What can you become knowing English. The demand for specialists with knowledge of a foreign language. What foreign languages ​​will help you find a job

Knowledge of a foreign language is essential for any educated person today. "He who does not know a foreign language," said the great Goethe, "understands nothing in his native language."

Professions related to foreign languages ​​are varied and interesting. Knowledge of a foreign language allows you to freely travel the world, read books in the original, make new friends, and master a modern profession. Knowing a foreign language, you can become a translator, diplomat, marketer, guide, secretary ... The list of professions where a foreign one is needed is growing rapidly. In addition, knowledge of one foreign language may be useful for one job, while for another it is necessary to study at least two or even more.

Without a doubt, the leading position among foreigners is occupied by English, because it was and remains the language of international communication, as well as the language in which scientific research is conducted, computer programs are written and modern vocabulary is formed. It is the language of politics, diplomacy, business, science, sports. 80% of the world's information is stored in English.

English terms and expressions are being introduced into design, construction, marketing, psychology. Widespread computerization has made the professions of a web designer, copywriter, and marketer popular. In these areas, it is impossible to become a strong specialist without knowledge of the English language. These professions are related to computer work, and the computer language is mainly English. The professional terminology of the fashion industry also has its roots in English. International journalists, whose work is based on contacts with people, must know English.

So, at the present stage of development of society, is it possible to find a good job without knowing a foreign language? It is possible, but will it be highly paid? Today we will tell you about modern and interesting professions in which you cannot do without knowledge of foreign languages.

Programmers, testers, web designers

Let's put it bluntly: in the IT sphere, there is nothing to do without knowledge of English. Specialists in this industry who do not speak the language will not be able to work even in domestic companies, let alone international corporations. First, creating a website or testing it involves working closely with English (from the simplest names of colors and shapes to complex terms). Secondly, the terms of reference are often written in English.

In addition, the field of information technology is developing rapidly, and many are engaged in self-development in order to keep up. On the Internet, you can take online training, which is provided by the world's leading universities, and most often educational courses are presented in English.

A web designer is a fashionable, highly attractive and creative profession. In addition, this profession is relatively young, it is the same age as the computer network of the World Wide Web. On the one hand, the field of web design is really creative, on the other, it requires “pragmatic”, “down to earth”, fundamental knowledge. About 90% of graphics and design programs have not been translated into Russian. If you are really going to make a living from web design, remember that without knowing the language it will be difficult to master them.

Web designers create web pages: develop graphic concepts and web applications; come up with Flash videos, logos, banners, icons; process photos. These specialists work for large marketing companies, small design studios, travel organizations, and publishing houses. Talented designers have a high income. Many web designers who are attracted to the free schedule are doing their jobs remotely.

To be successful in this profession requires study, study and study again. Start learning English today to be confident in the future. Improve your technical English, master new programs, take courses from foreign designers. In addition, a web designer needs to have developed logical thinking and a good memory, artistic taste; know the basics of painting (drawing, graphics, composition); be proficient in programming languages; be hardworking, creative.

Journalists, correspondents

Journalism is one of the most complex and diverse in terms of functions, ways of interacting with the audience, a field of activity that involves various creative and organizational types of work in conditions of irregular, operational, intensive work regime.

Journalists, correspondents are specialists working in the mass media system (in print media, on television and radio, on the Internet) and engaged in journalistic activities. Journalists are always in sight, always in the thick of events of socially significant processes. Their duties are to promptly collect, process, correctly and easily present relevant information.

Knowing English, you can realize yourself in the field of international journalism. An international journalist has a unique opportunity to travel the world, study the culture of different countries and tell readers or viewers about events, traditions, sights of different nations.

This interesting profession will give you positive emotions, trips abroad, good wages and fame. It is not necessary to write articles in a foreign language. It is enough to know him perfectly in order to be able to communicate with local residents on a business trip abroad, learn the latest news from them, and receive comments.

Managers of large companies

Manager (from the English manage - to manage) - a specialist in the management of production and circulation of goods, a hired manager. Managers organize work in a company, a firm, and manage the production activities of an organization. The main function of managers is management, which includes the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling.

If an organization is focused on working with foreign partners, conducts a foreign business or is a representative office of an international company, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be mandatory for most of its employees. Confident knowledge of the language is important for account managers (in international companies), employees of international relations departments. They organize connections with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information for expanding external relations and exchange of experience.

The most popular language in business is English. However, the situation is subject to change. Belarus is constantly expanding the framework of business, cultural and social cooperation with many foreign countries. There are many companies operating in our country with ties to Germany, Poland, Italy, China, Turkey, etc.

Engineers of various specializations

Today engineering professions are the most widespread professions of highly skilled labor. In our country, more than a third of specialists with higher education are engineers. Our specialists are in demand both at domestic industrial enterprises and in foreign companies. It is engineers who manage production sites in industrial enterprises, transport, construction and other industries, work in design bureaus and research institutions, and deal with issues of organizing production, planning and economics. There are many engineering specialties and many of them require knowledge of the English language, and even at the stage of study at the university (you need to read technical literature, understand the meaning of terms, etc.). A modern engineer is a specialist who speaks a foreign language, is well versed in modern technology and technology, economics and organization of production, is able to use engineering methods in solving engineering problems and possesses inventiveness.

A specialized technical education is not enough to get a good job. Attend English courses, improve your qualifications. Those who work for branches of foreign companies have the highest salaries, so here, too, knowledge of English will be a decisive advantage.


In our country, a marketer is a broad-based specialist. He analyzes the market situation, develops new products, studies the target audience, conducts surveys, manages an advertising campaign, does PR, etc. Often, a marketer is charged with the functions of another three or four related professions, so English will not be superfluous. Almost all of the relevant literature on marketing is published in English. Getting acquainted with professional literature in English, you will be able to study and successfully apply the experience of foreign companies in practice.

To achieve success in this profession, it is necessary to study the experience of the best foreign brands and marketers, communicate in professional forums, attend conferences and trainings of leading foreign experts.

Economists, financiers

Depending on the specialization, the economist may be assigned different responsibilities, although the main task of any specialist in this industry is to collect data on the activities of the company, analyze them, as well as plan and forecast further steps. Specialists from this field are quite in demand, but it is sometimes difficult for an employer to choose a specific candidate. And then the comparison of the advantages of the candidates comes into play. Needless to say, knowledge of English can be decisive in your career. English will allow you to be in an advantageous position over competitors for whom learning this language has remained an insurmountable obstacle.

For an economist, English is a gateway to the most modern areas of applied economics. Many experts say that it is impossible to be an economist without knowing English, since most of the concepts and concepts of economics have developed in English-speaking countries. In addition, the share of banks with foreign capital is growing in our country, where an economist who speaks a foreign language can find application.

Mindfulness, diligence and a desire to learn new skills are the main qualities of a good economist or financier. Paradoxically, but now large financial institutions do not have enough qualified specialists with knowledge of a foreign language.


The field of activity of lawyers is very wide, it covers all aspects of public life. It depends on the sphere of professional activity of a lawyer whether he needs English in his work or not. Of course, lawyers working in government agencies do not need to know specific English. They work with citizens who speak the state languages. A lawyer can work without knowing English, but he misses out on unique opportunities.

Firstly, knowing English, you can realize yourself in the field of international law, and international lawyers, as a rule, have the highest salaries among colleagues. An international lawyer, by the nature of his professional activity, works with foreign partners and colleagues, gets acquainted with the documents in the original, so he must have an ever higher level of language training in order to carry out his professional activities.

Competition in the legal services industry is intensifying today, forcing law firms and individual lawyers to offer clients a wide range of services. With the arrival of foreign partners on the Belarusian market, legal services in a language convenient for these partners are in demand, so it is no longer surprising that employers put forward knowledge of a foreign language as one of the main requirements for the position of any lawyer.

This is one of the professions in which knowledge of the language can play a decisive role in employment. Don't miss your opportunity.

Interpreters (simultaneous interpreters, lecturers)

The profession of a translator is the first of those where knowledge of a foreign language is a necessity for fulfilling one's duties. Translators can work in publishing houses, translation bureaus and various organizations where such a specialist is needed, for example, to translate documents from foreign partner companies. Depending on the field of activity, translators must be fluent in linguistics and understand the language. This is a very difficult profession, in which there are many nuances.

For example, a simultaneous interpreter is an extremely difficult profession with the use of special equipment. The interpreter listens to speech through headphones and simultaneously (simultaneously) translates it. Listening and speaking in sync is incredibly difficult, because the speaker cannot be asked to repeat the text. Mastering the profession of a simultaneous interpreter requires thorough training. In addition, you need impeccable command of the language (native and English), a rich vocabulary, well-articulated literate speech, lightning-fast reaction and excellent memory. This profession requires talent, because gifted people can possess the above qualities. Synchronists of the highest class are rare, their work is appreciated.

The profession of a translator is not new, but modern living conditions require a new approach to work. The development of international communications has led to the fact that modern business representatives are increasingly visiting abroad, establishing contacts with foreign partners, conducting "reconnaissance in force" in a potential sales market. Previously, a person accompanying a businessman on a trip abroad was simply called a translator. He was not interested in the outcome of the negotiations. Today, heads of large companies are attracted not only by simple translation, but also by competent advice from an economist, manager, etc. This professional task is performed by an interpreter-referent.

Teachers, teachers

A foreign language teacher is one of the most important professions of our time. After all, knowing a foreign language in the 21st century is considered prestigious. Therefore, specialists who teach this skill are in great demand. Parents from an early age send their children to foreign language courses, hire tutors. Foreign language teachers are needed not only in schools. Colleges, institutes, academies also need talented teachers. There are faculties of foreign languages ​​in pedagogical and humanitarian universities, and in classical universities with a wide range of specialties.

The main professional duties of a teacher are to conduct classes, in the course of which they teach new information on their subject, repeat and consolidate what they have passed earlier, control and give marks, and also organize independent work of students. Learning English is often associated with hard work. You need to learn new words, memorize texts, memorize grammatical rules ... A teacher who presents material in an interesting way is appreciated by parents and loved by students.

To master this profession, you need to know perfectly the subject that you teach. In addition, the teacher needs to be sociable, have organizational skills, endless patience and creative imagination. It is necessary to regularly improve your professional level, because this specialty cannot be learned once and for all. There are no uniform teaching methods. With each new group, with each student, you have to create a unique method.

International Airlines Flight Attendants

Flight attendant (steward, stewardess) - a specialist in the rank and file on aircraft, responsible for organizing the pastime of passengers in air transport, as well as organizing flight safety measures and communicating between the aircraft crew and passengers. The duties of a flight attendant include ensuring the safety of passengers in flight, their service, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and comfort on board the aircraft. If a specialist works on an aircraft making an international flight, then he cannot do without knowledge of English. As a general rule, the steward must be proficient in English to the extent required by the special flight attendant training program.

The world's leading airlines pay great attention to the flight attendant competition, as flight attendants are the face of the airline. Throughout the flight, the flight attendant is under the close scrutiny of passengers. The general impression of the airline will depend on how the flight attendants interact with the passengers.

A high level of knowledge of the English language is one of the main requirements when applying for a job as a flight attendant, because such work involves constant communication with passengers who are citizens of different countries. Therefore, during the interview, close attention is paid to the level at which the candidate knows English.

Good spoken English will allow you to successfully pass an interview for employment with an airline. Such a person also needs to have excellent health (healthy nervous system, good eyesight and hearing, good function of the musculoskeletal, vestibular apparatus), physical endurance, competent speech and presentable appearance, be sociable and disciplined.

To acquire professions related to a foreign language, a good knowledge of the language is not enough. You need to master additional knowledge, be inquisitive, constantly expand your horizons, be sincerely interested in the area in which you want to work. This is not an easy path for the gifted and hardworking. If you are strong in spirit - go for it!


Irina Davydova

Reading time: 7 minutes


According to statistics, most often in search of work, Russians leave for Germany and Spain, Israel and Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece and the United States. There are also people willing to work in New Zealand and Australia. Those who come not on a work visa, but "at random", in Russian, have a difficult time - unskilled labor is not paid so high. But even qualified specialists do not eat honey with spoons - for most professions, recertification is required.

Who can get a job abroad, and what salaries attract Russians?


They remain in high demand in many countries. Among them: Austria and Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong and Germany, Ireland, India, Hungary, New Zealand and Norway, Slovenia, Singapore and Slovakia.

average salary - 44000-57000 $ / year.

  • For example, Australia needs surgical and psychiatric nurses. The higher the knowledge of the language, the richer the experience, the greater the chances of employment.
  • Great Britain is also very interested in these workers, in which this specialty is classified as "prestigious" and is paid very decently.
  • In the USA (especially in the resort states) nurses are paid about $ 69,000 / year. In Sweden - 600-2000 euros / month (depending on the availability of a certificate).
  • In Denmark - from 20,000 kroons (about 200,000 rubles / month).
  • Well, in Austria, medical workers everywhere - honor and respect. Many people dream of entering the medical / faculty there precisely because of the high salaries.


These specialists (different directions) are needed almost all countries in the world .

Of all industries most actively employed in the automotive industry, in the oil and gas industry, in the aerospace industry.

For example, the Austrian list of vacancies for mechanics, technicians and other engineers includes 23 specialties, including even specialists in cooling and heating systems. And thanks to the new system of employment, the chances of employment for potential foreign workers have increased significantly..

As for the salary , its average size is about $ 43,000 / year.

  • The salary of an engineer in Germany is about 4000 euros / month, and after 6-7 years of work - already all 5000-6000 euros.
  • You can also try your luck in the USA, Slovenia, Emirates.

Preference in different countries of the world, of course, is given to people with experience, education, knowledge of modern systems, equipment and PCs, as well as provided that they are fluent in at least English. Knowledge of the language of the country will be a key benefit.

Highly demanding, invariably, are highly specialized specialists with more than 2 years of experience and with a diploma of 2nd higher education.


In most countries of the world, you will have to confirm the diploma you received, undergo testing and recertification. And in the USA or Canada, you will also have to work in residency for 2-7 years (note - like our residency). But then you can live happily ever after and enjoy your salary.

In the above countries, it is from 250,000 to 1 million $ / year.

In Germany, a doctor can count on $ 63,000 / year, and in New Zealand, anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychologists, and physical therapists are eagerly awaited, who are paid from $ 59,000 / year. In Finland, dentists and maxillofacial surgeons are required, and in Denmark it is so bad with doctors that they will even help with the legalization of a foreign diploma.

IT and computer technology

Nowadays, these specialists are required almost everywhere. From system engineers and analysts to database administrators, programmers and website developers themselves.

In principle, these specialists also make good money in Russia, but if you want more, then pay attention, for example, to the vacancies offered for computer security specialists. They really get fantastic salaries (over $ 100,000 / year) and are required in all developed countries.

However, don't forget about taxes. In particular, in the same USA 40% will be deducted from your salary, and in Europe - about 30% with an income of $ 55,000 / year.

Of course, being just a "cool hacker" is not enough. English should bounce off the teeth. That is, you have to practically think on it.


Of course, there is an eternal shortage of specialists in this area. True, this is due to their career growth, and not to the lack of teachers.

How much pay? In European countries (Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands), a teacher's salary is 2500-3500 euros / month, in Luxembourg - more than 5000 euros / month.

A teacher in France, Finland, Italy and Slovenia, Portugal and Norway will receive up to 2500 euros / month. And in Estonia, the Czech Republic or Poland, even less - about 750 euros.

To work abroad, you cannot do without an international certificate (note - EFL, TEFL, ESL, TESL and TESOL), with which you can get a job anywhere.

And don't forget about Asia (Korea, Japan, etc.)! There teachers are paid very decently.


For this "specialty", most often foreigners are hired in Turkey and Egypt, in Spain / Italy and Tunisia.

The work is hard (albeit at a resort), very exhausting, and a bad mood is prohibited and unacceptable.

Speak english you owe it to perfection. And if you also know German, French and Italian, then you will not get the price.

The salary… small. But stable. About 800 euros / month. For an experienced animator - 2200 euros / month.

By the way, Russian animators at the most famous resorts are preferred for their ingenuity, mobility, talent - to ignite the audience and involve them in the game.

Truck drivers

For this profession, nothing is impossible.

Our stern Russian trucker can easily find a job in almost any European country, if he has a category "E" license, ideally "spits" in colloquial English and has completed a 2-month internship.

How much money? The trucker gets $ 1300-2000 / month.


One of the most popular and demanded professions in many countries.

These are lawyers in Russia - a wagon and a cart, but there is nowhere to work. And in some states, a qualified lawyer - even during the day with fire, as they say ...

For example, in Italy they are the richest people in the country. Most of all, auto lawyers, notaries (with an income of more than 90,000 euros / year), and divorce specialists are in demand there. So, if you are a lawyer, you have studied the language and laws of Italy, and are eager to go to the sea and a big salary, then you should go to the south.


Always a popular profession. And everywhere.

In Germany, for example (if you speak German) tilers and installers, bricklayers and interior decorators are required.

The salary: from 2500 euros - for specialists, 7-10 euros / hour - for auxiliary workers and unskilled personnel.

  • In Finland, they only pay well to large companies, regularly raising their earnings - you can earn about $ 3,000 per month.
  • In Poland, you can hardly find a job (strong competition) and for 2-3 euros / hour.
  • In Sweden, you can earn about 2,700 euros / month, and in Norway - 3,000.


They are expected in the following countries: Australia, Canada and Finland, New Zealand, Ireland and India, Slovenia, Singapore, Norway, Sweden.

The shortage of pharmacists is now acutely felt almost all over the world - both in large reputable companies and in small pharmacies.

The salary can reach $ 95,000 / year.


The demand for this profession is also great all over the world. And even in Russia. True, we pay much less.

In Ireland, there are few vacancies and a lot of restrictions (note - age 18-36 years old, English / language, etc.), and the salary is about $ 250 / week.

In the United States, a nanny earns about $ 350 / week from the age of 21, and English is not required to perfection, because most often our nannies get a job with immigrants from Russia or the former USSR.

In an English-speaking family, you can (if you know the language and have water / license) earn up to $ 500 / week.

  • A nanny's earnings in Israel are no more than $ 170 / week.
  • In Spain / Italy - about $ 120 (35-50 years old).
  • In Cyprus - no more than $ 70 / week.
  • In Greece - about $ 100.
  • In Portugal - no more than $ 200 / week, but for two with her husband (married couples are hired there).


In the banking sector, experienced professionals are needed everywhere. And, if you can boast of a specialized diploma and excellent language skills, then you are expected in all developed countries of Europe - for assessing risks, for making forecasts, for analyzing company data, etc.

As for the salary , you will receive an income of 3000 euros / month (on average).

It is better to start conquering a foreign economic Olympus with Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

And in Ireland, you can get a job as an accountant even if you do not know international / accounting standards.


To find this vacancy, you don't even need to go to an interview - it will take place over the phone.

The license is another matter. Sometimes, to get it, you have to fly to exams (approx. - in English / language!) To another country.

In the absence of proper experience, usually crewing companies offer long-term contracts - up to 9-10 months. Moreover, a foreigner does not have to rely on a permanent contract - only a temporary one.

Maximum salary , for example, a star mech - 500 $ / day (with a successful combination of circumstances and a long contract), but most often the average earnings of our sailor abroad is about $ 1600-4000 / month, depending on qualifications.

Most often, "our brother" can be found in Norway, where Russian specialists are appreciated.

On a note: reputable companies do not advertise vacancies on the Internet. As a last resort - on personal sites.

Unskilled labor

Farm work.

This "hack" abroad is in demand (not very high, by the way) among our students, who want to see the world and earn money for a new iPhone.

As a rule, at this job you have to pick vegetables, berries or flowers somewhere in Sweden, England, Denmark or Poland for $ 600-1000 / month. True, you will have to work 10-12 hours / day with one day off.

And without knowledge of English, they won't even take you to dig up potatoes.

And in Denmark you can get a job as a laborer on a farm for 3500 euros / month.

Home assistant

To put it simply, a servant.

The easiest way to find a job in this very dusty job is in the USA, England, Germany and Canada. Meals and accommodation are paid, of course, by the employer.

You will be given a day off once a week (and even then not always), and income depends on many factors (place of stay, knowledge of the language, country, etc.), on average - from $ 700 to $ 2500 / month.

And most importantly, on a note:

Whatever your reasons for going to work abroad, pack your bags only after signing a contract or on a work visa. Private invitations can lead to a lack of salary, and sometimes even more dire consequences.

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About a billion people on the planet, or 20% of the world's population, speak English. English is the most important language for international communication. It is the language of politics, diplomacy, business, science, sports. 80% of the world's information is stored in English.

Today, knowledge of English is essential for any educated person. "He who does not know a foreign language," said the great Goethe, "does not understand anything in his native language either." English will help you master a computer, read English-language books in the original, make new friends, and get an interesting profession. With him, you can finally travel freely around the world.

We offer a small list of professions related to the English language.

2. Teacher

An extremely demanded profession due to the boom in language learning in Russia. English is needed not only in schools. Language courses, kindergartens and development centers, vocational education institutions - they all need talented teachers. Reputable companies interested in highly qualified personnel arrange courses and English trainings for their employees. A huge field of activity is spread out for tutors. To tighten up lagging students, prepare for exams, correct pronunciation - these problems are often solved by private teachers. Learning English via Skype is another front of work for private tutors.


  • higher specialized education;
  • sociability;
  • endless patience;
  • creative imagination.


  • The need for regular professional growth. This specialty cannot be learned once and for all. There are no uniform teaching methods. With each new group, with each student, you have to create a unique method.

3. Stewardess of international airlines

A specialist performing work on an aircraft performing international flights. The main task of flight attendants is to ensure maximum comfort for all flight participants.


  • spoken foreign language;
  • excellent health;
  • age up to 29 years;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • smooth speech;
  • sociability, emotional restraint;
  • pleasant timbre of voice;
  • possession of related professions: medical worker, teacher, cook, bartender.

The stewardess is the face of the airline. The recognition of an airline in the marketplace often depends on its performance. Therefore, reputable companies are picky about the selection of candidates.


  • Unfavorable working conditions: change of climatic zones, regular disturbance of sleep and nutrition.
  • Emotional stress. Serving fastidious passengers is not an easy job.
  • Early retirement (45 years old).

4. Guide - tour guide

An interesting creative profession in demand in the world. Tourist groups from all over the world regularly come to Russia, are interested in Russian culture and use the services of guides.

Tour guides with knowledge of English are also needed outside the country. Russian tourists constantly visit remote corners of the planet, learn about the world with the help of Russian guides.


  • Excellent knowledge of the language;
  • the ability to interest the client;
  • broad outlook;
  • articulated speech;
  • organizational skills;
  • love of art;
  • friendly attitude towards people.

5. Web designer

A relatively young profession, the same age as the first web browser. create web pages: develop graphic concepts and web applications; come up with Flash videos, logos, banners, icons; process photos.

Web designers work both in large marketing companies and in small design studios, but most of them work as freelancers, not tying themselves to permanent labor relations with any organization. So a web designer is a profession of free but responsible people.

Talented designers have a high income.


  • technical English;
  • good artistic taste;
  • knowledge of the basics of painting;
  • knowledge of programming languages;
  • logical thinking;
  • hard work;
  • good memory;
  • self-discipline;
  • creativity.


  • the difficulty of mastering the profession;
  • significant visual stress.

For the acquisition of professions related to the English language, the list of which we have listed, just a good knowledge of English is not enough. You need to be able to do a lot, to master additional specialties, to be sociable, inquisitive, to constantly broaden your horizons. This is not an easy path for the gifted and hardworking.

If you are young, strong in spirit, talented - go for it!

Middle and high school students often think about choosing a future profession. At least these thoughts begin to arise in them when they are tested: who they might be in the future.

And one of the questions: "What are the general professions associated with the knowledge of languages?" - quite logical. Only here the teachers cannot give an intelligible and complete answer, since there are many professions.

This is not only a translator, philologist or teacher, the list is much wider. Well, let's dwell on the prestigious areas that are in demand morally and materially.


Editor is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions. You can edit anything from glossy fashion magazines and e-pages on their websites to magazines, newspapers and books.

The main job of the editor is to rework the material for meaning, punctuation and grammatical errors before it can go to print. Considering that there are many international publications, knowledge of English, German or French will definitely come in handy.

But, this work is very responsible and does not accept mistakes, since this can affect the reputation of a periodical.

Work as a lexicographer.

This work may not be as popular as editorial work, but it is no less significant. The profession is in demand for compiling dictionaries. These people determine which words can and cannot be used, or they can, but with caution.

This work is also paid well. Working as a lexicographer is irreplaceable, painstaking and not easy, but at the same time, it is invisible. Without these people, people would not have learned to pronounce words correctly.

Literary critics and literary critics.

Despite the fact that in the 21st century people read books less and less, printed books are still popular. The life of these people is dedicated to the artistic or popular science, scientific word.

They are aware of all the published novelties of the book world, including foreign authors. Writing a review, review, analysis or summary of a book is their job.

At the same time, literary critics are public people who revolve in the circles of writers or at book exhibitions of republican or international class, writing thematic articles.

Profession - a tour guide.

Excellent knowledge of a foreign language makes such a person very much in demand in conducting excursions for foreigners. Considering that tourism in the Russian Federation is developing intensively, the labor market will require new young personnel.

The main qualities for a guide:

  1. Sociability.
  2. Knowledge of the sights.
  3. Speech literacy and mastery of the main languages ​​(or at least English).

Work as a diplomat.

In the work of a diplomat, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is more an additional skill than a basic one. Still, the knowledge of colloquial speech in another language gives additional opportunities.

The main quality of a diplomat is beautiful and convincing to speak, since successful cooperation depends on him, the conclusion of profitable contracts with international companies and organizations. The fate of an entire country literally depends on him.


Translation of texts and various information is a multidisciplinary or creative work. A translator can work as a freelancer, and they pay good money for this work. There are two translations: simultaneous and written.

This is the most stressful profession because people tend to burn out. The other side of the coin, which happens due to excess stress, is nervous breakdowns. People of this profession need nerves of steel, endurance and equanimity.

These are some areas related to knowledge of foreign languages ​​that are in demand and prestigious. And in material terms, it all depends on the disruptive nature of a person, how much he can earn.

Employment is one of the hottest topics of concern for young professionals who graduated from universities. Not everyone is able to quickly find a prestigious and well-paid job. The list of recruiters' requirements includes not only specialized knowledge, responsibility and hard work. One of the top points is often English proficiency. And this applies not only to the professions of a translator, an English teacher. The modern world speaks English en masse, it is studied in millions of schools and universities on the planet. This language is a communication thread for linking business relations between countries. If you want to become a sought-after specialist - learn English.

12 professions that need english

IT product testers, programmers, web developers. These specialists need English like air, it becomes their professional language. Without knowledge of the terms, the result cannot be achieved. Especially if you plan to work for an international company headquartered in Europe. That is, you will have to not only learn the technical language, but also the spoken language - in order to communicate freely with foreign colleagues. Another important point on which your pro's future depends. The IT sphere is developing abroad, it reaches Russia mainly in echoes.

If you want to keep up with the times - attend specialized conferences, forums, seminars, study abroad. To become a sought-after IT specialist, you need to have a hefty stack of diplomas on profile reboot. A capacious knowledge base, fluency in the language and self-confidence will open the doors of corporations such as Microsoft, Siemens, Google for you.

Correspondents, journalists. This profession is in demand in Russia, but in order to make good money, you have to spin. As a rule, print correspondents write for several newspapers and magazines at once. Income consists of a salary (which, by the way, is not great) and a fee. Yes, you can get a job in a prestigious glossy magazine and take a warm place in a bright office. Orchid in a glass planter, a framed family photo, a corporate pool pass, free meals and business trips abroad. You can enter the pool of TV journalists and cover the status events of the city, interview top officials, comfortably drive an official car and receive bonuses for your VIP status.

And you can become an international-class photojournalist, attend the most significant events on the planet, take pictures with famous politicians, writers, show business stars. Each such photo is worth three months' salary for a full-time journalist. But to reach a high level, you will need not only talent, but also knowledge of the English language - moreover, at a fluent level of proficiency. The slightest misunderstanding of the interlocutor can become an irreparable mistake.

Managers of federal and international companies. It is a misconception that employers give preference to experienced professionals; students are weeded out as soon as they find out that they are students. There are exceptions here. If on the scales of a recruiter there is a university graduate with impeccable knowledge of English and a professional who speaks the language with the help of a dictionary, the preponderance will be in the direction of a young (and promising) applicant. Especially when applying for a job in a company that has entered the international market. Presenting products and services, building strategic relationships with suppliers and distributors, finding new customers abroad - all this requires perfect English. Foreign business trips, corporate recreation, business tours - you will become a participant in the most interesting and important activities for professional growth.

Engineers. Specialization can be anything: from residential construction to astronautics. The profession itself implies constant improvement. To achieve a result, to make an innovative development, knowledge is required, which is often not enough at home. Professionals participate in international conferences, seminars, travel to study abroad. To carry an interpreter with you, you have to pay for it (and a lot). Auto-translation via headphones will not be enough to understand all the nuances of the topic. Engineers need English, both conversational and technical.

Recruiters. Yes. the skills of a foreign language are also very important for recruiters. Not only Russians are looking for jobs on the domestic labor market. Often foreigners come to interviews with whom you have to speak English. Foreign specialists are in demand in various fields. Their experience and knowledge are very important for building new business schemes, launching production processes.

Most of the factories are being built on the basis of Italian, Japanese, German technologies. Foreign engineers become consultants at the stages of equipment startup, train colleagues to work with new equipment. The HR specialist becomes a connecting link, helps to integrate into the process, to adapt in the team.

Accountants. A calculator, 1C and tall stacks of papers - this is the workplace of an ordinary office accountant. But the image is crumbling. A modern accountant is an assortment of modern accounting programs and applications, a master of numbers in its broadest sense. A specialist needs English to quickly master new methods of work, which significantly speed up the process, which is very important for the financial turnover of any company. And, of course, communication with colleagues from foreign offices, communication with whom should be as transparent as possible.

Marketers and PR-managers. Marketing and Public Relations came to us from the English language. The science of selling beautifully and building effective public relations are essential elements of any business process. To stay afloat and stay ahead of their competitors, marketing and PR become indispensable helpers. To become a good marketer and PR manager, a university crust is not enough, even with an A. It is important here to understand your profession, be creative and improve your knowledge. The field of marketing and PR does not stand still.

Every year, new techniques and tools appear, without which the client base will lose weight, companies with more agile and progressive marketers will become leaders. If you want to be one step ahead, learn from your foreign colleagues. Those marketing innovations that are applied abroad today will appear with us tomorrow. Learn English and go.

Businessmen. Knowledge of english is required not only for large business representatives, but also for start-up entrepreneurs looking for suppliers and manufacturers in China. Even for small purchases, the language barrier will become a stumbling block. You will not be able to explain in detail what product you are interested in, negotiate a discount, discuss delivery terms and other important points on which you can significantly save.

In global business, English becomes an opportunity to find strategic partners and investors, vendors and distributors, expand product markets and reach a new level. You will be able to freely visit exhibitions and specialized forums, where the people you need come from different countries. Each acquaintance can be decisive.

Economists, financiers, analysts. Finance is the backbone of any business activity. All cash injections must be strictly regulated. In large international companies, specialists work with programs and methods that allow them to monitor the financial policy of the company as transparently as possible, analyze the results and plan costs. The pros who work the entire network often travel abroad with reports and presentations. English is indispensable here.

Designers. It is one of the most creative professions that requires creativity, a sense of style and artistic taste. Proficiency in English is becoming a big plus for modern pros. Why does a designer need it, who mainly communicates with a computer monitor or laptop? This is exactly what is needed. Specialists work in programs that are not always adapted into Russian.

  1. Without knowledge of English, it will be difficult for a beginner to understand the toolbar, and it will take a long time to translate with a dictionary. This time.
  2. Two - you will have the opportunity to find work in international companies, whose fees are much higher than domestic ones.
  3. Three - you can publish your portfolio in online banks for designers, on international freelance sites. Knowledge of English will help you compose a beautiful and tempting text about yourself, with a lively dialogue, communicate freely and discuss all the important points of employment.

Reference translators. Translator is one of the highest paid foreign language professions. But in order to become a sought-after specialist, you need to constantly improve your knowledge, adapt to the profile of the company in which you got a job. The most prestigious area is government orders.

Copywriters. Commercial writer, master of words with a business focus. This is how you describe the essence of the profession. Philologists, journalists, physicists and chemists in love with the Russian language become copywriters. Education doesn't matter. A sense of the word, literacy and the ability to structure the text beautifully and deliciously are important here. Copywriters with knowledge of English earn three times as much. For comparison: the average prices for Russian texts are 150 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces, for foreign companies whose terms of reference include translation from English into Russian - 500 rubles for the same volume. If you want to earn more - learn English.

Summing up

Without English today, nowhere. The sooner you start learning a language, the better. This will save you time in the future. Having graduated from a university as a ready-made specialist with a confident base of English, you will become a worthy candidate for a profile vacancy. Good luck in your endeavors!