Scene cheerful vegetable garden. Funny scenes about vegetables at an autumn festival or an autumn ball. "We invite all the people to our cheerful garden"

Scenario of the holiday "Merry Garden" for the middle group of kindergarten

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday for the middle group "Cheerful vegetable garden"... The material can be useful for music directors, kindergarten teachers.
Target: Continue to unleash children's creativity through different kinds artistic and musical activities.
- encourage children to actively participate in joint creativity;
- to develop arbitrariness of movements, skills of combining movements with words;
- to educate the ability to behave at a holiday, to enjoy yourself and bring joy to others;
- to bring up activity, initiative, independence in children.
Equipment: musical accompaniment, pictures with the image of vegetables, children's drawings and crafts, children's hats of vegetables and a goat costume for a scene, children's musical instruments, suns and flowers for dancing, umbrellas, cars and dummies of vegetables for playing.
Preliminary work:
- conversations about vegetables, about working in the garden, viewing illustrations;
- observation of the growth of vegetables in the "garden by the window" and in the garden at the site of the kindergarten;
- holding didactic games"Guess by description", "Identify by touch", "Know by taste";
- guessing and guessing riddles;
- learning poems, songs, dances, round dances;
- finger games "Vegetables", "Harvest".

Holiday progress

Hello dear guests!
Today we have invited you to a holiday called "Merry Garden"!
Children love summer very much,
In the summer there is a lot of sun and light.
Sun, sun, hotter than gray!
The holiday will be more fun!
Look, wonderful flowers bloomed in our meadow!
I invite you children to beautiful dance with flowers
"Dance with flowers"

Summer has a lot of worries today
Summer has a lot of trouble today:
Dissolve all the flowers
To stay on the veranda
After a shower, on the run
Make a rainbow arc.
And Natasha the laughing
Throw cannabis on the nose.
Summer has a lot of worries today
We need to grow our vegetable garden!

Children, and how many knows what a vegetable garden is?
1 child:
What is a vegetable garden?
Round dance of vegetables.
Melons are sweet
The tomatoes are smooth.
2 child:
With strawberries in the garden
Rakes and shovels.
Watering can with rain.
A snail under a leaf.
3 child:
There are many ridges in the garden:
There are turnips and salad,
There are beets and peas.
Are potatoes bad?
4 child:
In the garden in red
The tomato is full in summer.
Here is a cucumber, there is an onion.
Here is a bunch of salad.
5 child:
What's growing in our garden?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for samples.
There are radishes and salad
Our garden is just a treasure.
6 child:
Our green vegetable garden
We will be fed all year round.

Children in hats of vegetables come out to the music, get up in a round dance
The song "Garden - round dance" music: B. Mozzhevelova, lyrics: A. Passova

Now, my guys, guess the riddles!
1.Hot ball in the sky is shining, this ball will be noticed by anyone.
In the morning he looks at us in the window, beaming joyfully, ... (sun)!
2. He will cry over the gardens - the garden will be filled with fruits.
Even a dusty plantain is happy to wash in the summer ... (rain)

The solemn music includes The sun:
Hello my friends!
I am a red sun, I am a clear sun!
All day I walk in the sky, I warm everyone on earth!
I am the main thing on earth!
Runs to cheerful music Rain:
Hello everyone! I'm a warm rain!
The grass will not grow without me, all the flowers will dry up.
I am the most important person on earth!
Sun - No, me! I am more important than you! I warm everyone! (argue)
Rain: No, me! I am the most important on earth! Everything will dry up without me!
Leading: Do not quarrel, we both need you! And the sun and the rain!
Let's live together, as our friendship song says:
Song "There is no way without friends" Music by A. Lykov
So that you make friends and never quarrel, for you, Sunny, we will perform a cheerful dance "The sun is shining for everyone."

And with you, Rain, we will play with umbrellas

If it were not for you, Sunny, and you, Rain, then such tasty and healthy vegetables would not have grown in our garden!
Guess which vegetable the riddle is talking about?
1. One hundred clothes - and all without fasteners! (children guess) - cabbage comes out and takes place in the garden
2. I am long and green, I am tasty salty,
Tasty and raw. Who am I? (cucumber comes out)
3. Does he upset anyone, but makes everyone cry? (bow comes out)
4. Dig a little under the bush, it will look out into the light ... (potatoes come out)
5. I grow in the ground in the garden, red, long, sweet! (carrots come out)
Scene "Tanya and Vegetables"
Tanya comes out, holding a basket in her hands. Tanya looks around.
Mom sends me to the garden,
And cabbage and carrots grow there.
But what vegetables to pick, I don't know?
For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?
How can I just figure it out and find out
What do I need to collect for lunch?
Who would help me in this difficult matter?
Where is the carrot, where is the cabbage, where is the onion?

I am a red girl, a green plait!
I am proud of myself and fit for everything!
And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht,
In pies, and vinaigrette, and ... bunnies for lunch!

I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty!
I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak.

They say I'm bitter, they say, unsweetened!
With a green arrow, I grow in the garden.
I am the most useful one, in that I give you my word!
Eat green onions - you will be healthy!

You will be very pleased by eating a lightly salted cucumber.
Crunches on teeth, crunches, I can treat you!

I'm round and strong, crimson sides
The beets are young, so sweet!
I'm good for lunch, and borscht, and vinaigrette!

I am a potato, feast for the eyes,
I am a potato, delicious!
Collapse-ma-li-a hundred! Yes, once-wa-rice-that!
Without me - no, no - lunch will not work!

Goat comes out, shakes his beard
I won't give carrots, I won't give cucumbers,
I'm ready to fight for every head of cabbage! Meeee

Tanya takes a twig and threatens the Goat

You goat-goat, green eyes,
Go away, go away, don't harm the garden!
Do not knock with your feet, do not twist with your horns!
Leave. go away, don't harm the garden! Here I am for you!

The goat is running away

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!
We couldn't drive the goat out without you!

Here is a head of cabbage! (hands out to Tanya)

Here is a bunch of carrots!

Here is a fresh cucumber!

Here is a fresh onion!

Here are the beets!

And here are the potatoes!

We shared everything with Tanyusha a little!

And now, kids, we have a fun game in our garden!
Games with vegetables
1. Transport the crop by car

2.Sort vegetables and fruits

We've worked, we can relax, I invite everyone to the circle for a fun polka!
Dance "Polka"
Blow the pipes, beat the spoons, Matryoshkas are coming to visit us!
Matryoshka dolls are ruddy, beautiful, but okay!
Enter the big Matryoshka and small Matryoshka dolls.
Dance "Matryoshka"

Matryoshkas came to us and they brought us spoons!
The Orchestra of Children's Musical Instruments sounds -
Russian folk melody "Kalinka"

Scene "Merry Garden".
10 student:
Bloomed over the meadows
Mists hid.
Well, the sun is right there
He bakes the beds
Watches the fruits grow
Is everything all right here.
Host: Here comes a butuz -
Sugar watermelon,
Hands on your hips
Round chubby.
Watermelon: I, friends, are not for nothing proud:
From above I'm green, solid
But inside -
Cheer up the dawn.
Do not accidentally break -
I will sprinkle with sweet red juice.
Children: Do not boast, Watermelon,
Don't be proud, Watermelon!
Maybe you still
Tastes bad.
Soon we will see you again
And let's try
And let's taste it!
Host: Look -
Here is a head of cabbage
Here is a swing of cabbage
One hundred clothes and a turban
And it's not empty inside!
Kachan: I, friends, cabbage roach
Unusually delicious
I turned white from the top of my head,
I am already quite ripe.
At least cook
Salt at least
Do whatever you want
I'm crisp and fresh -
Cut with a knife and eat!
Children: Young head of cabbage,
Dear head of cabbage,
Don't grieve - you
We will put in a vat,
And we'll salt it for good,
And we'll cook some cabbage soup
Let's serve on the table
Let's treat our friends.
Host: Look at two friends
For red new clothes.
Wider circle!
Wider circle
Two carrots are dancing. (Tanya carrots)
Carrots: We are smart and slim
And, of course, everyone needs it.
We are all dear and loving.
Sharper teeth would be
No, not for all eaters
We, carrots in the teeth.
Children: You carrots are delicious
You carrots are juicy
You, dear carrots,
We will eat until spring.
In the yard and at the table
Sweet with you, we will crunch!
Host: Do you hear?
Bold bow
And says
Why are you
You are a sweet friend
Choking with laughter?
Onion: I am not a carrot,
No, I'm mean!
Should you taste the onion -
Tears will flow like a river
And the most evil in the garden!
Children: Don't be angry, Luchok,
Do not ruffle, Luchok,
We all love onions
Get into the pot.
The soup will be tastier
And the salad is spicy
We like you -
Get in quickly!
Host: What a fine fellow
And who is his girlfriend?
This is a thick cucumber
And thin parsley.
Cucumber: I, excellent cucumber-
I'm finally tired of
Lie on the black bed!
What do you say about her?
Isn't that so, ugly?
And the tail?
Mike is longer!
Neither give nor take -
Children: Don't be angry Cucumber,
Don't scold, Cucumber!
We will put you in a basket
Well done, why are you girlfriend
Found a bad one?
Isn't it time for you and Petrushka
On the table?
Host: And here, staring into the clouds,
The sunflower is coming
You are not patronizing
Looking at the garden?
Sunflower: I didn't fly high
I don’t turn up my nose
You think it's easy for me
Feed the crows?
Home ravens scurry
Peck without respite
And where will the seeds be taken
These kids?
Children: Don't suffer, sunflower,
Don't be bored, sunflower
Give us your seeds
Black, sweet, full.
We are glad to help you
Do you hear the gluttons?
From the sunflower away
Fly away, thieves!
Host: Here, groaning from the load,
Corn is coming to us
What do you want, hard worker?
Corn: I need heavy rain -
I was exhausted by the merciless heat.
Children: Long-legged rain
Go on all roads!
Host: Drop, drop,
Cap - cap - cap
Who is not soaked
Who is not weak
Become a round dance!
To the dance -
Cheerful vegetable garden!
Vegetables dance with them Autumn and Fall Months
Autumn: To be healthy, strong,
You need to love vegetables
Everyone, without exception.
There is no doubt about that.

Elena I. Nabokova,

music director

MKDOU number 234 "kindergarten" Kroha "

Novosibirsk city

Scenario of an autumn matinee in senior group

"Garden Fairy Tale"

Garden decoration in the hall.

Children run into the hall, perform composition with leaves.

Leading : It's like a red fox wanders through the forests in autumn!

Where he flaps his fluffy tail -

Leaves will turn golden

Gardens will turn yellow

Everywhere there are autumn traces!

Children: 1. Who said that autumn is a sad time?

The kids are jumping joyfully through the puddles.

2. Yellow leaves are circling in the air,

Rains are knocking merrily on the glass.

3. And the cranes sang songs in the sky,

They stretch in schools to the south.

4. Who said that autumn is a sad time?

How many bright colors she gives us!

Song "Autumn"

(put the leaves and sat on the "beds" )

Leading : Now we will show you the performance

Are you all seated in their places?

And for the first moment

We ask for applause ...

Vegetables alternately: (poetry):

1. Every day in our garden

It starts with charging

We grow strong

Ripening every day

2. There are cabbage and carrots,

Eggplant and potatoes.

Onions, radishes, garlic

And a pot-bellied zucchini.

3. We live here and do not grieve,

We are very close friends with each other.

We dance and sing

ALL: We live a lot of fun!

Vegetables are sitting in the beds.

They all sleep sweetly and sweetly.

Only the garden will wake up

The tale will begin right there.

Vegetables wake up, stretch.

"Round dance of vegetables". Basova

Ved. (sets children)

Leading : Look, guys, this is the Garden Scarecrow talking to us!

(everyone turns towards the Scarecrow on the screen)

Scarecrow: Yes, it's me ... the labor Scarecrow Ogorodnoye. All summer I stand in the garden, guarding the master's harvest, I do not sleep, I do not eat, in any weather - both under the sun and in the rain. I work without giving up! I really want to play with you,

I really want to sing and dance.

But I cannot leave this place, because I stand on one leg ...

Leading: Scarecrow, can we help you with something?

Scarecrow : Yes! If you say the magic words:

"Eni, beni, gri, Scarecrow, live!", Then I can go out and play with you.

(children speak 2 times: loudly and in a whisper)

Magic music sounds - the children stand in a circle, the Scarecrow comes out.

Scarecrow: I dress out of fashion, I stand like a watch for the whole century,
Whether in the garden, in the field, in the vegetable garden, or on the birds, I get fear.
Thank you for bringing it to life, for you now, my friends,

I will happily sing the song, because this song is my life!

Dances with a broom, sings loudly:

Whether in the garden, in the garden

The scarecrow stood.

It is with an old broom

The birds were scattered!

Whether in the garden, in the garden

The fruits were poured

But their birds did not peck -

The scarecrows were afraid!

Leading: Thank you Scarecrow for the song!

If you come to us for a holiday - do not be lazy, but get up in a circle,

And start having fun with the guys!

Scarecrow: I will dance with you, have fun and play!

Scarecrow game

Scarecrow : (cunningly) Guys, I know this news ... Only, mind you, in secret ...

(children gather around the Scarecrow)

Yesterday I was on patrol, and the wind flew past,

He managed to whisper to me, friends, that the ball would take place!

And Autumn will come to visit us, check the garden!

We will put things in order here, and we will dance and sing together!

So, is everyone ready for roll call? (answer)

Is everyone wearing a new outfit? (answer)

Everybody in their places!

(Vegetables scatter in places, the Scarecrow takes a large notebook and sits on stump)

Scarecrow : Do you have carrots?

Run out the Carrots. (2 girls)

Carrots: We are funny sisters - yellow carrots.

We shine like firebirds and dance dexterously!

Turnips run out.

Turnips : Ah, check, did you forget to write down the note in the book?

We sat firmly in the ground, But we are ready to dance.

Scarecrow: (searches in the book): So ... Turnips, you say?

Yes, I found you, look! (shows the book to the turnips)

Run Out Pumpkins:

Pumpkin : Beautiful pumpkins everyone will love!

Madam pumpkin is the beauty of the garden, and many people respect us!

Scarecrow : There are also pumpkins on my list ...

Run Out Cabbage:

Cabbage: 1 . Who is the most beautiful in the garden? Which of us is dressed in fashion -
In a snow-white lace dress, delicate?
2. And besides, keep in mind, children, I am the main vegetable in my diet!

Scarecrow: There is cabbage, everything is in order!

Beetroot Run Out:

Beetroot: We were in a hurry to come here, because without beets - nowhere!

We want to start dancing, let it be fun with us!

Run out Radishes:

Radishes: "And we are funny radishes! Look at us on the list!"

Scarecrow : Yes, and we have radishes.

Vegetables in chorus : We will dance all together for you!

Vegetable shelf.

The sound of rain is heard

Scarecrow : What do I hear? In my opinion, this is the sound of rain ...

The sun hid behind a cloud, does not want to go out,

And the little rain is trying to wash our garden!

Song "Kap-Kap" with orchestra

Scarecrow : The rain stopped beating drops,

We continue the roll call again!

Come out Onion and garlic:

1. We are onions and garlic, we are brothers forever!

And we wear similar dresses with you.

2. We will be useful to you from all diseases!

Don't forget about us, don't get sick, don't sneeze!

Cucumber runs out.

Scarecrow : Well done cucumber has appeared at last!

Cucumber : I'm good, I'm good, I'm a green cucumber.
I go to the salad, to the pickles, where I am - always fun!

Disturbing music sounds. Suddenly the Tomato (adult) appears. Everyone scatters and sits on chairs.

Song of the Tomato:

1. I am called Tomato

I am handsome and lush.

What a seigneur I am!

You went for a walk.

2. I am the famous Tomato

With skin I'm satin

That’s the kind of senor I am!

Red-cheeked important.

A tomato: Very important, red is me, (admiringly) beautiful!

Here I am the main general! Who allowed to make noise here?

Scarecrow: We celebrate the holiday here, we expect Autumn to visit!

A tomato : What is this nonsense? Who is in charge here? ... Tomato!

Shoo! And then you see ... We've made some noise ... Autumn is awaiting ...

I'm not allowed to rest. Me - Senor Pomodoro!

I'll take a nap for an hour, another, let there be silence, peace,

And no music! (lies on the floor)

Scarecrow (lamenting ): How can we meet autumn?

Offended my friends

Dispersed all the guests.


Cucumber: For friendship to prevail, we need great strength!

We will not let the holiday spoil, we will win the Tomato!

A tomato : Oh oh oh! Who are you?

Cucumber : I'm a young cucumber!

A tomato: Cucumber ?! You are so small, you dare to contradict me

Me - Senor Pomodoro !?

If I just want to

I'll trample you here!


(The tomato gets tired of chasing the Cucumber and sits down on the floor)

Cucumber : Well, the onion squad. Stand and line up!

Onion-boys are running out, dancing.

Dance of the bows .

Cucumber: Teach the tomato a lesson!

Since we can't have fun

He will shed tears himself.

A tomato : Do you think I can't handle you?

Scarecrow: Guys, help, surround!

Onions very quickly surround him, forming a circle around him.

The game "We will not release"

A tomato: Ooh-oh, what's wrong with me? Tears are rolling in streams and eyes are watering?

Onions in chorus: They are afraid of Luke!

(the tomato is crying bitterly)

Luchok We are very ashamed of you, and our holiday is insulting!

Apologize to the guests to stay with us!

A tomato : Yes, yes, yes, I am very ashamed, I promise you, friends,

That I will undoubtedly correct myself, I will become very kind!

I will no longer be a senior .... I'll just be a Pomodoro. (crying)

Scarecrow: (asks children) Guys, can we forgive the Pomodoro?

So be it, forgive you, because you cannot quarrel.

Everyone in the garden is friendly. Everyone is important in the garden.

And to improve the situation - raise everyone's mood!

A tomato : I can stand in a circle with you, dance with you.
Do not be afraid, smile, rather become a circle!

Boogie-woogie with tomato.

Scarecrow : Now everything is all right! All the vegetables in the garden!

Answer, are you all ripe?

Vegetables (in chorus). Everything!

Scarecrow: Is everyone ripe?

Vegetables (in chorus). Everything!

Scarecrow: My garden is in perfect order.
Garden beds are full of vegetables!
It's time to invite Queen Autumn to visit, to show her our garden!

Everybody calls : Come quickly, Autumn, we ask you very, very much!

Autumn appears

Autumn: Good afternoon and good hour
I greet all of you!
What a lovely garden
There will be enough vegetables here for a year!
I'm happy that you are ripe
And they managed to grow up by the deadline.


Autumn: Now is the time to invite you to the round dance!

Come out into the circle soon, music calls us all!

Round dance with Autumn.

Scarecrow: The tale has come to an end, and it's time for us to say goodbye!

You always live in harmony! Goodbye kids!

Autumn : Our meeting is coming to an end.
And there will be day and there will be evening.
Autumn will prepare a fairy tale again,
And he will come to visit you in the kindergarten.
And to remember for a long time

A photograph of all is waiting for us!

Group photo.

Alena Baeva
Staging "Merry Garden"

Staging« Cheerful vegetable garden»


Hostess. Cucumber. A tomato. Cabbage. Children.

A child in a hostess costume enters, sings a song "Vegetables" (E. Simen, words by Y. Tuwim)... In the hands of a basket of vegetables (carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, zucchini, tomato).

Hostess. I went to the market and bought different vegetables, but I forgot what they are called. (Shows vegetables in turn.)

Children name vegetables.

Oh, thank you, well done, you reminded me. Tell me, what vegetables can you cook cabbage soup from?

Children list.


And what vegetables can you make a salad?

Children list.

Where do all these vegetables grow?

Children. V vegetable garden, in the garden.

Hostess. How can you call them in one word?

Children. Vegetables, harvest.

Hostess. Right! Let's sing a song about the harvest.

Children sing a song about the harvest.

Guys, so that the harvest ripens rich, what do vegetables need?

Children. Warmth, sunshine, rain.

Hostess. That's right, you need rain.

A song is performed by children "Rain" V. Shainsky. Guess my first riddle:

And green and thick

A bush grew on the road.

Dig a little

There below.


An attraction is being held "Plant and harvest potatoes".

Hostess. How fast and agile you are. Guess my next riddles, if you guess them, they will come to life.

Green in the garden

And salty in the tub.

Children. Cucumber.

A boy comes out in a cap of a cucumber.

I am a green cucumber

WITH garden bed.

I got to you on a holiday,

Hello guys.

Hostess. Listen to my next riddle:

All rounder and redder

It tastes better in a salad.

And guys for a long time,

They are very fond of.

Children: A tomato.

A boy in a tomato hat comes out.

And I, children, a tomato,

Round and red.

I put on a suit in the morning


Hostess. Listen carefully to the riddle.

I was born to glory

The head is white, curly,

Whoever loves cabbage soup, look for me in them.

A girl in a cabbage hat comes out.

Dressed up in a hundred clothes

Juicy cabbage.

All clothes are open

And the clothes are thick.

Hostess. This is what we have cheerful vegetable garden... Let's sing the song that's called « Cheerful vegetable garden» .

Related publications:

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Composed by Mironova Elena Ivanovna - musical director of MADOU CRR dsad №173. Samara

  1. reb: it's over, the fun summer has flown by, and the sun brings little warmth. Autumn has come, the foliage has turned yellow, it's time to say goodbye to summer.
  2. reb: as autumn is beautiful, let's remember its leaf fall. Autumn bunches of mountain ash are burning with bright red fire.
  3. reb: we will arrange a holiday today and we will invite autumn to ourselves, we will dance with her, we will play, we will sing autumn songs.

4 reb: autumn knocked on us with a golden rain and a stingy and gentle sunbeam.

5 reb: the fall of the leaves started a sad song, and the garden falls asleep to this song.

6 reb: the birds no longer sing voiced songs, they gather in flocks and fly to the south.

7 reb: in the evenings, it drizzles with quiet rain, autumn songs knocks on the glass.

7 reb: as always, summer has passed, quickly, day after day. Autumn. And a sign of that - the rain outside the window.

8 children: our guys are not afraid of the rain, we will continue to laugh merrily. No rain is terrible for us, we have a mischievous umbrella.

"Dance with umbrellas"

The melody of the song sounds "Merry vegetable garden" and the Mistress comes in, she sings, the children sing the chorus.

Song "Merry vegetable garden"

Hostess: hello guys! I am a hostess, I grow vegetables and fruits in my garden, and I did not come to you for a holiday empty-handed. Look what I brought in my basket: a tomato, a carrot, a cabbage, and an onion. And I also brought you riddles about those fruits that did not fit in my basket:

  1. and green and dense, a bush has grown in the garden. Dig a little, it has grown ...
  2. in the summer in the garden they are fresh, green, and in the winter in a barrel they are yellow, salty. Guess, well done, who is it? ...
  3. it is as big as a soccer ball; if it is ripe, everyone is happy. He tastes so good, but his name is ...

Hostess: guys! What vegetables do you like? You see, someone loves carrots, and someone loves tomatoes. It is simply impossible to decide which of them are the most delicious. And then one day the vegetables gathered and argued who was the best of them.

Come out "vegetables" , 9 people.

Cabbage: everyone knows: without cabbage, your saucepan is empty. If you forget the cabbage, you won't eat borscht and cabbage soup.

Onion: even though I am a small vegetable, you will cry with me. But culinary science cannot live without onions.

Tomato: I have such red cheeks, they cook different dishes from me. And put tomatoes or tomatoes in various salads.

Turnip: a book about me and the little ones is well known. Who has buried himself firmly in the ground? Well, of course it is ...

Peas: as in a tower, peas sit in a pod, languish. They will ripen - they will scatter, they will not say goodbye to me.

Cucumber: cucumbers, cucumbers - yellow flowers. This is dad, this is mom, these little girls. A whole family will grow in the garden if you water them in the morning from a watering can.

Beets: beets grieve day and night, which are completely wet in the borscht. Well, borscht repeats in response: "I love your red" .

Potatoes: no cabbage soup, no soup, no okroshka will come out without me. I also have jelly. Who am I? ...

Hostess: take a spoon as soon as possible, collect all the potatoes.

The game "Transfer the potatoes to the spoon"

Reb: We need a spoon for dinner, she's an assistant in the game. And in the dance, you, no matter how not spinning, we cannot do without a spoon.

Dance "Lozhkari"

The music is playing "Like a goat with a grandmother" , the goat Methodius comes in.

Mistress: and this is a faithful watchman, my goat. He guards the beds. Autumn loves them to be all right.

Song "Like a goat with a grandmother"

(Methodius "Flaunts" )

Mistress: who goes there in the garden?

Methodius: it's me - Methodius the goat!

Hostess: what kind of business?

Methodius: I help the watchmen! I protect the cabbage, I protect every leaf!

Mistress: why suddenly cabbage, and not radish and not onions?

Methodius: I do not know how to keep an onion, but from a radish I am losing weight. And the cabbage is good and needs a watchman. Because the most delicious, delicious cabbage leaf!

Mistress: oh, Methodius, go away, don't harm the garden! Here I am for you! (drives with twigs)

Hostess: in autumn there are many worries in the village: you need to dig up a garden by winter, you need to collect all the harvest that grows in the garden - call:

1. Does cabbage grow in the garden? 2. Does the tomato always blush? 3. Are the onions green in the garden? 4. Are the potatoes ripening in the garden? 5. And on the grass, like on a pillow, is a green frog growing? 6. Is there sweet pepper in the garden? 7. And the zucchini grows in the garden? 8. Are the carrots lined up? 9. Does chocolate grow on the beds? 10. Do dill, beans, peas grow? 11. Big and angry bulldog growing?

There is a sneezing, a stomp of feet, and Nepogoditsa comes in.

Bad weather: the summer has flown away into the distance, it will not return, and Bad weather has come to you for the holiday. I will let you get sick, you will get sick soon (everyone sneezes)

Ved: Bad weather, we have a holiday, and you threw slush here, why do you want to infect the kids with the flu?

Bad weather: (sneezes) I'm tired of sneezing and crying like a rain, boring things! And it is more fun to be sick together! Yes, kids? Ah well?! Well, then I will conjure and the wind to help, call the rain. So that all the children sneeze, everyone fled to their homes!

Hostess: oh, Bad weather, don't. Ask what you want.

Bad weather: I want to spoil you, puzzle you. I twist, twist, I want to confuse you. You start the game, guess the vegetables and fruits. Yes, not just like that, but by touch.

The game "Guess the fruit and vegetable by shape" .

Veda: well, now, Nepogoditsa, won't you disrupt the holiday?

Bad weather: I haven't decided yet! Even though we have guessed the riddles, I want to hear how you sing!

Ved: that's true! Where the song flows, it is easier to live there. Sing a comic song, a comic song, a joke song!


  1. how I love autumn - a fruitful time, everything is ripe, very tasty, I run to the garden in the morning.
  2. go around Samara - vegetable gardens are rare, and Samara guys are below the stools!
  3. there are now a hundred boyfriends under my window, everyone wants to get a pie with potatoes!
  4. oh, potatoes, potatoes, I can't live without you. I already broke the second spoon - I’ll scrape the frying pan.
  5. we are no longer sick with the flu, we are not afraid of a draft. All the tablets are replaced by a head of garlic.
  6. we brought vegetables to the harvest festival, after the holiday our cook will cook a saucepan for us.
  7. I am a daring strong man, I bend a horseshoe with my hand. Because I chew carrots every day.

Mistress: the chastooshkas finished singing, start the tramples!

"Dance with balalaikas"

Ved: Bad weather, I'm afraid you might get the flu in the guys!

Bad weather: so what, we will cheer with the whole group!

Ved: oh, guys, I don't like it, let's chase Bad God away, blow on her, and wave our hands!

Children are blowing, waving their hands, Bad weather is leaving.

Hostess: that's it! We played, danced, sang songs together. I have a treat for you, my friends. Autumn is generous with fruits, help yourself, kids! It was fun with us, goodbye, good hour!