Technological recipe for croutons snacks on the production line. Business on crackers: packaging. Equipment for the production of rusks

A tempting idea for a budding entrepreneur can be the production of crackers as a business. To do this, you will have to spend only on equipment and understand the simple technology of manufacturing a product. Everything else is a matter of competent marketing and planning.

In our country, croutons have long been considered the most popular beer snack and snack for students. With the addition of interesting spices and additives, they have become even more attractive, and some of their varieties are often added to salads and other holiday dishes. And even if there are competitors in this business segment, you can safely take your own niche on a regional scale.

Advantages of the direction

Students and other young people aged 20-30 are considered to be the main audience of consumers of crackers. But other generations also try this product quite often. Even children sometimes use it as a substitute for regular bread.

The main advantages in production are:

  1. High demand for the product.
  2. Affordable prices for most buyers.
  3. Low cost price.
  4. Simple manufacturing technology.
  5. High rates of profitability.
  6. There is an opportunity to constantly expand the range of offered tastes.

But in order to correctly draw up a business plan with calculations, you need to objectively evaluate all aspects of the project. So, this idea has a number of disadvantages. For example, when organizing a production workshop, expensive equipment should be purchased. In this business segment, there is high competition from large companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of crackers on federal level.

According to social surveys, about 40% of people in our country choose crackers as the main snack for beer. In addition, more and more recipes appear in which this product is used, however, it should be free of unnecessary impurities and spices. Therefore, the market saturation is not that great.

Focusing on the regional level and providing customers with only high-quality and tasty products at an affordable price, you can win your niche and get a solid monthly profit.

We draw up documents

To organize the production of rusks as a business, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The second form is considered more preferable, since it makes it possible to manufacture products in large volumes and cooperate with large wholesale companies. Also, with a well-chosen marketing strategy this will allow reaching the national level of business over time.

Please note that croutons are mainly marketed as a beer snack or snack. But when making a variety of goods for salads and other dishes, you can add the OKVED code, which corresponds to long-term storage bakery products. Therefore, select all the appropriate sections in advance.

You also need to remember that this product belongs to food products, so the premises, equipment and other nuances will be strictly checked and controlled by various services. To do this, you should carefully prepare the workshop itself, take care of the availability of certificates for equipment and check the quality and freshness of the purchased ingredients.

It is possible to launch a production line only after obtaining permits for conducting activities from SES, GPI, Rospotrebnadzor. A separate point is the elaboration of technical specifications, that is, technical conditions for the preparation of crackers. Since the GOST does not indicate all the recipe features of this product, it is necessary to independently develop the TU and approve it in the relevant authorities.

So that all registration issues are resolved the first time and more short time, it is worth using the services of special law firms... Then you can be sure that all documentation is executed in accordance with applicable laws. In addition, it will significantly save you personal time.

We prepare the room

Marketing research has shown that the best prospects are for this business exist in large cities with a population of over 1 million. But you can try to locate the main workshop for production in regions that are modest in terms of volume, although difficulties may arise with the sale of goods.

If we talk directly about the place, then industrial areas somewhere on the outskirts of the city are considered more profitable. In order to save on transportation costs, you can try to find an inexpensive building closer to the main streets.

For small-scale production, a total workshop area of ​​100 sq. m. Half of them are allocated for the installation of a full-fledged automated line, and the rest of the territory is divided into auxiliary rooms for personnel, a manager's office, a bathroom, a warehouse, etc.

According to the requirements of the SES and GPI, all communications must be carried out in the building - a ventilation system, a 380 V power grid, sewerage, water supply, heating. The height of the ceilings is at least 3 meters, the walls are treated with materials that are resistant to fire, and there is also a second exit, an evacuation scheme and a fire safety system is installed.

Choosing equipment

The main apparatus for making crackers are:

  • machine for slicing bread with rectangular slices or straws;
  • oven for frying and drying the product;
  • dragee machine;
  • containers for spices;
  • packing unit.

All these elements can be purchased individually or as a single whole complex. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of options, pricing, and power levels. Experienced entrepreneurs advise to proceed as follows - since the oven and slicing work in a more powerful mode than other machines, it is advisable to buy 1-2 filling machines and dragee machines to prevent line downtime.

If it seems that the cost of new equipment is too high, you can choose equipment from the one that was in use, but is still in working order. Do not forget that in addition to the devices themselves, you should also purchase various auxiliary equipment - dishes, tools, containers, racks, cabinets, tables, etc. finished products need to be in stock truck.

If you decide to reduce the cost by making your own bread, then the list of necessary equipment will increase. Kneaders and ovens are added to it for baking the main product. You also need to purchase cardboard or wooden containers for storing it, since only the settled product is used for crackers, and not fresh.

Pay special attention to the choice of a supplier of raw materials. Wheat or rye bread is baked independently or purchased from local producers. Various flavors, spices, seasonings, oil can be purchased from both domestic and foreign companies. But the main thing is that they are of high quality, and the seller can present the appropriate certificates.

Technological process

The very recipe of each type of croutons is thought out in detail by an experienced technologist. But in order to win your client from the first days of work, it is advisable to focus on the most popular taste preferences of consumers. So, according to surveys and statistics, the following additives are loved among the population:

  1. Meat (bacon, salami).
  2. Seafood.
  3. Sour cream with onions.
  4. Cheese.

Only by offering the main positions in the assortment can you think about expanding the range of tastes and experiment with other seasonings. In any case, the consumption of raw materials for the manufacture of crackers is calculated in the following ratio:

  • 150 kg fresh bread;
  • give 5 kg of various spices;
  • and 35 liters of vegetable oil.

The very process of their preparation is not complicated and consists in the following stages:

  1. Preliminary preparation of bread, its settling in wooden or cardboard containers.
  2. Cut into cubes or strips. The second option is becoming more popular today, for which you will have to purchase an additional special installation.
  3. Drying the prepared pieces at high temperatures in an oven for 10-20 minutes.
  4. Adding spices and other ingredients according to the recipe.
  5. Cooling of the finished product and its packaging. Usually, for this, a metallized film with a pattern on the outside is chosen and the goods are packed in 50-75 g each.

Pay attention to the quality of the packaging. The taste in which the finished product will be stored largely depends on the conditions under which it will be stored. If the package begins to unstick or tear at all during the transportation process, then such a business will only bring losses.

We hire staff

The number of people employed in production largely depends on the volume and capacity of the equipment. So, for a small workshop, 2-3 people per shift are enough, and for a more serious project you need 5-6 workers who will monitor the devices.

The most important person in such a business is the technologist. It is advisable to enlist the support of an experienced and qualified specialist who will be able to control the technological process of making crackers, and will also begin to create successful new recipes.

In addition, other assistants are needed in production - an accountant, a driver, a loader, a cleaner, a mechanic, sales and raw material procurement managers, a director or a manager. Some functions can be performed independently or outsourced. This will help save on wages and social benefits.

We are looking for sales channels for products

You can sell croutons to wholesale companies through large networks retail or through catering establishments, through grocery stores and supermarkets. Products should be distributed by all available means, but always look at the profitability of the conditions offered. Sometimes it's much better to settle for more low price sales, but provide a wide range of buyers and fast turnover of goods.

  • Outdoor POS advertising in retail outlets.
  • Create attractive, colorful packaging for the product.
  • Create your own website on the Internet, where you can conduct customer surveys on the topic of preferred tastes.
  • Make promotions, tastings in places where your main potential audience (students and youth) gathers.
  • Print your printed products and place them in stores and supermarkets.
  • Try to update your range of flavors periodically.

Please note that croutons can be sold even through restaurants and other catering establishments. But for this you must have a variety of them that is convenient to add to salads and other original dishes, that is, without the use of flavors and an abundance of spices.

In order for customers to like the product, and they systematically give preference to it, it is necessary to offer only high-quality and tasty goods at an adequate price. Thus, it is possible to achieve that even in the presence of famous brands on store shelves, residents of your region chose a local product at a more affordable price and taking into account their taste preferences.

Financial calculations

Full cost the project will differ depending on the selected models of devices and their number, as well as capacity and production volumes, employees involved, etc. We indicate approximate figures in the table.

These are the most conservative estimates at the lowest cost of equipment. But the total investment may turn out to be much higher. Also keep in mind that you will have to spend every month on utilities, staff salaries, taxes, purchase of raw materials, equipment maintenance, transportation costs, etc.

Even with prices for 1 package of croutons at 25 rubles, you can count on a fairly quick payback of the project. The monthly net profit with average production volumes will be at least 200 thousand rubles with well-established distribution channels. Therefore, there is reason to assume that after six months start-up investment will pay off completely.

Video: production of croutons.

Various types of snacks are very popular. And despite the opinions of nutritionists about the harmfulness of this type of product, they continue to consume it as an independent snack and ingredient for salads. And since there is high demand then why not think about organizing own business in this domain? Having made this decision, it is better to plan a low-cost and simple product for release. And these characteristics are fully consistent with the production of crackers for beer. The success of a startup is largely dependent on the demand for the goods it offers to consumers. Croutons are very popular on the market in Russia, and therefore, problems with sales, in the presence of a well-developed marketing policy, should not arise.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

When drawing up a business plan for the production of rusks, every entrepreneur will face the problem of competition. And it cannot be said that hundreds of factories are functioning today, just a large share of sales belongs to market giants, which have been functioning for a long time and have won the love of consumers. But this problem is completely solvable if you offer customers a quality product, since even large companies have problems with this.

In the absence of impressive capital, the production of rusks as a business cannot be immediately brought to regional sales markets - it is better to start with local ones. This will be much more likely to recoup all the costs sooner. What does an entrepreneur have to foresee here?

The nuances of the design of the future enterprise

We are talking about food company, therefore, it is better not to hope that the business registration will take place quickly and without problems - the manufacture of crackers will require a formalized individual entrepreneur or LLC and all the relevant permits from supervisory services.

Both the manufactured products and the room that is used for work must comply with the standards established by the SES.

Specialists of the sanitary services (district and regional) check the composition of the croutons and the raw materials used, approve the range of products planned for release, and analyze control samples. If all quality indicators are normal, the entrepreneur is given the go-ahead to release the product. In order to cooperate with large interregional customers in the future, it is better to certify the produced croutons.

The development of an attractive packaging design is still ahead, and the name of the crackers will make the entrepreneur think, because the profit will directly depend on the marketing policy. Similar questions can be assigned to companies that specialize in branding. Here you should immediately prepare for serious spending. But there are options to save money. For example, there is a practice when the packaging of crackers is not carried out, but the goods themselves arrive at wholesale warehouses or directly to the store in bulk. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the investment not only on brand building, but also on the purchase of a filling machine.

Range of products

In order to satisfy even the most discerning consumer needs, thereby attracting large profits, it is important to supply different types of crackers to store shelves.

All croutons are classified based on what kind of bread is used in the production process - wheat or rye. And if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to offer buyers both of these types. And with limited finances, at first it is worth betting only on rye bread croutons - the process is somewhat cheaper.

As for the tastes of the finished product, there is a real scope for "imagination". Using different spices for croutons, you can get any flavors at the exit. According to experts, the most popular croutons with bacon, seafood, onions and sour cream.

For the development of a product line, without specific knowledge in the matter, it is better to invite an experienced technologist. The specialist will calculate the cost of the technology, make recipes and even select necessary equipment... The developed TU, along with the rest of the package of documents, is submitted for verification at the SES.

The process of obtaining the finished product

Since the enterprises operate according to their own specifications, the technology for the production of crackers in each of the cases may differ. And it is important to decide on the technology as soon as possible, because it will depend on how to equip the future workshop. In general, the steps are as follows:

  • Cutting bread pieces into sticks or cubes.
  • Sprinkling the blanks with spices and processing them with vegetable oil.
  • Drying or frying the workpieces.
  • Packing of croutons.

Technology varies. For example, croutons additives may sprinkle
on the workpieces simultaneously with their roasting. And oil is not added to every product today, as this makes the process more expensive.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

You can buy equipment for the production of crackers on the Russian market without any problems - there are a lot of offers from suppliers.

Croutons production line

The standard equipment of the line includes the following machines and devices:

  • Bread slicer.
  • Roasting oven.
  • Dragee machine.
  • Packing machine.

The minimum price of equipment for beer croutons (with a capacity of up to 30 kg / h) is ≈400,000 rubles. But in the case of purchasing such a mini-line, many operations will have to be performed manually, which implies additional labor costs for hired employees. To launch a high-performance plant (with a capacity of up to 100 kg / h), with several furnaces and automatic conveyors, a more impressive investment will be required - at least 2,000,000 rubles.

The cost of the line for croutons will increase even more if it is planned to produce the main raw material within the walls of the same workshop - bread. Despite the high costs (at least 3,000,000 rubles), this is quite justified - in the future you will not have to spend money on regular purchases of raw materials, which will significantly reduce the cost of the process.

It is not at all necessary to immediately invest in the purchase of automated high-power lines - it is worth starting small, gradually developing the enterprise as the popularity of the products on the market grows.

Requirements for the production area

The line for the production of croutons of small capacity can be placed in a workshop with an area of ​​50-100 m 2. But besides this, it will be necessary to allocate free space for storing raw materials and finished products. Let's not forget about the office.

Bread is a capricious product. Therefore, both in the warehouse and in the workshop, temperature and humidity indicators must be strictly observed. And the requirements will get tougher if we talk about joint organization mini-bakeries.

To save on the rental of production space, a workshop can be opened on the outskirts of the city - here you will have to pay less. But then do not forget that the cost of delivering raw materials and finished products to customers may increase.

The profitability of the planned business

Selling crackers in bulk will bring big incomes to the entrepreneur when compared with retail sales... It will not be easy for novice businessmen to find such consumers, but first of all it is worth trying to establish cooperation with the following retail outlets:

  • large supermarkets,
  • wholesale grocery warehouses.

In store chains, rather stringent requirements are imposed on product suppliers, which are very difficult to comply with. And if at first you can't agree on the supply of a product, you should pay attention to another market segment:

  • Retail Stores,
  • bars and cafes.

Bread slicers and other equipment will pay off when the finished product is sold. And if you believe the successful experience of entrepreneurs, you can get high income from product sales. Having spent on the opening of a mini-workshop ≈1,000,000 rubles. (this is the minimum amount of funds required for technical equipment, brand development, enterprise design, purchase of raw materials), investments will pay off after 0.5-1 year. The average wholesale cost of rusks is 180-250 rubles / kg. The cost of production is 30-60% lower, which makes this niche quite profitable.

The production of food products, which belongs to the snack group, is now rapidly gaining growth and is popular in most countries of the world. One of the varieties of goods that such an industry can produce are different kinds crackers, which are very popular in our country. Despite the large number of potential competitors, a business in the production of rusks in Russia may well bring good income even to a novice businessman.

Why exactly the production of croutons

So, the production of crackers - how can this business be of interest and what are its positive aspects? Among the obvious advantages of such activities within our country are the following:

  • High demand for this type of product - at present, in terms of sales, it already significantly exceeds chips, which have always occupied one of the first positions in sales of snack products;
  • A relatively simple manufacturing process that does not require special parameters of the premises, remoteness from residential areas and is not associated with harmful emissions;
  • Low price of equipment. In order to buy equipment for the production of croutons, you will need an amount of 300 thousand rubles or more, which today is quite acceptable for many people who have decided to use their savings and start their own business;
  • Fast payback period. According to statistics, its average duration is from 6 months to one and a half years.

As for the disadvantages, one of the main disadvantages is high competition - in Russian Federation and in neighboring countries that import their products to us, there are a lot of enterprises that have mastered the production of crackers for beer, with various additives, of various shapes and composition.

Steps to start a croutons business

Any type of business can bring profit and stable income - you just need to competently approach the process of organizing the entire process, taking into account all possible risks and pitfalls that may lie in wait for a novice entrepreneur. The business plan for the production of croutons is a sequential implementation of the following steps:

  • Calculation of the approximate volumes to be produced;
  • Determination of the type of product and production technology;
  • Selection of the settlement in which it is planned to open a plant for the production of rusks;
  • Business registration, receipt permits;
  • Searching for premises for production, renting it or purchasing it;
  • Selection of equipment according to the volume of production, as well as the amount of funds that you are willing to spend. Purchase of devices and lines, installation and trial run;
  • Determination of the required raw materials and auxiliary materials;
  • Staff recruitment;
  • Establishing sales of finished products.

Possible types of products

At the moment, when opening such a business, it is possible to produce the following types of crackers:

  1. By the type of raw materials from which they will be produced:
  • Wheat;
  • Rye;
  • Rye and wheat.
  1. Depending on the type of croutons additive:
  • Bacon-flavored;
  • With the taste of sour cream and herbs;
  • Cheese-flavored;
  • With the taste of mushrooms;
  • With the taste of jellied meat and horseradish, etc.

Determination of the planned volume of issue and the area for placement will depend on the amount available Money, the place of residence of the entrepreneur, the presence of competitors and other third-party factors that may affect the cost and return on investment of the entire enterprise.

Business registration process

First of all, before carrying out any actions on buying, selling, renting, concluding contracts, you will need to officially register your activities. The process of obtaining and processing documents for such a business will include the following operations:

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Service as individual entrepreneur or legal entity... The production of crackers can be organized both in one and in another form. It is worth choosing based on the planned production volumes, the number of business founders, as well as the expected sales routes;
  • Registration as a tax payer;
  • Development of technical documentation for production;
  • Obtaining permits from supervisory services (fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station, labor protection inspectorate);
  • Opening a current account (for an individual, if necessary, for legal entities it is mandatory);
  • In the event that the registration is carried out in the form of LLC, the creation of a charter, an order for the appointment of a general director.

Selection of premises for equipping production

When determining the necessary premises for the location of the workshop, one should adhere to the following basic norms and requirements:

  • The area of ​​the selected workshop will depend on the volume of production and should be from 50 square meters;
  • In addition to a place for placing equipment, it is necessary to allocate a room for storing raw materials and manufactured products;
  • To save money on renting premises or purchasing it, you can choose a building located on the outskirts of the city, however, you need to understand that in this case, the costs of transporting materials for the workshop, as well as delivering products to potential customers, may increase;
  • It is necessary to equip the system fire safety in the shop;
  • Since the technology for the production of rusks and their storage presupposes certain humidity and temperature conditions, the serviceability of ventilation and heating should be ensured;
  • According to production standards, the height of the ceilings at the plant must be at least 3 meters.

Production technology and necessary equipment for the workshop

The production technology of products will depend on what types of crackers are planned to be produced, but in any case, it will include the following basic operations:

  • Slicing bread. During this operation, you should not turn to manual labor - for such purposes the best option there will be a bread slicer for croutons;
  • Roasting in a special oven at high temperatures. The duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes;
  • Adding spice for croutons. Performing such an operation requires a machine for mixing with additives - a dragee unit;
  • Product cooling - carried out on conveyor belts;
  • Packing of croutons - made on a special filling machine, which ensures the exact weight and high quality of sealing the bags with the product;
  • Packing in a batch and sending for storage and sale.

When choosing the necessary machines and devices, the main criteria will be the required performance and equipment price. Alternatively, a ready-made line for the production of croutons, depending on the manufacturer, can cost you much less than separate installations. The cost of a line for croutons can range from 300 to 1500 thousand rubles and depend on many factors: whether it is new or used, in which country it was designed, how easy it is to maintain and what product output it can give.

Required raw materials, auxiliary materials for production and personnel selection

The production of crackers will require the purchase of such materials and tools:

  • Baked bread. It is imperative to monitor its quality - for the production of crackers, you need to use dense varieties with a uniform structure, well baked and without voids inside the loaf. In the event that you decide to organize a full production cycle and bake bread yourself, you will need to purchase ingredients for its production (flour, yeast, sunflower oil, salt, etc.);
  • Additives for croutons. Their assortment and names will depend on what kind of products you intend to receive in the end. At the moment, the most popular are such as bacon, sour cream with herbs, cheese and jellied meat with horseradish. Average consumption of spices per 100 kg of finished product is about 4 kg;
  • Packing material. The largest manufacturers recommend using two-layer metallized polypropylene with interlayer printing - it ensures the safety of the product inside, is absolutely safe and allows drawing on the packaging High Quality.
  • Corrugated cardboard for boxes, in which the produced croutons will be packed. As a rule, one box contains from 25 to 50 units of small packages.

As for the recruitment of personnel, this action should be given special attention and select employees from among applicants who have specialized education, work experience in similar enterprises, and also issued a health book - this is required condition for the opportunity to work in enterprises Food Industry.

Features of product sales and advertising

The sale of finished products can be carried out in the following way:

  • Selling crackers in bulk to firms and organizations that will then sell them by retail. This method is convenient in that you can immediately sell large volumes, albeit at a lower price;
  • Self-sale software trading platforms(shops, supermarkets, kiosks, cafes);
  • Organization of your own points of sale.

In order to build up a client base and advertise your products, you should pay attention to the following methods:

  • To develop a name for the croutons and a colorful packaging design that will attract the attention of consumers. In this case, it is better to turn to specialists - for such a service, although you will have to pay a certain amount of money (from 10 thousand rubles), such costs always justify themselves;
  • Order advertising in the media, place information on the Internet;
  • Conclude marketing contracts with retail outlets that involve placing your products in a visible place for the buyer (gold shelf);
  • Be very careful to monitor the quality of the goods produced, since any advertising will sooner or later stop working if the product itself does not appeal to customers.

Foam drinkers are becoming more and more finicky. Beer is "seized" not only with the usual ramming. In the “snack” market, small croutons with various flavors and dried and dried seafood (squid, cod, etc.) have become substitutes for traditional products. As the study showed, their production (and even more so banal imports) is a very profitable business and, with the right approach to business, does not require sky-high capital investments.

Investments in such a project (excluding the costs of product branding) amount to $ 70-120 thousand.

At the same time, the “beer and snack” market is still not too crowded and newcomers have a lot to turn around. So far, these are mostly small mobile enterprises that are able to quickly respond to changes in consumer preferences, changing the range of tastes. Growth rates of consumption of beer snacks

(both in the recent past and according to forecasts for the future) - more than 100% per year. Therefore, those who are able to arrange the supply of high-quality raw materials, select the right personnel and are technologically competent enough will be able to earn decent money.

Market situation

From a marketing point of view, “rusks and seafood” beer snacks belong to the so-called snack group - goods consumed on the go. The Ukrainian snack market in its modern form over the past 2 years has been formed under the influence of Russian companies... Nature abhors a vacuum, and if any product is successfully sold on the market of its “northern” neighbor, then with a standard time lag of one or two years, it appears in Ukraine as well.

Rather low “entry” capital investments in the industry make the market attractive for new operators: both manufacturers and importers. Today it is a business of small and medium-sized companies, because the scale is not yet the same for transnational titans, and, perhaps, they simply have not yet smelled money here. Nevertheless, market operators are gradually increasing their turnover. New types of products are appearing on the market, media and promotional activities for “promotion” of trade marks are increasing.

Three quarters of the market for "rusks and seafood" snacks are filled by domestic producers. There are about 10 “dryers”, but of the “dryers” of seafood, BUSINESS has managed to find only a local company - “Golden Fleece”.

The main players in the market are listed below (in alphabetical order):

  • "Alliance Tekhfarfor" (Ukraine - TM "Khrustashki"): rye croutons with various flavors;
  • CJSC “Bridgetown Foods” (Russia - TM “Three crusts”): rye and wheat croutons with various flavors;
  • "Meridian plus" (Russia - TM "Klinskoe"): rye croutons with various flavors;
  • LLC “PIG“ Corner Capital ”(Ukraine - TM“ Grizzly ”): rye and wheat croutons with various flavors;
  • LLC “Slavyanskie rusks” (Ukraine - TM “Krokha”): rye and wheat rusks with various flavors;
  • "Temperance" (Ukraine - TM " Golden Rule”): Rye croutons with various flavors;
  • “Golden Fleece” (Ukraine - TM “Golden Fleece”): rye croutons with various flavors, potato slices, dried squid and cod;
  • LLC "Factor" (Ukraine - TM "Flint"): rye croutons with various flavors, dried squid.

The largest volume of sales falls on the city of Kiev, eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, since the most “advanced” and wealthy consumers are concentrated there and the largest amount of beer is drunk. According to marketing research company "Golden Fleece", about 40% of fans of the intoxicating drink prefer to eat it with crackers, 25% - seafood. Other buyers consume salted peanuts (25%) and pistachios (10%) as a substitute product. 75% of the total sales are accounted for by “young” - consumers under the age of 27 years. The most popular “flavors” in the croutons segment are “bacon”, “fish” and “cheese”, other consumer preferences are not so clearly expressed.

The peak of sales falls on the summer period, and the quantitative parameters of the seasonal growth of consumption depend only on the weather.

Capital investment

In order to create a production unit that produces "rusks" snacks for beer, it is necessary to spend $ 50-80 thousand on "iron". Investments in the starting working capital operators estimate another $ 20-50 thousand. The "seafood" "snack" business assumes that a novice entrepreneur has $ 100 thousand, which are distributed in different proportions depending on where the packaging is made. In the case of a purely import scheme, all capital is invested in the “turnover”, in the case of local packaging, about $ 10-20 thousand will have to be invested in fixed assets. The minimum profitability of the production of beer snacks is 20%, the wholesale margin is 12-15%, and the retail margin is 20-25%.


The beer snacks presented on the market today can be divided into the following price segments: from 0.5 UAH. up to UAH 1 - the lower price segment, 1-2 UAH - average, 2-5 UAH. - the upper price segment. The buyer is ready to pay a maximum of the same amount for a snack as he pays for 1 bottle of beer, but not more. Therefore, you need to be realistic about pricing and remember that dried squid, for example, began to really be in demand only last year, when market operators groped for a competitive price.


"Razreshalovka", associated with the organization of the production of "rusks and seafood" snacks, is traditional: SES and firefighters. This pleasure costs about $ 300 and takes 1-3 months. Subsequent authorization problems are the same as for any other food production. For example, since 2002, enterprises in this business area have been visited not only by the regional SES, but also by the regional one - it approves the range of products, conducts control measurements. To obtain a barcode, you will have to register with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the weighing equipment used in production will be the object of close attention of Derzhspozhivstandart. Further - more, and the "permitting fees" can be safely laid in the intra-firm budget.


Crackers and dried-dried seafood are successfully sold both in retail chains and on wholesale and retail markets still popular in the regions.

The choice of a sales model by manufacturers is determined by the length of their assortment line. The wide assortment and combination of several snack product categories make direct distribution in large cities economically feasible. Otherwise, it is preferable to focus on cooperation with resellers and the formation of a distribution network.

As the experience of the leading market players shows, a non-branded product has nothing to do with it (we remind you that “promotion” of a brand costs at least $ 100 thousand in excess of the amount of production investments). Therefore, in order to promote your products, it is necessary to position them as branded and use the entire range of marketing communications, from POS materials at points of sale, advertising in the press, metro and ending with non-standard promotions. Considering that the marketing budgets of operators are in most cases very limited, the emphasis should be on non-capital-intensive, but memorable events with an eye to the future (for example, aimed at a children's audience).

Raw materials and packaging

Raw materials for the production of crackers are used the most ordinary and quite domestic: flour and sunflower oil. If crackers are prepared from already baked bread, then it is better to use denser varieties with a uniform mesh structure without mini-voids inside. Such bread can be baked to order by any bakery company working according to the classical technology.

Food additives, flavors and other ingredients, however, will have to be imported. As well as any raw material for the production of "seafood" snacks, since squid and others like them are not caught in the Black Sea, but imported from the Far East (China, Korea). Moreover, evil tongues argue that similar packaged products imported into Ukraine from abroad have a very conditional relationship to fish products and are made from soybeans. To obtain 100 kg of finished products, it is necessary to use about 150 kg of bread until stale, 50 kg of butter and 4 kg of spices with salt. The average price of spices is 55 UAH. per 1 kg, oil - 3 UAH. for 1 kg. The monthly water consumption for a production with a capacity of 40 kg / h (800 packs of 50 g) will be about 10 cubic meters. The material of the packaging film has a decisive influence on the competitiveness of the finished product. In no case should you use polyethylene, as the contents of the bag very easily absorb its (polyethylene) “flavor”. Therefore, croutons, as a rule, are packed in bags (50 g) of two-layer metallized polypropylene with interlayer printing, which guarantees a long shelf life of products. Corrugated cardboard boxes for 50 bags are used as shipping containers. High-quality packaging film of domestic production, according to market operators, costs about 26 UAH. for 1 kg.


Number production personnel employed directly on the technological line is 4-5 people. per shift plus the foreman. In addition, a snack enterprise needs a good production manager (controller), a highly qualified chief technologist and a good mechanic. The total number of personnel under the condition of indirect distribution (see the chapter “Marketing”) is 20-30 people. Wage production workers - 350-400 hryvnyas, but the wages of specialists will have to fork out. A technologist, for example, costs the owner $ 300-400 a month.


Croutons and “seafood” snacks are new products for our market. Therefore, in order to produce them, it is advisable to work hard on the development of our own technical specifications, as well as to spend money on their coordination and approval. Requirements for the quality of raw materials are quite common and are regulated by the relevant GOSTs.

The development of standards is carried out by sectoral research centers, such as the Institute of Bread Products. The official cost of executing a TUSH order is $ 1000-2000. However, if you are not too lazy, you can find a professional who will take $ 200-300 for this job.


It is preferable to locate snack production in places where consumers are concentrated, that is, in megacities and their suburbs. A good option is to use the production areas of bakeries or food factories. Space required for installation technological equipment, - 80-100 sq.m, the same amount is needed for auxiliary and office services. Of course, it is also necessary to have a water supply and sewerage system, including to the changing room for workers.

TO industrial premises a voltage of 380 V must be supplied. The walls of the turbine hall will have to be painted, according to the requirements of the sanitary station, to a height of 1.8 m, and the storage rooms must be equipped with pallets. When placing "hardware", the straight-through of the production process must be ensured - the product entered some doors, exited others, and the flows did not intersect.


Typical technology includes the production (baking) of semi-finished bread products, their cutting, drying; application of oil, flavorings (spices); packing and packaging. The quality of the final product is determined by the modes of production of semi-finished products, the technology and quality of the addition of flavorings and the type of packaging.

The sequence of actions in the production of crackers is as follows. First, bread or specially baked pieces are cut sequentially in several planes - cubes or oblong sticks are obtained. Then the blanks for rusks are given a specific taste. At small volumes bread blanks are laid out on a sheet in an even layer 2-3 cm thick. Then the sheets are placed in an oven, dried for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 ° C, cooled, sent to dragee machines for applying additives and then to packaging. In dragee machines, the product is constantly mixed, and the additives are fed from the top. An alternative is the apparatus in which the product moves along the conveyor and the additives are scattered from the top. Some manufacturers make croutons using a special so-called oil-free technology. The difference between this technology is that a specially baked semi-finished product is dried in convection ovens, and not fried in oil. Only then follows the process of uniform treatment with refined oil. As for the technology for the production of dried and dried seafood, unfortunately, there is nothing special to say about it, since in Ukraine it is economically expedient to organize exclusively their packaging. Therefore, the stumbling block here is not the technology, but the nature of the raw materials used.


An aspiring crouton maker will have to acquire bread slicers, ovens for drying bread, equipment for applying additives and packaging machines. Prices for it are in the range of $ 50-80 thousand and depend on the performance of the oven, bread slicer and packaging machine. Ancillary types of equipment affect the cost insignificantly. The price level is also determined by the country of origin of the technology. For example, an Italian bread slicer costs $ 2-7 thousand, a Dutch one - $ 6-7 thousand, a Russian one - $ 4-5 thousand, a Turkish one - up to $ 2 thousand. A domestic packaging machine can be purchased for EUR990-3500, depending on the level of automation, a dragee machine - for EUR990, drum oven - for EUR1850-2450, bread slicer - for EUR1980.

The most difficult operation, in terms of equipment selection, is cutting bread into pieces of the required shape. Machines used for this purpose are classified depending on the planes in which the cutting is carried out, and on the nature of the cutting: sawing with a milling cutter, sawing with a saw, cutting with a sickle-shaped knife, a knife of a regular shape and breaking up on rollers. Today the following types of bread slicers are presented on the market: machines of the "Soviet" model, cutting into slices such as toast with a sickle-shaped knife ($ 1000-1500); machines that cut bread into strips, slices, etc. ($ 2000-3000); combines that cut bread in several planes. For the production of croutons, you can use any ovens for baking and confectionery purposes: ordinary tray, rotating tray, drum and conveyor.

Each manufacturer completes a technological line based on their financial capabilities and technological know-how. For example, LLC “PIG“ Corner Capital ”uses imported bakery equipment made in Turkey, bread cutting equipment made in the USA; domestic coating and filling equipment.

Many manufacturers point out that one of the key factors in ensuring the rhythmic production of products is affordable service. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase equipment from a supplier whose representative office is located at the place of production location. Commissioning and adjustment work, as a rule, are performed for a fee (5-10% of the cost of equipment).

As a snack, you want to choose food that will emphasize the taste of beer. Traditionally, croutons are served with the foamy drink. This is the most optimal food that is both inexpensive and tastes good. Plus croutons are stored for a long time, unlike meat and fish semi-finished products.

But which croutons are really tasty? Are there options with natural ingredients, or are they all flavored with different E's and other artificial additives that leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth? We asked several questions to Sergey, the owner of the "" franchise. The most interesting thing we learned was how to start a franchise business. A profitable business that brings a lot of income without much investment and in a short time.

The idea came to my mom spontaneously. We just sat with friends, there was beer and snacks on the table. A heart-to-heart conversation began about what money could be made from. There was no business at that time.

Looking at the feast, we realized that there were not enough real toasts from Borodino bread. Then it dawned on us that such a snack is not even in stores. draft beer: there were only different croutons with a lot of chemicals (dyes, flavors, etc.). Without hesitation, we made them ourselves, and the very next day we began to look for premises, along the way making a test batch "on the knee". Then they took the croutons to a couple of stores, and our product was swept off the shelves in one weekday.

But the path from our first croutons to today's production cannot be described - 8 years, after all, have passed, but I remember that we have always been only for the quality and maximum naturalness of the product. Until now, classic toasts from Borodino bread with garlic are made entirely from natural ingredients and without any additives or flavor enhancers. This is the only completely natural appetizer for foam, presented in draft beer stores in our city.

Tell us about your brand: name, style, logo. How exactly was it developed and why did you choose the current version?

It was a distant year 2009, when there were no LIKE holdings, Youth Business and others. I was 20 years old, and the concept of a brand as such was absent in my mind. It was just an understanding that our product is only suitable for draft beer shops. We worked in the B2B segment, we did not have any advertising strategies and other things, as we do not to this day.

Maybe we look like dinosaurs at this moment, but business has been working with such a system for 8 years, and I understand that if we bother with branding, strategy and other things, we would delay growth, or, conversely, would eat ourselves big the amount of unnecessary actions. The name of the company "" was invented 8 years ago, and left.

Did you immediately conceive your business as a franchise, or did you come to this after the company's success?

Franchise in 2009? Then it was something incomprehensible and was associated with KFC, McDonald's and other large companies. It was then that the aforementioned LIKE holdings and massive affordable coffee to go franchises appeared. It seems to me that this market started with coffee to go.

For me, my first own franchise was created not on the basis of production, but on the basis of my other business - the hookah chain SmokeHouse. This was my first experience in the field of franchises, which eventually turned into a network of 18 establishments across Russia. Having filled a lot of shots, I applied all my experience and knowledge to "", which in 3 years led to the expansion of the network from one production in Novosibirsk to 31 cities throughout Russia and Kazakhstan. We sold our first franchise in November 2014.

Can you give an example of a successful franchisee? In which city is the snack business the most successful?

The most successful cities in my memory are Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Novokuznetsk, Krasnodar. In fact, any franchise can be successful and everything very much depends on the franchisee. Here, no matter how we dance around them, no matter what information we give, some franchisees remain on their wave and do not listen to us and our recommendations. And there's nothing you can do about it. But I am glad that in 3 years we have closed only 3 franchise businesses. Each for its own - usually personal - reasons.

What is the competition in this market segment? We know that alcohol and snacks are in great demand, but we would like to know more precisely about the struggle of brands for a place in the sun.

What kind of competition can we talk about here? There is not one completely on the shelves of the stores. natural product that would have been produced today and delivered to the store today. Competition in cities where we do not exist is absent as such. There is even an experience of opening in a city where "natural croutons" already existed. The work is going very well there, since a large analysis of the competitor is carried out in terms of "service", namely: how the exchange of unsold products is carried out, is it carried out at all, what price policy with a certain order size or the size of a network that wants to work with croutons, and so on.

When we received the first answers to such questions from a potential competitor disguised as a mystery shopper, our eyes popped out and there was only one thought in my head: "How do they even live with this?" They re-glue stickers, do not make exchanges, delivery 2 times a week, and so on. We turn all the minuses into pluses and start working. That's all.

What does a franchisee need to do to start a snack production with your franchise?

First you need to understand whether the city is suitable. For this, there must be at least 50 specialized draft beer shops and from 200 thousand people. Further, a potential franchisee needs to come to Novosibirsk for a three-day course, where he will be able to undergo full-fledged training both in terms of development and in terms of production processes. This gives a complete understanding of what needs to be done and how to run this business. Then, upon arrival in their city, the franchisee needs to find premises according to the requirements and organize production. This usually takes about 2 weeks. The franchise itself costs 200,000 rubles; opening a turnkey workshop will take from 100,000 to 150,000.

What is the turnover and net profit of the average franchisee?

The average successful turnover is 500,000 - 800,000 rubles per month. Profit from 80,000 to 180,000 rubles per month. The trick of this business is not super profitability, but long-term earnings with the right approach. After all, we ourselves have been doing this for 8 years, and everything is successful.

Many readers will be interested to know whether only natural ingredients and spices are used in croutons and croutons (here we are talking about the taste, not the base - bread), or sometimes flavors are used, which, in fact, do not differ in taste from natural and do not harm the body?

If we talk about croutons, then our main product, "", comes without any additives, and in those with flavors, flavors are added that are identical to natural ones, which do not harm health. This is the only additive we use in flavored croutons. If we talk about sauces, then they also contain only natural ingredients, no additives.

But with croutons it is somewhat different, everywhere there is one additive - a flavor identical to the natural one. Again, this is the only additive used in cooking. We do not use any flavor enhancers or shelf life enhancers.

How would you describe the modern Russian market? Is it difficult for a young businessman to integrate into this environment? Do officials put a spoke in their wheels, as it was ten years ago, or is it no longer difficult to open a business in the post-Soviet space than in Europe?

Now absolutely anyone can open a business. The reality is that no one will touch you at all if you don't poison anyone. Even when we opened a diner, we worked for six months without an individual entrepreneur or any documents. Later, after checking the business, we formalized everything. People have a very prejudiced attitude towards business: everyone thinks that they need a lot of permits and the like, but this is not so. All these thoughts and bias are based only on the opinions of people who have never dealt with business.

Three rules of a man who made a million

1. It doesn't matter who you are and what you are. It doesn't matter if you have knowledge or talent. It doesn't matter what your profession is. You are nobody, and there will be no success if you do not have the main core of a successful entrepreneur - perseverance.

2. Never develop in two completely different directions at the same time. This contributes to defocusing your consciousness, and you will not achieve the result. If you decide to do something else, look at the direction in which you are already developing, and just open something adjacent.

3. Admit your mistakes. A person who has not made mistakes will never succeed, much less one who never admits them. You are the architects of your life and your actions.