The structure of tourism management at the federal level. Tourism management. Tourism development in the Leningrad region

The structure of tourism consists of links, levels and links. The links are departments and other divisions, it can also be individual specialists.

They all run the company or parts of it. Managers also belong here, as they connect and coordinate several links. All connections between them are carried out horizontally. The links are combined into levels depending on the tasks to be solved. Different levels have different levels in the hierarchy, so the lower ones are subordinate to the higher ones. Leaders at all levels not only supervise the subordinates, but also perform some functions themselves.

Tourism structure can be linear when each performer has only one leader. Orders are given from top to bottom along the chain, while individual links are not allowed to jump. The functional structure is more flexible, therefore it is used much more often. Starting from the middle level, specialists are united to perform a specific narrowly focused task. The second structure is used more often by both large tourism enterprises and small enterprises.

The structure of tourism includes organizers who develop a product, promote it on the market and sell it, organizations hosting tourists, catering establishments, transport, excursion bureaus, manufacturing enterprises, trade, educational and scientific. Formation of the product provides for the coordination of the terms of transportation, accommodation, excursions, visits to exhibitions, catering, and so on. Time, goals, cost and quality of all services are systematized and linked together into a single product. Then, tourist operators place advertisements in all available media, hold exhibitions with advertising purposes to familiarize as many people as possible with the product. They publish catalogs, issue brochures, participate in fairs.

For the structure of tourism, tour operators are one of the most important links. They sell the product either themselves or through intermediaries called travel agents. Tour operators enter into many contracts with transportation companies, hotel complexes, tour guides, catering establishments, cultural and entertainment centers, and many other participants in the tourism process. They can rent planes, trains, buses, hotels and boats for significant discounts. In this case, they provide customers with much cheaper products. This contributes to increased competitiveness.

National tourism policy is regulated in all countries by national tourism administrations. They cooperate with government agencies, both at the government and local levels. In Spain, this structure is part of the Ministry of Economy. In the United States, it is absent altogether, but this is an exception. In France, this structure is subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. This body is called upon to develop plans for the development of tourism, carry out marketing of the national product, create representative offices abroad to promote the product.

In terms of the scale of international tourism, the federal structure and the method of organizing the tourism industry, the third management model is most acceptable for Russia.

Tourism in the Russian Federation is subject to state regulation and management, the state forms the tourism policy. The main goals, objectives, principles and directions of the state policy of Russia in the field of tourism are defined in the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation" (1996), as well as in the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation until 2015 (2008. ). The link between politics and tourism lies in the fact that the state regulates the development of tourism, and tourist activity requires intervention from the state from the standpoint of legal regulation. Political power, similar to economic factors, has the ability to directly (by issuing legal acts regulating relations in the field of tourism) and indirectly (the country's political course, decisions made by the authorities in the international political arena, state ideology) impact on tourism.

The system that has developed to date reflects the ongoing process of transition in Russia from a super-centralized administrative system based on the dominance of state forms of ownership, to an economic mechanism that combines various forms of ownership. Decentralization in a market economy implies the transfer of the right to carry out tourism activities to any enterprise, regardless of ownership. This process is accompanied by the creation of various kinds of associations, unions and unions. Management of the tourist complex is implemented within the organizational structure, which includes three levels: macroeconomic, mesoeconomic and microeconomic (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Organization of management of the tourism industry in Russia Sahak, A.E., Pshenichnykh, Yu.A. Management in social and cultural services and tourism: Textbook. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- P. 52

Macroeconomic level

On At this - federal - level, the subjects of tourism management include the President of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Under the President of the Russian Federation there is a Council for Physical Culture and Sports, which should ensure:

Development of the foundations of state policy in the field of sports tourism;

Participation in the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation on sports tourism;

Coordination of work on the examination of regulatory legal acts and federal programs in the field of sports tourism;

Analysis of the state of national tourism and the development of proposals for its development.

The decisions of the Council for Physical Culture and Sports are of a recommendatory nature, its activities are carried out on a voluntary basis and with the frequency necessary for setting tasks and solving them.

In the highest legislative body - the State Duma of the Russian Federation - in 2003, legislative support for tourism was assigned to the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, and was previously carried out by a special Commission on Sports and Tourism. In the structure of the committee, there is a subcommittee on the development of the tourist services market, an Expert Council has been created, which includes leading representatives of the tourist industry and government agencies.

The general management of the tourist complex, the implementation of the tourist policy is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Article 16 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government of the Russian Federation", tourism and the sanatorium-resort sphere are part of the social sphere of Russia and constitute a single object of state regulation. The Federal Law "On Natural Medicinal Resources, Medical Recreation Areas and Resorts" (1995) states: "The Government of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of state policy in the field of sanatorium treatment and recreation." In accordance with the widespread world practice and international legal acts, sanatorium treatment belongs to the category of medical and health tourism, which, if it is subsidized by the state, is also a type of social tourism.

The purpose of the tourism policy is to ensure the constitutional right of Russian citizens to rest and leisure, freedom of movement, health protection and other rights when traveling by creating a competitive tourism industry in the Russian Federation capable of self-development and ensuring a high standard of living for Russians.

Tourism policy should be based on compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and obligations arising from international treaties and legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as social and economic indicators and research of Russian and foreign tourist markets.

The priority directions of the tourism policy should be domestic, inbound and social tourism, including health-improving, sports, ethnocultural, ecological.

The governing bodies of the tourism industry of the Russian Federation in the period 1991-2004. underwent constant reorganization (table. 1).

table 1. Chronology of the reorganization of state bodies of management of tourist activity in the Russian Federation Sahak, A.E., Pshenichnykh, Yu.A. Management in social and cultural services and tourism: Textbook. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- P. 53

Russian joint-stock company for foreign tourism

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Russian Federation Committee of the Russian Federation on Tourism (Roskomturizm)

Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Tourism

RF Committee for Physical Culture and Tourism

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Tourism

Russian Agency for Physical Culture and Tourism

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Department of Tourism as part of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism as part of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

Federal Agency for Tourism

On November 18, 2004, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was adopted, approved by the Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 901, on the creation of the Federal Agency for Tourism, directly subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Agency for Tourism is the authorized federal executive body responsible for the implementation of state policy, legal regulation, the provision of public services and the management of state property in the field of tourism.

Central economic departments, for example, the country's Federal Customs Service, perform important functions related to monitoring the observance of state interests in the field of the state economy. This service is entrusted with the organization of customs and currency control, the publication of regulations on customs issues. These issues are important for the development of tourism.

The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation play a significant role in the regulation of the tourist business, which determine the procedure for financing and lending to tourist activities, monitor compliance with tax legislation, and issue regulatory documents on these issues.

The main directions of state regulation of tourist activities are:

Protection of the rights of consumers of tourism services;

Creation of legal conditions for the effective functioning of the tourist market, including for attracting investments in the construction and reconstruction of tourist display facilities, hotels, as well as the infrastructure necessary for the development of tourism;

Support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of tourism; creating a competitive environment that does not allow the development of monopoly;

Promotion of Russian tourism on the international market;

Preservation and protection of cultural monuments;

Preservation of the cultural identity of the peoples of Russia;

Sustainable tourism development.

In many countries that are popular with tourists, a great responsibility falls on.

It is the ministry that controls the activities of all firms, one way or another related to the organization of tourism, and provides this industry with a legislative framework. In Russia, these functions are performed by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy. His powers include: submitting draft federal laws to the Government of the Russian Federation, making decisions necessary for the development of various sports in the country, coordinating the implementation of projects related to the development of tourism in the country.

In addition, it is the Ministry that is responsible for the distribution of funds aimed at the development of the tourism sector of the economy between the regions. In the process of allocating funds, the interests of not specific firms are taken into account, but the interests of the regions as a whole. In addition, an important task of the Ministry is to control the activities of organizations that operate in the field of tourism.

All activities of the Ministry of Tourism can be divided into two areas: internal and external. Internal activities primarily include the regulation and control of the activities of travel companies and other companies associated with the tourist flow to the country. This is especially true for those countries where income from tourists makes up a significant part of the budget. It is extremely important for these countries to create favorable conditions for guests, in particular, to simplify as much as possible the process of collecting documents required to enter the country, improve the quality of international passenger traffic, and provide visitors with infrastructure.

For many tourists, the availability of hotels of a certain class is more important than natural beauty or historical sites. In addition, it is necessary to create a good reputation that would attract a large number of tourists from all over the world. External activities include the conclusion of various kinds of contracts that allow increasing the activity of tourists by simplifying the procedures associated with the preparation of the necessary documents.

The Ministry of Tourism plays the role of a kind of regulator, stimulating or, conversely, slowing down the growth of the tourist flow to the country. Of course, it is impossible to attract tourists to a country where basic conditions for visitors have not been created. That is why the tourism industry is directly related to the construction and transport industries. Only full development in all directions can significantly increase the number of foreigners wishing to visit a certain country. It is important to note, however, that tourists are not necessarily foreigners.

In many countries, domestic tourism is actively developing, involving recreation in their own country, and not abroad. Many quite rightly believe that if people from all over the world go to their country to rest, then there is no point in going somewhere during the vacation. This approach allows you not only to save time and money, but also to get to know your own country better. Often in European countries, the Ministry of Tourism is engaged in the development of this particular type of tourism. For the state, the benefit in this case is obvious: money is spent inside the country, replenishing the local budget. Hotels are often built to attract local tourists. Thus, the tourism business continues to develop, and government agencies, one way or another related to tourism, are becoming increasingly important.

  1. Development tourism in the Leningrad region

    Thesis >> Physical culture and sports

    ... , "O tourist activities v subject Russian Federation "," On support development tourism "," About development internal and ... organs government at all levels: 1. Organize work to improve tourist legislation RF and subjects ...

  2. Formation features tourist market of the Sverdlovsk region

    Thesis >> Physical culture and sports

    Regional (municipal) program structures development tourism subject RF recommended by the Federal Agency for ..., objects of pilgrim tourism. Absence organs management tourist activities at the level of the overwhelming majority of municipal ...

  3. Legal support tourist activities (2)

    Coursework >> Physical Education and Sports

    To the uncivilized development tourist market. The state should promote development tourist activities and create ... with bodies management special economic zones implementation agreement tourist-recreational activities OK...

  4. Government regulation tourist activities (1)

    Abstract >> Physical culture and sports

    Established by law RF... Coordination tourist activities v RF implements federal organ executive power... development tourist industry. Although many programs have declared that for development tourism and effective management ...

  5. Legal support tourist activities (3)

    Examination >> Physical culture and sports

    Local regulations organs government and management obligatory for all ... regional (municipal) programs development tourism subject Russian Federation "from ... 10 of the Law on the basics tourist activities v RF: Each side ...

In modern Russia, the role of the tourism industry as a source of foreign exchange earnings and providing employment for the population is constantly growing. Since the importance of tourism for the national economy and social prosperity is obvious, its development is an important step for both the tourism industry and travelers.

Recognition of the significant successes of our country in the development of the tourism industry was the election from the Russian Federation at the 69th session of the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization to the role of its chairman. And this despite the fact that the WTO includes dozens of countries with highly developed tourism infrastructure.

Recent economic and social transformations make Russia an increasingly attractive destination for inbound tourism, in turn, an increasing number of Russian citizens acquire the opportunity for long-distance travel, visiting foreign resorts and cultural centers. tourism legal management marketing

Based on this, the main activities of the tourism regulators are the promotion of tourism in Russia, as well as attempts to expand cooperation between the government and the private industry.

Management of this activity in broad terms is the process of developing and implementing management influences. Tourism management at the regional level means the impact of the subject of management on the object of management.

At the regional level, the subjects of tourism management (management subsystem) include the Government of the Russian Federation, local authorities, committees (or departments) for tourism, etc. (in St. Petersburg - the Committee for Investments and Strategic Projects).

The object of management (controlled by a subsystem) are travel companies, the process of tourist services to citizens in a given region.

Management is carried out through the circulation of certain information between the subject and the object of management. The structure of tourism management in the Russian Federation is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1.

The Coordinating Committee for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism under the President of the Russian Federation should ensure:

  • - development of the foundations of state policy in the field of tourism;
  • - participation in the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism;
  • - coordination of work on the examination of regulatory legal acts and federal programs in the field of tourism;
  • - analysis of the state of national tourism and the development of proposals for its development.

The decisions of the Coordinating Committee should be of a recommendatory nature, its activities are carried out on a voluntary basis and with the frequency necessary for setting tasks and solving them.

The tasks of the National Tourism Corporation (NTK) include:

  • - pooling of financial and material resources of tourist, banking and other commercial structures in order to assist in the implementation of tourism development programs;
  • - creation of national hotel chains, competitive in the world market;
  • - construction and reconstruction of hotels, other tourist facilities and complexes, their financing, commissioning and subsequent operation;
  • - investing in projects aimed at the integrated development of regions that are promising in the field of foreign and domestic tourism.

The activities of the committees (departments, divisions) on tourism in the administrations of the subjects are determined by regulatory documents.

In world practice, the main form of tourism policy is the creation of associations of travel firms, agencies, tour operators, carriers, hotels, restaurants.

This is due to the fact that public organizations are more flexible than state ones, react to changes in the market, the wishes of customers, in more detail and professionally understand the intricacies of organizing the process of generating and providing services. Taking into account their proposals and requirements, the national tourism policy of the country is being formed. Today, Russian travel companies and agents have realized that a tourism development strategy based on active cooperation of partners from the public and private sectors will be of decisive importance in the global market.

In Russia, there were objective prerequisites for the creation of an association of travel agencies. There was an acute shortage of qualified specialists, there was no system of scientific, advertising and information support for the promotion of the national tourism product in the domestic and foreign markets, there were no conditions stimulating the inflow of private investments into the industry, etc. competition, violation of consumer rights.

RATA (Russian Association of Travel Agencies) was established in Moscow on July 25, 1993 to overcome negative trends in tourism and support the tourism business in Russia. The Association is a voluntary non-profit association of legal entities engaged in tourism business, and was created to coordinate their activities, ensure the protection of their rights and represent common interests in government and other bodies, as well as in international organizations.

Since 1997 RATA is a full member of the World Tourism Organization (WTO). RATA has several regional branches: North-West (St. Petersburg), Yaroslavskoye, Tverskoye, South-Russian (Krasnodar), Khabarovskoye, Primorskoye (Vladivostok), as well as representative offices in Crimea (Simferopol) and Great Britain (London).

RATA has about 500 members. Recently, in the structure of the members of the Association, the share of hotels, sanatorium-resort enterprises, insurance companies, advertising agencies and the tourist press has noticeably increased. Air and road transport companies appeared.

The Association includes 242 companies from 58 Russian cities in 26 constituent entities of the Federation.

The RATA has a Committee on Domestic Tourism, a Commission on Children and Youth Tourism, a Commission on Tourism Insurance, and a Commission on Information Technology in Tourism.

Association goals:

  • - protection of the collective interests of the members of the Association;
  • - influence on the development of legal, economic and social policy by the representative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation that meets the professional interests of the members of the Association, as well as assistance in its effective implementation;
  • - counteraction to monopoly in tourism activities;
  • - assistance to the development of tourist enterprises, the market of tourist services and civilized market relations in Russia;
  • - protection of the interests of national manufacturers of tourism services;
  • - assistance in creating favorable financial and economic conditions for the members of the Association;
  • - representing the interests of the members of the Association in tourist international non-governmental organizations.

For comparison, consider the structure of tourism management in individual European countries.

Table 2.1 Characteristics of the management organization in a number of European countries