Pedagogical council on the topic “Life safety of a preschool child. Pedagogical Council. “The safety and health of children is in our hands.

LG Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type No. 4 "Golden Cockerel" LG Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type No. 4 "Golden Cockerel" preschool age Leader of the circle: Muzafarova Alla Ravilievna educator of the 1st qualification category Explanatory note Lomonosov, V.A. Levitsky, I.M. Sechenov, A.A. Skochinsky, Vernadsky and others. A great contribution to the solution of the scientific problem of survival, self-preservation and human security was made by the developments of foreign researchers A. Adler, B. Pascal, 3. Freud, P. Maslow and others. The very first steps in teaching children safety issues are carried out in preschool educational institutions.

  • The very first steps in teaching children safety issues are carried out in preschool educational institutions.
  • Preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed. It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained to children in detail, and then monitored. However, safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations.
Circle "We and Safety" The successful development of health and safety skills among preschoolers is facilitated by special work organized in a group of older preschool children. Joint activities are carried out in the afternoon, once a week for 30 minutes, 27 lessons per year (13.5 hours). The program is designed for 1 year of study.

The program of the circle "We and Security"

Program "Fundamentals of Safe Preschool Children" (AUTHORS: RB STERKINA, OL KNYAZEVA, NN AVDEEVA)

Safety guide


PROGRAM "FUNDAMENTALS OF SAFETY OF PRESCHOOL AGE CHILDREN (AUTHORS: RB STERKINA, OL KNYAZEVA, NN AVDEEVA) The child is born, and mom and dad take care of his well-being day and night. The kid grows up and becomes more independent from year to year. And so he goes to kindergarten, leaving his parents and grandparents outside the gates. This is the next level of freedom, which means that the time has come to get acquainted with the new rules of safe life and remember the already known ones. From birth, we teach a child to avoid dangerous objects and situations, and by the time he enters preschool these rules are formed into a separate discipline. Safety manuals R.B. Sterkina Also, in my work I use the safety manuals of R.B. Sterkina, in which the rules are presented in an accessible and entertaining form safe behavior children at home, on a city street, in a forest, in a park, near water bodies. The goal of the program "We and Safety" Teaching children the correct behavior at home, on the street, in public transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with fire-hazardous, sharp, piercing-cutting objects, animals and poisonous plants; contribute to the development of ecological culture in preschool children, the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. Objectives of the program "We and Security"
  • Create conditions for children to consciously study the rules of life safety.
  • Clarify, systematize and deepen the knowledge of children about the rules of life safety, form the habits of their observance.
  • To develop in children the ability to anticipate possible danger in a concretely changing situation and to build adequate safe behavior.
  • To contribute to the mastery of the techniques of elementary practical interaction with the surrounding objects, with the help of which it is possible to prevent a disaster, a disaster.
  • To form a sense of responsibility for their actions and personal attitude to the observance and violation of the rules of life safety.
  • To expand the knowledge of children about the professions (firefighter, inspector of the teaching staff, driver, policeman, rescuer, doctor).
  • To develop in children the desire to engage in physical training, observe the daily routine, take care of their health.
  • To draw the attention of parents to this issue and to participate in club activities.
I block - Children on the road
  • Road signs ("On the way to kindergarten"; "On road safety"; "Monitoring the movement of cars and the driver's work").
  • rules road traffic("Acquaintance with the rules of the road"; "We will tell a little about the rules for the cat").
  • Transport behavior and in public places("Are we ready to become passengers"; "On the rules of conduct in public transport").
  • Rules for pedestrians ("Behavior of children in public places. Orientation of children in the kindergarten area"; "Pedestrian crossing the street"; "Best pedestrian").
  • Final event ("Evening of the cheerful and resourceful").
“We study road signs, pedestrian crossing "" interesting people»Block II - Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy! (12 hours)
  • Watch out, fire! ("Caution, fire!"; "Matches - the cause of the fire"; "Flammable substances"; "Children's pranks with fire and their consequences"; "Forest fire"; "What is the danger of smoke?").
  • Fire tamers ("Fire and" Fire tamer ";" Tili-bom, tili-bom, cat's house on fire ";" Fire hero - he enters the battle with fire ").
  • Fire safety rules ("On important rules - fireproof"; "Every citizen knows this number - 01").
  • Final event ("Basic rules of fire safety").
"We go on excursions, share our impressions" "We decorate stands and corners" Block III - Healthy child (18 hours)
  • We study our body ("We study our body"; "For the eyes to see"; "For the ears to hear"; "May your legs be healthy"; "Keep your posture"; "To keep the skin healthy, you need to keep it clean too"; " Teeth and their care ";" Digestive organs ").
  • Where do illnesses come from ("Where do illnesses come from"; "Remember, kids, pills are not candy"; "Vitamins in a person's life"; "Good and bad habits").
  • How to protect the health of the child (. "The good doctor Aibolit will heal us, heal us"; "How to protect the health of the child"; "Why exercise is needed"; "In order for the skin to be healthy, it is necessary to monitor its cleanliness too"; "Who is friends with hardening, never grieves ";" Cleanliness is the guarantee of health ").
  • Final event ("Our Faithful Friends").
“We use the knowledge gained in role-playing games, we participate in sporting events»IV block - Home Alone (10 hours)
  • Dangerous items ("Each dangerous object has its own place"; "Household items"; "On the rules for using electrical appliances"; "Make the computer your friend").
  • Beware, stranger! ("When Mom is not at home"; "Tale about Kolobok"; "Meeting with a stranger").
  • We cultivate frugality ("We educate the thrifty"; "Close the tap tightly - be careful with the water").
  • Final event (“Your rights, children!”).
"We play board games and conduct experiments" Block V - In the world of nature (9 hours)
  • Children and seasons ("Spring has come - the guys are not up to sleep"; "Thunderstorm").
  • Children and Animals ("Cats and Dogs Are Our Friends"; "Insects").
  • Children and Plants ("Edible and Inedible Mushrooms"; "Medicinal and Poisonous Plants").
  • We came to the reservoir ("A, B, C ... the water man"; "We came to the reservoir").
  • Final event ("An exciting journey into the world of a healthy and safe lifestyle").
“We study the world around us, enjoy every day” At the end of each academic year, a final event is held with the involvement of parents. To assess the knowledge gained and adjust the content of the circle course, monitoring is carried out twice a school year (September, May). At the end of each academic year, a final event is held with the involvement of parents. To assess the knowledge gained and adjust the content of the circle course, monitoring is carried out twice a school year (September, May). Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Assessment for each criterion
  • High - 3 points;
  • Average - 2 points;
  • Low - 1 point.
Levels of mastering the program
  • Short. The number of points is up to 22. Careless attitude to the studied material; lack or little availability of any skills and knowledge in the basics of safety; first expression of interest in experimenting with objects; lack of desire to be involved in joint activities with a teacher and other children; the need for direct adult assistance.
Levels of mastering the program
  • Average. The number of points is from 23 to 44. The emergence of interest in the issues of the studied material; average availability of any skills and knowledge in the basics of safety; willing involvement in collective projects, the ability to search and research activities together with adults and peers; an adult's help is needed in some matters.
Levels of mastering the program
  • High. The number of points is from 45 to 66. Excellent knowledge of the studied material, a pronounced attitude to the observance of safety rules in the immediate environment; independent use of safety rules in everyday life; sustained cognitive interest in experimentation and experimental research activities; emotional coloring of leisure activities using the studied material; the ability to think creatively, manifest individuality; cognitive activity, the ability to build cooperative relationships in a working group.
Used literature 1) "Basics of safe behavior for preschoolers" (classes, planning, recommendations). Author-compiler O.V. Cheremashentsev. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd. 2007 2) "Conversations about fire safety rules." T.A. Shorygin. Creative Center "Sphere". Moscow. 2008 3) "Conversations on the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old." T.A. Shorygin. Creative Center "Sphere". Moscow. 2009 4) "Conversations about health". Toolkit... T.A. Shorygin. Creative Center "Sphere". Moscow. 2010 5) "Conversations about the behavior of the child at the table." Authors: V.G. Alyamovskaya, K.Yu. Belaya, V.N. Zimonina, I.N. Kurochkina, L.V. Kutsakova, L.A. Kondrykinskaya, S.I. Merzlyakova, V.M. Sotnikova, S.A. Petrov. Creative Center "Sphere". Moscow. 2008 6) "Classes on the rules of the road." Compiled by ON. Izvekova, A.F. Medvedev, L.B. Polyakova, A.N. Fedotov. Creative Center "Sphere". Moscow. 2005 7) "Innovative activity in the preschool educational institution". Software and methodological support. I. Urmina, T. Danilina. Linka-Press. Moscow. 2009 8) "Organization of experimental activities of children 2-7 years old." Authors-compilers E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkov. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd. 2012 Visual and didactic materials 1) "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children." R.B. Sterkin. Teaching aid for preschool children. OJSC "Publishing house" Prosveshchenie ". Moscow. 2000. 2) "Children about the rules of fire safety." Artist Yu.K. Schoolboy. Publishing house "SOUELO". Moscow. 2002 3) "Don't play with fire!" Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 4) "How to avoid trouble?" Game didactic material on the basics of safe life (On the water and in nature 1). "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 5) "How to avoid trouble?" Game didactic material on the basics of safe life (in the yard and on the street 2). "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 6) "How to avoid trouble?" Game didactic material on the basics of safe life (Houses 3). "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 7) "Natural and weather phenomena". Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 8) “Transport land, air, water. Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 9) "Insects". Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 10) "The rights of the child". Based on the "Convention on the Rights of the Child". A visual aid for educators, teachers, governors, parents. LLC Publishing House "Ranok". Moscow. 2010 11) "Children's infections". Information and business equipment of the preschool educational institution. Publishing house "Childhood-Press". St. Petersburg.

Valentina Nikulina
Pedagogical council on the topic "Life safety of a preschool child"

Pedagogical advice on the topic

« Life safety of a preschool child»

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 8"

Senior educator6 Nikulina Valentina Ivanovna

Target: improving the professional competence of teachers and increasing their pedagogical skills.


1. Theoretically substantiate the formation.

2. Determine the content of the activity preschool educators to form life safety of preschool children.

3. Make a decision based on the results of the pedagogical council.

Work plan:

life safety of preschool children:

3. Teacher's message life safety of preschool children»

4. Presentations of corners group security.

5. Game - training " Child safety

7. Summing up.

Preliminary work:

1. Study of methodological literature.

2. Educators prepare messages by topic.

3. Teachers to prepare presentation of the corner security

1. Justification of relevance, communication of the work plan.

The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many rules security were formulated when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. Conditions have changed over time human life, the rules have also changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a well-developed communications network, and a large crowd of people.

Life safety man is a serious problem of our time. Formula security says: anticipate danger, avoid if possible; act if necessary. For children, she is rhymed in poetry:

We must see, foresee, take into account.

If possible, avoid everything

And where necessary - to call for help.

Have preschoolers often there is a weak development of the skills and abilities of analyzing the situation, predicting the consequences of their actions. Thus, it becomes necessary to protect children from dangers without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world, not to scare them and prepare them for full life... In this regard, it is necessary to search for pedagogical conditions for ensuring social child safety.

2. Development of methodological foundations of formation life safety of preschool children(group work and brainstorming):

Is it necessary to solve these problems?

Provide an upbringing and educational influence on children on GCD and in free activity;

Organize problem and play situations that ensure the developmental interaction of children with each other;

To create a developing subject-play environment that encourages the use of familiar rules in the independent and joint activities of adults with children.

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and security... These rules should be explained to children in detail, and then monitored.

But security Is not just the sum of the acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in an unpredictable situation on the street, at home, therefore the main task adults - stimulating the development of their independence and responsibility.

« Security» is present in the immediate educational activities... But it is allocated 1 minute a day or 5 minutes a day. Therefore, it is more expedient to carry out GCD according to security Once a month for 20 minutes in the form of conversations, reading fiction, observations, practical activities, games-situations, didactic games, considering plot and subject pictures.

When working on shaping life safety of preschool children the following activities are integrated (group work and brainstorming)

3. Teacher's message: "To determine the content of the activities of preschool educational institutions in the formation of life safety of preschool children»

4. Presentations of corners group security.

5. Continued pedagogical council by game - training« Child safety in dangerous and emergency situations "

So that the elements do not suddenly overtake,

Suddenly trouble did not cover

We must take action

So that the rebuff was always ready for her!

Look for solutions to win,

You cannot retreat before disaster,

You will gain our knowledge

And you know how to apply them!

Exercise 1. "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

Who will name more fairy tales, where is the violation of the basics life safety led to sad consequences. Explain why?

Task 2.

1. To kid got another vaccine. What kind of acquired immunity has he acquired - natural or artificial? (artificial)

2. Which organ of the human body is the largest? (leather)

3. What concerns posture disorders - scoliosis or flat feet? (both)

4. An adult has 206 bones. Have child more or less? (300)

5. Hammer, incus, stapes - where is it? (in the middle ear)

6. Why do you need a wisdom tooth? (no need, rudimentary organ, comes out last, collapses first)

7. What should be kept in a first aid kit in your group? (bandage, adhesive plaster, brilliant green, iodine, activated carbon, ammonia, cotton wool)

Assignment 3

8. Section « Child and other people» : Children are told that a person's appearance does not always correspond to his character. Children think that only people with an unpleasant appearance are dangerous, and that beautifully dressed and cute people do not pose a danger. But this is not always true. What example from a fairy tale can you give? (Cinderella)

9. "Health baby» : we give this concept to children, explaining that without this a person cannot be healthy and strong. What is it? (vitamins)

10. « Child and nature» : What is this mushroom? (bilious)

11. Which section of the program security is included Fire safety ? (Baby at home)

12. « Child on the city streets» - How to properly cross the road with a group of children?

13. "Emotionally well-being baby» : studying this topic involves

in addition to creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, explaining fears

baby also the solution of these problem situations. For children, this is a very difficult situation, the extreme way of solving which they see in a fight. What it is? (conflict)

A job of nurturing skills safe behavior in children must begin with identifying the level of their knowledge and interests. Twice a year, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic work to determine the level of cognitive development of each child, according to its results, further individual work is planned.

Use a variety of methodological tricks:

1. It is advisable to play different situations: the child is at home alone; a child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child with adults, etc.

2. Study the literature on child safety.

Great importance is given to reading works of art, namely fairy tales. Fairy tales are a textbook by which a little person begins to learn to live. The content of fairy tales - vital the experience of many generations. In fairy tales we learn - the very lessons security that our children need to master. Listening and "Discussing" with you folk tales playing them, the kid will easily learn some new situation or problem that a growing up little man will have to face in real life life.

3. Pay attention to the illustrations.

Children have figurative memory. Child psyche "Insured" what the baby saw - and will stand before his eyes.

4. Ask questions.

If child while he does not know how to speak (or speaks still poorly, he will still understand you. The essence of the question is not even to get

correct answer. The question underlines the main thing, makes you think. And you (US) just this is necessary.

Encourage the kid to ask you questions (however, they succeed without problems, the main thing here is not to deviate from the topic).

React emotionally. Young children are able to ask and respond with gestures, sounds, actions. They react emotionally, and what is experienced through emotions remains deeper in us.

5. Walk.

A walk is the perfect time to talk to child about his safety... Of course, 5-7-year-olds tend to have difficulty understanding "Naked" advice on how to behave in a dangerous situation or how to avoid it. But if you state them, so to speak, "Linked" to specific circumstances ...

6. The game is very important point v the lives of young children.

It is through play that they both cognize the world and master it. So play together in plot - role-playing games, didactic games for the development of cognitive processes in children.

If you become aware that child did the right thing in difficult circumstances, it is imperative to praise him. This will help him to be more confident in the future. If child did the wrong, no need to scold him - calmly explain the mistake and tell about the possible consequences.

Work with children must be carried out systematically. Education safe behavior is a work for many years. Here one or two conversations will not achieve anything.

Target « safe» education - to inspire child confidence in his

possibilities, in that if he strictly adheres to certain

rules of conduct, he will not get into a dangerous situation, and if this happens, he will find a way out of it.

Every skill safe behavior is practiced gradually. Check if you've learned baby what you said... Find out what turned out to be incomprehensible. It has already been emphasized that compliance with the rules security must be brought to automatism. Only then is it guaranteed child safety.

6. Making decisions based on the results of the pedagogical council.

1. Create a working group to develop recommendations for working with parents.

2. Create a functioning library for parents to form life safety of preschool children.

3. For the purpose of professional competence of teachers, conduct a series of consultations, seminars, trainings.

7. Summing up teachers' council.

So, we can conclude that in order to conduct GCD according to the “Fundamentals life safety of preschoolers ", you can use a variety of methodological tricks:




Scenes from life,

Works of art,

Drawing on various topics.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in extreme situations and learn how to make decisions on their own and then no trouble will happen.

But we must remember that the main thing is the personal example of parents, educators and just adults.

Children can be told that red and green correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. The red signal prohibits movement, and the green one permits (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with little men). During the game "Red - green", the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle - you have to stand, and if - green - turn your head left and right, and then walk. This is how the habit of looking around before entering the roadway is established, even at a green traffic light.

In the second younger group children continue to get to know different kinds vehicles: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The guys are looking at illustrations depicting cars, watching the transport while walking. Using various illustrations, visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such dangerous objects on the road themselves (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, in the course of practical exercises, develop the habit of getting out of the objects that interfere with the view, carefully looking around.

V middle group, consolidating the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway", children get acquainted with the places of movement of cars and people, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, adhering to the right side). The conversation about a pedestrian crossing and its purpose will be new for them. Children should learn to find it in illustrations in books, on mock-ups. Then you should explain to the children the importance of correct behavior at the very pedestrian crossing and when approaching it.

Organization and implementation of work Organization and implementation of work with children on prevention with children for the prevention of child road traffic children road traffic injuries. injury. Recommendations for teaching children Recommendations for teaching children traffic rules. SDA. Practical part: the game on the Practical part: the game on the problem of the road transport problem of road traffic injuries "Ping-pong". injury "Ping-pong".

The most common causes The most common causes of road accidents (Few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the carriageway, carefully examining it and controlling the situation on the left and right during the part, carefully examining it and controlling the situation on the left and right while driving). Exit to the carriageway due to a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our Exit to the carriageway due to a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to going to the pedestrian crossing, leaving the vehicle or children are not used to going to the pedestrian crossing, exiting the vehicle) means or inspect the carriageway before exiting the bushes or snowdrifts). inspect the carriageway before exiting the bushes or snowdrifts). Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that the entire free area is a place for playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that the entire free area is a place for games). Games). Walking on the carriageway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most of the children Walking on the carriageway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking on the carriageway, while most often they have the habit of walking along the carriageway with all kinds of with all kinds of violations). violations).

There is no malice in there is no malice for the most part. most of them are not. The behavior of children on the road The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special importance of emphasizing the particular importance of the age characteristics of children. age characteristics of children.

Physiological features Physiological features A child under 8 years old still poorly recognizes the source, and hears only those sounds, 1.1. A child under 8 years old still poorly recognizes the source, and hears only those sounds that are interesting to him. which are interesting to him. 2. The child's field of view is much narrower than that of an adult, the child's field of view is much 2. The child's field of view is much narrower than that of an adult, the child's field of view is much smaller. At the age of 5, a child is oriented at a distance of up to 5 meters. In less. At the age of 5, a child is oriented at a distance of up to 5 meters. At 6 years old, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is 6 years old, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is about 1/10 of the field of view of an adult. The rest of the cars are on the left and approximately 1/10 of the adult's field of view. The rest of the cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is on the right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite. against. 3. The child's reaction is significantly slower than that of adults. Time, 3. The reaction of a child in comparison with adults is significantly slowed down. It takes much more time to react to danger. A child needs much more to react to danger. The child needs 34 seconds to do this. He is not able to stop immediately on the run, so 34 seconds for this. He is not able to stop immediately on the run, so he reacts to the signal of the car with a significant delay. Even so that he reacts to the signal of the car with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child takes up to 4 seconds, and an adult needs only a quarter of a second. seconds, and an adult only needs a quarter of a second. 4. A reliable left-to-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven. 4. A reliable left-to-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven. age.

Psychological characteristics Psychological characteristics 1. Preschoolers do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of translational motion 1. Preschoolers do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of translational motion of vehicles (i.e. the child is convinced, based on similar movements from the microcosm of toys, that real vehicles can stop in the same microcosm of toys, that real vehicles can stop as instantly as toys.) ... The separation of play and real conditions occurs in the child already at school gradually. the child is already at school gradually. 2. The child's attention is focused on what he is doing. Noticing an object or 2. The child's attention is focused on what he is doing. Noticing an object or person that attracts his attention, the child can rush to them, forgetting the person who attracts his attention, the child can rush to them, forgetting about everything in the world. Catch up with a friend who has already crossed to the other side of the road, or about everything in the world. Catching up with a friend who has already crossed to the other side of the road, or picking up a ball that has already rolled away for a child is much more important than an approaching one to pick up an already rolled ball for a child is much more important than an approaching car. a car. 3.3. The child does not realize responsibility for his own behavior on the road. A non-Child does not realize responsibility for his own behavior on the road. Does not predict the consequences of his act for other participants; predicts the consequences of his act for other road users and for him personally. Personal safety in traffic, especially in traffic and for him personally. Their own safety in traffic, especially at pedestrian crossings, is often underestimated by him. at pedestrian crossings, they are often underestimated.

skills How to develop skills in preschoolers How to develop safe behavior on the road in preschoolers. safe behavior on the road. If every day, approaching the carriageway, say to the child: If every day, approaching the carriageway, say to the child: "Stop, road!", Then stopping for him will become a habit. “Stop, road!”, Then it will become a habit for him to stop. If always, getting off the bus, take the child to the pedestrian If always, leaving the bus, take the child to the pedestrian crossing, then this route will become familiar to him. transition, then such a route will become familiar to him. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, the presence Given the age characteristics of children, the presence of positive habits for them, the phenomenon of life positive habits for them is a vital phenomenon - safety skills are necessary, in another way it is called - safe skills necessary, in another way it is called behavior on the road .. behavior on the road It is not necessary to develop a positive habit. It is not necessary to lead your child to the road to develop a positive habit. This can also be done in a group, leading the child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes

the first youngest group of children is taught to distinguish between red and green. Children can do this. In the first junior group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green. Children can be told that red and green correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. Red to clarify that red and green correspond to traffic signals for pedestrians. The red signal prohibits movement, and the green one permits (it is advisable to show them first the traffic lights with the signal prohibits the movement, and the green one permits (it is advisable to show them first the traffic lights with circles, and then with the little men). with little men). When playing the game "Red - green", the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle - you need to stand, and if it is green - turn around explains that if he shows a red circle - you need to stand, and if - green - turn your head left and right, and then walk. This is how the habit of looking around before leaving the head to the left and right is fixed, and then walking. This is how the habit of looking around before entering the roadway is established, even at a green traffic light. on the roadway even at a green traffic light. In the second junior group, children continue to get acquainted with various types of transport, children continue to get acquainted with various types of transport In the second junior group of vehicles: trucks and cars, shuttle vehicles (buses, vehicles: trucks and cars, shuttle vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams) .The guys are looking at illustrations depicting cars, watching by trolleybuses, trams). The guys are looking at illustrations depicting cars, watching the transport while walking. Using various illustrations, visual aids are important for transport while walking. Using various illustrations, visual aids, it is important to teach children themselves to find such dangerous objects on the road (vehicles, trees, teach children to find such dangerous objects on the road themselves (vehicles, trees, shrubs, snowdrifts). And then, during practical exercises, develop a habit go out from behind bushes, drifts). And then, in the course of practical exercises, develop the habit of getting out of objects that interfere with the view, carefully looking around. obstructing the view of objects, carefully looking around. the middle group, consolidating the concepts of "sidewalk" and "carriageway", children get to know the places, fixing the concepts of "sidewalk" and "carriageway", children get to know the places right side). movements of cars and people, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, adhering to the right side). The conversation about a pedestrian crossing and its purpose will be new for them. Children should learn New for them will be a conversation about a pedestrian crossing, its purpose. Children should learn to find it in illustrations in books, on mock-ups. Then you should explain to children the importance of finding it in illustrations in books, on mock-ups. Then you should explain to the children the importance of correct behavior at the very pedestrian crossing and when approaching it. correct behavior at the crosswalk itself and when approaching it.

in the middle group, and further in, and further in the older group, the older group needs to regularly practice the skills of crossing the carriageway of practical trainings during the time and in the middle group of practical exercises and regularly work out the skills of crossing the carriageway. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground part. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground, mark the roadway, sidewalks and a pedestrian crossing. Each mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child should come to a pedestrian crossing, stop at a certain child should come to a pedestrian crossing, stop at a certain distance from it, carefully inspect the carriageway, turning his head at a distance from it, carefully examine the carriageway, turning his head to the left, and then to the right, making sure that there is no transport, go to the left, and then to the right, making sure that there is no transport, go to the pedestrian crossing, when driving to the middle of the road, control the pedestrian crossing, when driving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - to the right. All actions of children should be the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - on the right. All actions of children should be brought to automatism, correct behavior on a pedestrian should be brought to automatism, correct behavior on a pedestrian crossing should become a habit. the transition should become a habit, then in the preparatory group the preparatory group children should get clear children should get clear In the older, then in the older the idea that the rules of the road are aimed at the idea that the rules of the road are aimed at preserving life and health people, so everyone is obliged to comply with them. preservation of life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to fulfill them. It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like a smallpox vaccination, only on the mental level. smallpox vaccination, only at the level of the psyche.

Content of road safety corners in groups In the first youngest In the first youngest group: Group: A set of vehicles A set of vehicles Illustrations depicting vehicles Illustrations depicting vehicles Circles of red and Green colour, layout of a pedestrian traffic light. Red and green circles, pedestrian traffic light layout. Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of one or another type of transport, etc.) depicting one or another type of transport, etc.) Didactic games "Assemble a car" (from 4 parts), "Put on Didactic games" Assemble a car "(from 4 parts), "Put the car in the garage", "Traffic light". car to the garage ”,“ Traffic light ”. In the second junior group: In the second junior group: Pictures for the game for the classification of transport modes "What Pictures for the game for the classification of transport modes" What are the passengers traveling on, "Find the same picture". passengers are coming ”,“ Find the same picture ”. The simplest street layout (preferably large), where the simplest street layout (preferably large) is indicated, where the sidewalk and the carriageway sidewalk and the roadway are marked Transport traffic light layout (flat). Traffic light layout (flat). In the middle group: In the middle group: Model of a traffic light with switching signals, operating from a model of a traffic light with switching signals, operating from a battery battery Didactic games "Find your color", "Assemble a traffic light" Didactic games "Find your color", "Assemble a traffic light" It is necessary to draw a pedestrian crossing on the street layout. It is necessary to draw a pedestrian crossing on the street layout.

A model of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex A model of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex In the senior group: logical tasks for road safety, practice logical tasks for road safety, practice the skills of safely crossing the carriageway at an intersection. It is desirable to have the skills to safely cross the carriageway at an intersection. It is desirable that this model be with removable objects, then the children themselves can have this model with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street. simulate the street. Also, a set of road signs is required, which must also include a set of road signs, which must include such road signs as: information and direction signs - "Pedestrian road signs such as: information and direction signs -" Pedestrian crossing "," Underground pedestrian crossing ”,“ Bus stop and crosswalk ”,“ Underground pedestrian crossing ”,“ Bus and (or) trolleybus stop ”; warning signs - "Children"; prohibiting signs (or) trolleybus "; warning signs - "Children"; prohibiting signs - "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycle traffic -" Pedestrian traffic is prohibited "," Bicycle traffic is prohibited "; prescriptive signs - "Footpath", prohibited "; prescriptive signs - "Footpath", "Cycle path"; priority signs - "Main road", "Give way to" Bicycle path "; priority signs - "Main road", "Give way"; service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point". Good road ”; service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point". It is good to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger ones to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games. signs on stands for creative, role-playing games. Didactic games: "What do the signs say?", "Guess the sign", "Where did the Didactic games:" What do the signs say? "," Guess the sign "," Where is the sign hidden? "," Crossroads "," Our street "hid sign? "," Crossroads "," Our street "In addition, for children senior group introduce you to the work of the traffic controller. In addition, children of the older group are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. So in the corner of the road traffic police there should be gesture schemes for the traffic police, So in the corner of the traffic police there should be schemes for the traffic police's gestures, the didactic game "What does the wand say?" In the preparatory group: In the preparatory group: cap. cap. A card index of "dangerous situations" is being assembled (to show them, you can do it. A card index of "dangerous situations" is being assembled (you can make an impromptu TV, or a computer for their display), an improvised TV, or a computer). driving license to those who passed The window for issuing driving licenses to those who passed the traffic rules exam is organized. exam on traffic rules.

Recommendations for teaching Recommendations for teaching children traffic rules. children of traffic rules. When leaving the house. When leaving the house. If movement is possible at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child if there is any approaching transport. If there are vehicles or trees growing at the entrance, stop your movement and look around for danger. When driving on the sidewalk. * Stick to the right side. * Stick to the right side. * An adult must be on the side of the carriageway. * An adult must be on the side of the carriageway. * If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should * If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should hold the child's hand. hold the child's hand. * Teach your child, walking on the sidewalk, to watch carefully * Teach your child, walking on the sidewalk, to carefully observe the departure of cars from the yard. leaving cars from the yard. * Do not teach children to go out on the roadway, strollers and * Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, carry strollers and sledges only on the sidewalk. carry sleds only on the sidewalk.

When crossing the carriageway When crossing the carriageway * Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection. * Go only to the green traffic light, even if there are no cars. * When leaving on the roadway, stop talking. * Do not rush, do not run, cross the road measuredly. * Do not cross the street at an angle, explain to your child that the road can be seen worse this way. * Do not go out on the road with a child because of the traffic or bushes without first examining the street. * Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you saw friends, the right bus, teach your child that it is dangerous. * When crossing an unregulated intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the beginning of traffic. * Explain to your child that even on a road where there are few cars, it is necessary to cross carefully, as the car can leave the yard, out of the alley.

Hundreds of people are injured and killed in road traffic accidents every day. One of the reasons for this unfavorable situation is the very low level of education of children in road safety rules. Working with children of preschool age indicates to teachers the need to pay more attention to the issues of educating preschoolers in the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads. Children should be aware of the possible danger on the road, but at the same time not be afraid on the street, because a feeling of fear, confusion at the moment of danger paralyzes the ability to correctly navigate in the environment ... the main task is to develop independence and responsibility in children. More attention should be paid to the acquisition of children's experience of behavior on the streets and roads. Developing safe driving skills is very important for a child.

Practical part: game on the problem of road traffic injuries "Ping-pong": 1. Why should preschoolers memorize the rules of behavior on the street if they walk with adults and must strictly follow their instructions? 2. What is most important when crossing the street? 3. What measures should a pedestrian take to avoid being hit by a car? 4. Is it possible for a small child in the yard to run to the playground immediately after leaving the entrance? 5. Where and how should you expect a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi? 6. Why is it necessary to be at some distance from the carriageway at transport stops, observing the approaching transport, especially in wet weather? 7. How should an adult and a child get on and off the vehicle? 8. Why can't you linger in the vehicle when the doors are open? 9. At intersections, in places with heavy traffic, at street corners, there are low fences separating the sidewalks from the carriageway. What are they needed for? What should pedestrians do? 10. What is the main thing for a pedestrian when looking at the street?

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The most important thing is the health and life of the child.

Often drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers await a person on life path... Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he possesses basic knowledge of the basics of life safety.

This knowledge is formed in the process of education, therefore, teaching children the safety of their life is an urgent pedagogical task.

Project on the topic "Health and Safety of Preschool Children".


"A healthy person is the most precious work of nature"
Thomas Carlyle

The project is cognitive and creative, long-term.

Project implementation timeline: academic year (September - May)

Objectives of the project:

  • To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and ensure the maximum activity of children in the independent process of learning about the world.
  • To study the peculiarities of the attitude of each child to his health and to identify the level of formation of his ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Expand and deepen children's understanding of the rules of personal hygiene, ways to protect their health and ways of safe behavior in various situations;
  • To form in children a value attitude towards their health and an understanding of their own responsibility for maintaining their body in a natural, healthy state;
  • Help children learn healthy lifestyle skills;
  • Develop a child as a subject of cognition.

Phased implementation of the project

Stage I (preparatory)

The tasks of children at this stage of the project are: entering the problem, getting used to the game situation, accepting tasks and goals, as well as complementing the tasks of the project.

The last point is important, since one of the important tasks of the teacher is the formation of an active life position in children; children should be able to independently find and identify interesting things in the world around them.

Stage II (main) October - April

Implementation of the outlined plans

At this stage (in addition to organizational activities) the teacher helps children to competently plan their own activities in solving the assigned tasks. Children are assigned to work groups and assigned roles.

The main areas of work with children:

  1. comprehensive diagnostics of the culture of children's health;
  2. health and fitness work and educational activities:
    • classes on physical culture(traditional, training, competition, integrated, sports events);
    • a system of hardening procedures (air hardening, walking on "health paths", walks, adherence to the daily routine, morning exercises, physical education);
    • health technologies (acupressure, finger, breathing exercises, vitamin therapy, prophylactic intake of oxolinic nasal ointment, phytoncidotherapy, aromatherapy, creotherapy);
  3. consultative and informational work (individual oral consultations, folders-moving, health corner);
  4. a cycle of conversations about health, a person and his actions, habits, proper nutrition.

Project implementation model:

  • practical games - trainings to develop safe behavior skills in preschoolers;
  • thematic exhibitions children's works: "We draw the street", "We wish to live in a world without fires"
  • group drawing competition " Winter views sports "," If you want to be healthy ... ";
  • composition of the fairy tale "How fruits and vegetables argued about their benefits";
  • a selection of didactic games; works of art; viewing illustrations; role-playing games; dramatization of fairy tales.
  • a selection of activities, conversations, leisure activities, entertainment;
  • a cycle of observations, excursions, targeted walks;
  • a cycle of consultations for teachers and parents;
  • sports festival "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family";
  • reasoning "What is a healthy lifestyle?"

Resource support of the project:

  • health corner;
  • sports corner in the group;
  • didactic games, board games;
  • role-playing game center: attributes for organizing role-playing games
  • "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic with different departments."
  • center of literature: books about health, works of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, G.K. Andersen, A. Barto and other writers.
  • posters, illustrations for life safety.

Project participants:

  • children;
  • teacher;
  • parents.

Diagnostic material for the preparatory group for school of compensatory orientation No. 10 (slides 9-12)

Stage III (final) April

Revealing the level of knowledge, abilities, skills on a given topic.

Systematization of the collected material on the topic.

Thematic plan in the preparatory group

Project name Block theme Lesson topics Type of activity and forms of work Working with parents
"Health and safety of preschool children" "Me and my body" Cognitive lesson "I will save my heart, I will help myself" Examination of illustrations from G. Yudin's book "The Main Wonder of the World" ("Blood Circulation").
Reading: G.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen", Yu. Olesha "Three Fat Men".
Games: "Great Worker and Magic Rivers", "What Do You Know About the Heart".
Role-playing game "Polyclinic with different departments", "Pharmacy".
Consultation "Take care of your heart while it beats"
Cognitive lesson "How we breathe"
Conversation on the topic “Why do we breathe”.
Reading "Like a bear smoked a pipe" S. Mikhalkov, E. Moshkovskaya "My wonderful nose", Y. Prokopovich "Why do babies need a nose".
Breathing exercises.
The game "Recognize by smell".
Consultation "Remedial gymnastics and acupressure for frequently ill children"
Cognitive lesson "Digestive tract" Examining the illustrations in the book You and Your Body.
Conversations on the topics: "About the profession of a cook", "Useful and harmful food".
Reading Yu Tuvim "Vegetables", Dragunsky "Mishkina porridge".
Riddles about vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.
Role-playing games: "Supermarket", "Canteen", "Family".
"Nutrition and health of a preschooler"
Educational lesson "Let's be slim and beautiful" Consideration of illustrations by S. Kozlova "I am a man".
Conversation on the topic: "Watch your posture."
Reading S. Marshak "Giant", A. Barto "I am growing", Carroll "Alice in Wonderland", V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower", E. Bagryan "Little sportsman".
Didactic game Show the answer.
Consultation "How to form the correct posture"
Integrated lesson "Magic Land - Health" Conversations: How to stay healthy "," Rules for a safe life "," The sun, air and water are our best friends. "
Reflection-conversation "What is a healthy lifestyle?"
KVN “If you want to be healthy”.
Reading: S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination", K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Adventures in the Land of Health" L. Lieberman, V. Lancett.
"Seven Commandments to Keep Children Live"
"Fundamentals of life safety of children" Road Safety Integrated Lesson Examining the illustrations "City Street".
Conversations: "Know and follow the rules of the road."
Quiz “What? Where? When?".
Reading: Ya. Pishumov "About traffic rules", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa - a policeman", "A fairy tale about the city of road signs".
Excursions: Arrangement of the roadway: "Speed ​​bump", "Zebra", road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Point medical care"," Food point ".
Consultation "Parents on the rules of the road"
Complex lesson"Fire is the judge of people's carelessness" Examination of illustrations on the topic of fire.
Conversations "Fire in the apartment", "Fire hero, he enters the battle with fire", "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy."
Reading: S. Marshak "Fire", "Story of an Unknown Hero", K. Olenev "Fire Truck".
Game dramatization "Cat's House".
Excursions in the kindergarten "Escape routes in case of fire".
Consultations: "Children's prank with fire", "Security in your home"
Cognitive lesson "Dangerous situations with strangers" Conversations: "If a stranger comes into the house", "On the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions."
Reading: A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes", Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower" G.K. Andersen "Cinderella", Tolstoy "The Adventures of Buratino".
Staging of fairy tales: "The cat, the rooster and the fox", "The wolf and the seven kids", "Little Red Riding Hood.
Consultation "Basics of personal safety of a preschooler"
Integrated lesson "Poisonous mushrooms and berries" Conversations: "Environmental pollution", "Respect for nature."
Examining the illustrations "Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms", "Be careful, berries!".
Compilation of the book "Complaints of mushrooms and berries".
Quiz game "Nature Connoisseurs".
Consultation "Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms" "Recommendations for the safety of children in the summer"

Stage IV. Project presentation (May)

The teacher prepares a presentation on the activities of the project and conducts it. Children actively help in preparing the presentation, after which they present to the audience (teachers and parents) the product of their own activities.