3 character weaknesses in a resume. Strengths and weaknesses for the questionnaire. How to formulate personal qualities in a resume? Strengths and weaknesses in the resume. Examples of personal qualities in a resume

“Name your strong and weak sides? " - such a question will most likely be asked to you at any interview. And in modern resumes, the column "Strengths and Weaknesses" is simply absent. But if you have already decided to write about it, then let's “submit everything to in the best possible way". The general rule of thumb is that even your weaknesses on your resume should be attractive to the employer. For clarity, let's look at a few examples.

Weaknesses in the resume (regarding the requirements of a specific vacancy):

  • In general, there is no work experience (but there is a specialized education and a willingness to get experience from "0")
  • No specialized education (but there is work experience and a desire to develop in this profession)
  • No knowledge of special programs (but there is a desire and willingness to master them as soon as possible)
  • There is a small child (but there will be no more decree, grandparents help with the child)
  • Insufficient level of proficiency foreign language(but there is a desire and willingness to "tighten" it in the shortest possible time)

It is definitely not worth writing about weaknesses of character on a resume.

Strengths in the resume

The strengths in a resume are essentially your experience, education, knowledge and skills. There is no need to highlight any of this in your resume. Better emphasize during the interview that experience, education, knowledge, skills and your personal qualities you are a suitable candidate for the vacancy.

Strengths of character in the resume can be mentioned. More often all these are your personal qualities. Try to get away from the hackneyed "sociability", "punctuality", "responsibility", "diligence", "high efficiency". Describe your qualities in simple phrases. For example, “I can easily find a common language with strangers”, “I responsibly approach the solution of the tasks assigned to me”, “I always do the job efficiently and on time”.

Be prepared to tell the interview how your strengths character helped you solve a work problem.

When hiring an employee for vacant post employers want to receive about the candidate as much as possible more information... We will tell you how to determine the weaknesses of the applicant based on the resume, what points to pay special attention to in order to make the right decision whether the candidate is suitable for your company.

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What weaknesses of the employee to pay attention to first of all

The first source of information about a candidate for a vacant position is a resume. After analyzing the document, you can screen out applicants who do not fit on critically important criteria. This will reduce the overall number of interviews that tend to be unsuccessful. After all, the weaknesses in the resume of a candidate for a vacant position will help the recruiter not only quickly assess the future employee, but also determine his personal, professional quality.

The employee's weaknesses in the resume will show how objective the candidate for the vacant position is in relation to himself. It should be borne in mind that on personal initiative, hardly anyone will include in the document a clause about their weaknesses. Therefore, the questionnaire presented to the applicant must contain such an item that will have to be filled out. Based on this, a personnel officer who performs HR work in a small company where there is no recruiter on staff will be able to determine whether a candidate is worthy to take a vacant position or whether it is not worth inviting him for a personal interview, but it is better to find the most suitable candidate.

Weak professional qualities

First of all, the recruiter needs to pay attention to the level of education of the candidate, to all places of work where the applicant previously worked. The following professional qualities may be indicated in the resume:

  • striving for professional growth;
  • analytical thinking;
  • the ability to convince;
  • enterprise;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • oratory skills;
  • punctuality;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult situation;
  • creative approach to the task and so on.

Weak professional qualities depend on what position the applicant is applying for. For example, if the company does not plan to raise an employee in the future, but he strives for professional growth, after a certain period of time, a mismatch of interests will inevitably arise and the employee will quit. The ability to persuade is required in the sales department, but it is completely unsuitable for the position of a locksmith, turner, where the ability to perform work with high quality indicators and on time is important. Oratory skills are not required for an accountant, cashier, handyman, or other professionals whose activities are not related to oratory.

How to recognize a problem employee by resume, tells Svetlana Sergeeva, editor of the magazine "HR Director".

Ready-made resume and telephone interview checklists

How to identify weaknesses in a person's resume

Identifying all the cons is half the battle. Next, you need to determine whether the candidate is suitable for the vacant position or there is no need to invite him for an interview. A recruiter who additionally holds an HR position in a small company must clearly know what shortcomings of a candidate can be considered an advantage in employment.

Consider in the table what the weaknesses of the personality indicated by the candidate mean

Cons indicated by the candidate

Pros in work


  • Will observe the chain of command
  • Will not conflict with colleagues
  • Will not sit on the head
  • Will not be able to be rude to the client


  • Everything will be in time
  • Will not sit around
  • Will take the initiative, not sitting on the sidelines when you need to act quickly


  • In a hurry, he will not miss the most important details in his work
  • Will not bring chaos to the work process
  • Will not tire work colleagues and clients


  • Will not work at half strength
  • Will be able to organize the whole team
  • Negotiate with maximum efficiency
  • Will make every effort to achieve a positive result


  • Waste no time on idle chatter
  • Will not talk about company affairs where it is not required
  • Talk less - do more

Character weaknesses in a resume: examples for a male leader

Studying a candidate's resume for leadership position, it is necessary to pay special attention to the professional and personal qualities indicated in the resume. Certain weaknesses, in moderation, help managers better cope with job responsibilities, achieve better bottom line results.

So, for example, the applicant may have the following qualities:

  • narcissism;
  • overestimated requirements for subordinates;
  • excessive dramatization of current events;
  • strict adherence to established rules;
  • authoritarianism;
  • rigidity towards subordinates;
  • stubbornness.

From the above example, it can be understood that the weaknesses for a resume for a managerial position are often positioned as strengths. The leaders are faced with the task of achieving their goals, respectively, by showing excessive demands on subordinates, it is possible to achieve better results than in the case of excessive softness without strict adherence to the established rules. But at the same time, by overly dramatizing events, the leader can bring panic into the team. The deadlines for completing tasks will be disrupted. Moreover, it is hardly worth hiring a leader who is narcissistic. Narcissism and narcissism are unacceptable qualities for the leadership team.

Character Weaknesses in a Resume: Examples for a Female Leader

If a woman is hired for a managerial position, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the weaknesses in the resume especially carefully. For example, traits such as gentleness, indecision, and shyness can negatively affect work. If a company develops at a fast pace and has to solve many strategic tasks in short time, the gentleness of the leader will not allow demanding from subordinates to fulfill the assigned tasks on time.

Weaknesses in a resume: examples for a specialist

A specialist in any field must know the specifics of the work, be able to quickly and smoothly perform the tasks assigned to him, and avoid technical errors. If the resume indicates that the weaknesses of the applicant are slowness, this does not always mean that he will not cope with the tasks set. It must be borne in mind that often slowness is a special character trait in the case when the tasks are approached with special care. For example, rushing to create technical project, performing other important errands is inappropriate.

Weaknesses for a sales assistant resume

Sales assistant is the most common profession. When applying for a job, the personnel officer performing the duties of a recruiter may ask you to indicate the weakest aspects of the applicant in the resume. When analyzing the document, it is important to consider that talkativeness, excessive activity, self-confidence may be suitable for increasing the level of sales. But the need for motivation, distrust of people will force the candidate to refuse, since the sales assistant must be motivated to increase sales, and treat customers kindly and courteously.

Resume weaknesses: examples for a manager

The manager can indicate the following weaknesses in the resume:

  • weak perseverance;
  • hyperactivity;
  • excessive exactingness;
  • impudence;
  • stubbornness;
  • self-confidence;
  • straightforwardness;
  • impulsiveness.

For a senior executive, such qualities can be considered a plus. For middle and junior managers, impudence, stubbornness, impulsiveness may turn out to be unacceptable qualities that will lead to increased conflict in the team.

Disadvantages in a resume: examples for an accountant

When submitting a resume, an accountant may indicate the following weak qualities:

  • inability to lie;
  • lack of compliance in working moments;
  • scrupulousness;
  • pride;
  • increased sense of responsibility;
  • close perception to the heart of problems;
  • distrust;
  • excessive pedantry;
  • increased anxiety;
  • straightforwardness;
  • modesty.

Most of these qualities are suitable for work as an accountant, but increased anxiety can be viewed as an unacceptable quality that can negatively affect work and career growth employee.

Weaknesses in the resume: final assessment

After all the characteristics of the resume have been carefully checked, the HR officer needs to make a final assessment. For this purpose, it is convenient to use the following rating system:

  • group A - these are applicants who deserve a phone call back from the organization, since their resume or questionnaires are quite interesting, and the weaknesses in the resume are insignificant;
  • group B - CVs of candidates for the vacant position, who may be awarded a call back, but only in the last turn;
  • group C - resumes or questionnaires in which there are grammatical errors or misspellings, and weaknesses are pronounced, the level of qualifications and education is insufficient to take a vacant position.

The very first source of information about a candidate for a vacant position is a resume. After analyzing this document, you can quickly screen out applicants who are completely unsuitable for fundamentally important criteria. In the future, this will reduce the total number of interviews, which, as a rule, turn out to be unsuccessful. After all, the weaknesses in the resume of a candidate for a vacant position will help the recruiter not only quickly assess the future employee, but also determine his personal and professional qualities.

The question of strengths and weaknesses is one of the most informative for the employer and, accordingly, important for the applicant. Examples of interview questions about weaknesses as well as strengths will help both HR managers and candidates for workplace... Therefore, each side of the employment relationship should be familiar with how to correctly name strengths and weaknesses, and how to relate to the answers of potential employees.

Strengths and weaknesses in the interview - why you need this question

Among the most asked by interviewers, the request to tell about the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant takes one of the first places. And this is not surprising, because with its help the employer can immediately get a lot of information about the candidate he needs. So, according to the answers of a potential employee, the HR manager can find out about the following qualities:

  • Professional skills. Almost always, when answering this question, applicants tell not least about their skills and professional skills. Thus, strengths can be considered certain achievements in labor activity, extensive work experience, solving any non-trivial tasks. Thus, it is almost always possible to assess the qualities of a candidate as a specialist in his field by asking him a question about his strengths.
  • Honesty. Due to the requirement to tell about the weaknesses of the applicant during the interview, the interviewer gets the opportunity to assess the honesty of the candidate for the workplace - and this is a very important personal characteristic, especially in responsible positions. In addition, check how candid the applicant is and through his description of his strengths.
  • Self-esteem. By how exactly the applicant focuses attention on his positive and negative qualities, even an inexperienced interviewer can draw conclusions about his level of self-esteem. Knowledge of self-esteem will allow you to understand in advance the expectations of the employee, his possible level of conflicts in the team and aspirations in the framework of the work activity. Excessively high, like excessively low self-esteem, is rarely when it can testify in favor of the employee.
  • . As a rule, by indicating his strengths and weaknesses in answers to questions at the interview, the applicant also indirectly demonstrates his main motivation in the conduct of labor relations. Understanding motivation is one of the key tasks of an HR manager, because depending on it, one should build working relationships in the team and, in general, decide on the appropriateness of the candidate's employment.
  • Social skills. As part of the answer to the question about the strengths or weaknesses, it is also possible to assess the communication skills of the applicant. Including not only the actual content of his answers, but also how he will react to these questions and behave during the interview. Depending on the position, the importance of social skills can be both critically important and practically irrelevant for work efficiency.
  • Loyalty to the employer. In answers to the question about the weaknesses of the employee or his merits, you can often find out the attitude of the applicant to his former employers and colleagues, due to which you can also understand how exactly he will relate to the new company. The lack of intelligible answers will indicate that the applicant did not prepare for the interview, which means that he is not too interested in employment in a particular company.

One of the advantages of the question about the strengths and weaknesses in the interview is the fact that it also allows you to evaluate not only applicants who have practical experience in labor relations, but also young professionals. After all, they can talk about their advantages and disadvantages, including in isolation from work activities.

In general, you need to understand that there are no universal answers to these questions. However, you should adhere to the basic principles of communication with an HR manager, including knowing and how to behave. Further will be provided general recommendations how to answer questions about your strengths or weaknesses in a way that will increase your chances of successful employment.

Interview Strengths - How to Communicate Them

The question of the strengths of the applicant is unlikely to confuse the person who was preparing for the interview. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that in various fields of activity, completely different qualities of an applicant can be key. However, further recommendations will be given that are relevant for a candidate for any job. With these simple tips you can significantly increase the chances of getting the desired position in the company:

As an example of describing strengths in an interview, you can give this answer:

“My greatest strength is my interest in the end result, even if it is not always within my purview. For example, in a previous job, I analyzed an advertisement for a product that was developed by my team, and noted that it did not highlight one of the main competitive advantages reported to management and helped increase sales by 8% according to the marketing department. "

Weaknesses in an interview - how to talk about weaknesses

The question of weaknesses in an interview is in many ways provocative. With its help, the interviewer seeks to assess the self-esteem of the applicant, as well as to understand exactly what problems may arise when working with a certain candidate. Accordingly, we can highlight the main tips for job seekers on how to properly talk about their weaknesses in the interview:

An example of weaknesses in an interview can be given in the following answer to this question:

“I consider my main weakness to be intolerance to mistakes - first of all my own, but also to strangers too. Because of this, at the dawn of my career, I often had disagreements with colleagues, but then I still learned to restrain myself and try to first explain to a person the essence of the problem and try to find the best solution together. "

It is easiest for people who get a job for the first time to appeal to the lack of work experience as the main disadvantage that the applicant seeks to get rid of.

Examples of unwanted flaws in a resume

There are disadvantages that are undesirable to point out, as they can scare off the recruiter. Examples of such disadvantages:

  • the habit of being late;
  • love of gambling;
  • bad habits (cigarettes).

There are some disadvantages, which in themselves are not so bad, but mentioning them also may not play in your favor. An unwanted list of shortcomings may include:

  • excessive demand (you are not loyal and are capable of provoking a scandal);
  • the habit of expressing your opinion (you do not know how to listen to the opinions of others);
  • painstaking, desire to finish the work, despite the late time (you do not know how to plan time).

To understand what shortcomings can be indicated in the resume, study all the requirements specified in the vacancy, and try to imagine a psychological portrait of the person whom the employer wants to see in this position.

What disadvantages to point out in the resume: list of examples

Psychologists and experienced recruiters advise, when listing the shortcomings, to select those weaknesses that may be strong for future work... Examples of your shortcomings on your resume include:

  • hyperactivity;
  • pedantry;
  • scrupulousness.

When pointing out your own shortcomings, try to turn them into advantages. Here are some of the shortcomings you can point out in the executive's resume:

  • exactingness to yourself and others;
  • perfectionism;
  • emotionality.

All these qualities can be turned to your advantage, because all of them, ultimately, indicate that you are responsible for your work.

You can do otherwise and reformulate your shortcomings, softening their meaning. For example, the same pedantry can be masked by the words: "I love to get to the bottom of the essence and bring the work to perfection."

Finally, you can list such shortcomings in your resume that will hardly affect your future work in any way. You can report your fear of planes and spiders. If your job is not connected with frequent flights, and you are not going to get a job as a manager, for example, in a pet store, then all these shortcomings will not compromise you in any way. So, you can safely indicate them.


A good, well-written resume is a strong argument in favor of hiring. It can become a serious advantage, so it is worth starting your job search with its preparation. In the West, careerists keep resumes throughout their lives, and new lines are added with advanced training or a job change. The document providing information about the applicant before the interview is part of business etiquette, which should not be neglected.

What you can and should write about yourself in your resume

There are basic points that must be spelled out. Indicate strengths in your resume, avoid unnecessary things, only informativeness. A resume is a short summary of skills and qualities. Show that you are a serious person with a focus on results from the very first lines. So what you need:

  1. Personal information: name, date of birth, marital status. You can add a photo if you want.
  2. Contacts. Please include your phone number and email address at the beginning of your resume. This will make it easier to find them when someone wants to contact you.
  3. Desired vacancy. It is imperative to fill out this item.
  4. Education. List all institutions, courses, trainings that you have completed. School, university, attended a seminar on NLP - your knowledge base should be impressive. Be prepared to document each item.
  5. Work experience. Have you already held a similar position? Indicate this on your resume. To a person who does not have a single entry in work book will be viewed with suspicion.
  6. Additional Information... Here you can talk about your hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. Carefully select the personality traits for your resume. It will be a plus if they turn out to be useful in the position.

Professional skills and abilities

Describe yourself on your resume: Show the employer that you are competent for the position. Possession computer programs, knowledge of languages, the presence of a driver's license - all this must be described in this paragraph. Arrange resume skills and abilities in order of importance for future work. If you have a specific, not very useful talent that you want to point out, do so at the end of the list.

Personal qualities of a person

Education and experience are not the only assessment criteria. Personal qualities for writing good resume although not mandatory, they can play a decisive role in many situations. Imagine what kind of employee does the director of the company want to see? Do you have in common with him positive traits, can you look competitive? Be sure to write about this, be sure to use your pluses!

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Correctly selected good and bad personal qualities for a resume will help you get a job. If you handle your responsibilities, character weaknesses will not be as important. Often the same trait becomes a trump card or interferes with work. Put your shortcomings in your resume as advantages, show your willingness to work on yourself. Purposefulness is strong point character that is appreciated in the team.

Positive personality traits for a resume

Negative personality traits for a resume

Ambiguous personality traits for a resume










Hard work








A responsibility



Good faith















Focus on results






What weaknesses can be indicated in the resume

The employee's task is not to scare away, but to show that you do not suffer from high self-esteem. Be honest, but strongly negative personal qualities are inappropriate for a resume and should not be mentioned. The second column of the table will scare off the employer. Personality traits from the third will play a positive role for certain posts. Do not be cunning and do not try to present advantages as disadvantages. This will be conspicuous and convict of insincerity.