Open lesson on technology "Project activity. Stages of the project". Methodological manual "project activities in technology lessons" Relevance of project activities in technology lessons

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school" with. Coygorodok

Project activities in technology lessons

Chugaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna - teacher of technology,

Sokol Svetlana Alekseevna - teacher of technology

with. Coygorodok

Published by the decision of the editorial and publishing councils of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school" p. Coygorodok

Pedagogical guidance of students' project activities - p. Koigorodok: Publishing house, 2013, 32 p.

The issues of organizing training in designing students in the classroom of the educational field "Technologies" are considered and the structure of the model of project activities is presented.

For teachers, the technology will be useful for industrial training masters.


Modern trends in the socio-economic development of society, associated with the intensive introduction of new technologies, also present new requirements for education. Currently, the content, forms and methods of teaching should ensure the technological competence of future school graduates and form a creative personality capable of creation.

Therefore, all the accumulated experience in labor training, the existing educational and material base and trained pedagogical personnel have become the basis of the educational field "Technology". In this regard, project activities occupy an important place in the technological education of students. The leading method of teaching technology students is the method of creative projects. This method of teaching students involves the students, under the guidance of the teacher, performing a creative project that results in a product.

The technological training program for schoolchildren involves direct activity.

Having experience in project activities enriches educational activities, as leading for a given age, contributes to the development of all aspects of the personality, first of all, diligence, conscientiousness and a creative attitude to work from an early age, influences the cognitive sphere, the intuitive development of the intellectual and physical qualities of students, their the spiritual world. A person projects his whole life, not always consciously, intuitively. The inclusion of students in projective activity teaches them to think, predict, foresee, and forms an adequate self-esteem.

The analysis of the pedagogical and methodological literature made it possible to reveal insufficient coverage of this problem, and this is what we see relevance consideration of the problem of organizing project activities in technology lessons.

Purpose of the study- study and development of conditions for the successful organization of project activities of students.

Object of study- educational process at technology lessons.

Item- substantive activity and the conditions for its organization in technology lessons

The purpose of the study led to the formulation and solution of the following tasks research:

    Study and analyze the technological, pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature on the stated topic.

    To reveal the psychological and pedagogical features of project activities.

    Analyze programs by technology.

    Consider the methodology for teaching project activities.

Theoretical foundations of teaching project activities in technology lessons

Concept of project activity

Currently, domestic psychology identifies 4 main types of activity: communication, play, study and work. Learning activity is one of the most important activities that contribute to the formation of a person. It takes place within the framework of a specially organized process of education and upbringing. Project activity takes place within educational activity and is a part of it, which undoubtedly imposes on it a kind of quantitative peculiarities.

Let's consider the concept of "learning activity".

Educational activity, as defined by I.N. Ilyasova is the activity of the subject to master generalized methods of educational actions and self-development in the process of solving learning tasks specially set by the teacher on the basis of external control and assessment, which turns into self-control and self-assessment.

The student's activity in completing project assignments is interconnected with educational activities, and therefore there is a lot in common. Within the project activity, students master the goals and objectives of the activity, actively master its content and, to a greater extent, independently organize and implement their own project activity.

Didactists, teachers turned to this method in order to solve their didactic tasks of teaching and educating students. At the same time, it is obvious that this is a complex method, since its implementation, in turn, suggests the use of a set of other problematic methods: training in small groups of cooperation, "brainstorming", "discussion", problem-oriented role play, reflection. This is what educational activity is from the didactic point of view.

In the article "Project activities of schoolchildren", N.M. Konysheva notes that the word "project" has recently been heard more and more often: almost every day we are presented with new projects on television, in education, medicine, organization of various aspects of life and everyday life. Some researchers are inclined to consider this process as customary in describing known types of activity. With regard to school and education, the concept "Project activity" most actively introduced since the late 90s of the XX century. in the scientific and practical use of the educational field "Technology".

The project activities of students and the professional project activities of specialists differ significantly from each other. An analysis of the structural content components of the named types of activity confirms this.

The main difference between educational projects and professional ones is that they should be purely didactic, i.e. "Their resolution should be determined by the goals of forming a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities." Moreover, we note that this is not about special project knowledge and skills, but about the deepening of general educational training and the development of students' creative abilities. Project activities at school cannot be viewed as an end in itself (in the sense of its focus on training design specialists). It is an exceptional tool for the development of students' abilities for invention, innovation and creative activity.

So, we note that the main goal of professional, labor design activity is the production of a social valuable product in the form of a technical project, presented most often in graphical form - drawings, diagrams, sometimes in the form of a model of a future product, a design object. The main product of professional design activity is a technical project, and for the design activity of students, the final product is a finished product, that is, a real finished thing that has subjective value. As a means of teaching, the project activity of students allows you to manage both the content of the project and the level of its complexity and difficulty for the student. In the project activity of a professional, in the general case, only the theme of the project is set from the outside, and its content and level of complexity are determined by the subject of labor himself and depends on many external factors. Thus, the project activity of students can be considered as an independent psychological - pedagogical category.

The difference in the goals of the project activity of the professional and the students determines the difference in the motivation of the project activity itself. A professional is guided by a combination of social and personal motives: professional duty and responsibility for one's work; receiving remuneration for the results of work, maintaining and achieving a certain social status in their professional group. In the project activities of students, social motives also play an important role and are essentially similar - the desire to get positive marks for their knowledge, competitive motives for self-affirmation in a peer group. But in the first place educational and cognitive motives come out: the desire to learn new things, the resolution of problem situations arising in the course of the project implementation to the cognitive motives of self-education and self-improvement.

The project activity of students consists of several phases:

    Generation of project ideas and ideal transformation of the object (subjectivation),

    Materialization of ideal constructions in the symbolic material of the project (objectification).

The same stages include professional project activities. But professional design activity is limited to this.

3. In the project activity of students, one more stage is presented - the final one, which performs the function of deploying the symbolic structure of the project, into the material embodiment of the idea (implementation) and its presentation. At the final stage of the project activity, the object of activity is adjusted, it is monitored and tested, the reality of the ideas, the feasibility of design decisions are checked in practice. In addition, at this stage, an economic feasibility study of the project and a mini - marketing research are carried out as required. It is important to prepare a project, but it is equally important to present it, show strengths, substantiate rationality, defend your position and present it favorably to the audience in the process of defending a creative project. The presence of the third stage allows us to talk about the project activities of students as an independent type of activity.

The project activity of students can be defined as a form of their educational and cognitive activity, which consists in achieving a consciously set goal of creating a creative project that ensures the unity and continuity of various aspects of the learning process and is a means of developing the child's personality.

The project activity of students is creative in nature. Creativity offers a person's creative abilities, as well as the possibility of obtaining and applying knowledge and skills in practice, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. To ensure the psychological conditions of creative activity, the main importance is not the object of knowledge, but the type of their assimilation, which, in turn, predetermines the ways of using and the breadth of transfer of the acquired knowledge. The project activity of students is precisely the type of assimilation of knowledge that sets numerous possibilities for using knowledge in various combinations, blurring the boundaries between school disciplines, bringing the application of school knowledge closer to real life situations.

For students, the result of creativity can have both objective (novelty for society) and subjective (novelty for the personality itself) novelty of personal or social significance. At the same time, a necessary component of creative activity is the search and application of original ways of solving practical problems. The creative nature of the project activities of students determines the humanization of the educational process: the actualization of the human factor in it through the strengthening of creative, moral, social foundations, the formation of a subjective position, which determines the development of the personality of students.

Thus, summing up the analysis of the definition of "project activity", having considered the positions of teachers and methodologists, it is important to note the importance of this method in the education system:

First of all, to

Develop students' independent critical thinking, the ability to work with information,

To teach to think based on knowledge of facts, laws of science, to draw well-grounded conclusions;

Make independent reasoned decisions;

To teach how to work in a team, fulfilling different social roles.

The listed intellectual and socially significant skills belong to the groups of competencies (according to the classification of I.A.Zimnyaya), to human activities and to social interaction of a person and the social sphere. Any research, intellectual activity is based on creative thinking, moreover, it is inconceivable without creative thought. And yet, if we are talking about creative activity, we mean the creative, author's intention and the author's vision of its implementation. Such creative work can be assessed only from the point of view of “acceptance - non-acceptance”. It is different with the project method: here there are clear assessment criteria, since scientific research methods and objective conditions for its implementation are used to consider the problem. The argumentation of the chosen position is based on concrete facts, theories, knowledge, observations, and experimental data.

The competent, conscious application of the project method in the joint activities of students and teachers can bring into the educational process a fundamentally different system of relationships compared to traditional teaching, a fundamentally different approach to the cognitive activity of students, based on respect for their intellectual and creative abilities, cooperation, and independent critical thinking.

The activities of the subjects of the design process at its various stages.

Student activities

Teacher activities


Determination of the topic, clarification of goals, starting position. Selection of the working group.

1. Clarify information.

2. Discuss the assignment.

1. Motivates learners.

2. Explains the objectives of the project.

3. Observes.


Analysis of the problem. Determination of sources of information. Statement of tasks and selection of criteria for evaluating results. Role distribution in the team.

1. Formulate tasks.

2. Clarify information (sources)

3.Choose and justify their criteria for success

1. Assists in analysis and synthesis (on request).

2. Observes.


Collection and clarification of information. discussion of alternatives ("brainstorming"). Choosing the best option. Clarification of action plans.

1. Work with information.

2. Conduct synthesis and analysis of ideas.

3. Do the research.

1. Observes.

2. Consults.


Project implementation.

1. Do research and work on a project.

2. prepare the project.

1. Observes.

2.Advice (on request)

Analysis of project performance, results achieved (successes and failures) and the reason for this. Analysis of the achievement of the set goal.

Participate in collective project introspection and self-assessment.

1. Observes.

Project defense

Preparation of the report; justification of the design process, an explanation of the design process, an explanation of the results obtained. Collective protection. Grade.

1.Protection of the project.

2. Participate in the collective assessment of the project results.

Participates in the collective analysis and evaluation of the project results.

So, having considered the concept of "project" and "project activity", "educational activity", we can draw the following conclusion. Project activity provides great opportunities for the development of attention, memory, imagination, and also contributes to the development of such qualities as introspection, self-control, independence.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students.

Modern society more and more insistently sets before teachers the task of developing personally significant qualities of students, and not just the transfer of knowledge. The humanization of education presupposes a value-based attitude towards the distinguishable personal manifestations of students. Knowledge, on the other hand, does not appear as a goal, but as a method, a means of personality development.

In modern society, there is a need for active people, active people who could quickly adapt to changing working conditions, perform work with optimal energy consumption, capable of self-education. To fulfill this social order, teachers turn to various teaching methods that combine the interests of society and the individual. In this regard, the project method is attracting more and more attention.

Design is one of the dimensions of culture. The concept of "project culture" is associated with project activities, its goal is to change the built environment surrounding a person. An example of its use is the educational area "Technology".

Project- this is a prototype, an ideal image of a supposed or possible object, state, in some cases - a plan, an idea of ​​some action. Until now, in most cases, the concept of "project" is considered as a type of professional activity. However, more and more often the project is used in a general scientific sense.

As I.I. Lyakhov, at present, the process of designing knowledge, culture and production has intensified (meaning the design development of research programs, creative plans, target programs, and management systems for economic, production, socio-cultural and other processes).

The program "Technology" gives the following definition: " Project- independent, creative, completed work of a student, performed under the guidance of a teacher. " This definition is supplemented by I.V. Yarominsky: " Project- completed creative work, corresponding to the level of training and age characteristics of the performers. " Analyzing the definition of other teachers, the author revealed that researchers consider the concept of "educational project" as a didactic means for enhancing cognitive activity, a form of organizing educational activities, educational and labor assignments, independent work.

The project method is a personality-oriented teaching method based on the independent activity of students to develop a problem and formulate the practical result of the development in some way. The method allows you to organize an appeal to the very experience of students, and also emphasizes the recognition of the universality, identity of each student. This is what corresponds to the idea of ​​humanization of education.

E.S. Polat notes the "project method" as a joint activity of a teacher and students, aimed at finding a solution to the problem that has arisen, problem situation

Thus, considering the concept of "project", we can note the following that the dictionaries give the following meanings of the word project:

1) technical documents - drawings, calculations, layouts of newly created buildings, structures, machines, devices, etc .;

2) preliminary text of any document, etc .;

3) plan, concept.

Each of these values ​​relates to a specific aspect of the project activity. From the didactic point of view, the most important and essential is the last of all the meanings given.

Project(from Lat. projectus - thrown forward) is a mental anticipation, forecasting of what will then be embodied in the form of a creative task.

In order to more clearly demonstrate the essence of project activity, we can propose a model that has received the name of the "black box" (T.V. Kudryavtsev uses the expression "problem box." -aesthetic, etc.) to the designed object, and “at the exit” a strictly defined result should be obtained (satisfying these requirements). The solution to the problem is the unknown that is hidden in the “black box”: the specific device of the object, the principle of its action, materials and methods of their processing (ensuring compliance with the set requirements), methods of work, etc. The search for a solution is the essence of the project activity.

With a non-project-based approach, a person acts either from memory, repeating well-learned, well-known ways of working, or (if this is a new activity) through trial and error, without first thinking about the connections that exist between the requirement and the result of the task. In the design approach, on the contrary, first of all, the principle of the device, the relationship and interaction of its parts is thought out. In accordance with this, everything else is determined: the shape, arrangement and interaction of parts, ways of working, etc.

Project-based teaching of students significantly changes the motivation of the student's educational activity, forming its positive orientation. In the process of completing a project, students develop an internal reward from the work process itself, a sense of achieving a result, the meaningfulness and significance of the work performed, self-esteem and recognition from others increase, and the expectation of success in defense.

The motivation for design and technology activities encourages students to more consciously study the basics of science. According to Hegel, "what is known is not yet known." It is in the project activity that each student finds himself work "spiritual" (KD Ushinsky), "from his heart" (U.H. Kilpatrick), "... an action performed from the heart and with a specific purpose" (E.G. . Kagan)

Methods for teaching project activities are purposeful and organized ways and techniques for performing educational creative projects that activate creative thinking, help develop the ability to solve new problems and contribute to more productive mental activity, purposeful conscious search for a solution to a problem, creating an ideal image and its objectification in a real product.

The main goal of teaching students the project method is as follows:

Developing students' independent critical thinking, the ability to work with information,

Ability to think based on knowledge of facts, laws of science, to draw well-grounded conclusions;

Making independent reasoned decisions;

Ability to work in a team, fulfilling different social roles.

When inviting a student to participate in the creation of a project, the teacher must take into account that this is a laborious process, therefore, project activities are used as a method of extracurricular work, especially if the project is of a research, interdisciplinary nature.

In the process of preparing a project, students also acquire communication skills, developed through direct communication in a group. Each of the listed communication systems dictates its own communication style.

Following these "rules" of interaction, students find themselves in an unusual communication environment. And it is the method of project activity (as a method of out-of-class work), which requires the search for information, active interaction of interlocutors in the group, that develops the ability to communicate as an integral part of the student's personal development.

Unconventional methods, combined with traditional ones, are fundamentally changing the technology of teaching. They awaken the cognitive activity of students, contribute to the formation of independence in thinking and project activity.

So, considering the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, it is important to note that in the process of organizing the methods of project activities, when organizing educational design, the teacher can carry out an individual, differentiated approach to students. For this, design assignments of various levels of complexity are used. They can be divided into several groups: reproductive tasks for reproduction according to the model; search tasks, usually associated with the improvement of the design of already known objects creative tasks aimed at creating new objects

The value of design activities in technology lessons

Technology lesson project is always a solution to a design problem. Such a task, by its very nature, is associated with search activity, with the solution of the problem that has arisen. Therefore, it is advisable to consider a project in the educational process as a special case of problem learning.

The "core" of the project activity is precisely the stage of the mental solution of the task. As for such fashionable components as a business case, "mini-marketing" research, information support, self-presentation, and others recommended in some methods, they are generally beyond the scope of the project itself. This provision is important to consider

Designing as a method of cognition should provide students with practical assistance in realizing the role of knowledge in life and learning, when it ceases to be a goal, but becomes a means in true education, helping to master the culture of thinking. It is also aimed at the psychophysical, moral and intellectual development of students, the activation of their inclinations and abilities, essential forces and vocations, the inclusion of successful labor activity and the system of universal values, the formation and satisfaction of their activity and cognitive needs and needs, consciousness of conditions for self-determination, creative self-expression and continuing education.

At the same time, as noted by well-known modern scientists (I.A. development in general and education in particular.

Reforming the content of school education opens up wide horizons for the implementation of the above approach. In addition, the enrichment of the educational process with the educational area "Technology" involves the development of project activities already from elementary school in the process of performing educational creative projects.

In outlining the theory of project methods, one cannot fail to mention the name of the American educator Collings, whose works reflected the pedagogical ideas of D. Dewey and W.C. Kilpatrick. In his work, The American School's Experience of the Project Method, he gives examples of various projects being carried out by students in various sections of the curriculum:

    teaches to planned work;

    gives the ability to weigh all the circumstances, take into account difficulties;

    to teach to observe, to check oneself in the course of work;

    teaches to independence.

When inviting students to participate in the creation of a project, the teacher must take into account that this is a time-consuming process, therefore, project activities are also used as a method of extracurricular work.

The method of project activity (as a method of extracurricular work), which requires the search for information, active interaction of interlocutors in the group, develops the ability to communicate as an integral part of the personal development of students.

The special value of creative projects in the dissemination of previously acquired knowledge.

NS. Polat believes that the development of the cognitive, creative skills of students, the ability to independently concentrate their knowledge and navigate in the information space, and the development of critical thinking lie at the heart of the project method.

The organization of project activities for students includes both individual and group work.

There are different approaches to project classification. NS. Polat proposed the following typological features of projects that underlie the classification:

1. By the nature of the dominant activity in the project:

Search engine (search project)

Research (research project)

Creative (creative project)

Role-playing (game project)

Applied (practice-oriented project)

Introductory and indicative.

2. By the nature of contacts (among the participants of one school, class, city, region).

3. By the number of project participants (individual, group, collective, mass).

4. By the duration of the project (long-term, short-term).
The project method is based on the subject - the subjective relationship between all participants in the pedagogical process. With this approach, the teacher acts as a consultant, a partner, he does not lead the student into learning, but accompanies him.

Being engaged in project activities, completing projects, students not only receive some specific knowledge, skills, and personal development, receive the necessary charge for future self-determination.

N.M. Konysheva - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on project activity says that the concept of project activity is being actively introduced into scientific and practical use. This is especially noticeable in the educational field "Technology". But in the educational materials created in recent years, attention is focused on the external, formal side of these concepts; there is no deep understanding of what can be achieved by fully introducing this type of activity into the curriculum.

In general, the process of students' creative activity can be divided into stages: the emergence of an idea or a creative task; solving this problem; implementation in practice.

Matyash N.V., Simonenko V.D. there are the following methods of design and technological training:

Verbal techniques are based on the wealth, expressiveness and versatility of oral speech. The use of verbal teaching methods presupposes that the teacher has good diction and culture of speech. An important role is played by the tempo, clarity, clarity, brevity, expressiveness, imagery, emotionality of speech.

The main techniques and methods of verbal learning are story, explanation, lecture, conversation, discussion, instruction.

    Demonstration is a set of teacher's actions, which consists in showing students the objects themselves or their models, as well as in presenting them with certain phenomena or processes with an appropriate explanation of their essential features.

    Practical methods associated with the implementation of creative projects by students and provide for the maximum of their independence and activity. Particular attention is paid to compliance with safety regulations.

Practical work requires a significant amount of study time.

    Self-observation as a teaching method used in the long-term study of technological processes in natural conditions. This method can be used to study the course of a technological process, operating modes, the operation of machines, equipment, etc.

    Independent work of students with literature on the topic of the project is one of the ways to independently acquire, consolidate and deepen the necessary special knowledge.

    Exercise method. Its essence consists in the purposeful repetition of short, focused, actions, techniques for performing individual operations. It is used to form and practice working techniques, eliminate unnecessary movements, correct mistakes. The following requirements apply to the exercises: expediency, conscientiousness and consistency.

    Historical method. Creative projects are developed based on the study of previous work carried out on this issue. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the historical stages of the emergence and development of certain technological systems and objects. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the idea that any object is crowned with a chain of thoughts, inventions, patient efforts of a person. This gives technology a true moral, human and educational value. This method involves familiarizing students with historical documents, materials, exhibits, works of art, etc.

    Innovative (unconventional) methods:

1. Method of creative projects- it is a flexible teaching system, a model for organizing the educational process .. Oriented to the creative self-realization of the student's personality through the development of his intellectual and physical capabilities, volitional qualities and creative abilities and the process of creating new goods or services under the teacher's control. Possessing subjective or objective novelty and having practical significance. This process involves the implementation of educational creative

2. Design Analysis various objects in order to study their properties and characteristics. The design analysis should answer the questions: “Why is this product the way it is? What are the principles underlying its work? "

3.Morphological analysis method lies in the fact that in a technical system, several characteristics characteristic of it are distinguished. For each feature, several possible options (alternatives) are made. Alternative options are sorted out, making up various combinations of them. Thus, new options for solving problems will be highlighted.

Morphological analysis provides for the following stages of solving the problem:

selection of all parameters that are significant for each of the options for solving the problem; estimation of the rank and scale for each of the parameters (factors);

expert assessment in points of the significance of each of the factors within the selected scale;

addition of expert assessments for all parameters and determination of the most suitable option based on the sum of points.

The morphological analysis method can be used to compile a list of all possible solutions to a problem, to compare or select one of many possible solutions to technological, organizational and other problems of manufacturing a product or providing a service.

4. Brainstorming method is also one of the most effective ways to solve creative problems in project activities. The essence of this method is based on the psychological effect of a chain reaction of ideas during a brainstorming session, which leads to an intellectual explosion.

The organization of the brainstorming method includes the following steps:

Divide students into 2 groups - a group of "idea generators" and a group of "experts".

Introduce a rule prohibiting criticism of any idea, no matter how “wild” it may seem.

Brainstorm. During the allotted time, the "generators" should give out as many ideas as possible, which are recorded in the protocol or on magnetic tape.

“Experts” should carry out expertise and selection of ideas that will most contribute to the solution of the problem posed.

Thus, the method of direct brainstorming is carried out. There is also a reverse brainstorming method, the purpose of which is to identify all kinds of flaws in the object in question. This object is attacked by unlimited criticism of experts, which makes it possible to identify and eliminate its possible shortcomings.

5. Focal Object Method refers to associative methods
search for technological solutions. The word "focal" means
that the object is the focus of your attention.

The essence of the method is that the signs of several randomly selected objects are transferred to the improved object, as a result of which unusual combinations are obtained that allow to overcome psychological inertia.

The method gives good results when searching for new modifications of known methods and devices. Moreover, it can be used to train the imagination.

This method provides for the following stages of solving the problem:

1. Analysis of the conditions of the problem, determination of the shortcomings of the original object.

2. Selecting several random items that are not related to the task.

3. Determination and recording in the table of six to ten signs of random objects.

4. Generation (inventing) new solutions by combining the features of random objects with the original object, development and analysis of the solutions obtained.

6. Functional cost analysis - it is a method of systematic research of an object aimed at reducing costs in the field
design, production and operation while maintaining the quality and usefulness of the facility for the consumer.

The purpose of the method is to determine non-productive costs or costs that do not provide either quality, utility, durability, appearance, or other requirements for a future project.

Functional value analysis is especially useful in studying the economic aspects of project activities.

7. Algorithmic method aimed at solving problems in a strictly
a certain sequence * Direction, research character and activation of thinking are achieved in this case by focusing on the ideal final product.

The essence of this method is that when comparing the ideal and the real, it is possible to identify a technological contradiction or its cause and eliminate them by going through a relatively small number of options using an already existing sequence of actions.

1) Task selection. 2) Building a model of the problem 3) Analysis of the model of the problem. 4) Elimination of physical contradiction. 5) Preliminary assessment of the received solution. 6) Development of the received answer. 7) Analysis of the course of the solution.

8. Information support method in project learning can
be widely used in the following areas:

selection of themes and project objects (automated project bank);

selection of materials and tools (automated morphological tables);

search for manufacturing technology of objects (automated schemes, drawings, descriptions, tables);

design of objects using a computer, design of a creative project; .l Internet access in order to compare foreign analogs.

    Time constraint method based on taking into account the “belt factor in the process of activity: depending on individual differences, time constraints can cause an increase in activity and the achievement of better results.

    Sudden prohibition method consists in the fact that it is
    stage, it is forbidden to use mechanisms (parts, etc.) in their actions, which leads to the destruction of familiar stamps in design activities, the possibility of using well-known types of devices, assemblies, parts.

    Speed ​​sketching method involves drawing everything that the student represents at one time or another of the design. In the process of using the technique, it is required to draw sketches of emerging ideas as often as possible. This contributes to a stricter control of their activities, regulation through images of the process of design creativity.

    New Variants Method lies in the requirement to perform the task in a different way, to find new options for its implementation, when there are several solutions.

    Information saturation method is based on the inclusion of unnecessary information in the initial condition of the problem.

    Information deficiency method consists in the fact that the initial condition of the problem is presented with an obvious lack of data. It is used when the task of special activity is set at the first stages of the students' project activities.

    Method of the absurd lies in the fact that it is proposed to solve a deliberately impossible design problem (construction of a perpetual motion machine, etc.). ,

    Recodification method creates new and original ideas related to the factor of "translation" of the phenomenon, is based on the concept of "matrix of discoveries". Recodification can be defined as the transition from one language to another. It cannot be the language of all recodifications. It can also be a graphical representation, diagrams, tables, diagrams (Fridman L.M., Pidkasisty P.I.).

In the process of teaching students to perform creative projects, methods of group solution of creative problems can be successfully applied.

17. Delphi method helps to choose the best alternative from the offered series. To do this, the team members are required to assess each alternative in a specific sequence.

18.Method "black box" involves solving problems by analyzing specific situations, which are selected in such a way that when analyzing them, the participants in the discussion involuntarily raise the issues of the occurrence of defects. Participants are encouraged to do this by special questions, for example: "What can this situation lead to?", "How stable is the mechanism?" etc.

19. Method 6-6: For 6 minutes at least 6 members of the quality group try to formulate specific ideas that should contribute to solving the specific problem at hand. Each participant writes down their thoughts on a separate sheet in a concise form, after which a group discussion of all prepared lists is organized. In the process of discussion, clearly erroneous ones are eliminated, controversial opinions are clarified, the rest are grouped according to certain criteria. The task is to select several important alternatives, and their number should be less than the number of participants in the discussion.

20. Contests of creative projects are conducted at the level of an educational institution, district, city, region (region), republic. Students not only submit completed projects to competitions, but also defend them. These competitions stimulate student activity in technology learning, as well as increase the responsibility of teachers for the quality of the educational process.

The inclusion of students in project activities for both teachers and students is a new phenomenon. And mastering something new is always accompanied by difficulties, various psychological barriers appear.

First-time design students face many challenges. The main thing is that there is no usual instruction and reproduction of the finished sample. They also face problems that do not have a single correct solution.

Students try to copy, so they start asking a lot of questions, asking to be provided with a ready-made sample, and then reproducing it. For many students it is very difficult to come up with something, create something of their own, new, previously unknown to them. To remove such a barrier, you can recommend the method of free discussion, "brainstorming", imitation games, since children have a very big fear of doing something wrong. This is accompanied by a fear of lower grades.

The student must understand that even a weak solution is significantly better than no solution, that striving for a result leads to a solution to the problem.

It is in this type of activity that the vocabulary of students includes such statements as - "I think so ...", and "I guess because ...", "It seems to me that ...".

Pupils should not, they are afraid to turn to the teacher for help in a timely manner, the child should not have such fear.

Design classes should take place in a relaxed atmosphere, preferably even placing participants in a circle.

These and other techniques will help to remove those psychological barriers that arise in the process of performing creative projects.

What are the advantages of project activity? Students see the end result in front of them - this develops the creativity and abilities of the students; teaches them to solve new problems for them; professional self-determination, since it is when performing a creative assignment that students think about the question: what am I capable of, where to apply my knowledge, what else needs to be learned. Differentiation of teaching is included in the design, that is, when choosing a project topic, the real capabilities of students are taken into account: it is more difficult for the strong, it is easier for the weak; instills in students vital knowledge.

After analyzing the literature, we can say that the project method has been studied and worked out poorly, especially for younger students, there are negligible teaching aids

Younger school age is the initial stage of entering project activities, laying the foundation for further mastery of the project. The content of students' project activities is formed by selecting available material that introduces students to the world of technology. Therefore, this initial stage of project education of students can be called "Introduction to project activities."

By the end of training in primary school age, students identify all three stages in project activity, realizing the operations related to all stages of project activity.

The result of the training should be:

    strengthening in every child faith in himself, in his ability to learn and transform the world;

    development in children of a sense of beauty, joy from something they have done for their relatives, friends and other people.

We have described the main elements of the process of teaching students creative project activities. Educational design should be considered as an educational and production experiment, two very important aspects of the inquiry process. In one case, it is a teaching method, in the other, it is a means of practical application of acquired knowledge and skills. Thus, project activity is the link between the theory of "tactics in technological education of students."

The technology for the implementation of creative projects involves a number of sequential operations: justification and selection of the project, the choice of design and materials for manufacturing, environmental justification, economic calculation, manufacturing technology. This organizes the activities of children, gives it an independent character. The ability to influence the progress of the project, to change it according to one's own design activates the personal position of students, forms the idea of ​​a person as a subject of labor.

Lessons with elements of project activity ensure the intellectualization of technological learning, attract children not only with the opportunity to master new labor operations for them, but also with the ability to reason, make decisions, carry out an intellectual search, that is, they correspond to the standards of developmental education.

The problem of developing industriousness and enhancing the motivation of labor activity is extremely urgent at the present time: firstly, labor activity is necessary for the full-fledged physical and psychological development of a person; secondly, a student who is deprived of hard work is not adapted to the world of adults, to an independent life; thirdly, the child's lack of the need for feasible, systematic work. Deprives him of the joy of life and often leads to personality degradation. The participation of children in various forms of labor activity has a significant impact on the process of assimilating knowledge.

Thus, technological learning, which is based on project activities, forms an adequate understanding of work at the conceptual and activity level, contributes to the development of industriousness as a character trait.

Organization of design activities.

A positive aspect in preparing students for project activities is the implementation of design exercises. They represent creative tasks to improve the object of labor proposed by the teacher in three directions accessible to children: the usefulness of the product, its reliability (strength) and aesthetics.

Project activities include the following components:

    Definition of the problem and a short statement of the problem.

    Putting forward initial ideas.

    Analysis, selection and justification of the best ideas.

    Working out one idea.

    Execution of the technological process.

    Assessment and defense of the project.

So, each highlighted component has its own characteristics. The role of the teacher and the level of independence of the students at each stage of the project is different. In defining the problem and formulating the problem, the teacher plays the leading role. The teacher organizes the work on the advancement of initial ideas, but they offer an option: the students themselves. The defense of the project is organized and carried out by the teacher, and the students independently defend their project.

The number of classes required to complete a creative project may vary depending on the degree of complexity of the project task, the individual style of the student's activity, the form of implementation (collective, individual, group).

Before choosing a project topic, it is advisable to write 15-20 project names on the blackboard, and in the class to create a bank of creative projects so that each child has the opportunity to choose the one that he wants and can do.

Authors of the textbook "National-regional component of the Republic of Kazakhstan in technology lessons in primary school" N.N. Novikova and E.E. Bugaeva note that it is very important already in the second grade to teach students to draw up a reference scheme for thinking, i.e. general plan of activities for the implementation of the project. The overall rating for a creative project includes an assessment for the quality of the product, adherence to the rules of safe work and protection of the project. The main thing in project activities is to increase students' confidence that they can create beautiful things, preserve their individuality, and the ability to create something on their own.

It is possible to use a rating assessment, when, before defending a project, the teacher prepares individual cards for each teacher. It is filled in during the defense itself. We invite you to familiarize yourself with two options for such an assessment of design work.

Table # 1

Assessing a student's project __________________

Assessment of work

Protection Assessment

Phimilia, name

The relevance and novelty of the proposed solutions, the complexity of the topic.

The volume of developments and the number of proposed solutions.

Reality and practical value


The quality of the note

Environmental justification

Economic justification

Quality of the report

The manifestation of the depth and breadth of knowledge on the topic

The manifestation of the depth and breadth of knowledge on the subject

Answers to the teacher's questions

Answers to students' questions

Assessment of the speaker's creativity

Final grade (point)

180-220 - excellent;

120 - 175 - good;

90 - 115 - satisfactory;

Less than 80 is bad.

Table 2

Evaluating a Student Project __________________

Class _____________________________________________________

on the subject ________________________________________________

Achieved result of 15 points

Registration of 15 points


Design process

15-point performance

Answers to questions from 15 points

Intellectual activity of 10 points

Creativity out of 10 points

Practical activity of 15 points

Ability to work in a team of 15 points


Teammates (class)

Lesson planning

When organizing project activities on the basis of a structural model, it is necessary to correlate the stages (steps) with the number of sessions. An approximate scheduling of hours for the production of the project is being developed. The calculation of the number of hours is determined individually, depending on the specifics of the educational institution (school, interschool educational complex) and the total number of hours for technology lessons.

After planning the teaching hours for the project, the teacher draws up a plan for each lesson. The methodology and structure of the lessons are determined by the type of lesson. We offer a methodology for conducting classes related to the project activities of students.

Lesson plan. Lesson topic: "Search for different project options and their analysis."

The goal is the formation of knowledge about the methods of searching for product variants and analysis.

educational:- formation of a methodology for searching for project options;

    the formation of new terms: quantitative and qualitative analysis;

    continue the formation of students' knowledge about the concepts: search and analysis;

    developing students' skills in analysis;


    continue the development of thought analysis;

    continue to foster interest in project activities;


    fostering activity in the implementation of projects;

    education of critical thinking;

Lesson type - learning new material.

Equipment: notebook; pencils; a pen; stand "We are designing".

    Organizational moment - 2 "

    Homework check - 4 "

    Motivation and actualization - 4 "

    Communication of new knowledge - 16 "

    Initial knowledge test - 3 "

    Consolidation of knowledge - 6 "

    Summing up the results of the lesson - 2 "

    Homework Information - 3 "

Lesson structure

    Organizing time.

    Homework check.

On the basis of the previous lesson "Analysis of the sphere of human activity and the choice of the project" check the choice of students of the project product.

Motivation and actualization.

Motivation is built on the basis of the section of this publication "Motivation of students' project activities." Updating - based on previously studied material.

The teacher asks questions:

What is a project?

What is the design process?

List the main design stages.

What needs to be done after choosing a project?

    Communication of new knowledge.

Search as a kind of human activity.

Exercise for 1-2 minutes (on your own). Draw some kind of doorknob in a notebook. Check and select multiple options.

Analysis as a kind of human activity.

Analysis type.

What is search?

What is analysis?

Compare them.

What is the difference?

6. Consolidation of knowledge.

How to search for variants of the Hanger design product?

Analyze the handle using a different criterion.

    Summing up the lesson.

What's new about the design process?

Why is this necessary?

    Homework information.

Search and analyze different options for your product design and arrange on sheets of A4 paper (for a project folder).

The inclusion of junior schoolchildren in project activities changes their attitude towards labor activity, forms a value attitude towards it. The construction of the image of labor begins with the idea of ​​the subject of labor, an active worker.

Considering the organization and methodology of teaching grade 2 students on the implementation of creative projects, it is important to note that in the process of organizing project activities, it is necessary to take into account the personal skills of project activities, it is important to take into account age characteristics and conditions for the organization, which consist in creating an atmosphere of goodwill, the location of educational material in the "zone nearest development ".

The analysis of labor training programs showed that the programs have opportunities for using project activities in labor training lessons aimed at familiarizing with the arts and crafts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors of the program in technology lessons do not use all methods of design and technological teaching.

Organization of training project activities in grade 5

Target: organize and test project activities in grade 5.



types of tasks

form of organization

a summary of the theoretical part

number of hours


Introduction to design activities

To form in students the concept of creative project activity, its content

Fostering discipline,

the formation of cognitive interest in the subject.

working with a bank of project ideas

the essence of the concept of "creative project". History of disclosure of plans for future activities.


drawing up and thinking through ideas with parents, looking at books, drawing up a plan of schemes, a bank of project ideas

Research of motives for choosing a project

stimulation of theoretical search,

mastering teamwork skills,

development of independence

drawing up a "thinking group", analysis of the proposed options for ideas, instructions.

analysis of the problem: why there was such a need, what needs to be done to solve it


drawing up a plan of schemes, bank of project ideas

Process planning: choosing the best idea. Determination of product quality control criteria

Acquaintance with the ways of project activity,

development of elements of technical thinking.

Formation of the skill of a creative approach to solving the task

Selection of materials and tools. Making sketches of the future product

How best to do the job, what tools and materials are needed, TB work, the choice of national technologies

Manufacturing of a product (with the help of a consultant)

Creation of a conceived product,

fostering a culture of work, developing the skills of accuracy in work,

development of independence and activity

direct execution of the task

Specification of methods of activity, control over the implementation of the product, individual and collective instruction

prepare materials and tools, devices, activity flow diagrams, instruction cards

Protection of creative projects

ability to summarize work performance

fostering activity and creative thinking

developing the ability to speak in front of an audience

analysis of the work performed, making the necessary changes. Protection of creative projects

generalization of the work performed, answers to students' questions

prepare additional equipment for a creative project

To study the features of the organization of project activities, we compiled a map of observations. The following indicators were highlighted:

1. Ability to work in a team (make a single decision),

2. Ability to bring interesting and creative ideas and defend them.

3. Ability to actively engage in work in the course of the project,

4. Ability to work, be careful about work,

5. Ability to show independence,

6. Ability to sum up the results of the work speaking to the audience.

Evaluation criteria:

3 points - the skill is formed,

2 points - the skill is partially formed,

1 point - the skill is not formed.


Having considered the concept of "project" and "project activity", we can note that the most complete definition is given by I.V. Yarominsky, since in his concept he includes the main characteristics of this method, while taking into account the age aspect of school-age children, and their features of cognitive development. Further, we consider it appropriate to consider the methods of teaching project activities.

Studying the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of younger students, it is important to note that in the process of organizing the methods of project activities, in organizing educational design, the teacher can carry out an individual, differentiated approach to students. For this, design assignments of various levels of complexity are used. They can be divided into several groups: reproductive tasks for reproduction according to the model; search tasks, associated, as a rule, with the improvement of the design of already known objects, creative tasks aimed at creating new objects, while in younger students the arbitrariness of cognitive processes will develop, and the development of such qualities as independence, self-control, introspection. Project work is the highest work of the educational activity of students and is a component of a holistic pedagogical process, therefore, such functions as educational, educational, and developmental are inherent in it. To improve the quality of education, the development of the cognitive enthusiasm of students, interest in the subject is of particular importance. Trainers should understand what is the point of studying the proposed material. Moreover, modern students have the right to wish their learning activities to be interesting and satisfying.

The development of the cognitive activity of teachers is facilitated by the use of technologies of various types, types and forms of project work in the classroom. However, it is not enough to provide motivation for learning and arouse the student's cognitive interest. It is necessary further, firstly, to clearly understand the goals of training and, secondly, to show how these goals can be achieved.

We offer a bank of projects for 5th grade teachers.

When making projects, it is desirable to use a variety of materials.

/. House

    Keychain - bottle opener.

    Hot stand.

  1. Nail Retainer

    in the desired position.


7 Tackles.

  1. Napkins.

//. Leisure

    Toys for different ages.

    Dumbbells (collapsible).

    Stand for books.

    Tool storage stand.

  1. Application.


  1. Potholders for the dining room.

IV... Orders of enterprises, organizations

1 birdhouses

3. Children's shoulder blades.

4.. Toys.

It is advisable for the teacher to arrange a stand or corner related to the project activities of schoolchildren.

    algorithm of project activities;

    analogues of the problem solution and the choice of the project;

    sample project options (bank of projects);

    methodology of economic justification (examples and calculation).

    requirements for the implementation of projects.

May also be supplemented with other information based on this publication.

The information is drawn up on sheets of paper and is mainly replaceable as the project is developed and carried out. After the student completes any stage (step), the teacher must change the information on the stand, posting a new one for further work on the project.

Practical advice for the teacher

    A teacher is not a walking encyclopedia, but an assistant, an advisor to students on the independent acquisition of knowledge and skills.

    Do not try absolutely everything and fully disclose or achieve everything in one project.

    The teacher and the student must know that there is no absolutely correct, concrete solution to the problem, the problem associated with the production of the project.

    Not everything needs to be completed in stages (steps); it is necessary to clearly understand what to demand from students on the basis of their individual, age and physiological capabilities.

    Each student has a different life experience on which he relies in his activities.

    Keep in mind when working that any design is almost always carried out in conditions of a shortage of resources (material, time, information, financial, etc.).

    Students' grade for a project is based on a synthesis of theory and practice.

    The teacher makes conclusions about the overestimated or underestimated self-assessments of the authors of the projects individually in conversation with the students.


1. Age and educational psychology. Ed. A.V. Petrovsky, 1983.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Educational Psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydov. M .: pedagogy, 1991.

3.P.Ya. Galperin Questions of psychology. 1996.- № 4.

4. Gribova L.S. Decorative and applied art of the Komi peoples. Moscow 1996.

5.Gribova L.S. Komi folk art. Syktyvkar, 1973.

6. Zhuravleva A.P. Labor training M, Ave., 1982.

7.Kanev V.F. Applied art of the Komi people - Syktyvkar, 1994.

8.Kleiman T.V. Children about the culture of the Komi peoples. 4.1. Creative development of schoolchildren in the process of getting acquainted with the decorative and applied art of the Komi / Methodical recommendations / - Syktyvkar, 1994.

9.Kleiman T.V. For children about the culture of the Komi peoples Ch.Z: Creative development of schoolchildren in the process of acquaintance with the modern culture of the Komi people / Methodical recommendations / - Syktyvkar, 1994.

10. Kleiman T.V. Children about the culture of the Komi peoples. 4.4: Entertaining forms of consolidating the knowledge of schoolchildren about the Komi culture / Guidelines / - Syktyvkar, 1994.

11.Klimova G.N. Local names for ornamental motives among the Komi peoples. Syktyvkar, 1976.

12.Lebedeva L.I., Ivanova E.V. The method of projects in productive learning // School technologies - 2002.- №5.

13.Lynda A.S. Methods of labor training M, Ave., 1977.

15.Pilyugina S.A. The method of project activity on the Internet and its developmental possibilities // School technologies. - 2002. - No. 2.

16. Traditional culture of the Komi people: Ethnographic essays. Syktyvkar: Komi Book Publishing House, 1994.

17. Fedoskina O. V. Educational opportunities of technology of design and research activity // Primary school "plus before and after" 2004.- № 11.

18.Chernyshenko I. D. Labor education of schoolchildren - M :, 1981.

19. "School of Masters" - T.M. Geronimus.

20. Drambyan et al. "Practice" .- 2003.- No. 6.- P. 26-27.

6th grade Lesson summary.

Section: Wood processing technology

Lesson topic:

Goals: educational: expanding students' ideas about the technological processes of modern production;

educational: instill the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing labor techniques;

developing: develop skills in using cutting and measuring tools in the process of turning cylindrical parts.

Lesson methods:

conversation with the consolidation of the material;

independent work of students under the supervision of a teacher.

Labor object: potato grinder.

Interdisciplinary connections: drawing - product drawing;

Material and technical equipment:

    Training workshop equipment: workbenches, machines STD120M.

    Tools and fixtures: sets of cutters, rulers, calipers, pencils, sandpaper, hacksaw.

    The standard of the manufactured part.

    Workpieces prepared for clamping in the centers of the lathe.

    Technological map of the manufacture of the product.

    The Potato Maker table.

    Table and safety instructions when working on a lathe for woodworking.

Literature for the teacher:

    I.A.Karabanov Technology of wood processing: 5-9 class. - M., Education, 1995.

    V.I.Kovalenko, V.V. Kulenenok Objects of labor: 6 class. A guide for the teacher. - M., Education, 1991.

During the classes:

    Organizational part(3 min)

    1. Greeting students and checking attendance

      Checking work clothes and readiness for employment.

      Appointment of attendants.

      Lesson topic announcement: Turning cylindrical parts (students write the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook).

      Lesson goal declaration: Learn how to turn cylindrical parts.

2. Repetition of the passed material (7 min)

2.1. Questions to the group:

a) Name and show the main parts of a woodworking lathe?

b) Name and show the devices used to secure the workpiece.

c) What determines the choice of the fixture used to fix the workpiece?

d) How should the workpiece be prepared for turning?

    Posting marks for answers.

3. Explanation of the new material (15 min)

    A story about the types and purpose of cutters (chisels) for rough and finish turning of wood, turning techniques.

The main tools for turning are cutters: a semicircular chisel for rough turning and an oblique chisel for finishing.

The lathe chisel is held with two hands, moving along the handcuff. For the first pass, shavings with a thickness of 1 ... 2 mm are removed from the middle of the blade of a semicircular chisel. Further turning is performed with the side parts of the blade when the chisel moves both to the left and to the right.

After 2 ... 3 minutes of work, stop the machine and check the fastening of the workpiece.

When it remains to remove 3 ... 4 mm before reaching the required diameter, finishing turning begins. The oblique chisel is installed on the edge with an obtuse downward angle. The shavings are cut with the middle and lower part of the blade.

An oblique chisel is also used for end trimming. It is placed with an acute angle downward and a shallow incision is made at the risk. Then, stepping back a little to the right or left (depending on which end is trimmed), tilt the chisel and cut a part of the workpiece onto a cone. this operation is repeated several times until a neck with a diameter of 8 ... 10 mm remains.

Control of the diameter of a cylindrical part is carried out with a caliper (or vernier caliper) after stopping the machine, and in several places.

The straightness of the surface is revealed with a ruler or square in the light.

Write down in a notebook:

Turning tools:

a) a semicircular chisel - for rough turning;

b) oblique chisel - for finishing turning.

Control and measuring instruments:

a) calipers or vernier calipers;

b) a ruler or square.

    A story about the sequence of work in the manufacture of products on a lathe.

The production of parts with several cylindrical surfaces is performed in a specific sequence.

First, using a semicircular chisel, the workpiece is given a cylindrical shape. Then, turning off the machine, mark the length with a ruler and a pencil. Turning on the machine, shallow cuts are made along the marking lines with an oblique chisel and processing of individual sections begins. In the process of turning, the quality and dimensions of the cylindrical surface are periodically controlled.

The parts are sanded with a sandpaper at the highest spindle speed, polished with a bar of harder wood.

Then the part is removed from the machine and the allowances are cut off with a hacksaw. The ends are cleaned with a file and (or) sandpaper.

3.3. A story about the organization of work and the rules of labor safety when working on a lathe for woodworking, the rational placement of tools, the rules of careful handling of tools, devices and a lathe.

3.4. Securing new material.

Questions to the group:

a) What tool is used for turning work?

b) In what sequence are cylindrical parts made?

c) How are rough and finish turning performed?

4. Introductory briefing(20 minutes)

      Demonstration of a reference product and analysis of the manufacturing technology map.

      Bringing to students the schedule of work on machines.

      Demonstration of working techniques for turning (using the example of making a potato grinder) with a commentary on the observed safety rules and with the implementation of self-control.

5. Independent work of students(30 minutes)

Ongoing student briefing is in the process of targeted walks.

First round : check the organization of workplaces and compliance with safe working practices.

Second workaround: check the correctness of the implementation of labor techniques and the technological sequence of operations.

Third workaround: check the correctness of the sizes and the exercise of self-control by the students. Carry out acceptance and evaluation of works.

6. Final briefing(5 minutes)

6.1. Analysis of typical errors and their causes.

6.2. Student assessment message.

6.3. Homework: prepare and bring a birch blank 45x45x260 to the next lesson.

7. Cleaning of workplaces(10 min)

1.Introduction ………………………………………………………………… .4

2.Theoretical foundations of teaching project activities

in technology lessons Concept of project activity …………………………………………………………… 5

4. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students ... ... .. 9

5. The value of project activities in technology lessons …………………………………………………………… 11

6. Organization of design activities …………………… 19

7. Conclusion ……………………………………………………… ..27

eight. . Project Bank ………………………………………………… .27

9.List of used literature …………………………………………………………… ..30

11. Lesson notes ………………………………………………………………… 31

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Theme:Project activities in technology lessons.

PDA listener:Pavlenko L.I.,

teacher of technology MBOU "Sakskaya

secondary school number 2 "of the Republic of Crimea

Simferopol - 2015


    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ..3

    Historical background about the emergence of the design method ..................... 3

    Characteristics of project activities …………………………………… 5

    Implementation of projects in technology lessons ……………………………… ..8

    1. Goals and objectives of projects in technology lessons …………………………… 8

      Subjectprojects and requirements for the selection of design objects …… .9

      Stagesproject activities ……………………………………………… 12

    Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… .13

    List of used literature ………………………………………… ... 14

1. Introduction

The modern educational process is inconceivable without the search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote the development of students' creative abilities, the formation of self-development and self-education skills, these requirements are fully met by project activities in the educational process at technology lessons.

Design as a special kind of activity is based on the natural ability of a person to mentally create models. The implementation of creative projects contributes to the development of the personality of not only students, but also teachers who take part in project activities, provides them with new opportunities to improve their professional skills, further deepening pedagogical cooperation, which ultimately helps to optimize the educational process and increases the effectiveness of learning.

Project activities interest students if they know that their project will be in demand, choosing the topic of the project and carrying it out, students learn to identify the needs of applying their efforts, find opportunities for the manifestation of their initiative, abilities, knowledge and skills, test themselves in real business, show dedication and perseverance.
2. Historical background on the origin of the design method

Project methodis not fundamentally new in world pedagogy.Project methodoriginated at the beginning of the last century in the United States. He was also called the method of problems, and he associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and teacherJ. Dewey as well as his studentW.H. Kilpatrick.

J. Dewey proposed to build learning on an active basis, through the expedient activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interest in this particular knowledge. This is where the problem, taken from real life, familiar and significant for the child, is important, for the solution of which he needs to apply the acquired knowledge. The teacher can suggest new sources of information, or he can simply direct the students' thought in the right direction for an independent search, stimulate children's interest in certain problems that involve the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities involving the solution of one or a number of problems, show the practical application of the knowledge gained ... In other words, from theory to practice, the combination of academic knowledge with pragmatic ones with the appropriate balance at each stage of training.

In order for a student to perceive knowledge as really necessary, he needs to set himself and solve a problem that is significant for him. The external result can be seen, comprehended, applied in practice. Internal result: work experience, combine knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

Project methodattracted the attention of Russian teachers. The ideas of project-based teaching arose in Russia practically in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the guidance of a Russian teacherS.T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees was organized, trying to actively use project methods in teaching practice. Later, already under Soviet rule, these ideas began to be widely introduced into schools, but not sufficiently thought out and consistently. After the revolution of 1917, the young Soviet state had enough other problems: expropriation, industrialization, collectivization ... In 1931, by the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the project method was condemned, and its use in school was prohibited.

There are several nricin,for which the project method could not prove itself:

there were no teachers capable of working with projects;there was no developed methodology for project activities;excessive enthusiasm for the "project method" was at the expense of other teaching methods;The “project method” was illiterately combined with the idea of ​​“complex programs”;grades and certificates were canceled, and individual tests that existed before were replaced by collective tests for each of the completed assignments.

In the USSR, the project method was not in a hurry to revive the school, but in the English-speaking countries - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand - they were actively and very successfully used. In Europe, it has taken root in schools in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland and many other countries. Of course, there have been changes over time; the method itself did not stand still, the idea was overgrown with technological support, detailed pedagogical developments appeared that made it possible to transfer the project method from the category of pedagogical “works of art” to the category of “practical techniques”. Born from the idea of ​​free upbringing, the project method gradually “self-disciplined” and successfully integrated into the structure of educational methods. But its essence remains the same - to stimulate pupils' interest in knowledge and teach them to practically apply this knowledge to solve specific problems outside the school walls.

Currently, the project method, which emerged more than a hundred years ago, is experiencing a rebirth. An educational project is considered today as a joint work of educational, cognitive, creative or playful activity of students, having a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity and aimed at achieving a common result.

3.Characteristics of project activities

A-priorya project is a set of certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for creating a real object, subject, creating a different kind of theoretical product.This is always a creative activity.

The project method in school education is viewed as a kind of alternative to the classroom-lesson system. A modern student's project is a didactic means of enhancing cognitive activity, developing creativity and, at the same time, the formation of certain personal qualities.

The project method is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on their application and acquisition of new ones. The active involvement of the student in the creation of certain projects gives him the opportunity to master new ways of human activity in the socio-cultural environment.

In the method of projects as a pedagogical technology, a set of ideas was embodied most clearly by the American educator and philosopher George Dewey (1859 - 1952), who asserted the following: Childhood is not a period of preparation for a future life, but a fulfilling life. Consequently, education should be based not on the knowledge that someday in the future will be useful to him, but on what the child urgently needs today, on the problems of his real life.

Any activity with children, including training, should be built taking into account their interests, needs, based on the child's personal experience.

The main taskProject learning is the study by children together with the teacher of the surrounding life. Everything that the guys do, they must do themselves (alone, with a group, with a teacher, with other people): plan, execute, analyze, evaluate and, of course, understand why they did it:

a) the allocation of internal educational material;

b) organization of expedient activities;

c) learning as a continuous restructuring of life and raising it to higher levels.

A program in the project method is built as a series of interrelated moments arising from certain tasks. Children must learn to build their activities together with other children, find and acquire the knowledge necessary to carry out a particular project, thus, solving their life tasks, building relationships with each other, learning about life, children receive the knowledge necessary for this life, moreover independently, or together with others in a group, concentrating on living and vital material, learning to understand through trials in the realities of life.

The advantages of this technology are: enthusiasm in work, interest of children, connection with real life, identification of the leading positions of children, scientific inquisitiveness, ability to work in a group, self-control, better consolidation of knowledge, discipline.

The project method is based on the development of cognitive, creative skills of students, the ability to independently design their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of critical thinking.

The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This approach is organically combined with the group approach to teaching.

The project method always presupposes the solution of some problem, which envisages, on the one hand, the use of various methods, on the other hand, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, technology, technology, and creative fields. Working according to the project method involves not only the presence and awareness of a problem, but also the process of its disclosure, solution, which includes clear planning of actions, the presence of a plan or hypothesis for solving this problem, a clear distribution of roles (if we mean group work), i.e. .e. tasks for each participant, subject to close interaction. The results of completed projects should be, as they say, "tangible", substantive, that is, if this is a theoretical problem, then its concrete solution, if practical, concrete practical result, ready for use.

A research subject can be in content:

mono-subject - performed on the material of a specific subject;

interdisciplinary - integrates related topics of several subjects, for example, computer science, economics;

supra-subject - this project is carried out in the course of electives, studying integrated courses, working in creative workshops.

The project can befinal, when, based on the results of its implementation, students' mastering of a certain educational material is assessed, andcurrent, when only a part of the content of education is taken out of the educational material for self-education and project activity.

The ability to use the project method is an indicator of the teacher's high qualifications, his progressive teaching and development methodology. It is not for nothing that these technologies are referred to astechnologies of the XXI century,providing, first of all, the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing living conditions of a person in a post-industrial society.

4. Implementation of projects in technology lessons

    1. Goals and objectives of projects in technology lessons

In a modern school, students will be required to master the following skills using the example of technologies available for study:

    justify the purpose of the activity, taking into account social needs, make a decision and take the risk of creating a product of labor;

    find and process the necessary information using modern technology;

    to design the subject of labor and the technology of activity, taking into account the materials and technical means available in the given conditions;

    to master polytechnic labor knowledge, skills and abilities to use labor tools, perform technological operations;

    carry out technological processes, the results of which will have a consumer value;

    economically and functionally substantiate the optimality of the process and results of activities;

    to give an environmental and social assessment of technology and product of labor;

    put forward entrepreneurial ideas within the framework of the studied technologies;

    assess their professional interests and inclinations, choose a profession;

    cooperate in a team and act as a leader.

The project-based teaching method assumes that the design is carried out not under the tutelage of the teacher, but together with him, is based not on pedagogical dictate, but on the pedagogy of cooperation, when the teacher turns into a consultant, an experienced leader of the creative activities of students.

4.2 Project topics and requirements for the selection of design objects

When determining the content of project-based learning, a fundamentally important and complex issue is the pedagogically correct choice of design objects. The complexity of the selection of creative projects is associated with many factors: the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren, the educational material base for the implementation of creative projects, etc.

When selecting project assignments, it is necessary to take into account the principles of didactics that are specific to work in school workshops (polytechnic, vocational guidance and educational orientation, the combination of training with production work, the formation of a creative attitude to work, scientific approach, etc.)

The use in the practice of project training of schoolchildren of an integrated multidimensional approach to the selection of creative projects makes it possible to take into account the organizational and pedagogical, technological, economic, psychological, physiological, aesthetic and ergonomic requirements as the basis for the choice of projects. The characteristic features of creative projects are: creative nature, the presence of problematic situations that require their solution. At the same time, a creative project is a kind of educational and labor assignment.

The process of performing a creative project involves a comprehensive reflection of the studied issues and practical work in technology lessons. When selecting a project, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the creative project contains the knowledge and skills that the student has already mastered during the year. In this case, an independent transfer of knowledge and skills is carried out at a specific object (project).

One of the most important requirements in the selection of projects is its creative focus. When choosing creative projects, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, the degree of their preparation, age and physiological capabilities.

An important requirement in the selection of creative projects is their socially useful or personal significance. The socially useful value of the design object may include the importance of satisfying the needs of a student, family, society, school, or simply the market.

Taking into account the capabilities and interests of the teacher, the material and technical resources of school workshops involves the selection of projects from the position of the capabilities and interests of the teacher of technology and the availability of a material base.

Ensuring an ergonomic and safe working environment contains a set of requirements: the selected project must provide a safe working environment for students.

The topics of the projects are chosen by the students independently or on the recommendation of the teacher. When recommending themes of creative projects, one should take into account the possibility of implementing interdisciplinary connections, continuity in learning. Projects are carried out both individually and as part of a group - a temporary, creative team.

    The solution of design and technological problems for the development and manufacture of teaching aids, tools, devices for work in training workshops, means of small mechanization and automation, household appliances, decorative and applied products, etc.

    Development and modernization of technology for the manufacture of various types of objects of wood, metal, plastic, fabric, food processing, soil, the use of secondary resources, etc.

    Solving design problems for industrial, educational and residential premises.

    Development of methods and techniques for rational management of the economy, improvement of the estate and dwelling.

    Solving problems of a production and commercial nature related to the sale of material and intellectual products of students' activities on the market, carrying out activities of an environmental nature.

Students must choose for themselves a design object, a project theme, i.e. a product that they really would like to improve, propose to the market, introduce into the world of objects in order to meet the real needs of people.

There are requirements for the choice of a project topic, which should be perceived by students almost as an instruction, a guide:

The object (product) must be well known, understandable and, most importantly, interesting;

A future new product should be manufactured by an industrial or handicraft method with a specific production program and an expectation for a mass or individual consumer;

It is necessary to have a presentiment that the object will allow the developer to realize himself in creativity, that he can do it;

It's okay if the topics are repeated in the study group; in the design process, students themselves will understand that no one can offer two identical products (or services) to the market.

The choice of projects is determined by the needs of various spheres of life of the individual and society (school, industry, leisure, home), the need to satisfy them, improve and modernize existing consumer goods and services.The main criteria for selecting projects are: originality, availability, reliability; technical excellence; aesthetic merits; security; compliance with public needs; ease of use; manufacturability; material consumption; cost, etc.

4.3. Stages of project activities

The logic of building students' activities in the implementation of projects should correspond to the general design structure. On this basis, the main stages of project activities were identified:organizational and preparatory (research), technological, final.

At the organizational and preparatory (research) stage, the students are faced with the problem of understanding the needs and requirements in all spheres of human activity. At this stage, schoolchildren should realize, understand why and why they need to complete the project, what is its significance in their life and the life of society, what is the main task of the upcoming work. They have a goal: as a result of the activity of a useful product, which can be both social and personal in nature. At this stage, students generalize the material studied, thereby including it in the general system of their knowledge and skills.

The final element of this stage is the planning of manufacturing technology, where students carry out such actions as: selection of tools and equipment, determination of the sequence of technological operations, selection of the optimal technology for manufacturing a product. The means of activity are their personal experience, the experience of teachers, parents, as well as all the working tools and devices that students use when developing a project. The results of students' activities are the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and ready-made graphic documents. During this stage, schoolchildren carry out self-control and self-assessment of their activities.

At the technological stage, the student performs technological operations, corrects his activities, performs self-control and self-assessment of work. The goal is high-quality and correct performance of labor operations. The subject of activity is the created material product, knowledge, skills and abilities. Means - the tools and equipment with which the student works. The result is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Completed technological operations are an intermediate result of students' activities at this stage.

At the final stage, the final control, adjustment and testing of the project takes place. Students make economic calculations, mini-marketing research, analyze the work they have done, establish whether they have achieved their goal, what is the result of their work. In the end, students defend their project (product, abstract) in front of classmates.

5. Conclusion

The task of labor training of students in our country can be carried out more successfully if we use the project method.

This method can be applied equally successfully to other subjects, but such a subject as "Technology" provides the greatest opportunities for the development of creativity through a creative project. And the goal of upbringing is the all-round upbringing of the individual.

The labor of modern man is acquiring an ever more creative character. Therefore, for me, the project method is relevant today.

It is in technology lessons at school that we develop a creative personality. In technology lessons, it is important to work not according to traditional methods, but according to the project method.

Working according to the project method, you can make educational activities more interesting and rich. Then the knowledge will be deeper and stronger.

And the most important thing is the acquisition of design and communication skills by students, which will help students in their further learning.

If a technology teacher uses the project method in his classes, then his creative potential is revealed more fully. And learning from such a teacher is more interesting.

6. List of used literature:

1. Kazakevich VM Technological education in the age of high technologies // School and production, 2001, №1

2. Kruglikov G.I., Simonenko V.D., Tsyrlin M.D. Fundamentals of Technological Creativity: A Teacher's Book. - M .: Public education, 1996

3. Pakhomova N.Yu. What is project-based learning? // Methodist, No. 1, 2004.- p. 42.

4. Pavlova MB, Pitt J., Gurevich MI, Sasova IA The method of projects in technological education of schoolchildren: A guide for teachers / Ed. Sasovoy.-M .: Venta-Graff, 2003

5. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. / Ed. E.S. Polat. - M., 2000

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    • Introduction
    • 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of project activities of schoolchildren
    • 1.1 Theoretical foundations of design
    • 1.2 The method of projects as a technology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren
    • 1.3 Organization of project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons
    • 2. Experimental work on the organization of project activities
    • schoolchildren in technology lessons
    • 2.1 Objectives and methods of organizing experimental work
    • 2.2 Methodology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons
    • 2.3 Analysis and interpretation of experimental results
    • Conclusion
    • List of used literature


In the context of student-centered education, the technological approach to education becomes relevant. The use of a variety of pedagogical technologies allows you to design the educational process, predict the results of activities and guarantee the achievement of the planned result, and also contributes to a significant increase in the efficiency and quality of education. As scientists rightly point out, “the property of manufacturability as one of the key characteristics of a controlled process is designed to optimize the achievement of a guaranteed result, which, in turn, requires detailed regulation of the process as a whole. Currently, this quality is becoming more and more global and extends to areas that were traditionally considered poorly algorithmic and formalized. These include, first of all, education. "

The term "technology" in education is interpreted quite differently: from a purely technical interpretation, when technology means the use of tools that allow programming a process and the achievement of its goals, to understanding technology as a scientific description of the pedagogical process, which inevitably leads to the planned result. Despite the ambiguity of the interpretation of this concept, the main characteristics of technology in education are: a detailed description of educational goals; a step-by-step description (design) of ways to achieve the set results-goals; using feedback to adjust the educational process; guarantee of achieved results; reproducibility of the educational process, regardless of the teacher's skill; optimality of expended resources and efforts.

Any pedagogical technology is aimed at developing the student's personality in the educational process. But in educational technologies belonging to the group of personality-oriented technologies, personality development is not only a priority goal, but also reflects most accurately the essence of the technology itself. These technologies include the technology of project training, the essence of which is an independent search for ways to solve a problem that is significant for the student.

Thus, the need to use the technology of project-based teaching in the educational process of a modern school is obvious. At the same time, there is a contradiction between the growing interest in the use of this technology, on the one hand, and the insufficient degree of development of the organization of project activities of schoolchildren in classrooms, in particular, in technology lessons, on the other. The existing contradiction determines the relevance of the topic of the diploma research we have chosen: "Project activity of schoolchildren and its organization in technology lessons."

The purpose of our thesis is the development and experimental verification of the methodology for organizing the project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons.

The object of the research is the educational process of a secondary general education school.

Subject of study - organization of project activities for schoolchildren in technology lessons.

The hypothesis of our research is as follows: the organization of project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons will increase the interest of schoolchildren in the study of this subject and the effectiveness of its study.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the study, we set the following research objectives:

1. to carry out an analysis of scientific literature in order to study the theoretical foundations of the organization of project activities of schoolchildren;

2. to develop a methodology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons;

3. to develop criteria, indicators and levels of interest of schoolchildren in the study of technology and the effectiveness of its study;

4. to experimentally test the developed methodology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons.

The following research methods were used in the thesis: literature analysis; modeling; observation; questioning; testing; study of students' work; method of expert assessments; pedagogical experiment.

The scientific novelty of the thesis lies in the fact that criteria, indicators and levels of interest of schoolchildren in the study of technology and the effectiveness of its study have been developed.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the development of a methodology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren in technology lessons.

The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, a list of used literature, annexes. The text takes 60 pages, contains 21 tables and 21 figures. The list of used literature includes 30 sources.

1 Theoretical foundations of the organization of project activities of schoolchildren

1.1 Theoretical foundations of design

Before considering the theoretical foundations of design, let us turn to the essence of the concept of "design activity".

As V.F. Sidorenko, “project activity is a complex organized system of interaction of various specialists, functionally related to management, planning and production systems and, in turn, is a special kind of production of project documentation, in the language of which the desired and intended to be implemented image of the future project is anticipated - things, subject environment, system of activity, way of life ”.

According to S.N. Babina's design activity is a mental and labor activity aimed at creating a theoretical model of the design object and its material implementation in the form of a layout, model, prototype, finished product.

We agree with K.S. Zadorin, who emphasizes the need to distinguish design activities from design activities, bearing in mind that design activities are a continuation of design activities and include the implementation and analysis of a project aimed at analyzing a problem. In this case, the result of design activities will be the implementation of the created project and making adjustments taking into account the analysis. From this point of view, in accordance with the stages of the project life cycle identified by V.S. Lazarev, design activities are carried out at the first stage of the project life cycle (design), design - at the second (implementation of the designed activities).

BUT. Yakovleva, pointing out the use of specific means in the design activities of a teacher, conventionally divides them into material (legislative acts, project documentation, computer and technical means, diagrams, tables, etc.) and spiritual (general means of scientific research, social order, key theoretical provisions of related sciences, etc.). At the same time, the greater importance of the funds of the second group is noted.

Other researchers refer to the design tools at the instrumental level as the psychological mechanisms of creativity, mental procedures that the brain produces as a simulator. Intuitive, logical and procedural thinking of the design subject are the mechanisms of design activity. At the substantive level, a number of researchers distinguish the theory of problem solving as design tools; a system of knowledge about methods of modeling, constructing and reconstructing ideal and social objects; a system of knowledge about pedagogical technologies; a system of knowledge about how to solve pedagogical situations, tasks and problems.

In the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary, design is interpreted as "the process of creating a project - a prototype, a prototype of a supposed or possible object, state." Design is also defined as "closely related to science and engineering, the activity of creating a project."

Design has historically been shaped by the production of new products, machines and mechanisms. In the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, a stage related to the constructive development of ideas and options for a new object, as well as the drawing of its parts, assemblies, and details, stood out in this activity.

The need for preliminary research and design developments carried out in the plane of the drawing led to the isolation of design as an independent activity. However, only after the development of a rather complex design language and activity, separation from engineering and production, it became possible to speak about design itself, which should be distinguished from design, that is, the type of engineering activity associated with the development of the design of an engineering facility or technical system. Design implies the ability to fully develop (design) a product at the level of drawings and other design symbolic means, ideally without resorting to either engineering activity, or the experience of manufacturing a product in material, or testing of experimental and prototypes.

Research aimed at building a design theory has been intensively conducted since the 1920s. BUT. Yakovleva, considering the issue of the formation of design activities in general, distinguishes three periods:

1. From antiquity to the 20s of the twentieth century - "design has become an independent type of activity, the ideology of design has developed, its methods have begun to be developed." By the end of this period, "the design has undergone significant changes: from the artisan's mental ideas about the future product to an independent field of activity based on scientific data."

2. From the 20s to the 50s of the twentieth century - "design has become the subject of special scientific research." This period is characterized by "the transformation of design into an independent area of ​​human activity, the beginning of its scientific research and the recognition of the need to take into account social factors in technical design."

3. From the 50s to the present - "design ceases to be a purely technical branch of knowledge and spreads to social sciences, including pedagogy." The period is characterized by the emergence of methodological works devoted to the scientific analysis of the design process (M. Azimov, G.S. Altshuller, J.K. Johnson, J. Dietrich, P. Hill) and a change in worldview orientations: not only individual objects are being designed, but also complex systems and processes.

Considering design from the standpoint of a systems approach, J.K. Johnson identifies the following stages in the development of design as a special type of activity. The author connects the first stage of design with the moment of its origin during the formation of crafts, production and trades, when by trial and error the necessary changes were made on the product itself. The second stage was the emergence of the drawing method of designing handicraft products, where changes were made already on the drawing, and the trial and error method was eliminated. The consequences of this stage was the division of labor for the manufacture of products into design and practical activities. The third stage was the division of design activities into engineering and artistic design, architectural design, scientific modeling, economic forecasting and social planning and design. At the fourth stage, since the 60s of the twentieth century, design begins to be understood as a tool for controlling the evolution of the built environment, there is a need for the training of professional designers of a new type and the need for new design methods.

J.K. Jones highlighted the levels of design from simple to complex (design of product components, design of product systems, design of public systems) and defined a typology of design (design as the ability to think about alternatives, as a learning tool, as a method of thinking, as a complex activity, as a combination of three means knowledge: science, art and mathematics).

Analysis of scientific literature indicates the absence of a generally accepted interpretation of the term "design". In the technical industry, design is traditionally interpreted as a preparatory stage for production activities. From the standpoint of technical design, any industrial product should be designed using engineering methods based on the principles of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD) and artistic design in accordance with the general design development scheme determined by GOST 2.103 - 68. "Development stages": terms of reference - technical proposal - preliminary design - technical design - detailed design.

The principles of artistic and technical design can be formulated on the basis of a systematic analysis of technical design and artistic design (design) as a method to ensure the quality of industrial products. To characterize the process of artistic or artistic and technical design, the results of this process - projects (sketches, models and other virtual materials), as well as completed projects - products, environmental projects, printed products, etc. the term "design" is used.

Design appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century and was most actively developed by the middle of the twentieth century as a specific type of designing utilitarian mass-produced products - products that are convenient, reliable and beautiful. Currently, the term design has spread to all spheres of human activity, including education. The term design education has appeared, which is understood as "a special quality and type of education, as a result of which the upbringing of a project-thinking person takes place, no matter in what area of ​​social practice he acts - education, science, culture, everyday life, etc." ...

A feature of the modern process of artistic design is the approach to the design object from two positions - axiological and morphological. Let us consider how this feature manifests itself in the activity of a vocational training teacher, aimed at designing objects of labor. As noted by F.M. Parmon, each of these items is associated with a corresponding modeling method. The first way is to use the axiological field, i.e. a multitude of social value elements - data on the purpose, functions, usefulness, value of certain morphological combinations. The indicators for evaluating the design object from the point of view of the axiological field are: “compliance with the purpose”, “technical perfection”, “ease of use”, “compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, aesthetics,” etc. The second method consists in using elements of the morphological field, i.e. - the set of environmental elements related to the material-spatial organization of the designed objects ("material", "structure", etc.).

The elements of the investigated fields can be presented either in the form of the corresponding data contained in the descriptions of the investigated situations, drawings, diagrams, graphs, or in the form of mental abstractions of the design creation, i.e. certain information and imagery. With regard to the design of an object of labor by a teacher of vocational training, the axiological position implies the substantiation of the choice of the designed object in accordance with aesthetic and ergonomic requirements, fashion trends, the purpose of the product, and manufacturability. This position assumes the teacher's ability to design an image of a future product and display it in the form of a sketch, technical drawing or model description. The morphological position is expressed in the specification of the designed product: substantiation of the choice of materials for its manufacture in accordance with the designed form and purpose, the development of the product design. The result of product design from the standpoint of the morphological field can be presented in the form of a design drawing of a specific product model.

Based on the generalization of a number of studies, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to form the technical thinking of schoolchildren in the process of project activities using technology.

T.V. Kudryavtsev identifies a number of features of the thought process when working with technical objects and operating with technical concepts. Technical thinking by its structure is conceptual-figurative-practical, and by the nature of the process - operational. The efficiency of technical thinking, as the author believes, is manifested in the ability to apply knowledge in various conditions, in connection with which it is also practically effective.

1.technical understanding as recognition of the structures and functions of technical objects;

2. the ability for structural, functional and systemic transformations of objects in the form of visual samples;

3. the ability to convert visual-spatial samples into conventional graphic images and vice versa, conventional two-dimensional images - into volumetric visual samples;

4. operating with images, combining parts and systems as a whole, functions and individual features of technical details and blocks, i.e. the ability to combine, the ability to think in analogy and contrast.

I.S. Yakimanskaya, T.V. Kudryavtsev, R.V. Gabdreev et al. Distinguish spatial thinking as a kind of figurative thinking, operating with the form, size, spatial position and spatial relationships of objects. We agree with the statement of I.S. Savelyeva that the ability to freely operate with spatial images that have a different visual basis is that general fundamental skill that is included in various types of constructive and technological activity.

Project activity, as a number of researchers rightly notes, includes stages of mental actions proper, as well as linguistic and graphic ones. According to N.A. Norenkova, project activity "can also be attributed to the type of sign-symbolic activity as a unity of a whole circle of reflection."

The components of sign-symbolic activity were identified by N.G. Salmina: the distinction of two planes (denoted and denoted); determination of the types of connections between them, proficiency in the language of the subject and the rules for working with it; possession of the rules for translating the language of reality into a sign-symbolic language; operation, transformation and modification of symbolic means.

Analysis of works on the problem of pedagogical design indicates the absence of a unified approach to the interpretation of this concept. A number of authors consider design a type of thinking, others define it as an interdisciplinary area of ​​knowledge and activity, and still others see a new scientific discipline in pedagogy. V.V. Davydov understands design in education as "the creation of new expedient forms of activity, consciousness and thinking of people with the help of anticipatory ideas, and then through the implementation of the project." On the other hand, he characterizes design as a method of work in the field of education and a type of creative activity associated with forecasting, planning, modeling, and social management. V.S. Lazarev views design as “a complex of intellectual actions, as a result of which an image of a new product and a method of obtaining it is created,” and points out that design is the first stage of the project's life cycle. Its second stage is the implementation of the projected activity. J.T. Toshchenko connects design with a form of social technology. V.P. By design, Bespalko in a broad sense means "creating an optimal pedagogical system", and in a narrow sense - "programming a step-by-step educational procedure in a training program or multi-step planning." V.S. Bezrukova believes that pedagogical design is "a preliminary development of the main details of the upcoming activities of students and teachers." In her opinion, pedagogical design acts as a connecting link in pedagogical theory and practice and is a function of the teacher. L.V. Moiseeva defines design as "the process of creating pedagogical projects and a method of purposeful change in pedagogical reality." BUT. Yakovleva calls pedagogical design "the purposeful activity of a teacher to create a pedagogical project", and the pedagogical design of an innovation system is interpreted as "a purposeful activity of a teacher to create a project that is a model of an innovative system focused on mass use."

So, the subject of pedagogical design is quite diverse. J.K. Johnson generally saw the subject of design in the image of the mental construction of any kind of human activity, the image of changes in the artificial environment. V.M. Rozin notes that "everything can be designed: a city, a subject area, science, management, human behavior, systems of activity, and even design itself."

L.V. Moiseeva quite broadly interprets the subject of design in education. The author refers to the subject of design as the educational process, and within it: the foundations of the activity, the goals, the limits of the activity; principles, indicators and performance criteria; knowledge, skills and abilities; components of educational activities and preparatory processes; diagram of the learning process; educational materials; lessons, teaching methods; activities of the student or teacher; development of the subjects of the educational process; results of the educational process; forms and methods of results control; educational environment, a set of measures to optimize it.

Thus, in the scientific and pedagogical literature, there is a wide variety of interpretations of the concept of "design". The essence and historical stages of the development of design are schematically presented in Appendices A and B.

1.2 The method of projects as a technology for organizing project activities of schoolchildren

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated in the 1920s in the United States. He was also called the method of problems, and he associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, as well as his student W.H. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey proposed to build learning on an active basis, through the purposeful activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interest in this particular knowledge. Hence, it was extremely important to show the children their own interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life. But for what, when? This is where a problem is required, taken from real life, familiar and meaningful for the child, for the solution of which he needs to apply the knowledge he has acquired and new knowledge that has yet to be acquired. Where, how? The teacher can suggest new sources of information or simply direct the students' thought in the right direction for independent search. But as a result, students must independently and jointly solve the problem, applying the necessary knowledge, sometimes from different areas, to get a real and tangible result. The solution to the problem, thus, acquires the contours of project activity. Of course, over time, the implementation of the project method has undergone some evolution. Born from the idea of ​​free upbringing, it is now becoming an integrated component of a fully developed and structured education system.

But its essence remains the same - to stimulate the interest of children in certain problems, which presuppose possession of a certain amount of knowledge, and through project activities, involving the solution of one or a number of problems, to show the practical application of the knowledge gained. In other words, from theory to practice - the combination of academic knowledge with pragmatic, while maintaining the appropriate balance at each stage of training.

The project method attracted the attention of Russian educators at the beginning of the 20th century. The ideas of project-based teaching arose in Russia practically in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the guidance of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky and in 1905, a small group of employees was organized, trying to actively use project methods in teaching practice.

Later, already under Soviet rule, these ideas became quite widespread, but not well thought out and consistently introduced into the school, and by the decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1931, the project method was condemned. Since then, no serious attempts have been made in Russia to revive this method in school practice. At the same time, in a foreign school, he actively and very successfully developed (in the USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, Brazil, the Netherlands and many other countries, where the ideas of a humanistic approach to the education of J-Dewey, his project method were found widespread and gained great popularity due to the rational combination of theoretical knowledge and their practical application for solving specific problems of the surrounding reality in the joint activities of schoolchildren.

The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently design their knowledge and navigate the information space, the development of critical thinking. The project method is from the field of didactics, private methods, if it is used within the framework of a specific subject. Method is a didactic category. This is a set of techniques, operations of mastering a certain area of ​​practical or theoretical knowledge, one or another activity. This is the path of cognition, the way of organizing the cognition process. Therefore, if we are talking about the method of projects, then we mean precisely the way to achieve the didactic goal through the detailed development of the problem (technology), which should end with a completely real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another. The method of projects is based on the idea that constitutes the essence of the concept of "project", its pragmatic focus on the result that is obtained when solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in real practice. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to teach children to think independently, find and solve problems, using for this purpose knowledge from different areas, the ability to predict the results and possible consequences of different solutions, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This method is organically combined with a cooperative learning approach to learning. The project method always involves solving a problem. And the solution to the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a set of various methods and means of teaching, and on the other, the need to integrate knowledge and skills from various spheres of science, technology, technology, and creative fields. The results of completed projects should be, as they say, “tangible”: if this is a theoretical problem, then a concrete solution, if practical, a concrete result ready for implementation.

The project method can be individual or group, but if it is a method, then it presupposes a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent, student actions with the obligatory presentation of these Results. If we talk about the project method as a pedagogical technology, then this technology includes a set of research, search, problematic methods that are creative in their very essence.

The ability to use the project method is an indicator of the teacher's high qualifications, his progressive teaching methodology and development and tiya students.

Basic requirements for using the project method:

1. The presence of a problem / task significant in the research creative plan, tr using integrated knowledge, research search for its solution (for example, researching a demographic problem in different regions of the world; creating a series of reports from different parts of the globe on one problem; the problem of the impact of acid rain on the environment, etc.).

2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results (for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of a given region, factors affecting this state, trends observed and the development of this problem; joint publication of a newspaper, an almanac with reports from places of events; forest protection in different areas, action plan, etc.).

3. Independent (individual, pair, group) activity of students.

4. Structuring the substantive part of the project (indicating the stage-by-stage results).

The use of research methods that provide for a specific sequence of actions:

Determination of the problem and the research tasks arising from it (using the method of "brainstorming", "round table" in the course of joint research);

Putting forward a hypothesis for their solution;

Discussion of research methods (statistical, experimental, observation, etc.);

Discussion of ways to design the final results (presentations, defense, creative reports, views, etc.);

Collection; systematization and analysis of the data obtained;

Summing up, presentation of results, their presentation

Conclusions, putting forward new research problems.

The choice of the subject of projects in different situations can be different h nym.

More often, however, project topics relate to some kind of practical issue, actual necessary for everyday life and, at the same time, requiring the involvement of students' knowledge not in one subject, but from different areas, their creative thinking, research skills. Thus, by the way, a completely natural integration of knowledge is achieved.

Well, for example, a very acute problem of cities is pollution of the environment with household waste. The problem: how to achieve complete recycling of all waste? Here and ecology, and chemistry, and biology, and sociology, and physics. Or such a topic: The Patriotic Wars of 1812 and 1941-1945 are the problem of the patriotism of the people and the responsibility of the authorities. Here is not only history, but also politics, ethics. Or the problem of the state structure of the USA, Russia, Switzerland, Great Britain from the standpoint of the democratic structure of society. This will require knowledge from the field of state and law, international law, geography, demography, ethnicity, etc. Or the problem of labor and mutual assistance in Russian folk tales. This is for younger schoolchildren, and how much search, ingenuity, creativity is required from the children! There is an inexhaustible set of topics for projects and to list at least the most, so to speak, “expedient” ones is absolutely hopeless, since this is a living creativity that cannot be regulated in any way.

The results of completed projects must be material, i.e. decorated in any way (video film, album, logbook of “travels”, computer newspaper, almanac, report, etc.). In the course of solving any project problem, students have to attract knowledge and skills from different fields: chemistry, physics, native language, foreign languages, especially when it comes to international projects.

Typology of projects. Their structuring.

The project method and cooperative learning are becoming more common in educational systems around the world. There are several reasons for this, and their roots lie not only in the sphere of pedagogy itself, but mainly in the sphere of social

The need not so much to transfer to students the amount of certain knowledge, but to teach them to acquire this knowledge on their own, to be able to use the acquired knowledge to solve new cognitive and practical problems;

The relevance of the acquisition of communication skills and abilities, i.e. skills to work in various groups, performing different social roles (leader, executor, mediator, etc.);

- * the relevance of broad human contacts, acquaintance with different cultures, different points of view on one problem;

The importance for human development of the ability to use research methods: to collect the necessary information, facts, be able to analyze them from different points of view, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions and conclusions.

Typology of projects

First of all, let's define the typological features. Such, from our point of view, m can be:

1. The dominant activity in the project: research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), familiarization and orientation, etc.

2. Subject-content area: monoproject (within one area of ​​knowledge); interdisciplinary project.

3. The nature of project coordination: direct (rigid, flexible), hidden (implicit, imitating a project participant).

4. The nature of contacts (among the participants of the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries of the world).

5. The number of project participants.

6. The duration of the project.

In accordance with the first sign, the following types of projects can be identified.


Such projects require a well-thought-out structure, designated goals, an act the relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, appropriate methods, including experimental and experimental work, methods of processing the results. These projects are completely subordinate to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research. This type of projects involves arguing the relevance of the topic taken for research, formulating the research problem, its subject and object, identifying research tasks in the sequence of the accepted logic, determining research methods, sources of information, choosing a research methodology, putting forward hypotheses for solving the indicated problem, developing ways to solve it, including experimental, experimental, discussion of the results obtained, conclusions, registration of research results, designation of new problems for the further development of the research.


It should be noted that a project always requires a creative approach and in this sense, any project can be called creative when determining the type of project, dominates the operating aspect. Creative projects presuppose the appropriate design of the results. Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of the participants, it is only outlined and further develops, obeying the genre of the final result, due to this genre and the logic of joint activities adopted by the group, and the interests of the project participants. In this case, it is necessary to agree on the planned results and the form of their presentation (joint newspaper, essay, video film, dramatization, sports game, holiday, expedition, etc.). , holiday program, composition plan, article, reportage and so on, design and headings of a newspaper, almanac, album, etc.

Role-playing, game

In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the completion of the work. fromy. Participants assume specific roles based on the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of these projects are either outlined at the beginning of their implementation, or loom only at the very end. The degree of creativity is very high here, but the dominant type of activity is still role-playing.

Familiarization-indicative (informational)

This type of projects is initially aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon; pre It is planned to familiarize the project participants with this information, analyze it and summarize the facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure, the possibility of systematic correction along the way. The structure of such a project can be designated as follows: the purpose of the project, its relevance - sources of information (literary, media, databases, including electronic, interviews, questionnaires, including those of foreign partners, brainstorming, etc.) and information processing (analysis, generalization, comparison with known facts, reasoned conclusions) - the result (article, abstract, report, video, etc.) - presentation (publication, including on the network, discussion on the teleconference, etc.) .).

Such projects are often integrated into research projects and become their organic part, module.

The structure of research activities for the purpose of information retrieval and analysis is very similar to the subject research activities described above:

Information retrieval subject;

Search step by step with indication of intermediate results;

Analytical work on collected facts;

Correction of the original direction (if required);

Further information search in specified directions;

Analysis of new facts;

Conclusion, presentation of results (discussion, editing, presentation, external assessment).

Practice-oriented (applied)

These projects are distinguished by the clearly defined result of the activities of its participants from the very beginning. Moreover, this result is necessarily focused on social interests with the number of participants (a document created on the basis of the results of the study - on ecology, biology, geography, agrochemistry, historical, literary and other nature, an action program, recommendations aimed at eliminating the identified inconsistencies in nature, society, draft law, reference material, dictionary, for example, everyday school vocabulary, a reasoned explanation of some physical, chemical phenomenon, the project of the school's winter garden, etc.).

Such a project requires a carefully thought-out structure, even a scenario of all the activities of its participants with the definition of the functions of each of them, clear conclusions, i.e. registration of the results of project activities, and everyone's participation in the design of the final product. Here, a good organization of coordination work is especially important in terms of stage-by-stage discussions, adjusting joint and individual efforts, organizing the presentation of the results obtained and possible ways of their implementation into practice, as well as a systematic external evaluation of the project.

According to the second criterion - subject-content area - The following two types can be distinguished.


As a rule, such projects are carried out within the framework of one subject. In this case, choose The most challenging sections or topics (eg physics, biology, history, etc.) are covered in a series of lessons. Of course, work on monoprojects sometimes involves the use of knowledge from other areas to solve a particular problem. But the problem itself lies in the mainstream of physical or historical knowledge, etc. Such a project also requires careful structuring by lessons with a clear indication of not only the goals and objectives of the project, but also the knowledge and skills that students are supposed to acquire as a result. The logic of work in each lesson is planned in advance in groups (roles in the groups are assigned by the students themselves), the form of presentation, which is chosen by the project participants independently. Often, work on such projects has its continuation in the form of individual or group projects outside the classroom (for example, within the framework of the scientific society of students).

Project types:

Literary projects are the most common types of collaborative projects. Children of different age groups, different countries of the world, different social strata, different cultural development, finally, different religious orientations unite in the desire to create, together to write a story, story, video script, newspaper article, almanac, poetry, etc. Sometimes as it was in one of the projects, coordinated by the professor of the University of Cambridge B. Robinson, hidden co-coordination is carried out by a professional children's writer, whose task is to teach children to express their thoughts competently, logically and creatively during the plot being played;

Natural science projects are most often research projects with a clearly defined research task (for example, the state of forests in a given area and measures for their protection; the best washing powder; roads in winter, etc.);

Environmental projects also most often require the involvement of research, exploratory methods, integrated knowledge from different fields. They can be both practice-oriented (acid rain; flora and fauna of our forests; historical and architectural monuments in industrial cities; stray pets in the city, etc.);

Language (linguistic) projects are extremely popular, since they relate to the problem of learning foreign languages, which is especially important in international projects and therefore arouses the keenest interest of project participants. More details about these projects will be described below, in part II;

Cultural projects are related to the history and traditions of different countries. It is very difficult to work in joint international projects without cultural knowledge, since it is necessary to understand well the peculiarities of the national and cultural traditions of partners, their folklore;

Sports projects unite children who are fond of what kind of sport. Often in the course of such projects, they discuss the upcoming competitions of their favorite teams (strangers or their own); training methods; share their impressions of some new sports games; discuss the results of major international competitions, etc.);

Geographic projects can be exploration, adventure, etc.

Historical projects allow their participants to explore a wide variety of historical issues; predict the development of events (political and social), analyze some historical events, facts;

Music projects bring together partners interested in music. Perhaps these will be analytical projects or creative ones, in which the guys can even jointly compose some kind of musical work, etc.


Interdisciplinary projects are usually carried out after school hours. These are either small projects affecting two or three subjects, or rather voluminous, prod false, school-wide, planning to solve this or that rather complex problem that is significant for all project participants (for example, such projects as; "Single speech space", "Culture of communication", "The problem of human dignity in Russian society in the XIX - XX centuries" etc.). Such projects require highly qualified coordination on the part of specialists, well-coordinated work of many creative groups with clearly defined research tasks, well-developed forms of intermediate and final presentations.

By the nature of coordination, projects can be of different types.

With open, explicit coordination

In such projects, the project coordinator performs his own function, not obtrusively directing the work of its participants, organizing, if necessary, individual stages of the project, the activities of its individual performers (for example, if you need to arrange a meeting in some official institution, conduct a survey, interview specialists, collect representative data, etc.) ...

With hidden coordination (this applies mainly to telecommunications and onny projects).

In such projects, the coordinator does not reveal himself either in networks or in the activities of groups of participants in his function. He concedes as a full participant in the project. An example of such projects is the well-known telecommunication projects organized and carried out to Great Britain (University of Cambridge, B. Robinson). In one case, a professional children's writer acted as a participant in a project kta, trying to "teach" their "colleagues" to competently and literally express their thoughts on various occasions. At the end of this project, a collection of children's stories based on the Arabian fairy tales was published. In another case, a British businessman acted as such a hidden coordinator of an economic project for high school students, who also, under the guise of one of his business partners, tried to suggest the most effective solutions for specific financial, trade and other transactions. In the third case, a professional archaeologist was brought into the project to investigate some of the historical facts. He, acting as an elderly, weak | person, but an experienced specialist, sent "expeditions" of the project participants to different regions of the planet and asked them to inform him about all the interesting facts found by the guys during excavations, asking from time to time "provocative questions" that forced the project implementers to delve deeper into the problem.

By the nature of contacts, projects are of different types.

Domestic or regional (within one country)

These are projects organized either within the same school, interdisciplinary, or m between schools, classrooms within a region, one country (this also applies only to telecommunications projects).

International (project participants are representatives of different countries

These projects are of exceptional interest, since their implementation requires information technology tools. ogy

By the number of project participants, projects can be distinguished:

Personal (between two partners located in different schools, regions O tries, countries);

Paired (between pairs of participants);

Group (between groups of participants).

By the duration of the execution, projects are:

Short-term (to solve a small problem or part of a larger problem), which can be developed in several lessons in the program of one subject or as interdisciplinary;

Medium duration (from a week to a month);

Long-term (from one month to several months).

As a rule, work on short-term projects is carried out in the lessons of the department another subject, sometimes with the involvement of knowledge from another subject. For projects of medium to long duration, they - conventional or telecommunications, domestic or international - are interdisciplinary and contain a rather large problem or several interrelated problems, and therefore can be a program of projects. But more on that later. Such projects, as a rule, are carried out after school hours, although they can be tracked in the classroom as well.

Of course, in real practice, most often it is necessary to deal with mixed types of projects in which there are signs of research and creative (for example, both practice-oriented and research). Each type of project is characterized by one or another type of coordination, deadlines, stages, and the number of participants. Therefore, when developing a particular project, one must bear in mind the signs and characteristic features of each of them.

In working on projects, not only research projects, but also many others, different methods of students' independent cognitive activity are used. Among them, the research method occupies almost the central place and, at the same time, causes the greatest difficulties. Therefore, it seems important to us to dwell briefly on the characteristics of this method. The research method, or the method of research projects, is based on the development of the ability to master the world around us on the basis of scientific methodology, which is one of the most important tasks of general education. The educational research project is structured in accordance with the general scientific methodological approach:

Determination of the goals of research activities (this stage of project development is determined by the teacher);

Raising the research problem based on the results of the analysis of Similar Material (it is preferable that this stage provides for the independent activity of students in the classroom, for example, in the form of a "brainstorming");

Formulation of a hypothesis about possible ways to solve the problem posed and the results of the upcoming research;

Clarification of the identified problems and selection of the procedure for collecting and processing the necessary data, collecting information, processing it and analyzing the results obtained, preparing a corresponding report and discussing the possible application of the results obtained.

The implementation of the project method and the research method in practice leads to a change in the teacher's position. From a bearer of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive activity of his students. The psychological climate in the classroom is also changing, since the teacher has to reorient his teaching and educational work and the work of students to various types of independent activities of students, to the priority of research, search, and creative activities.

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The objectives of the new educational area "Technology" will be achieved if students carry out projects that include assimilation of information, mastery of working techniques, technological operations and, not less important, the estimated ratio to the planned and achieved results of work. Figuratively, this process can be represented as an "expanding funnel" into which new knowledge, modes of action, and acquired experience are involved, which allows us to consider project-based learning as a method of developmental learning.

The program of the new educational area "Technology" provides for the implementation by students of grades II-XI annually at least one creative project. It is the creative project activities of schoolchildren that will contribute to technological education, the formation of the technological culture of each growing up person, which will help him to look at the living environment in a different way, use the available resources of the Fatherland more rationally, and increase natural wealth and human potential. The reviving project-based teaching method, with its skillful application, really allows you to identify and develop the inclinations of a personality, its abilities.

The project teaching method "Technologies" assumes that the design is carried out not under the tutelage of the teacher, but together with him, is based not on pedagogical diktat, but on the pedagogy of cooperation.

Design also involves the study of not only technologies, but also the actual activities of people in the production and non-production spheres of the economy. Thus, we can talk about the ergonomic content of the new educational field "Technology", which is a natural development of polytechnics in modern conditions.

Design as a method of cognition should provide students with practical assistance in realizing the role of knowledge in life and learning, when it ceases to be a goal, but becomes a means in true education, helping to master the culture of thinking. It is also aimed at the psychophysical, moral and intellectual development of schoolchildren, the activation of their inclinations and abilities, essential forces and vocation, inclusion in successful labor activity and the system of universal human values, the formation and satisfaction of their activity and cognitive needs and needs, the creation of conditions for self-determination, creative self-expression and continuing education.

A creative project is an educational and labor task that activates the activities of students, as a result of which they create a product that has subjective and sometimes objective novelty.

Design goals. While completing projects, students, first-hand, should get an idea of ​​the life cycle of products - from the conception of an idea to material implementation and use in practice. At the same time, an important aspect of design is the optimization of the objective world, the correlation of costs and the results achieved.

Schoolchildren of all age groups should, at the level of their understanding, comprehend the tactics of action when solving not deterministic, but probabilistic-statistical tasks, form expanding ideas about the content of projects of varying complexity.

When designing, experience is gained in using knowledge to solve so-called incorrect problems, when there is a deficit or excess of data, there is no standard solution. Thus, the opportunity is provided to acquire the experience of creativity, i.e. combining and modernizing known solutions to achieve a new result dictated by changing external conditions.

Designing allows you to achieve an increase in the level of communication, i.e. expanding the circle of constructive and purposeful communication, updated by the same type of activity.

An important goal of designing according to "Technology" is diagnostics, which allows evaluating the results as the dynamics of the development of each student. Monitoring the implementation of project activities allows you to obtain data on the formation of life and professional self-determination of students. It should be considered that the design goals are achieved when the effectiveness of the teacher's pedagogical efforts and the educational process is assessed by the dynamics of the growth of indicators that are recorded in the study group and in each student:

· Information security;

· Functional literacy;

· Technological skill;

Intellectual preparedness of tasks, sufficient memory capacity, comparison of objects in size, shape, color, material and purpose, conscious perception of new information, the ability to use educational literature, etc. for rational planning of activities, including joint activities with other people);

Strong-willed readiness at a high level of quality, tolerant attitude to comments, wishes and advice, the choice of the pace of the assignment, successful overcoming of psychological and cognitive barriers, the ability to request and receive help, etc.

The use of the project method contributes to the emergence of such interaction and relations of schoolchildren with each other, with adults, in which the creative efforts of the individual are implemented to achieve the goal, not only the planned result is achieved, but also the development of the inner world of a growing person takes place. The educational role of design depends on the reflection of these labor relations in the spiritual life of students, in their refraction in thoughts and feelings, in the breadth and depth of the volitional efforts of the individual. Fostering a love of work as the core of labor education as a whole is possible only when the child is imbued with the beauty of relationships between people that arise in the labor process.

Implementation of a creative project is one of the aspects of education. It is aimed at the awareness of children, adolescents, youth of the moral value of the labor principle in life. The material-value attitude to work includes an understanding of not only social, but also its personal significance as a source of self-development and a condition for self-realization of the individual. At the same time, an important factor is the formed ability of a person to experience joy from the process and the result of labor, the game of intellectual, volitional and physical forces.

At each stage, design should combine the child's thought with action and action with thought, humanitarian culture with technical culture, labor with creativity, artistic activity with design and construction, technology with assessing the economic, environmental and social consequences of transforming the objective world.

The design task is to form in students a system of intellectual and general labor knowledge, skills and abilities embodied in final consumer items and services, to contribute to the development of creativity, initiative and independence. In the process of completing project assignments, students must acquire various skills. These include the meaningful execution of the following mental and practical actions:

· Understanding the setting of the task, the essence of the educational task, the nature of interaction with peers and the teacher, the requirements for the presentation of the work performed or its parts;

· Planning the end result and presenting it in verbal form, i.e. without limiting their imagination, schoolchildren should give themselves and others a detailed answer according to the scheme: "I would like to ...";

· Planning of actions, i.e. determining their sequence with rough estimates of the time spent on stages, managing the budget of time, effort, funds;

· Execution of the generalized design algorithm;

· Making adjustments to previously made decisions;

· Constructive discussion of the results and problems of each design stage, formulating design questions and requests for assistance;

· Expression of ideas, design solutions using technical drawings, diagrams, sketches, drawings, models;

· Independent search and finding the necessary information;

· Drawing up a diagram of the necessary calculations, presenting them in verbal form;

· Evaluating the result in terms of achieving the planned, in terms of the volume and quality of the accomplished, in terms of labor costs, in terms of novelty;

· Evaluating projects completed by others;

· Understanding the criteria for evaluating projects and their protection, the procedure for public protection of projects;

· Constructing ideas about professional design activities, the individuality of the designer, manifested as a result, the finished product;

· Deciphering the concept, ideas, decisions of the designer according to the "message", which is the finished product, which appeared on the market.

When determining the content of project-based learning, a fundamentally important and complex issue is the pedagogically correct choice of design objects. The complexity of the selection of creative projects is associated with many factors: the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren, the educational and material base for the implementation of creative projects, etc.

When selecting project assignments, it is necessary to take into account the principles of didactics specific to work in school workshops.

The use in the practice of project training of schoolchildren of an integrated multidimensional approach to the selection of creative projects makes it possible to take into account the organizational and pedagogical, technological, economic, psychological, physiological, aesthetic and ergonomic requirements as the basis for the choice of projects. The characteristic features of creative projects are: creative nature, the presence of problematic situations that require their solution. At the same time, a creative project is a kind of educational and labor assignment.

The process of performing a creative project involves a comprehensive reflection of the studied issues and practical work in technology lessons. When selecting a project, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the creative project contains the knowledge and skills that the student has already mastered during the year. In this case, an independent transfer of knowledge and skills to a specific object is carried out.

One of the most important requirements in the selection of projects is its creative focus. When choosing creative projects, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, the degree of their preparation, age and physiological capabilities.

An important requirement in the selection of creative projects is their socially useful or personal significance. The socially useful value of the design object may include the importance of satisfying the needs of a student, family, society, school, or simply the market.

Taking into account the capabilities and interests of the teacher, the material and technical resources of school workshops involves the selection of projects from the position of the capabilities and interests of the teacher of technology and the availability of a material base.

Ensuring an ergonomic and safe working environment contains a set of requirements: the selected project must provide a safe working environment for students.

The topics of the projects are chosen by the students independently or on the recommendation of the teacher. When recommending themes of creative projects, one should take into account the possibility of implementing interdisciplinary connections, continuity in learning. Projects are carried out both individually and as part of a group - a temporary, creative team.

1. Solution of design and technological problems for the development and manufacture of teaching aids, tools, devices for work in educational workshops, means of small mechanization and automation, household appliances, decorative and applied products, etc.

2. Development and modernization of technology for the manufacture of various types of objects from wood, metal, plastic, fabric, food processing, soil, the use of secondary resources, etc.

3. Solving design problems for industrial, educational and residential premises.

4. Development of methods and techniques for rational management of the economy, improvement of the estate and dwelling.

5. Solving problems of a production and commercial nature related to the sale of material and intellectual products of students' activities on the market, and carrying out activities of an environmental nature.

The array of topics of projects is only indicative, since it is impossible to predict which topics will arouse the greatest interest in specific students. Probably, the way out is to constantly expand the existing topics and present them to students. Actually, it is intended to form an associated new theme for the student to formulate, which can already be regarded as a creative act.

Students must choose for themselves a design object, a project theme, i.e. a product that they really would like to improve, propose to the market, introduce into the world of objects in order to meet the real needs of people.

There are requirements for the choice of a project topic, which should be perceived by students almost as an instruction, a guide:

· The object must be well known, understandable and, most importantly, interesting;

· A future new product must be manufactured by an industrial or handicraft method with a specific production program and with a view to a mass or individual consumer;

· It is necessary to have a presentiment that the object will allow the developer to realize himself in creativity, that he can do it;

· It is not scary if the topics are repeated in the study group; During the design process, the students themselves will understand that no one can offer two identical products to the market.

The choice of projects is determined by the needs of various spheres of life of the individual and society, the need to satisfy them, improve and modernize existing consumer goods and services.

The main criteria for selecting projects are: originality, availability, reliability; technical excellence; aesthetic merits; security; compliance with public needs; ease of use; manufacturability; material consumption; cost, etc.

A list of approximate topics for students' creative projects:

From materials and threads - children's, smart and business clothes, tapestries, decorative panels, various types of embroidery, various types of weaving.

From various natural materials - panels, fakes from straw, decorations from leaves, bark, shells, seashells, leather, etc.

From wood - boxes, cutting boards, toys, cutlery.

Metal - jewelry using various technologies.

From clay - vases, jugs, dishes, toys, whistles, etc.