Basic research. Analysis of the internal csr pjsc "gazprom"

A. A. Zverev

Since the beginning of the 2000s, there has been a tendency towards an increase in criticism of OAO Gazprom in Russian socio-political discourse. The corporation is accused of inefficiency and inappropriateness of its activities to the interests of society by senior officials, as well as representatives of the left and right forces of the political spectrum. This article attempts to analyze the social activity of a corporation from the point of view of the theory of social responsibility. The article examines the social responsibility of OAO Gazprom from the moment of its foundation (1993) until the end of the presidential term of D.A. Medvedev (2012).

In the book

Moscow: NRU HSE Publishing House, 2013.

The sphere of culture all over the world is based on a combination of budgetary and extrabudgetary funding, as it is a complex humanitarian sector of the modern economy. Within the framework of culture, there are various types of activities, a large amount of movable and immovable property, some of which are withdrawn from civil circulation or have restrictions on civil circulation (monuments, library, archival and other funds, museum collections, etc.). This property requires special management regimes. The sphere of culture brings together various types of activities and organizations - libraries, museums, theaters, concert organizations, circuses, clubs, parks, etc.

Beck M.A., Beck NN In the book: Development of forms of interfirm cooperation: networks and relationships. M .: Publishing house GU-Higher School of Economics, 2008.S. 142-160.

The article is devoted to the marketing aspects of the development of public-private partnerships, PPP. An analysis of the experience of using various forms of PPP in Russia and in the world is given. The role of marketing in the organization and implementation of PPP projects, ensuring their effectiveness in the face of risk is considered. The results of model calculations to assess the effectiveness of PPP based on the materials of a hypothetical project for the creation and operation of space production are presented.

Vorotnikov A. M., Korolev V.A. State and municipal administration. WP8. Higher School of Economics, 2009. No. 01.

In the investment philosophy of regional leaders, there is a gradual comprehension of the fact that the involvement of business in solving the strategic tasks of the development of public infrastructure is not only a matter of the federal government, but of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their municipalities. In this regard, clarifying their position in relation to the use of the economic mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP) is of significant interest and can help to overcome administrative, competence and other barriers to expanding the scale and directions of interaction between the state and business, reducing the burden on regional budgets and increasing the effectiveness of the use of budgetary allocations. An attempt to study this phenomenon was undertaken by Vnesheconombank's PPP Center and the Institute of State and Municipal Management of the State University - Higher School of Economics (SU HSE).

The article examines possible commercial motives for corporate social responsibility, which requires companies to take into account social, environmental and other requirements in their activities that are not provided for by current legislation. A popular form of corporate social responsibility, which can be called "philanthropic marketing", is considered in detail, when companies donate a certain part of the proceeds to certain charitable purposes. The sources of profitability of such a strategy and the distribution of the economic gain obtained with its help between sellers, buyers and society as a whole are analyzed. The analysis reveals two reasons for the commercial attractiveness of "philanthropic marketing" - first, companies can more easily cope with the transaction costs of philanthropy (for households, such costs can be prohibitively high), and secondly, companies can use this business strategy for price discrimination. The ability to gain economic benefits from socially beneficial actions is consistent with the modern interpretation of corporate social responsibility as deriving commercial benefits from “good deeds”.

Leshchenko O. A., Nesterov A. V. SPb .: LLC "Book House", 2008.

The author covers a wide range of issues and definitions. Today there are numerous disputes about the specifics of CSR in our country. Some believe that business in Russia is just beginning to emerge from the "shadow", therefore the basis of CSR in Russian companies should be compliance with the requirements of the legislation: payment of taxes, timely payment of white wages, etc. Others - that CSR is what the company does for society voluntarily, outside of the obligations imposed by law. The author proposes to understand what CSR is all the same and to move from theoretical discussions to the practical application of social responsibility of business in Russia. The author proposes a new way of development of modern Russian society, based on mutual social responsibility, honesty and concern for the world around, which forms free choice. each on the basis of moral responsibility towards the future.

Solovieva O. V., Sorokina K. V. Audit and financial analysis. 2011. No. 3. S. 232-239.

This article is devoted to the analysis of trends in the development of foreign reporting, and, according to the authors, the main direction of this development is the reflection of corporate social responsibility in the reporting. Such integrated reporting, which includes both financial and non-financial components, is becoming an area of ​​interest for the world community and, as a result, requires standardization and significant improvements in the reliability and relevance of the information included in these reports. The situation requires the creation of an integrated reporting concept, making its transfer to the mandatory status not only desirable, but also inevitable. The article provides the most modern definitions of the concepts of corporate social responsibility, reporting on sustainable development and a responsible investor, taking into account the data of this reporting in the process of making investment decisions. The authors analyze the activities of international and intergovernmental organizations involved in the process of creating a regulatory regime for sustainability reporting and integrated reporting in recent years, as well as studies and reports published in 2010 by both intergovernmental organizations and independent consultants.

The reasons for the crisis of single-industry settlements, the possibilities and existing problems of a public-private settlement for single-industry settlements are considered. The foreign experience of transformation of old industrial territories is presented, recommendations are given for increasing the efficiency of state policy in relation to mono-settlements.

For many years, Gazprom has been carrying out its activities taking into account the interests of employees, the local community, and public organizations. The company's strategy takes into account the principles of social responsibility and is focused on such development, which, in addition to improving production results, contributes to positive socio-economic changes.

The Company's HR policy is based on compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. Normative documents in the field of personnel management, including the Collective Agreement, have been developed in strict accordance with these legislative norms. The main principles of the Company's personnel policy are reflected in the Corporate Code of JSC Gazprom Neft.

Core Values ​​The principles of the company, as enshrined in the corporate code, include:

respect and cooperation - the Company strives to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect in the Company, motivating employees to achieve a common result;

efficiency and result - the Company sets itself the task of organizing work in such a way as to achieve the best results in an optimal way;

leadership and dynamic development - setting ambitious goals for itself, the Company strives to realize its potential and provide opportunities for development and growth for its employees;

initiative and responsibility - the Company encourages the search for innovative ideas, solutions and methods and realizes the degree of responsibility in the implementation of new opportunities.

Gazprom ensures equal opportunities for its employees and does not allow discrimination on the basis of nationality, gender, origin, age or any other grounds (there are restrictions on the use of women labor, labor of workers under the age of 18, in difficult and hazardous jobs). The company does not use child or forced labor. The basis for resolving personnel issues is both the qualifications and professional qualities of the employee and the requirements of the business. When recruiting personnel, the Company seeks to fill vacant positions with internal candidates, thereby expanding the career and professional growth of its employees and reducing recruitment costs.

Gazprom monitors and controls compliance with labor legislation by officials, as well as controls the fulfillment of the Company's obligations under collective agreements.

The company recognizes the right of employees to form and participate in trade unions, and guarantees that trade unions will not interfere in their activities.

Gazprom's HR strategy is focused on supporting the achievement of the Company's strategic goals. In 2013, the Company's HR strategy was updated in accordance with the new Development Strategy of Gazprom until 2025 and a number of large-scale changes.

Areas of action and implementation initiatives:

1. Systematic selection and relocation of personnel.

Meeting the needs of the business for personnel with skills that are in short supply for the Company, including a reserve for key positions;

Creation of a unified personnel selection infrastructure;

Development of target criteria for the effectiveness of the recruitment process;

Development of a standard adaptation plan for new employees.

2. Talent management, competency development and training:

Creation of an effective personnel reserve planning system;

Development and implementation of targeted programs for the development and training of personnel based on professional / technical / managerial / leadership competencies;

Improving work with graduates of educational institutions and young professionals;

Development and implementation of a system for assessing human resources and a plan for the accelerated development of key employees.

3. Development of motivation systems and the formation of a culture of involvement:

Improvement of the corporate system of motivation and remuneration and the compensation package management system;

Improving the social package;

Development of a program to increase engagement and continuation of the development of corporate culture;

Development and implementation of a retention program for key employees.

4. Development of labor productivity and organizational efficiency

Implementation of tools for planning the number and productivity of labor;

Development of organizational performance indicators;

Conducting regular monitoring of organizational performance indicators.

5. Improving the efficiency of the HR function:

Creation of a system for monitoring the quality of work with personnel;

Development and implementation of a unified data management system in the field of HR;

Increasing the level of automation.

In 2013, the Company began implementing a new system of interaction between units of the personnel management structure - the system of HR business partners. Within its framework, a specialist from the Human Resources Department of the Corporate Center will be "attached" to each enterprise. Its task will be to organize operational interaction between the Corporate Center and subsidiaries and affiliates within the framework of the personnel management function.

The Company has built a comprehensive remuneration system based on competitive wages, performance remuneration and a social component. The remuneration system, which includes material and non-material types of motivation, is closely related to the strategic goals of the Company and is constantly being improved in accordance with the objectives of the business.

Also, the Company has developed an Employer Value Proposition - a set of material, professional and social benefits that the Company offers to its employees.

Gazprom maintains the average market level of wages in the sectoral labor market. Employee wages are reviewed annually to reflect individual performance. The performance of each employee is assessed on the basis of the goals management system adopted by the Company. Average annual growth of average monthly wages for the period 2009-2013 amounted to about 11%. The cumulative growth in average wages since 2010 was 34%.

The enterprises of the Company have collective agreements, corporate regulations and norms providing for various social benefits and payments to employees in excess of those established by law. The social benefits of most of the Group's companies include voluntary medical insurance, accident insurance, food, material assistance, travel and other benefits. As part of a corporate agreement for voluntary medical insurance, the Company's employees receive medical advice and, if necessary, treatment in leading Russian clinics. The Company also organizes periodic medical examinations (preventive examinations) for employees.

To assist employees in purchasing housing, a corporate mortgage program operates in a number of regions. It provides for the compensation by the enterprise of a part of the interest paid by the employee to the bank for the use of the loan, or the provision of a loan to pay the initial installment.

One of the important areas of work with personnel at Gazprom is the improvement of the system of non-material incentives for employees. Intangible motivation programs include professional skill contests, sports competitions, leisure and recreational activities, and corporate communication sessions. In 2013, the list of non-material motivation programs was expanded due to the holding of the first corporate KVN festival in St. Petersburg.

The Company pays special attention to sports and recreational activities that allow to maintain health and form the team spirit of the personnel. Non-financial incentive programs also include public recognition of employees' merits. During 2013, Gazprom Group enterprises continued to implement and improve the unified system of social benefits adopted in 2011. This system is designed to unify the list of benefits and the procedure for providing them to employees.

The Company applies the same standards for personnel training and development for all enterprises. Corporate development programs for employees are formed taking into account the strategic objectives of the Company and the results of assessing the managerial and professional competencies of employees.

In the reporting year, the Company continued to develop models of professional competencies. A family of specialties for nine MPD functions was classified, career ladders were formed for the Exploration function, and competency models were developed for five divisions of Gazprom Neft - Moscow Oil Refinery.

In the reporting year, special emphasis was placed on the development of a distance learning system, access to which was gained by more than 20 thousand employees of the Company. Nine new courses have appeared in the line of distance courses, including a unique course on adaptation of new employees "Virtual tour of the Company".

The company pays great attention to the development of working personnel. In 2013, Gazprom Neft-ONPZ implemented a pilot project "Training system for workers in working specialties in the context of continuous improvement of production processes." Its goal is to provide the enterprise with qualified production personnel in a short time, managing technological complexes at the refinery. Within the framework of the project, a system of continuous training of personnel, preservation and transfer of accumulated knowledge and competencies was formed. One of the important results of the project was an increase in labor productivity, motivation and involvement in the labor process of the plant's employees. In the future, the experience of the plant will be used at the Gazprom Neft-MNPZ enterprise. In 2013, this project won an award at the All-Russian HR conference of HR directors on the topic "Managing production personnel. How to ensure constant growth in labor productivity", becoming the best among 90 projects presented.

In 2013, the corporate Academy of Management was opened to train a personnel reserve and promising managers. The Academy modules are aimed at developing managerial competencies, increasing the managerial potential of managers in their current positions.

To support one of the key organizational projects of the Company in 2013 - the reorganization of the regional sales model - the Stockholm School of Economics developed and implemented a modular program "TOP Drive". The program is addressed to the heads of the regional sales directorate and the general directors of petroleum product supply enterprises (PNPO). The program contains six modules, each of which is aimed at a more effective solution to the problems of a certain stage of the project.

In 2013, a short-term management development program "Creating a sustainable business in a global economy" was implemented for the top management of the Company on the basis of the INSEAD business school. One of the most significant learning outcomes at INSEAD is the exchange of experience and the strengthening of cross-functional ties between employees of different parts of the Company.

Also in the reporting period, Gazprom approved an approach to building an organizational coaching system. Within the framework of this system, the Company intends to train managers in coaching skills (not directive management of employees and their mentoring) at three levels: mentoring new employees, developing their own team and coaching high-potential employees, who will be included in the Company's talent pool.

In 2013, the "Project Management School" was launched - an educational program for all key employees of the BRD, aimed at the formation of basic knowledge of project management. The school was moderated by lecturers from European business schools. Within two years, 1,400 specialists from the BRD will take part in the program.

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    CSR of Gazprom From year to year Gazprom is increasing its participation in projects aimed at enhancing social support for the population, creating new jobs, helping the poor and poor, military personnel, veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, implementing programs of social support for peoples The Far North, investing in the construction of industrial and social infrastructure in the regions of the Russian Federation. Special attention is still paid to supporting disabled children, orphans and children in orphanages. The company annually allocates funds for the construction of residential buildings, kindergartens, clinics, etc.

    Gazprom's CSR Sponsorship and charitable activities of Gazprom are aimed at reviving spiritual and national values, supporting culture, science and education, promoting scientific and technological progress, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Christmas and New Year holidays have already become traditional for thousands of children from orphanages and orphanages. Sponsorship is provided to Children's Radio. Fruitful cooperation between Gazprom and the Russian Orthodox Church has been going on for many years.

    Gazprom's CSR To preserve the traditions of Russia's multinational culture, popularize folk art and foster corporate culture, since 2005, Gazprom has been holding the Fakel corporate festival, in which amateur creative teams from Gazprom's subsidiaries and partners take part. With the support of Gazprom and ENGIE (France), within the framework of the Year of Culture in Russia program, the musical and educational project “Masters of the World Performing Arts” has been implemented. Gazprom actively supports the development of domestic science, is the founder of a number of Russian scientific public organizations and foundations, in particular, the N. V.I. Vernadsky. With the support of Gazprom, the Global Energy International Prize is annually awarded for significant discoveries, inventions and developments in the field of energy.

    CSR of Gazprom pays special attention to the development of sports, support of a healthy lifestyle, actively cooperates with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and sports federations. One of the most significant national projects was preparation for the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi. Gazprom took an active part in the construction of new sports facilities and the necessary infrastructure. The company annually hosts summer and winter Games of subsidiaries and organizations of OJSC Gazprom, which are part of OJSC Gazprom's policy in support of sports and physical culture in Russia. Gazprom is a sponsor of the Zenit Football Club, hockey clubs SKA (St. Petersburg) and Avangard (Omsk Region), annually takes part in financial competitions in rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball, chess, biathlon and sailing.

    Gazprom to Children Traditionally paying special attention to supporting children and young people, in 2007 Gazprom launched a major social project - the Gazprom to Children program. The objectives of the program are to create conditions for the harmonious intellectual, spiritual and physical development of the younger generation of Russians, to promote a healthy lifestyle among Russian youth, to involve as many children and adolescents as possible in sports clubs, creative and amateur circles.

    "Gazprom for Children" In order to implement the planned "Gazprom": builds and reconstructs sports complexes, courtyard multifunctional sports grounds; purchases the necessary equipment for organizing sports clubs, creative and amateur circles; attracts highly professional coaches and teachers for classes with children and adolescents; organizes festivals and sports throughout the country. Significant work is also being done under the Gazprom to Children program to develop the creative potential of the younger generation.

    Gazprom's personnel support programs The Company pays priority attention to creating the most comfortable conditions for their work, providing them with a set of social guarantees, benefits and compensations. Traditionally, Gazprom provides support to industry veterans, taking care of providing them with a dignified old age. In order to ensure a high level of efficiency and improve the quality of life of personnel during the development of new oil and gas fields and the construction of trunk gas pipelines in the Far North, a life support system, medical, environmental and social-hygienic monitoring of Gazprom Group employees and their families has been developed. To ensure the material interest of Gazprom's top executives in the company's efficient development, a system of material incentives for the heads of Gazprom and its main subsidiaries is in place, which includes an annual bonus system and a program for top executives to participate in the company's charter capital.

    CSR of the Rosneft Company The guidelines in the work of the Company have been and remain high standards not only in production, but also in social spheres. The main corporate social programs are aimed at: supporting and promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving living conditions and the quality of life of employees and their families, material support for veterans and retirees.

    CSR of Rosneft Company Working conditions and rest in production In 2015, the Company approved uniform requirements and introduced methodological guidelines “Catering for employees of oil and gas producing Companies of the Group working on a rotational basis, and employees of oil and gas processing Companies of the Group”, which take into account regional and climatic features, regulate the rules of arrangement and maintenance of premises for food; transportation and storage of products; requirements for the quality of ready meals and criteria for its verification. In 2015, the Company operated 95 shift camps providing accommodation for about 22 thousand employees of the Group Companies and contractors.

    CSR of the Rosneft Company Health protection and personal insurance The main directions of this work are: organization of medical care at production facilities and in the shift camps of the Company; voluntary medical insurance for the Company's employees, providing them with timely and high-quality medical care in addition to compulsory medical insurance programs; providing employees with sanatorium-resort, rehabilitation treatment and health improvement; carrying out preventive measures (vaccination, medical examination) to prevent and reduce the incidence of sickness in personnel; organizing and conducting sports and recreational activities for the employees of the Company; implementation of the program for the development of a culture of a healthy lifestyle; compensation to employees for the cost of subscriptions to health groups and classes in sports sections.

    Rosneft's CSR Corporate Housing Programs Housing programs for employees occupy a special place in corporate social policy and are aimed at attracting and retaining promising, qualified employees and specialists in scarce specialties in the Company. A comprehensive housing program has been implemented since 2005 in three main areas: mortgage lending, housing construction and the provision of service apartments. In 2015, Rosneft, within the framework of a long-term mortgage lending program, provided an opportunity to improve their living conditions for 695 employees.

    CSR of Rosneft Company Corporate pension provision and social support for veterans Successful implementation of the corporate pension program allows, using the principle of joint and several obligations, in addition to the state, to form a future pension at the expense of the employer, as well as at the expense of the employee's own funds by concluding an individual pension agreement with the NPF " OIL GARANT ". In addition, for many years the Company has been implementing a project of social support for veterans, within the framework of which a monthly supplement to the state pension is paid. In 2015, the project additionally included more than 2,100 veterans of the Company's new assets, who became recipients of monthly pensions through NPF NEFTEGARANT. In 2015, the Company transferred about RUB 340 million to veterans of the Group Companies. to provide material assistance for the holidays, to pay for sanatorium-resort treatment, to solve other vital issues.

    CSR of the Rosneft Company Youth policy of the Company The youth policy of Rosneft is focused on solving the following key tasks: ensuring the formation of a young external personnel reserve of the Company from among the best school graduates motivated to obtain high-quality professional education and employment in the Company; ensuring the inflow of the required number of promising young specialists to the Company from among the best graduates of universities with a level of training that meets the requirements of the Company's business; ensuring the effective work of young specialists by accelerating their adaptation, developing professional and technical, corporate and managerial competencies, involving young specialists in innovation, research and design activities; ensuring support for state policy in the field of vocational education.

    Rosneft CSR The Company also supports such programs as: Personnel training and development Personnel assessment Personnel reserve program Security hotline Council of retired war and labor veterans Industrial safety, labor protection and the environment.