Bird event our friends with a presentation. Presentation "Birds are our friends" presentation for a lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic. Bird feeders from a plastic bottle

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Of course, wintering birds can find their own food, but it will be better if you help them and make feeders for them. The main thing is that there is always food in it, and not covered with snow.

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BIRDS migratory sedentary nomadic The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. But there are birds who do not care about the cold. They find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland all year round and do not fly. With a favorable winter, some birds remain at home, and in severe winters they wander from place to place.

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Grouse are typically forest birds and are secretive, spending most of their time on the ground. Usually they hear a person approaching from afar and either leave on foot, or hide in trees or on the ground, suddenly flying off in front of the observer. sedentary

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White wagtail. Habitat: Found everywhere, likes the proximity of water bodies. Food: insects. Habits: it feeds both on the ground and in the air, hibernates in the Mediterranean, arrives in the Leningrad region in the second half of April. migratory

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Black-headed gull or common. Habitat: lakes, ponds, large swamps. Food: small fish, insects, rodents. Habits: very often found near human habitation, this is due to the ease of obtaining food. They hibernate in the Black, Caspian, Mediterranean Seas, some individuals do not fly away for wintering, but remain near human habitation, where there are non-freezing reservoirs and there is something to feed on. Arrival in the Leningrad region is early: in late March, early April. migratory

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Finch. Habitat: forests, parks, gardens. Food: plant food, insects. Habits: loves to feed, on the ground. For the winter they fly from the Leningrad region to Central Europe and to the south. They arrive in the Leningrad Region in the first half of April. migratory

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Jay Habitat: Deciduous and mixed forests. Food: Insects, berries, nuts, small rodents. Habits: The bird is called very smart, it does not sit for a long time in one place, and constantly gives itself away with its voice. nomadic

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Common nuthatch Habitat: forests, parks, gardens. Likes to nest in hollows. Food: insects, seeds, nuts, acorns. Stores food for the winter, hiding them in the bark of trees and hollows. Habits: In winter, it can often be found in a flock with titmouses. In search of food, it crawls through the trees both upward and upside down. sedentary The bold coachman whistle of the nuthatch in the spring makes one think that an unprecedented bird, well, no less than a dove, has appeared in the forest - his calling voice sounds so powerful and so far away.

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Magpie Habitat: likes open areas with free-standing groups of trees. Food: small animals, eggs and chicks of other birds, fruits of trees, insects, carrion. Habits: a very mobile and noisy bird, betrays itself with a characteristic voice (chirping). Often steals food from pets. sedentary

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A city dweller most often sees big tits and blue tit, sparrows, bullfinches, pigeons, crows. If you look closely, you can see wildfishes and tap dancers nomadic

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The pike is similar to a small mouse, only without a tail: it moves just as quickly and silently up the trunk of a tree. The waxwings are such gluttons! If you see that the sidewalk is spattered with red rowan spots - these are them. By January, waxwings move to the south, to where the berries have not yet been eaten, and by March, nomadic worms move again to the north.

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And yet, our most beautiful winter bird is the bullfinch. They can be found wherever there is a mountain ash, and when the mountain ash ends (it is eaten by fieldbirds and waxwings), bullfinches fly over to maples and ash trees. nomadic

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riddles You will find her in your yard, She will delight the kids. Don't you dare offend her! This bird is Kar-kar-kar! the cheat shouts. What a clever thief! All shiny things This bird loves very much! And she is familiar to you all, What is her name? ... Carries mail right on time - gray-winged. Where are you from, where are you from. Came to us, red-breasted? - I flew all over Siberia. - What is your name? All migratory birds are blacker, Cleans arable land from worms. Run up and down the arable land. And the bird is called

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Purpose of work:

talk about the difficulties of birds in the winter period of time, about how to help, take care of the birds.

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How can a bird overwinter?

It is known that ptah

there are no cotton robes,

no sweatshirts.

Many don't even have a nest:

they are in a thunderstorm and in hail, and under

rain, and in the cold on the branches

sitting asleep.

But who will give them shelter when the snow is being swept?

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There are different birds:

some are afraid of blizzards

and fly away for the winter

to the kind, warm south.

  • Martin
  • Nightingale
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    Others - those people are different: in the frost over the forest they circle, for them separation from their homeland is worse than a fierce cold.

    Snowflakes do not stick to their ruffled feathers, they frolic under the powders to warm up.

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    The crows are sitting on the pillars

    Jackdaws are churning on the branches,

    Sparrows jump freely

    As if twisting the rope.

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    But if it snows for a long time, and a blizzard lasts for a long time, then, friends, our birdies have a hard time.

    Covered with snowdrifts

    Hillocks, courtyards, paths,

    Can't find the birds

    Not a grain, not a crumb.

    And now they fly weaker and weaker

    Crow, jackdaw, sparrow.

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    Hurry to help, CHILDREN!

    At this most difficult hour

    The birds are waiting for you

    Feed them, keep them warm.

    Hang the house on a bitch!

    Sprinkle crumbs in the snow

    Or even semolina ...

    And the poor things will come to life!

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    Gliding cheerfully across the sky

    Feathered friends will take off.

    And they will sing, chirping,


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    Pupils of elementary grades of the MOU Rudnyanskaya secondary school them. A.S. Pushkin took part in the action "Let's help wintering birds." Before the start of the action, our teacher A.V. Sablina. told about wintering birds of the Volgograd region, about the rules of feeding birds and about the rules of bird watching.

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    In technology lessons, we made feeders, Dima Litvinov made the most beautiful feeder-

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    Observations and feeding of birds were carried out in the settlement. Rudnya. We hung several feeders near the school, and the rest of the feeders at home. Bird watching was carried out in January, and bird feeding is carried out throughout the winter.

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    From bird observations, it was revealed that sparrows, titmouses, crows, pigeons and magpies were mainly seen near the school. But near the house on the feeding troughs, children noticed bullfinches, and saw a woodpecker. From the stories of children who watched the birds, it was revealed that the birds arrive at the feeders at almost the same time and each species of birds tries to fly in at different times.

    They fed the birds with bread crumbs, seeds, they hung lard for the titmice, but mostly the birds preferred to peck at cereals: millet, millet.

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    In addition to the fact that the guys fed the birds, exhibitions of drawings were organized among

    class pupils on the topic "Our friends are birds!".

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    Birds are needed by nature, they are part of it; (No. 1)

    • birds help people fight harmful insects; (No. 2)
    • birds help to get a big harvest; (No. 3)
    • birds make life more beautiful: they sing wonderfully, have beautiful bright plumage. (No. 4)

    We conducted a survey among students primary grades with only one question

    "What do we need birds for?"

    And this is what we got.

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    Signs associated with the behavior of birds

    • The first swallow does not make spring, but nevertheless, early swallows - by a happy year.
    • April 9. Lapwings arrive at Matryona: "The ibis brought water on its tail."
    • If the rooks fly directly to the nest, the spring will be warm.
    • In the spring the rook arrived - in a month the snow will melt.
    • Early arrival of cranes - early spring.
    • Forest birds build their nests on the south side of the tree - summer will be cold.
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    Birds quiz

    What birds fly to us first?

    • Rooks

    What birds hatch chicks twice a summer?

    • Tits, pigeons

    Which of our birds flies the fastest?

    • Swift

    Do our migratory birds nest in the south?

    Which bird walks most of the way from the south?

    • Landrail
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    From morning until late at night

    Having mastered the glades of pages,

    Manages the book trustingly

    Splitting music of birds.

    Or maybe from this time

    Another time will come

    And it will become for the bird tribe

    Even sweeter kids ?!

    The birds will delight again

    Ruladami heart and hearing,

    And they will make friends with the youngsters stronger

    A small river, and a grove, and a meadow.

    From the sky to the underwater world

    Let’s be like the Motherland,

    Mind and soul noble

    Protect the health of the planet!

    One diversity

    We will appreciate it for a reason

    Loving both Europe and Asia,

    And our native places!

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    The work was carried out by pupils of the 3rd grade: Dima Kamnev and Dima Litvinov.

    Head: Sablina Alena Vladimirovna

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    How to feed the birds? Sunflower. Sunflower. Oats. Oats. Millet. Millet. Pumpkin, melon, vegetable marrow, watermelon. Pumpkin, melon, vegetable marrow, watermelon. Rowan, viburnum. Rowan, viburnum. Lard, meat. Lard, meat. Pine nuts. Pine nuts. 1. Make sure there is no snow in the feeders. 2. Do not throw packages or cans near the feeder, in which you bring food.

    Moskovka Moskovka is the smallest tit, weighing only 9 grams. The head is black with white cheeks; the top is bluish gray. White spots are clearly visible on the wing. There is a large black spot on the throat. The bottom is bluish-gray with a brown tinge. Moskovka prefers to live in spruce forests. In southern places it is a resident or partially nomadic bird, and in northern places it is migratory.

    CROWDED TIT - Grenadier She has a crest on her head. Has a crest on his head. Grenadier is named for the same reason: in the old days, soldiers - grenadiers wore high headdresses. Grenadier is named for the same reason: in the old days, soldiers - grenadiers wore high headdresses.

    Long-tailed tit The long-tailed tit is one of the small thick-billed tit, weighs 8-9 g. Its plumage is very fluffy, from a distance the bird looks like a ball with long tails. It resembles a pouring spoon, which is why the popular name for this titmouse is opolovnik. Its color combines white (head, neck, lower body), black (back and wings) and pinkish-white (sides and wings). The bird is sedentary, wandering in places. Lives in deciduous and mixed forests.

    Zelna, or black woodpecker, is the largest woodpecker, about the size of a crow. Painted in monotonous black. The male has a dark red cap on his head, the female only has a red nape. Young birds are dull with a brownish tint. The beak of this woodpecker is large, chisel-shaped, yellow-gray in color. The black woodpecker prefers to live in old, tall-trunked mixed forests, often adhering to spruce and pine forests. Zhelna, or black woodpecker

    The common nuthatch is about the size of a sparrow. The coloration of the dorsal side of the body is bluish-gray, the ventral side is white with an admixture of reddish tones. A black stripe runs from the beak to the back of the head. There are white spots on the tail. Lives in coniferous and mixed forests. This is the only bird that can move upside down along the trunk. The bird is sedentary and partially nomadic. Common nuthatch

    Common waxwing The common waxwing is about the size of a starling. The general color of the plumage is ash-gray with a reddish-brown tint, which is darker on the upper side of the body. The feathers on the head are elongated and form a crest, which the bird then lowers and presses to the back of the head, then lifts it up. The forehead is brownish brown, and there are wide black stripes on the cheeks. The wings and tail are black with bright yellow stripes. Females are dimmer. The common waxwing lives in coniferous and mixed forests.

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    Slide captions:

    Birds are our friends

    Fly away é li pt ú whose st á i, Forest in sugr ό bah d ō branches é y. This is where we waited for Our northern guests.

    Who deftly and persistently Climbs down with a sharp beak? This nuthatch is agile

    In front of a flock of tits.

    At the edge of the old Christmas trees From dawn to dawn Tap dance leads a conversation,

    Bullfinches echo loudly.

    The spotted woodpecker will scream loudly, Driving away the silence of the forest,

    And in clearings, on lindens, A lively siskin will respond.

    We could still have so much To say about the forest singers, How, in the midst of cold and frost, He brought out a bunch of his chicks.

    Guess: What birds winter in our area? Gray, small, funny Rides next to me. I will pour crumbs for him, I will drive away the cat. You tweet more fun, My good ... sparrow

    Like soot is black, Like sour cream is white. I love everyone in the forest. Tell me where I was. magpie

    The little bird has little legs, but does not know how to walk. He wants to take a small step - It turns out a jump. Crow

    Birds have a hard time in winter. They often go hungry. During snowstorms and severe frosts, many birds die of hunger. Birds especially often die at the end of winter, when almost all food has been eaten everywhere.

    Feed the birds in winter! Let flocks flock to you from all corners like home, Flocks on the porch. Their feed is not rich, A handful of grain is needed, A handful of one - and they are not afraid. Winter will be for them. How many of them perish is innumerable, It's hard to see. But in our heart there is And warmth for the birds.

    How can you forget, They could fly away, And stayed to spend the winter At the same time with people. Train the birds in the cold, To your window. So that we don't have to celebrate spring without songs. A. Yashin

    On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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