Easy dance to school for teacher's day. Funny scenes and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and high school students - ideas and videos. Dance for Teacher's Day in hip-hop style - "Stop teaching - let's dance!", Video

Every year, teachers from more than 100 countries of the world celebrate Teacher's Day. So, in Russia, since 1994, this professional holiday received state status and was postponed to October 5 - the date designated by the international community. Traditionally, on Teacher's Day, festive events are held in schools, cool watch, and within the "unofficial" part - festive buffets or banquets. In addition to bouquets of autumn flowers and cute souvenirs, schoolchildren prepare concerts with songs and dances for their favorite teachers for such a significant date. We propose to add some original and “fresh” ideas to the script for Teacher's Day - primary and high school students can play funny humorous scenes about teachers and school, as well as learn beautiful dances. With appropriate preparation, such numbers are quite capable of performing for all students - from grades 5 to 10. And our videos will help young "artists" better prepare for the performances and amaze the audience with their outstanding theatrical and dance skills.

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day for primary school students - ideas and videos

School humor is anecdotes, jokes, riddles, jokes, jokes and a truly inexhaustible source of fun and good mood. Therefore, funny humorous scenes on school topics can be added to the script for Teacher's Day. As a rule, such performances are based on scenes from the everyday school life of students and teachers, slightly embellished and "seasoned" with notes of light humor. So, students primary grades can prepare a funny scene for their beloved teacher on Teacher's Day, the main characters of which are a strict teacher and a "lazy" student. As a plot, you can choose any, the most common case - "forgot the diary at home", "late for class", "put a button on a comrade's chair." Such funny scenes for Teacher's Day are always relevant and cause a lot of positive emotions in the audience. Of course, students need to properly rehearse their performance, learn the lines, and most importantly - feel like real actors, albeit so far on a school "scale". Inspiration and creative ideas for you!

A funny scene for Teacher's Day for primary grades - about a physical education teacher and Vovochkin's dad

Anecdotes about Vovochka and his parents have long become "classics" of modern humor. After all, teachers and parents of students are often two "opposing" camps, between which every now and then funny situations arise. So such a scene on Teacher's Day with the participation of these funny characters will undoubtedly please both pupils and parents and the "heroes" of the occasion.

So, at the beginning of the plot, Vovochkin's dad comes to the school principal - on crutches and with his head tied with bandages. In response to the director's surprised look, a demand follows: the school physical education teacher must pay monetary compensation for the injury, because the hospital refused to write out the bulletin. As an "argument" Vovochkin's dad brings his own appearance, obtained as a result of the exercises given by the physical education teacher for children. At this time, Vovochka's dad stood behind a closed door and tried to repeat the teacher's task. "Children, raise your right leg!" - and dad raised his right leg. Then came the command to raise his left leg, which Vovochkin's parent tried to raise, while holding onto the windowsill with his hands - his right leg had already been raised! Having lost his "fulcrum", Vovochka's dad falls and hits his head on the floor. Turns out his legs are stuck in the battery! So trust the teacher after such lessons - more children will be hurt! Needless to say, very "topical" and interesting topic for a humorous scene for Teacher's Day.

Funny humorous scene for Teacher's Day for primary grades - "Test", video

For this funny school scene No special decorations or costumes are required on Teacher's Day. According to the plot, the teacher presents the class with a "surprise" - a test. It is clear that students use all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid unexpected "test". So, boys begin to distract the teacher's attention with various funny antics and ask questions on "abstract" topics. However, the teacher does not even think to follow the cunning students.

Such an unpretentious, but touching and funny scene for Teacher's Day will cause a kind smile from the audience, will give good mood and will give the atmosphere of the holiday a relaxed atmosphere of humor. And many "recognize" themselves and their classmates in the participants of the scene!

Funny humorous scene for the Teacher's Day for primary grades - "The battle of teachers", video

The main thing actor in this funny scene - a student whom three teachers, under the "guidance" of the presenter, one by one try to force to hand over the diary. So, which of the teachers will be able to take away the diary from a negligent student in one minute, will become the winner of the "battle". After the leader announces the beginning, a primary school teacher is invited to the “field”. However, the "dodgy" student begins to come up with excuses on the go: "The diary is lost", "The grandmother took the diary" and others. The teacher does not manage to take possession of the diary, and she leaves the "battlefield". The next participant tries to "bribe" the cunning student with sweets - albeit unsuccessfully. And only the third teacher-participant succeeds in taking away the cherished diary by means of “threats” to call the parents of the little sly fellow. At the sight of a teacher who got mobile phone, the determination of the protagonist evaporates, and the diary is handed over to the winner. The moral of the scene is that in some cases, teachers simply cannot do without parental support.

Funny humorous sketches for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas and videos

High school students show boundless imagination in the production of funny, humorous scenes for Teacher's Day. For example, you can use popular TV programs as a "template" and create a scene in this format by adding musical accompaniment famous hits. So, to begin with, a presenter is selected who will announce and "direct" the performance of other "artists". And the very scene "to build" in the form of small funny numbers "from the life of teachers and students." A win-win!

Funny Scene for Teacher's Day for High School - "Expectation and Reality", video

This funny teacher's day scene illustrates the mismatch between expectation and reality from certain events or events. Since we have Teacher's Day, we use incidents and events from school life for the scene. How does a teacher imagine a student being late for a lesson? Certainly not at all like the disciple. And the teacher's idea of ​​how active the students are in the lesson also differs from reality. Such a funny scene from the students will surely cause a cheerful laugh from the audience sitting in the hall.

Funny Scene for Teacher's Day for High School - "Othello and Desdemona", video

For high school students, it will be interesting to play a funny scene, the plot of which is based on a parody of Shakespeare's immortal work. The main character of the scene is a teacher who devotes too much time to her work, while her husband and household chores are left without attention. Further, the plot unfolds along a well-known line. Of course, the ending with Desdemona's “strangling” by jealous Othello will also be humorous. For such a scene on Teacher's Day, you can come up with poems in the "Shakespearean" spirit - it will turn out spectacularly and will be remembered for a long time by teachers and parents.

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for grade 5, video

Dancing best conveys feelings and emotions. Therefore, for Teacher's Day, you can learn a beautiful dance with students of grade 4 or 5, and choose well-known rhythmic hits as musical accompaniment. For a performance, the easiest way is to take a tape recorder or a stereo system with powerful speakers. The main thing is incendiary and fun! For you, dear teachers!

Dance for Teacher's Day - "Teacher, manage your dream!", Video

Dance for Teacher's Day in hip-hop style - "Stop teaching - let's dance!", Video

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for grade 10, video

For students in grades 10 and 11, you can choose more "adult" dances than for restless fifth graders. So, groovy rock and roll performed by beautiful high school girls in dresses "from the 60s" will cause a storm of emotions in the audience. Simple movements and the unique charm of the girls - and a good mood for Teacher's Day will not keep you waiting. For greater effect, you can also prepare a dance number with an assortment of different styles - classical, break-dance, rap.

Awesome dance from high school girls on Teacher's Day video

Dance for Teacher's Day - from grade 10 students, video

Scenes for Teacher's Day are a great opportunity not only to surprise and delight your favorite teachers, but also to unite the class and make it more friendly. We have shared with you best ideas funny humorous sketches about school and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and senior classes - from 5 to 10. And with the help of our videos, students will be able to prepare the most fun and touching dance numbers for Teacher's Day.

Dance has its own special soul. She reveals herself through the movements of the performers, their gestures, facial expressions, costumes. If you want to make a gorgeous gift for teachers, give them a dance on Teacher's Day. What can you dance on such a festive day? It all depends on the skill of the dancers: waltz, tango, naughty polka will look great from the stage during the concert. Dance on Teacher's Day can be performed by one dancer, or it can be massive. An example of a mass dance on Teacher's Day can be a flash mob prepared by school students and shown to teachers during recess or in the morning before lessons in the schoolyard.

It is not necessary to prepare a classical dance for Teacher's Day. Today, a large number of children attend various dance studios outside the walls of their native school. Show your teachers the hip-hop or rock-n-roll, oriental or club dances learned in the studio.

Dance compositions composed by the children themselves or by school choreographers look interesting. Show your imagination and surprise your teachers with a dance number. Get together in your class and practice the beautiful moves, then practice them with music. Such training can be directed not only by the choreographer. Most often, the initiators of such numbers are girls who love to dance.

So that ideas are born in your head with lightning speed, we suggest downloading a selection of music for dancing for Teacher's Day. The Teacher's Day dance featured in the video will further inspire students and dance studio leaders.

Music for dancing for Teacher's Day

A very beautiful melody for oriental dance... One girl or a small group of girls with one soloist can dance to it. For oriental dance, beautiful costumes are a must. Remember that you are going to dance it at school, so you should not forget about the framework of school ethics.

Incendiary song " We are little children"Will become the basis for an amazing dance composition in which children will express their mood, their emotions. Funky costumes will add liveliness to this concert number.

How do you imagine autumn blues? It can be described in words. Or you can pass it in a dance that will be performed for your favorite teachers. Smooth movements, tenderness and beauty of autumn will come together in a beautiful dance.

Rapid rhythms hip hop will give an excellent mood to all spectators who came to the festive concert. This modern dance can become the highlight of the entire festive program. Listen to music and create. Apply movement to it.

Teachers' Day is celebrated in different countries v different time... Some post-Soviet states continue to congratulate teachers on the first Sunday of October, the rest have their own history. For example, Poles have Teachers' Day (October 14) is always a day off; in Lebanon, a whole week is allocated for the holiday - from March 3 to 9, Argentines congratulate their teachers on September 11, and in India, respected teachers organize a real carnival on Radhakrishnan Sarvepalli's birthday. In Russia, teachers work on their day. To congratulate teachers, junior and senior students organize entertaining humorous concerts at the school. Talented children show pre-prepared funny scenes for Teacher's Day about teachers, active groups of grades 5 and 10 demonstrate beautiful dances.

Teacher's Day should be spent so that teachers and students alike have fun. You can think of hundreds of all kinds of congratulations. In some schools in Russia, it is customary to give wall newspapers to teachers, in others - to be creative in doing homework (to put a scene in English, to play an excerpt from a given piece of literature). In many educational institutions high school students replace teachers in the classroom, and in almost all, without exception, they organize solemn and funny concerts with dances, songs and skits about teachers, exams and tests.

Funny scenes for Teachers' Day about teachers for high school, video

Scenes for Teachers' Day about teachers for high school - the most The best way cheer up teachers on their professional holiday. A small funny performance about school days will be the highlight of a humorous concert. Most often, such scenes feature the characters "teacher", " classroom teacher"," director "," head teacher "," Little Johnny "," Masha "," parents of pupils. " pens and notebooks, etc.

The most popular sketches on Teacher's Day about teachers performed by high school students in a kind manner ridicule the habits of each of the school's teachers, their most frequent phrases and remarks, external features and moral values. Funny dramatizations should be short with a clear and understandable meaning and without a lengthy ending. Even the most funny scene can make teachers bored if it stretches for a quarter of an hour.

Scenes for Teacher's Day from primary school students, video

Unlike high school students, junior students are more naive and sentimental. Their sketches for Teacher's Day are distinguished by simple childish humor and genuine sincerity. Young schoolchildren can play a small performance for 1-3 minutes, and even with such a short performance it will amuse the audience perfectly. Since the memory of babies is not trained enough, you should not use long and monotonous scripts of scenes.

Examples of funny scenes for Teacher's Day from primary school students

Teacher: Vanya, how much will it turn out if 4 is divided by 2?

Vanya: It depends on what to share!

Teacher: Let's say - apples, between you and Kolya.

Vanya: It will turn out to be 3 for me and 1 for Kolya. He owes me 1 apple.

Teacher: No, that's not true ... But doesn't he owe you a plum?

Vanya: No!

Teacher: So let's divide the plums.

Vanya: It turns out 4 - and that's it for Kolya. I just don't like plums.

Teacher: Wrong answer again.

Vanya: And which one is correct?

Teacher: And I'll write the correct one in your diary!

Teacher: Vanya, go to the blackboard and sort out the proposal.

Vanya: Dictate, Sergei Vasilievich.

Teacher: Dad went to the garage.

Vanya: Dad is a subject, he goes to a predicate, and to the garage is an excuse!

Teacher: Vanya, does the word "dryish" refer to which part of speech?

Teacher: Think about what question it answers.

Vanya: What is it? Dryish!

Funny and humorous scenes for Teacher's Day, video

Funny and humorous sketches for Teacher's Day are not only a great opportunity to congratulate and cheer your beloved teacher, but also a rare chance to demonstrate your acting talents. Indeed, in order for the scene on Teacher's Day to be a success, it is necessary to get used to the image, thoroughly learn the text and convey the emotions, intonation and habits of the character. Especially if the character is local, familiar to everyone.

Scene "Othello and Desdemona" for high school for Teacher's Day

One of the most popular sketches for high school students on Teacher's Day is "Othello and Desdemona". The dramatization depicts a situation from the extracurricular life of an ordinary school teacher. Such a production is sure to make the guests of the school concert laugh.

Scene "Control" for senior classes for Teacher's Day

No less popular is the Teacher's Day scene about teachers "Test". It presents frequent curiosities during school tests. The scene will appeal not only to teachers, but also to schoolchildren, parents, and the director. After all, real life situations always look even more comical than fictional ones:

Modern dance for Teachers' Day for students of grades 1-5, video

How can a teacher's Day concert be interesting without beautiful and funny dances? Of course not! Dance for Teacher's Day from grade 5 is the best gift for the heroes of the occasion. In a funny choreographic performance, junior schoolchildren can express themselves, convey the necessary emotions to teachers (funny or sad), show an episode from the life of a character or their own life.

To set the holiday in a cheerful mood, you can prepare a children's funny dance "little ducklings". To give the celebration of bright colors, you can dance with multi-colored umbrellas. For especially daring fifth-graders, there are options for the "makarena" or "chunga-changa" dance with costumes and catchy entourage. Be that as it may, the dance will always be spectacular. Unlike monotonous verses and not always witty jokes.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for students of grades 10-11, video

A beautiful dance on Teacher's Day from grade 10 should be different from the children's performance of younger students. It has more serious musical accompaniment, more meaning, complex movements. Of course, a beautiful 10th grade teacher's day dance can be fun and even funny. But in this case, it is worthwhile to be creative in its preparation, so as not to repeat the templates worn out to holes ten years ago.

Ideas for beautiful dances for Teacher's Day:

  • Lyrical school waltz
  • Incendiary "Cucarella"
  • Cheerful hip-hop dance on a school theme
  • Male break performed by high school boys
  • Double contemporary for 2 performers
  • Dance of sailors and sailors
  • Funny dance to cut melodies from cartoons
  • Surprise dance with disguises
  • Dance staging of the "flash mob" type

There are other amazing dance ideas that can be easily implemented with enough desire and imagination.

In fact, it doesn't matter what dance or scene the pupils show at school on the professional holiday of their teachers. The main thing is that the issue is prepared with good intentions. And a funny funny scene for Teacher's Day from senior and junior schoolchildren, and a beautiful funny dance from grades 5 and 10 will surely please teachers. Don't even hesitate!

There are different ways to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday. For example, you can prepare beautiful congratulations in poetry or prose, sing a song or put on a dance for Teacher's Day. And it is possible through the efforts of students primary school and high school students to organize a real concert with humorous numbers dedicated to their favorite teachers. As a rule, such an event includes all sorts of performances, but a special place in the concert program is occupied by funny scenes for Teacher's Day performed by schoolchildren. We offer you several original ideas for sketches and dances for Teacher's Day with videos that can be easily reproduced by both students of grades 1-5 and graduates of 11 grades.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day for primary classes, video

Younger schoolchildren, as a rule, do not take an active part in a large school concert. But on the other hand, they often organize their own congratulatory concert, which has a place for both dancing and humorous scenes for Teacher's Day. Such an event has been prepared for more than one day and, of course, with the help of parents, older schoolmates, and sometimes teachers. Next, you will find some original ideas for humorous sketches for Teacher's Day for elementary grades, which will help to make the holiday fun and interesting.

Let's start with the topic comic scenes... Most often, humorous scenes play up interesting and familiar moments, certain days from school life, for example, writing a test, being late for a lesson, unlearned homework... All these topics are already familiar to primary school students and they can easily beat them in scenes. If among the students there are talented children with good acting skills, then you can put on several humorous scenes of a parody nature. Moreover, parodies can be both of a teacher or teachers, and of classmates. The main condition is that parody scenes should be kind and evoke a smile, not insult, so as not to darken the festive mood on this day. Having decided on the topic and the specific situation about which the scene will be, you need to think about in what style to beat it. Since elementary school students on Teacher's Day can often be shy and very worried on stage, it is better to choose the format of a musical medley for comic scenes. It is a dynamic mixture of excerpts from different melodies, famous phrases from films and cartoons, which are selected to fit the plot of the scene. Little actors will only have to play their roles with facial expressions and gestures, and if there are words in the medley, then synchronously open their mouths during the scene itself.

Another win-win option for a comic scene on Teacher's Day is a production with the participation of famous heroes and characters. For example, the most famous poor student Vovochka and his constant teacher Marya Ivanovna will certainly cause a smile on the faces of teachers and guests of the holiday on this day. You can also experiment a little and get the parents of students to participate in comic sketches on Teacher's Day. For example, a performance in which parents play their schoolchildren, and the students themselves appear as teachers and parents, can turn out to be very funny.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day for high school, video

Teacher's Day for high school students is a real test. Indeed, on this day, responsibility for the entire school, schedule, lessons and festive concert with dances and scenes. One can easily get confused from such responsibility, but only if the organization is not taken seriously. And if you think over all the details and important points, then it is quite possible, through the efforts of high school students, to spend a wonderful Teacher's Day, on which you simply cannot do without funny scenes. We bring to your attention several interesting ideas for hilarious high school teachers' day sketches that are sure to inspire you to have an unforgettable holiday.

So, to begin with, let's define the relevant topics for comic scenes. Interesting number you can put about control and exams, which will soon be passed by graduates. Due to its relevance, this theme can be perfectly played up within the framework of a school concert, dedicated to the teacher. To make such a scene interesting and uncluttered, we recommend presenting it to unusual shape... For example, you can unusually beat the test in the form of a popular soundtrack, leaving the melody, and replacing the words with typical phrases of schoolchildren during the test. Another original version of the scene, which will help to make the number even funnier on a holiday, is the presentation in the style of "expectation and reality". We are sure that everyone has seen similar pictures on the Internet, in which the expectation and reality from one object / event / phenomenon differ significantly from each other. This kind of format can be beaten from the point of view of school topics on Teacher's Day. For example, put a funny scene about how much the expectations of the teacher and students differ from the real events taking place in the classroom. An interesting humorous scene for Teacher's Day can also be staged in the format of a popular television show. For example, use the KVN format and play several scenes about school life in the form of traditional contests, for example, "Warm-up". Also, for Teacher's Day, you can put on an original scene in a news format, in which the presenters can tell in a humorous form about the main events from school life.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day about teachers, video

Particular attention should be paid to funny skits on Teacher's Day about the teachers themselves, which can be played out as part of a school concert. The most popular version is a parody number, in which students appear on stage in slightly exaggerated images of teachers. Such parodies are always relevant, but exceptionally gifted students with good theatrical skills should be involved in their performance. You can put interesting and funny sketches about teachers on Teacher's Day in subjects. For example, play a few short and common situations that are typical for different lessons. It can be both separate skits about each subject, and a large number like “One day from the school life of the class.” An example of such a funny scene on Teacher's Day about teachers, or rather, about a teacher of English language, see the video below.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day 1-5 grade, video

You can add variety to the festive program on Teacher's Day and at the same time congratulate dear teachers with the help of dances. It is logical that the ideas for dancing on Teacher's Day for grades 1-5 will differ from similar musical numbers given by high school students on that day. And it's not only the level of complexity, but also the styles of performance. For example, a fun dance with simple movements to a popular song about school can be a good idea for a Teacher's Day dance for students in grades 1-5. You can also put on a humorous version of the dance, which will surely please all guests of the festive concert dedicated to Teacher's Day. You can watch a lot of interesting dance ideas for Teacher's Day in the video below.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for 10-11 grades, video

As for ideas for dancing for Teacher's Day for grades 10-11, here possible options a lot more. For example, a Teacher's Day dance can be combined with a funny potpourri-style scene. Such a humorous scene on Teacher's Day with music will look very original. Also, Teachers' Day dance ideas for grades 10 and 11 may not be limited to school-only topics. Variants of modern dances, as well as unusual combinations from different musical styles and dance directions, will be quite appropriate on this day. And, of course, no one canceled the traditional dance for Teacher's Day - the waltz, to which you can always invite dear teachers. We are sure that such a dance on this significant day will be remembered for a long time by both teachers and students.