Annotation to the competitive work ticket to the future. Annotation to the competition work. University where the competition work was performed

Student research work

V last years more and more attention is paid to the design and research activities of students. The number of teachers who want to engage in this specific activity that can bring great satisfaction is also growing, because any creative search is captivating, and here there is also the joy of communicating with a like-minded student. The teacher transfers his knowledge and skills to the most capable students who are interested in the end result of their own labor. Children acquire status in the youth environment due to their intelligence, and the teacher is pleased to see that when entering universities, they choose specialties related to the topic of research work.

It is very good that the works of pupils of different grades began to appear in print - not only collections of abstracts at conferences of young researchers, but also abbreviated texts of works with drawings and photographs. An educator starting a new business may get some idea of research works ah students and project activities in general. However, to submit these works to competitions of various levels, in addition to the text with attachments, other printed materials are also required: abstract, abstracts, research plan, data logging diary, handouts (depending on the rank of the competition). Based on the results of the presentation, they may propose to publish an abbreviated version of the work, also drawn up according to certain rules.

Below is an approximate design of the above materials for the purposeful preparation of the teacher for the successful organization of the educational process with students engaged in research activities. If it comes down to simple school student projects, then you can take as a basis a simplified scheme for registering the results, taking into account the recommendations given in the article V. V. Talysheva"Creation of an adaptive educational environment" ("Physics" No. 11/2006, p. 8, section "Design technology").

If the teacher has set himself the task of entering out-of-school competitions with students' works, it will be useful for him to familiarize himself with the proposed sample versions of the materials provided in addition. As examples, the work carried out in the creative association of the Republican Center for Children's Technical Creativity, which operates on the basis of our school, is given. In addition to the samples of writing certain materials, a variety of topics for possible research is also shown.


An abstract is a short, up to 10 lines, presentation of the essence of the work, clarifying a number of issues and indicating the elements of novelty of this research. The volume of abstracts is about a page along with a standard heading. There must be information about the purpose of the work, the methods and techniques used, the results obtained, data, conclusions. Alternatively, the annotation and abstracts can be called "Brief annotation" and "Annotation", respectively. This terminology is adopted, for example, in the "Step into the Future" program.

1. Approximate design and content of the annotation (short annotation)

    Section: "Mathematics" (Vladikavkaz, Moscow, program "Step into the Future")

Simple mathematical models and their role in comprehending the world

Russia, North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, secondary school No. 26, 11th grade; Republican Center for Children's Technical Creativity (RCDTT).

Brief annotation

The purpose of our work is to use specific examples of simple and not very simple mathematical models to reveal their capabilities in comprehending the phenomena and objects around us. The relevance of the topic is that mathematical models in many cases, they can help researchers of different specialties move not blindly, but according to a clearly drawn up plan, especially since sometimes even a very simple model can achieve high results. The novelty of the work became our own simplest mathematical models proposed by us: graphs and related simple differential equations (crystal growth, the influence of the evolution of the Sun on our planet, etc.), a logarithmic model of the appointment of microlenses on the surface of a plant leaf, a model that considers the structure of the Universe as a fractal, etc.

2. Approximate design and content of theses

The keywords in the example below are highlighted in bold (these are the questions that need to be addressed when writing the abstract). It is not necessary to mark these words in ordinary theses. It should be noted that the first part of the research work, "Introduction", can be a version of the same text with additions or, conversely, abbreviations, since in the "Introduction" it is also necessary to substantiate the relevance and practical significance of the work, designate the goals, objectives, object and subject research, indicate the methods used, note the direction of the work (applied or theoretical), and at the end add a description of the primary sources and a brief review of the literature.

    Section: "Physics and Cognition of the World" (Moscow, XIII All-Russian Conference of Young Researchers "Step into the Future", 2006, III place)

Air humidity measurement

Russia, North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, secondary school No. 26, 9th grade; RCDTT.

- 3rd place at the XIII All-Russian Conference (2006) in the framework of the "Step into the Future" program. Grant for participation in the Russian scientific school-seminar "Academy of the Young" (Gagra, 2006). Two first places - at the Republican conference "Youth, Science, Culture-2006" (with the award of a medal) and at the republican competition of research works (2006) within the framework of the "Step into the Future" program. Now she is finishing 10th grade

Determination of humidity is of great importance in the study of various phenomena in the atmosphere, for some types of industries, for maintaining a certain humidity in the living compartments of spaceships, in libraries and museums in order to better preserve books and exhibits. The list of applications for humidity measuring instruments goes on. Thus, the chosen topic is sufficient actual and promising. The purpose of this work was the study of methods for measuring air humidity and consideration of the practical application of such measurements. Task work - collecting materials on a selected topic, making homemade devices that register air humidity or its change, and working with them, i.e. taking readings and processing the results obtained. In addition, the author was faced with the task of embodying an independent creative technical idea in the form of a specific product that has practical value and works quite well according to the chosen scheme in a given mode.

Novelty in this case, it was the author's development of the electrical circuit of the air humidity sensor in the passenger compartment of a passenger car to turn on the heating of the rear or windshield. This is also practical significance presented work. The automotive industry provides a wide range for the implementation of all kinds of technical developments and novelties, and the considered model could ultimately replenish the piggy bank of promising ideas in domestic production. The home-made device of the author's design described in the work has been successfully used for about a year already.

The analytical part of the work is a selection of materials about devices that register air humidity or its change. This material can be successfully used when conducting classes in the system additional education or in school lessons. As the main literature When studying this topic and conducting research, textbooks were taken on physics, applied physics, the device of a car and its electrical equipment, as well as materials from magazines for radio amateurs (“Radio”, “Radio amateur”, “Electronics”, etc.).


The plan should contain sections: the problem or question to be investigated, a detailed description of the method or plan for conducting the research itself, bibliography (at least three works on the subject of the research). The volume of the plan is no more than four pages. It is printed in the following order: the standard heading, then in the middle of the word "Research plan", then the text with dates.

Note... Such a plan (or the accompanying "Data Logging Diary") is necessary not only in order to pass it to the selection committee (in some competitions it is not asked at all), but for the successful and purposeful organization of its own activities. Of course, the scope of the plan for "internal use" is not regulated and includes a complete plan for conducting the research (studies) itself, and plans for performing individual experiments, and a preparatory work plan (search for equipment and materials, working out an approximate scheme of a future installation, finding out the accuracy class available measuring devices and their compliance with the required experimental conditions, search for literature on a selected topic or conversations with consultants).

Approximate design of the research plan(summary)

    Section: "Physics" (Moscow, XIII All-Russian conference of young researchers "Step into the future", 2006)

Earthquake physics

Russia, North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, secondary school No. 26, 7th grade; RCDTT.

Study plan

Earthquakes are one of the most terrible natural disasters, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives and causing devastating destruction over vast areas. Therefore, the relevance of works devoted to this topic is always of lasting importance, since the problems associated with earthquakes are far from being resolved. The purpose of this work is not only to consider the causes of the emergence of a powerful and complex natural phenomenon, as well as the methods of its registration and forecasting prospects, but also to clearly highlight the issues related to various branches of physics, showing its role in explaining and describing various processes, proposing new hypotheses and creation of control and measuring equipment. The task of the work is the accumulation, study and generalization of theoretical material on the chosen topic, including information from seismology, geology, geography and physics, as well as the collection and analysis of information about earthquakes, both about those that have occurred earlier and are of interest for this study, and about those that have occurred. preparation time for this work. The authors also tried to consider the design of the recording devices.

1. Selection of literature on the selected topic.

2. Study of theoretical material.

3. Drawing up an approximate work plan.

4. Selection of instruments for carrying out standard experiments (on electromagnetic induction).

5. Performing experiments. Calculation of the required quantities and measurement errors. Presentation of results in the form of tables, graphs, etc.

6. Planning of the author's element of work (further work with literature, theoretical justification - author's assumptions and hypotheses, selection of equipment, materials, drawing diagrams, planning the design of the manufactured device, etc.).

8. Checking the results obtained and adjusting the equipment.

9. Preparing for the report: planning a short story, appearance and the content of posters (slides for computer presentation), as well as the selection of equipment for demonstration.

The practical significance of the research lies in the very formulation of the selected goals and objectives, since any efforts of both theorists and practitioners are of great interest for solving such an important issue. After all, earthquakes regularly occur in various regions of the globe, including the seismically dangerous area of ​​residence of the authors of this work, where, after a number of years of relative calm, the accumulating stresses in the earth's crust will certainly lead to a series of new earthquakes in an area belonging to the fairly young mountains of the Caucasus. Trying to make their feasible contribution to the study and study of this highly complex problem, the authors offer their ideas and hypotheses.

The novelty of the research lies in the following: 1) to use the phenomenon of terrestrial magnetism to register surface oscillations with instruments operating due to electromagnetic induction; 2) to increase the reliability of predicting seismic activity, consider the issue of reducing the friction force under the lithospheric plates, especially in places overloaded with mountain massifs, due to molecular repulsion, which ultimately can give a greater mobility of these areas in comparison with those connected to them, but less loaded and, therefore, not so mobile areas, the result of which will be the impossibility of the general movement of the entire complex as a whole.


1. Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. Physics-11. –M .: Education, 2002.

2. N.V. Koronovskiy, Abramov V.A. Earthquakes: causes, consequences, forecast. - Soros educational journal. 1998, no. 12.

3. Bondyrev I.V., Zaalishvili V.B. The danger of activating geodynamic processes in the North Caucasus. - Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center, 2003, No. 2.


If required, handouts are printed for the presentation. It is best done on both sides of the sheet. On the front side there is a text that is a complete repetition of theses or annotations (with interesting additions). On the back - drawings with corresponding signatures. Additionally, you can prepare a photo album with the most typical illustrations.

Approximate design of handouts(on one side of the sheet)

    Section: "Physics" (Republican conference "Step into the future", 2005/06 academic year, II place); section "Chemistry" (2004/05 academic year)

On the mechanism of the influence of the magnetic field on the properties of water. New facts and perspectives

- now a student at St. Petersburg University. He is fond of physics and chemistry. In 2006, two first places with the presentation of medals at the Republican conference "Youth, Science, Culture"; 2nd place (in the section "Physics") and 1st place (section "Chemistry") at the Republican competition "Step into the Future"; 2nd place at the Kolmogorov Readings (Vladikavkaz). In the framework of the national project "Education" he was awarded a prize of 60,000 rubles. for great success: 2nd place at the conference "Step into the Future" (Moscow) and 1st place at the All-Russian Olympiad in Chemistry

The relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that there is no more widespread and at the same time more mysterious substance on Earth than water in liquid and solid phases. Indeed, it is enough to remember that all living things came out of water and consists of more than 50% of it. Huge masses of ice have been discovered in the Universe, including the Solar System. There is not a single slightest significant production in which water would not be used, not to mention the everyday needs of a person. At the same time, it can hardly be argued that the properties of this simple substance are fully understood and predictable. To date, there is no single recognized model of the structure of water that would describe all of its anomalous properties. In addition, it was found that, being exposed to various external influences, water can acquire completely new properties. All activation methods can be reduced to energetic action on a water molecule, but there is still no unified theory of activation processes. One of the promising methods of water activation is its magnetic treatment.

The purpose of this work was to consider individual physicochemical properties of water and study the effect of the magnetic field on some of them, as well as the prospect of putting forward our own hypothesis about the reasons for the change in the observed characteristics. The purpose of this study was to collect and accumulate material on the physicochemical properties of water and its anomalies, as well as to conduct experiments to study a number of properties of water exposed to a magnetic field (dissolution of various substances, electrical resistance, viscosity, surface tension coefficient, etc.).

The author of the work used articles from the Soros Educational Journal, an encyclopedia-supplement to the journal and other materials containing the latest experimental data and modern theories on the chosen topic.

The novelty of the work is the author's solutions to issues related to changes in the properties of water after processing it with a magnetic field, as well as an attempt to explain the positive results in magnetobiology, medicine and technology, due to the same effects. Based on the results of the experiments, the author considered his own theory and proposed methods of applying the unique properties of water in some areas of medicine and technology. These issues are primarily related to the dissolution of salts.

    Section "Transport and space technologies", subsection: "Transport machines, systems and equipment" (Moscow, XII All-Russian conference of young researchers "Step into the future", 2005, II place)

Land vehicles with unconventional design solutions

Russia, North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, secondary school No. 26, 11th grade; RCDTT.

Ibragim Lyanov- now a student at the Moscow State Technical University. NE Bauman (Faculty of Special Engineering). In 2005 - 2nd place at the XII All-Russian Conference of Young Researchers "Step into the Future". On the right is his walking platform

Topics related to various types of engines, propellers, Vehicle and options for their application, as well as consideration of various energy sources are always relevant. Therefore, one of the tasks set by the author was the collection of material and the compilation of summary tables for design activities. Moreover, non-traditional options were chosen as a priority direction, since the search for new ways in the design of the next generations of vehicles (in this case, ground vehicles) lies precisely on the path of considering and analyzing the potential possibilities of less studied technical solutions.

The novelty of the work is the creative exploration of the possibilities of walking vehicles using a six-legged platform of its own radio-controlled design. This type of vehicle was chosen as one of the more rare, but advantageous types in a number of special situations. So, walking machines can add efficiency to the actions of rescuers in emergency situations (which, unfortunately, occur quite often), when performing tasks of a military nature or simply for movement over rough terrain, including the surfaces of other planets.

We, walking on the planet,

We must investigate everything.

All obstacles in the world

Walkers are not afraid.


Sometimes you have to prepare material for publication. These can be either abstracts (see above "Abstract and Abstracts"), or 3 pages with illustrations (as, for example, in the program "Step into the Future"). The material is presented in printed and electronic form, sometimes duplication of all files and an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing materials in the media are required.

Approximate design of the publication

Friction force and methods of its study

Russia, North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, secondary school No. 26, 11th grade; RCDTT; LETI, I course.

- now a student of the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (enrolled on preferential terms). In 2006: four first places - at the Republican conference "Youth, Science, Culture" with the presentation of a medal; at the Kolmogorov readings; at the Republican competition of research papers and the Republican Olympiad in physics under the program "Step into the Future". His report at the XIII All-Russian Conference on this program is recommended for publication in the collection of scientific papers. Laureate of the RNO-Alania prize for supporting talented youth (30,000 rubles) within the framework of the national project "Education"

- now a student at the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University. His first publication (in the 7th grade) "Carefully reading textbooks" appeared in the newspaper "Physics" No. 2/2002

The question of the force of friction is still not completely clear from the point of view of both physics and mathematics, but friction is one of the most important problems, for example, in mechanical engineering. In the process of considering theoretical material and conducting experiments using various research methods, the authors were able to make a number of proposals.

The modern concept of friction is as follows: under compression, the pointed protrusions of two surfaces are plastically deformed, and the shear resistance is determined by intermolecular interaction. When attempting to shift, an oscillatory motion is observed, in which the sticking and sliding phases periodically change. In this case, an EMF of induction should appear in the spring of a dynamometer that measures the friction force and is in a magnetic field. In addition, when the geometric dimensions of the spring change, its inductance changes. This was the basis for two of the author's experimental installations.

The use of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in the course of experiments on the study of the friction force. The magnet is rigidly attached to the dynamometer, and both are located on a movable cart. During the experiments, the steel spring of the device is set in motion relative to the magnet. The resulting induction current is recorded by electrical measuring instruments (galvanometer, multimeter). The device is shown in Fig. 1.

The results are shown in table. 1.

Table 1

Using a change in the inductance of a dynamometer spring. The experimental setup is similar to the previous one, but it does not have a magnet, and the measuring device is an inductance meter. A clearly expressed dependence of the change in the inductance of the deformable spring of the dynamometer on the measured friction force is obtained.

Author's consideration of a mathematical model describing the motion of a linear oscillator in the presence of Coulomb friction. Writing the discontinuous dependence of the friction force on the velocity for an oscillator of unit mass looks rather complicated:


Analyzing such equations (point velocity = dx/dt denoted here by (time derivative). - Ed.), you can make a table. 2.

Projects of experimental installations for determining the quality of revitalizants and lubricants. The authors propose two installations for determining the quality of revitalizants (restorers of surfaces damaged due to friction) and lubricants (Fig. 2, 3).

In the installation in Fig. 2 bearing 2 fits tightly onto the shaft 1 which is connected by a lever 3 through the thread 5 with anchor 6 electromagnet 7 .

Applying current to the winding of the electromagnet, they are noted by the ammeter 10 the reading at which the shaft starts to turn (the outer bearing race is secured). Lever deflection 3 determined by the scale 4 ... To check the quality of the revitalizant, it is loaded into the bearing by disconnecting the latter from the lever 3 ... The shaft with the bearing is driven by an electric motor. The number of revolutions is determined using a magnet mounted on the shaft. 11 acting on the Hall sensor 12 with revolution counter 13 ... After a certain number of revolutions, new ammeter readings are taken.

In fig. 3 shows the Hado installation based on the Atwood machine. Per block 2 with the bearing under investigation, a thread is wound, at one end of which a load is suspended 3 , and on the other - a magnet 4 ... Using an electric stopwatch 6 record the time during which the magnet moves along the ruler. When the magnet passes near the top and bottom reed switches 5 , the stopwatch turns on and off respectively. After the bearing has been treated with the revitalizant, the time of movement of the magnet is determined again, checking how much easier the rotation has become.

In recent years, about 200 patents have been issued related to the no-wear effect. More than 700 articles are published annually on friction around the world.


1. Pervozvansky A.A. Friction is a familiar but mysterious force. - Soros Educational Journal, 1998, No. 2.

2. Yavorskiy B.M., Detlaf A.A. Physics Handbook. - M .: Nauka, 1968.

3. Finogenko I.A. On differential equations arising in the dynamics of systems with dry friction. - Soros Educational Journal, 1999, No. 8.

4. Kravchuk A.S. Friction: Contemporary Natural Science. - M .: Magistr-Press, 2000, vol. 3.


1. Data logging diary

Such a diary usually needs to be provided in the case of a demonstration project, i.e. participation in any exhibition. But the need for it arises in the process of performing most of the work. If students have been engaged in their research for several years, then the texts of the works must be constantly corrected in order to reduce the volume of the theoretical part - the share of their own results is constantly increasing, and the total number of sheets in the work cannot exceed the given norm. For example, in the "Step into the Future" program, there are 10 pages of text, including a bibliography, and 10 illustrations (attachments). New theoretical material may, of course, also be required. Therefore, it is advisable to include in the diary full version materials, because the details should still be reviewed regularly in preparation for your next performance. For the same purpose, it is necessary to include texts from primary sources (or their fragments), additional drawings, figures, tables, detailed mathematical calculations and calculations. "Diary", in fact, is a journal that records information about the progress of scientific work, the results of current scientific research, experiments, measurements, and the results of library searches. It may contain a calendar of the phased implementation of the work, as well as any other information that the researcher considers important for the evaluation of the project, if this diary is required to be presented along with the work to any jury.

2. Related materials

    A very important step is drafting the text of a 10-minute speech at the conference, preparing posters or a computer presentation. Naturally, presenters can also use different layouts, equipment, installations, etc. In the case of a computer presentation, it is advisable to sketch a video sequence in a regular student's notebook, then it will be easier to repeat your work and prepare for a performance in any conditions, including a long trip.

    When participating in high-level competitions, reviews and reviews of research work should be prepared; recommendations; implementation certificate or use of results obtained in this study, certificates of operation of the author's device; other information characterizing the creative direction of the work of the author of the work submitted for the competition.

    In the system of additional education, at the end of the academic year, a general report is prepared on all research work conducted under the guidance of this teacher, including the Olympiads that are held in parallel with conferences of young researchers. It contains a list of students, class, titles of works with an indication of their nature (abstract, research project, theoretical or experimental research, research work with elements of innovative author's developments in the theoretical or practical part), as well as - for each student - a list of competitions, conferences, exhibitions, selections, tests, full-time and correspondence Olympiads (local, regional and all-Russian levels), in which he participated, indicating the results. If this is a report from a multidisciplinary school, then the name of the teacher who was engaged in research activities with his students should be indicated in the additional (8th) column of the table ("name of the leader").

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of the participation of schoolchildren not only in presentations of their research work, but also in various olympiads, tests and competitions held, as a rule, in parallel with the main events of scientific conferences of young researchers. This is due to the possibility of preferential admission to universities for school graduates - the winners of such forums, as well as the system of awarding grants.

A short report on the achievements of students in your educational institution can be made in the form of a beautiful table and posted on the stand where all students can see it, as well as hung alongside photocopies of diplomas and medals. This will give an invaluable educational effect. Some schoolchildren will be proud of their results, their rating in the eyes of their comrades will grow, others will strive to achieve the same or even more significant results, because competition inevitably arises in the youth environment.

Original project types

It is not necessary to devote students' research work to their subject directly; you can start collecting and presenting information about the activities of scientists and teachers who glorified this particular region. Such studies are of great educational value. Moreover, the collected and processed materials should be used in educational and extracurricular activities, to acquaint as many people as possible with them, including through local means mass media... An important positive point in organizing such research activities of a local history nature is that children see examples from the life of not abstract scientists, but people who lived nearby, were enthusiastically engaged in science, and possibly also in social and political activities. Schoolchildren are convinced that the names of such associates of science are not forgotten, that society keeps the memory of them. Children need to see that people appreciate the contributions these scientists have made to the knowledge box. And of course, any person has to experience both ups and downs. But it is these people who usually have great perseverance and fortitude, which allows them to achieve their goals. Isn't this a great example for young people?

Topic: "To the 90th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Siukaev, physicist and popularizer of natural sciences, who taught at the North Ossetian State University."


Nikolai Vasilievich was born into a peasant family in South Ossetia. From his youth, he dreamed of the stars and wanted to unravel the mysteries of the universe. He studied a lot and willingly: at the seven-year school, at the workers' faculty, at the South Ossetian Pedagogical Institute. In 1935 N.V. Siukaev was invited to work at the pedagogical technical school in Borjomi. There he taught six subjects! But in 1937 he managed to continue his studies at the Astronomy Department of the Physics Faculty of Tbilisi University. The plans of the future scientist were interrupted by the war. After graduating from the anti-aircraft artillery school, in 1942 he ended up on the Oryol front. Nikolai Vasilievich fought bravely against the enemy. Heavy fighting was going on. Built in Chelyabinsk in overtime, the armored train "Yuzhnouralsky Railroad" held back the massive air strikes of the German fascist troops. During the fierce battles, Lieutenant Siukaev's anti-aircraft gunners shot down two German aircraft, then three more. During the third raid, the commander of the anti-aircraft platoon, Nikolai Siukaev, was wounded in the leg, but remained in the ranks for a long time and gave orders. In 1943, seriously wounded, he returned to his native village on crutches. By that time, Nikolai Vasilyevich received government awards - the medal "For Courage" and the order Patriotic War I degree. For two years he worked as an accountant on a collective farm, and after the war he continued his studies at the university - now in physics. The fact is that astronomy demanded great physical exertion and night work in observatories, and undermined health did not provide such an opportunity. But all his life the scientist will tell ordinary people far from science, about the great laws of the world around them, simply, understandably and accessible. While still in his third year, he wrote his first book, Popular Astronomy.

NV Siukaev's great merit in the popularization of scientific knowledge is the creation of a dictionary of physical terms in the Ossetian language. Root rural population in those years, she did not speak Russian at a level that made it easy to understand the scientific presentation of the material. Difficulties were experienced both by teachers of national schools (in those days in the villages of the republic, teaching was carried out in the Ossetian language), and workers of periodicals and radio broadcasting. Therefore, in 1954, Nikolai Vasilievich published a bilingual Dictionary of Physical Terms. Trying to provide an opportunity for the inhabitants of Ossetia to gain knowledge, the scientist wrote educational and popular science literature on astronomy and physics in his native language.

But of course, the most reliable way to understand and appreciate the contribution of a scientist to science is to study his scientific works. And Nikolai Vasilievich fully possessed a unique gift to present his science in a popular and intelligible manner. His monographs "The Structure of the Universe", "Atmospheric Phenomena", "The Universe Around Us" and others are read with great interest. He did not remain indifferent to social and political events. Studying in his spare time a complex issue related to the history of South Ossetia, which has not lost its relevance to this day, Siukaev outlined his vision of the problem in the book “Two tragedies of South Ossetia”.

One of the main affairs of a scientist's life can be considered his work to create a team of like-minded people, who are as obsessed with science as he is, at the Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of the current North Ossetian State University. The path in science for N.V. Siukaev was not easy. In 1952 he completed his postgraduate studies, but the choice of the topic for his Ph.D. thesis turned out to be difficult. When the hard and hard work on the initially chosen topic came to an end, it turned out that a similar topic had already been developed in the dissertation of a German scientist. As always, a topical issue of priority in science arose. Then the researchers of the Leningrad Physics and Technology Institute named after V.I. Academician A.F. Ioffe, taking into account the scientific experience of Nikolai Vasilievich, offered him to start working on the problem of obtaining indium phosphide, because it was this substance that, due to the difficulties of manufacturing technology, remained outside the attention of other scientists, although devices based on it can operate at elevated temperatures. On the basis of such crystals, it was possible to create photocells, diodes, tunnel diodes and lasers. But first, Nikolai Vasilyevich and his associates had to erect the walls of the room for the high-pressure chamber with their own hands, carry out carpentry work, and conduct gas and water supply to the laboratory. Bestaev Mels, one of N.V. Siukaev's students, recalls: “He created his laboratory from scratch. The reaction of obtaining indium phosphide took place in a quartz ampoule under conditions high pressure phosphorus vapors. Very often the ampoules exploded. It was necessary to continuously monitor the special conditions of the technological process, so we worked from 8 am until late at night, and Nikolai Vasilyevich did not force any of us, he simply carried us away with his idea. I remember that in 1967 I even worked in New Year". The selfless work of Nikolai Vasilyevich and his fellow students - R. Kundukhov, G. Kovalevskaya, S. Metreveli - was crowned with success. They invented a new method for obtaining pure indium phosphide: their crystal was 10 times higher in purity than foreign samples! This was achieved in small laboratory university thanks to the development of a new cleaning method. Nikolai Vasilievich's thesis "Obtaining crystals of indium phosphide and the study of their electrical properties" was considered worthy of being awarded the degree not of a candidate, but immediately of a doctor of sciences.

As soon as the research results were published in 1970, requests came from many countries of the world: Canada, England, USA, Hungary, etc. It was not for nothing that Nikolai Vasilyevich was called the "architect of magic crystals", and his scientific work was recognized all over the world. In 1971, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor NV Siukaev was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, and in 1973 he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Over the decades of scientific activity, he has published more than seventy scientific works. He was a man in love with science. And to this he called on the multinational youth of Ossetia: "Forward, forward, youth of Ossetia, to knowledge, to the heights of science and technology!" At the same time, he wanted to awaken in new generations a sense of patriotism and a desire for great achievements in the scientific field. Here are his words addressed to those who come to science: “The work of a scientist is the property of all nations. Each nation can use its discoveries to improve their living conditions. And in this respect science is international. But speaking of achievements and life path a person of genius, they always mention which nation he represents, which people he has won fame. "

Tatiana Ivanovna Radchenko was born in the ancient city of Polotsk in Belarus in the family of an officer of the airborne troops Ivan Petrovich Silaev. He was drafted into the army during the war, at the age of 16 and a half, and for many years he served in various branches of the armed forces, but almost always associated with technology: communications, artillery, self-propelled guns, tanks, cars. That is why Tatiana Ivanovna liked physics and technology from childhood. In 1975 she graduated from the North Ossetian State University, and now she works at the Secondary School No. 26 and at the Republican Center for Children's Technical Creativity. Tatyana Ivanovna - Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Soros teacher, head of the city methodological association of physics teachers, member of the city methodological council. Most of all, she is interested in organizing research activities with students, which she successfully does.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Zainsk secondary school №6"

Zainsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Competitive essay "Ticket to the Future"

Nomination "Labor Man"

Completed: student 11 "B" class Anna Kochneva

Checked by: teacher of Russian language and literature Golubeva V.V.

Surely, each of us at least once in our life thought about the future, about what awaits us. And what is the future like? Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this question, but after all, each of us has the right to dream, make plans. Everyone has a choice, to fulfill their dreams, doing everything possible for this, or day after day, missing the gifts of fate, "stand still". Perhaps you want to ask me what gifts of fate am I talking about? I will answer. Fate gives each of us a chance to realize our plans, it is like a ticket, a ticket to the future, without accepting which, we can remain with our unfulfilled dreams.

Each person has their own ticket. For some, this ticket is good to get married, to get married, for some, a ticket to the future was "bought" by parents, but for me, for me, a ticket to the future is a successful passing of the Unified State Exam. I have many plans for life, but I understand perfectly well that in order to fulfill my dream I need to get a job on Good work, and for this to enter a prestigious university. But let's not forget that you have to pay for every ticket: to the cinema, to the circus or to the theater. A ticket to the future also has a price, it lies in our perseverance and diligence. The quality of our ticket depends on how we will try to achieve our goals, because how much we want to implement our plans. After all, in the cinema, and in the theater, and in the circus, you can buy tickets to places from where you will not see anything, but it’s cheap, and in life, you try less, and count on less.

The standard of a serious attitude to my future is my classmate, who since childhood has dreamed of becoming a surgeon. Angelina is not at all afraid of the responsibility that lies with doctors; she purposefully works on herself in order to become a truly good surgeon. She is an excellent student, trains her arms, reads many brochures and books, watches TV shows and documentaries related to medicine, attends lectures by famous doctors, attends chemistry and biology courses, teaches English and Latin. She tries to be like world famous doctors, such as Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal. Leonid Mikhailovich is a world-famous doctor. He has created an international ambulance team that provides assistance to injured children. His team fearlessly goes to help children in hot spots. Roshal, indeed, great person and a doctor, because only a real doctor can risk his life to save the lives of other people. She also sets herself up as an example of Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky, who made a great contribution to the development and formation of surgery. He owns more than seventy scientific works on surgery, the development of asepsis and surgery in general. But my classmate appreciates and respects not only great and famous doctors, but also our ordinary doctors. She is glad that in our city there are people who can be proud of. For example, our Zain surgeon - Magomed Alievich Murzagov. Not only Angelina, but her entire family is grateful to this doctor. Magomed Alievich is an excellent surgeon, he performed a complicated operation on her grandmother, and now she can move independently. Thanks to his work, their grandmother is still alive and well. There are not many doctors in our city, and I think that we should appreciate their work. I am glad that my classmate chose this noble profession. Every day I see her climbing higher and higher up the ladder of life towards her goal. I am sure that she will certainly achieve her goal, because she really wants it, and this can be seen in her every action. I see that she uses every chance that fate gives her, and I know that she will definitely use her ticket to the future for the right purposes.

But, unfortunately, there are not only those young men and women who achieve their goals, but also those who are completely disrespectful to life. They do not try to learn, do good to people, do good deeds, develop not only physically, but also spiritually, for such young people the most important thing is that they feel good. They are not at all worried about everything that happens around them, they are not interested in the life around them. They do not think about what awaits them in tomorrow, and for them it is not at all important that they have relatives and friends to whom they bring experiences and worries, committing stupid and meaningless acts. I do not think that these people have a good future, so I would really like each person to think first, and only then do something. After all, life is given to us only once, and we need to live it in such a way that future generations are proud of us, and not ashamed of us.

No matter how old we are, and in what class we study, it is never too early to think about the future.

I think everyone who works hard day in and day out, for whom life means something, will definitely succeed. I would like everyone to learn to appreciate the gift of fate - their lucky ticket to the future. And no matter how many trials fate sends us, I am sure that all of them will be overcome. Once Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry, French writer, poet and professional pilot, said: "Through hardships to the stars." So, I think that having lived all the joys and sorrows of life, we will certainly reach our goal, our star.

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About the competition for the best essay "Ticket to the Future"

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation defines the main goals, procedure and conditions for the Republican essay competition on professions "Ticket to the Future" among students in grades 7-10 educational institutions secondary (complete) general education of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter the Competition). 1.2. The founder and organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Labor, Employment and social protection Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry). The organizer carries out general management of the organization, holding the competition and summing up the results. 1.3. Certain functions for organizing and conducting the Competition may be transferred by the Ministry to third parties.

2. Objectives of the competition

2.1. The competition is held in order to: - develop the creative abilities of students; - developing interest in informed choice future profession; - raising the prestige of workers and engineering professions; - raising the prestige vocational education; - instilling in the students of the republic a sense of pride in the representatives different professions and labor dynasties. 3. Organizing committee of the competition 3.1. The Founder of the Competition creates the Competition Commission. 3.2. The Competition Commission acts as a jury in summing up the results of the Competition, evaluates the essays submitted to the Competition and determines the winners of the Competition. 3.3. The Organizing Committee of the Competition provides: - equal conditions for all participants in the Competition; - wide publicity of the Contest; - Prevention of disclosure of information about the results of the Contest earlier than the date of their official announcement.

4. Subject and Participants of the Competition

4.1. The subject of the Competition is essays about professions. 4.2. Participants of the Competition are students of grades 7-10 of secondary schools of the city and region of the Republic of Tatarstan. 4.3. the competition is held in 4 nominations: - "Man of Labor". Essays about representatives of various professions are accepted for this nomination. Authors should present talented and correct information about workers and engineers. - "Forge of personnel". This category accepts works that describe the history of the development of a vocational and technical educational institution and narrate about the professions trained in these institutions (it is recommended to take as an example the development of a specific vocational education institution in which acquaintances, relatives or neighbors studied. - "My future profession". This nomination accepts works about the chosen future profession, about the future business. - "My future is in my hands"- an essay in poetic form. The main requirement for work is not only the observance of the rhyme, but the disclosure of the topic.

5. Procedure for the Contest.

5.1. The competition is held in 2 stages: - Stage 1 - from September 1 to October 3, 2011 in educational institutions. - Stage 2 - from October 3 to October 10, 2011 determination best works competition commission at the Center for Employment of the Population. 5.2. Competitive works are accepted if there is a completed application. 5.3. The Republican Organizing Committee, until November 3, 2011, considers the submitted compositions and decides on the winners of the Competition in each nomination. Information about the results of the Competition is posted on the website of the Ministry www. mtsz. tatar. ru, on the portal of career guidance "My profession" www. myprof. ru and is also published in the media. 5.4. The winners are invited to the award ceremony, which will be held in November 2011 as part of the republican holiday of students of primary and secondary institutions under the Ministry vocational education"Ball of Lyceum Students".

6. Requirements for works and participants of the Competition

6.1. To participate in the Competition, high school students of secondary schools must submit their competitive compositions to the Employment Center of the city of Chistopol no later than October 3, 2011. 6.2. The form of writing the essay is determined by the author himself. The essay can be written in both prosaic and poetic form. 6.3. The volume of the essay should not exceed 4 pages of typewritten text in A4 format, font size 14, one and a half spacing. 6.4. Contest Entries must be submitted on paper and electronic media, which, in addition to the entries themselves, may contain a brief biography of the student and an annotation to the Contest Entry. 6.5. In the Application for participation, students must indicate: a) name, postal code and address of the school, surname, name, patronymic of the school principal; b) the theme of the essay; c) information about the participant of the Contest: - surname, name, patronymic; - Date of Birth; - Class; - postal code, home address, telephone. 6.6. Competitive works can be presented in one of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan. 6.7 The essay must be written independently. Each essay will be checked for coincidence with the text on the Internet resources, and removed from the competition if plagiarism is found. 6.8. Essays sent to the competition will not be returned, reviews will not be given to authors. Competitive essays and materials to them can be used by the Founder in the work to popularize workers and engineering professions without additional receipt consent of the participant of the Competition (author of the work).

7. Selection criteria

7.1. Compliance of the work with the goals and objectives of the Competition. 7.2. The degree of understanding of the topic, the reasoning and depth of disclosure of the content. 7.3. The level of accuracy and clarity of language and presentation style. 7.4. The degree of general cultural erudition. 7.5. When evaluating works, the originality, brightness, emotionality and imagery of presentation are taken into account.




Job title


School (school number, address and telephone)

Contact information (address, phone, fax, e-mail)

FULL NAME. student (completely)

Contact information (address, telephone, e-mail)

Date of birth (in full)

Student achievements (diplomas, awards, participation in competitions and olympiads)

Annotation to the Competition Work

By submitting this application, I agree to participate in this competition, and confirm the transfer of non-exclusive rights in my work to the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, including the right to publish it, and free use without my additional consent or permission and without payment of copyright remuneration, including by third parties. I understand that my composition will not be returned to me.

Participant's signature

from "___" ___________ 2012 No. _____


on holding the municipal stage of the republican competition essays

about professions "Ticket to the Future"

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation defines the main goals, procedure and conditions for the Municipal Competition of Essays on Professions "Ticket to the Future" among students 7-10 classes of educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" (hereinafter - the Competition).

1.2. The organizer of the competition is the State Institution "Employment Center of the City of Leninogorsk". The organizer carries out general management of the organization, holding the competition and summing up the results.

2. Objectives of the competition

2.1 The competition is held in order to:

developing interest in a conscious choice of a future profession;

raising the prestige of workers and engineering professions;

instilling in the students of the republic a sense of pride in representatives of various professions and labor dynasties;

development of creative abilities of students.

3. Competition commission

3.1. The Organizer of the Competition creates a Competition Commission.

3.2. The Competition Commission acts as a jury in summing up the results of the first stage of the Competition, evaluates the essays submitted to the Competition and determines the winners of the Competition.

4. Subject and participants of the Competition

4.1. The subject of the Competition is the best essay about the profession.

4.2. Participants of the Competition - students 7-10 classes secondary schools of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district".

4.3. The competition is held in 4 nominations:

"Labor man"... Essays about representatives of various professions are accepted for the Competition in this category. Authors should tell talentedly and correctly about workers and / or engineers .

"Forge of personnel"... This category accepts works that describe the history of the development of one or more vocational educational institutions and narrates about the professions trained in these institutions (it is recommended to take as an example the development of a specific vocational education institution in which friends or relatives studied).

"My future profession"... In this nomination, works about the chosen future profession, about the future business are accepted.

Composition in poetic form "My future is in my hands"... Works performed in poetic form are accepted for the Competition in this nomination. The main requirement for work is not only observance of rhyme, but also disclosure of the topic of the chosen future profession.

5. Procedure and timing of the competition

5.1. The competition is held in two stages:

1st stage - qualifying - is held at the level of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan;

The 2nd stage - the final one - is held at the Republican level among the finalists of the preliminary stage of the Competition.

5.2. The 1st stage of the Competition is held from September 2012 to October 2012. The organizers of the Competition in the municipality are the State Institution "Employment Center of the City of Leninogorsk".

5.2.1. The Participants of the Competition shall send the Competition Works with completed Applications for participation (attached) to the Competition Commissions created at the Employment Centers.

5.2.2. Competition works are accepted until October 12, 2012.

5.2.3. The competition commissions of the qualifying stage determine the winners of the 1st stage of the Competition. Selected Competition Works in nominations are sent together with cover letters, in which the school number, class, last name, first name, patronymic of the participant are indicated, for participation in the republican stage of the Competition, to the Organizing Committee of the Competition until October 18, 2012.

5.3. The 2nd stage of the Competition is held in October 2012 among the winners who took 1, 2, 3 places in each nomination in municipalities Republic of Tatarstan.

5.3.2. The winners of the 2nd final stage are invited to the awards ceremony to be held in November 2012. within the framework of the holiday "Ball of Lyceum Students 2012".

6. Requirements for works and participants of the Competition

6.1. To participate in the Competition, high school students (7-10) of secondary schools no later than October 14, 2012 must submit their competitive essays and a completed application to the State Public Institution "Employment Center of Leninogorsk" (st. ***. Room number 17 or ten).

6.2. The nomination and form of writing an essay is determined by the author himself.

6.3. The volume of the essay should not exceed 4 pages of typewritten text in A4 format, font size 14, one and a half spacing.

6.4. Contest Entries must be submitted on paper and electronic media, which, in addition to the entries themselves, may contain a brief biography of the student and an annotation to the Contest Entry;

6.5. On the title page of the essay, you must indicate:

name of the school, nomination, topic of the essay;

information about the participant of the Contest: surname, name, patronymic;

postal code, home address, telephone;

student signature.

6.6. Competitive works can be presented in one of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan .

6.7. Individual works take part in the Competition (collective work is not accepted). Each essay will be analyzed and for authorship in order to avoid a situation where adults write an essay for children.

6.8. The essay must be written by yourself. Each essay will be checked for coincidence with the text on the Internet resources, and removed from the competition if plagiarism is found. Therefore, quotes must be enclosed in quotation marks. If the author of the essay published his essay on the Internet before submitting the application for participation in the Competition, in order to avoid misunderstanding, the student must indicate this in the application for participation in the Competition.

6.9. Essays sent to the competition will not be returned, reviews will not be given to authors. Competitive essays and materials to them can be used by the Founder in the work to popularize workers and engineering professions without the additional consent of the Competitor (author of the work).

7. Criteria for the selection of competitive works

7.1. Compliance of the work with the goals and objectives of the Contest specified in clause 2.1. of this Regulation.

7.2. The degree of understanding of the topic, the reasoning and depth of disclosure of the content.

7.3. The level of accuracy and clarity of language and presentation style.

7.4. The degree of general cultural erudition.

7.5. When evaluating works, the originality, brightness, emotionality and imagery of presentation are taken into account.

8. Rewarding

8.1. According to the results of the competition, one winner is determined for each nomination.

8.2. Participants of the competition who are not included in the number of winners are awarded with certificates of the participant of the competition.



to the Regulation on holding the municipal stage of the republican competition essays on professions"Ticket to the Future"

Essay competition about best profession- "Ticket to the Future"

among students of grades 7-10 of educational institutions

Republic of Tatarstan


By submitting this application, I consent to:

to participate in this Competition,

in accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 01.01.01. "On personal data) for automated, as well as without the use of automation tools, the processing and use of my personal data contained in this application, including in the conditions. Defined in the regulation on the republican essay competition, also in relation to processing (publication) and posting them in the media (Internet, printed editions, radio, television).

to transfer non-exclusive rights in my work to the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, including the right to its publication, and free use without my additional consent or permission and without payment of royalties, including by third parties.

With the condition of the competition, including that my essay will not be returned to me, is familiarized.

Appendix: essay on ____ pages. in 1 copy.

Signature of the student applying for the competition) _____________________

Signature of the Chairman of the Tender Committee,

certified by the seal ____________________

Place of work: CHOU "Perfect - gymnasium" Ussuriysk Position: primary school teacher.

Email: [email protected]

Professional interests: research activities.

My hobbies: knitting, fish, mastering the computer. Abstract of the competition work

Abstract of the competition work:

Subject area: local history, the world around

Project theme: Ussuriisk - the city of Nashensky

Age of participants: 2 - 3 grade

Goals and objectives of the project:

  • Contribute to the formation, development of intellectual, creative capabilities and abilities, speech culture.
  • Broaden the horizons of students through learning brief history city, consideration of the geographical position and acquaintance with the memorable places of Ussuriysk, the pride of the city.
  • To develop the mental qualities of the child: thinking, memory, attention, etc.
  • To educate the skills of cultural communication, interaction "teacher - student", "student - student", "student - parent".

Information and communication technologies are used at the stage of practical activity to study this problem and at the stage of presenting the results of one's search.

The success story of my students.

The theme of the project was relevant to my students. They learned to look for answers to the main questions, to think in a variety of ways, and the received emotions - surprise, joy of success, pride in the case of a successful solution of the problem, approval of adults - created in children confidence in their abilities, prompted them to actively search for something new.

As a result of the work on the project, products were obtained that were unusual for them, which the guys presented to their comrades and the public for judgment.

In 2008, the children took an active part in the city competition of children's social and educational projects and were awarded a diploma for participation.

In 2008, a representative of the class, Anton Odintsov, presented his work at the Regional competition for research and creative work of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "I am a researcher" and brought a diploma for the successful defense of the research results.

In 2009, a representative of the class - Anton Odintsov - presented his work at the competition held within the framework of the Intel international project: "Education for the Future", held on the basis of the UGPI and received a certificate of an active participant in the "student research" nomination.

List of submitted materials:

  • crossword puzzle "Do you know the city?"
  • full annotation to the work,
  • presentation of children "Ussuriysk - the city of Nashensky",
  • test "My favorite city",
  • presentation of the project by the teacher.