A turnip tale in a modern way. Fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party and good mood. Merry fairy tale "Turnip" for adult holidays

The scenario of the tale "Turnip on new way"(for puppet theater - glove puppets)

Description: this work can be useful for preschool educators(for classes in theatricalization; organizing children's performances in front of preschool educational institutions, parents), teachers additional education, heads of theatrical studios dealing with preschoolers. The script is intended for staging a fairy tale in a puppet theater - glove puppets. The age of the children for whom this scenario is designed is 4-5 years old (pupils of the middle group).
Theatrical activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in literature, theater, improves the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, encourages them to create new images. Preschoolers are happy to join the game: they answer the puppets' questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, transform into one image or another.
Targets and goals
to expand the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales;
to consolidate the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works;
teach children to analyze a fairy tale;
to learn to understand the emotional-figurative content of the work;
teach children the rules of puppetry;
to form the ability to convey game images in actions with a doll;
teach to understand the value of friendship, solidarity
develop interest in Russians folk tales;
to familiarize children with the origins of Russian culture;
develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation;
develop cognitive and speech activity of children, expand vocabulary;
develop means of expression (verbal and non-verbal) in speech, acting;
enrich children's emotions
to cultivate love for Russian folk art;
cultivate the manifestation of good feelings in relation to each other;
to form an artistic taste;
foster respect for the book.

Characters (preschoolers 4-5 years old):
Leading (adult)
There is a screen on the stage. On the screen there is a decoration - a hut, a fence, trees.

Leading: A fairy tale is the best
You, most importantly, believe
What's with the golden key
There is always a door.

Sit quietly kids
Yes, listen about the turnip
The tale may be small
Yes, about important things.
Or: Dear viewers!
Would you like to see the fairy tale?
A tale about a turnip in a new way
Everyone is happy to tell you.
The grandfather and the woman lived and were.
They lived nicely, did not grieve.
They shared a roof with them:
Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, yes Bug.
Grandfather goes out on the porch
And such a speech starts
(Grandfather leaves the house)
Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will fence it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden
So that everything is all right with you.
Leading: The earth was watered together,
Fertilized, loosened.
Finally the day has come
A sprout also appeared.
(The turnip begins to gradually "grow" - to appear from behind the fence)
Growing turnip
Gentle and cherished grandfather!
Surprising everyone in size
The turnip has grown big!
(The turnip appeared completely)
In the Guinness book she
Claims without difficulty.
It rose from behind the fence,
It poured into sweet juice.

Grandfather: That's a turnip, that's such a miracle!
And you are large and beautiful!
And what a strong one!
I don’t know how I’ll pull it out!
(Pulls-pulls, cannot pull)
Grandfather: One cannot cope!
I must call my grandmother!
(Granny leaves the house)
Grandma: Wait a minute! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Become more quickly, old man,
Together we will pull the turnip!
How to pull? Which side?
Grandfather: Grab your sides
What strength is there to pull me!
(Pull-pull, can't pull)
Leading: The result is not to be seen,
They began to call the granddaughter to help:
Grandma: The record holder is our turnip -
I sat down very firmly in the ground!
Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I will help you pull the turnip.
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - the naughty vegetable?
Grandfather: Become quick, pull!
Granddaughter: No, we can't handle three of us
Maybe we'll call the Bug?
Beetle, throw a bone
Let's pull the turnip!
Bug: What is this noise and what is this fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now under the very nose
The turnip grew without demand.
What a riot this is, woof!
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
Granddaughter: Get behind me, pull
Come on, amicably! One two Three!
Bug: We can't do it without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
(The bug calls the cat)
Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is just beauty.
Because this coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
Bug: You, Murka, rather run to the mistress
Leading: The five of them are already skillfully
They got down to business.
Drawn out just about
Such a stubborn root vegetable!
The mouse ran past
The cat saw the mouse:
Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, friend!
Leading: Grandfather said:
Grandfather: We took together,
We need to pull out the turnip!
Mouse: Get together in a row
Leading: So they pulled out a turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
A miracle vegetable is on the table ...
The tale is over already.
The essence of this tale is simple:
Help everyone always!
Together: We worked merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing - there was a story about this.
Leading: We told you a fairy tale, is it good or bad,
and now we ask you to clap!
The presenter introduces the artists in turn. Children bow and leave the stage to the music.

1.Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will fence it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden
So that everything is all right with you
2. Grandfather: That's a turnip, that's a miracle!
And you are large and beautiful!
And what a strong one!
I don’t know how I’ll pull it out!
(Pulls - pulls, can't pull)
Grandfather: One cannot cope!
I must call my grandmother!
3.Grandfather: Grab your hips,
What strength is there to pull me!
4. Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Come on, amicably: one, two, three!
5.Grandfather: We took it together,
We need to pull out the turnip! All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,

1. Grandma: Wait! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Become more quickly, old man,
Together we will pull the turnip!
How to pull? Which side? 2. Grandma: The record holder is our turnip -
I sat down very firmly in the ground!
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Granddaughter's words
1.Granddaughter: Wait, grandmother and grandfather.
I will help you pull the turnip.
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - the naughty vegetable? 2.Granddaughter: No, three of us can't do it,
Maybe we'll call the Bug?
Beetle, throw a bone
Let's pull the turnip!
3.Granddaughter: Follow me, pull
Come on, amicably! One two Three! All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
for friendship, the matter is arguing, there was a story about it.

1.Bug: What is the noise and what is the fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now under the very nose
The turnip grew without demand.
What a riot this is, woof!
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
2.Bug: We can't do it without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
3.Bug: You, Murka, hurry to the hostess
And help pull the turnip out of the ground.
All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

1.Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is just beauty.
Because this coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
And I will comb my fluffy mustache for beauty.

2. Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, friend!

All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Mouse: Become together in a row
Eh, one more time, we will pull out the turnip now
All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Alla Maslennikova


Characters: The narrator, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.

The narrator:

We tried, we taught

We've been preparing for you.

Sit down more comfortably

A fairy tale will be for you now!

Our the tale is called Turnip. Turnip very simple name. But the tale is not at all simple.

The narrator:

Once upon a time, Grandfather was not rich, not poor. Not stingy, not harmful (grandfather bows)

He lived with a grandmother - a young hat. And talented, not lazy, she performed at Eurovision.

The granddaughter-windmill still lived in the house. The whole small paycheck went to her alone.

Animals lived in the house - purebred animals.

The bug is a dachshund breed.

The cat is so-so breeds.

There was still a mouse in the house. She lived very secretly, but she was comfortable and satisfying. (pee-pee)

Grandfather once wanted

Steamed turnips for lunch.

Well, I guess I'll go

Yes and I will plant a turnip.

The narrator: I went to the garden and planted turnip(Grandfather leads Turnip and puts on a chair)

My grandfather is for turnip courted... And he loosened and watered.

Grow turnip sweet,

Grow big turnip.

The narrator:

The turnip has grown to fame

What is this miracle of miracles?

Turnip - almost to heaven!

Grandfather decided to pull out turnip.

But it was not there -

One is not strong enough.

What to do? How to be here?

Call Grandma to help!

Grandfather (waves his hand): Grandma, you are younger with us,

You can help pull the turnip out?

Grandma: I'm coming!

Grandma grabs Dedka, trying to pull turnip.

The narrator:

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way!


Know, our hands are loose.

Let's call Granddaughter for help!

Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

Granddaughter runs out, grabs Grandma. Trying to pull out turnip

The narrator:

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

No! Do not pull out in any way!

The narrator:

Like this turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...


Bug! Zhuchenka! Run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

Bug runs out, barking, grabs the granddaughter


What's the noise here? What a fight?

I'm tired as a dog.

I have so many things to do -

She skewered her tail all day.

The narrator:

Here, the Bug is ready to help,

Clings to the Granddaughter.

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Wagging my tail a little,

The Cat decided to call the bug.


Cat, cat run to us,

Pull help the turnip!

Stepping softly, the Cat comes out

The narrator:

The cat yawned so sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Bug.

The narrator:

The five of them are already skillfully

They got down to business.

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...


Let's call, perhaps, Mouse ...

Hiding somewhere, coward!

Mouse-Mouse, come out!

Help me to pull the turnip!

Mouse is running

Mouse: Pee pee! Do you want a turnip? Pull together!

The narrator:

This mouse is very strong!

Stronger than a bear, stronger than an elephant!

One can pull out a turnip,

She doesn't need help at all!

Come on, Grandfather, for grab the turnip,

Well, Grandma, hold on to Grandfather,

Granddaughter and you are not lazy:

Take hold of Grandma more tightly.

Cat for the Bug,

Bug for Granddaughter,

The narrator:

So they pulled it out turnip,

That sat in the ground tightly.

(The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls.)

The narrator(addresses the audience):

Is the Mouse's strength great?

This friendship won!

This fairy tales are simple:

Help everyone always!

Eat to health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

That's fairy tales end,

And who listened - well done!

The artists bow.

Our kids are very tired. And we let everyone go home.

Related publications:

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Tale "Turnip". In our group, together with the kids, I showed all the other children the "Turnip" fairy tale. First, I read the tale "The Turnip" to them, then.

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Target. Development of children's creative abilities by means of theatrical art.


1. To create favorable conditions for the development of a sense of partnership in children, the development of ways of positive interaction with adults and peers; contribute to the development of the child's personality;

2. To instill a steady interest in literature, theater, music;

3. To improve the performance skills of children;

4. Encourage children to create new images, promote the development of ways of emotional expression, self-realization, self-expression,

5. Promote development mental processes, qualities and personality traits - imagination, independence, initiative, emotional responsiveness.

Characters: Grandfather, Grandma, Turnip, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse, Storyteller.

On the stage there is a decoration: a hut, a vegetable garden.

The narrator:

Lived in the same village grandfather

Together with Babka for many years.

Grandfather once wanted

Steamed turnip for lunch.


Well, I guess I'll go

And I'll plant a turnip.

The narrator:

I went to the garden and planted a turnip.


Grow sweet turnip

Grow a big turnip.

The narrator:

The turnip has grown to fame

What is this miracle of miracles?

Turnip - almost to heaven!

Grandfather decided to pull out the turnip.

But it was not there-

One is not strong enough.

What to do? How to be here?

Call Grandma to help!

Grandfather (waves his hand):

Grandma, Grandma. where are you?

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Grandma grabs Dedka, trying to pull the turnip).

The narrator:

Once, that's it!

Two - that's it!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way!

Know, our hands are loose.

Let's call Granddaughter for help!


Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Granddaughter runs out, grabs Grandma. They try to pull out the turnip).

The narrator:

Once, that's it!

Two - like that!

No! Do not pull out in any way!

The narrator:

That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...


Bug! Zhuchenka! Run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Bug runs out, barking, grabs the granddaughter).

The narrator:

Here, the Bug is ready to help,

(Clings to the Granddaughter).

Once, that's it!

Two - like that!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Know you have to click the cat

To help a little.


Cat Murka, run

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Stepping softly, the Cat comes out).

The narrator:

Once, that's a commercial!

Two - like that!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Let's call, perhaps, Mouse ...

Hiding somewhere, coward!


Mouse-Mouse, come out!

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Mouse runs).

The narrator:

This mouse is very strong!

Stronger than a bear, stronger than an elephant!

One can pull out a turnip,

She doesn't need help at all!

Well, Grandfather, grab the turnip,

Well, Grandma, hold on to Grandfather,

Granddaughter and you are not lazy:

Take hold of Grandma more tightly.

Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug,



Do you want a turnip? Pull together!

The narrator:

So they pulled out a turnip,

That she sat firmly in the ground.

(The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls).

The narrator ( addresses the audience):

Is the Mouse's strength great?

This friendship won!

Eat to health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

That's the end of the fairy tale,

And who listened - well done!

The artists bow.

Any festive event for adults implies various contests, games and funny scenes. At present, a variety of reworked fairy tales are especially popular, including the beloved "Turnip" in a new way. The script that I bring to your attention can be roughly divided into two parts: the introduction and the main action, designed to be played by the guests.


Before the action begins, the characters are assigned their roles. Main characters: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, mouse, cat, dog and turnip. The script will turn out to be especially funny and successful if the question of the distribution of roles is approached with humor. For example, a girl with lush hair can become a turnip - the hair will imitate tops. Our script for the "Turnip" fairy tale also requires the participation of a particularly large and colorful granny, which can be played by a man of impressive size. It is also necessary to take care of costumes: masks for animals, beards for grandfather, shawls for grandmothers, etc. In the fairy tale "Turnip in a New Way", the script begins with an introductory part, read out by the host.


Once upon a time the sly grandpa

In the night, stealthily from granny,

I planted a turnip behind the house

Yes, he watched her closely.

Well, for acceleration growth

He bought a lot of fertilizers.

The big question is what was contained there,

But the harvest grew by leaps and bounds.

That grandpa was as skinny as a reed:

Such a nondescript, dry little man.

But his wife had a serious size,

From morning till night she ate incessantly.

And poor grandfather was malnourished,

Sometimes he went hungry for three days.

Once he was out of despair or a fool

I went on this adventure with a turnip.

He decided to plant a personal vegetable for himself,

To finally satisfy your hunger.

Introduction actors

"Turnip" in a new way, the scenario of which is only gaining momentum, requires the introduction of the main characters. As the tale is read to the presenter, the named characters try to visually illustrate the story.

Main part

1. Here a huge turnip has grown,

Settled deep roots firmly.

Our grandpa went to pull her,

He walked around his vegetable on all sides.

Now from one side, and then from the other side, grab

And the turnip does not want to get out.

Grandfather got angry

And he even swore in a whisper.

I waved my hand, falling into stress,

And he began his thought process:

Who should I call for help?

In thought, the grandfather went out on the road

And I saw a tiny mouse

That she ran past too briskly.

He called out to her and came up,

To start a serious conversation.

And the mouse turned out to be clever,

The whole bloomed immediately, smiled

And she agreed to help my grandfather,

Since she herself is not averse to having a bite.

So they came to a pretty turnip,

They grabbed the tops tightly, tightly

And they pull with all their might,

But a mouse is more useless than a baby.

What's the use of such a baby?

She's too petite.

2. The old man grieves, almost cries,

And the mouse jumps into the neighbor's house

And he leads Murka,

Promising food at the expense of grandfathers.

A cat climbed onto my grandfather's lap,

She crumbled and purred a little.

Grandpa returned to life

And he grabbed the turnip tightly.

Following his example,

The animals got down to business.

They pulled it long and hard,

And no result.

They all fell to the ground and lie,

The limbs are trembling with fatigue.

3. The dog ran past

And I saw this still life,

On tiptoe, I approached those who were lying,

She lifted everyone to their feet with a fervent bark,

She generously agreed to help

And she grabbed the tops of the tops with strong fangs.

All followed her example,

A crowd of whole people got down to business.

They all pulled her together, pulled her,

Then they sighed in despair

"Such a reptile does not want to get out!"

4. What should they do in such a situation?

I had to go home for my granddaughter.

They persuaded her to help,

For which a piece of turnip was offered.

The granddaughter galloped into the field,

I began to examine the giant vegetable,

The options are different in my mind to sort out.

I tried to dig up the turnip by hand,

As soon as she broke her nails

"Turnip in a new way". Scenario. The climax. Colorful and funny appearance of the grandmother

That beat powerfully on the membranes,

The grandmother hastened to the rescue,

Taking his weighty belly in an armful.

I saw a granddaughter at a turnip,

And she whispered everything in her ear

About grandfather's big secret

And about the beast's promised banquet.

Then the grandmother instantly fell into a rage,

The wife slapped her cheeks for a long time,

Then she gave him a hefty kick,

That the grandpa whistled with all his might.

Then she calmly approached the turnip,

With one hand, lightly took the tops

And she pulled out a vegetable without difficulty -

Again, my grandmother got food.

And grandfather was again out of work -

I didn’t look after my granddaughter.

Not thinking long, grandma

Gripped the turnip with a stranglehold

And waddled into the hut,

Discarding all pressing matters.

There I looked at the trophy lovingly

And ate it with unreal pleasure.

The moral of this tale is very simple:

Solve your problems alone!


This scenario of a turnip fairy tale can be used not only for acting out, but also simply as a humorous sketch for a student KVN or other youth event.

The play "Turnip" is one of the most popular performances in schools and kindergartens. But our scene "Turnip" is reworked in such a way that it becomes more instructive for children. So, for example, the scene "The Turnip", staged based on the fairy tale of the same name, teaches children friendship and mutual assistance. After all, together, any business is on the shoulder. But the reworked scene "Turnip", among other things, shows children how important it is to be able to forgive people close to you.

The characters in the reworked "Turnip" scene remained the same. Only Grandma and Granddaughter have begun to fashion something lately, and Bug and Murka are completely lazy. But the Mouse, as before, is ready to help Grandfather.

Script for the scene "Turnip" (redone)

You can't read a lot of fairy tales in the world at once,
But you will not find such a scene as ours in a book.
The whole scene has been altered in a new way,
And everyone will be glad to see her.

Lived, did not grieve grandmother and grandfather.
Money was not saved and not in poverty.
Grandpa planted a turnip in the spring
She grew up big, enough for everyone.
And grandpa calls his grandmother ...

Wife granny, help me!

This is where granny, did you see the old one?
You see, I'm doing a manicure, got it!

Help me pull the turnip off the ground
And then cook porridge from the turnip.

What are you grandpa? Digging in the ground for me?
I didn't plant a turnip, and it's not for me to pull.
I'll get my hands dirty!
The best things await me today:
Massage and beautician, okay, I'm going!

Grandfather sadly calls his granddaughter ...

Granddaughter, dear help
Pull the turnip off the ground as soon as possible.
The grandmother refused: manicure, massage ...

And in response, the Granddaughter hears a refusal.
Oh grandpa, grandpa, I'm going to the solarium,
It is necessary that the skin often sunbathes.
I will be the first model in the country
You'd better call your animals.

Well, I’ll go to the Bug, I’ll call him.
Kind mongrel, help, please.
I'll cook turnip porridge for you,
You will live warmly in the house all winter.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Laughing, how you look!
I don't need your porridge, I only eat "Pedigri".
I have a diet, I want to be slim,
And from your porridge I no longer growl.
I don't need your house, because winter is over,
I have no time, grandfather, it's time to walk with my friend.

Well, do you really have to ask Murka ...
Murka, dear, take pity, help,
Let's go fishing together, we go,
Eat raw fish and cook fish soup ...

Murka stretched, meowed in the corner,
She turned on her side and said ...

M-u-r! What happened again, Grandpa, with us?
You better go and buy a Whiskas.
The grandmother then eats handfuls of sweets.
And no one will even buy Kitekat for me.
I'm allergic to a turnip, I don't like it,
And my gardening hobby is not mine.
Now, grandpa, I need to sleep
To give a concert on the roof until the morning.

Grandfather went sadly, to the turnip in the garden,
Knowing that the Mouse won't go either.
After all, he is a small rodent, he did not call him
But, he sees that the Mouse immediately came running.

Nothing, grandpa, we can handle it together. Pulled a turnip! One, another ...

(The mouse and grandfather pull out the turnip and find a bag under it.)

God! What is this? Gold! Coins! A whole bag here!
That's a miracle turnip! What a miracle vegetable garden!
We will live richly Mouse, we are with you.
Well, I won't let those bums go home.
We must live in harmony, friendship and love,
After all, native people should help.
There is a lot of money, enough for you and me,
We will give half of the amount to an orphanage.

(Grandfather and Mouse lift the bag over their shoulders.)

Everyone (running after grandfather):
Well, forgive us, Grandpa!
We will help you
To obey you in everything
Always live in harmony!

Okay, forgive me for the last time.
Each of you is dear to me.
After all, people need to live in the world
And cherish your friendship!

The revamped "Turnip" scene ends on such a cheerful note. As always, friendship won, although this time not by joint efforts. This production will do quite well as kindergarten, and can be shown by children of younger or middle age at school at an extracurricular event.