The profitability of the production of mixed feed in small enterprises. How much money does it take to open a feed mill? What is compound feed

The relevance of this direction of production is justified by the intensive development of agriculture and the need for animals, birds and fish to receive a balanced diet. This increases their lifespan and ensures health. The quality of the products obtained also depends on the correct diet, therefore, buyers of combined feed regularly need inexpensive, but full-fledged compound feed.


Compound feed (combined feed) is a food product for feeding animals and birds, which includes a variety of grain raw materials, herbal, fish or, chalk, salt and other micro-additives that provide a nutritious diet rich in protein, vitamins and microelements.

Product range

Combined feeds are produced according to different recipes for each type of animal and bird, their age and purpose are taken into account ( milk, wool, feathers, meat, fat, skin, eggs, caviar).

Types of compound feed by nutritional value:

  • compound feed concentrate (high content of protein, micro-additives and minerals);
  • balancing supplements (provide the needs of animals and birds for a certain trace element, vitamin, protein, etc.);
  • complete feed (can be considered as a substitute for natural food).

Types of compound feeds according to the form of products:

  • loose (fine, medium and coarse grinding);
  • granular (dense lumps of rounded elongated shape);
  • briquetted (dense rectangular or square tiles).

Optimally organize the production of granular products in connection with the high demand in the consumer market.

Sales market:

  • intermediary firms;
  • farms;
  • nurseries;
  • zoos;
  • reserves;
  • private farms.

The advantage of selling feed is the regular wholesale purchases various public and private companies, as well retail individuals containing cattle and poultry.

Organization of a compound feed business

Consider the organization of this type of activity from the standpoint of technology, raw materials and required equipment.

Raw materials

More than a hundred different types of raw materials are used in compound feed production. This is due to both the quality and nutritional value of the feed mixture and the type of animal, bird or fish. The main raw materials for compound feed preparation are:

  • hay, straw, cake;
  • grain raw materials (barley, oats, corn, beans, etc.);
  • flour (herbal, fish, meat and bone);
  • starch raw materials (hydrol, molasses);
  • mineral raw materials (salt, chalk)
  • chemical raw materials (trace elements, urea, vitamins, antibiotics);

V a separate group emit protein and vitamin supplements and premixes, which are used in trace amounts to fortify food.


The compound feed production technology differs depending on the required end product and the composition of raw materials. So, for the manufacture of feed mixture for weaned piglets and birds necessary stage there will be peeling of barley, while for many other species the use of this grain is not required.

Highest demand the market uses granulated feed, the main stages of production of which are:

  1. grinding;
  2. dosing;
  3. mixing;
  4. granulation;
  5. cooling;
  6. packing.

Primary raw materials (hay and straw) undergo a two-stage grinding process into pieces of 30-40 mm and particles of 5-10 mm (depending on the recipe). Grain components are also crushed on a crusher, weighed on an electronic scale and fed to a metering device. At the stage of dosing, additives enter production. Dosing must be accurate as product quality depends on it. Further, the components enter the mixer. Here they are processed into a homogeneous mass. At this stage, the preparation of mixed feed in bulk is completed, therefore, if there are orders for the bulk form, some of the products can be manually removed and sent to packaging.

After the mixing stage, the resulting mass by means of a screw or belt-scraper conveyor (depending on the composition of the line) is sent to the agitator hopper, which ensures the accumulation and uniform supply of the mass to the pellet press. During the granulation stage, the correct lumps of the required diameter and size are formed. Then the product is cooled by the counter-wind flow of the cooling column fan and fed to the sieving table, where the final product is separated from the substandard placer. At the final stage of production, the granules are fed through a conveyor to the packaging unit. Products are packed in bags of 10-50 kg.

Necessary equipment

It is optimal to start a business for the production of compound feed with the purchase of a small line or mini-plant. Consider two options for kits for starting a business.

The optimal solution for small businesses would be the acquisition of LPGK and KR-02.

To start a business, you need to prepare a workshop and warehouse.

Business Feasibility Study

Capital expenditures

  • Equipment: 1.15 million
  • Delivery, installation: 0.25 mln.
  • Inventory: 0.5 mln.
  • Preparatory work: 0.3 mln.
  • Business registration and other expenses: 0.1 mln.

Total capital costs for starting a compound feed business will be: 2,300,000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue when loading 50%

* The profitability of the activity is determined on the basis of the expert opinion of the author of the article.

A compound feed plant is a relevant and demanded type of modern and profitable business... There is a demand for products in any economic situation. It is a mixture of grains, a variety of herbs - fresh and dried, various biological natural additives, among which in 90% of cases bone meal, fish meal, table salt, natural chalk are used. In addition, the composition of mixed fodders includes various trace elements, including rare ones, a variety of vitamins.

All components, combined in the mixture, ensure normal and correct growth, development, corresponding to the biology and species of birds or animals. The combined composition for fish feeding (in industrial breeding) is no less actively used. Revival farms had a positive effect on this business area, increasing its profitability.

Varieties of products

When thinking about opening feed mills, it is necessary to choose the main line of business, since there are several types of feed mills. Compositions can be produced separately for each species of birds or animals, fish, several lines can be combined. Mixtures produced at the enterprise should take into account:

  • The age of birds or animals;
  • Industrial purpose.

There is a division of feed, taking into account the type of animal / poultry, production direction - (meat, milk, eggs). The conditions of detention (farm, private household) are taken into account.

The production of compound feed should be guided by several types of products (in terms of nutritional value):

  • A complete product that can fully replace ordinary food;
  • Supplements are verified according to veterinary rules, balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements;
  • Concentrate - a composition that has more minerals, a variety of vitamins, trace elements, proteins.

Mixed feed mini-plant

Products manufactured by the plant can be implemented:

  • Briquettes;
  • Tiles (pressed mixture);
  • Granules;
  • Lumps (round or elongated);
  • Loose (coarse, medium, fine).

All these features must be taken into account by the entrepreneur prior to purchasing the necessary equipment in order to be able to launch a full-fledged, profitable production.

Sales of products

A full-fledged production of compound feed as a business includes not only mixing of ingredients on lines, packaging of products, its further storage, but also sale, which allows you to get financial profit. It is recommended to draw up a contract with a purchaser on a long period... This will require time from the entrepreneur to search for a farm whose activities have a long-term perspective.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Zoos (private, public);
  • Private farmers;
  • Reserves;
  • Nurseries;
  • Agricultural enterprises.

It is also possible to sell the manufactured products in the markets. Cooperation with firms operating in related industries will be profitable.

Large compound feed plant

Required raw materials and food components

Successful manufacturers of compound feed use a wide variety of food and fortified raw materials in their work. It is chosen depending on the chosen direction. In 85% of cases known to business, the composition of feed includes:

  • Oilcake;
  • Hay (you need to monitor the quality);
  • Straw;
  • Legumes (varied);
  • Ground or whole oats;
  • Corn with cobs and grains (ripe);
  • Barley (including peeled);
  • Bone / fish meal;
  • Ground lime;
  • Melissa, fresh or dried;
  • Mineral mixtures (ready-made);
  • Trace elements, natural supplements and various vitamin complexes;
  • Antibiotics (it is recommended to use a minimum amount to make the finished product as natural as possible).

Also, premixes and protein additives are used as raw materials necessary for the production of feed formulations. At the opening stage, a businessman needs to conclude an agreement for the supply of basic raw materials in order to manufacturing process was uninterrupted.

Technological process

The production process depends on the type of product, as there are differences in the selection and processing of raw materials. The type of equipment that will be used to create the ideal compound feed, as well as the main production technology, also depend on the chosen direction of the factories' work. The general stages for all types of products are:

  1. Grinding of the raw materials used;
  2. Dosing of each ingredient;
  3. Mixing;
  4. Formation (most often these are granules, briquettes, scattering);
  5. Cooling;
  6. Packing.

For some types of demanded feed mixtures it will be necessary to install production equipment for cleaning the raw materials supplied to the conveyor. Additionally, it should be borne in mind that when using natural natural ingredients - straw / hay, the grinding process is carried out by equipment twice - up to 0.4 cm, then on another machine up to 0.1 cm. compound finished products.

Particular attention must be paid to dosing, as it determines the quality of the product at the exit.
It is important to constantly monitor the stages of production, from loading to the accuracy of the equipment. Consequently, a business plan for the production of animal feed should include a stage for the search for personnel. In the event that the basis of production is granules, then you will need to purchase a special device called a turner, which evenly feeds the raw material into another device, the name of which is a pellet press. It gradually produces granules, the size and appearance of which are obtained according to the parameters that have been set according to the requirements. Packaging is most often made in bags, the volume of which is 10 or 50 kg.

Equipment: for production and packaging

The purchase of equipment for the production of granulated feed or any other choice of a businessman is an important stage in the development of the enterprise. Here you need to pay attention to nuances and details, including:

  • Reliability of the selected equipment;
  • Build quality;
  • Line functionality.

The organization of a full-fledged, constantly working (10-12 hours) line will help to increase profitability. There are several options that are selected depending on what volumes are planned to be produced by the enterprise. For a small plant, the feed equipment is represented by the LPKG-1 and LPKG-3 lines. To service the first option, you will need to hire a staff of 3-4 people. It produces up to 1 ton of products per hour. Electricity consumption is about 43 kW. The products produced on the line of this type are granules and bulk. The cost is about 2 million rubles. Additional equipment that will expand the range - a straw and hay shredder.

A more powerful line for the production of compound feed allows to increase the amount of products produced up to 3 tons per hour at maximum load. Energy consumption is already 76 kW. The number of employees increases to 4-5 people. A shredder is also required. The total cost rises to 3 million rubles. Installing equipment for feed production in the form of automated lines is beneficial from the point of view of saving space.

Shop features

In order for the production to work fully, it is required to comply with some requirements that ensure not only comfortable working conditions, but also complete safety. It is important to remember that the height of the ceilings in this case must be at least 4.5 m. The room must be heated - the minimum allowable temperature is +5 degrees. It is necessary to separate the area for storing finished products. Ventilation must be present here, it will be necessary to provide protection against moisture and condensation.

Financial - organizational part

To open your own business, you will need to draw up the appropriate documentation. For a small private plant, it is better to issue an individual entrepreneur, since here you can count on paying taxes according to the simplified tax system. Basic documents are:

  • Tax Registration Certificate;
  • Lease or ownership agreement for the premises that the workshop occupies;
  • Conclusions of SES and fire protection.

Financial expenses are formed from one-time expenses and permanent ones. To launch an enterprise you will need:

  • Premises rental / renovation work - 150,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 0t 850,000 rubles (if the purchase of lines is not planned);
  • Additional equipment - 250,000 rubles;
  • Raw materials for compound feed - 350,000-500,000 rubles;
  • Business registration costs, payment utilities, the salary of employees is 500,000 rubles.

It turns out about 2 million rubles in one-time costs.

Revenues, profits and profitability are calculated as follows (with a minimum productivity of 500 kg / h): the duration of the shift is 8 hours, the number of shifts per month is 23, the number of products per month is 92 tons. If sales are carried out at 11,000 rubles per ton of compound feed, then the amount will be 1 million 12 thousand rubles. Accordingly, it is possible to recoup all costs and enter the profitable sector completely in 6-8 months. Profit figures will be (after all necessary monthly costs and taxes) 15-20%.

Thus, by opening a plant for the production of animal feed, an entrepreneur can count on making a profit in the first year of the enterprise. The indicators of demand for products are 30-48%, so there will always be customers. Competition in the selected segment is average, which provides opportunities for a successful start and development. It is noted high profitability and a quick return on investment.

A compound feed plant is a relevant and demanded type of modern and profitable business. There is a demand for products in any economic situation.

Farms and private farms are actively developing now. People raise cattle and poultry for sale as well as for personal consumption. At the moment, many ask the question of proper and high-quality nutrition, take care of the conditions of keeping animals on farms and on farms.

The duration and quality of their life, weight gain, and overall health depend on the feed consumed by livestock and poultry. That is why farms, nurseries and private farm owners are concerned about finding a supplier of quality and inexpensive combination feed for their animals.

Manufacturing and supply of combined nutritional mixtures for poultry and livestock - very promising business with low investment and high prospects... The information provided in this article will help you start a business of selling compound feed to private farms and farms with minimal costs.

Combined feed types

In order to talk about doing a mixed feed business, you need to understand some concepts and familiarize yourself with the main types of products that farmers buy and use when working with poultry and cattle.
Compound feed is a balanced, nutritious mixture for farm animals and poultry, enriched with vitamins and minerals for fast weight gain, well-being and, in general, high-quality pet nutrition.

There are various recipes for the manufacture of combined mixtures. The main one can be considered the composition of several varieties of grain, flour of different coarseness of grinding, chalk and salt. Nutrients and vitamins are also added. The cost per kilogram of the finished product will vary depending on the amount of added ingredients and the vitamin saturation of the mixture.
The recipe for each subspecies of farm animals and birds will be different - the composition of horse food is unlikely to be suitable for feeding piglets or domestic ducks. Fish also need combined feeds.

The feed is produced in different forms - loose, granulated and briquette. The loose form is characterized by coarseness of grinding and looks like a free-flowing powder. Granular - in the form of lumps (elongated and round). Briquettes look like dense rectangular or square tiles.

The greatest demand is for feed in granular form. Loose feed is the cheapest, but difficult to sell as it requires additional preparation before feeding the animals.

Combi feed markets

The business of selling compound feed is effective in that farms buy nutritional mixtures for animals and birds on an ongoing basis. That is, in one day of operation of a farm with no more than five animals, about 12 kilograms of feed is used. Based on these data, we can say that the systematic purchase of combined mixtures is a guarantee successful functioning farms by extending the life and quality of life of all animals on it.

Most of the farmers are currently abandoning the services of foreign suppliers of nutritional mixtures for animals in favor of domestic ones. The high price and speed of delivery outweighs the scales in favor of Russian suppliers of combined feed.

Target markets for a manufacturer of feed mixes for livestock and poultry:

  • Agricultural farms (the most desirable option for a supplier, since farms most often specialize in a certain type of animals and have a high livestock population);
  • Nature reserves and nurseries (feed mixtures with an unusual recipe may be required, which may bring more profit or hassle to the entrepreneur);
  • Private farms:
  • Zoos (a large number of different animals requires a large supply of varied sweat to the composition of the combined feed).

This article will provide the necessary information to organize your own mini-plant for the production of nutritional mixtures for farm animals and poultry without using wage labor and at minimal cost.

Mixed mix production process and basic costs

It is necessary to ask the question of purchasing the necessary equipment for the manufacture of nutritional mixtures. Acquisition and creation production line for grinding, packing and granulating ingredients, on average, it will cost 1,200,000 rubles. To this should be added the cost of renting a production premises, as well as premises for a warehouse.

You will also need a good supply of raw materials for the manufacture of products, which will require finding and selecting a reliable supplier of ingredients for nutritious feed mixtures. So, according to minimum estimates, the organization of the workflow will run into an amount of 2,200,000 rubles (provided that not the most powerful equipment is used).

Production and storage facilities must have a temperature of at least + 5 ° C, have a sufficient area (at least 60 square meters) and have ceilings with a height of four meters or more.

The combined feed production process can be divided into several stages:

  • Grinding of raw materials (hay, straw, grain, chalk, salt, flour, etc.)
  • Division into portions (if an order for crumbly compound feed has been received, then it is actually ready);
  • Processing of granules;
  • Product cooling;
  • Packing the combined mixture into bags from one to ten kilograms.

It is very important to observe the dosage in the preparation of the feed mixture and add the ingredients precisely according to the recipe - the quality of the final product depends on this.

Combined feeds can be filled in bags manually, in the absence of equipment for filling nutritional mixtures.

You should also take care of the certification of manufactured products in advance. Combined nutritional formulas that are not approved by veterinary standards and have not passed testing for compliance with GOST will cause mistrust on the part of a potential buyer. Therefore, when making the first batch of combined feed, you must immediately contact the certification authorities to pass all the necessary tests for quality compliance.

Organization of sales channels

When implementing a business idea for the sale of compound feed, you can face high competition. You should look for customers based on the location of the production. If the warehouse is located within the city, then you can focus on the speed of supply of feed mixtures.

The main task is to find one or two regular customers of the combined nutritional formula and work for their benefit for a long time.

Attract customers with attractive prices, moderate discounts and fast deliveries. Analyze the competitive environment and highlight the distinguishing feature that will favorably distinguish your products from other manufacturers' products.

Arrange meetings with potential buyers, send trial samples of products, and do not skimp on information brochures and attractive packaging. You can search for clients using the Internet (for example, create your own online store) and by phone - the main thing is to "hook" the seller and arrange a meeting or sale.

Unsold feed can be sold on the market - it is enough to agree with several sellers.

Profit from the compound feed business

Experienced entrepreneurs believe that with an eight-hour workday with a daily production of half a tonne per hour of high-quality blended nutritional formula, the business pays off in 12-14 months. That is, in order to pay off in at least a year, more than 90 tons of compound feed must be produced per month and sold without a remainder. Profit should be increased due to the volume of products sold. Feed mixtures should be supplied in bulk, and for especially large quantities, the price should be slightly reduced in order to interest the client and stimulate him for further cooperation.

Analyzing the reviews and recommendations of people who have already implemented the idea of ​​a business selling compound feed for poultry and animals, we can say that with good marketing and the presence of 2-3 regular customers, you can make great money. Many manufacturers of combined feed for animals themselves become owners of livestock complexes - this is convenient for testing products. By gradually improving the quality of the products, you can conquer nearby markets, become a monopolist in the production of combined nutritional mixtures in your region.

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Home Business - Dumplings

The compound feed production technology does not present any particular difficulties, but you cannot do without special equipment. Manufacturers offer today a whole line of units with different capacities and capacities to help in the production of feed for livestock. What types of equipment are there, what is better to install when opening a small mini-plant, which manufacturer should you give preference to, taking into account cost and quality?

Cooking technology

To decide on necessary equipment for the production of compound feed (wet or dry granular), you must first outline the main stages of its production, the raw material:

  • crushed by placing in a crusher;
  • fed to the dispenser for dosing;
  • mixes up with vitamins, additives, trace elements to saturate and obtain a homogeneous consistency;
  • formed into briquettes or granules, for which it is redirected from the granulator;
  • cooled by blowing from a fan;
  • packed in containers, containers.

In the production of wet feed, the total mass is mixed with warm water to obtain a moisture content of 38%. For the production of a friable feed composition, one cannot do without a drying procedure.

Equipment types

The most different technologies are applicable today in the manufacture of compound feed. The models differ in power, functionality, principle of operation, purpose. There are three main types:

  • extruder;
  • granulator;
  • multifunctional equipment.

The principle of operation of the extruder unit

Extruders are devices in the form of machines, on the screw of which a grain mixture is supplied and subjected to a squeezing process up to 50 atm, then thrown into a humid atmosphere,

breaks into small particles, twists into a homogeneous mass, passes through a calibrating device with a corresponding section already in the form of a finished product.

This production process allows you to preserve valuable nutrients and components in the grain to the maximum. At the exit, the finished product is complete, porous, and easily digestible.


  • weight of extruders - 200–250 kg;
  • power consumption of energy - 6.6 kW / h;
  • processing power - up to 1000 kg of grain per hour.

How Granulator Harvesters Work

Granulators - devices with a gearbox, dispenser, press, mixer. Principle of operation:

  • the initial raw material is fed to the mixer (tank) with a temperature of up to 1100 ° C;
  • further, it is combined with steam and water, mixed, transferred to the pressing machine;
  • then, it passes through the holes for the formation of granules or the pressing process;
  • already in finished form, by means of a mechanical knife, it is cut into small disinfected granules.

The shelf life of pelleted feed is much higher, in contrast to raw feed - up to 5 years.

The advantages of multifunctional units

Multifunctional machines with different power, potential and the ability to harvest up to 1 ton of feed per hour. More powerful and expensive counterparts are equipped with various functionalities and can replace a whole line of other equipment.

Large units require a large installation area, therefore they are mainly used in manufacturing plants. Multifunctional equipment is the most profitable because it can carry out several operations at once:

  • blank;
  • granulation;
  • pressing;
  • dosing feed.

To obtain the final product in any form - friable, granular feed, it is enough to install one multifunctional machine in the room.

The performance of many modern models is high.

You can quickly process various raw materials - straw, soybeans, coarse grains, grass.

Equipment for mini-production

Cattle farmers are constantly looking for quality and nutritious feed to support the growth and vitality of their livestock. Many newcomers to the business are thinking about opening mini-shops directly, giving preference to the production of pelleted feed for the subsequent implementation of balanced nutrition for animals and thereby reducing the cost of purchasing finished products.

But, it is impossible to make feed without special equipment. Milled grain in the form of a mixture is not subject to long-term storage, but you always want to prepare feed for livestock for future use.

Low power equipment is found on the market today. When opening a small farm, you can completely install a multifunctional mini-installation in the room. If you need to make mixed feed in granules, then you cannot do without additional equipment:

  • chopper;
  • mixer;
  • crushers;
  • granulator.

To set up production you will need:

  • a crusher for dividing primary raw materials into doses;
  • mixer for mixing raw materials;
  • dispenser for dividing the product into portions.

Is there any benefit from self-production of feed?

For private sector owners, for opening a mini-factory, manufacturers offer mini-granulators with low weight and a capacity of up to 3000 kg per hour at an affordable price.

Such a small-sized household unit can be bought at a fairly low price on the market, and for placement on the floor, it is enough to prepare a stable, flat surface. In addition to the design, they come with a flat matrix. It remains to refuel them, assemble the installation and connect to the power grid.

Some enterprising owners are trying to make it easier for themselves and are automating their production, equipping with a control panel. You can't do without additional costs. However, farmers experienced in this matter noticed that the benefits will be noticeable if you buy grain separately, develop a recipe for feed on your own.

On average, the purchase of equipment will take 100-120 thousand rubles. The profitability can be increased by 1.5-2 times. It is noticed that when buying ready-made feed from producers, spending is 60–70% of the total amount required to maintain livestock. It is obvious that it is quite profitable to engage in compound feed on your own. You cannot do without the purchase of equipment, but in general, the cost of keeping livestock can be significantly reduced.

Equipment manufacturers

On the market, manufacturers offer imported and domestic equipment for the production of compound feed. Preference should be given to well-known brands, because it is easier to find spare parts for them than for imported brands, in particular, to carry out repairs if necessary.

Modern equipment has a wide range of functionality and operational capabilities. Moreover, the product line is updated annually. Today, it has become more power-hungry, with high performance and accuracy, which is not to be expected from unknown small manufacturers.

Equipment from Europe is recognized as of better quality, although the cost of equipment reaches 5 million rubles. Good products are produced by Russian manufacturers with the ability to carry out procedures: granulation, forwarding, grain mixing.

Production equipment cost

The cost of a granulator with a low capacity is 60-80 thousand rubles, but the performance is quite acceptable for opening a small farm. Prices for Chinese counterparts are significantly lower, but the quality also leaves much to be desired. You can buy a Chinese-made granulator on the market for 15–20,000 rubles. Approximate prices for other units for the production of animal feed:

  • auger - 67,000 rubles;
  • screw mixer - 60,000 rubles;
  • grain crusher - 170,000 rubles;
  • flattening - 80,000 rubles;
  • household granulator - 60-80 thousand. rub.;
  • mini-complex unit - 450,000 rubles;
  • bunker 30,000 rubles;
  • household mini-granulator - 60,000 rubles;
  • dosing device (scales) up to 30,000 rubles.

According to estimates, to open a small production will need to invest about 40,000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of buying ready-made compound feed will amount to an average of 1 million rubles per year. The payback can be 3 times higher and in just 1.5 years.

Justification of capital costs for the production of compound feed

It is wise for single farmers to purchase used machines on the market. You can read the message boards on the Internet. Although it is not recommended to buy equipment over 10 years old, otherwise breakdowns are inevitable, and productivity can significantly decrease. It is still recommended to purchase a small, functioning machine and additional accessories for a start:

  • dispenser;
  • scales;
  • crusher for grain.

To establish a full-fledged work, the equipment must be of high quality. If you want to open a small plant for the production of compound feed, it is worth acquiring a whole production line. The equipment will cost 150–170,000 rubles, but as the enterprise develops, it is possible to buy equipment with a higher productivity up to 3 tons per hour, costing 2.5 million rubles.

For novice businessmen who do not have a lot of money, it is more rational to open a mini-feed plant. If it is impossible to acquire automatic equipment, you can buy an inexpensive granulator at the initial stage, fill the grain manually, after weighing it on a scale.

Of course, the finished line has several advantages. You will no longer need to buy additional units. All work will be done automatically and smoothly. This is a rather profitable business and the line can be expanded by investing only 200,000 rubles, and as a result, in 1.5 years - up to 2 million rubles. net profit.

Reading time 12 minutes

Great idea for a budding entrepreneur. It will allow you to get to know more about the agricultural sector. To open such a case, you will need relatively small investment that can quickly pay off. But without the knowledge and help of experts in this industry, there is nothing to do. Otherwise, it will not work to produce a really high-quality and useful product for animals.

Relevance of the idea

A business in the production of compound feed will be profitable provided that it is well organized own enterprise... The agricultural industry itself gives the entrepreneur a lot of prospects. Due to the constant growth in the number of farms, the demand for services for their maintenance is also growing. Keeping animals requires nutritious and balanced compound feed and other consumables.

According to representatives of agriculture, who have been operating in this area for a long time, feed production is one of the most profitable and promising business formats.

The interest in this idea is also explained by the ease of marketing. The agricultural demand for compound feed is not fully satisfied, so even a novice entrepreneur has a chance to gain a foothold in this industry.

But, despite the demand for feed, the newly minted businessman will have to listen to the requests of his customers in order to satisfy their needs. Livestock breeders are not ready to buy poor quality product... On the contrary, they make increased demands on him.

It is very important that the feed produced is balanced, that is, it provides the animals with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. This leads to the rapid growth of individuals.

It is not at all necessary to work with ready-made recipes. On the contrary, new varieties of food will attract many potential customers. Today, entrepreneurs use grain and leguminous crops and their hybrid varieties for the production of compound feed.

The production of compound feed as a business will become profitable only if truly high-quality products are manufactured. Farmers easily determine the nutritional value and balance, they refuse cheap, but poor in composition products, in favor of more expensive, but with a high content of natural protein, vitamins, microelements and others. useful components... If an entrepreneur manages to create a really good recipe for compound feed, then his products will be in demand.

The highest level of profitability is characteristic of large feed mills. But their discovery requires serious capital investment- starting from 2,000,000 rubles. But small, domestic producers also have the right to exist. Only their level of income and profitability will be much more modest.

Varieties of compound feed

The production of granulated feed is intended for the manufacture of food for various animals and poultry (chickens, guinea fowls, partridges, and so on). Cereals are used as the basis for such products. And in order for the feed to actively contribute to the growth of livestock, all kinds of protein supplements are added to it. Additionally, the composition includes:

  • vitamins (vitamin E must be included in the composition, vitamins A, D3 are useful for poultry);
  • amino acids;
  • trace elements (iron, iodine, zinc, calcium and others);
  • specialized additives.

The composition of feed should be different for individuals of different ages (the amount of necessary biologically active substances will depend on this). The following indicators will depend on how balanced and complete the feed is:

  • physical activity;
  • the rate of growth and development;
  • the speed of fat accumulation;
  • wool growth rate;
  • volume of received milk, eggs.

A nutritious and balanced diet is especially needed for those animals and birds that are kept in closed pens and ranges. Since they do not have enough physical activity, their growth and development must be stimulated with the help of food.

The idea of ​​opening a home production of compound feed on a small scale may be of interest to owners of their own farms. In this case, the owner will be able not only to save on the manufacture of feed, but also independently track the composition, select high-quality ingredients that are ideal for his animals and birds.

And yet, most farms prefer to buy compound feed from trusted suppliers. That is why the idea of ​​own production of feed can bring really good profit to an entrepreneur. They also turn to such companies because the variety of varieties of products they have is very large. After all, different types of animals require a special set of nutrients and ingredients. It is clear that pigs and chickens need to be fed different feeds. Additionally, compound feed manufacturers create separate lines within one type in the following areas:

  • young growth;
  • pregnant individuals;
  • lactating animals;
  • adults.
  1. Concentrated... This variety contains a wide variety of nutrients.
  2. Balanced... These feeds are rich in vitamins and microelements useful for animals.
  3. Complete... These feeds are used by farms for everyday use.

An entrepreneur who decides to start his own business can specialize in one or several types of compound feed at once. It is necessary to determine in advance the form in which the finished product will be produced. The following options are possible:

  • Loose... This includes feed of different grind (small, medium, large).
  • Granulated... The feed is produced in the form of lumps, round and elongated.
  • Briquetted... This variety is characterized by an increased feed density. It is available in the form of square or rectangular tiles.

The demand for forms depends on who the feed is made for. For example, livestock farms prefer products in briquettes. But for pigs and poultry, farmers are actively buying medium-sized granular or bulk feed.

It is better for an entrepreneur to decide what kind of feed to produce after contacting a specialist. He will not only advise on which format to choose, but also help you choose the components and composition. After the production of the feed, a professional will carry out all the necessary tests and laboratory studies in order to draw final conclusions regarding the usefulness and nutritional value of the product.

If necessary, a specialist can also help in drawing up a business plan. He, working in the field of feed production, can assess the value and real cost of products, the demand for it on the part of farms, the amount of necessary costs.

If you plan to open a large production of feed, it is better to work in several directions at once. For example, to specialize in the manufacture of products for different types of animals and birds. The more varied the offered assortment, the more customers the entrepreneur will be able to attract, as a result of which he will receive an excellent profit.

Purchase of the necessary raw materials

As the main raw material for compound feed, entrepreneurs usually use hay, cake or meal. Sometimes straw also comes out. High Quality, grain, but always without mold and fungal formations. Additionally, the composition includes:

  • meat and bone meal;
  • salt;
  • syrup;
  • vitamins;
  • protein premixes (vitamin and mineral supplements).

The final formulations of compound feed can vary greatly. Everything will depend not only on who they are made for, but also on the recipe and technology used.

The compound feed production technology is largely determined by the ingredients used to make it. If barley is used for poultry feed, for example, then before adding it, a procedure for exfoliating the grains must be carried out. Whereas for other feeds, this procedure is not needed. For the most part, entrepreneurs today prefer to produce mixed feed in granules. This process consists of several sequential stages:

  1. Grinding raw materials... A crusher is used for this step. Ultimately, the raw material is crushed into small particles 10 or 40 mm in size.
  2. Dosage... The raw materials obtained at the first stage are sent to the batcher, and then they are mixed with various additives. This is a very important step, since the quality of the finished product will ultimately depend on the accuracy of the dosing of the ingredients.
  3. Mixing... To combine the various components of the compound feed, they are sent to the mixer, where they are converted into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Granulation... A homogeneous mass from the mixer is sent by a conveyor to a special agitator hopper. From there the mixture goes to the pellet press. With this device, lumps of the same size and shape are made.
  5. Cooling... This stage allows you to get finished products and weed out low-quality goods.
  6. Packing... Finished products are packaged in bags.

If an entrepreneur is engaged in the production of loose compound feed, then stages 4 and 5 are not used, and immediately after mixing, the finished product is packaged.

Finding a suitable room

If an entrepreneur decides to open a full-fledged production with an automated line, then he will not be able to do without a spacious room where professional equipment, raw materials and finished products will be located. To work you will need:

  • manufacturing facility;
  • warehouse for storing raw materials;
  • warehouse for storing finished products.

There are no serious requirements for warehouses. The main thing is that it should be dry and not wet there. But in the workshop, the ceilings must be at least 4.5 m. It is necessary to correctly position the equipment in production area... There are established standards and instructions for specific automated lines. It will be difficult for a newly minted entrepreneur to understand this, therefore it is better to purchase equipment together with the subsequent installation and adjustment.

For full and productive work, you will need special equipment for the production of compound feed. The level of productivity and the quality of raw materials will depend on the quality of the equipment used. If it is planned to open a small workshop, then a grain crusher and a mixer will be enough for work. But a full-fledged, albeit small, plant will require the purchase of an entire production line. Its cost starts at 900,000 rubles.

If the initial capital is small, then you can limit yourself to the purchase of this equipment, and then invest the money received in the purchase of a powerful production line. The equipment allowing to produce about 3 tons of feed per hour will cost 2,000,000 - 2,500,000 rubles.

The production of pelleted feed will require even more investment. This will require a specialized line worth 1,500,000 rubles. Its productivity will be equal to 1 ton per hour. And when purchasing a line with a capacity of 3 tons per hour, you will have to spend 3,000,000 rubles, not counting the cost of the grinder.

Sales channels

The success of a compound feed plant depends not only on the quality of the finished product, but also on how correctly an entrepreneur can build a sales policy. In the area under consideration, this issue is most relevant due to the high competition. If a businessman wants his products to be in demand, then he must decide on the distribution channels at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

Most often, entrepreneurs work with the following feed consumers:

  • farms;
  • resellers;
  • nurseries engaged in breeding animals and birds;
  • individuals;
  • zoos.

To ensure that the products do not spend a lot of time in warehouses, it is necessary to sell most of them to wholesalers. To do this, you need to conclude a supply agreement at the initial stage. It is not necessary to work only with business representatives; you can offer your services to government organizations.

But there should be few intermediaries involved in the repurchase and subsequent sale of feed, since they usually purchase goods at a lower price than ordinary organizations, because the essence of their business is to generate income in the form of a margin on the goods.

The most promising buyers are private agriculture... Since they are interested in buying really high quality feed, they will be willing to pay a fairly high price for the product.

If the production is located near the city, you can offer your services for the supply of feed to local nurseries and zoos. Fast delivery of products for them will be one of the most important arguments in favor of the purchase.

If an entrepreneur is engaged in the production of compound feed for his own needs, then he can sell surplus finished products on the market or to his neighbors and colleagues.

Calculation of financial results

Any entrepreneur, deciding to open a compound feed production, is interested in how much of the initial investment he will need. The most serious cost item in this case will be the purchase of specialized equipment. A large automated enterprise will need about 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.