Presentation of the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". Russian folktale. In one forest, in a wooden house, three bears lived - a daddy bear, a mommy bear and a little bear cub Mishutka. Once a bear. Let's start our journey into a fairy tale

Nomination "Video lessons"

Target: developing in children the skills of cultural behavior, respect for adults, the ability to fairly evaluate their own actions and the actions of others.


  1. On the basis of Russian folk tales and fairy-tale heroes, teach children to evaluate their own and other people's actions.
  2. To lay the foundation for the skills of cultural behavior, social and social norms, and respect for others.
  3. To instill in children the ability to analyze other people's actions by comparing them with their own.

Within the framework of the project on spiritual and moral education in kindergarten in our (younger) group, a set of activities is carried out in this direction. To interest my children, for clarity and accessible perception of the material, I created this presentation. My guys liked this form of work, so I suppose a series of similar presentations.

With the help of well-known fairy-tale characters (Kolobok and Baba Yaga), using the example of the Russian folk tale (Three Bears), children master the norms of behavior in society, learn to evaluate their own and other people's actions.

Working with a presentation includes two stages:

  1. Demonstration of slides, acquaintance with heroes-assistants- Kolobok and Baba Yaga.
  2. Discussion, in the course of a slide show, with the children of the actions and deeds of the main character.

The presentation includes a system of assessment - scales, on one half of which are negative, and on the other positive actions.

I did not use this presentation as part of a class. The conversation with the presentation was held rather as an additional event in the spiritual and moral direction, as an opportunity to evaluate children's ideas on this topic, their ability to dialogue. I realized that such work with my kids (of course, at their level) is already possible.

Informational resources:

  • Eremeev S. V. "Three Bears" (based on the story of the fairy tale of the same name by L. N. Tolstoy)


  • http: //

Appendix: Presentation.

Svetlana Alexandrovna Volkova
Presentation "Three Bears"

Teach children to navigate space: near, under, behind, on a chair. Strengthen the ability to compare objects in size, length, width, height. Fix the representation of dividing the whole into equal parts, geometric shapes.

Fix the numbers and ordinal count within five, as well as part of the day.

Develop logical thinking through oral folk art. To educate imaginative perception, self-expression.

Equipment. Cones; basket; colored cards for the game for each, yellow, orange, blue and black; sheet of white paper (square) for each child;

Preliminary work: We fix parts of the day in accordance with a certain color.

Course of the lesson:

Guys today Masha came to visit us. He often observes us, and sees how fun in our kindergarten. And because we are funny guys Masha invites us to a fairy tale. Do you agree? There are two paths in front of us.

How long are they?

And how wide are they? (short, long, wide, narrow).

Which path will we quickly get into a fairy tale? (short - wide)... Let's go along the short, wide path. So we came to a fairy tale.

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Summary of the lesson in the second junior group: "Three Bears" Purpose: Create a joyful mood,: develop attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination. Raise children's interest in fairy tales ..

The purpose of the master class: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, the development of imagination and creativity.

I work in a kindergarten with children aged 2 to 3 years. Children at this age are very fond of fairy tales. I decided to create it myself.

We decided to call our garden fairy tale in the 1st junior group "Three Bears". The exposition was divided into 3 sections: a house, a vegetable garden, a forest. Ogorodnaya.

I would be glad if you leave your comments about the lesson. How did the child react? What did you like and remember the most? Is this training format convenient for you personally (mothers, grandmothers and teachers)?

And today, we continue to play! We will play according to the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Let me remind you that I will post the main thing here on the blog.
And additional materials will be in our group In contact with.
Therefore, whoever is not in the group, you are welcome to join us!

Since I do not teach classes with one child, but in a group (in the center), I will write guys.

At home, as you understand, I also have a mini-group, and if we play, then all together. In this case, I assign to the elders the role of presenters. And most of the questions about the fairy tale are already being asked not by me, but by older children.

Thus, we practice speech skills, the ability to ask questions, and conduct a dialogue. It turns out not only games for younger children, but older children - joint games.

Therefore, this lesson, and subsequent ones, are quite suitable for children of different ages. They just need to be adapted a little.

Let's start our journey into a fairy tale!

1. Take a book in which there is a fairy tale "Three Bears" and read it to the children.
If you have several books with different pictures on this tale, be sure to consider the pictures first in one book, then in others.

2. Didactic game"Lay out the items."
* Print in the attachment to the games.
Adult: Guys, do you remember what chairs the bears had? Let's put each bear on his chair.
Do you remember what the spoons and plates were? Let's put the spoons and plates on the table. Let's put our own dishes for each bear.
Do you remember what the cribs were? Let's put the bears in their sleeping places.

3. Physical culture for a minute.
Adult: Where did the bears live (in the forest)? There was a river in the forest (yes)?
Let's walk along the bridge over the river! We walk along the path.
The track can be made from scrap materials. Draw on a large sheet of Whatman paper (or an unnecessary piece of wallpaper). Spread the pillows on the floor and walk over them. Build a bridge of chairs, and under them put a bowl of water or a bucket in which homemade boats will float.

4.We watch the presentation "Who is a bear".
* The presentation is given in the appendix

5. Sorting mittens for bears.
* Mittens for printing in the app.
For the game we need a teddy bear and mittens. Put the mittens on the bear.
Adult: look at our friend the bear, put on different mittens, let's help him, we will find a pair for each mitten. Let's see which bear, which mittens are suitable.
Little son, big dad, and middle mom.
At first, you can simply lay out the mittens for the daddy-bear, mom-bear and the bear cub, dividing them into women, men and children.
Then, you can cut mittens in the picture so that you can pick up pairs.

6. We cook porridge for bears.
Adult: How porridge is cooked. Take cereals, add water or milk. Put on the stove and stir. The water / milk boils and the porridge swells. Let's cook porridge with you.
Put buckwheat in a saucepan, add water. We pretend to interfere. Then we replace it with a real one and say that we cooked porridge. Let's try everything together. Before tasting, we say that the porridge is still hot and you need to blow it on. Cool her down. We blow together.

7 exercise
We recite the verse and repeat the movements.

We will sink like a bear:
Top top top!
We will clap like a bear:
We raise our paws up
On others we squat.

8. Sorting big and small toys.
Assemble small and large toys at home and prepare two containers.
Adult: guys, do you remember that the little bear played with small toys. Let's help him, put toys in containers. In this one we will add large ones (show), and in this small one (show).
When the children have placed the toys in the containers, sit them down next to them and examine all the contents of the containers. Discuss each toy. Guess which of the toys could be the favorite for the little bear and why.

9. Music game on spoons.
We stand in a circle. We distribute spoons to children. We remember how Papa-bear (loudly knocking with spoons loudly), mother-bear (quieter), bear cub (knocking softly) says. We repeat this several times.
Then we choose one of the children, now he will be the leader in the game. Let the child say which of the bears is "speaking" at the moment (knocking with spoons in different tones).
It is good if every child (who wants to) is in the role of the leader.

10. And what poems and riddles do you know about bears:

Sleep in winter, stir up hives in summer?

Bigfoot and big

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name?

Of course he's a bear!

My white brother lives in ice

And he eats sea fish,

And I love bee honey

And a forest berry.

Eats up in the summer

Get enough sleep in winter.

The beast is waddling

For raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes

Climbs into the hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams.

Master of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl,

He sleeps in a snow hut.

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And on the tree - snow, snow,

And under the tree - snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush ... Do not make noise.

With a black button on the nose

This beast lives in the forest

All shaggy, brown in color,

The face is a little gloomy.

He has crooked paws

Clumsy, clubfoot.

Loves to eat sweet honey,

This honey is stealing from bees.

Climbs trees deftly

There is a good knack

Maybe he roars a lot,

And his name is ... Bear!

11.Presentation-fairy tale "Three Bears"
We are watching a fairy tale.
* Fairy tale in the app

12. We do the craft.
We take a blank, a plate. We spread the middle with PVA glue and decorate with millet.
We put millet in small bowls for each child. We show you how to take millet correctly. We take it gently with our fingers and make movements, as if we are feeding the birds.
Due to the fact that only the middle will be smeared with glue, the plate will look very neat. Where there is glue, the millet will stick, and the remnants of the millet, which are likely to be scattered on the "plate", you gently shake off.
After that, decorate the leaves on a plate with green plasticine. The plate will look more colorful if you alternate different shades of green.

All materials for this lesson can be downloaded by clicking on the button below.
I would be grateful if you share this lesson with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons! Thanks!

To view a presentation with pictures, artwork, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Presentation slides text content:
Created by the teacher MBDOU №16 "Teremok" Eremkina Larisa Vladimirovna PRESENTATION. An interactive guide for children of the first junior group based on the fairy tale "Three Bears" Once upon a time there was a little girl in a village. She was a good girl, but the trouble is - not very obedient. Once Mashenka's parents went to the city to the bazaar, but they told her not to leave the house, to be busy with the housework. And the girl did not obey them, and fled into the forest. Walked, tore flowers; I picked mushrooms and berries and did not notice how I got lost. I began to look for the way home. I walked, walked through the woods, got lost, and even came across a hut. And three bears lived in that hut. The bear's father's name was Mikhailo Potapovich. He was huge and shaggy. The bear's mother's name was Nastasya Petrovna, she was smaller. And the little bear, whose name was Mishutka, was completely funny. The bears were not at home at that time, they went to the forest to collect berries for dinner. Who lived in the house that the girl found in the forest? The girl came up to the hut, knocked on the door, but no one opened it to her. The girl entered the house and looked around. And I saw two rooms. In the first room there is a table, chairs are pulled up to it, and the plates are on the table. And only then the girl realized that she really wanted to eat. She, of course, knew that it was impossible to take anything from someone else without asking, but the porridge in the plates smelled so delicious. And the girl could not resist. The girl took the largest spoon, sat down on the largest chair and tasted porridge from the largest plate. The girl really liked the porridge, but the spoon turned out to be very uncomfortable. Then the girl moved to the middle chair and began to eat with the middle spoon from the middle plate. The porridge was very tasty, but the chair seemed very uncomfortable to the girl. And then the girl sat down on a small chair and ate all the porridge from a small plate. And so she liked the porridge. The girl began to swing on the chair and broke it. "Whose chair?" - draw an arrow. ... The girl was upset, wanted to sleep and moved to another room. She saw three beds. At first she was lying on a large bed, but the pillows seemed uncomfortable to her. Then the girl moved to the middle bed, but the blanket was too big for her. Finally, I lay down on a small bed, and fell asleep. "Whose plate?" And the bears came home hungry and wanted to dine. Mikhailo Potapovich looked at his plate, and how he roared: `` Who ate porridge from my plate? : - Who sipped from my cup and sipped everything? Find the girl from the fairy tale "Three Bears" Mikhailo Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice: - Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place? Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and growled not so loudly: “Who was sitting on my chair and moved it from its place? Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked:“ Who was sitting on my chair and broke it? The bears moved to another room. - Who lay down on my bed and crumpled it? - roared Mikhailo Ivanovich in a terrible voice. - Who lay down on my bed and crumpled it? - Nastasya Petrovna growled not so loudly. And Mishenka put up a bench, climbed into his crib and squealed in a thin voice: - Who lay down on my bed? What do you think the bear will choose and which girl will choose. And suddenly he saw the girl and screamed as if they were cutting him: - Here she is! Hold it, hold it! There she is! Ay-y-yay! Here he wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. It was open, the girl jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.