Interim testing according to the computer operator program. A set of control and evaluation tools for the professional module "performing work by profession as an operator of electronic computers and computers". Exam tasks for conducting

The initial question that led to the creation of the theory of resilience was “what psychological factors help to successfully cope with stress and reduce (or even prevent) internal stress? " It was suggested that this factor is what was later called resilience - a kind of existential courage that allows a person to be less dependent on situational experiences, to overcome a constant basic anxiety that is actualized in a situation of uncertainty and the need for choice. Hardiness is a system of beliefs about oneself, about the world, about relationships with the world. This is a disposition that includes three relatively autonomous components: involvement, control, and risk taking. The severity of these components and resilience in general prevents the emergence of internal tension in stressful situations due to persistent coping with stresses and perceiving them as less significant. Commitment is defined as "the belief that being involved in what is happening gives the maximum chance of finding something worthwhile and interesting for the individual." A person with a developed component of involvement enjoys his own activities. In contrast, the absence of such a conviction creates a feeling of rejection, a feeling of being “outside” of life. "If you feel confident in yourself and that the world is generous, you are inherently involved." Control is the belief that the fight allows you to influence the outcome of what happens, even if this influence is not absolute and success is not guaranteed. The opposite is the feeling of one's own helplessness. A person with a highly developed component of control feels that he chooses his own activity, his own path. Risk-taking (challenge) - the conviction of a person that everything that happens to him contributes to his development due to the knowledge gained from experience - it does not matter, positive or negative. A person who views life as a way of gaining experience is ready to act in the absence of reliable guarantees of success, at his own peril and risk, considering the desire for simple comfort and safety to impoverish the life of an individual. Risk acceptance is based on the idea of ​​development through the active assimilation of knowledge from experience and its subsequent use. Thus, resilience is a personal characteristic that forms in childhood and adolescence, although theoretically its development is possible at a later age. Muddy warns that resilience should not be confused with similar concepts such as optimism, a sense of connectedness, self-efficacy, resilience, religiosity, etc.

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Exam tasks for conducting

qualification exam in the specialty "Computer operator"

« Word... Basic document operations "

Task number 1. (2 points )

1. Create a Microsoft Word document with your short autobiography (At least 15 lines: name is so-and-so, was born then, I love this, I am fond of this, I do not like this, etc.). Heading to your text: Task number 1. Autobiography.

2. Format the title: font size 15, Bookman old style, bold italic, title color red, underline (any type), underline red (Select title, Format ® Font menu).

3. Format the font of the rest of the text: font size 14, type Arial (select text, menu Format ® Font).

4. Align the title in the center. Align all text to the width.

5. Set margins by 2 see (File ® Page Setup)

6. Set the red line (select all the text, menu Format ® Paragraph ® indent of the first line 1 cm).

7. Make the text with one and a half spacing (select the text, format ® paragraph ® line-to-line ® one and a half).

8. Insert page numbers (insert ® page numbers ® select location: top of the page, from center ® confirm insert).

9. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Headers and Footers).

10.Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task # 1” (File ® Save As ® ...). Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 2. (maximum 2 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document with a short story about the city of Tobolsk (at least 15 lines). Heading to your text: Task number 2. Tobolsk.

3. Present the text in the form of 3 columns (select the text (except for the title!), Format ® columns ® specify the number of columns ® confirm the selection).

4. Insert a picture into the text (menu Insert ® Picture ® Pictures).

5. Change the drawing format along the contour (right mouse button on the drawing ® drawing format ® position ® along the contour).

6.Use the insert symbol mode (Insert ® Symbol) to find and insert the following symbols:

7. Create a page frame the same as on this sheet (Format ® Borders and Fills ® Page tab ® Picture ® OK).

11. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Headers and Footers).

8. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is "Task No. 2". Sign the floppy disk.

Task number 3. (maximum 3 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document with a short story about studying at our institute (at least 15 lines). Heading to your text: Task number 3. Institute.

2. Format the text according to points 2 to 8 of task # 1.

3. Start each sentence of your text on a new line.

4. Number the lines of text (select text ® format ® list ® numbered).

5. Add the Draw toolbar (View ® Toolbars ® Draw).

6. Create the proposed scheme using the elements of the Drawing panel:

8. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is "Task No. 3". Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 4. (maximum 4 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document. Create a table - your schedule for the week - according to the proposed template. Title: Task number 4. Schedule.


Red week

Blue week


Yeah, monday

Hard day!

There is also a couple here, for sure there is, I remember.

And Study again!

Well, I don't go to this pair, it's hard to wake up ...

I always try not to be late ... I have never succeeded

Hmm, and sometimes I am still capable of something ...

Oooh, this is unbearable, 4 pairs a day! I want to go home!

Everything, I begin new life, will be studying…

I will go to the next pairs anyway. Promise!

Computer science

Isp. modern inf. and communication technologies

Computer science

2. Comment: make a table for all school days of the week. Fill the table.

3. Record the time in the table using superscripts (Highlight minutes ® Format ® font ® superscript). Use the fill of the table cells (Select the required cell ® Format ® Borders and fill ® Fill tab).

4. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Headers and Footers).

5. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is "Task No. 4". Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 5. (maximum 5 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document. You need to make a greeting card.

2. Change the orientation of the document: File ® Page Setup ® Paper Size ® Orientation ® Landscape.

3. Set the scale of the document: view ® scale ® whole page.

4. Add a Word Art object using the icon on the Drawing toolbar (View ® Toolbars ® Draw).

5. Each phrase in your postcard must be created using Word Art.

6. Insert a picture into the text (menu Insert ® Picture ® Pictures).

7. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Headers and Footers).

8. As a result, your postcard should look something like the following.

9. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Headers and Footers)

10. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is "Task No. 5". Sign the floppy disk with your surname.

Task number 6. Creative. ( maximum 10 points)

Create a Microsoft Word document about Me and My Life! Demonstrate your Word skills: use everything you can: tables1, pictures2, Word Art3 objects, formatted text4, indices5, symbols6, columns7, diagrams (autoshapes8, arrows9, lines10, labels11), frames12, fill13, page numbers14, text animation15, formulas16, footnotes17, markers18, headers and footers19.

« Excel ... Creating tables and formulas "

Create a table as shown in the figure without filling in numerical data. Customize the name of the table using the menu Format - Cells - Alignment(centered and merge cells) Fill in the estimated data (in columns C - F) using the function to generate random numbers: enter the formula in cell C8 = INT (RAND () * 10)... Extend this formula to cell block C8: F17. Calculate your total score using the function Autosum(SUM). Calculate the averages for each applicant and exam using the function AVERAGE (Insert - Functions - Statistical). In the Enrollment Message column, use the function IF: boolean expression G8> $ E $ 5, value if true enrolled, value if false refuse... (The total score for the first student is compared with the passing grade, and the message "enrolled" or "rejected" is displayed). Using the menu command Format - Conditional Formatting adjust the cells of the Enrollment message column so that when the words “enrolled” appear in them, they are filled with yellow, and the message itself is highlighted in bold blue. To do this: in the first field of the window select "value", in the second "equals", in the third enter "credited" (without quotes) by clicking the button Format select font color and cell color. After clicking OK, do not forget to copy the new format to all other cells in this column. Apply the font design, fill the cells. Save the work in your folder under the name Ball. xls.

Made up:

Teacher _________________

Option number 1

1. Create a document using the software package "MSOffice».

Using a word processorMSWord, create a schematic according to the sample.


1. Read the assignment carefully.

2. Determine the tools you need to build the circuit.

3. Group the schematic objects

4. Complete the task in the presence of the members of the examination committee.

5. Maximum task execution time -15 minutes .

Option number 2


1. For all the text (which we will be typing, completing tasks №1-№11) set the left indent 0 cm, right 15.5 cm, Times New Roman font, character size 12 pt, alignment in width.
2. The left indent for a line with the character set "G96" is 1 cm.

3. Before the paragraph containing the words "Domoryad Alexander Petrovich", set the indentation to 140 pt. For this and the five paragraphs following it, the left indent is 5 cm. For three paragraphs, the sparse setting is 2 pt. spacing between characters. Note that the combinations
"Math games and entertainment" and Favorites highlighted in bold.
4. The formatting settings for the paragraph starting with the words "Put in the set" are as follows: indent before the paragraph 50 pt, left indent 0 cm, font size 10 pt (all other settings are the same as for the whole text). Note that the "¼" character can be found in the Courier New font, and the "´" character is found in the Symbol font.

5. Before the next paragraph there is an indent of 200 pt. Further, the font size is 12 pt.

6. Before the paragraph "The book presents ..." indent 24 pt.

7. Before the paragraph "ISBN 5-09-001292-X ..." the indent is 24 pt, all characters in it are in bold. Please note that the character set "LBC 22.1я2я72" has been moved to the right edge, which is done
without using tabs or lots of spaces .

Option number 3


All text is in “Times New Roman” font; the size of the main text - 12 pt, choose the size and style of writing headings yourself so that you get a text similar to this one.
2) The heading “Quadrangles” is a WordArt object.

3) Next to the heading "Parallelogram" put the usual footnote on the text: "Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics: Ref. materials. - M .: Education, 1988 .-- p. 399 ".

Option number 4


2. Note that the text often uses symbols
a, bandg, which are located among the symbols of the "Symbol" font. Of course, you can always use insertion of a symbol or copy a symbol to the desired location, but it is better to assign "hotkeys" to frequently used symbols. Assign to symbolakey (Ctrl + a), symbolb- key (Ctrl + b), symbolgkey (Ctrl + g).
To assign a key (Ctrl + a) to a character
aperform the following procedure: select the menu item "Insert> Symbol"; set the font "Symbol"; check the symbolain the table; press the "Key" button; in the "New shortcut keys" field, press (Ctrl + a) and confirm the selection with the enter key; close the dialog boxes.
Now, when you press the key (Ctrl + a), the symbol will be inserted into the text
Note that the symbol
dis used only twice in the text, so it does not need to be assigned a "hot key".
3. The symbol "
º "Is located among the symbols of the" Symbol "font.

Option number 5


1. Text Heading is a Level 1 heading with the following formatting settings: Times New Roman font; character size 14 pt; bold type; central alignment.
2. In the process of work we need the buttons "Superscript", "Subscript" and "Formula Editor", which may not be on your toolbar. To move the necessary buttons to the panel, use the menu item "View> Toolbars> Customize ...", the "Commands" tab. You will find the first two buttons in the Format category, the last in the Insert category. Drag the buttons you want to the toolbar area.

3. Notice that in the table, some cells are merged (two groups of cells with the content "Units" and "Tens"), and some cells have no borders. Merge the cells after selecting them using the "Table> Merge Cells" menu items.

4. Some words of the text and tables have a different style from others (italics or bold).

Option number 6


1. Text Heading is a Level 1 heading with the following formatting settings: Times New Roman font; character size 14 pt; bold type; central alignment.
2. When drawing, be sure to match the sizes of the shapes.
3. Do not forget to group the graphic objects (combine the figure captions with the corresponding figures).
4. Use the desired text flow over graphic objects.
5. To put a footnote, use the menu item "Insert> Footnote ...".

Option number 7

Calculation of hours of the Department of Informatics

Semester I

Name of the discipline








Computer science

Programming languages


Optimization methods

Workshop on a computer




    Make a table using the following example:

    Into the cellF 6 enter the formula for calculating the total number of hours in Computer Science (= D 6+ E 6 ), then copy the formula for the cellscF 7 onF 11 .

    Into the cellC12 enter the formula for calculating the total number of students, use the buttonAutosum(Select cells starting withC 6 onC 12 ).

    Into the cellD 12 andE 12 enter formulas for calculating the total number of lectures, laboratory works.

    Into the cellF 12 enterformula for calculating the total number of hours.

Option number 8

Calculate, using ET, will 130 tenge be enough for you to buy all the products that your mother ordered for you, and will it be enough to buy chips for 25 tenge?

Exercise technology:
o Enter "No." in cell A1
o In cells A2, A3 we enter “1”, “2”, select cells A2, A3, point to the lower right corner (a black cross should appear), stretch to cell A6
o In cell B1 we enter "Name"
o In cell C1 we enter “Price in tenge”
o In cell D1 we enter “Quantity”
o In cell E1 we enter “Cost”, etc.
o In the “Cost” column, all formulas are written to English language!
o In formulas, the names of cells are written instead of variables.
o After pressing Enter, instead of the formula, a number immediately appears - the result of the calculation

Option number 9

    Select a given column or range of cellsH2: H6 ;

    Please selectFormat / Column / Hide.

Show hidden column:

    Select adjacent columns or adjacent cells;

    SelectFormat / Column / Display.

    Add headers and footers (put the last name and first name in the top, and the current date and time in the bottom). See the result.

    Build a pie chart showing the share of each line item by bottom lineIhalf a year. Place the diagram on the appropriate sheet.

    Save the result under a nameshop. xls .

Option number 10


In steps 11-13, copy the obtained sorting results to the sheetSorting ... Leave 2 lines between tables.

    Sort table data by two keys: Department (Ascending),Full name (Ascending).

    Sort the data by two keys:Department, Assessed (descending).

    Sort the data by three keys:

    1. Department, Position, full name;

      Department, Position, Tab.number .

    Hide the contents of the columns on the Salary sheetC , D , E , F , G .

    Save the document under the name calculationsalaries. Xls.

Option number 11

    Build a pie chart and a bar chart for your expense table using the Chart Wizard.

2. To select two non-adjacent ranges of cells, hold down the key< Ctrl >.

3. Format the diagrams at your own discretion, using different fill colors, borders, font sizes.

Option number 12

    Enter the values ​​of the function arguments into the table at the specified interval.

2. Enter the formula in the first cell of the column for the corresponding function values.

3. Copy this formula to the rest of the cells in this column.

4. Having selected in the table the range of cells required for plotting, use the Chart Wizard to construct a function graph similar to the one shown in the figure.

5. Format the chart area at your own discretion, using different fill colors, borders, font sizes.

6. Create tables and graphs for five different functions.

Option number 13

1. Open a word processorWord.

2. Type the text:

The greatest depth of Lake Baikal is 1620 m, Lake Onega is 127 m, Lake Issyk-Kul is 668 m, Lake Ladoga is 225 m.


. Select the table and click on the buttonAdd Chart ... A bar chart appears showing the depths of the listed lakes, as well as another table with raw data.

5. Execute the commandChart options ... by right-clicking on the chart area. In the dialog box that opens, select the tabHeadings , enter the name of the diagram "Lakes depth" in the corresponding input field; in the tabLegend check the boxAdd legend and activate at your discretion one of the switches that sets its location. Click on the buttonOK .

6. Move the mouse pointer outside the new objects area and left-click.

7. Depth and close the program.

Task 14.


The area of ​​Russia is 17.1 million km 2 , the area of ​​China is 9.6 million km 2 , the area of ​​India - 3.3 million km 2 and the area of ​​the United States - 9.4 million km 2 .

2. Based on this information, create and complete the following table:

3. Draw a bar chart from the table

4. Save the file in your own folder under the nameSquare and close the program.

Task 15.

1. Type the following text:

Out of 27 students in the class for the test, 9 people received marks "5", 15 - "4" and 3 - "3".

2. Based on this information, create and complete the following table:

3. Build a bar chart from the table:

4. Reselect the table, click the buttonAdd Chart and in the chart menu (right-click) run the command[Chart type - Pie]. 5. From the chart menu (right-click) select the commandChart options ... In the window that opens, select the tabData Signatures and activate the switchShare ... Do not forget to enter the name of the diagram in the same window.

6. Save the file in your own folder under the nameEvaluations and close the program.

Option number 16

    Create table "Teachers »: Use Table Wizard .

    Select a sample to create a table"Employees »And select the following from the list of fields provided:


    middle name


    Department name (rename as “department ")

    Name the created table“Teachers ”Links do not define , i.e. click the Next button.

    Select mode “Direct data entry into the table

    In design mode, define the data type for each field

Define field properties on a tab"General" in design mode as follows: Name



middle name

middle name











    For the field "Department »Change the control as follows:

    Open the tab"Substitution" and set the following properties for the field "department"

Option 17

Exercise 1

    Create a table "Offset "In the design mode of tables with parameters

    Define field properties on the tab “General " in the following way: Result

    Not really



    Yes (matches allowed)

    Since you already have a table withlist of groups , table with list of disciplines and also the table "Application form » with a list of students this should be used for auto fill fields "group », « discipline" and " Student "In the table you create"Offset »

    This can be done withfield control

    1. For the field " group »Change control:

      Open the tab"Substitution" and set the following properties for the "group" field

    Click the mouse

    Click the button ..

    In the "query builder" window that appears:

    • add the "Groups" table,

      close the "add table" window

      drag the “Group” field to “field ”Request form

      in field " output on display ”Must be ticked

    Limit to the list


      Similarly change the control for fields"Discipline" and "student", using tables as rows respectively"Disciplines" and "questionnaire".

Option 18

1. Start Microsoft Access 2007.

2. Press the button.

    Name the new database "School"

    On the menu bar, select the tabCreation / Table.

    Click on the buttonView and selectConstructor.

    Save the table under the name "Teachers"

    Enter the field names and specify the types and sizes of the data to which they relate

    Switch to table mode for this select the tabMode / Table mode.
  1. Fill in the table with 10 lines.

    Option 19

    1. Start Microsoft Access 2007.

      Create a new database "Employees", for this

      Create a table based on the template "Contacts", for this

    In the tabCreation Table Templates Contacts

      Fill in the table according to the sample.

      Save the table.

    Option 20

    Create a table inMicrosoft office Access 2007 using the table designer. (In the same database “Employee base "Create a table number 4 under the name"Students and assignments »).

    Fill inField name with the following data (column headers):

    Student ID, Last Name, Job Description, Start Date, End Date, Remarks.

    And correspondinglyData type :

    Student Code - COUNTER,

    Last Name, Quest Description, Notes - TEXT,

    Start date, End date - DATE TIME.

    And fill this table with the following data (see table)



    Task description

    Start date

    Final date



















    Internet search engines




    Internet 2








    Internet connection



    Save the entered data and when the system automatically prompts you to create a key field, press the YES button.

    Option 21

      Start the Microsoft Access DBMS program. To do this, run:Start - All Programs - Microsoft office - Microsoft office Access 201).

      A window of the following type will open in front of you(Picture 1) :

      Select a teamNew database ... Then enterfile name - Employee base and press the buttonCreate ... A window of the following type will open in front of you(Figure 2) .

      Select a teamCreation Parts of the application. Templates - Contacts (Figure 3).

      A table appears in the left paneContacts. Double-click on the table name. The whole table will open in front of you.Contacts with headers(Figure 3) .

      Rename the fieldsID, State, Territory, Country or Region with the following new field names, respectively:Code, Republic, Country.

      All fields after fieldCountry remove using the context menu by running the commandCreation - table constructor .

      Table 2.

      Option 23

      1. Create a documentMicrosoftWord... Create a table - your schedule for the week - according to the proposed template. Title: Task number 4. Schedule.



        Red week

        Blue week






        Yeah, monday

        Hard day!

        8 30 - 9 50



        There is also a couple here, for sure there is, I remember.

        10 00 - 11 20





        11 50 - 13 10


        And Study again!

        11 50 - 13 10



        Well, I don't go to this pair, it's hard to wake up ...

        8 30 - 9 50


        I always try not to be late ... I have never succeeded

        10 00 - 11 20


        Hmm, and sometimes I am still capable of something ...

        11 50 - 13 10


        Oooh, this is unbearable, 4 pairs a day! I want to go home!

        13 20 - 14 40



        Everything, I start a new life, I will learn ...

        8 30 - 9 50


        I will go to the next pairs anyway. Promise!

        10 00 - 11 20



        Computer science


        11 50 – 13 10



        Isp. modern inf. and communication technologies

        13 20 – 14 40



        Computer science


        14 50 - 16 10

        Comment: make a table for all school days of the week. Fill the table.

        Write the time in the table using superscripts (Highlight minutes  Format  font  superscript). Use the fill of the table cells (Select the desired cell  Format  Borders and fill  Fill tab).

        Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Headers and Footers).

        Save the file to your desktop. File name - "Task number 4».