Reconstruction and modernization of food. Technological equipment of catering establishments: assessment, directions of modernization The role of public catering in modern conditions

Food production in Russia shows stable growth every year. To remain a leader in a highly competitive market, companies are investing millions of rubles in purchasing new equipment and expanding their product range. However, there are also inexpensive ways to make food production profitable and consistent in terms of product quality.

The company "Russkaya Trapeza" maintains leadership in the market of equipment for Food Industry many years. It is possible to remain among the leading manufacturer thanks to the development of new pieces of equipment: "Russkaya Trapeza" regularly introduces new items to the market in the field of equipment for the food industry.

For example, in the last year alone, the company has released several machines - an upgraded Sbi-260-Sf packaging machine with an adjustable tilt angle for packing fragile products such as Kurabye cookies, a universal packaging machine RT-UM-36, an upgraded auger dispenser, a vegetable rammer etc.

Technological leadership is maintained also due to an individual approach to each customer. Customers can order fully automated lines, taking into account the specifics of production. This significantly reduces the personnel costs of the company. For example, in June the Russian Trapeza holding launched a high-speed line for packing glazed bars. The engineers had to develop a mechanism for feeding the product directly from the production line. As a result, Russkaya Trapeza provided the customer with a continuous automated production and packaging process.

The company is not going to stop at these developments. So, in May, the engineers of the Russian Trapeza company launched a project to create a new filling and packaging line for dosing dryers and bagels. And by autumn the company will release a new mixer for bulk products RT-TC350S.

A distinctive feature of the developments of "Russian Trapeza" is that they are all aimed at improving the production processes of food enterprises, at their simplification and full or partial automation. One of these developments is specialized software"Recipe Manager". Russian enterprises have already assessed the efficiency of the system, which allows them to reduce production costs.

The secret of efficiency - "Recipe manager"

Product stability in production is an essential ingredient in any successful venture. If a customer receives a quality product today, and tomorrow he receives a spoiled product, then this will definitely play against the manufacturer. The Recipe Manager system ensures quality stability. In addition, it optimizes production processes due to ease of operation, an intuitive interface, and a clear work algorithm.
"Recipe Manager" is suitable for small, medium and big business specializing in the manufacture of bakery products and other food products.

The advantage of the system is that, like many developments of the Russian Trapeza company, it is able to integrate with the equipment and the enterprise planning system. In addition, due to the correct calculation of products and adherence to the recipe, the manufacturer gets the opportunity to save money without losing the quality of the product.
Recipe Manager is an intelligent system designed to optimize dough kneading in food production.

The development of "Russian Trapeza" partially automates and structures the preparation of components for loading into the kneading machine. In other words, the screen displays step by step: which components, in what quantity and order - you need to load the dough tool according to the given recipe.

The algorithm of the "recipe manager" is as follows:

At the first stage, the technologist forms the production task in the form of recipes. The task prescribes the proportions of the components, weight, etc. This task is loaded into the control system.

At the second stage, the operator panel displays a list of products that need to be produced during the shift. The tester selects the desired product from the list and the recipe for the selected product is displayed on the screen, after which the specialist begins to dose the components according to the recipe, in the specified order.

The display sequentially shows the recipe component and its weight. The dough maker independently weighs the desired product on the scales connected to the control system. After confirming the weight, the product is loaded into the kneader and the batter moves on to the next part of the recipe. Weighing of each subsequent component is possible only upon confirmation of the specified weight of the previous one.

The system also provides for the possibility of automatic dosing of the main bulk and liquid components. In this case, the "recipe-manager" system is connected existing systems dosing flour and liquid components, the operator gives a command for automatic dosing of raw materials, and the system then proceeds to the next component. As noted in the "Russian Trapeza", this development makes quality finished products consistently stable, greatly improves the efficiency of the food processing enterprise.

If earlier the baker was guided by a recipe written on paper or in general from memory, which led to errors in the batch, now the possibility of errors is minimized. According to Mikhail Poperechny, leading engineer of the department electronic systems management of "Russian Trapeza", inaccurately measuring the weight of the product, forgetting any component or putting it in twice - it will no longer work, the technologist can fully rely on the system. The convenience of the program also lies in the fact that at any time the technologist can see the progress of the technological operation and the history of the test maker, get data on the consumption of raw materials.

“The program cannot skip a component if it is in the recipe, it cannot forget, relatively speaking, about salt, or allow inaccurate weighing. As a result, the quality and stability of each batch increases, ”the specialist notes. The innovation of the "Recipe Manager" lies in the possibility of full integration with the production planning system and accounting for the movement of raw materials in the enterprise.

“The responsible technologist, based on the production request received from the sales department or some other source, by pressing a few buttons generates a shift task for the operators-testers. At the same time, recipes are taken from a single 1C database or another source, and the batch is automatically divided into the required amount, based on the capabilities (capacity) of the equipment, ”explains Mikhail Poperechny.

Thus, the intellectual solutions of "Russian Trapeza" in the field of production allow to optimize the work of the enterprise. Russian companies immediately appreciated this development. For example, the Tyumen confectionery company "Biscuit Dvor" needed to modernize the enterprise and minimize manual labor. To solve the problem, the company turned to Russian Trapeza. RT specialists installed a system of sifting, transportation and dosing of flour with a hopper for stock of raw materials for 3 tons. But the main feature was the introduction of a control system with a "recipe-manager" software module. It has significantly reduced the cost of confectionery production. “Labor productivity and technological discipline have increased, personnel control has been facilitated,” says Poperechny.

The equipment installed in the "Biscuit Dvor" ensured the automation of the process of sifting, transportation and dosing of flour, the automation of dosing of water and the addition of additional components manually. The Recipe Manager management system guaranteed the company the exact adherence to recipes. Now the Biscuit Dvor company is confident in the quality of its cakes and pastries.

A complex approach

Automated lines of "Russian Trapeza" and other developments of the company's engineers greatly simplify the work of food production. Companies specializing in food products save labor, time and money by cooperating with Russkaya Trapeza. The reliability of the company is confirmed by the partners with whom the holding has been working for many years - many well-known Russian and foreign manufacturers effectively operate on RT equipment.

Russian Trapeza is known for its achievements in the field of equipment for food production. Implementation individual projects allows the company to implement high-tech solutions at enterprises: these are automated lines and "smart" control systems. Cooperation with Russkaya Trapeza is the key to successful food production.

Natalia Vershinina, specially for the site

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Email: [email protected]

to increase food production by 1.4 times with an average annual growth rate of 3.5-5% against the level of 2010. Projected production volumes Agriculture and food products for most of their types will allow (taking into account permissible imports) to provide nutrition to the country's population in accordance with rational food consumption standards.

The implementation of the main provisions of the Strategy requires the creation of the necessary conditions for the technical re-equipment of industry, the formation of a new technological order. And in this context, the development of innovative technologies and modern types of equipment becomes an indispensable imperative for achieving the set goals.

The main direction of industrial development should be the rational use of all types of agricultural resources subjected to storage and industrial processing at food processing enterprises. The solution to this problem is central to the basic documents adopted by the government for the development of the agro-industrial complex. And on how successfully it will be solved in the conditions of the country's membership in the Customs Union and the WTO, the sustainable provision of the population with safe and high-quality food, as well as the level of competitiveness of the food and processing industries, will largely depend.

In a modern economy, in order to accelerate the innovative development of industries, various principles of organizing the interaction of business, science and the state are used to increase the competitiveness of national producers. One of the forms that are widely used in industrial developed countries and based on the principles of public-private partnership, has become the development of technology platforms as an effective tool for increasing coordination and stimulating interaction of various industries with the research and development sector, creating additional incentives for business representatives to invest in the development of innovations.

Technological platform "Competitive food products: technologies for storage and processing of agricultural products 2013-2030 in the conditions of WTO" (Storage and processing - 2030), developed by the Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.P. Razumovsky together with the Department of Storage and Trans-

work of agricultural products of the Russian Agricultural Academy, is aimed at solving precisely these priority tasks.

The implementation of the technological platform programs will be achieved on the basis of the development of modern technologies for storage and industrial processing of agricultural products, the creation of modern infrastructure and logistics for the delivery of food to the consumer, the development of a national quality control system based on the traceability of raw materials and food - this is the strategic reserve that Russia is obliged to use in conditions growing threats and challenges from global agri-food markets.

Today, Russia is yielding its domestic market to foreign companies in a number of positions, not because we lack some types of agricultural raw materials. The fact is that often our technologies are inferior to our competitors in terms of the depth of processing of raw materials, energy consumption, infrastructure development and logistics for the distribution of finished products.

Taken together, these factors have a negative impact on the volume of finished products, their quality, assortment and prices. At the same time, the price range of imported goods, taking into account the protectionist measures of exporting countries, provides them with competitive advantage in comparison with Russian producers on the domestic food market.

Innovative storage and distribution systems, industrial processing technologies and modern types of equipment incorporated in the programs of the Technological Platform will allow us to comprehensively carry out industrial processing of agricultural raw materials, reaching the maximum economic effect... It is due to this that we can ensure a dominant position for Russian producers in the agri-food market of the country.

Transfer of industries producing socially significant food products (flour and cereals and bakery products, meat and dairy products, sugar, fat and oil and fruit and vegetable products) to the zone high profitability will create economic prerequisites for working on the principles of expanded reproduction. And this is a necessary condition for diversifying the economy and increasing its competitiveness.

The objective need to develop a technology platform is due to a number of reasons.

First, at present, the volume of production of raw materials and foodstuffs in Russia is insufficient to cover domestic needs, this forces the import of the missing resources in large volumes and, as a consequence, import dependence increases. In 2011, food imports reached $ 42 billion. In the structure of imports, the largest share belongs to the products of the meat and dairy industries. In value terms, it amounted to $ 9.8 billion (25% of total imports). According to preliminary results, imports in 2012 exceeded $ 50 billion.

The second important factor is that against the background of a high level of imports, our country is losing produced agricultural and food resources due to the lack of modern storage systems for raw materials and finished products. The fact is that at present in Russia they require storage of at least 180 million tons of food, including more than 90 million tons with the use of artificial cold, half of which is processed by cold.

The lack of modern storage systems, taking into account their territorial distribution, leads to significant losses of both raw materials and food during their promotion "from field to counter". In value terms, the losses, according to experts' expert estimates, are estimated at 84-90 billion rubles. (Table 1).

The scale of agricultural production as a key factor in ensuring the viability of the country and its sovereignty requires the creation of modern technologies and equipment for its timely processing with minimal losses. Today, the annual volume of processed raw materials is about 100 million tons, by 2020 they will exceed 130 million tons (Table 2).

The use of obsolete technologies and equipment at many industrial enterprises generates a large volume of secondary resources, which are often not involved in economic circulation and are discharged into the environment, violating the ecology in the regions where enterprises operate (Table 3). The annual volumes of obtained secondary resources exceed 30 million tons.

Cardinal changes in the external environment associated with Russia's accession to the WTO and the formation of the Eurasian economic space create fundamentally new conditions for the functioning of the agro-food market, other conditions for competition for Russian food producers, especially in industries that produce socially significant

washed food. Imperfect technologies, outdated types of equipment at many industrial enterprises, undeveloped infrastructure of commodity circulation will restrain the economic growth of industry. As a result, the struggle for the domestic food market with transnational corporations will grow (Fig. 1).

Maintaining a dominant position in important segments of the food market, which determine the country's food security, lies in the plane of technological modernization of the industrial base of industry, new forms of organization and production management. The creation of a new technological order in industry on an innovative basis will provide a comprehensive and waste-free processing of raw materials, and resolve issues of environmental protection.

When developing the technological platform, basic documents were used to create the necessary socio-economic and institutional conditions for the implementation of the platform's program activities.

The main targets for creating a technological platform:

Combining the efforts of business, education, science, the state, industry unions and associations to transfer to an innovative model of industrial development in order to create and introduce competitive, energy- and resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies for storing and processing agricultural products in the WTO.

Key problems solved by the technology platform:

Creation modern system storage and processing of agricultural products, infrastructure and logistics of delivery of products to the consumer;

Development of innovative technologies and energy-saving equipment for industrial modernization and increasing the competitiveness of national manufacturers;

Ensuring the safety and quality of agricultural raw materials and food products;

Production of a new generation of environmentally friendly food products that provide a rational structure of consumption;

Stimulation of research and development, support of scientific and technical activities,

Improving legal regulation in the food and processing industry.

Annual loss of raw materials and food

Table 1 on the way to the consumer

Types of storage of raw materials Annual production volumes, million tonnes Physical losses,% of the procurement Economic losses, billion rubles

Additional processing, storage and transshipment of grain 90.0-93.0 up to 10 24.0-26.0

Extra processing, storage and transportation of oil seeds 8.0-9.0 to 6.0 6.0-6.5

Processing, storage and transportation of sugar beets 28.0-35.0 to 11.0 5.0-7.0

Slaughter of livestock and primary processing and storage of meat 6.0-6.5 to 8.0 24.0-25.0

Primary processing and storage of milk 31.0-32.0 to 4.0 9.5-11.0

Vegetables 12.5-13.0 to 30.0 4.0-5.5

Fruits, berries 4.5-5.0 to 35.0 4.5-5.5

Potatoes 27.0-28.0 to 30.0 4.5-5.0

table 2

Annual volumes of agricultural raw materials (for industrial processing) required to achieve the criteria of food security in Russia, million tons

Agricultural raw materials 2011 2020

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  • NPO GIGAMASH LLC carries out design and assembly of food production facilities, design of dairy factories and mini-factories, technological lines and individual units technological equipment.

    The engineering service and design department of NPO GIGAMASH have high qualifications and impressive experience in the design of food production. Over the entire period of our activity, we have implemented more than 60 projects of varying complexity, ranging from projects of individual units of technological equipment, mini-factories and small factories for the production of dairy products, ending with projects of large diversified food enterprises.

    Design is the most important stage of work on the opening, reconstruction or modernization of a dairy enterprise. The assortment and volumes of products, the scheme of technological processes of the milk processing enterprise, as well as the list of equipment used are determined at the design stage.

    NPO GIGAMASH company carries out installation and commissioning of food equipment, food processing lines, installation of heat exchange and capacitive equipment, as well as automated food lines of its own production.

    Installation and connection of food processing equipment is a rather complicated process that requires an individual approach and precise solutions.

    The basis of successful cooperation with NPO GIGAMASH is pre-planned work - all installation work is carried out by the company's employees in accordance with a previously developed work plan, which is formed after a detailed study of the existing equipment and premises.

    A plan for the placement of new food equipment is drawn up and agreed with the customer. After approval, further work on the installation of food equipment is carried out according to the approved plan.

    After graduation installation works our specialists carry out a trial run and staff training.

    NPO GIGAMASH LLC carries out full or partial automation of factories, technological lines, as well as individual pieces of equipment for the production of dairy products, food equipment, including the engineering part of the plant, depending on the wishes of the Customer.

    It is possible to assemble control panels and automation boards in our own production. We program controllers and compose algorithms for the technological process of operation of installations and control panels.

    Commissioning works are carried out by specialists of our company under the supervision of the Quality Control Department. This ensures a high quality of work performed on the automation of production processes and a timely response to the wishes of the Customer.

    Service maintenance of food equipment GIGAMASH

    NPO GIGAMASH LLC provides warranty and service support to our customers.

    Service support includes the following services:

    Full cycle of training for dairy production staff, technical and service personnel of the customer;
    ... An emergency visit of our specialists to the object in case of emergency in production;
    ... Scheduled equipment maintenance;
    ... Analysis of data in relation to standard indicators;
    ... Spare parts supply;
    ... Consulting on " hotline"On all issues related to the operation of equipment
    . Dispatch center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    ... Performing work on our own without involving contractors.

    Reconstruction and modernization of dairy factories

    NPO GIGAMASH company carries out reconstruction of existing dairy factories, modernizes dairy production.
    Reconstruction of dairy factories and food production is most often planned.

    Basically, this is the renewal of the equipment park in accordance with the tasks set for production for the coming years.
    During the reconstruction of the food production company NPO GIGAMASH carries out a complex of works, which includes design, manufacture of new or additional equipment, installation, commissioning.

    All these activities ultimately lead to qualitative changes at the enterprise - improvement of production conditions, quantitative and qualitative growth of products.
    The main goals of modernizing food and dairy production are to increase production, significantly expand the range of products and introduce new promising technologies.

    NPO GIGAMASH LLC has many years of experience in the field of reconstruction and modernization of dairy factories.

    Among the completed projects:

    NPO GIGAMASH LLC guarantees our customers full compliance with the technical and functional characteristics of the equipment stated in the technical documentation, provided that the operating parameters specified in the technical documentation are observed.

    Completed projects "NPO GIGAMASH"

    "SIS-ALP" Company, Armenia is a dynamically developing enterprise for milk processing and dairy products production. The company has been operating in the milk processing market since 2007 and is confidently upgrading its technical capabilities and, with the help of GIGAMASH equipment, is reaching a new level of production automation. The GIGAMASH company manufactured equipment for the site ...

    A line for processing 7000 liters of milk per day has been designed for the company Prostovash LLC, Tula region. Manufactured, assembled and put into operation equipment for milk pasteurization, fermented milk products, sour cream, butter churning and cheese production workshop. Pre-design work was carried out taking into account the requirements of sanitary norms and rules. The set of equipment ...

    For the enterprise "Shirokiy Karamysh" specialists from GIGAMASH modernized a sterile tank for the sterilization line for fruit and vegetable juices with a volume of 15 tons. sterile tank control unit ...

    "Cheese Factory Vartemyagi" - part farms"Honey". When creating a cheese dairy, the owners were guided by an extremely ambitious goal: not just to cook cheeses in the Leningrad region according to Italian and French recipes, but to make sure that the cheeses do not differ from European originals. For the enterprise, a set of equipment was made for receiving, pasteurizing milk and making cheese ...

    Dairy plant for dairy production in the Voronezh region, with a capacity of up to 15 tons of milk per day. Products are produced: milk;. sour cream;. kefir;. yogurt;. fermented baked milk; yogurt; cottage cheese ... fill out an application for equipment ...

    For LLC "Agrosoyuz Lyubava" - a manufacturing company natural products power supply, a deaeration unit was made, brand UD-5.0, with a capacity of 5000 l / h. The unit is designed to remove air, as well as fodder and other foreign tastes and odors from milk. The use of a deaeration unit improves the quality of finished dairy products, ensures the accuracy of measuring the volume of the product ...

    FROMAGE & AMUR is a cheese dairy located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. A set of equipment for the production of French, Italian and Swiss cheeses was made for the cheese dairy, consisting of: - cheese maker open type with lyres and scoops for kneading cheese grains. The cheesemaker has a "two O" shape and is equipped with convenient lids. Also for the convenience of draining the cheese ...

    For the Cheese Factory (Phuket, Thailand), specializing in the production of different types cheese, as well as a wide range of natural dairy products to provide cafes and elite restaurants with exotic cuisine, a mini-complex for milk processing was manufactured and installed. The mini-complex is designed for acceptance (including recovery), cleaning and processing ...

    For a private cheese dairy, an open-type cheese maker with a service platform was made. The cheese maker has a horizontal structure and a figure of eight, equipped with convenient lids. The volume of the cheese making machine is 1250 liters. The production process is controlled using a control panel on an industrial controller with an operator panel. The functionality of the controller provides for the possibility of programming the parameters of the technological process, in ...

    For a large confectionery company, a complex was made for the production of fillings on a fruit-berry and milk-fat basis. Thanks to the GIGAMASH equipment, the confectionery enterprise provides itself with high-quality raw materials, and also has the ability to control the cost of finished products, using individual recipes in the manufacture of fillings for the needs of its own production and sale to other manufacturers. Included ...

    GIGAMASH specialists have manufactured and installed a POU-2.5 pasteurization and cooling unit at a dairy plant in the Republic of Armenia. The POU-2.5 pasteurization and cooling unit is designed for milk pasteurization. POU-2.5 has automatic control... All required parameters production process- entering the mode, heating milk to the required temperature (separation, homogenization, deaeration), pasteurization of the product and ...

    GIGAMASH equipment ensures hygiene at the brewery GIGAMASH Company has manufactured equipment to ensure high hygiene of pipelines and equipment at the brewery JSC Kamyshinpishcheprom, Volgograd region. The plant has been operating since 1861. The volume of production of the plant is not large, which allows maintaining the quality of the products at a high level. At the enterprise in a timely manner ...

    A universal complex for the production of a wide range of natural and recombined products was produced and launched in the city of Zlynka, Bryansk region. The capacity of the complex is up to 20,000 liters of raw materials per day. The technological process of production includes acceptance of natural milk, pasteurization, homogenization and fermentation, as well as preparation milk emulsion and production ...

    The modernization of the TetraPak sterilization and cooling unit was carried out for a large ice cream producer - the enterprise "Altervest XXI century", Troitsk. The following works have been completely completed at the installation: rewiring of heat exchangers of the heating and cooling circuit in order to optimize the operation of the sterilizer, increase the speed at which the unit goes into operation, and reduce the consumption of the heat carrier and refrigerant; ... replacement...

    Milk processing equipment for the Khvastovichy dairy plant:. receiving milk module; pasteurization cooling unit; separator;. homogenizer cottage cheese maker CIP sink. The equipment allows you to produce:. kefir;. yogurt;. yogurt; ... fermented baked milk, etc. ...

    Technological equipment of a dairy plant with a capacity of 15,000 liters per shift was put into operation in the Zarya agricultural complex of the Tula region. The plant's equipment ensures the production of natural dairy products, such as pasteurized drinking milk with a mass fraction of fat 2.5% and 3.2% (GOST R 52090-2003), sour cream, kefir with a mass fraction of ... Read More

    Designing, manufacturing, supply and debugging of equipment for the production of baby milk products at OJSC "Modest", Barnaul Dairy Plant. The equipment includes the following installations: pasteurization and cooling unit, type POU-5.0 with a capacity of 5000 l / h, control is carried out automatically on the basis of an industrial controller, with the possibility of archiving parameters, forming ...

    For the company LLP "AsiaElitFoodGroup", Kazakhstan, a complex was made for the production of fillings on a fruit and milk-fat basis. Recall that a Vacuum Mixer (VS) is a complex of technological equipment connected in a certain sequence, performing the processes of recovery of dry components, mixing, homogenization (dispersion), heating, pasteurization, cooking (simmering), evacuation, cooling and unloading (filling). ..

    For JSC "Winery ISSYK", the Republic of Kazakhstan, a pasteurization and cooling unit of the POU-1.5 brand, 1500 l / h, was manufactured for pasteurization and cooling of wine. NOVELTY OF DESIGN FEATURES 1. Automated local washing of the pasteurizer with a unit for controlling the concentration of washing solutions. 2. Electrocontact pressure gauge to exclude the effects of increased pressure. 3. Counter-flow meter Flowmeter for calculating performance and ...

    For the private "Krasnoleskaya cheese factory", an open-type cheese making machine with a flyover and a service platform was made. The cheese maker has a horizontal structure and a figure of eight, equipped with convenient lids. The volume of the cheese making machine is 500 liters. The production process is controlled using a control panel on an industrial controller with an operator panel. The functionality of the controller provides for the possibility of programming parameters ...

    At the International Industrial Academy (Moscow) on November 28-30, 2011 international Conference "Modernization of the food industry in solving the problems of food security in Russia." Representatives from business, government, regulatory agencies, investment companies and academia came together to discuss the priorities for modernizing food production and come up with a common strategy.

    The conference was organized by:

    · Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;

    · Association of industry unions of the agro-industrial complex "ASSAGROS";

    · International Industrial Academy.

    You can't survive without modernization of the agro-industrial complex

    Accelerated technical modernization for the meat industry is a prerequisite for survival. According to E. Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture Russian Federation, The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia attaches great importance to both the determination of the main guidelines for the agro-industrial complex, and their technical and technological re-equipment.

    “Modernization is the most important component of the food security system in Russia,” emphasized G. A. Gorbunov, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Fisheries.

    V. A. Butkovsky, Rector of the International Industrial Academy, drew the attention of those present to the state of the technical base of the processing industries - it is such that without technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing production facilities, as well as the construction of new, highly efficient, based on innovative technologies food enterprises are indispensable, and this requires a favorable investment climate. According to him, in general, more than half of food enterprises have a need for investments for modernization, despite the active supply of Money in the industry recently - more than 200 billion rubles. annually.

    “Modernization of agro-industrial production should solve one of the main problems today - increasing the competitiveness of national producers,” noted S. N. Seregin, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. - In this regard, the role of the state should be strengthened. Foreign experience also testifies to this. Analytical assessments show that in order to prevent a decline in production and in order to further development the industry needs government support at the level of 80–90 billion rubles. annually".

    Accession to the WTO is an incentive for modernization

    The meat sector of the agro-industrial complex has just begun its renewal. Investments in the poultry industry have borne fruit - this industry was the first to reach the level of internal self-sufficiency. Pig breeders should have been the second, but life has made its own adjustments. From now on, meat processors will have to solve difficult issues that have accumulated over the years of economic reform in very difficult conditions. Now the industry will be influenced not only by internal factors, but also by macroeconomic processes, the most important of which, of course, is Russia's accession to the WTO. As you know, one of the main requirements of this community to its members is the rejection of customs and tariff regulation and a strict limitation of direct state aid to agricultural producers.

    “The production of pork is at risk due to the abolition of the customs duty on the import of meat and its reduction to 5% on the import of live pigs within the WTO,” noted S. V. Kiselev, head of the department of agroeconomics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

    In such conditions, the investment attractiveness of the meat sector decreases, which makes its products less competitive on the world market. On the other hand, the terms of the WTO, like that of the Customs Union, encourage Russian manufacturers to increase their competitiveness.

    “The complexity and scale of the tasks facing the agro-industrial complex requires a new quality of management at all levels of the complex, the targeted direction of funds from state budget within the framework of sectoral programs, - said S. N. Seregin, - and only concentration on priority areas of joint efforts on the basis of public-private partnership can provide a solution to sectoral problems and reduce Russia's import dependence. "

    Modernization is a factor in food security

    According to S. N. Seregin, at present, the processing branches of the agro-industrial complex show a steady trend for development. Statistics show that in 2010 the production index amounted to 106.4%, investments in the food industry reached 142.2 billion rubles, the share of unprofitable enterprises decreased to 24.9%.

    Russia began to export food products and raw materials for them: in 2010, 42 thousand tons of meat (in the form of raw materials and products) worth $ 36.2 million were sold. This does not mean that our country has reached the level of self-sufficiency (in 2010 were imported food and agricultural raw materials in the amount of $ 36.4 billion). To achieve the food security criteria, Russia needed in 2011 6–6.5 million tons of raw meat, and by 2020 the required volume of meat resources will increase to 9–10.5 million tons, and at least 85% of this amount will have to produced domestically.

    A. B. Lisitsyn, director of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry. V.M. Gorbatova, analyzing the possibility of producing such a volume of meat products, identified the main factors for the growth of food production: internal (development of the raw material base, industry science, market infrastructure, modernization of production, the formation of modern development institutions, growth of real incomes of the population) and external ( protectionist state policy to protect the national agri-food market, favorable conditions for joining the WTO, participation in the international division of labor, stimulating the export of agricultural raw materials and food).

    Long-term modernization scenarios, according to A. B. Lisitsyn, may be as follows:

    1. Upgrading from above... In this case, the main investments will be carried out at the expense of public funds. As a result, the economy may grow by 1–2% per year, and GDP per capita - 25–30 thousand dollars.

    2. Drastic shifts in the economy. They can occur as a result of reforming the political system, carrying out radical transformations in the economic and social spheres. Then GDP per capita is likely to grow to $ 35-36 thousand.

    3. Upgrading from below. This option assumes a gradual evolutionary development, liberalization of the economy and an increase in business activity of business.

    New directions - new opportunities

    In the meat industry, A. B. Lisitsyn identified two promising areas: biotechnological and nanotechnological. According to experts, by 2030, 50% of all agricultural products will be produced in the world using biotechnology. For the meat industry, this means an improvement in the technological characteristics of raw materials, their formation during the life of animals, a reduction in the duration of the technological process, the possibility of a directed accumulation of nutrients that promote health.

    We must not forget that new technologies are also risks. Therefore, when introducing them, it is necessary to strengthen production safety control. In the EU countries, the meat product manufacturer is obliged to trace the origin of the raw materials with which it works. In Russia, limiting the supply of low-quality products to the domestic market after joining the WTO will be governed by the requirements provided for in Technical regulations(HACCP system, traceability of origin, safety indicators), as well as those that apply to traditional products in national standards (GOST).

    Another challenge for meat producers is to reduce losses during storage, processing and transportation. According to A. B. Lisitsyn, currently up to 3.3% of the mass of raw meat and up to 6.3% of meat products are lost only as a result of shrinkage. And if we also count the damage from the fact that the technologies for processing slaughter by-products have not been introduced at the enterprises of primary processing of livestock, then the numbers of losses in the meat industry will increase many times over.

    “The modernization of industry,” says A. Lisitsyn, “is not only the development and implementation of new equipment, it also includes other areas: the organization of a system of integral (along the entire chain of processing, transportation and storage of raw materials and finished products) quality control and security; creation of new generation products based on biotechnology and nanotechnology; introduction of “end-to-end” technologies with a closed processing cycle and reduction of raw material losses, as well as nutrient-saving technologies; providing all products with packaging that allows them to maintain their quality and safety; the formation of a modern infrastructure for transportation and logistics, as well as a social catering system. "

    Are there practical examples?

    Yu. F. Ovodkov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region, cited data confirming that state support is necessary for agricultural producers at the present time. According to the programs for the development of the food and processing industry of the Ryazan region adopted by the Ministry, in 2011 the total amount of investments in this industry, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to 1,800 million rubles, and the volume of livestock and poultry production reached 79.6 thousand tons (in live weight) ... Eight mega-farms are already operating in the region and seven more large livestock enterprises are under construction. A total of 19 investment projects are currently being implemented on Ryazan land. As a result, by 2014 it is planned to increase the production of livestock and poultry to 108 thousand tons in live weight.

    Thus, state support is necessary for our food industry so that its products can adequately compete on the foreign market and so that the consequences of joining the WTO do not lead to the collapse of the industry. The business community and authorities must act together, because food production is the most important factor state food security.



    annotation scientific article on economics and business, the author of the scientific work - Svetlana Yurievna Glebova, Olga Valentinovna Golub, Tatyana Mikhailovna Rybakova

    Catering represents one of the important socio-economic conditions for the development of society and is aimed at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of enterprises Catering improving the quality of products and services provided, which can be achieved subject to control of all technical, administrative and human factors that affect the quality of products sold and their safety. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for countryside due to the remoteness of catering establishments from large industrial centers, insufficient staffing, low incomes of the population, etc. The purpose of this work is to develop directions for the modernization of enterprises Catering located far from major industrial centers. Research object enterprise Catering v countryside... When analyzing the theoretical provisions, the methods of systematization, modeling, comparison, generalization were used. On the example of a specific consumer cooperative catering enterprise, the issues of its modernization are considered in order to improve the efficiency of its work and increase the comfort of living in the countryside. The features of the changes in the format of the enterprise, its reconstruction, catering and assortment in the countryside are shown. The proposed measures were developed taking into account federal target programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern production technologies and services to bring high-quality finished products Catering and services to consumers. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a canteen reconstruction project with the arrangement of trade and technological equipment and the expansion of the range of products by including new dishes from local wild-growing raw materials in the menu.

    Related Topics scientific works on economics and business, the author of the scientific work is Svetlana Yurievna Glebova, Olga Valentinovna Golub, Tatyana Mikhailovna Rybakova

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    Food service industry plays an important socio-economic role in the development of society and aims at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of food service enterprises is to improve the quality of food and services. This task can be fulfilled provided the control of all technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality and safety of foods iscarried out. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of food companies from large industrial centers, inadequate staffing, low incomes etc. The purpose of this work is to develop the directions of modernization offood service enterprises, located far away from the industrial centers. The object of the research is a food service enterprise in thecountryside. Theoretical positions were analyzed with the methods of systematization, simulation, comparison and generalization. Bythe example of a particular food service enterprise of consumer cooperatives the problems of its modernization to improve efficiency and enhance comfort have been considered. The peculiarities of the format modifications of the enterprise, its reconstruction, cateringand assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed in accordance with Federal programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern technologies of production and services, supplying quality finished products of food service industry to con-sumers. Practical significance of the work is the development of the reconstruction project for a canteen with the arrangement of technological equipment and widening the assortment of cooked meals due to new dishes from local plant raw materials included inthe menu.

    The text of the scientific work on the topic "Development of directions for the modernization of catering establishments in rural areas"

    - ECONOMY -

    UDC 642.5: 334.73


    S.Yu. Glebova *, O. V. Golub, T.M. Rybakova

    NOU HPE Tsentrosoyuz RF "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives", 630087, Russia, Novosibirsk, K. Marksa Ave., 26

    * e-tai: ziYpvi @ tai-sh

    Date of receipt at the editorial office: 03/23/2015 Acceptance date: 04/10/2015

    Public catering is one of the important socio-economic conditions for the development of society and is aimed at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of public catering enterprises is to improve the quality of products and services provided, which can be achieved subject to control of all technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality of products sold and their safety. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of catering establishments from large industrial centers, insufficient staffing, low incomes of the population, etc. The purpose of this work is to develop directions for the modernization of public catering enterprises located far from large industrial centers. The object of the research is a public catering enterprise in a rural area. When analyzing the theoretical provisions, the methods of systematization, modeling, comparison, generalization were used. On the example of a specific consumer cooperative catering enterprise, the issues of its modernization are considered in order to improve the efficiency of its work and increase the comfort of living in the countryside. The features of the changes in the format of the enterprise, its reconstruction, catering and assortment in the countryside are shown. The proposed measures were developed taking into account federal target programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern production technologies and services to bring high-quality finished products of public catering and services to consumers. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a canteen reconstruction project with the arrangement of trade and technological equipment and the expansion of the range of products by including new dishes from local wild-growing raw materials in the menu.

    Public catering, countryside, new production technologies and services ._


    Currently in Russia there is a federal target program "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020", the main goals of which are the creation of comfortable living conditions in rural areas; promoting the creation of high-tech jobs in rural areas; enhancing the participation of citizens living in rural areas in the implementation of socially significant projects; the formation of a positive attitude towards the countryside and rural lifestyle, etc. These goals will be achieved by solving a number of tasks, including increasing the level of complex arrangement of settlements located in rural areas, with social and engineering infrastructure; encouragement and popularization of achievements in the field of rural development, etc. ...

    Catering plays an important role in solving the problem of narrowing the significant gap in the level and quality of life in rural areas compared to urban areas. At the same time, in the aspect under consideration, a number of

    problems - the lack of a general concept for the improvement and development of the sphere, the low level of introduction of new technologies based on the use of progressive forms of service and modern equipment etc. ...

    On the periphery, consumer societies continue to play an important role, since they are primarily not cooperatives, but specific trade organizations operating in rural areas, performing, among other things, social functions provision of essential goods for residents of remote villages. The latter include catering establishments.

    However, in last years canteens working in rural areas have lost their original meaning - to feed workers. V modern conditions they perform many other functions due to the development of society (for example, leisure activities for both the local population and tourists). One of the tools for the formation of functions, for example, is the reconstruction of existing public catering enterprises with the introduction of new production and service technologies.

    There are several areas of reconstruction: expansion of the area of ​​the entire enterprise as a whole; redevelopment of individual production workshops and premises, ensuring the flow of technological processes; changing the existing ratio of the areas of various groups of premises within the enterprise by increasing the areas of some and reducing other premises; transfer of the enterprise to work with culinary semi-finished products; changes in the composition of the premises during the re-profiling of the enterprise; introduction of new service methods for a given enterprise, for example, transferring individual enterprises to work in the evening at a higher class. Along with the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise is often carried out. The choice of one or another direction of reconstruction depends on the tasks set for the owner of the establishment and the investments that he is ready to invest.

    Thus, conducting research to solve problems in the activities of public catering enterprises in rural areas is timely and relevant.

    The purpose of the work is to develop directions for the modernization of typical catering establishments in rural areas by introducing modern production technologies and services in public catering.

    Object and research methods

    The object of research is catering establishments in rural areas using the example of the canteen of the Taseevsky district administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Consumer Union.

    According to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the population of the village of Taseevo was 8038 people.

    The dining room is located in the village. Taseevo, which is the administrative center of the Taseevsky district, located 340 km north-east of the city of Krasnoyarsk. It carries out the production of finished products for raw materials (for its processing, procurement shops have been organized - meat, fish and vegetables); heat treatment of meat, fish and vegetable semi-finished products in a hot shop, combined with a cold one; short-term storage of raw materials in warehouses. The seating capacity of the dining room before modernization is 60 seats, after - 100.

    When analyzing the theoretical provisions, the methods of systematization, modeling, comparison, generalization were used.

    Results and its discussion

    Public catering enterprises in rural areas were created long before market relations, have a long experience of work in conditions of limited funding and were built mainly according to standard projects of general enterprises.

    food service of the Soviet era, meeting the requirements of SNiP P-L.8-71 “Public catering establishments. Design standards "(in force until 1990). The main activity of such canteens was and is the provision of hot meals for both the local population and visitors. The production and delivery of catering products is carried out directly in the hall of the enterprise or in catering points for agricultural workers, builders, etc. TO additional services canteens include the organization of banquets, festive evenings both indoors and out.

    However, in our opinion, at present, public catering enterprises in rural areas perform much more functions (some of which are shown in Fig. 1).


    rational use of the natural resource potential of the region

    Rice. 1. Functions of public catering establishments in rural areas

    The development of public catering enterprises in rural areas is possible only when objective problems are identified for each specific enterprise and ways to solve them are determined. So, for example, in table. 1 shows the results of a SWOT analysis of the internal and external factors of the canteen of the Taseevsky district administration office of the Krasnoyarsk regional trebsoyuz that affect its activities. The considered factors are mostly typical for other public catering enterprises located in rural areas.

    Table 1

    Rural Canteen SWOT Analysis Matrix

    Strengths (8) Weak sides(NS)

    Long-term experience of the enterprise; - advantageous location - in the center, next to the market; - availability of the necessary premises and outbuildings for the expansion of production; - preservation of material and technical equipment; - availability of highly qualified personnel who can cook not only mass-produced products, but also complex portioned dishes; - long-term experience of working with procurers of local raw materials; - availability of its own additional point of sale for finished products and semi-finished products - a cooperative store; - acceptable cost of finished products; - the presence of an autonomous water supply system, including thanks to the existing well in the center of the dining room; - lack of competitors; - availability of tourist facilities - low turnover of seats in the hall; - low production volume; - low level of service; - limited time of work; - lack of habit among local residents to eat outside the home; - low level of introduction of new technologies based on the use of progressive forms of service and modern equipment; - old wooden building, which complicates the overhaul of ventilation and sewerage systems; - lack of young highly qualified personnel; - remoteness from places of advanced training and Maintenance equipment; - lack of material resources for capital modernization measures

    Opportunities (O) Threats (T)

    Changing the format of the enterprise: work schedule; Services; new forms of service; new menu; new design; the culture of consumption of alcoholic beverages; - reconstruction of the enterprise: increasing the number of seats; improvement of the organization and the emergence of new jobs; the possibility of introducing modern technology for the production of deep-frozen / chilled culinary products; the emergence of new types of production; - development of catering; - expansion of the range of dishes from local wild-growing raw materials - low purchasing power of the population; - economic and financial crisis; - changes in regulations, requirements for premises, etc.; - high level of population migration

    Analyzing the identified factors, the directions of enterprise modernization are identified. So, for the dining room in question, appropriate measures have been taken to solve a number of possibilities.

    Transfer of the canteen into a new format - a canteen that works in the evening as a cafe, with the assignment of a new name. This direction of modernization allowed:

    1. To increase the working time of the enterprise. If before the reconstruction the canteen was open from 9 am to 5 pm, after the reconstruction - from 9 am to 10 pm. The change in the work schedule allows attracting additional number of consumers in the evening, since the enterprise operates as a cafe.

    2. Expand the services provided. In the evening, visitors are offered a wide range of entertainment services (live music, karaoke, watching football matches, animation, etc.); holding banquets, festive evenings, etc.

    3. Introduce new forms of service for the canteen. Before the reconstruction, the enterprise offered visitors only self-service meals through a bartender. After the reconstruction, in the daytime, consumers are given the opportunity to choose their meals faster thanks to the installed self-service line. V

    in the evening, the distribution closes and the enterprise begins to work as a cafe with waiters. The dispensing of alcoholic beverages is carried out through the bar counter by the bartender.

    4. To develop a new menu with the inclusion of more complex portions and specialties offered in the evening.

    5. Develop a new design for the enterprise. After reconstruction, the facade and sign of the building were updated, the design of the dining rooms was changed by acquiring a new comfortable commercial furniture, tableware and cutlery, as well as inventory for the bar counter.

    6. To instill a culture of consumption of alcoholic beverages. In the evening, it is additionally recommended to organize the work of the bar with the sale of hot and cold non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages... After the reconstruction and installation of the bar counter, the appearance of a qualified bartender, various drinks are prepared in front of visitors with an original design and presentation, themed events related to the history and rules of consumption, tasting of alcoholic beverages, etc.

    The reconstruction of the dining room was carried out in the directions shown in Fig. 2.

    Cold shop

    expansion of the dining room area due to an extension

    Canteen in the countryside

    Workshop for the production of quick-frozen / chilled culinary products

    redevelopment of egg processing rooms and pantry

    Banquet hall with summer passage to the main building and restrooms

    instead of a pastry shop

    Allocation of technological lines for processing dirty tableware and

    kitchen utensils, delineation of the place of their storage after washing, improvement of the work of washers, redevelopment of the toilet for staff

    Reconstruction as a direction of modernization of the dining room allowed:

    1. To increase the number of seats by organizing an additional banquet hall.

    2. To improve the organization of workplaces in the cold and hot shops, the shop of frozen / chilled culinary products, washing tableware and kitchen utensils, the dispensing of finished products, as well as bring them in line with the requirements technological design redevelopment of the hot shop.

    Before the reconstruction, both hot and cold dishes were prepared in the hot shop. In connection with the transition of the canteen to a new format, jobs are needed for cold snacks and desserts. Consequently, after the reconstruction, it is possible to organize a cold shop in accordance with the regulated SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering organizations, the production and turnover of food products and food raw materials in them" temperature and humidity conditions (in the cold period 19 -21 ° С, humidity 60-40%; in the warm period 20-22 ° С).

    In connection with the transition of the canteen to a new format, the purpose of the hot shop will be reduced not only to cooking in batches, but also to ordered portioned dishes, which will entail the organization of an additional workplace for portioning and decorating hot dishes and snacks.

    After the reconstruction, it is also possible to create a workshop for quick-frozen / chilled culinary products, where 4 workplaces are organized: for the manufacture of small-sized and minced meat semi-finished products, for the production of fish semi-finished products, for the production of vegetable semi-finished products, for packaging and freezing of semi-finished products in the apparatus for intensive cooling and shock freezing.

    Washing of kitchen utensils and washing of tableware in enterprises are often combined in one room, which is allowed with a small number of seats in the hall. However, the working conditions are very restrictive for the washer and the placement of clean dishes. The redevelopment of the premises allowed not only to increase the area of ​​washing tableware combined with washing kitchen utensils and utensils, but also to zone the processing line.

    reconstruction of the dining room

    kitchen utensils and a tableware processing line with the appropriate equipment.

    The service time for visitors in canteens without a distributor is 20-30 minutes. If there is a congestion of visitors, the turnover of space in the hall decreases sharply, since the limiting factor in servicing is the lack of finished products in the windows and the menu printed in one copy, which makes it difficult for older people to read. Studies of the turnover of places in the halls of rural canteens have shown that the daily turnover is on average 3-5, i.e. during work sales areas one place turns around 3-5 times, but the norm for canteens is 7-9. This turnover can be increased by installing a dispensing line in the dining room for displaying all products in front of the visitor's eyes. This will not only speed up the process of the visitor's choice of dishes, serving the visitor, but also partially remove the need for a long reading of the menu. When installing the dispensing line, you should be guided by the direction of movement of visitors, i.e. from front door into the hall.

    Visitors first pick up trays, bread and cutlery, then cold meals and snacks from a refrigerated display cabinet. As soups are limited, there is no soup counter. Soups will be dispensed through a universal bain-marie or a bain-marie for main courses. The calculation of visitors will be carried out through the checkout module. The recommended sequence for arranging the equipment of the dispensing line in the dining room-cafe hall is shown in Fig. 3.

    In the evening (after 5 pm), it is recommended to close the distribution for serving visitors by waiters. This will allow the company to increase the markup for portioned meals, to hold banquet events in a new format with a higher level of cafe services.

    3. Implement modern technology production of quick-frozen / chilled culinary products Juok & SYP through the purchase of a shock freezer and packaging machine.

    Semi-finished products can be packaged in sealed vacuum-sealed bags, liner or film. The freezing method depends on the type of product. If it is frozen in bulk in a gastro container, then the packaging is made after freezing. If semi-finished products are stacked individually on a substrate, freezing is carried out in a film. For freezing, use a thinner film (up to 80 microns).

    The introduction of this technology allows not only to expand the range of products manufactured by enterprises, but also to more efficiently use raw materials and labor resources due to an increase in the shelf life of finished products and semi-finished products.

    Cooling in blast chillers can be carried out with the use of stainless steel gastronorm bones GN combi steamer. Thanks to the standardization of sizes, gastronomic containers are an ideal container both for quick cooling and for subsequent use in the processes of defrosting and regeneration in combi-steamed tomatoes. The latter should be taken into account when selecting blast chillers for production.

    To organize mass events, sell products through a store in a cafeteria-cafe, they freeze / cool semi-finished products (meat, fish, etc.) such as entrecotes, steaks, hamburgers, cutlets, sticks, sausages, dumplings and dumplings; ready-made soups and main courses, pies, bakery products; desserts, juices, puddings, jellies, etc.

    Studies of the Juice & SIN technology, carried out at the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives, have shown that the shelf life of frozen / chilled culinary products is doubled. The new shelf life of products should not contradict SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for terms

    suitability and storage conditions of food products ", which means that appropriate technical documents should be developed for such products.

    4. Create a new type of production. In connection with the change in the format of the enterprise, and, accordingly, the emergence of a new form of service (by waiters), the canteen-cafe should operate according to a new type of production of finished products - in portions, to order. For this, after the reconstruction, as mentioned earlier, additional jobs must be created.

    Catering development. Before the reconstruction, the canteen carried out two types of catering - indoors and outdoors within the same settlement by delivering finished products to the venues. After the reconstruction, the creation of a workshop for quick-frozen / chilled culinary products, it became possible to develop other types of it (delivery to offices, social catering, retail and others), as well as expand the geography (deliveries to more remote settlements) of catering.

    Expansion of the range of dishes from local wild-growing raw materials. In rural settlements, there is a large amount of wild-growing raw materials, including bracken fern, the harvesting of which is also used by regional consumer societies. In canteens, salted fern was used as a side dish and an ingredient in salads. To expand the range of dishes from / with the use of salted bracken fern for the cafeteria, recipes and technical and technological cards have been developed for new dishes: vegetable salad, meat hodgepodge, potato soup, potato cheesecakes, stewed meat in a pot, zrazy, stuffed omelet, pancakes stuffed, baked pies, ears with meat, pasties.


    The presented directions of modernization of public catering enterprises in rural areas (changing its format, carrying out reconstruction, developing catering, expanding the range of dishes from local wild-growing raw materials, etc.) will contribute to the creation of socio-economic conditions for sustainable development of the village.


    1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. 598 "On federal target program"Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:гх773УЪуоЭтК statement.

    2. Analysis and development prospects of the public catering market in regional conditions / L.А. Mayurnikova, T.V. Krapiva, N.I. Davydenko et al. // Technics and technology of food production. - 2015. - No. 1. - S. 141-146.

    3. Yanbykh, R. About the concept of development of cooperation in the countryside for the period up to 2020 / R. Yanbykh // Economic development of Russia. - May-June 2013. - T. 20. - No. 5. - S. 53-56.

    4. Nikulenkova, T.T. Designing of catering establishments / T.T. Nikulenkova, G.M. Yastina. - M .: KolosS, 2007 .-- 247 p.

    5. All-Russian population census 2010. The population of urban and rural settlements of the Krasnoyarsk Territory [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: sessh_an (1_gesearsy ^ / sessh / payop1_sessh_2010 /.

    6. SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover of food products and food raw materials in them [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

    7. SanPiN Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:


    S.Yu. Glebova *, O.V. Golub, T.M. Ribakova

    Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, 26, Pr. K. Marx, Novosibirsk, 630087, Russia

    * e-mail: [email protected]

    Received: 27.03.2015 Accepted: 10.04.2015

    Food service industry plays an important socio-economic role in the development of society and aims at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of food service enterprises is to improve the quality of food and services. This task can be fulfilled provided the control of all technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality and safety of foods is carried out. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of food companies from large industrial centers, inadequate staffing, low incomes etc. The purpose of this work is to develop the directions of modernization of food service enterprises, located far away from the industrial centers. The object of the research is a food service enterprise in the countryside. Theoretical positions were analyzed with the methods of systematization, simulation, comparison and generalization. By the example of a particular food service enterprise of consumer cooperatives the problems of its modernization to improve efficiency and enhance comfort have been considered. The peculiarities of the format modifications of the enterprise, its reconstruction, catering and assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed in accordance with Federal programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern technologies of production and services, supplying quality finished products of food service industry to consumers. Practical significance of the work is the development of the reconstruction project for a canteen with the arrangement of technological equipment and widening the assortment of cooked meals due to new dishes from local plant raw materials included in the menu.

    Food service industry, countryside, new technologies of production and service._

    1. Postanovlenie Pravitel "stva RF ot 15 ijulja 2013 g. No. 598" O federal "noj celevoj program" Ustojchivoe razvitie sel "skih territorij na 2014-2017 gody i na period do 2020 goda". Available at: http: // www / products / ipo / prime / doc / 70319016 / # ixzz3VLyoFmRf (accessed 16 March 2015).

    2. Mayurnikova L.A., Krapiva T.V., Davydenko N.I., Samoylenko K.V. Analiz i perspektivy razvitija rynka obshhestven-nogo pitanija v regional "nyh uslovijah. Tehnika i tehnologija pishhevyh pro-izvodstv, 2015, no. 1, pp. 141-146.

    3. Janbyh R. O koncepcii razvitija kooperacii na sele na period do 2020 g. ... Jekonomic news razvitie Rossii, May-June 2013, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 53-56.

    4. Nikulenkova T.T., Jastina G.M. Proektirovanie predprijatij obshhestvennogo pitanija. Moscow, KolosS, 2007.247 p.

    5. Vserossijskaja perepis "naselenija 2010 goda. Chislennost" naselenija gorodskih i sel "skih naseljonnyh punktov Kras-nojarskogo kraja. Available at: / census_and_researching / census / national_census_2010 / (accessed 16 March 2015).