Organizational forms of innovation activity test. Tests on discipline “Management of innovative processes. An employee of an enterprise who offers qualitatively new ideas for solving problems plays the role of ...

1) The emergence of the theory of innovation is due to: (several correct answers)

historical development of social production

development of inventive activity

accelerated growth in the number of inventions

2) Economic phenomena perceived as patterns of functioning of capital at the stage of machine production before the emergence of innovation theory: (several correct answers)

economic downturns

bankruptcy of enterprises

mass unemployment

3) According to economists of the 19th century, industrial-capitalist cycles were characterized by ... phases

4) According to economists of the 19th century, the duration of industrial-capitalist cycles:

5) The name of cyclical economic changes discovered by N. D. Kondratiev (several correct answers)

long waves, or big conjuncture cycles

industrial cycles (waves)

short cycles (waves)

6) N. D. Kondratiev designated industrial-capitalist cycles in his theory as ... cycles

7) N. D. Kondratiev designated in his theory cycles with fluctuations of 3 - 3.5 years as ... waves


8) Alternative directions of innovation activities carried out in a holistic innovation management system:

product innovation and product modification (including services)

9) At the heart of average industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratiev lies:

change of the active part of the capital (machine equipment, vehicles, etc.)

10) At the heart of long industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratiev lies:

change of the passive part of capital (buildings, structures, communications, transmission devices, etc.)

    Innovation refers to a new method or product.

    What is meant by innovation?

New Product, technology, procedure that is used in practice

    Diffusion of innovation is:

the process of spreading an already mastered and used innovation in new conditions

    First stage life cycle innovations:

creation of innovation

    Who is NOT a possible participant in the innovation process:

public authorities and administrations

    The main components of innovation activity: (several correct answers)




    What is an innovation market?

part of the innovations that have found practical application

    What is an invention?

a new, significantly different technical solution to the problem, which has a positive effect, improves product quality and working conditions, and ensures its safety

    The capital market includes the following types of investments: (several correct answers)


direct (land, buildings, equipment, etc.)



    What types of investments minimize the risk of capital loss the most?


1) Innovative goals and potential of the organization. Indicators that practically evaluate the innovative activity and competitiveness of an organization can be divided into the following groups: (several correct answers)





2) The development of the organization and its divisions is a reaction to changes in the external environment. The degree of adequacy of the response, as well as the choice and implementation of an innovative strategy depend on:

state of the innovative potential of the organization

3) The process of choosing and implementing an innovation strategy includes the following stages: (several correct answers)

goal setting: the mission of the organization is defined, which emphasizes the commitment to innovation, the goal of the development of the organization is formulated and a tree of goals is built

conducting a strategic analysis: the internal environment is analyzed and the innovative potential of the organization is assessed; the state of the external environment is analyzed and an assessment of the innovation climate is given; the innovative position of the organization is determined;

selection of an innovative strategy: the basic strategy for the development of the organization and its innovative components are established; alternative innovation strategies are evaluated; the preferred innovation strategy is selected and formulated;

implementation of the innovation strategy: a draft of strategic changes and measures for their implementation, a project implementation plan are being developed; control over the implementation of the project is organized; the effectiveness of the implementation process is evaluated and the necessary correction of the project, strategies, goals and mission is carried out.

4) "Unexpected external event" - is it?

events that allow an organization to expand its field of activity in another area, using its knowledge and experience to innovate in a product, service, technology.

5) For successful implementation of changes, an innovative project must include: ? (several correct answers)

Block of changes in performance: new or updated products with new characteristics, new product portfolio, new industries and markets; new services provided to customers and consumers of new products; new economic and social results of the organization.

Block of resource changes: material and technical base (raw materials, materials and components, equipment and jobs, production facilities, suppliers and partners, resource flow logistics); information (scientific and technical, industrial, economic, commercial, databases, logistics of information flows); labor resources (new knowledge, employees, managers, social environment, personnel movement); finance (tasks of financing an innovative project, financial flows).

Block of changes in business processes: R&D (new tasks, reduction of the time lag); production (redistribution of work between production units and orders between subcontractors, preparation of production for the development of new technologies); implementation (updating the sales network, marketing, commercial tasks); service (preparation for the provision of new services, new customers).

Block of changes in the organizational structure: functions (identification of new production and management functions); structural links and levels of management (creation of new links and empowerment with their functions); links between links by functions; relations in the organization (formation of a new set of rights and responsibilities, their distribution by links and levels of management in accordance with functions and relationships).

6) The quantitative and innovative position of the firm can be determined using: ?


7) "Unexpected event" is: (several correct answers)

domestic success

external event

8) Renewability indicators are: ?

indicator of innovativeness TAT ​​(from the American "have time to turn") - the time from the moment of realizing the need for changes or demand for a new product until the moment it is sent to the consumer or brought to the market in large quantities

9) Innovations and innovations, their sources differ in: (several correct answers)

degree of novelty

depth of change


extent of distribution

10) “The discrepancy between reality and the idea of ​​​​it” is this?

when serious concentrated efforts do not improve, but worsen the state of affairs in the enterprise, they are probably misdirected, managers rely on an erroneous idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe real state of affairs in the industry, they focus on areas where there is no result

1) The risky form of entrepreneurship provides in case of successful development and implementation of the project ... ?

share of the developer in the profit.

2) The main obstacle to the transformation of innovative activity into an equivalent production activity is ...?

inconsistency of the current organizational and economic mechanism with the new tasks.

3)When small volumes implementation cost of innovation... ?

4) There are the following types of incubators: (several correct answers)



university branches

5) The main advantages of small businesses: ? (several correct answers)

perseverance and perseverance, originality of thinking and originality of the personality of the entrepreneur

fast adaptation to the markets

management flexibility

flexibility of internal communications

6) In order to put future developments on the most developed material, technical and personnel base, when forming research associations, it is preliminary carried out ...?

competition among firms

7) Are the main link in the innovative activity of corporations?

research units

8) Increasing competition, shortening the life cycle of products are forcing organizations to turn innovation from random insights into everyday practice. To solve this problem, corporations organize ...?

temporary creative teams

9) Risk units - is this?

small autonomous specialized enterprises

10) The internal environment of any organization contains factors: ? (several correct answers)

blocking innovation.

supporting innovation activities.

enhancing innovation

1) As the founders of the SIE can act ...? (several correct answers)

individual individuals

groups of individuals

legal entities

both individuals and legal entities

2) Depending on the nature of the combination of science and production, we can distinguish: (several correct answers)

scientific (development) profile

production (mastering the production of new products and technologies) profile

mixed (research and production) profile

3) The Law of the Russian Federation "On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation" provides for a number of non-tax benefits for small businesses: (several correct answers)

preferential conditions for lending and insurance; support for foreign economic activity on a partial compensatory basis

support in the development of the production and technological base

support of foreign economic activity on a partial compensatory basis

priority provision of government orders

4) In what organizational forms is innovative entrepreneurship carried out? (several correct answers)

in the form of individual entrepreneurship (IEP), without creating an enterprise as an independent legal entity

by creating an independent enterprise as a separate legal entity with the right to carry out all economic activities on its behalf - a small innovative enterprise (SIE).

5) What regulates the composition of the organizational and legal forms of SIE as a variety of innovative organizations?

civil code of the Russian Federation

6) The most significant differences in the mechanisms of managing FDI and IIP: (several correct answers)

procedure and conditions for state registration and liquidation

composition of reporting and tax liability

availability and conditions for using special benefits for small businesses

composition and conditions of tax and other social payments

7) The general procedure for creating a new SIP includes the following stages: ? (several correct answers) preparatory, founding and organizational




8) Under innovative entrepreneurship is understood ...?

a special type of commercial activity aimed at making a profit by creating and actively disseminating innovations in all areas of the national economy

9) The location of the IIP is determined by the following groups of factors determining: ? (several correct answers)

choice of the legal address of the SIE

geographical location of SIE and its structural units

10) In accordance with the Law “On state support of small business in Russian Federation» Along with the average number of SIE employees, additional restrictions are imposed: ?

SIE includes “commercial organizations in whose authorized capital the share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations, charitable and other foundations does not exceed 25%

SIE refers to “commercial organizations in the authorized capital of which the share owned by one or more legal entities that are not small businesses does not exceed 25%

1) The strategy of patients ("Cunning Foxes")?

step towards the consumer who does not need standard products

2) To determine what type of behavior a particular organization belongs to: (several correct answers)

make a description of the analyzed organization, its products, industry and market

identify an organization by type of behavior using a morphological matrix

analyze the morphological description and establish correspondence with one or more types of innovative behavior

3) Varieties of violets? (several correct answers)

"proud lion"

"mighty elephant"

"Clumsy Hippo"

4) Regarding the external environment, the following options for the strategic behavior of enterprises are distinguished: (several correct answers)

development of innovations at the initiative of the manufacturer or consumer

technological leadership or following

own developments or use of someone else's innovation

5) Possible ways of development of patients: ? (several correct answers)

change of strategy and transformation into a large violet

Violent absorption

6) Disadvantages of violets: ? (several correct answers)



uncontrollability and wastefulness

7) The basis of the innovation strategy... ?

planned and systematic elimination of the aging and dying.

8) In relation to the internal environment of the organization distinguish? (several correct answers)

product strategies



organizational and managerial

9) The strategy of the commuters ("Grey mice"): ?

service of local needs and satisfaction of narrow group and individual demand; production of components for large enterprises

10) According to the biological approach proposed by L.G. Ramensky, and the theory of association with animal behavior by the Swiss expert H. Friesewinkel, the following types of innovative behavior of organizations can be distinguished: (several correct answers)





1) Full license...?

granted upon the transfer to the licensee of all rights arising from the patent, throughout the entire territory of the patent and for the entire remaining period of its validity

2) Net license...?

a license, upon granting which a separate independent license agreement is drawn up, which specifies the conditions and scope of the transferred rights.

3) The following patenting procedures are provided: ? (several correct answers)

Traditional (national).

Patenting procedure under the International Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

Patenting procedure in accordance with the European Patent Convention (EPC).

4) The utility model certificate is valid for... ?

5 years; renewable for 3 years

5)Combined payments...?

are a combination of lump-sum and royalty-based payments and are in the interest of both parties to the license agreement.

6) Is it a license for an industrial property object?

transfer of development rights

7) The main task of innovation management at the stage of commercialization is ...?

increasing the scale of diffusion of innovations through technological exchange of a commercial and non-commercial nature (transfer)

8) Lump-sum payments...?

represent lump-sum or staged payments of a fixed amount of remuneration under a license agreement.

9) Technological exchange in a non-commercial form occurs through ...? (several correct answers)

organization of exhibitions

conference organization

scientific and technical publications

10) Cross license (cross license)...?

a license granted in the event that patent holders cannot use the protected subject matter of industrial property without infringing each other's rights

1) The formation of innovative projects to solve the most important scientific and technical problems (tasks) provides:? (several correct answers)

an integrated, systematic approach to solving a specific problem (goal) of scientific and technological development;

quantitative specification of the goals of scientific and technological development and a strict reflection of the final goals and results of the project in innovation management

continuous end-to-end management of the processes of creation, development, production and consumption of innovations

a reasonable choice of ways to most effectively implement the goals of the project and a balance of resources for the implementation of an innovative project

2) From the point of view of the stages of implementation of innovative activities, the project includes: (several correct answers)

development of production

organization of production and its launch

marketing of new products, as well as financial events

3) Leading specialists in the thematic areas of the project, responsible for the choice of scientific and technical solutions, the level of their implementation, the completeness and complexity of measures to achieve the project goals, organizing the competitive selection of performers and the examination of the results. It - ?

scientific and technical councils (NTS)

4) A system of interrelated goals and programs to achieve them, which is a complex of research, development, production, organizational, financial, commercial and other activities, properly organized (linked by resources, deadlines and performers), formalized by a set of project documentation and providing an effective solution to a specific scientific and technical problem (problem), expressed in quantitative terms and leading to innovation is called ...?

innovative project

5) In the process of developing the concept of an innovative project, the following stages can be distinguished: (several correct answers)

formation of an innovative idea and setting the goal of the project

marketing research project idea

project structuring, risk and uncertainty analysis

choice of project implementation option

6) An innovative project, considered as a process taking place in time, covers the following stages:? (several correct answers)

Formation of an innovative idea (concept) - the process of generating an innovative idea and formulating the general (ultimate) goal of the project

Project development - the process of finding solutions to achieve the final goal of the project and the formation of a set of tasks and activities interconnected in time, resources and performers to achieve its goal

Project implementation - the process of performing work to implement the set goals of the project

Completion of the project - the process of delivering the results of the project to the customer and closing contracts (contracts)

7) Depending on the time spent on the implementation of the project and the achievement of its goals, innovative projects can be divided into: ? (several correct answers)

long-term (strategic), the implementation period of which exceeds five years,

medium-term with an implementation period of three to five years

short-term - with a period of implementation of less than three years

8) A specific organizational structure headed by the project manager and created for the duration of the project in order to effectively achieve its goals. It - ?

project team

9) The main elements of an innovative project include: ? (several correct answers)

formulated goals and objectives reflecting the main purpose of the project

a set of project activities to solve an innovative problem and achieve the goals set

organizing the implementation of project activities, i.e. linking them by resources and performers to achieve the goals of the project in a limited period of time and within the specified cost and quality

the main indicators of the project: from target (for the project as a whole) to private (for individual tasks, topics, stages, activities, performers), including indicators that characterize its effectiveness.

10) Specialized design organizations developing design and estimate documentation


the ratio of the sum of the reduced effects to the amount of capital investments:

the ratio of net present value (NPV) to the value of capital investments

2) Interpretation of inflation in project analysis

It is taken into account through the calculation of the real interest rate r=En-b/1+b

3) Interpretation of depreciation in project analysis

Should not be taken into account when calculating integral indicators

4) What is the opportunity cost of a resource?

The opportunity cost of a resource used in a certain way is determined by the value that it could have if used in the best possible alternative ways.

5) Economic service life is?

The time over which the investment amount is fully amortized

6) Technical service life is

Physical and practical life of the investment

7) Discounting - is it?

recalculation of income (benefits) and costs for each year using a discount rate that reflects income (in percentage terms) from other investments.

8) How to assess the risk and uncertainty of the project?

Using Annual Present Costs

9) What is net present value? answer 1

10) Interpretation of credit transactions in project analysis

Loans should not be taken into account in the comparative analysis of investments. projects

    What is the internal rate of return?

the discount rate at which the net present value of the project is zero

Tests on the economics of the organization, for testing knowledge in the section "Innovative activity of the enterprise." 29 test questions - the correct options are highlighted in red.

1. A feature of venture entrepreneurship is ...

  • high investment risk
  • subordination to large enterprises
  • organization life cycle
  • activity only on the basis of borrowed capital

2. An employee of an enterprise who offers qualitatively new ideas for solving problems plays the role of ...

  • organizer
  • ideas animator
  • idea generator
  • ideas moderator

3. Venture funding is used for projects…

  • technical re-equipment
  • release extensions
  • development of new products
  • product upgrades

4. Participants of the innovation project are not…

  • investors
  • development customers
  • product buyers
  • designers

5. The innovation cycle starts with…

  • fundamental research
  • mastering the launch into production
  • development work
  • launch of new products on the market

6. Risk is...

  • result of venture activity
  • danger of negative consequences related to production, financial and investment activities
  • probability of occurrence of an event associated with possible financial losses or other negative consequences

7. Process-innovation is…

  • development and implementation of new or significantly improved production methods involving the use of new production equipment, new methods of organizing production or their combination
  • the process of development, development and implementation new technology
  • development and implementation of organizational structures for production management
  • commercialization of innovations

8. The innovation process is…

  • product-innovation mastering process
  • development, development and implementation of process innovations
  • the process of developing technical documentation for an innovative project
  • the process of emergence, development and bringing scientific and technical ideas to their commercial use

9. The innovation process is…

  • complex, costly, with low cost recovery
  • predictable, with a high return on investment
  • cyclical, easy to implement, low cost
  • uncertain, multivariate, probabilistic

10. The main form of planning the implementation of an innovative project is ...

  • operational plan
  • strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (organization)
  • business plan
  • feasibility study

11. The effectiveness of the interaction between the stages of the innovation cycle is ensured ...

  • variety of organizational forms and economic mechanisms
  • uniformity of organizational forms and variety of economic mechanisms
  • variety of organizational forms and uniformity of economic mechanisms
  • uniformity of organizational forms and economic mechanisms

12. The main areas of scientific and technological progress include ...

  • production specialization
  • electrification of production
  • complex mechanization and automation of production
  • production intensification
  • combination of production
  • chemicalization of production

13. Integrated mechanization and automation of production involves ...

  • introduction of automatic lines and industrial robots
  • implementation
  • progressive technological processes
  • introduction of new types of raw materials

14. Activities of scientific and technological progress are aimed at ...

  • increase in the number of employees of the enterprise
  • lower operating costs
  • improving the quality of products
  • reduction in the level of capital investments

15. The electric power of labor is ...

  • attitude electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy consumed by the enterprise
  • share of electricity consumed directly in technological processes
  • the ratio of consumed electricity to the number of workers (employees)
  • the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy used to set in motion machines, equipment and all other mechanisms

16. A complete innovation cycle consists of the following stages ...

  • the birth of an idea fundamental research, applied research, development, development industrial production, dissemination and use of new products
  • applied research, development, development of industrial production, distribution and use of new products
  • fundamental research, applied research, experimental design

17. Innovative incubators are designed to…

  • product-innovation development
  • formation of knowledge-intensive firms
  • conducting fundamental research
  • implementation of process-innovations

18. An innovation project is…

  • action plan aimed at improving production efficiency
  • a system of scientific, technical, organizational, legal, financial and economic documentation necessary for the implementation of innovation at the enterprise (in the organization)
  • work plan to improve environmental protection
  • production program

19. Scientific and technological progress involves ...

  • revolutionary development
  • evolutionary development
  • revolutionary and evolutionary development

20. Basic scientific research provides primarily ...

  • revolutionary development
  • evolutionary development

21. The economic effect of new technology takes into account ...

  • economic effect in the production of new equipment
  • economic effect in the production and operation of new equipment
  • economic effect in the field of operation of new equipment

22. The criterion "adjusted costs" should be used at the stage ...

  • ideas - innovative design
  • feasibility study of an innovative project
  • implementation of an innovation and investment project

23. The main indicators of mechanization and automation are ...

  • intensive load factor of machinery and equipment
  • coefficient of extensive load of machinery and equipment
  • integral load factor of machinery and equipment
  • coefficient of automation (mechanization) production processes

24. The main goal of increasing the level of mechanization and automation ...

  • provide high quality manufactured products
  • ensure high growth rates of labor productivity
  • ensure the introduction of new progressive technologies in mechanical engineering
  • increase the level of specialization of production

25. Mechanization and automation gives the greatest effect in ...

  • mass production of products
  • batch production
  • single production

26. The evolutionary form of scientific and technological progress is ...

  • qualitative change in the material and technical base of production in a short time
  • gradual and continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technologies
  • growth of labor productivity, reduction of labor intensity, material consumption, production cost
  • Ensuring the entry into the market of products with characteristics superior to those of competitors

27. Scientific and technological progress is ...

  • the end result of the introduction of innovation in order to obtain economic and social effects
  • the process of continuous development of science, technology, technology, improvement of objects of labor, forms and methods of organizing and managing production
  • qualitative change in the material and technical base of production in a relatively short time

28. The scientific and technological revolution is ...

  • creation of new, qualitatively more advanced machines and equipment
  • growth in the use of science in manufacturing
  • natural historical process, representing the fundamental transformation of science, technology, material production andensuring, on the basis of their unity and interconnection, the achievement of a qualitatively new productivity of social labor
  • development and implementation of a system of machines, instruments and other types of equipment that are competitive in the world market

29. Making a profit from the innovative activity of an enterprise begins at the stage ...

  • commercialization of innovation
  • fundamental research
  • applied research
  • design work

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1 TEST Question 1. What is the object of innovation management? a. collectives of workers; b. innovative processes in all their diversity, carried out in all spheres of the national economy; in. financial flows enterprises; d. innovations; e. indicators of production efficiency. Question 2. Specify aspects of innovation management. a. the science and art of innovation management; b. type of activity and adoption process management decisions in innovation; in. innovation management apparatus; d. all of the above answers are correct; e. Answers 1 and 2 are correct. Question 3. What stages of development are typical for innovation management? a. factor approach and functional concept; b. systems approach; in. factor and system approaches; d. functional concept and system approach; e. factorial, systemic, situational approaches and functional concept; Question 4. What are the constituent factors of the scientific and technical potential of the innovation process. a. material and technical base, science personnel, b. information funds; in. cadres of science; d. scientific equipment; all of the above. Question 5. What determines the vertical division of labor of managers? a. from industry affiliation; b. from organizational and legal forms of organization of the innovation process; in. on the scale of innovation activity, the nature of ongoing innovation and industry affiliation; d. from the hierarchical structure of the innovation process; from the functions of innovation management. Question 6. What hierarchical levels of management can be divided into an innovation process? a. higher, middle; b. first level; in. the highest and third level; d. higher, middle and lower; e. Answers 1 and 2 are correct. Question 7. What is the main target of innovation management? one

2 a. selection and placement of personnel; b. ensuring the effective use of the potential of the innovation process; in. harmonization; d. building an organizational structure; e. development of a strategic innovation strategy. Question 8. Specify the main tasks that the exogenous harmonization of innovation management solves. a. planning of production processes and implementation of innovative products; b. formation of long- and short-term goals of innovation activity; in. taking into account the environmental situation; d. taking into account consumer demand and objective trends in scientific and technical progress; d. Answers 2,3,4 are correct. Question 9. Select the activities of the procedural function of innovation management. a. delegation and motivation; b. solutions and communications; in. delegation and communications; d. planning; e. organization and control. Question 10. What features are used in the systematization and classification of types of organization of innovative processes? a. forms of specialization, concentration; b. organization methods; in. tasks of the organization, forms and methods of organization; d. combination and tasks of the organization; e. forms of organizational structures. Question 11. What is development? a. regular change of matter; b. directed change of matter; in. directed and regular change of matter and consciousness; d. irreversible, directed and regular change of matter and consciousness; e. irreversible and natural change of matter and consciousness. Question 12. What are the forms of development? a. revolutionary and coadaptive; b. evolutionary; in. revolutionary and evolutionary; d. coevolutionary and revolutionary; e. evolutionary, revolutionary, coevolutionary, and coadaptive. Question 13. Which of the forms of development is not progressive? a. coevolutionary; b. revolutionary; in. evolutionary; d. coevolutionary and evolutionary; e. coevolutionary-coadaptive. 2

3 Question 14. What factors determine the development of organizations (firms)? a. the needs and interests of the individual and society; b. changes in the external environment and ecology; in. technical progress, the state of world civilization; d. aging and deterioration of material elements, the needs and interests of man and society; all of the above. Question 15. What stages are included in the life cycle of any material system? a. introduction, growth; b. maturity and saturation; in. maturity, saturation and decline; d. growth, decline and collapse; e. introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, decline and collapse. Question 16. Who is the author of long waves. a. I. Schumpeter; b. N.D. Kondratiev; in. A. Fayol; Mr. B. Twiss; D. E. Masfield. Question 17. What development phases are included in the life cycle technological order? a. origin and formation; b. structural restructuring of the economy; in. dying out of an outdated way; d. Answers 1 and 2 are correct; e. Answers 1,2 and 3 are correct. Question 18. What characteristic corresponds to the 3rd order? a. mass and serial production; b. increasing the flexibility of production based on the use of an electric motor, standardization of production, urbanization; in. biotechnology, space technology; G. steam engines; e. textile machines. Question 19. What elements form the basis innovation system market economy? a. temporary monopoly on the use of innovations; b. the existence of independent and competing sources of supply of new technologies; in. market selection most effective technologies; d. answers 2 and 3 are correct; d. Answers 1,2,3 are correct. Question 20. What is the basis of the system for selecting national technical and economic development priorities (FER)? a. collective decision-making by experts; b. institutions for long-term forecasting of fuel and energy resources; in. constant specification; 3

4 d. organization of selection based on the promotion of competition; all of the above. Question 21. What is the basis of the specific content of innovation? a. processes; b. changes; in. development; d. a set of technical, industrial and commercial activities leading to the emergence of new processes and equipment; e. development and processes. Question 22. Who is the first author to identify five typical changes? a. N.D. Kondratiev; b. V.D. Hartman; in. J. Schumpeter; Mr. E. Rogers; Dr. N. Mongev. Question 23. What are the properties inherent in innovation? a. scientific and technical novelty, industrial applicability, commercial feasibility; b. scientific and technical novelty; in. competitiveness and implementation; d. use in production; e. market attractiveness. Question 24. When does an innovation become an innovation? a. when used in production; b. from the moment of acceptance for distribution; in. since the end of applied research; d. from the moment of development of scientific and technical documentation; from the moment of experimental and experimental work. Question 25. According to the innovative potential and the degree of novelty, according to the classification of A. Prigogine, innovations are implied a. replacing and canceling; b. radical, combinatorial and perfecting; in. economic and social; d. systemic; e. strategic and local. Question 26. According to the SUM classification, depending on the degree of novelty, innovation processes are divided into: a. absolute, relative; b. local, radical; in. absolute, relative, conditional and private; program, competitive; e. combined, modified. Question 27

5 a. industrial, financial, trade and intermediary, scientific and pedagogical, legal; b. state, republican, regional; in. inside corporate, program, competitive; g. absolute, relative, conditional; e. technical, economic, managerial. Question 28. Why is it advisable to finance R&D (stage 3) in two stages? a. for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study; b. in order to reduce the risk of investors; in. to identify deviations from the project; d. all answers are wrong; e. Answers 1 and 3 are correct. Question 29. What stage of the life cycle of the production of an innovative product "is characterized by a rapid increase in production, a significant increase in the utilization of production capacities, a well-functioning technological process"? A. industrial development; b. innovation; c. recovery; d. maturity and stabilization; e. Question 30. At what stage of the life cycle of new equipment and technology is labor productivity low and the cost of production decreases slowly? a. first; b. second; c. third; d. fourth and fifth; e. fifth. What are the current problems of innovation? a developed theory of innovation management e. all answers are correct. Question 32. What directions of development of the theory appeared within the innovation itself? a. formation and diffusion of innovations; b. human adaptation to innovations; in. innovative organizations, development of innovative solutions, problems of self-financing and regulation; d. formation and diffusion of innovations, human adaptation to them, their adaptation to human needs, development of innovative solutions; 5

6 days economic methods, patterns of innovation processes. Question 33. What is one of the most difficult tasks of entrepreneurship? a. search for new ideas; b. implementation of new ideas; in. search for new ideas and their implementation; search financial resources; e. search for markets. Question 34. What is meant by innovative entrepreneurship? a. production of new products; b. the process of creation and commercial use of scientific and technological innovations; in. the process of updating the potential of the enterprise; d. the process of systematic improvement of the humanitarian sphere of the enterprise; e. production of new goods, new technology. Question 35. What types of innovative entrepreneurship are currently distinguished? a. management innovation; social innovation; b. product innovation, technology; in. innovation organizational culture; d. innovation of products, technologies and services; e. social innovation, product innovation, technology. Question 36. What explains the decline in the number of organizations performing research and development? a. a decrease in demand for new products; b. increased uncertainty in R&D results; in. reduction in funding for the development of science and renewal of the fixed assets of scientific organizations; d. large imports of imported products; e. an increase in the productivity of workers in the field of science. Question 37. What organizational forms of innovative structures are the most complex? a. firm; b. concern; in. joint-stock company; d. engineering firm; d. association. Question 38. What is the main advantage of large organizations (enterprises compared to small and medium)? a. concentration of large financial resources; b. high scientific and technical level of production; in. highly qualified staff; d. carrying out multipurpose research; e. the concentration of large financial resources and the implementation of multi-purpose research. 6

7 Question 39. What is the organizational form of the following activities: it performs the finalization of innovations, provides services and consultations in the process of implementing the development object, performs commissioning? a. technopark; b. engineering firms; in. concern; d. implementation company; e. pilot plants. Question 40. What structural units belong to the technopark? a. incubator; b. innovation center; in. pilot plant; city ​​of industrial zone, scientific research institute, design bureau; e. training center, marketing and innovation centers, incubator. 7

General information about the discipline. Name of the discipline: Innovation management.2. The complexity of the discipline - 72 hours (2 LU) of which curriculum full-time education: lectures 8 hours. laboratory classes

Contents 1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline 4 2. Place of the discipline in the structure of the undergraduate BEP 4 3. Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline 4 4. Content and structure of the discipline 6

INNOVATIVE TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS AND INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT V.A. Sheremetiev In economic theory, two main types of development of economic systems are distinguished: extensive and intensive.

1. The goals of mastering the discipline. The purpose of mastering the discipline "Innovation Management" is the development by bachelor students of the main aspects of science and practice of managing innovative processes. In the process

Contents 1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline 4 2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP of the bachelor's degree 4 3. Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline 4 4. The content and structure of the discipline 5

INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline

1 23. Institutional economic theory. 24. Theory of property rights. Historical evolution of forms of ownership. 25. Theory of transaction costs. Transaction costs: essence and classification.

Examples test items to the test Task: choose from the presented answers the one that you think is correct. In the presented options, there may be more than one correct answer. 1. INSERT THE MISSING WORDS IN THE DEFINITION.

6. Materials on the system of intermediate and final testing

Fund passport evaluation tools in the discipline B1.V.DV.3 Innovation of the bachelor's training in the field of study 04.03.01 "Chemistry" profile "Chemistry of the environment, chemical expertise and environmental

The discipline "Innovations in Service and Tourism" is part of the first block of the applied bachelor's program 43.03.03. "Hospitality" and refers to the basic part of the program. The content of the discipline covers

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL EDUCATION" Strategic management" Level higher education Undergraduate Direction

2524_Ru_Æ yani_yekun imtahan testinin sualları Fәnn: 2524 Elmi texniki tәrәqqinin iqtisadiyyatı 1 1. What is the system of human knowledge about the objective laws of development of nature and society? social

Questions on the section "Economics of the agro-industrial complex" 1. Agrarian reform in Russia: conceptual foundations, necessity, goals and main directions of development. 2. AIC is a diversified functional subsystem of the national

Appendix B 1. How is current control carried out in the organization? 1. By hearing the employees of the organization at production meetings; 2. By monitoring the work of workers; 3. + Using

2 1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Name of discipline: "Economics of innovation" 1.2. The complexity of the discipline - 152 hours (4 LU) of which: full-time lectures 16 hours. laboratory classes 0 practical

INTERIM CONTROL 1 (TOPICS 1 5) TOPIC 1. NATURE OF THE ECONOMIC CATEGORY "INNOVATION" 1. The concept of "innovation" in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IM. D. M. SERIKBAYEV Faculty information technologies and business APPROVE: Chairman

Principles and stages of performance evaluation project management Organization post-graduate student of the Department of Enterprise Economics and Innovation Golodova A.A., scientific adviser Lomovtseva O.A. Development

License of the Government of St. Petersburg Education Committee 0665 dated 09/03/2013 1. Introduction Program "Innovation Management" 2. Topic 1. Trends and varieties of development, development management Development

UDC 338.12 MV Kashkarova TO THE QUESTION OF INTERRELATION OF INNOVATIVE AND ECONOMIC CYCLES The interrelation between innovative and economic cycles is revealed. The specificity of innovation processes is analyzed


Innovative activity in socio-cultural service and tourism L.V. Karlova Approaches to the classification of innovation activities According to the degree of novelty, basic improving pseudo-innovations absolute innovations


1. Goals and objectives of the discipline: The purpose of the discipline Innovation management is the formation of a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities to manage the innovative activities of an enterprise or department. The study

1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Name of discipline: Economics and organization of innovative activity of enterprises and organizations 1.2. The complexity of the discipline according to the curriculum 152 hours (4 LU) out of

Passport of the fund of appraisal funds p / p Controlled sections (topics) of the discipline * 1 Trends and varieties of development. Development management 2 Content of innovation management 3 Product and technology development

3.6. Approximate topics and plans term papers Section 1. Enterprise (organization) and external environment 1. Prerequisites and indicators successful work 1. Essence and indicators effective work 2. Level analysis

Approved at the meeting of the department "30" August 2015. Protocol 1 Questions for the State Exam. Specialty 080502.65 "Economics and management at the enterprise (in trade)" 2015-2016 account. d. 1. Trade:

1. GOALS AND TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE Working programm academic discipline"Innovation Management" is designed to implement state requirements for a minimum content and level of training of graduates

The concept of research activity (R&D), its features as the basis for assessing the need for elements of the resource potential of the university

"APPROVED" Director of IREI, Doctor of Economics, prof. P.I.Burak 2011 LIST OF QUESTIONS OF THE CANDIDATE EXAM in the specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy" (specialization in economics, organization

UDC 338.242 THE CONTENT OF INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS AND THE MECHANISM OF THEIR FUNCTIONING Pugina Larisa Ivanovna Murom Institute (branch) of Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and

Alieva Z.K. INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT IN THE SERVICE SECTOR The article shows the necessity of applying innovative management in the service sector. The main scientific approaches to innovation management are analyzed

Approximate topics of graduation qualification (bachelor's) works in the direction of preparation 080200.62 Management 1. Management of a small business in a market economy. 2. Commercial management

INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY AND FORMATION OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES А.V. Lomovtseva, T.V. Trofimova Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, branch of the RANEPA In modern economic conditions, the ability to

SOLODILOVA N.Z. Doctor of Economics, Professor Vice-Rector for scientific work Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service (Ufa, Russia) INTERACTION OF REGIONAL AUTHORITIES AND UNIVERSITIES IN FORMING INNOVATIVE


"MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION" MANAGED (CONTROLLED) INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS 1 Volume and topics of managed (controlled) independent work of students (USRS)

REVIEWED by the Branch Council Minutes of 2014 APPROVED by Director A.V. Bandurist 2014 Topics of final qualifying works for the direction of training 38.03.02 Management for 2014-2015 academic year. g.

THE ESSENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY RESERVES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION N.V. Lapina Saratov State Socio-Economic University The author's definition of product quality reserves is given. The whole set

"Strategic management_rus_3kr_zim_shakhmanova G.T_MN (2.3_3.3_DOT)" For student teacher Kuvatov M. 1. The mission of the organization is considered: 2. The external environment in strategic management is considered

List of topics for preparation for the entrance test in the direction 38.04.02 Management (Higher School of Technology and Energy) Section 1. History of the development of science "management" and modern concept management

Evaluation funds in the discipline "Management" Tests of current progress control (TTKU) (testing at week 9: 40 tests) 1. The concept of "organization" can be attributed to any systems:

STATE UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT POSTGRADUATE ENTRANCE EXAM PROGRAM 38.06.01 "Economics", specialty 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy General provisions Program

2 1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE 1.1. The objectives of mastering the discipline: the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and management of innovative activities modern organizations

Management of the organization (Entrepreneurship) - Questions for the SEC. Question 1 Fundamentals of management 1. Conditions and factors for the emergence and development of management 2. Essence, functions, purpose and objectives of management 3.

Approved by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated November 30, 2017, 6/6. PASSPORT OF SPECIALTY 08.00.05 ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY


Questions for conducting an interdisciplinary state exam for students of the specialty "Organization Management" in the 2013-2014 academic year Specialization "Strategic Management" Module "Management"

Stable funding; - elimination of unforeseen problems on the part of mining operations; - development of unique technical and technological methods, such as, for example, anchors in the ground,

PERFORMANCE TESTS Week 7 testing: tests 1-20; testing at week 12: tests 21-40; testing at week 17: tests 41-60. Tests - 5 points. TTKU 1. What is specific

1. Methodological foundations of management. 2. Organization of stock (commodity) exchange management. 3. The concept, types and algorithm for the study of competition. Methods for analyzing and assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise

TOPICS OF FINAL QUALIFICATION WORKS for students of the specialty "ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT AT THE ENTERPRISE (IN TRANSPORT)" Section 1. Efficiency of the transport enterprise Section 2. Resources and current


KAZAN (VOLGA) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY "APPROVED" Vice-Rector for educational activities R.G. Minzaripov PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "Control Theory" OPD.F cycle. GSE - general humanitarian and socio-economic

The fifth edition of the textbook (1st ed., 1996, awarded the 1st degree diploma of the Business Russia competition; 2nd ed., 1998, noted among the best domestic textbooks on economics; 3rd ed., 2000 city, awarded


Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization competitiveness management. Textbook. 2nd ed., rev. and additional M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005. 544 p. Increasing the competitiveness of the organization is one of the most pressing issues

Questions for the interdisciplinary exam in the specialty "Management of the organization", specialization "Entrepreneurship", "Innovation management" (department "Economics of the organization") 1. Production structure


To the attention of graduates of directions 38.03.02 "Management" and 380303 "Personnel Management"! You need to urgently choose a graduation theme qualifying work and until September 12 to pass to the Department of Economics


1. Managing change and innovation in modern conditions adaptation to market relations are:

a) the main part of the management of organizations;

b) an integral part strategic plan organization development;

C) an integral and one of the important parts of the management of organizations.

2. Change and innovation management is:

A) a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovative processes, innovative activities, the subjects of the implementation of innovations and their personnel;

b) a set of principles, methods and forms of management of investment activities of organizations;

c) a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovative processes in organizations.

3. The subject of the training course "Change and Innovation Management" are:

a) a system of relationships between business entities in the process of exchange of innovations;

B) a set of principles, methods and forms of managing innovation processes, innovation activities, subjects of innovation implementation and their personnel;

c) a set of forms and methods of managing innovative processes, as well as the interaction of organizational structures and personnel in this case.

4. According to international standards innovation is defined as:

A) the end result of innovative activity in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market; new or improved technological process applied in practice or in a new approach to social services;

b) a set of technical, industrial and commercial activities that lead to the emergence of a new product on the market;

c) invention or discovery of new possibilities for solving a problem and achieving goals.

5. Which of the famous scientists is considered one of the first founders of the theory of innovation management:

A) Austrian J. Schumpeter;

b) American F. Taylor;

c) Frenchman A. Fayol.

6. What types of innovations does modern theory innovation management:

A) commodity, managerial, marketing, market, technological;

b) commodity, organizational, technical, market, marketing;

c) managerial, product, technical, marketing; technological, organizational.

7. Organizational and managerial innovations in agricultural enterprises can be implemented through:

a) the use of new varieties of agricultural crops;

B) improving the methods and styles of management and the introduction of progressive management approaches;

c) technical updating of the production process.

8. The innovation process is:

a) preparation and implementation of innovative changes in a certain area of ​​activity;

b) several interrelated phases forming a single whole;

C) the process of creation (invention), development and dissemination of innovations.

9. What form of the innovation process involves the creation and use of innovation within the same organization:

A) simple intraorganizational (natural);

b) simple interorganizational (commodity);

c) expanded.

10. What form of the innovation process means separating the function of creating and producing innovation from the function of its consumption:

a) simple intraorganizational (natural);

B) simple interorganizational (commodity);

c) expanded.

11. Diffusion of innovations is:

A) the process by which an innovation is transmitted through communication channels between members social system in time;

b) an information process, the form and speed of which depends on the power of communication channels, the characteristics of the perception of information by business entities, their ability to use this information in practice;

c) the end result of innovation activity in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market; a new or improved technological process applied in practice or in a new approach to social services.

12. Diffusion of innovations is:

a) the end result of innovation activity in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market; new or improved technological process applied in practice or in a new approach to social services;

B) an information process, the form and speed of which depends on the power of communication channels, the characteristics of the perception of information by business entities, their abilities for the practical use of this information;

c) the process by which an innovation is transmitted through communication channels between members of a social system over time.

13. What is the essence of the continuity of the innovation process as its features:

a) determines the speed and boundaries of the diffusion of innovations in a market economy;

B) makes it possible to get ahead of competitors and is a prerequisite for other principles for the success of innovations;

c) gives impetus to the emergence of a number of innovations.

14. Which of the features of the innovation process is due to the innovative approach of the management team of the organization:

a) cyclicality;

b) priority:

C) readiness to perceive innovations.

15. Cyclicity of the innovation process:

a) makes it possible to get ahead of competitors and is a prerequisite for other principles for the success of innovations;

B) gives impetus to the emergence of a number of innovations.

c) provides the possibility of maneuvering, encouraging entrepreneurship.

16. What are the names of innovations that characterize the use of new methods of organizing production:

- grocery;


— technical;

- market.

17. What is the name of innovation, which is the use of new materials, new semi-finished products, additives, component parts:


— technical;

- market;

- process.

18. Radical, improving, modification (partial) innovations are distinguished depending on:

— type of technological novelty for the market;

The level of depth of proposed changes;

19. Innovations new for the industry in the world, for the industry in the country, for a particular enterprise are distinguished depending on:

- places in the organization system;

Type of technological novelty for the market;

— the level of depth of proposed changes;

— technological parameters of innovations.

20. The set of techniques and methods for processing various media is:

- technological operation;

- technological process;


- technological line.

21. A set of measures to coordinate and approve all issues of activity (preparation normative documents; form of interaction, impact; search for investors; signing contracts; date of commencement of the technological “chain”, appointment of a manager) is:

— management of the organization;

Production and technology management;

— management of production and resources;

— change and innovation management.

22. By what principle is it more expedient to control the technological process in an unstable and unpredictable business:

- vertical;


23. What does not apply to the main levers of technology management:

- strategic planning;

— financial planning;

social planning;

- budget planning.

24. The system of organizational decisions to change the management system, procedures, management methods or management approaches that are used for the first time in a particular organization is an innovation:

- organizational and economic;


- organizational, economic and managerial;

- organizational.

25. Changes in the external environment are:

— the result of organizational and managerial innovations;

- the purpose of managerial innovation;

The premise of managerial innovation;

26. Formation of an effective, efficient product quality management system is:

— the obligatory result of technological innovation;

The purpose of managerial innovation;

— a prerequisite for managerial innovation;

- a side effect of organizational and economic innovations.

27. The positiveness of managerial decisions on the introduction of innovations in the organization is not affected by:

- the presence of special units for the creation and testing of innovations;

— organizational culture;

The level of technical development of the related industry;

- the availability of funds for this purpose.

28. What are the main stages of the introduction of managerial innovations can be distinguished:

- assessment of the organization's readiness for innovation, pilot survey, implementation;

- assessment of the organization's readiness for innovation, pilot survey, implementation, control;

- assessment of the organization's readiness for innovation, development and implementation of an innovation program, control, economic examination of possible changes;

Assessment of the organization's readiness for innovation, development and implementation of an innovation program, control over implementation.

29. The ratio of the share of profit received by a constituent unit of a financial and industrial group to the share of the unit's assets in the value of the group's total assets is:

— profitability of the financial and industrial group;

— profitability structural unit;

— coefficient of corporate efficiency of the financial and industrial group;

The coefficient of efficiency of the structural unit.

30. What method of evaluation and justification of the choice innovative technologies is unacceptable:

expert method;

- calculation and design;

Method of observation;

- ranking method.

1. Does the innovation process have a cyclic character? - yes;

2. Are the concepts of "invention" and "innovation" synonymous? - no;

3. Can human resources be considered as a factor influencing the organization's susceptibility to innovation? - yes;

4. Is the concept of "innovation" applicable to the forms and methods of management? - yes;

5. An innovative game is: - a set of activities aimed at training personnel in special methods and techniques for orienting in non-standard situations.

6. What is innovation? - the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market; new or improved technological process used in practice or in a new approach to social services;

7. Management of an innovative project is: - the process of making and implementing decisions aimed at implementing an innovative idea.

8. Insight is: - an intellectual phenomenon, awareness of the solution of some problem;

9. What is the initial stage of the product life cycle? - research work that is carried out according to a single terms of reference;

10. What does the principle of proportionality of production technologies imply? - a relatively equal throughput capacity of all technological production sites that perform basic, auxiliary and maintenance operations;

11. On what factors does the duration of the accepted time period for accounting for the results and costs of an innovation project depend? - on the duration of the innovation period: the service life of the innovation object, the degree of reliability of the initial information;

12. Indicate the area of ​​change that is not an internal source of innovative ideas according to P. Drucker: -demographic changes;

13. What are the substantive theories of motivation based on? - the existence of internal motives that make a person act.

14. The second stage of the product life cycle are: - development work;

15. The two-factor theory of motivation by Frederick Herzberg distinguishes two groups of factors that determine motivation: - hygienic (external in relation to work), which remove dissatisfaction with work, and motivational (internal, inherent in work);

16. What type of effect from the introduction of innovations characterizes the improvement in the quality of life: - social;

17. In order to test, refine and bring to industrial implementation, the following are created: - venture capital firms;

18. What factors belong to the group of hygienic factors that determine motivation according to Frederick Herzberg? - normal working conditions, sufficient wage and respectful attitude of the boss;

19. Functional cost analysis is: - a method of complex economic research of an object in order to develop its useful functions with an optimal ratio between their significance for the consumer and the costs of their implementation.

20. Diversification of innovative activities involves: - division investment activity through the distribution of efforts;

21. What is the main activity of a commuting company? - a business focused on meeting local and national needs;

22. What is the purpose of functional cost analysis? - reducing the cost of production, work and services while improving or maintaining the quality of the work performed;

23. The first stage of the innovation strategy is: - origin;

24. What strategy is not a diversification strategy? - design and marketing.

25. Functional cost analysis consists of several stages. What work is carried out at the information stage?

collection of information about the object under study: purpose, technical capabilities, quality, cost;

26. What groups are the subjects of the innovation process divided into? - innovators, early recipients, early majority and lagging behind;

27. Functional cost analysis consists of several stages. What work is carried out at the research stage? - evaluation of ideas and solutions developed at previous stages in order to eliminate imbalances between functions and costs;

28. What is the third stage of the product life cycle? - production preparation and output to capacity, i.e. putting products into production;

29. The subjects of the innovation process are divided into the following groups: innovators, early adopters, early majority and laggards. Who are the innovators? - Generators of scientific and technical knowledge (individual inventors, research organizations);

30. What is the purpose of the creative activity of scientists?

to increase the amount of scientific knowledge, the search for new areas of application of this knowledge;

31. For the implementation of an innovative project, a loan in the amount of 50,000 rubles was issued for six months at a simple rate of 20% per annum. Determine the accumulated amount: - 55,000 rubles;

32. Functional cost analysis consists of several stages. What work is carried out at the recommendatory stage? - selection of the most suitable for this production options for improving the product;

33. What is the fourth stage of the life cycle of a product? - production of the created product in accordance with the generated portfolio of orders;

34. The subjects of the innovation process are divided into the following groups: innovators, early adopters, early majority and laggards. Who are the early recipients? - Entrepreneurs who were the first to master the innovation;

35. Functional cost analysis consists of several stages. What work is carried out at the implementation stage? - taking into account the results of the recommendatory stage and implementing the selected option for improving technology;

36. Local innovation strategy is a strategy: - reductions.

37. Innovation management is characterized by five stages of the management cycle. What tasks are solved at the stage of analysis? - selection and linking with each other factors that determine the need for innovation and the possibility of its implementation.

38. Strategy development includes: - goal setting, shaping, evaluation, control;

39. The following type of strategy is oriented towards the creation of new products: - product;

40. At what phase does the innovation development process reach its logical conclusion? - distributive.

41. What function is not characteristic of innovation? - design;

42. Innovation in broad sense- this is: - an adaptive reaction of the organization to changes in the internal and external environment, a way of its survival in a dynamic environment.

43. The organization's response to changes in the external and internal environment should be: - a complex continuous response to both already occurring and expected changes.

44. What should not be included in the process of responding to changes? - developing, as a matter of priority, a variant of responding to the assessment of innovation CEO firms.

45. The ratio of the average value of the company's income by financial statements to the average value of investments is: - accounting return on investment;

46. ​​The transition to an innovative development paradigm leads to changes: - all of the above.

47. The innovation environment does not include: - the nature of the interaction between political parties and all segments of the population, including shareholders.

48. The ability of enterprises and organizations to innovate depends on: - organizational goals, values, structure, technology, personnel, etc.;

49. The motivating forces for the development of the organization are formed under the influence in the first place: - training, education, informing employees;

50. Is it possible to consider the acquisition of a license for the right to produce goods and services as a form of participation in the innovation market? - yes;

51. Can the granting of the right to accelerated depreciation be considered as a form of state support for innovation? - yes;

52. Is the creation of technology parks a form of state support for innovation? - yes;

53. Is it possible to consider exemption from import customs tariffs on the imported property of scientific organizations necessary for scientific research as one of the forms of state support for innovation? - yes;

54. Is the net present value method suitable for selecting an innovative project? - no;

55. Are the concepts of "novation" and "innovation" synonymous? - no.

56. The term "innovation" was first used in his work by: -Y.A. Schumpeter;

57. The following types of innovative strategies are distinguished: - offensive, defensive, imitation;

58. In what ways can strategy development be carried out? - top down, bottom up and with the help of a consulting firm;

59. Are the concepts of "diffusion" and "spread" of innovations synonymous? -No;

60. Can an employee of a consulting firm perform the functions of an innovation manager? - yes;

61. What does the firm-patient do? - works for a narrow segment of the market and satisfies the specific needs existing on it.

62. organizational structures innovation management are: - scientific organizations, venture firms and explerent firms.

63. What does the principle of continuity of production technologies imply? - reduction to the possible minimum of interruptions in production technology, including technological ones associated with non-synchronization of processing, transportation or storage operations or for organizational reasons;

64. The essence of the extended form of the interorganizational innovation process is as follows: -separation of the function of the creator and producer of innovation from the function of its consumer. Innovation acts as a subject of sale.

65. What enterprises are united by a vertical financial and industrial group (FIG)? - located at different stages of production and sale of the final product;

66. What does the principle of automation of production technologies imply? - intensification of technology and production efficiency in general;

67. Pilot plants, laboratory equipment are the following element of the innovation infrastructure: -material and technical equipment;

68. The simplest technology park structure is: - business incubator;

69. The main staff of scientific organizations are scientists. Who refers to them? - persons involved in research and development;

70. When implementing an innovative game, the working day should be at least: -14 hours with breaks for lunch and dinner.

71. Does the investment game involve the implementation of the principle of unity of command of the head of the game: - yes;

72. What does the principle of flexibility of production technologies imply? - the mobility of technology when it is reconfigured to other types of products in a wide range;

73. What does the principle of differentiation of production technologies imply? - division of the technological process into separate technological operations, transitions, techniques, movements;

74. What is the innovation center of the Russian Federation, created as the implementation of the government program? - Skolkovo;

75. What type of innovation is proactive in order to obtain decisive competitive advantages? - strategic;

76. What is the principle of direct flow of production technologies? - to provide the shortest path for the movement of parts and assembly units in a technology of any kind;

77. The rate of diffusion in the innovation process depends on: - all of the above.

78. The infrastructure of subjects of innovative activity includes: - banks, investment companies of the exchange;

79. The first element of the innovation process is: -initiation;

80. Diffusion of innovation is: - the process by which innovation is transmitted through communication channels between members of a social system over time.

81. What can be the organization of technological processes within the financial and industrial group? - vertical and horizontal.

82. What document is required to start research work? - terms of reference;

83. Is it possible to use the scoring method for innovative projects? -Yes;

84. What is characteristic economic view the effect of the implementation of innovations?-indicators take into account in value terms all types of results and costs due to the implementation of innovations;

85. How is the social effect of the implementation of innovations determined? - according to indicators that take into account the social results of the implementation of innovations;

86. How is the corporate performance of a member of a financial and industrial group assessed? - the ratio of the participant's share in the net profit of the financial and industrial group to the value of its assets.

87. How is the environmental effect of the implementation of innovations determined? - the impact of innovations on environment;

88. The sevenfold search strategy was developed by:-G. Altshuller;

89. An example of a technique that affects only production is: -benchmarking;

90. What is the characteristic of the economic type of effect from the implementation of innovations? - Indicators take into account in value terms all types of results and costs associated with the sale of products;

91. What is the characteristic of the resource type of the effect from the implementation of innovations? - indicators reflect the impact of innovations on the volume of production and consumption of a particular type of resource;

92. It is more expedient to bring the basic innovation to the following type of market: - industrial;

93. What is characteristic social view the effect of the implementation of innovations?-indicators take into account the social results of the implementation of innovations;

94. What does the budgetary efficiency of the innovation project budget reflect? - the impact of the project on costs (income);

95. What is meant by the index of profitability of innovations? - the ratio of the income to the innovation expenses given on the same date;

96. What is called the cost factor for individual functions when conducting a functional cost analysis? - the ratio of production costs for individual calculation items to the total set of consumer properties of the product;

97. The method of morphological analysis was proposed by:-F. Zwicky;

99. The second stage in the process of reengineering is: -creation of a model of an existing company;

100. Market fronting is a technique that only affects the implementation and diffusion of innovations.