the Constitution, we do not have such a body
"Electronic government", which is referred to in the law, but it ALREADY
made! And fully on foreign elemental and
software base, for foreign money and foreign specialists.
This is at least dangerous, it is a leak of information about the operation of all systems.
the state and citizens abroad, our opponents. Where is our
security? Even America abandoned such a system, motivating
the fact that if the elements are produced abroad, this allows
foreign states to hack into the system. Or, besides us, this question is already
nobody cares? Is this stupidity or high treason?
It turns out that we are all handed over, moreover, in bulk?

On March 5, the Moscow City Court chaired by Judge M.Yu. Kazakov. considered the application for the recognition of the Moscow Law No. 8 "On the universal electronic card" invalid. It was glad to see that by the beginning of the meeting a large number of Orthodox citizens had gathered in the building of the Moscow City Court, who decided by their presence to support our demands.

It is noteworthy that auditorium No. 606, in which the hearing was held for a maximum of 20 people, was not ready to receive everyone, which made the MGS administration noticeably nervous, not expecting such an unprecedented "turnout" of visitors. We asked to provide a larger hall, to which the judge said: "And if a million of you come, what will we have to provide the stadium?" Upon our request to arrange a live broadcast of the hearing in the foyer, we were also refused.

In addition, we were refused video filming, because the prosecutor stated that she did not want her personal data to end up in unknown sources. We were also refused to invite specialists in the field of electronic technology, although the court agreed to invite a specialist from OAO UEC. The IGU apparatus actually signed for its inability to ensure the implementation of the right of every citizen who wants to directly observe the course of an open process, as required by procedural legislation.

Nevertheless, about two hundred people filled the sixth floor hall. I would like to note that their presence, as well as the fervent prayers of those Orthodox people who could not come to the meeting, were clearly felt not only by our applicants, but also by the court and the defendant's parties - representatives of the Mayor's Office, the Moscow City Duma and the government of the Russian Federation, who could not clearly to argue their objections to the arguments of the applicants, and on a number of the questions posed, in general, clearly state their position.

The applicants reasonably referred to the fact that the rights of citizens in relations regulated by the “Law on the Universal Electronic Card” are protected by the Civil Legislation (the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights). Civil legislation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 76), is under the exclusive jurisdiction of Russian Federation... Thus, Law No. 8, issued at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Moscow), was adopted in excess of the powers of the legislative body of a constituent entity of the Federation (Moscow City Duma) and therefore is invalid from the moment of its adoption.

In addition, the applicants presented to the court convincing evidence that Law No. 8 violates the rights of citizens to intangible benefits (such as life, health, personal dignity, privacy, etc.), the protection of which is regulated by the Federal Civil Legislation, in particular , the same Civil Code (Art. 150), the Law on Consumer Rights Protection, the Law on the Protection of Information, the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and, most importantly, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the interested party (the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow government) in their objections referred exclusively to the provisions of the controversial Federal Laws "On the Provision of Public Services" No. 210-FZ and the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 152, which, by the way, had already been modified in 2011 (Law 263-FZ) for the needs of the same Law 210-FZ.

In particular, as amended by Law 263-FZ, the Law on Personal Data no longer provides for the operator's obligation to seek citizens' consent to the collection, processing and transfer of personal data in order to provide public services... Moreover, even the refusal of a citizen to process his personal data has lost its decisive significance for the operator. There is a feeling that this entire legislative structure, the logic of its construction and adoption is similar to an attempt to introduce some new, foreign, alternative legislation into the traditional legal field, which is based on itself and cross-references itself.

By the end of the session, there was a feeling that the judge Kazakov M.Yu. already has at its disposal enough information necessary for making a decision, from which it follows that by the beginning of the meeting on 12.03.12 it will already be ready. In addition, at the beginning of the hearing the applicant A.K. Karkavidov. demanded the disqualification of the judge due to the fact that the judges of the city of Moscow are financially and otherwise dependent on the government of the city of Moscow, therefore they cannot objectively consider the case, the interested person of which is the mayor of the city of Moscow. Of course, understanding the specifics of the current situation and objectively assessing the significance of this decision for those in power, we are not too deluded about the fact that Law No. 8 will still be canceled. But, on the other hand, if God is with us, then who is against us ?!

The feeling after the trial was joyful, because we managed to tell the truth. On our part there were questions of such a plan, to which it was impossible to answer honestly to our opponents, and they in every possible way played or avoided answering. They were unable to articulate clearly their objections to the arguments of the applicants and their representatives. It was clear that the opposite side realizes the correctness of our arguments, and it did not find a single argument, at least within the framework of this meeting, that could refute our position. After the parties presented their arguments, the session was suspended by the judge until 12.03.12 "due to the expiration of the Court's working day."

The Coordinating Committee calls on all Orthodox Christians not to weaken their prayer during the entire break in the session and ask to come to the next court session, so that there are not 200 people, but ten thousand people, so that the authorities, the media draw the attention of us, so that they can see that we are not just “A handful of marginals,” as they call us, but citizens of their country who do not want to live in an unconstitutional state and go against their Christian conscience. By the way, we invited Father Vsevolod Chaplin to speak on behalf of the Church in defense of Orthodox citizens who do not want to live in an electronic gulag. Father Vsevolod refused to come or send his representative to the hearing.

The next session will take place on 12.03.03 in room 606 of the building of the Moscow City Court. Address: Moscow, Metro Preobrazhenskaya Square, Bogorodsky Val, 8. The meeting starts at 9.00

Chairman of the Coordination Committee against the implementation of the UEC Galina Tsareva

From the editor: We publish one of the articles of Galina Tsareva (Chairperson of the Coordination Committee against the introduction of the UEC, PhD in Philosophy, director of famous films: "The era of technotronic dictatorship", "Russia under the hammer" and many other documentaries that reveal to us the "signs of the times").

EI Barsukova, a delegate from the Kostroma Old Believer community, asked to involve Galina Ivanovna Tsareva for a report as an expert on electronic identification as a completely competent person. She was refused, citing the fact that outsiders should not be invited to the Council to speak, although a modern preacher of the "theory of sobriety" V.G. Zhdanov, who is not a believer of the Russian Orthodox Church, was invited to the 2009 Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. time even in the ROC MP is considered a sectarian and non-Orthodox.

Few now understand that we are witnessing the construction of a super-totalitarian technotronic dictatorship unprecedented in the history of mankind, where the laws governing cybernetic systems are transferred to human society. The system of total control is being built around the world, a network society is being built in which each person becomes a node and element of the network and will have to live according to the rules set by the owners of the system.

According to Galina Tsareva, total control over people is now going on in all directions: systems of personal identification using electronic cards, scanning the retina of eyes, fingerprints, lip reading, gait analysis, implantation of microchips into the human body are being introduced. And, first of all, it is control over all actions, movements, as well as the income of each citizen. Any portal, social network collects information about you, and any self-updating program installed on your computer is a potential security hole. There is a total collection of personal data for each person, which will be disposed of at their discretion by the powers that be.

In 2003, a summit meeting on the global information society was held in Geneva, where it was said that every country in the world is creating an "electronic government", which will be built on a single international standards on a single information and software platform. " Electronic governments"Individual countries should form a single world system with a subordinate" electronic population ". The so-called "operators" will have absolute power over the "electronic population". And it is quite obvious that a person will be forced to fulfill the will of the owners of the governing system. Cash will be abolished, so those who do not accept this system will become outcasts and will not be able to “buy or sell”, as written by the Evangelist John the Theologian in the Apocalypse.

Now in Russia, the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) is being introduced - an ideal tool for total control, which should include all information about a person in in electronic format and perform the function of a multi-document: a passport, driver's license, pension, insurance, medical policies, and will also be a means of payment. With the help of the card, as its creators plan, it will be possible to receive state, regional and commercial services in electronic form using infomats, personal computers equipped with a reader, mobile devices... The universal card will also be accepted in the metro, buses and other types of transport, it will be enough to bring the card to a contactless reader. Make an appointment with a doctor, check the accrued taxes or fines and pay them immediately, check the status of the retirement account and even sign an electronic document with your special electronic signature- at first glance - it is convenient, and everything is presented as “making progress”, “cutting queues”, “improving the quality of life”. But this is only at first glance. Galina Tsareva warns: in fact, final goal of this whole program - the construction of a global world dictatorship unprecedented until now, which has not happened yet in the history of mankind, and there is no need to talk about any democratic society at all.

How will the system work? The creators promise the safety and secrecy of operations, and on the magnetic stripe and the chip there will be only a name, numbers of insurance certificates, and even then in encrypted form. All other data will be stored on the secure servers of the relevant government agencies. But the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Igor Shchegolev himself openly stated that an electronic card is the key to all personal characteristics of a person. And if the card is inserted into the appropriate device, then there is a consolidation of data about a person from all arrays of information that can be scattered across different servers. In fact, this is a single database. And since a chip is inserted into the card, it is possible to remotely, even from space, unauthorizedly remove data about its owner. And since both computers and software ours is foreign, then all information about citizens will smoothly flow overseas or into Brussels into the Beast computer, and this already leads to the loss of the country's sovereignty.

The databases of people will be owned by foreign companies and banks that will sell us access to social services- health care, education, social security and others like paid service provided on the terms of the seller. It turns out that a private organization will receive complete information about the citizens of Russia and will be able to do anything with it.

With the creation of a single database of personal data, conditions appear for the unauthorized sale of this data to criminal structures, as well as for electronic fraudsters. One fine day, a person may find out that he is no longer the owner of his apartment, dacha, car, because someone entered the database and changed the records of his property or took money from his card, took loans in his name. You can lose your children and even your own identity, if the card is blocked, if you become objectionable to the electronic government.

In addition, the map will contain all information about your health status, medical history, information about the state internal organs, blood type, so everyone can fall prey to organ hunters. Knowing literally everything about each person: his interests, preferences, social circle, political views - you can manipulate a person in your interests.

The continuation of the introduction of universal cards will be the introduction of microchips implanted into a person. Official documents of the Russian government already speak about it. So "Strategy for the development of the electronic industry in Russia until 2025", signed by order No. 311 of 08/07/2007, says that micro and nano electronic devices should be implanted into the human body and brain for direct communication with global control networks such as the Internet. We quote: “Nanoelectronics will integrate with biological objects and provide continuous control over the maintenance of their vital functions. Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices will become widespread, ensuring constant contact of a person with the surrounding intellectual environment, and means of direct wireless contact of a person's brain with objects around him will become widespread. vehicles and other people. The circulation of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year due to the widespread distribution. "

By order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 909 of 08.11.2009, medicines and vaccines with nanochips will be produced. And the European Group on Ethics in Science and Development of New Technologies in Conclusion No. 20 wrote: “Modern society has come face to face with the changes that need to be made to the human essence, through various electronic devices, subcutaneous chips and smart tags embedded in the human body. They must be able to receive and transmit signals from time to time to allow movement, control habits and contacts to be monitored and evaluated. Implants in the human body can play a major role in health issues and can even lead to increased biological and mental capabilities. Extrapolating to the future, this logic can lead to the transformation of the human race. "

Billionaire founder of Sun Microsystems Bill Joy in 2000 boldly publicized the consensus pact, which was reached by the elite of the world, that by 2030, through chipping, humanity should be completely enslaved and turned into controlled slaves, and there should also be a mass extermination of the world's population. , except for the world elite and its servants. The European Union has allocated two million euros for the introduction of the UEC in Russia. The goal of this project is to dismantle the Russian state and transfer powers of power to foreign commercial structures. Today we are talking about the seizure of power on Earth by a handful of people in order to establish complete world domination, with the construction of a single supranational global community.

Galina Tsareva

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Interview with the chairman of the Coordination Committee against the introduction of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) in Russia, film director Galina Tsareva.

Many Orthodox Christians send letters with refusal to accept the UEC, but the implementation of these cards continues - hidden and totally. And people receive replies, in which representatives of the authorities are trying to confuse them, saying that the time has not yet come to refuse to accept electronic cards, and when it comes, then it will be necessary to apply with statements. What caused this Jesuit secrecy?

They wanted to conduct everything in a quiet way, starting with Moscow. By chance, one of the assistants to the Moscow City Duma deputy discovered that on March 9 of this year it was planned to adopt the Moscow law "On the Universal Electronic Card" without any discussion. We found out a week before, gathered a large forum in the Pushkinskiy cinema, which was attended by several thousand people. People sent telegrams of protest against the adoption of this law and statements refusing to accept the UEC, but reports began to arrive that telegrams were not accepted at some post offices or were returned back. I turned to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma, and during the proceedings it turned out that the address of the Moscow City Duma had been removed from the recipient's address.

Can you imagine to what global level the process has reached so that such an official government agency How was the Moscow City Duma “localized”? But people came to the reception room of the Moscow City Duma and filed refusals from the UEC.

Despite the fact that only in the first days, more than 4 thousand applications were received from Muscovites with a refusal to adopt the UEC, the law was adopted - 23 deputies from United Russia voted for the law on the UEC, not missing a single amendment. And only 3 deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation defended our interests, but the forces were not equal. On March 9, Rakova, Sobyanin's assistant, who is one of the initiators and developers of this law, said at a meeting in the Moscow City Duma that there were no refusals from the UEC. In the meantime, about a thousand people tried to convey their statements refusing to accept the UEC to the Moscow City Duma. At the same time, 5 people were detained as participants in an "unauthorized rally", although they simply could not get into the Duma to submit their applications ...

So they surrendered Moscow ... They put pressure on the fact that in Moscow four million people use the social card of a Muscovite, and to refuse the UEC -. After the law on the UEC was adopted in Moscow, a pilot region, it was the turn of the rest of the regions of Russia, where legislative acts would be adopted.

Galina, people are worried that with the adoption of electronic cards with a chip, they will fall into the category of studied subjects - experimental rabbits, which is fraught with manipulations with the electronic dossier in the public domain. How worrisome are these fears, in your opinion?

This is not fiction. As we managed to find out now in Moscow, everyone who has social cards is being studied separately. There are some secret programs according to which all carriers of social cards are divided into risk groups. There are elements that can be associated with surveillance of a person's position in society, his marital status. Monitoring of especially large families is being carried out to determine whether it is possible to remove children from a particular family. It would seem that people have social cards as a blessing, for convenience and assistance, but in fact, the data of these cards are already being manipulated ... For example, veterans of the war in Afghanistan, Chechnya are singled out and taken under control in a separate group, pensioners - in another, disabled - in a third, etc. It is impossible to find out who assigned the risk group to you, to whom this information was provided. And what is alarming - all this is hidden from the eyes of "outsiders" - from you and me ... At least the documentation accompanying the study of carriers of social cards and the data of these studies is classified as classified information, as evidenced by the stamp "secret" on it ...

The system of total control has been building for more than one year all over the world. Personal data in both Europe and America has been collected a long time ago. For example, in the United States they have been collected since 1935, when Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, according to which Americans began to assign identification numbers- so-called. social security numbers. They filled out an application form, on the basis of which the card was issued through the post office. All data from it went to the US Treasury. Based on the collection of personal data, now, for example, in the state of Missouri and some other states, an Agency act has been signed national security, which is called "Right-wing extremism". According to this law, about 2 million Americans are included in the secret lists of unreliable and potential terrorists - based on the collection of personal data! They bring in there behind the scenes, dividing into groups, opponents of abortion, vaccination, sodomy, tax increases, juvenile justice, chipping, those who disagree with the policy of the government, the UN, who took part in hostilities, etc. That is, people, without suspecting, become potentially dangerous to society, being included in the list of extremists. There have already been cases when a mother with a 5-year-old child could not get on the plane, because her child was included in the list of extremists!

By the way, on American system assignment of numbers is very similar to the assignment of TIN and SNILS in Russia. Further more. In 1952, the application of an individual bar code to an object was patented in America. And in 1999, an invention was registered in the US Patent Office "to be applied with invisible ink in the form of a barcode on a person for life or for any period." It is possible that from that time on the Americans and put this barcode. If in Russia, according to the social cards of a Muscovite, people are graduated and studied according to "risk groups", then with the UEC this process will take on an all-encompassing character ...

I cannot help but dwell on the fundamental point - the date of the permitted, time-limited rejection of the universal electronic card will not be made public. People are initially placed in a dependent position, and in fact it turns out that it is not the voters who dictate their conditions to the elected authorities, but only the power determines the future of each individual ...

Yes it is. It is precisely in the Moscow law No. 8 on the adoption of a universal electronic card that it is written that it will be possible to refuse it only within a certain limited period. Imagine: we hear or read on the Internet that it will be possible to refuse within, for example, a month. And in the outback, in some distant region, people do not learn anything about these rules. And if during this period you did not refuse this card, then later it will be impossible to refuse it. And the card, as it is written in the law, will almost be brought ... But the Jesuit policy is such that a body has not yet been announced where one can turn to refuse the card ... The performers of this chipization see a large number of statements of refusal from the card. And they need to collect a single database. That is why the decision was forced to introduce a magnetic stripe - "machine readable tape" in the all-Russian passport, which will contain all data about a person, personal number and barcode. And the next step will be to insert the chip into the passport.

It turns out that a paper passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a ribbon, which will contain all information about the owner, will easily turn into a temporary substitute for the UEC. Then you can easily go from it to a plastic card?

If you do not want to accept the card, then all the information about you will be in your passport on a magnetic tape. And a passport is a mandatory document, you cannot refuse it. In Russia, by the way, people already have 120 million cards in their hands, mostly those for which salaries are transferred. However, here too there is a cynical manipulation, because according to Labor Code RF only 20% of the salary can be transferred to the card, and we are forced to receive the full salary, accustoming people to cards.

Since all paper documents are planned to be replaced by a card, people will constantly carry it with them as a passport. And through the chip in the card, you can remotely, unauthorizedly remove data about a person, his location. But, in addition, with the help of chips, you can influence a person, control his psychophysical state and even cause the death of a person.

President Medvedev said that by 2015 all government services in Russia will be electronic only. According to the adopted law, a person can theoretically refuse an electronic card, but if ALL public services are electronic, and the transition to cashless payments takes place, then people who have not accepted the card will be completely thrown out of society. Disinformation of the population camouflaged again! Also, what about the computer literacy of our grandparents? And in the outback, not only the Internet, but also computers, many do not. And the money that the state will spend on the mapping of our population is only the tip of the iceberg, because under water there is mass education, provision of all settlements means for working with these cards.

So, if you don't take the card, you automatically lose all services and turn into a pariah, a homeless person, an asocial personality of the second class? The alternative is death?

The time for the confession of faith is coming. As it is said in the Apocalypse: “And he did what everyone - small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves - should be inscribed on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one would be allowed to buy or sell, except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. "

But we often hear that the time has not come yet, and the choice between the cross and the bread is still far away. Many believers receive passports with an electronic chip and biometrics. Many rich people in Russia do not attach importance to the introduction of electronic documents, arguing that so far it is not dangerous, but they certainly will not drive anything under their skin. And yet, in my opinion, this is a delusion, since it is necessary to resist right now. Then it will be not only difficult to give up the benefits, but practically unrealistic, because you will have to actually leave the legal plane! Many will be able to do this?

In the same context, Orthodox Christians ask themselves when the mark will be applied. And here many do not understand that this process will take not decades, but at most years. Information has already appeared that it is technically possible to draw an inscription on the forehead or hand of a person during the digital photographing procedure for UEC. The possibilities of these same laser technologies are enormous. So, the publication "Diagnose" for No. 8 of 1984 wrote that American banks and concerns are planning to introduce total control of the population through an invisible identification system. Under the pretext of introducing cashless payments people will be required by law to apply an invisible code-sign of thin lines, consisting of 18 digits, on the forehead or on the hand with a laser beam. In this case, the lines at the beginning, middle and end of the code should be read as 666. This plan was accidentally discovered after some US banks mistakenly put new forms into circulation. Note that this was written in 1984, before we knew about barcodes.

- And what about the cards in other Orthodox countries?

In Serbia, for example, there have been cards for more than a dozen years and every year they are more and more improved: either a fingerprint was introduced, then a magnetic stripe on which you can enter a barcode, a numeric name of a person, personal data, and since 2009 it began to be issued card with a chip. A professor at the University of Belgrade said in an interview that a person without a card cannot do anything: neither pay for an apartment, nor buy or sell a car, or sign up for a clinic - nothing, and those who do not accept this card will face reprisals, up to and including imprisonment. And there is no confrontation in Serbia with chipization as such. Here one will involuntarily think in connection with this, that perhaps the NATO bombing and the destruction of temples in Serbia are not accidental. After all, people agreed with the introduction of the anti-human system long ago, accepting documents with barcodes and a numerical name, instead of an Orthodox name, which was followed by physical impact - an attack from the West, bombs, missiles, arrests of patriots and a complete dictate of the winner.

Let's look at Greece - at the last rally against the introduction of an electronic card there were 150 thousand participants who came out with the slogans “No electronic card”, “Masons down with the government”! Thousands of priests and monks oppose this system, and bishops are also not silent. Despite the fact that through the crisis, through the ruin of the country, the world government is trying to force the Greeks to accept this anti-Christ system - the Greeks do not surrender, they resist, unlike our country.

Where are our thousands of religious processions and meetings? They are not here. The priesthood and bishops are silent. A small number of people are resisting, and if they begin to receive electronic cards en masse, it is scary to think what could become of our country and all of us. People, don't sleep!

At the television debate in Greece about the map, it was shown how, after being shone on it with a certain device, an image of a person's photograph appeared on the map, which was not visible before, and after all the photographs are taken in a specially equipped room and what can happen during photographing - nobody knows. After all, we will never be told about the technical side of the issue, and if they do, then only what we are allowed to know. So it is with the typeface that will be applied to a person. With the help of scanning equipment, in a fraction of a second, the person involved can be calculated from a million people. And the chip in the body will already become the last point in the rejection of God.

The fact is that now we are subscribing, agreeing not just with the person's number, but with the new digital name of the person. Each digit in this number is encrypted. Let's say "1" means gender, "2" - country, etc. This number will be in the UEC. Although the official replies of the Moscow mayor's office assert that there is no numeric name of a person in the UEC, this is not the case. The personal code, which is in the card, is the encrypted numerical name of the person. It is impossible to find the decryption of SNILS, everything is hidden and hidden.

How can one resist the impending electronic disaster, the danger and destructiveness of which many do not even suspect?

Now only knowledge, understanding of these processes. Of course, the Church should become the locomotive of these speeches. But people must understand the essence of the processes, the main thing in which is information. You need to talk about this, share it with loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. After all, already in schools, children are handed out application forms for parents with the strange wording "consent to the collection of personal data of the ward." That is, our children are no longer called children, but wards ... They collect data from minors. In these papers, parents must agree to “take any action with respect to the personal data of the ward ... , including transfer to third parties, ... depersonalization, blocking ”.

The collection of personal data about children is carried out in schools and kindergartens, in clinics, then the data is transmitted to the West. For what? This expands the possibilities of influencing the family, removing children. But now we must pass a law on organ transplantation in children. Having all the medical indicators about the child, if he is suitable for medical reasons, then he will simply be "cut" into organs. And if, for example, a person died, or he was helped in this, they immediately recruit personal code a person get access to all his medical data.

The European Union has allocated 2 million euros for the implementation of the UEC in Russia. In the West, people are much pragmatic than in Russia, and if they spend money on chipping us, then they need it, first of all, and profitably. So, the West will control and have all the data on the citizens of Russia - old people and children, healthy and sick, able-bodied and pensioners? Does this mean that the Russian authorities are just a transmission link in this system?

There is no procedure for control on the part of citizens over the quantity, quality of the collected information, over its content - everything will be at the discretion of the operators. These cards will be issued by several authorized banks. All data is transferred to banks, from there to "third parties", as they say in their documents, which force Russians to sign. This is the very "world government" about which they talk so much, and which no one has seen. And to say that our information is protected is no longer appropriate. The information goes to the "world government".

An interesting fact is that the day before the adoption of the law on the UEC in Moscow, on March 8, a conference was held in London, at which the implementation of an electronic card around the world was discussed, where it was said that the world electronic card introduced in Russia is the most difficult project in Europe, and that Russia is entering the digital world to manage the identity of citizens. Those. our law has not yet been adopted, but they talked about it as a fait accompli! So who "lets down" these laws for us?

The question arises - why did the organizers of all this action need to speed up, speed up the chipping of Russia and its citizens, after all, in the same America, the same data has been slowly collected for almost a century?

Because in the rest of the countries, this personal data has already been collected. They are already preparing for the coming of a single ruler - the Antichrist, so that people will voluntarily accept this system, built specifically for a single ruler. The transition to non-cash is scheduled for 2015. But imagine - in Russia, 40 percent of citizens know how to use a computer. Put in in public places Russian cities, these infomats, where you can insert UEC and go to your electronic office. But this can be done only by entering your new - digital name. Then a person will be recognized by a numerical - a new name, and not by the one that was given at baptism.

The Athonite Elder Joseph of Vatopedi directly denounced the Zionist elite for imposing electronic documents on the inhabitants of the whole Earth, but warned that the Lord would not allow this sinister plan to come true ... The trouble is that now the lukewarmness struck not only the flock, but also the pastors ... ...

How will we answer for this before God at the Last Judgment? Shall we say that we did not know about the danger, that we showed cowardice?

Before it's too late, you need to convey the truth to people. To choose between white and black will soon have to be decided - for God or for Satan. It cannot be ruled out that in Russia the majority of people will accept these cards, and those who are written in the Book of Life will be saved by the Lord. But the Bible says - if the times are not shortened, then no one will be saved ... Many naively think that they will cross this card and it's okay. But you need to understand that a person can be simply blocked, disconnected from all life support systems, government services, etc. in its electronic document. And then the person turns into nothing, into a disabled number out of the access zone, out of life!

- What should people do when they find themselves in a situation where little depends on them?

To refuse electronic documents, to stand in the truth, not to be afraid of tests! Moreover, the 24th article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits the collection of personal information from citizens without their consent. So it's time to be firm.

It is necessary to talk as broadly as possible about what is happening, explain to people, unite in each region. One by one, they will destroy us, spread rot, not give out wages, etc. The persecution has already begun - those who refuse to sign consent to the collection and processing of personal data are fired. They refuse to carry out gas in the villages if people also do not give such consent. They are not allowed to see a doctor. This also happens in the Church: priests, monks with old Soviet passports are expelled from churches and monasteries. In Diveyevo, several nuns and workers with old passports were expelled from the monastery, and the abbess said that "if there are cards, we will accept them as well." And in other monasteries the situation is no better.

We sent letters to all bishops with a request to clarify their position on these cards, whether it is a sin to take them or not. We will post their responses.

- Do you have any answers?

So far, NOT ONE. But if the priests remain silent, where will we come to? If the priests begin to say that it's okay, that this is not a spiritual issue, that it does not harm a person to accept a card with a number instead of a name, but then the ancient Christians could also make an external sign - to throw sacrifice to idols, and in their souls pray to God. Then the holy great martyr George the Victorious could bow down to demons, preserving the faith? Where are we going?

The Gospel says specifically - “neither buy nor sell”, and now we get this system. It is being built before our eyes, with our silence. We need to think about how to live in conditions of abandonment of the system of virtual money and services.

Now there are theoretical arguments that, they say, a person cannot be saved. If God wants, he will save, otherwise it is impossible. Yes, no one can be saved without God's help. But the help of the Lord is applied to efforts, human zeal, to his labors. St. John Chrysostom said that you bring everything that is yours, and what is not enough, God will fill! And there is no zeal!

Sooner or later, these questions will arise before every real Russian person, whose ancestors survived, endured hardships and hunger, fought for centuries, resisted. Otherwise, spiritual death, death of the soul ...

Imagine, they are now creating a single tax that only those who have a card can pay. A non-owner will not be able to pay even for loved ones. If a person does not accept the card, no one will be able to pay taxes for his house and land. And then they will take away the property ...

This card will be inexpensive, as they declare, symbolically - five rubles ... This is a nominal payment - also a symbol. They would have done it symbolically for real - 33 rubles ...

- What are you working on now?

Soon my new film will be released on all these topics "The Era of Technotronic Dictatorship" - look, distribute. Forewarned is forearmed!

- God bless you!


Georgy Kitten


Anyone who does not want to live in an electronic concentration camp and wants to participate in the fight against this evil, to take part in specific work - JOIN OUR SERIES. Postpone all matters, discard all fears and doubts that nothing can be changed! Let's get down to business, or tomorrow we'll be chipped slaves. Our victory depends on each of us, including you!

Coordination Committee against the implementation of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC)

Interview with film director Galina Tsareva. Against the introduction of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) in Russia.
The UEC question, willingly or unwillingly, concerns all segments of the population. The acceptance or rejection of the UEC by citizens today is the cornerstone of the spiritual and material life of Russia. Since the main condition for the adoption of the UEC, as a biometric identity card, is entry into the Unified World Database with an information tracking center in Europe, the imposition by the authorities of adopting the UEC without holding a People's Referendum excites and alarms us with a dubious present and an alarming future. In all this we see a gross violation by the authorities of the constitutional foundations of legislation with infringement of the civil rights of the people. The pressure of the power structures by any means, as soon as possible, to introduce the UEC in Russia, endangers the defense capability and economic and economic activities of the state. From the point of view of the importance of “accepting or not accepting” the UEC, this issue was today a turning point for the present and future of Russia. "
read the full article

The Internet provides enough information, which is difficult to understand in places, but there is something that is known reliably. Galina Tsareva, Ph.D. in Philosophy, in the 90s, together with her husband, headed the Association of Spiritual Unity "Golden Age", which was mainly engaged in the publication of occult literature (E.P. Blavatskaya, Ramacharak, A. Besant, etc.), but at the same time it had “ its purpose is to influence the spiritual atmosphere of our society, directing it towards stabilization, survival, the revival of all the best traditions of culture and spirituality of the past, the transformation of man and the construction of a worthy future. The Golden Age has always been considered the century of the triumph of spiritual knowledge in the synthesis of traditional religions and the best non-traditional esoteric and mystical teachings. Our Association aims to spread the spirit of these traditions and teachings ” .

But this is all in the past, and we are most interested in its vital activities, centered around the implementation of UEC. The Coordination Committee against the introduction of the UEC, chaired by G. I. Tsareva, in addition to creating films of the relevant topic, is sending letters with the appeal "join our ranks!"

The first page of the letter contains an appeal to those “who do not want to live in an electronic concentration camp” to “postpone all business”, “cast aside fears” and “get down to business” so as not to become “chipped slaves” soon, followed by the signature and checking account of Sberbank , as well as a Yandex-purse “for donations”.

The next page reveals to us the worldview of the author of this message, an image that gives a general idea of ​​the so-called "conspiracy theory": above - "OWNER", below - "SLAVE", and between them various social and state institutions (police, banks, education, etc. etc.). In the description, only one element is added - UEC, as the only key of access from the “slave” to receiving public material goods and a method of manipulation for the “owner” who has the ability to take these benefits at any time by destroying the key. The author sees the next stage in this control system as “chipping the population” with reference to the “Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the Period up to 2025” and the experience of several thousand Americans ( however, if we take the trouble to read the above Strategy, we will not see a word there about chipping the population, but for the author it does not matter, because there is a link, but only a few will get acquainted with it - Ed.). At the same time, in order to coincide the expectations of the author and the text of the book of Revelation, an emphasis is placed on the fact that “the chip, usually, is sewn into the right hand "and thus, as it were, an equal sign is put between the chip and the seal of the antichrist (although this is not said directly). Thus, the INN, the Muscovite card, the pension certificate and the UEC become in the mind of the author of the letter a direct path to accepting the seal of the Antichrist.

The most versatile and schematic of the Church's teaching on the "seal of antichrist" is conveyed in the article by Abbot Andronik Trubachev "The patristic interpretation of the biblical concept of" seal of antichrist ". In this article, considering the main interpreters of the Apocalypse, such as Archbishop. Andrey of Caesarea, teacher Ephraim the Syrian and St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Abbot Andronicus speaks of the different understanding of the term "seal of antichrist" by the holy fathers. Even the same holy father (Irenaeus of Lyons) speaks both of the possibility of literal fulfillment of the prophecy in the form of applying a seal (stamp), possibly with the image of the number or image of the Antichrist (his name), and of its moral content in which “the right hand is active life according to the commandments of God, the person is the knowledge of the truth of God. " Such ambiguity in interpretation does not allow us to speak with confidence about the format in which this seal will be presented to us. The very interpretation of the three sixes is twofold. Some holy fathers (for example, Andrew of Caesarea), using the symbolism of the number 6, say that: “if there was a need to know his name, then, as some teachers say, the seer would have revealed it, but the grace of God did not deign that this harmful name was written in Divine book. If you examine the words, then, according to Hippolytus and others, you can find many names, both proper and common, corresponding to this number. Own, for example: Lampetis ("lumpetio"), Titan ("titan"), Latin ("Latinos"), also Venedict ("Venediktos"), which means blessed, perhaps in imitation of the only blessed Christ; common nouns: a bad leader ("what odigos"), an ancient envious person ("palevaskanos"), truly harmful ("aliphos vaveros"), an unrighteous lamb ("amnos adikos"). These names will be called those who rejected the seduction of the one for whom shameful glory serves as glory, "on the other hand," the forerunner and squire of the Antichrist ... brow, to make the deceived bold in deception and darkness. " Thus, the idea of ​​the number "666" also remains ambiguous, as well as the judgment about the acceptance of the seal of antichrist, which may not consist in the introduction of digital media into the right hand and forehead, but in the sinful actions and thoughts we commit daily, which testify about apostasy from Christ.

The next page contains excerpts: from the report of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the definition of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2011, which speaks of the need to “have an alternative” and “voluntariness regarding the use” of electronic documents “including the UEC”; from the definition of the Council of Bishops in 2008, which speaks of the inadmissibility of intrusion into a person's private life and the collection of data about him without his knowledge and good will; from the appeal of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of October 6, 2005 on the need for an alternative and the voluntariness of adopting an identification system. Interestingly, the last document does not cite the two final paragraphs “Orthodox Christians are urged to remember that the adoption or rejection of new documents, including those containing electronic information about the natural properties of the human body, should not be a reason for condemning some Christians by others, for sowing confusion and schism in the Church. Thousands of years of experience of life in Christ testifies that the Lord protects the inner freedom of a Christian, no matter what conditions he is in, for “the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom "(2 Cor. 3:17)."

As we can see, in these documents (you can read them by completely clicking on the links) there is not even a hint of the sinfulness of adopting an INN or UEC or the need to abandon them for an Orthodox Christian believer. It speaks only of a person's fair opportunity to exercise his freedom through the acceptance or rejection of electronic media (and nothing more) and the moral impossibility of coercion by the state in this matter.

And, finally, the draft document "On the position of the Church in connection with the emergence and prospects for the development of new technologies of personal identification," published on the site of the inter-council presence, speaks of "the danger of total control and management of a citizen and society" and "the danger of a bias towards a person on the basis of his religious, political or other views, up to discrimination on ideological grounds ", as well as" the danger of mandatory assignment of an identification code, turning it into an irreplaceable, lifelong and posthumous attribute, forcing to use it as the main identifier of a person in his relationship with the state, social and commercial institutions ", in which the position of a person as a person is actually leveled. The document expresses a similar attitude about the inclusion of biometric parameters of a person in the document: “possible abuses are obvious here - from discrimination in hiring to direct blackmail”.

The conclusion says the following: “The consent of citizens to the use of electronic accounting means must be informed, with a mandatory explanation of all the consequences of the decision. Citizens wishing to use these tools need to be guaranteed that they are aware of the content of electronic records, as well as the ability to change the content of these records or delete them when not otherwise required by statutory public safety requirements. Documents issued by the state should not contain information, the essence and purpose of which is incomprehensible or hidden from the owner, as well as symbols that are blasphemous or morally questionable or that offend the feelings of believers. " This characteristic of modern processes taking place in society speaks, first of all, of the desire of the Russian Orthodox Church to protect its flock from thoughtless consent with the imposed system of relations between the state and society and from "deliberate" rejection of this system for religious or other reasons. The Church stands for the protection of individual freedom and moral values, the main thing is that this freedom does not lead a person to temptation, which may be caused by the imposition of a mystical background to current events.

The next page contains an application form "on the refusal of the Universal Electronic Card", which, however, does not contain a request not to issue an electronic card to a specific person, but "to repeal federal law No. 210-FZ" On the organization of the provision of public services ", and the applicant is presented "As an Orthodox believer and a citizen of Russia." At the same time, among the addressees, for some reason, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Federation Council, His Holiness the Patriarch, the Governor of the region and many other people who have nothing to do with this process are indicated.

But the most interesting is the last paragraph, in which the author of the letter answers the rhetorical question of “many”: “why in the statements against the contested law there are no references to our spiritual convictions, the requirements of our faith”. The answer is obvious: because faith does not require it. But the author proposes a different one: “This aspect was left untouched, so as not to confuse different grounds for filing a claim, with the hope that that part of our Church that is called to keep us from committing sins - our hierarchy and priesthood, will realize the sinfulness of accepting a number instead of a name. After all, it cannot but become obvious to our hierarchy and priesthood after getting acquainted with the materials of the process, the fact of the mystical background of the introduction of the system of "electronic" population with "electronic" government. After all, the basis for the efficiency of the antichrist system is the compulsion to accept, wear, present and recall a number, in fact - anti-baptism with the naming of a digital name. It is quite obvious to us that the law in question belongs to the galaxy of laws that implement the "secret of lawlessness" in our country. "

Such a statement speaks volumes. Tsareva and the activists of the group on the abolition of the UEC do not agree on this issue with the hierarchy of the ROC and act without the blessing of the Church, therefore they do not talk about the need to abolish the UEC in connection with religious beliefs. Despite this, in the implementation of UEC, the author of the letter sees a "fact of mystical background", which is clearly stated literally on the next page "PRINT ANTI-CHRIST = UEC (UNIVERSAL ELECTRONIC MAP)", and also provides several fantastic ways to implement this project, which themselves the authors express it as a "guess" with reference to anonymous sources in the leadership of the special services. The words “well-known specialist”, “meeting with one of”, “he is obliged to notify” give the letter a mystical background, but alas, they do not add weight: no person - no responsibility, and then you are allowed to say whatever you want. A reference to the dubious prophecy of the youth Vyacheslav Chebarkulsky, whose anti-church veneration is comparable to the veneration of Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Grigory Rasputin, completes this fantastic opus.

Thus, the lines of the letter (by G. Tsareva and the activists of the movement on the abolition of the UEC) are aimed at introducing panic moods into the souls of people (especially Orthodox Christians) in order to distract from the main thing - life in Christ, which, first of all, is the confession and acceptance of the Holy Mysteries, not tossing in anxiety, condemning the government, the Church and the people. You will recognize them by their fruits (Matthew 7:20).

At the same time, every Christian must be able to firmly give an answer about his hope, which is based on the Gospel and has support in the canons of the Church, when he is required to renounce Christ in exchange for any benefits, including those provided by electronic media. While there is no such requirement (and the acceptance of cards is carried out on a voluntary basis and there is a possibility of refusal, despite Tsareva's attempts to convince us otherwise), a person has the opportunity to realize his own freedom through accepting or refusing the UEC, which is equal and equally possible for a believing Christian, as and for any other member of society.

We ask you to be careful in assessing the information that testifies to the approach of the time of the Antichrist, the seal of the Antichrist, checking your point of view with the testimony of the Church.

Http:// contains a lot of information in a similar style about TIN and UEC.