Technological solutions. Technological solutions Stages of technological design of production

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Veles LLC- Saint Petersburg

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Higher technical education. Knowledge of the regulatory and technical base for the oil refining, chemical industries, oil and gas production. Ability to work in programs: Compass-3D or AutoCAD. Experience in ... designer of section tx ... 45000 RUR

on: - 4 days / days ago

Intratool -

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on: (+3 sources) - 14 days / days ago

Recruitment Agency "Bureau of Personnel Services"- Moscow

Responsibilities: Designing facilities for storage and processing of vegetable raw materials: elevators, granaries, workshops, feed mills and others (section TX), development of working documentation for conservation and ... engineer designer TX technologist ... contractual

on: - 11 days / days ago

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CJSC Engineering Center "Tekhnokhim"- Saint Petersburg

Development of installation solutions based on technological schemes. Placement and piping of technological equipment. Selection of support structures, expansion joints, etc. Performing calculations for strength, vibration ... designer tx technologist ...

on: (+3 sources) - 17 days / days ago

Norilsk Nickel, MMC - Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg

Development of layout solutions for pre-design, design and working documentation for all redistribution of processing plants, in particular ore preparation complexes, reagent departments, departments of the main ... leading engineer designer tx ...

on: (+4 sources) - 20 days / days ago

Is a set of measures for the coordination of architectural, space-planning, structural and engineering design solutions with the functional purpose of the building and the peculiarities of technological processes implemented in the projected building. At the stage of development of the "TX" section, the specialists of the PNProject company lay the foundation for the effective functioning of the capital construction facility.

According to the Government Decree of February 16, 2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content", the subsection "Technological solutions" is included in the section "Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures , the content of technological solutions ”. Ready-made technological solutions are subject to independent expert evaluation.

The development of technological solutions is carried out in parallel with the architectural and structural solutions, since these sections are interconnected: the architecture and structural characteristics of the building affect the efficiency of the implementation of technological processes. The final refinement of architectural solutions is carried out only after full agreement of the TX section. Thus, all design solutions are linked into a single coordinated system with one goal - to design a well-functioning facility.

Technological solutions are being developed for the following facilities:

General principle of development of technological solutions

At the stage of technological design, the specialists of the PNProject company carry out three-dimensional modeling of the premises of the building, taking into account the peculiarities of technological processes of various nature. The technological process in this case is a broad concept, the essence of which depends on the specifics of the construction object. For example, for manufacturing enterprise Is the process of manufacturing products, for hotel complexes - the process of serving guests, for shopping and entertainment centers - a whole range of operations related to ensuring effective activities retail outlets and entertainment facilities, for medical and recreational enterprises - a sequence of therapeutic measures and the provision of processes with medical equipment and drugs.

Technological solutions have a direct impact on the placement of engineering networks of water supply, sewerage, ventilation, air conditioning, power supply, heating. Process engineer issues technical task for the development of a project of engineering communications. Also, according to the results of the development of the "TX" section, the refinement and final optimization of design and architectural solutions are carried out. Architects and technologists of our company actively interact with each other to achieve the highest quality result. In the process of developing technological solutions, the geodetic and geological parameters of the site, the linking of the facility to utilities and the road network are taken into account.

Initial data for the development of technological solutions

  • Terms of reference for design;
  • General plan;
  • Architectural solutions;
  • Constructive and space-planning solutions.

Composition of the section "Technological solutions": explanatory note

Subsection of the project of the "TX" brand includes an explanatory note with justification of the adopted design decisions. For example, when designing industrial enterprises the text part contains information about the production processes and products. The features of the technological scheme of the enterprise are considered, the requirements regarding the organization of production, information on the labor intensity of performing technological operations are given. The need for energy resources to meet basic production needs is substantiated.

A description of the ways of moving raw materials is given, Supplies and finished products. A number of justifications are formulated regarding the development of a technological scheme, the choice of types and number of units of main equipment, mechanisms, Vehicle and automated systems... Particular attention is paid to the development of a set of measures to ensure safe work at hazardous production facilities. If necessary, the text part is supplemented with certificates and permits confirming the compliance of technological processes with safety requirements.

The explanatory note provides the estimated number and qualifications of personnel, the number of jobs with a description of their technical equipment for various groups production processes... For all construction projects, without exception, the mandatory stage of the "TX" section is the development of measures to comply with the requirements of labor and environmental protection, fire safety. In the text part, calculations of the volume of harmful emissions into water bodies and the atmosphere are given, measures to minimize such emissions are listed. Provides information on the type, hazard class and amount of waste and methods of their disposal.

Graphic part of subsection "TX"

The graphical part of the subsection "TX" includes technological schemes planning of premises and placement of technological equipment. Layout diagrams indicating the areas of the main zones are accompanied by explications of the premises. In accordance with the requirements of the TK, the engineer performs the zoning of the premises, indicating the location of the technological equipment. The drawings indicate the overall dimensions of the equipment, mounting ties and the width of the aisles, calculated based on the requirements of safety and production efficiency. Schematic diagrams of technological processes are displayed, indicating the path of movement of the production facility at all stages - from the receipt of raw materials to manufacturing finished products... The plans indicate the locations for the installation of vehicles, the location of control areas. The graphic part is accompanied by the specification of the technological equipment.

Any large enterprise needs a set of documentation, where the company's policy will be streamlined and justified, the turnover, the number of premises, their purpose, and equipment are indicated. All data on production cycles and procedures for any work - economic, industrial, secondary - should be summarized in one section of the entire project - subsection "TX".

In this article, we will talk about technological solutions, what they are, and also what place they occupy in the process of designing buildings for industrial purposes.

Section "TX" - its place in the project

In order for the operation of the building to be purposeful, fully justified, and also economically profitable, you should plan in advance what areas are needed for each workshop and procedure. Even the place for technical waste and the regularity of garbage collection, its estimated daily rate and other parameters are of great importance.

So that unpredictable requirements do not appear in the process of using the building, it is required to submit a production work plan in advance - the volume of goods, storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, areas for warehouses, storage conditions for products and many other factors. This will make the project as easy to use as possible.

The task of technological design of enterprises is to combine building codes with real conditions the work of the plant. This means that the process of drawing the floors of buildings will be directly regulated by the "TX" section.

Thus, OTP, that is, the main technical solutions, are developed at the stage of pre-project preparation. This allows at the time of project creation to take into account the need for certain engineering systems ah, for example, equip several refrigerated rooms for storing perishable products. Also, the development of OTP helps to save labor resources and material resources, since with a pre-planned configuration of premises and installation of equipment, reconstruction will not be required. If this section is not implemented in the documentation, it may happen that a month after the delivery of the building, you will have to redo it - move rooms, equip mechanisms, etc.

In addition, TX is required not only when erecting a new building, but also when remodeling, an extension of an already functioning enterprise. This information will help to carry out the procedure for creating a project according to state construction standards and further operation.

Goals and objectives of technological design

Since all the activities of engineers in the preparation of this section are aimed at combining two processes - material and functional benefits from the structure, the following set of tasks is usually distinguished:

  • The most efficient use of usable area and usually unused space. For example, some engineering systems, such as ventilation, can be carried out under the ceiling, while a number of others can be combined in single passages.
  • Providing the volume of the load of all equipment so that there are no interruptions in the production process. This is done by preliminary calculation of work places and machines involved in one production cycle.
  • The possibility of expanding the plant. Studies are being carried out, thanks to which you can get an approximate forecast - after which time you can expect the modernization or reconstruction of the entire project.
  • Organization of the flow of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products in rooms and workshops. It is easier in this regard with liquid, bulk substances, chemicals, since pipelines are being developed for them. Also, the complex of technological design for transportation can include conveyor belts, lifting mechanisms, as well as the laying of railway rails in the case of transportation between large departments of a significant volume of daily goods.

  • Coordination of the project and passing the expertise in government bodies... One of the goals of the "TX" section is to check the entire project package for compliance with norms, state standards, as well as joint ventures and SNiP for the construction of individual building elements. All structures are taken into account - the construction itself and the construction site, the laying of all engineering systems, the need to work with heavy equipment, workplace safety, sanitary working conditions and much more.
  • Appropriate use design characteristics buildings for production purposes. The configuration of the premises, the location of warehouses, the need for garages and hangars for equipment, as well as the requirements for strengthening the foundation for large-sized equipment, and much more are taken into account. Simply put, TX sets certain conditions for the designer, for example, that the warehouse with raw materials is located above the processing workshop, and a communication channel is established between them, etc.
  • Taking into account the possibility of carrying out fire-prevention, environmental and other measures to protect humans and the environment in the building, taking into account the type of production. If the manufacturing process involves Natural resources, for example, water from a nearby reservoir, then the requirements will also include the development of a zone for filtration and purification of liquid from impurities when returning to the river, and if this is impossible due to significant pollution, then technical sedimentation tanks are provided.
  • Selection of equipment for work. What machines, in what quantity are needed to implement the production cycle. Assessment of their economic return.

The list of these tasks can be continued for as long as there are many building elements and items for ensuring the activity of labor in one plant.

Engineer's activities in the design of technological objects

In the process of developing the "TX" section in the project, the specialist solves the following problems that may occur at the time of construction or already during the operation:

  • Implementation of the scheme for the accessibility of the approach to engineering networks. This is especially true for access points to electrical panels, automated points, that is, those nodes where regular maintenance is required. Also, when designing, the rules for bringing the paths, the absence of enclosing structures to the communication lines are observed. The TX plan also describes the frequency of service and possible items that will be required for replacement.
  • The project of engineering systems is completely created. Especially at this stage, it concerns power consumption. Calculations are made of the optimal amount of electricity that will be consumed daily. Since this is a pre-design stage, the drawing of wiring diagrams has not yet been performed, but a preliminary plan may be required - which lines of tension and current strength are required for certain objects. For example, for the operation of machines in one workshop, high-voltage cables are needed, while the adjacent room does not require high voltages.
  • Design of utility rooms.
  • Taking into account the requirements for personal hygiene of employees, as well as for their safety. This primarily concerns the type of lighting that is required for of a certain type labor. According to the legislation, for different industries, and even for different stages, you need a different amount of light. So you can determine in advance in which workshops you need bright artificial lamps, and where the classic combined version is enough - a natural flow of light from windows and ceiling lighting equipment.

Also, the activity of an engineer in the development of the "TX" section affects the implementation of all of the above tasks, this helps to make a preliminary design of the entire object. It is most convenient to do this on a computer software from ZWSOFT. All programs have a convenient toolkit, a library of elements, dynamic blocks. This makes the work of an engineer much easier, since a plan can be drawn up schematically, and during project stage in detail, in the same software, draw up drawings of the object itself and all engineering systems inside.

Initial data for the development of a technological design of production, the place of OTP in the design

We have already said that this is the pre-design stage, that is, the creation of a section is the collection of useful information about the projected object before the construction decisions are presented. It is worth noting that it is possible to develop TX both during the construction of a new facility, and during the modernization, reconstruction of an old, operating enterprise.

The second option is much more complicated, since it requires all previous construction plans, an analysis of the real situation, current processes, and taking into account the discontent that arose in the process of work. Then the engineer will summarize all the data obtained, compare them with the new tasks and directions of the plant and propose modernization ways that do not require capital construction.

Thus, the goal of a specialist at the time of reorganization of the enterprise is to carry it out with minimal changes in terms of the construction of new premises, re-equipment. Thus, OTP's place in design is data preparation. But even before developing a section, you need to operate with the following information:

  • functional purpose of the building - production, storage, transportation of substances, processing of raw materials or other purposes;
  • a brief description of plan - number of storeys, number of parking spaces, total area, number of employees (or visitors, if it is a shopping or public facility);
  • economic and engineering feasibility studies of the project;
  • compliance of the main design solutions with state norms and standards.

Also, in the process of the engineer's work, he may need any information from the already developed pages - these are the sections "GP", "KR", "AR".

Basic documents of technological design of construction processes

In the course of his activity, the specialist relies on modern state standards, legislative documents for the construction of buildings, laying of engineering networks, ensuring the safety and sanitary standards of employees, etc. Here is the main list of regulatory documents:

  • SP "Hygienic requirements for the design of newly built and reconstructed industrial enterprises."
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008. No. 87 "On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content."
  • Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ. "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."
  • SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises."
  • SanPiN "Electromagnetic fields in industrial conditions".
  • SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings and structures".
  • SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and domestic buildings".
  • SNiP 21-01-97 " Fire safety buildings and structures ".
  • Guideline R 2.2.2006-05 "Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and labor process... Criteria and classification of working conditions ".
  • SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings."

Stages of technological design of production

  1. Collection and analysis of initial data.
  2. Performing technical calculations on the number of equipment and jobs.
  3. Choosing a layout scheme and developing a plan.
  4. Analysis of freight traffic.
  5. Development of the layout of the machines and specifications.
  6. Preparation of assignments for the development of engineering and construction solutions.
  7. Registration and release of project documentation.

All stages must be carried out in the appropriate software. Let's consider the options.

Computer-aided design systems from ZWSOFT

The company "ZVSOFT" offers quality programs for the preparation of the section "TX", as well as for further work on the project. All software supports both graphic and text formats. - analogue of "AutoCAD", but at a reasonable price and with an attractive licensing system. Has functions:

  • Creation of 2D and 3D objects.
  • Using dynamic blocks.
  • 3D visualization.
  • Built-in calculator.
  • Function for copying object properties.
  • Dynamic input. And much more.

Also, the functionality of the program can be expanded using the modules:

  • - lightweight design of engineering systems, routing, designation of all nodes and intersections.
  • - automated filling of design and working documentation based on the requirements of GOST, SP, SNiP.
  • - drawing up drawings in accordance with state standards, auto-generation of specifications, summary of statistical tables.

Make your work with the project easier with programs from "ZVSOFT".