What profession is better to master. How to choose the right profession. Try yourself in cooking

Educational process practically unchanged since the 15th century, when the first printing press was invented. But now there is an opportunity to learn from teachers who are thousands of kilometers away. Together with the educational service, we tell you how to master the IT profession, undergo an internship and get a job. And all this - without leaving your home.

This material was written with the support of GeekBrains.

To bookmarks

Five years ago, online education was not considered a serious alternative to university education. Now even large companies are sending their employees to online classes. As, for example, Google does it, which has 80 thousand of its employees for the Udacity course on HTML5.

There are certainly downsides to online education. For example, students do not have sufficient motivation to learn, since there is no feedback from the teacher and there is practically no control. But modern services have solved these problems - in GeekBrains, for example, courses can be taken in real time, as well as homework assignments that will be checked by teachers, and the result of which will be considered in detail in the next lesson.

In 2015, a third of students around the world completed their courses to completion, which is several percent more than last year. And the figure is only growing every year.

Now educational services can give a student a full-fledged profession. Together with the educational platform GeekBrains, we have selected seven popular professions and told how to get them without leaving your home.

Web developer

Average salary: 90 thousand rubles

The GeekBrains module lasts 10 months. If the student successfully completes the eight-month training, then they receive a two-month internship in a real project.

For eight months, students take courses in HTML / CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, vector graphics and frameworks. In a future resume, students will be able to talk about confident knowledge of OOP, experience in database design and the ability to develop web applications.

Mobile developer

Average salary: 130 thousand rubles

The module lasts a little longer - 11 months. It is noteworthy that after completing the entire program, the student gains development skills on both iOS and Android. First, students take two courses in Java, then two in Android development, and two more in iOS development. One of the courses is completely devoted to Swift programming.

After completing the module and training in one of the selected formats (there are currently three of them in GeekBrains), students will learn how to write clean code, understand the intricacies of mobile development and will be able to create applications and games in Java, Objective C and Swift.

Android programmer

Average salary: 110 thousand rubles

From 2012 to 2014, the number of vacancies for has increased by 110%. The number of programmers themselves has also grown, but good specialists, as always, are in demand in any type of business.

Unlike the module by mobile development, this shorter one - lasts 7 months and consists of three parts. The first course focuses on basic Java development, while the second and third courses focus on deep Android development.

iOS programmer

Average salary: 100 thousand rubles

During the five-month course, students gain experience with Objective-C and Swift, learn to design client-server applications, and work with iTunes Connect.

Many will be most interested in the last course - it is devoted to development with Swift. By the end of the module, students will already be able to create iOS applications and games, and the subsequent internship will help to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice.

Java programmer

Average salary: 125 thousand rubles

It's pretty hard to learn in six months. Therefore, to successfully complete the module of three courses, you will have to use all the capabilities of the service: communicate with classmates, ask the teacher questions and do homework.

Web Designer

Average salary: 50 thousand rubles

There are many jokes about the difficulty of finding mutual understanding between customers. But no matter what they say, this is the ideal profession for those who want to combine technology and creativity.

GeekBrains Web Design Module lasts five months and consists of three modules. First, students study HTML and CSS, study web development. Then work on bitmap graphics in Adobe photoshop... The module ends with a course on the study of web design and typography.

Python programmer

Average salary: 105 thousand rubles

Consists of three courses. The first two are introductory - students learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The third year teaches the basics of Python and web application development.

1. Be sure to choose a time period for training when you will not have any important tasks that can distract. If you have a family, tell the family council that you are going to study and get a new profession. You will have to devote less time to your family, as you will have to study in the evenings and on weekends. Lectures cannot be missed. Homework is time-consuming, and this should also be taken into account.

2. Before enrolling in a group for passing the module, it is very important to clarify the level with the teacher. necessary knowledge... If your level does not hold out, then the service will advise where to start.

3. Try to do your homework as much as possible.

4. Don't look for ready-made solutions homework on the forums, do it yourself, read the documentation.

6. If something does not work out, do not despair, write a list of questions and send them to the teacher.

7. You must understand that after completing the module, you will not become a pro. You will need to read a lot of teaching material and try to put it into practice.

Sergey Medny, automated testing engineer at Mail.ru

To find interesting professions for which they will take without a diploma, we rummaged through sites to find work. Some of the vacancies where you can work without special education turned out to be so cool that you can send your resume right now.

Work for food

The first group of professions for which no crust is needed is associated exclusively with natural talent. It takes sensitive receptors and a love of food to become a taster. The most attractive vacancies are associated with sweets and what sweets to drink.

Cake taster


The Christophe Laermans confectionery factory was looking for a person who can eat 2.5 kg of sweets per day. Employment required medical book and the absence of allergies, and the company gave a salary, a discount on the products of the factory and paid for a gym membership.

Tea tester

A tea taster is a person who tastes tea. Such employees are needed when a company is going to purchase a batch of goods: they determine how high-quality tea suppliers offer. And for this you have to travel to India, Africa, China and in general to all countries producing tea.

The tester also drinks tea after purchases: he checks if the taste has changed after transportation and packaging in the factory.

When we were given this vacancy to select a candidate, the requirements were: first, to love tea, second, to have a certain physiological sensitivity, the ability to determine astringency and aroma. It should be noted that salaries are high: this profession is rare.

Natalia Storozheva, general manager recruiting agency"Perspective"

In Russia, they do not teach for a profession anywhere, so the company itself recruits people and sends them to study abroad. Further, only experience is required and more experience.

Work for travel

Not everyone can be tasters if the tea bag tastes the same as the rare loose leaf tea. To become a traveler, you need much less natural data, there would be a desire.

Tourism manager

Quite a common vacancy for which special education is not needed. It is just such a "rough" work in tourism that will replace any university.

The advantage of work is the opportunity to go on special study tours, which are usually held out of season. Minus - low initial wage, but there is an opportunity to develop and become an expert in directions.

Olga Evstratova, Commercial Director, Caribbean Club

The manager communicates with clients, studies the offers of hotels and guides in different countries and makes sure that the expectations of the clients coincide with the capabilities of the receiving party.

Leisure Director

This is, apparently, the highest stage in the development of a tourism manager. One to Trip offers everyone over 18 years old with a passport and passable English, completing crazy tasks. Then it is imperative to report on the trip, but not to the bosses, but to the whole world: tell the details and give advice to the company's subscribers.

Professional traveler

A vacancy similar to the director of recreation: a person with knowledge of English, a passport, active and sociable is required.

The traveler had to deliver hornbeams (orders of our users), communicate with customers and conduct interviews with them, blog about bargains abroad, advice and experiences of our users, create content for our social networks and help other travelers.

Daria Child, founder of Grabr

An additional point in the job requirements is love for. We need a person for whom Black Friday is not the title of a horror movie, but the event of the year.

Work for interest

Earning money for a hobby is not only about making soap and making cakes to order. There are also unexpected options.

Car navigator

Roman Gerasimov, navigator of the FONBET Trophy-Team, author and host of the project "Motorsport in faces", spoke about this profession.

To become a co-driver, you must first get into the next competition with anyone: a spectator to understand whether you like this kind of motorsport, an assistant judge to find out the organization of the race from the inside, a pilot if you have your own car. The main thing is to understand that you are ready to endure all this.

Roman Gerasimov

In trophy-raids, the navigator is the “eyes” of the crew, it is he who knows where to go, and also keeps track of the time, instruments and works with sports documents. In addition, in the event that the car gets stuck, the navigator works with an electric winch, jack and shovel to pull the car out.

At the initial stage, you need to study navigation devices, competition rules, terms and tools. It is important to work on physical fitness, because it is difficult to move through the swamps.

The payment for the work of the navigator at the initial stage may be small, it depends on the experience and reputation of each particular specialist. Outstanding representatives can be spotted by major sports teams and taken on full-time jobs. The navigator's work is sporadic, usually on weekends, when trophy raids are more frequent. That is, it can be combined with other work.

Untitled profession

This is a job for those whose hobby is messing around.

Alexander Malafeev, HR Director of Srochnodengi, says: “A couple of months ago, one of my friends on Facebook published a vacancy as part of his sociological project. He could not come up with a name for this vacancy, because the main functional responsibility This position consisted of sitting at an empty office table all day and doing nothing. It was necessary to understand how long the average average citizen would withstand such torture for money, as well as what his motivation was. I will say right away that there were enough responses. "

Party King

In April 2016 mobile app JoyME was looking for a candidate for the "Party King" position. Responsibilities: to know everything about entertainment, fashion shows, crossfit, races and parties in Moscow. The king of parties had to attend all these events (although this is not always easy), make acquaintances and attract application users, and at the same time look for partners for further development business. Education did not matter, but the ability to pass any face control was needed.

Work that helps

There is such a profession - helping people. For example, looking after the owners while the owners are away, walking if the owners are busy, combing and even teaching the dog to speak. The YouDo.com service helped with a selection of such professions, where they often look for unusual assistants:

  • A person who will make friends with a cat and a dog.
  • A responsible man who will remind you three times a day that it is time to take medicine.
  • A cheerful girl who will play the role of a soul mate in front of relatives at a family evening.
  • A music lover who can compose an original playlist with comments.
  • A persevering person who completes a large puzzle.

And that's not counting the standard requests to take a queue or help with cleaning. You can hardly make a career in this area, but if you love helping people, then why not make money on it.

HR vice versa

Recruiters learn right in the field, where they have to evaluate people. Typically, an HR manager works with job seekers. But sometimes the “wrong” HR is required.

Elena Sentsova, HR Manager at CTC Group, says: “CTC Group specializes in outsourcing and personnel leasing, as well as outstaffing. At our facilities, it is common shift method work. The shift lasts 45, 60 days or more - at the person's choice. Then contract of employment close with him.

This is what employees do. unusual profession- managers for work with laid-off workers. A laid-off manager is the opposite of a secretary. He sees off the shift workers on vacation and makes the process as comfortable as possible. Later he calls people and offers to continue cooperation. Such care is bearing fruit: more than half of the specialists are returning. "

It is possible to work as a dismissed manager without education. The main requirements for such specialists are a positive outlook on life, sociability, the ability to establish contact with owners of even the most complex nature.

We found all the above professions in less than a week. And these are not all cool positions that do not need a diploma. Tell us in the comments what vacancies you have seen for the "ignorant".

Choosing a career path can be challenging, but moving in a specific professional direction will help you find a job. It takes hard work, planning, and introspection to pave the way for a rewarding, beloved profession that will provide for you and your family.


Part 1

Consider your interests

    Imagine your dream job. There is an old saying: "If you are trying to choose a profession, you need to think about what you would do if you did not have to work." If you had a million dollars and could afford everything, what would you do? Your answer to this question will not necessarily point you to the most appropriate career choice, but it will give you a clue of what you need to do.

    • If you want to become a famous musical figure, consider becoming a sound engineer or composer. This career path can be continued throughout your life, and you will have a high chance of success and financial stability in the future.
    • If you want to be an actor, consider working in the media. You can get a degree in communications technology, or climb the career ladder in a television studio.
    • If you want to travel all over the world, you can master the profession of a steward / stewardess. Such work makes it possible to earn a living and fulfill the dream of traveling around the world.
  1. Consider your own passions. You can easily turn your hobby into a future profession. Many hobbies relate to needs and jobs in the real world. Think about what you like and how you can turn this hobby into a profession.

    • For example, if you enjoy playing computer games, you can become a computer game designer, programmer, or quality assurance professional.
    • If you like drawing or art, you can master the profession of a graphic designer.
    • If you enjoy playing sports, consider coaching education and obtaining an appropriate certification of qualifications.
  2. Analyze the subjects that you enjoyed in school. Academic disciplines give you the opportunity to get the job of a lifetime, but you may have to get additional education... A favorite high school subject can serve as a foundation future profession, but you must have a desire to work for the result.

    • For example, if you are into chemistry, you may become a laboratory assistant or pharmacist in the future.
    • If you enjoyed learning English, consider becoming an editor or copywriter.
    • If you are into mathematics, you can become an insurance mathematician or accountant.
  3. Make wish board . This board is a great tool for organizing your aspirations. It will also allow you not to deviate from your plans in the course of achieving goals. Find images online or in magazines and paste them onto your poster. If you feel like it, you can add inspirational quotes and various knickknacks.

If you want to save your future from the impending cataclysm, listen to our every word! Okay, let's not be so pessimistic about economic affairs in Russia. Let's just say that today we will talk about opportunities, professional reorientation, training, in a word, about the future. And this is important for everyone, absolutely.

There is not much work in the country now. There are a lot of specialties, mainly of a humanitarian nature, which have fallen sharply in price. Here you graduated from the institute, cheerful and full of hope, and your diploma turned out to be a dummy. You are frantically looking for a job, but no one wants to take you. And the point is not in your abilities, the point is that there are reductions, and you are not to blame for this. The country is just in this position. You should not despair, you just need to show the flexibility of the mind and penetrate where healthy wages still live. In which market segment is everything always good? We have a fairly simple answer to this seemingly difficult question - in IT.

Next, we will explain why and give the average salaries by country for each specialty that we have chosen. In addition, you will learn where you can learn each profession, and not just yourself, but from real professionals who will provide you with a place for an internship. Actually, we will talk about online training at, where, in addition to effective paid courses, there are no less effective free courses and webinars. Take, for example, which are conducted in person and cover the basics and fundamentals of the hard work of a programmer. In general, the conditions for training are very cool, and the site has a large set of advantages when compared with others (take the same internship).

In general, gnaw the granite of science before it's too late!

1. Web developer

There are hundreds of courses on the Internet, but good ones can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And the thing is, many "smart" guys offer weekly, monthly, two-month training in the profession of a web developer. Eh dude! All this has nothing to do with reality. If you want to become a web developer, you will have to unlearn at least 10 months and undergo an internship to consolidate the knowledge gained (and maybe even find an employer). Then you will be able to earn 74 thousand rubles a month (the average salary in Moscow) or even more.

6. Python programmer

Do you want to join the "Major League"? Then you cannot do without knowledge of the most popular programming language. Think about it: Google, Instagram, Pinterest use Python and don't complain. And there are many explanations for this. To begin with, let's say that, after passing, you can develop anything for any operating system... Also, this course is extremely important for those who are going to further advance along the path of a developer, it perfectly structures the thinking of a programmer. What about salaries? Now on the market such specialists are estimated at 100,000 rubles on average.

There are few blocks, only three. We are familiar with HTML / CSS, without which you will not go far, then we will learn the actual programming language Python, well, and finish with a block of JavaScript, where we will put special emphasis on interactive web applications. Of course, there is a place for an internship, which will definitely delight any graduate.

7. Ruby programmer

The Ruby language is unique. It is loved by many programmers, and all because it is just pleasant to work on it. Thanks to him, you can solve complex problems. in simple ways have an excellent understanding of the HTTP protocol and REST principles. And, of course, any qualified person knows how to optimize and test code. Well, in general, in training (and this applies to all specialties), one can single out such pleasant little things as communicating with classmates and recording all classes.

We don’t want to tell you how much time you will spend on this course. In this case, you don’t spend it, but invest it - understand the difference! So, in total, the course lasts 6 months and is divided into three parts and an internship. By tradition, we will list the blocks: HTML / CSS, Ruby / Rails (Language Basics and Web Application Development), JavaScript. The average salary in this specialty is about 100,000 rubles, which will delight anyone who wants to get out of their old job.

8. SEO Specialist

And now about the sore point. Let's say firsthand that a good one is worth its weight in gold for any site, no matter what this site does. People of this profession who do everything right, like animals from the Red Book. But there are a lot of SEOs who have no knowledge. We recommend that you pay close attention to this course. And even if an SEO specialist, when compared with others on this list, gets less (average earnings - 50 thousand rubles in Moscow), but he is always needed, and the prospects for growth in this area are endless.

For 4 months you will be studying two sides of the question: Basics of website creation and SEO. What will you know at the end of the course? The answer is simple: everything you need to optimize and promote your site in the most productive way. Even if you are not going to work as a SEO, but always wanted to have your own website, the knowledge gained will be extremely useful, even, say, fundamental.

YouTube - free and on its own

Terms: one-hour, half-hour lessons.

Price: Free

If you don't want to spend money at all and you have the willpower to study without a teacher, then on YouTube.com you will find many channels and videos on the topic of how to learn one thing or another. Masters show step by step instructions, share advice and tell about their profession from their own experience. So you can learn how to sew clothes, do makeup for people, cut hair, cook, disassemble and assemble computers, fix cars, Cell Phones, lay tiles and much more. The only negative is that there is no way to ask additional questions to the teacher.

Free working professions

Terms: from 2 to 10 months

Price: Free

At the Resource Development Center vocational education you can get a working and well-paid profession for free. Short-term training (2-10 months) is conducted throughout the year. The resource center offers training in 11 specialties:

Diamond cutter to cut diamonds - 6 months.

Diamond Ripper - 5 months.

Diamond sawmaker - 5 months.

Manufacturer art products metal - 10 months.

Jeweler-assembler - 4 months.

Jeweler-fixer - 3 months.

Construction joiner - 4 months.

Wooden artwork manufacturer - 10 months.

Shaper of products, structures and building metals - 2 months.

Concrete worker - 2 months.

I am a pro

Terms: from 1 day to 5 months

Price: from 0 rubles to 65 thousand rubles

In Yakutsk, there is a website yaprofi.su, which helps to find courses, seminars and trainings of interest in the city. You can choose for yourself short-term courses, training courses, professional retraining, trainings, choosing according to the category you are interested in: beauty and health, computer courses, construction and repair, language courses and others. Conveniently, you can see the date of classes, cost, duration and even the fullness of the group. Schools, beauty studios, children's camps, psychologists, driving schools and many other enterprises offer their services here.

Master classes from the pros

Terms: from one day

Price: from 500 rubles

In different in social networks offer master classes in different areas: shellac application, nail extension, make-up artist courses, hairdressing and so on. The cost depends on the master. You can ask yourself to the masters, for example, to a photography studio to photographers as an apprentice or to programmers for a nominal fee.


Where: yaprofi.su


Introductory lesson: The structure of the skin and nails (anatomy and physiology of nails). Diseases of the skin and nails. Sanitary standards in the salon. Tools and materials for manicure and modeling (materials science).

Classic (edged) manicure.

European (not edged or preparative) manicure.

Hot manicure.

Nail polish: classic, decorative, french.

Coating nails with Gelavish ..

Paraffin therapy.

Permanent glossing of nails (Japanese manicure).


The term of study in accordance with the curriculum is 3 months for 2-3 grade.

Tiles the walls of houses, bridge pillars and interiors. Sorts ceramic tiles by size, color, grade. Lays ceramic tiles. To do this, he prepares solutions, cleans surfaces, cuts tiles to size. Can carry out laying of carpet ceramics according to a given pattern.

Price: 26700.


The plumber must know the types and purpose of sanitary materials and equipment; assortment and methods of measuring the diameters of pipes, fittings and fittings; purpose and rules for the use of hand tools; principle of operation, purpose and features of repair of sanitary piping systems for central heating, water supply, sewerage and drains; types of main parts of sanitary systems, pipe connections and pipe fittings; methods of drilling and punching holes; rules for handling and transporting cylinders with oxygen and acetylene; purpose and rules for using a power tool; device and methods of repairing sanitary piping systems made of steel and polymer pipes; the device of piston pistols and the rules for working with them; methods of marking the places of installation of devices and fasteners; rules for the installation of sanitary and heating appliances; device and methods of repairing various sanitary piping systems; methods for identifying defective spots during testing of pipelines; rules for testing sanitary systems and fittings; methods of preparation and testing of boilers, boilers, heaters and pumps.

Price: 21500.

Where: Yakutsk Municipal Construction College.


You will learn:

Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulations higher and other bodies concerning the activities of the enterprise;

Regulations, instructions, other normative documents on record keeping;

The structure and management of the enterprise and its divisions;

Enterprise charter;

Organization of office work;

Methods of registration and processing of documents;



Rules for the use of intercom systems;

Standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative


Rules for printing business letters using standard forms;

Fundamentals of Ethics and Aesthetics;

Rules business communication;

Computer technology operating rules;

Fundamentals of Administrative Law and Labor Law;

Internal labor regulations;

Occupational health and safety rules and regulations,

industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Price: 14,500-15,200 rubles.

Where: Yakutsk Industrial Pedagogical College, YATEK PC.


The term of study in accordance with the curriculum is 256 hours.

Upon successful completion of the training, a diploma of the established form of the NEFU named after N. M.K. Ammosov about professional retraining, certifying the right of a specialist to conduct professional activities in a particular area.

Description of the work. Painting of parts in well-adjusted drums, automatic machines by dipping and brushing without puttingtying and priming. Parts cleaning with alkalis, water and solvents. Degreasing surfaces. Varnish coating and priming. Grinding paint and varnish materials on hand paint mills. Filtration of paints and varnishes. Drying of painted products. Rinsing and cleaning of the tools used, brushes, stencils, containers, parts of paint sprayers, airless spraying devices, hoses. Receiving and delivering to workplace paints and varnishes. Hanging parts, products on special devices and removing them after painting. Drawing up paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers, putties according to a given recipe under the guidance of a painter of higher qualifications.

Price: 18000.

Where: Institute of Continuing Professional Education of NEFU named after M.K. Amosova.

There are many opportunities for short term and learn something new for a small amount. For example, for 10 thousand you can learn to become a driving instructor. There are sewing and sewing courses for 8 thousand. Fundamentals of web design for 5000 can be completed in just a month. They offer training in cooking Yakut cuisine, the cost is 2000, and the training period is only two weeks. And many many others. As it turned out, there are many opportunities in Yakutsk.