Summaries: Artistic processing of wood products. Wood carving. Professions. Goals. Woodcarver: a worker and an artist in one person What is the name of the profession of a woodcarver

Wood carving is a delicate occupation that requires creativity, patience, and, of course, the presence of "golden hands" from a person. Therefore, in the countryside, the craftsmen who make friends with the tree are famous personalities. We can say that they are “piece copies” in the general “palette” of the local population. Therefore, when the chairman of the village council Leonid Karpovich started talking about creative, extraordinary people, he immediately called the name of Mikhail Malyshchik, who lives in the neighboring Zavelevye.

Looking to visit the man, the correspondents of "DV" inquired about his activities and were able to witness his work firsthand. Mikhail Nikolaevich has a lot of them. Large bison and miniature bison, a cornice with majestic elk antlers, bears ... All these exhibits are the work of Mikhail Malyshchik's skillful hands. He works at home, being at the same time an employee of the Brest souvenir factory "Slavyanka". Moreover, the master's creations can be purchased in stores throughout the country or, for example, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where many tourists come.

- Tell us what led you to become interested in woodcarving? - I ask the interlocutor.

He thinks for a moment. And then he replies modestly:

- I remember that as a child I really loved making different boats, handicrafts. I liked the labor lessons at school. Therefore, he dreamed of connecting his life with woodcarving.

After leaving school, Mikhail, on the advice of his cousin, entered the Kobrin school. There he learned all the wisdom and secrets of his current profession.

After a while, the man does not regret the choice of that time.

- You know, it has never happened that I was disappointed in the profession. Why? After all, this is both a hobby and a job for me! Agree, great luck when work brings pleasure and peace of mind! - exclaims M.N. Little man.

Patience is one of the fundamental qualities of a woodcarver, he said.

- How much time do you spend on the “birth” of a new bison? - I'm interested in Mikhail Nikolaevich.

“It will take four days for a big beast, no less. By the way, my monthly norm set by the factory is 3 bison per month. I used to spend more time on one exhibit, but over the years, as you know, experience is also gained. I have already filled my hand! - Michael laughs.

The man is looking for material for his future creations on his own.

- I work with a kind of wood like linden. Sometimes I take material from our Brashevich forestry, - says M.N. Little man.

Talking about the creative path of Mikhail, it is necessary to mention his closest people. Family at M.N. Big boy. His wife Natalya gave him three sons - Mark, Ilya, David and daughter Yana.

The children are watching with interest their father's occupation.

“They are already trying to help me. They often sit and watch, fascinated, how I work with wood. So a worthy replacement for the father is growing! - M.N. smiles. Little man.

It remains for us to wish him family well-being and success in the field of creativity. Creativity that pleases the eye and brings pleasure to Mikhail himself! ..


Photo by Anna GOLETA

Wood has always been a popular building material. Until now, it is in demand because of its aesthetic qualities and environmental friendliness, although many other, more effective materials have already been created.

Therefore, the professions that are related to wood, not only do not lose their relevance, but are only becoming more in demand. These specialists include a woodcarver.

What does a wood carver do

The profession of a woodcarver is formally a working profession. However, at the same time, not everyone can work on it. A true master of wood carving is able to create a real work of art from an ordinary wooden board.

In other words, a woodcarver is a real woodworking artist. An experienced specialist can not only create paintings and canvases, but introduce new decorative elements into familiar interior details.

The duties of a woodcarver are usually divided into two areas:

    wood processing;

    creation of figures from wood.

In order to carry out all the necessary manipulations with the material, a woodcarver must have an idea of ​​the following:

    types of artistic carving;

    technique of contouring drawings and compositions;

    assessment of the quality of the material used.

The creative activity of woodworking, however, does not cancel out a lot of physical labor and some danger. A woodcarver is constantly dealing with sharp cutting tools, woodworking machines. Well, such things as calluses and splinters in the hands are generally little things in life. Therefore, the cutter must always strictly follow the safety rules in the performance of his labor obligations.

Among these rules should be highlighted:

    the work area must be lit and free of foreign objects, especially if they can affect the materials used. For example, open fire;

    the work table must be reliable enough not to sway during operation and withstand heavy loads;

    the health of all electrical equipment must be checked before starting work;

    during work it is necessary to use protective equipment. For example, to prevent sawdust from damaging your eyes, you must wear safety glasses.

A beginner specialist of this profile should work under the guidance of a more experienced specialist who will not only issue assignments, but also check the results, and monitor the process of performing the assigned task.

In fact, now the work of woodcarvers is far from being as massive as it was a hundred years ago. It's all about the development of mass production, where furniture, building materials, design elements are put on stream and practically do not differ from each other.

In addition, almost all furniture is now made from industrial waste (sawdust), and natural wood is a rarity. Such products are now a real (and extremely expensive) exclusive.

That is why the profession of woodcarver has not disappeared anywhere and is unlikely to disappear. They are still employed in small private workshops, carrying out orders for individual projects... That is why a woodcarver is an extremely prestigious and well-paid profession. At the same time, a good craftsman may even refuse to work for hire, starting his own business. Although, of course, there are disadvantages: the dependence of earnings on the number of orders.

Where can you learn the profession of woodcarver?

The surest way to become a woodcarver today is to go to study with an experienced craftsman who is ready to reveal all the secrets of this profession. In this case, the future carver will play the role of an apprentice, and then a junior specialist. At first, he will teach how to perform preparatory work and observe the work of an experienced colleague, gradually the complexity of his tasks will grow. At the same time, it is impossible to determine the exact duration of such training, since it is set by an experienced carver, based on his capabilities and the abilities of his student.

In addition, there are special courses in woodcarving. They can be based on art schools or educational institutions of various categories. In this case, the future master of this applied art will be able to preliminarily familiarize himself with the curriculum and find out the duration of the training. But in this case, the maximum amount of time is given to the development of practical skills.

The ranks of the profession woodcarver

The level of skill of the carver determines what materials, techniques and tools he uses to create his products.

Woodcarver 2nd rank

Works on birch bark, creating simple ornaments by hand.

Woodcarver 3 rank

Also works with birch bark, but can already cut more complex compositions. In addition, he has the skills to create simple drawings on wooden canvases.

Woodcarver 4 rank

Creates complex patterns both on wood and birch bark.

Woodcarver 5th rank

Creates voluminous works, depicts people, animals, architectural structures.

Woodcarver 6th grade

Has the necessary skill level to create fine geometric carvings, and can also combine carvings of varying difficulty with inlay.

Personal qualities of the profession woodcarver

Of course, for such creative profession a developed artistic taste and a sense of the harmony of compositions are needed. A woodcarver must be able to present the final result of his work, create sketches, and, if necessary, correct his idea already in the process of execution.

In order to work as a carver, it is necessary to have sharp eyesight, correct color perception, and developed fine motor skills.

Wood carvers jobs, average salary

To date, companies offer specialists of this kind a rather meager salary - about 20,000 rubles. However, one must understand that almost all carpentry workshops and workers in them live on a percentage of the order, so the final earnings directly depend on the volume and complexity of the work performed.

Also, if the cutter is individual entrepreneur then has completely different income levels.

Pros and cons of being a woodcarver

TO positive sides profession should be attributed:

    the opportunity to gain knowledge of the profession directly at the workplace;

    opportunities for creative and professional development;

    the opportunity to start your own business.

Among the minuses it is worth noting:

    large employers prefer automated systems;

    low level wages when working at an enterprise;

    work with dangerous tools.

“In my opinion, wood is the warmest material in every sense of the word and the most powerful,” admits Bogdan Gritsak. Today he is one of the most famous carvers in Russia and Ukraine, the owner of his own workshop, Artwoodbg. His products are known by everyone who appreciates exclusive handicraft, high quality and the aesthetics of wood.

The tree in all its manifestations always bewitched him: he could not look at the slender trunks of pines without a sinking heart, and the textures of oak and pear excited his imagination. You can't believe your eyes: the things that Bogdan creates, these graceful wardrobes with curls, carved berries and wolf hairs, are made from a piece of wood. The very piece that anyone will pass by without flinching. But Bogdan is able to feel his warmth and power, to give life in a new form.

Bogdan Gritsak agreed to tell us about his profession in all details.

What is this profession? What is the goal of the carver?

What I do is called artistic woodworking. This is a kind of arts and crafts. Unfortunately, the profession itself is quite rare today. Computer progress, which influenced the spread of CNC machines, has reduced the birth of real masterpieces, because, it seems to me, they are created only by hand! For me, wood carving is the path to happiness through the spirituality of creativity. The more I give away beauty, the more I am charged with positive energy. Sincere and honest art is powerful and forever. This is inspiring!

What should a person who has decided to become a carver do? Where to begin?

At the very least, read an introductory book on woodcarving. See how the masters work. Then you need to get a chisel "jamb knife" and a lime plank. Start with geometric carvings ... this is the perfect and easy introduction to cutting tools and wood. There are professional virtuosos in this carving style too that can inspire. If the acquaintance was successful, and you made friends with this wonderful art, you can acquire a minimal set of chisels for artistic woodcarving. And conquer new heights. Ideal, of course, to have an art school or be able to draw!

Where can you learn carving?

I can say for sure - can only teach professional master... At one time it was enough for me to just watch how the masters work. It was priceless. I collected all kinds of information from the world on a string. I remember how I got into a carved workshop to do practice after college. You could see how more than one master works. Everyone has different styles and methods of work. It is necessary not only to adopt knowledge, but to try to surpass. I did it. I believe that it is in such an environment that you can learn to create professionally - that is, become a real creator and continue to build your own path.

Specifically, I'm on the carver's educational institutions did not study. I have already come there with experience. I just have a red diploma of "carpenter-upholsterer of furniture" and a diploma of "technologist of the woodworking industry" after a technical school. This, of course, is not wood carving ... but the professions I have received perfectly complement my career. I am sure that self-education is much stronger and more important than what is taught in educational institutions. The main desire.

Do you conduct master classes?

I rarely give master classes. There is not enough time for this - there are many projects of our own that need to be implemented. I plan to build a creative foundation, which in the future, I think, will give an opportunity to approach learning more thoroughly!

What difficulties would you point out on this professional path?

Having the right comfortable workshop with all the tools. This is a rather expensive part. But everything is real if there is a solid goal. The second point is the ability to sell and find customers. It can be quite difficult sometimes. The main thing is to create honest, exclusive and new products with love! Sooner or later they will notice it! Such things do not go unnoticed.

Who are your clients?

True connoisseurs self made... People who love quality exclusives. Collectors.

What can a carver not do without?

Without a good atmospheric workshop. But when it comes to small products, a small table and a set of tools in the corner of the apartment are enough. You also can't do without inspiration, you need to be able to draw it from the right sources before each project. Grow spiritually! Be sure to start work only in good mood and with love! It is important.

The tree is a unique gift of nature, something alive and amazing. Talking to him and hearing him, transforming him into new forms - this is undoubtedly the task of the carver. And the purity, warmth and beauty of future creations depends on how sensitive a master he is.

You can find out more about the work of Bogdan Gritsak here:

Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 61 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2004 N 40

Wood and birch bark carver

§ 16. Carver on wood and birch bark of the 2nd category

Description of works... Hand carving on birch bark of simple subject-ornamental drawings. Marking the main lines, drawing the contours of the drawing and simple compositions.

Must know: techniques of artistic carving on birch bark; techniques for drawing outlines of simple drawings; methods for determining the suitability of birch bark by quality and color; folk art traditions of the craft.

Work examples.

1. Burachki.

2. Boxes.

3. Bodywork.

4. Caskets.

§ 17. Carver on wood and birch bark of the 3rd category

Description of works... Hand carving on birch bark of medium complexity of subject-ornamental drawings and the creation of ornamental compositions typical of folk traditions of the craft. Contour and volumetric carving on wood manually of simple drawings, shallow cut lines with background processing. Cutting or filing and sherlachivanie flower, cutting the lead, pin placement. Flower repair.

Must know: techniques of artistic carving on birch bark of drawings of medium complexity and simple drawings on wood; techniques of volumetric flat-relief carving; elements of ornaments; properties and types of wood and birch bark; rules for using the tool used.

Work examples.

1. "Squirrel with a Nut", "Woodpecker on a Tree", "Pecking Chickens", "Bird at the Feeder" - artistic carving.

2. Spoons of different shapes - artistic carving.

3. Birch bark saltcellars - artistic carving.

4. Flowers: light rose, light blue, light yellow - artistic carving and primer.

§ 18. Carver on wood and birch bark of the 4th category

Description of works... Hand-carved birch bark of complex ornamental patterns with the introduction of elements of the traditions of folk ornament. Wood carving by hand, deep grooved, staple-grooved, volumetric drawings of medium complexity.

Must know: techniques of artistic carving on birch bark of complex drawings and medium complexity of drawings on wood; techniques for applying the contours of complex patterns on birch bark; methods for determining hidden defects of birch bark; varieties of wood for making a flower; flower carving methods depending on the purpose of the drawing.

Work examples.

1. Sculptural items such as "Flight to the Moon", "Bear-dancer".

2. Chickens, cuckoos, guinea fowls, owls.

3. Upper piano frames.

4. Birch bark canteen.

5. Flowers of Turkish and Viennese patterns without pico set, greens are dark blue, dark yellow, light.

§ 19. Carver on wood and birch bark of the 5th category

Description of works... Hand carving on birch bark of especially complex ornamental compositions with the introduction of images of human figures, animals, birds and various architectural motifs. Wood carving by hand, champlevé, flat-relief with a valeted and elective background of complex patterns with their full elaboration in relief. Volumetric carving with tinted elements. Cutting out figures, obtaining a shield with a pattern copied on it; cutting or cutting a flower, inserting figures into old flowers or replacing them with new ones.

Must know: techniques of artistic carving on birch bark of especially complex patterns and complex patterns on wood; the basics of building national ornaments; methods of performing flat-relief and through thread; rules for constructing compositional solutions; inlay basics; requirements for the quality of highly artistic wood products with various types of carving.

Work examples.

1. First aid kits - openwork carving.

2. Sculptural items such as "Bear in a carriage", "Bear at the phone", "Bear with a barrel", "Bear bends arcs" - artistic volumetric carving.

3. Bristles - Kudrinskaya carving.

4. Furniture for dolls, pencil cases - relief carving.

5. Flowers are Viennese, Ukrainian dark, flowers of Turkish designs with a set of wire lance - carving.

6. Boxes - geometric carving, toning, polishing.

§ 20. Wood and birch bark carver of the 6th category

Description of works... Hand carving of especially complex ornamental and thematic compositions, volumetric, flat-relief and through with a selected background with a full sculptural, bas-relief study with a strongly in-depth background. Fine geometric carving, combination of carving with inlay. Carving in the tradition of national carving. Seating manners according to the sheet copied from the drawing.

Must know: techniques of artistic wood carving of especially complex designs; basics of drawing and plastic anatomy; rules for constructing compositional solutions for sculpture; the foundations of complex inlay - intarsia.

Work examples.

1. Sculptural items such as "General Toptygin", "Skier with a Dog", "Carrier in a Boat", "Fisherman with a Fishing Rod", "Russian Troika" - artistic volumetric carving.

2. Boxes and chests - old Russian carving.

author Nina Ignatova asked a question in the section Architecture, Sculpture

as the people who make wooden spoons are called. and got the best answer

Answer from GoogLenna [guru]
If the question is about a profession, then the name of the profession is CUTTER. ...
Wood carvers work in art and design factories, at enterprises of folk arts and crafts, in organizations involved in the restoration of old buildings and things. In some cases
carvers work directly on the place of restoration or installation of wood carvings. You can get a specialty, for example, at the Art School. Kalinin in Moscow and at the Art School in Abramtsevo, Moscow region. You can continue your education, for example, at the Higher School of Industrial Art, the Art Institute. V.I.Surikov.
Related Professions: Software Designer wooden toy, a fashion designer for wooden models.
Content of labor: Implementation of the future product in sketches, clay, plasticine, artistic carving of varying complexity on the surface of sculptural products, toys, volumetric carving, making decorative panels, caskets, boxes, etc., work by hand and at a workbench.
Should know: The main properties of different types of wood, methods of harvesting, storage and processing, art crafts, rules for storing and handling tools, the basics of drawing, drawing, methods and techniques of all types of carving.
Spoon making process:
Source: Dictionary of Professions

Answer from Ludvika Brasletova[guru]

Answer from Klayton[guru]

Answer from Ivan Gerentsev[guru]
thumbs up

Answer from Svetlana Sayenko[expert]

Answer from Daria Krivosheina[newbie]

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what are the names of the people who make wooden spoons.

What are the names of the people who make vases (boxes) from stones, for example, from malachite? A question from a 2nd grade child.
Immediately I remembered the malachite box Bazhov and Danila the master))

master stone cutter (carver