Technical assignment to electricians for dispatching. Terms of reference for the development of working documentation

To date, the question has arisen about the need to create a power supply dispatching system for an industrial facility under construction.

And everything would be fine, hired a company, made a turnkey project, but there are several BUT:

The construction of the facility is not taking place in an open field, but within the existing infrastructure of the enterprise, i.e. it has its own ramified operating power supply system, an information computer network, there is an ASKUE and the rudiments of a dispatching system for existing energy facilities.

The photo below is an example of the implementation of the mnemonic diagram of the dispatching system on light cubes. LED matrices are used as projectors.

The first step was to create terms of reference for design. Usually, in such cases, an organization is hired that prepares such a technical assignment (TOR), taking into account the requirements and wishes of the Customer, and then they choose design organization... In my case, I had to do such a task practically myself. I will not hide, I collected information through various sources; seminars, consultations with firms and specialists in this area, visits to existing similar facilities, not without the participation of the worldwide network. Here's what happened.

A little about the theory. The dispatching system is designed for:

  • integrated automated control and management of power supply in normal, emergency and post-emergency modes;
  • operational dispatch control and power supply management in real time;
  • signaling and prompt display of information about abnormal and emergency modes, operation of protections;
  • planning and control of electricity consumption of the shop, technical accounting.

From the many existing names of such systems and based on the required functionality, the name "Automated system for dispatching power supply, control, planning and technical metering of workshop electricity" was born. It was decided to shorten the name to the abbreviation ACS ES ( automated system power management).

The photo below is an example of the implementation of such projects.

He described the need to create an ACS ES in order to achieve the following main goals:

  • improving the efficiency of management, reliability and quality of power supply;
  • reduction of unproductive energy consumption;
  • providing personnel with information for analysis, optimization and planning of equipment operation and its repair;
  • reducing the cost of diagnostics and repair of power equipment.

Characteristics of the facility: three 6 kV substations with switchgear cells, several 6 / 0.4 kV transformer substations, a fleet of medium and low voltage electric motors.

Since Evolis (Schneider Electric) vacuum switches were chosen as 6 kV switching devices, the relay protection and automation is based on Sepam series 40, 60 and 80 digital relay protection devices. These devices allow you to implement a dispatching system on them without any problems. There are a number of SCADA systems specially tailored for Sepam.

In the next article I will talk about structural diagram ACS ES system, which we plan to implement in the project based on the developed technical specifications.

14.1 Thermal and mechanical solutions:

Boiler room with hot water boilers, Vitoplex 200 SX2A with a capacity of 1.1 MW, with Weishaupt burners (modulating).

Thermal loads:

  • (temperature graph of the heating water circuit 95 0 -70 0 С)
  • 0.36 MW - load on hot water supply (temperature graph 60 0 С)
  • 0.34 MW load for own needs and losses in the network;
  • Primary requirements:

    Installation of an automatic chemical water treatment system in accordance with the analysis of the source water;

    Heating and hot water supply to consumers shall be provided according to an independent scheme through plate heat exchangers installed in the boiler room;

    Provide engineering networks with connection to existing heating networks for the following consumers:

    2. Management building

    3. Bomb shelter;

    4. Rigging warehouse;

    6. Warehouse IX;

    8. KOF building

    10. Building

    11. Port workers club.

    (according to the heating network diagram).

    To replace the underground 4-pipe heating network of heating and hot water supply systems to the buildings of change houses No. 1, No. 2 and the 2-pipe hot water supply system to the Inter-club with overhead heating networks;

    Carry out a hydraulic calculation of heating networks to link all heat supply points under static and dynamic modes of operation.

    Provide for the installation of two storage tanks, each with a volume of V = 25m 3. The process of heating, heating and distributing DHW should be carried out automatically;

    Provide shut-off valves in the boiler room (ball valves, butterfly valves);

    Provide for the installation of metering units for generated and supplied heat energy, as well as a metering unit for water consumption (technical metering);

    When designing a laundry, consider the possibility of installing existing equipment.

    14.2 Internal gas equipment and automation:

    Design the operation of the boiler house in an automatic mode, without a permanent stay of the service personnel;

    Provide the ability to remotely monitor and control the operation of the boiler room equipment from the control center;

    To equip the control room with devices that provide remote monitoring and control of the operation of boiler equipment, in real time - the projected boiler house, the operating boiler house, as well as other boiler houses, design and construction, which will be possible in the future. The location of the control room should be determined during design;

    Detailed selection gas equipment perform after obtaining technical specifications for gas supply to the boiler house, taking into account the physical parameters of gas pressure in winter and summer, pressure losses in the supply gas pipeline, gas reduction and metering units;

    In the boiler room, provide for the installation of a commercial gas metering unit with the ability to remotely retrieve information (GSM-modem), as well as regulation and safety means.

    Provide for a gas contamination alarm with shutdown of the gas supply to the boiler room when the specified concentration of CO and CH4 in the air of the working area is reached.

    14.3 Chimney:

    The flue gases of the boiler room should be discharged through an individual insulated chimney, without stretch marks. Metal trunks, the number, height and diameter of pipes to be determined during design;

    Carry out lightning protection of the chimney, make anti-corrosion coating taking into account the aggressive properties of flue gas condensate.

    14.4 Ventilation and air conditioning system:

    Provide supply and exhaust ventilation;

    14.5 Water supply and sewerage systems (internal and external):

    As part of the design documentation, develop water supply and sewerage systems;

    Organize an introductory water meter unit and a separate one for the laundry (technical accounting);

    At the boiler room, provide a cold water storage tank with a volume of V = 1-2 m 3, to recharge the heating networks in case of a water supply interruption;

    Provide for the connection of the sewerage system to existing networks;

    Due to the low pressure of the supply water (from 1-6 kg / cm 2), provide a booster pump at the water supply inlet.

    14.6 External power supply:

    Provide for the laying of two cable lines from the TP-20 (main and backup) cross-section and type to be determined during design;

    Install 0.4 kV circuit breakers at TP-20.

    14.7 Internal power supply:

    Provide an automatic transfer switch on the 0.4 kV boiler room input switchboard;

    Provide protection against short-term power outages in the automatic equipment of boilers and burners (up to 5 seconds), in order to avoid unplanned shutdown of boilers and pumps, due to instability of the power supply (frequent surges and voltage drops).

    Provide the ability to automatically turn on technological equipment according to a given program after restoration of power supply;

    Re-grounding of electrical equipment of the building;

    Provide electricity meters (technical metering);

    Install Legrand circuit breakers in electrical panels and ensure a reserve of at least 25% in quantity;

    To reduce the ripple coefficient, connect luminaires with fluorescent lamps from different phases and use luminaires with an electronic compensating device;

    Use a flame retardant NYM or VVGng cable.

    Provide circuit breakers with shunt release from fire alarm to turn off ventilation and air conditioning systems in case of fire;

    14.8 Fire alarm:

    The fire alarm (fire extinguishing system) should be developed in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations (SP6.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Requirements fire safety»).

    14.9 Design of communication networks:

    From the existing telephone well K427v, lay a two-hole telephone duct from a / c pipes Æ 100 mm (L = 40x2m);

    Design a new KKS-2 telephone well with a hatch heavy type(GOST 8591-76) with a bottom steel cover designed for installation on the roadway;

    To the projected boiler house from the newly new telephone well, lay a two-hole telephone drain from a / c pipes Æ 100 mm (L = 20x2 m);

    Provide a KKS-1 telephone well near the boiler room with a middle-type hatch with a lower steel cover with the "Svyaz" logo and make an external telephone outlet with a metal pipe Æ 75 mm;

    Make telephone wells with cast iron consoles KKCH-2;

    Lay a telephone cable TPPepZ 10x2x0.5 (L = 150 m) from the existing communication distribution cabinet Change house No. 1 to the projected boiler room;

    Lead the cable into the building and terminate it in KRTM-V / 10-R with a detachable KRONE 2/10 LSA-PROFIL plinth;

    In the communication cabinet of change house No. 1, terminate the cable with a KRONE 2/10 LSA-PROFIL plinth with break contacts;

    The subscriber wiring, inside the premises, must be carried out with a UTP 4x2x0.5 cable of category 5 and terminated with RJ-11 6P4C telephone sockets;

    14.10 Boiler room equipment:

    Use imported equipment (equipment must be certified on the territory of the Russian Federation);

    The equipment must have a permit for use issued by Rostekhnadzor.

    14.11 Equipment and furniture of the laundry:

    1. In the recreation room, provide:

    Electric stove;


    Cooler (cold and hot water dispenser);


    Dinner table;

    Chairs - 7 pcs;


    2. Provide for the washing compartment:

    50 kg centrifuge;

    Washing machine with a load of 10 kg (1 pc.);

    Washing machine with a load of 30 kg (1 pc.);

    Washing machine with a load of 40-50 kg (2 pcs.);

    Drying drum 16 kg - 2 pcs.;

    Sorting trolley - 5 pcs.

    3. In the ironing room, provide:

    Ironing rink (electric) - 1 pc .;

    Container for linen - 2 pcs.;

    Ironing table - 1 pc .;

    Iron - 1pc .;

    Table for linen -1pc .;

    Ironing press - 1 pc .;

    Laundry trolley - 1 pc.

    4. In the admission department, provide:

    Rack - 2 pcs.;

    Floor scales - 1 piece;

    Working table - 1 pc.

    5. In the compartment for storage and delivery of linen, provide:

    Shelving for storing linen - 4 pcs .;

    Work table - 1 pc .;

    Packing table - 1 pc.

    6. In the department of reception of clothes to provide:

    Working table - 2 pcs.;

    Sewing machine - 1 piece;

    Overlock - 1 pc.;

    Rack - 1 pc .;

    Ironing table - 1 pc .;

    Iron - 1 pc.

    7. In the pantry for storage detergents provide for:

    - rack - 4 pcs.;

    Work table - 1 pc .;

    Container for detergents - 1 pc .;

    Trade scales - 1 pc.

    8. In the pantry of the cleaning equipment, provide:

    - bathtub for washing rags and equipment - 1 pc .;

    Storage cabinet for cleaning equipment - 1 pc .;

    Wardrobe for workwear - 1pc.

    9. In the drying compartment, provide:

    Racks for drying clothes (the number to be determined when designing);

    Device for hot air (to be determined during design, the type of device to be agreed with the Customer).

    10. In the waiting room for reception and delivery of linen, provide:

    Each room has 1 banquet.

    11. In the office, provide:

    Manager's table with a side cabinet - 1 pc .;

    Draw-out curbstone - 1 pc .;

    Manager's chair - 1 piece;

    Office extension chair - 4 pcs .;

    Wardrobe - 1 pc .;

    Open cabinet for documents - 1 pc .;

    Closed cabinet for documents - 1 pc.

    12. In the dressing room, provide:

    Two-section cabinet - 7 pcs .;

    Bench - 3 pcs.

    13. Working hours of the laundry:

    Five-day work week;

    One shift of 4 people.

    4. TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING DOCUMENTATION "EQUIPMENT OF THE COMPLEX AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM OF ELECTROMECHANICAL DEVICES (KAS DU EM) STATION" PRIMORSKAYA " Main TEP 7. Special conditions AC plan for 2014, application No. 2126 Own funds Beginning: 02.21.2014 Completion: 06.16.2014 Working documentation 5.1. KAS DU EM station "Primorskaya" should provide control and monitoring of EM devices with AWP EAF station and AWP EMD CDU. 5.2. The design of the system must be carried out in accordance with the current PTE of the metro of the Russian Federation, ISI of the metro of the Russian Federation, GOST 34.201-89, SNiP 32-02-2003 "Metropolitans" and SP 32-105-2004 "Metropolitans", SNiP 1.02.01-85, PUE, NPB 11003, the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation of 25.04.2012, SP 2.5.1337-03, SanPiN, and other applicable regulatory and technical documentation. Dispatching control of engineering and technical equipment should be carried out from the workstation of the dispatcher of the EM at the Central Dispatching Control Center and the duplicated workstation of the EAF at the station. The list of control objects, control commands and signals generated by control objects required for output to the upper and station levels is requested by the designer independently from the Customer. When developing working documentation, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the following documents: Terms of Reference "Integrated Automated Dispatch Control System (KASDU) for the operation of the subway line", approved by the chief engineer of the Metro on December 25, 2009 - Addendum No. 1 to the Terms of Reference "Integrated Automated Dispatch Control System (KASDU) ) the operation of the metro line ", approved by the chief engineer of the metro on 12.08.2013." The concept of the development of an integrated automated dispatch control system (CAS DU) by the operation of the lines of the State Unitary Enterprise "Petersburg Metro", approved by the chief engineer of the metro on 04.06.2010 7.1. Design the linking of the station technical means of the KAS DU with the CDU via the TSSM channels (main and backup). 8. List of source documentation 9. Technical requirements 7.2. Take into account the laying of a backup data cable from the AC-sv cabinet to the room with the TSSM backup equipment. Placement of TSSM backup equipment should be requested from the Information Technologies and Communications Service. 7.3. Carrying out installation works to connect / switch cables that endanger the safe movement of trains, perform only at night (night window). 7.4. The designer asks for technical specifications for cable laying independently in accordance with the current "Instruction on the procedure for coordinating and performing work on laying cables in metro structures." 7.5. The designer asks for all the information necessary for the design independently. 7.6. Requirements for the Contractor: - The Contractor must have at least 3 years of experience in performing similar works; - The contractor must engage, during the term of the contract for the performance of this work, persons who have Russian citizenship and / or persons who have an official permit to work on the territory of the Russian Federation; - The contractor is responsible for engaging in the performance of this work persons who, in accordance with Art. 10 ФЗ dated 09.02.2007 No. 16-ФЗ "On transport safety", due to the established restrictions, they are not hired to ensure transport safety. operated structures of the St. Petersburg metro ". 8.1. The layout of the equipment in the control room of the KAS DU at the Primorskaya station. 8.2 Functional characteristics of KAS DU EM (Appendix to this technical task). 9.1. Link the station technical means of the KAS DU with the CDU via the TSSM channels (main and backup). 9.2. Provide for the linkage of the EM equipment with the designed AC-4 cabinet of the KAS DU system. 9.3. To link the projected AC-4 cabinet with the EM control and monitoring objects, provide a transient relay cabinet (SPR). The location of the ShPR cabinet should be determined during design. 9.4. Provide for the connection of KAS DU EM devices to the existing AC-sv cabinet and to the KAS DU guaranteed power supply system. 9.5. Provide for the connection of the AC-sv cabinet to the TSSM backup channel. 9.6. The need to use optical communication lines, to determine during the design. 10. Safety requirements for technology 11. Requirements for the environment 12. Requirements for the introduction of new technology and materials. 13. Requirements for a license or certificates for the right to perform design work 9.7. Provide for the dismantling of VRTF equipment and unused cables in the premises of the Electromechanical Service and EAF. 9.8. Provide for works on restoration of cladding, painting and cleaning of surfaces from dirt in the area of ​​dismantled equipment. 9.9. When designing, use the existing cable network from the objects of management and control. 9.10. If necessary, provide for the device of cable passages with the installation of embedded cable sleeves in the places where cable routes pass through the ceiling walls, their sealing with non-combustible materials that provide the required fire resistance limit and cosmetic finishing of walls and floors. 9.11. If it is necessary to lay cable channels in the passenger area, provide for their arrangement in the color of the cladding. In accordance with SNiP 12-03-2001, 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction" and in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations. 11.1. Develop as part of working documentation: 11.1.1. Section "List of measures for environmental protection". 11.1.2. Draft Technological Regulations for Construction Waste Management. 11.2. The sections "List of measures for environmental protection" and the draft Technological regulations for the management of construction waste shall be coordinated with the environmental protection sector of the Electromechanical Service. 11.3. Waste generation and disposal at the expense of the customer's limits. 12.1. In the project, provide for the use of serial production materials that meet the requirements of the documents specified in clause 6 of this Task, as well as sanitary and hygienic, fire safety requirements and have the appropriate certificates; 12.2. Provide for the use of effective modern technologies, materials and equipment. It is necessary to have a valid certificate of admission to work that affects the safety of capital construction projects in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 12/30/2009. No. 624 with a mark of admission to work at especially dangerous and technically complex facilities on the following points: - Work on the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems (clause 4.5) - Work on the preparation of technological solutions for metro facilities and their complexes (6.13. ) -Works on the preparation of draft measures to ensure fire safety (clause 10) General contract is not provided. 14. Composition and requirements for working documentation consists of text and content of the project graphic parts. Composition of the project: 14.1. Explanatory note. 14.2. Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions. 14.2.1. Power supply system: - Scheme of external equipment connections at the facilities. - Diagram of cable connections. - Cable network plan. - Schematic and wiring diagrams for connecting equipment to the guaranteed power supply system of the KAS DU. 14.2.2. Communication networks: - Scheme of a local computer network. - Diagram of cable connections. - Cable network plan, cable magazine. 14.2.3. Technological solutions: - Placement of equipment at sites. - Placement of equipment in the control room of the KAS DU. - Placing equipment in the chipboard. - Schematic diagrams of AS-4, SHPR and AS-sv. - Wiring diagrams of AS-4, SHPR and AS-sv. - Tables of distribution of codes. - Schematic diagrams of management, control of terminal devices "EM". - Mnemonic diagram of the workstation of the chipboard. 14.3. The list of measures for environmental protection (including the draft technological regulations for the handling of construction waste). 14.4. Fire safety measures. 14.5. Hardware Specification. 14.6. Bill of volume of work. 14.7. Estimated documentation: - local estimate for dismantling work. - local estimate for construction and installation work, - local estimate for commissioning. 14.8. The list of measures for environmental protection (chapter "Waste management, list and calculation of the amount of waste generated in the course of work." On the composition of the sections of the project documentation and the requirements for their content. "15.2. The contractor shall give the customer 5 copies of the project documentation and 1 on electronic media in Word and PDF format. The estimate submitted on the electronic medium is made in the format 16. Requirements for the preparation of estimates for the SmetaWizard program . 15.3. The estimate should be drawn up in accordance with the regulations on the procedure for organizing the preparation and approval of estimate documentation for the performance of work for the needs of the State Unitary Enterprise "Petersburg Metro." - WISARD estimate. Estimates must be drawn up in base prices as of 01.01.2001. using the indices of the estimated cost recalculation to the elements of direct costs at the time of the delivery of the design work, approved by the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade. 16.2. The cost of materials not included in the prices should be determined on the basis of the “Territorial collection of estimated prices for basic materials, products and structures used in construction. St. Petersburg "(TSSTs) at the time of delivery of the design work, if the required position of the material is not available in the TSSTs or the cost of the material in the TSSTs has a significant deviation from the current market price of this material, then the cost is determined based on the analysis of the current average city prices for this type of materials (analysis of average city prices is agreed with the Customer and attached to the estimate documentation). 16.3. The estimates must be agreed with the department for the organization of the procurement of products for the needs of the metro of the Office (OOZ). The originals of the approved estimate documentation are handed over to the customer. 17. The procedure for approval 17.1. Working documentation must be submitted for design and estimate documentation for consideration and approval no later than 01.07.2013. 17.2. The approval of design and estimate documentation is carried out in accordance with the "Procedure for approval of design and estimate documentation in accordance with the work of the capital investment plan", put into effect by the Order of the head of the metro No. 1226 dated 12.24.2012. The documentation must be approved by the following departments: Signaling, Centralization and Blocking Service, Power Supply Service, Metro Control Service, Information Technology and Communications Service, Electromechanical Service. 17.3. The estimate documentation is accepted for consideration in the Department of Health Protection after approval of all sections of the project by the involved divisions. 17.4. Expertise of the project is not required 17.5. The work is considered completed after the Customer receives the complete set of the agreed 18. Clarification of the assignment and design estimates and the signing of the technical act of acceptance of the work performed. addition This assignment can be specified and supplemented in the prescribed manner by agreement of the parties. Appendix to the terms of reference for the development of working documentation "Equipping the integrated automated dispatch control system of electromechanical devices (CAS DU EM) of the Primorskaya station" 1. Functional characteristics of the CAS DU EM:  Transmission of object control commands through AC4 and ShPR cabinets with electromechanical devices in accordance with the protocols KAS DU with AWP of the EAF station and AWP of the EM dispatcher.  Receiving information from EM objects through ShPR and AC4 cabinets and transmitting it in accordance with the CAS DU protocols to the EAF and EMD workstations.  Formation of protocols of events in the KAS DU.  "Hot standby" of hardware and software.  Management and control of EM station devices from AWPs of EAF and EMD (according to the tables of code allocation).  Applied software AWPs for chipboard, EMD and AC4 cabinet must operate under Linux OS.  Mnemonic diagrams on AWPs of EAF and EMD should repeat the contours of the station, contain designations and a set of control actions identical to those of similar AWPs at other operating stations. 2. List of equipment. Purpose The KAS DU EM AS4 cabinet is responsible for interaction with the EAF workstation with EM objects Equipment composition The AC4 cabinet should include: 1. Two controllers with expansion cards based on ICP Electonics products (PAC-52, IP-6S). 2. Two power supplies based on IEI Technology (ACE-890) products. 3. Two converters based on ICP DAS products (I-7520). 4. Two I / O modules based on IPC DAS products (I7060). 5. Cross-boards and boards of TS and TU with 100% redundancy based on the products of TsKZhT PGUPS (TS-72, UMV-64, TU48, UDO-48). 6. Automatic switches with auxiliary contacts manufactured by ABB. 7. Scheme of switching of MPK kits based on a small-sized relay R4-1024 (manufactured by Relpole). 8. Circuits for controlling the opening of doors and actuation of automatic switches. 9. On the front panel of the cabinet:  Toggle switches for disconnecting sets with LED indication of operation.  Buttons for switching IPC sets without fixing. Intermediate relay cabinet (SPR) Automated workstation (AWP) EAF monitors the state and controls EM devices. 1. Relay (Relpol); 2. Diode unit GBPC1506 / 3. Transformer 220/110 Two redundant sets including: 1. LCD monitor 21 2. Industrial rack-mount PC (2 U). 3. Dust and moisture resistant keyboard and mouse-type manipulator. 4. Application software developed by TsKZhT PGUPS, system software based on Linux. Power consumption of each: no more than 1000 W; Power supply: 220 W, 50 Hz.