Pigeons in the war scientific work. Research paper pigeons pre-story about the gunka. Relevance and practical significance of the topic

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan Municipal educational institution secondary school № 5 of the Municipal District Meleuzovsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan Research work Topic: "The dove is a bird of my city" Completed by Valishin Iskander student of 4 "B" class head Kalyanova Natalya Viktorovna Meleuz 2016. Contents 2 5 6 7 3 4 Introduction 1. General information about the pigeon. 2. Interesting facts about the pigeon. 3. City pigeons. 89 4. Interview interview with the pigeon breeder. 5. Bird watching. 6. Organization and conduct of the experiment. 7. Conclusion. 14 8. List of used literature. 9.Application. 15 16 1112 10 13 3 Introduction. Doves and people. The dove is so familiar that sometimes we do not notice it. It, like other birds, has a beak, neck, head, torso, tail, wings, legs and body covered with feathers. (fig. 1) Figure 1. Appearance of a pigeon. Dove to man. Why? He probably expects warmth and attention from us. Maybe you should try trying to be closer to establishing contact with this community, taking a step towards it. For this, I tried to find out more about the bird that I meet every day near my house, near the school, at bus stops. Theme. The dove is the bird of my city. Target. Determine if pigeons need human attention. Tasks: To study: 1. What order of birds does it belong to? 2. How many species of pigeons are there in nature? 3. What is the life expectancy? 4. What is the flight speed of the pigeon? 5.How does she care for her offspring? 6. Are there monuments dedicated to this bird? Explore: 1. In what places of our city does it live? 2. What does it eat? Hypothesis. I suppose that pigeons need help and attention from a person. Research methods: reading books on the topic of research; use of Internet materials; discussion with adults; conducting experiments; independent analysis of the results. 1. General information about the pigeon PIGEON is a semi-domestic and wild bird. (Ushakov's Dictionary) According to rough estimates, there are more than 800 pigeon breeds in the world, most of them decorative. About 200 breeds are bred in our country, many of them exist only in Russia. Pigeons are conventionally divided into four groups: (Fig. 2) Types of pigeons Sports (postal) Figure 2. Classification of pigeons. Decorative Flying (racing) Meat Each of the breeds has its own style of flight. Some rise in circles to great heights and whirl for several hours, others immediately go up and seem to stand in one place for hours. And there are those who somersault in flight over their heads, falling down, or, as amateurs say, “knocking out the pillar”, go up. Decorative pigeons are no less popular with bird lovers. When breeding these breeds, great importance is attached to the beauty of the plumage and the original appearance ... For example, peacock (trumpet) pigeons attract attention. They got their name from the rich plumage of the tail. Taking care of the dove, the male throws his tail over his back, spreading it like a fan. I also learned about how a wild pigeon cooes - a clintuch. In old parks, in the crowns of large deciduous trees, one can sometimes hear a low, unhurried sound, repeating several times in a row, the sound "ububububub ...". About one more representative of the family of pigeons - the common turtledove, I read that with its “turtle” it declares itself everywhere. Her voice is a soft and unhurried "turrturrturr ...", performed with a certain rhythm and accent many times in a row. 2. Interesting facts about the bird. 5 thousand years ago, domestic pigeons were already known in Ancient Egypt. The dove is the hero of many ancient legends and ritual actions. According to legend, the god of war Mars did not fight because the dove made a nest in his battle helmet. The formidable warrior did not dare to destroy the bird's nest, and the war was averted. From that moment on, the dove became a symbol of peace and friendship, and among the ancient Jews of love and morality. Pigeons are cruel. And if in dogs the winner licks the surrendered, then these meek birds can beat the defeated to death with blows of their beaks. Well-trained carrier pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. The altitude of their flight in bad weather is 100 150 meters, in good weather 300 350 meters. They can withstand a sporting distance of up to 500 to 600 kilometers. The radius of flight of pigeons from the dovecote in search of food reaches 40 kilometers. The resulting pigeon couples are durable and do not collapse in case of any family troubles (with the exception of the death of one of the spouses). This bird is gregarious, that is, it keeps in groups, often of impressive size. There are monuments to this bird in Paris, England ... It happened in 1942. The British submarine was damaged by fascist aircraft, and she was forced to sink to the bottom. Doom seemed imminent. There were two pigeons aboard the sub. Notes were attached to the paws of the birds indicating the coordinates of the location of the boat, they were placed in a special capsule, which was thrown out through the torpedo tube. The dove died during the storm, and the dove managed to fly to the base. And help came. For this feat, the dove was awarded the highest military award of Great Britain and immortalized in the image of a bronze bird. However, this monument is a sign of gratitude and respect to all 200 thousand winged signalmen who "served" in the British army during the Second World War. "A flock of pigeons" was established in honor of the 60th victory in the city of Angarsk. Monument 3. City pigeons They came from wild doves crossed with pigeons of different breeds, from which they inherited a variety of colors. In cities, you can find a rock pigeon. It looks like a rock pigeon, but is well distinguished by a white stripe along the tail, visible during takeoff. This species is very gullible to humans. Birds settle in attics and eaves of houses, rest on roofs and feed on what people throw away, seeds of wild plants, due to lack of food, especially in winter, sometimes pecks at the remains of vegetables and fruits in landfills. In spring, birds form pairs. Sometimes they arrange tournaments: they beat each other with their wings and peck at the opponent. There are only two eggs in a clutch. (fig. 3) Figure 3. Laying of a pigeon. Incubation lasts 17 days. In this case, the female sits on eggs from 4 pm to 10 am, then the male replaces her, and she goes to eat and rest. (fig.4) Figure 4. Caring parents. Chicks appear naked and blind. (fig.5) Figure 5. Pigeon chicks. Up to 10 days of age, parents feed them only "Bird's milk". At the age of 2530 days, the pigeons are already quite independent. 4. Conversation interview with an amateur pigeon breeder. How did you decide to start breeding pigeons? Since childhood. At first we dabbled with the boys. Gradually grew into something more. You could say a hobby. How and what do you feed? I feed every day in the morning. I will definitely change the water. The premises must be kept clean. I feed with millet, wheat, seeds. What chickens eat, so do they. What breed of pigeons do you keep? Gaming. They are very beautiful in flight. Where do you get pigeons? We exchange with friends. They live in Orenburg, Kumertau, Magnitogorsk. I keep in touch with them. The pigeons themselves lay two eggs. They incubate them for 21 days and chicks appear. And if you get sick, treat? I buy medicine for them in the veterinary pharmacy. Or I take them to the veterinary hospital. Does anyone in the family enjoy pigeon breeding? The son was carried away, now he has stopped. Do they bring you profit? No, it’s not. I keep them, how to say, how people keep cats and dogs. How was the pigeon room built? It is not easy, took it built. For this I have a special permit. Thanks a lot! It was very interesting! 5. Bird watching. My further research went through observing birds in their natural conditions. Objective of observation: to find out if there are pigeons in the city, in what places they live. Objects of observation: pigeons. Equipment: microdistrict plan, pencil, notebook. To do this, I determined the observation route, which began from Tekhnicheskaya St., 10. On the plan (Fig. 6) I marked the points where the birds met. At all control points, he counted the pigeons. Figure 6. Observation route. Observation results, formalized in the form of table No. 1. № p / n Points Specificity of the place Quantity Features of observation of observed birds 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tehnicheskaya st. Sewerage str. Lenina hatches Stop Smolenskaya st. People fed a lot of people 2 sick birds People fed 3 birds with frostbite 1 bird with frostbite People feed TOTAL: 69 6 sick Table 1. The result of observing the dispersal of birds within the city. Conclusion: the pigeon is found in places where it is warm (sewer hatches), at stops, near shops, in markets, therefore, where there are a lot of people. This means that birds need people, expect help and attention from them. 6. Organization and conduct of the experiment. Purpose: to find out what kind of food pigeons prefer. Experiment object: pigeon. Place of the experiment: The collective farm market. Equipment: different kinds feed: sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, white bread, rye bread, apple pieces, orange pieces. During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered different foods, which were given at the same time (in different piles). I recorded which of the feed the bird eats in the first place. I showed the result in the form of table 2. + + Pumpkin seed Food, eaten in the first place Offered food product Sunflower seed No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Table 2. Results of the experiment to identify food preferences Apple pieces (small) Rye bread (crumb ) White bread (crumb) Orange slices + + + + + + + + + + + + pigeon. Conclusion: most of all, pigeons prefer sunflower seeds, pumpkin seed is in second place, bread is 3 and 4, but pigeons remained indifferent to fruits. 7. Conclusion. Studying the reference, popular scientific literature, I was able to learn many interesting facts about the pigeon. Through my observations in nature and experiment, I was able to establish that pigeons need attention from humans, especially in winter. This is not the end of my study of the pigeon. The next stage of my work I see the development and production of a leaflet, in which I will tell my classmates how to take care of and look after a pigeon. 8. List of used literature. 1. BE Raikov, MN Rimsky Korsakov "Zoological excursions" M .: "Topikal" 1994 2. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist. M .: "Pedagogy - Press" 3. Birds of fields and forests. M .: Terra - Book Club. 1998 4. Songbirds. M .: Terra - Book Club. 1998


Dove is a bird of our village


student of grade 3 b

Kozhevnikov Artyom


Mineeva Olga Illarionovna,

teacher primary grades

the city of Sayanogorsk,

Table of contents

    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… p.2

    Main part ……………………………………………………………… .. p. 2-6

    1. Interesting facts from the life of pigeons ……………………………………… p. 2-3

      Negative and positive aspects of the existence of pigeons

next to a person ………………………………………………………… .p.4

    1. The results of the study of the opinion of the residents regarding their attitude to the flocks of pigeons living on the main square of the settlement ......................................... p. 4-5

      My version of the solution to the pigeon problem in the village ……………………. P.5-6

3. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .. p.6

4. Literature …………………………………………………………………… ... p.7


The topic of my research is "The dove is the bird of our village." I chose this topic because a flock of pigeons, numbering over 100 individuals, settled in our village.

spruce of my work
- to investigate the reasons for the settlement of pigeons in the village.


    Find out interesting facts from the life of pigeons.

    Identify the negative and positive aspects of the existence of pigeons next to a person.

    Analyze the results obtained.

Object of study: livelihoods of pigeons living in the central square of the village.

Subject of study: population of pigeons settled in the village.

Hypothesis: if the pigeons for some reason chose our village as their habitat, then it is necessary to equip a special place for them.

In the course of the work, the following were used research methods:

1. Thought on my own.

2. Asked other people.

3. Studied the literature on the topic.

4. Looked at information on the Internet.

I began my work by researching information obtained from additional literature, the Internet, stories of adults about interesting facts from the life of pigeons.

I learned that pigeons have left their mark on the history of Russia. In The Tale of Bygone Years, there is a story about how in 946 Princess Olga used pigeons in military affairs to capture a rebellious fortress. She demanded from the inhabitants of the city, besieged by her squad: 3 pigeons and a sparrow from each yard. The inhabitants, not seeing the trick in the princess's demand, quickly collected three pigeons and three sparrows from each yard and sent them to Olga. The princess ordered them to be distributed to the squad, to tie a dry tinder to each bird, light it and release the winged "warriors". And they suffered smoldering death to their homes. Dovecotes and sheds caught fire, and from them other wooden buildings. And since all the yards were on fire at once, they could not be extinguished.

To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of its father's or mother's nose and licks the milk, which looks more like sour cream. On this sour cream, the chick grows by leaps and bounds - the very next day after birth, it weighs 2 times heavier.

They say to a good, prosperous family: "They live like a dove with a dove", amicably, taking care of each other and of their offspring. The affection of pigeons that have become spouses often lasts for the entire 20-year-old bird life.

As a result, I found a lot of interesting information about pigeons. I collected all the interesting facts in a special brochure and handed it over to the village libraries and the school library.

Negative and positive aspects of the existence of pigeons next to a person

In the course of the work, I found information about both the positive aspects of the existence of pigeons next to a person, and the negative ones.

Positive sides:

Negative sides:

    Some people have allergic reactions when they come in contact with pigeons.

Thus, the coexistence of pigeons and humans has many positive aspects. But we must take into account the negative aspects.

The results of a survey of the opinions of residents on the subject of their attitude

In the course of the work, I was interested to know the attitude of the inhabitants of the village to the flock of pigeons inhabiting the central square of the village. I decided to conduct a survey and involved my classmates in its conduct. We interviewed about 100 people. Everyone was asked the question: “How do you feel about pigeons in our village. Justify your answer. "

As a result of the survey, I was able to find out that 70% of the respondents have a positive attitude towards pigeons in our village. They substantiated their attitude as follows:

- "Very nice";

- "I like to feed the birds";

- "The dove is the bird of peace!"

30% of the villagers feel discomfort from a flock of birds. They also substantiated their attitude with the following phrases:

- "A lot of garbage from feeding pigeons";

- "Allergic reactions of the body."

The survey results are presented in bar chart 1.

Bar graph 1

The results of the survey of the residents of the villageCheryomushkiabout their relationship

to the flock of pigeons living on the main square of the village

Thus, the opinion of the inhabitants of the village on this topic diverged: some consider the pigeons to be our younger feathered brothers, never offend them, feed them, trying to help them survive; others - consider the pigeon a bird that lives in the garbage and feeds on anything.

My solution to the pigeon problem in the village

I made a special observation in order to find out: what attracts pigeons in the area of ​​the village.

According to my observations, birds are attracted by the following:

    The presence of a heating main, allowing the whole flock to warm up even in severe frosts;

    Feeding pigeons by residents walking in the square.

As a result of my observations, I came to the conclusion that there is a place in the village where it is possible to organize a habitat for feathered friends. This is an abandoned village park. Here, as well as along the central square, there is a heating main. This means you can organize a place where birds can gather in winter and warm themselves.

Also, in this place, you can equip many areas for recreation. This will attract the inhabitants of the village here, and therefore the pigeons. You can build special structures where pigeons can sit.

The area of ​​the park will be able to accommodate a dovecote. It should stand out in color and shape from other buildings so that pigeons can easily find it. I learned that nowadays there is a lot of literature on the arrangement of dovecotes. I think there are many enthusiasts in the village who can take care of the birds. There will also be no problem feeding the pigeons. Already at the present time, the inhabitants of the village are actively feeding them. It is possible to organize a collection of bird feed in the winter. I know that many of my friends and classmates will respond to this action.

I made some sketches of the park and showed them to my classmates.

With my proposal, I decided to contact the public reception office of RusHydro. The plans of this company include the issue of reconstruction of the village park. I think that my proposals will not be ignored.


I think my research has a positive result:

    I found a lot of information about pigeons.

    I have identified the negative and positive aspects of the existence of pigeons next to a person.

    I collected all the interesting facts in a special brochure and handed it over to the village libraries and the school library. This means that other guys will be able to get to know her.

    I analyzed the results of a survey of the residents of the village

    I have drawn up sketches of the park area, which, during reconstruction, will be able to accommodate our feathered friends. That will allow pigeon lovers to observe and feed these birds. It also protects people with pigeon allergies from contact with them.


    Big book of questions and answers. What? What for? Why? / Per. K. Mishina, A. Zykova. - M .: Eksmo, 2003 .-- 512.

    Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius - electronic edition, M., 2007.

    Kolbovsky, E.Yu. Ecology for the curious, or What you will not learn in the lesson. - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1998.

    Potapova, L.M. For children about nature. Ecology in games for children 5-10 years old. A popular guide for parents and teachers / V.N. Kurov. - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1998.

    Brave, V.M. School atlas-guide to birds: Book. For students. - M .: Education, 1988.


Until now, there is no consensus about the origin of pigeons.
Most likely, the theory that they appeared in one place and then settled all over the world is not confirmed. It is possible that different species of birds began to live next to humans in accordance with environmental requirements, such as swallows and redstarts, which originally lived in rocky areas.
Thus, wild pigeons could move from the rocky terrain in the Mediterranean Sea to humans and become practically poultry. In some areas, where the domestication of pigeons took place faster than in others, birds have become one of the components of the culture of the people.
In Russia, pigeons have been revered since ancient times. This is evidenced by the documents, which indicated that the fine for stealing a pigeon was twice as much as for stealing a sheep or a calf, almost half.
Doves have always served as an image of love and purity, perhaps because they are by nature monogamous and spend their entire life with one partner. The ability of pigeons to transmit mail made these birds a true friend of man and participants in the most important historical events in the history of mankind.
The dove is also a symbol of peace. Moreover, such an association has arisen since ancient times, where pigeons appeared in various religious teachings, as an image of purity and kindness.

Interesting facts from the life of pigeons

Pigeons have left their mark on the history of Russia. In The Tale of Bygone Years, there is a story about how in 946 Princess Olga used pigeons in military affairs to capture a rebellious fortress. She demanded from the inhabitants of the city, besieged by her squad: 3 pigeons and a sparrow from each yard. The inhabitants, not seeing the trick in the princess's demand, quickly collected three pigeons and three sparrows from each yard and sent them to Olga. The princess ordered them to be distributed to the squad, to tie a dry tinder to each bird, light it and release the winged "warriors". And they suffered smoldering death to their homes. Dovecotes and sheds caught fire, and from them other wooden buildings. And since all the yards were on fire at once, they could not be extinguished.

During the Second World War, in the Soviet troops, pigeons-postmen delivered about 15 thousand "golubegrams" with battle reports. The Germans released the falcons to intercept. The pigeons began to die one by one. Then the French began to attach tiny whistles to pigeon tails. Falcons, even hungry, did not dare to attack the whistling birds. Pigeons continue to carry the postal service in many countries today, despite the creation of more and more, more advanced means of communication. For example, in England there are more than a million such pigeons in service.

In 1942, in England, a carrier pigeon rescued a submarine by delivering a call for help and the coordinates of the disaster site to the shore. For this, a bronze monument was erected to the pigeon on the other side of the English Channel, in England.

Modern breeds of carrier pigeons develop speeds of up to 140 km / h, and the distance covered by them exceeds 3 thousand km! Scientists are studying the orientation abilities of pigeons.

The body of street pigeons is very interesting. First, they fill the stomach, then, when the stomach no longer fits, the food is sent to the goiter, which consists of two bags. First, the left one is carefully filled in, then the right one opens. Just like hamsters.

If a pigeon fills all its bags at least once a day, it will not starve to death.

During the period of feeding the chicks, the walls of the goiter secrete that very famous bird's milk.

To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of its father's or mother's nose and licks off the milk, which looks more like sour cream. On this sour cream, the chick grows by leaps and bounds - the very next day after birth, it weighs 2 times heavier.

A week later, parents mix the grains softened into the goiter to this milk. On the 10th day, the dove stops feeding, and the dad continues to feed the chick for several more days.

Folk omens

Associated with pigeons folk signs:

    If the pigeons are hiding in clear weather, bad weather will come soon.

    Pigeons are birds that instantly feel insincerity or a trick and they will not fly close to your windowsill. This proud bird can be fed if you are kind and sincere.

They say about a good, prosperous family: "They live like a dove with a dove", amicably, caring about each other and about their offspring. The affection of pigeons that have become spouses often lasts for the entire 20-year-old bird life.

Negative and positive aspects of existence

pigeons next to a man

Positive sides:

    Pigeons act as scavengers, eating food debris, thereby preventing the spread of pathogens.

    Flocks of pigeons enliven the landscape of the village.

    White doves are used as a ritual at weddings: it is a beautiful sight and a symbol of the newlyweds' new life together.

    If children get used to caring for pigeons, then they grow up to be kind.

    There are no cases of pigeons attacking an adult or a child. These are peaceful birds.

Negative sides:

    A large concentration of birds brings a lot of trouble to public utilities. They pollute squares, buildings, monuments with dung containing acids, thereby destroying the material from which they are made. The waste products of birds also harm vehicles, corroding enamel and causing corrosion. Dust from dried droppings can cause allergies.

    Up to 60 different pathogens have been found in pigeons and their droppings, such as paratyphoid fever, psittacosis, smallpox and others. However, these birds do not pose a greater risk to human health than keeping pets. You just need to follow the rules of communication with birds and the rules of hygiene.

Keeping pigeons

Domestic pigeons are most often kept in a flock in a dovecote, less often in an aviary. They, like their wild ancestors - sisari, need contact with their own kind, and in the dovecote certain relationships arise between them: pigeons eat food from the trough together, drink water, and sit down for the night.

In the nursery, the entire space between pairs is divided into nesting members, as in the rock pigeon colony. The nest is the center of the nesting site. The male actively protects his nesting site, the size of which is determined by the area of ​​the dovecote, the number of pigeons, etc. An amateur, through observation, must establish which nesting sites and resting places each pair of pigeons occupies and identify neutral zones in the room where young and lower-ranked birds can rest ... The same nesting sites appear in pigeons and when kept in an aviary.

Domestic pigeons, like wild ones, live in pairs. Individuals connect for life. The forced change of partners is quick and easy.

Pigeons should be caught carefully, not chasing them around the dovecote room, with darkened windows, when they are easy to hold. The dove needs to be taken quickly with the right hand behind the back, then put it in the left hand and clamp the legs between the index and middle fingers, press the ends of the wings into the girth with the tail. The bird must be held so as not to squeeze its chest and thereby not obstruct breathing.

The best place for feeding pigeons is walking, where feeders are installed. It is easy to observe the behavior of pigeons, their state of health, appetite here.

While walking, domestic pigeons get used to the surrounding area and, when released, find their dovecote more easily.

The food should not be scattered on the floor of the walk, as it will be contaminated by birds, and fed only in the feeders. After that, as the pigeons are full, the feeders are removed - this teaches the bird to a certain feeding time and does not attract rodents to the dovecote.

    5 thousand years ago, domestic pigeons were already known in Ancient Egypt.

    The dove is the hero of many ancient legends and ritual actions.

    According to legend, the god of war Mars did not fight because the dove made a nest in his battle helmet. The formidable warrior did not dare to destroy the bird's nest, and the war was averted. From that moment on, the dove became a symbol of peace and friendship, and among the ancient Jews - love and morality.

    In Palestine, young turtle doves were sacrificed to the gods.

    Pigeons are cruel. And if in dogs the winner licks the surrendered, then these meek birds can beat the defeated to death with blows of their beaks.

    Well-trained carrier pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60 - 70 kilometers per hour. The altitude of their flight in bad weather is 100 - 150 meters, in good weather - 300 - 350 meters. They can withstand a sports distance of up to 500 - 600 kilometers.

    The radius of flight of pigeons from the dovecote in search of food reaches 40 kilometers.

    The resulting pigeon couples are durable and do not collapse in case of any family troubles (with the exception of the death of one of the spouses).

    This bird is gregarious, that is, it keeps in groups, often of impressive size.

V There are monuments to this bird in Paris, England ... It happened in 1942. The British submarine was damaged by fascist aircraft, and she was forced to sink to the bottom. Doom seemed imminent. There were two pigeons aboard the sub. Notes were attached to the paws of the birds indicating the coordinates - the location of the boat, they were placed in a special capsule, which was thrown out through the torpedo tube. The dove died during the storm, and the dove managed to fly to the base. And help came. For this subspecies, the dove was awarded the highest military award of Great Britain and immortalized in the image of a bronze bird. However, this monument is a sign


Small dovecotes in the form of a booth can be installed on wooden poles that need to be dug into the ground to a depth of at least 1 m.

Mounted dovecote

Such a dovecote can only be built in rural areas. It can contain no more than 1-3 pairs of pigeons. This is an ordinary rectangular wooden box, mounted on the outer wall of a wooden house. It is fixed with hinges approximately 50 cm below the roof. The entrance is 15 x 15 cm in size, the number of entrance depends on the number of pairs of pigeons living in the dovecote. As a rule, in hinged dovecotes, sisars or outbred domestic pigeons are kept.

True, the building also has significant flaws. Among them is a microclimate not much different from the climatic conditions of the area. In addition, it will not be difficult for predators to hunt for adult pigeons and chicks. In addition, it is difficult to observe the growth of chicks in it.

However, it is cheap and very simple in the device, it can be used by novice fanciers.

Tower dovecote

Dovecotes of this design are more perfect and fit perfectly into the landscape of a country estate. They are widely used for keeping birds in some western countries. These structures can have a four-, six-, octagonal or round shape. During their construction, various construction material: brick, stone, wood or reinforced concrete blocks. Tower dovecotes must be at least 4 m high.

H on the first floor of such a dovecote, a pantry is arranged for storing feed and equipment, on the second - nests for pigeons. They are located so that there is free access to the nests from the inside. The owner can enter it through a door as tall as his height. Then pigeon breeders can easily catch pigeons right in the nests, choose the required number of eggs from the nests to regulate the number of young animals, and carry out cleaning and disinfection measures. One nest is separated from the other by walls; on the outside, in front of each entrance, a platform 10 cm wide is arranged. It serves for squatting pigeons at the entrance to the nest and is fenced off from neighboring nests by a vertical wall.

Attic dovecote

In rural areas, domestic pigeons can be kept in dovecotes located in the attic next to the dormer. For this, a certain part is fenced off from the attic with the help of wire mesh or walls made of boards or plywood. The height of the structure is about 2-2.5 m. There is a walk on the outside of the dormer window. The internal structure of an attic dovecote is not much different from that in typical dovecotes.

In the world, only representatives of the pigeon subfamily Columbinae are most widespread. All other subfamilies are typical only for the tropics and subtropics of the Old World, especially Asia and Oceania.

Typical dovecote

In large cities, as a rule, standard dovecotes are built, the sizes and shapes of which are agreed with the local administration.

These pigeon nurseries are designed for keeping domestic pigeons of any breed. They do not have rigidly defined structures and differ in their own characteristics in each city. A typical typical dovecote has three main options. One-section or two-section nurseries are designed for installation in the inner city areas. There is also a two-section nursery with shortened legs, designed for installation on flat roofs of buildings. Such a dovecote can be assembled from boards with iron upholstery or from asbestos concrete slabs.

The designers have developed a special typical project of a dovecote designed for 12 pairs of pigeons 2 m wide, 3 m long and 2.4 m high. There are printed walls and a wooden floor, a window without a window sill 80 cm wide and 40 cm high. In the wall opposite the window, there is a double door 65 cm wide and 165 cm high.

Individual dovecote project

Specially equipped dovecote houses can have various placement options. They can be arranged on a foundation of at least 25 cm from the ground or on supports of various heights depending on the terrain, or on a flat roof of a residential building. It is desirable that the dovecote differs from other buildings in its shape and color. So it will be easier for the birds go to your home.

In terms of architecture, dovecotes can be one-story or two-story, with one or two sections or a large number of sections, with or without an aviary. It is more expedient to make a dovecote from several compartments. Then one can contain young pigeons born in the current year. In the other two sectors, pigeons and doves are kept separately during winter. One compartment can be allocated for household needs where grain, mineral feed and maintenance and care equipment will be stored.

A two-section dovecote can be used in this way: adult pigeons are placed in one room in the summer, and young pigeons and a utility room with cabinets or closed boxes are arranged in the second. In winter, these two sections are adapted for the separate placement of males and females.

The dovecote should be large enough for the birds to feel at ease in it. It is desirable that the room be light, with natural light, the sun's rays should freely penetrate through the windows. Therefore, the front facade of the dovecote with light and exit windows is best turned to the south or southeast, then it will receive the highest quality natural lighting. The sun's rays entering the windows have a beneficial effect on the health of pigeons.

WITH Sunlight is especially necessary for young birds, as they usually do not have enough of it in winter. Pigeons need clean fresh air all the time, but there should be no drafts. The room, as a rule, is maintained at a certain humidity.

The dovecote should be adapted for keeping birds in winter. In this case, the factor of the number and breed of pigeons that will hibernate is especially important.

The design of a dovecote is usually determined by the characteristics of the breed and the number of individuals. It is advisable for birds of chasing and flying breeds to create favorable conditions for a comfortable take-off and good landing, it is advisable to equip the room for them with an aviary. For birds of sporting breeds, a dovecote without an aviary is recommended, but with additional equipment - entrances (arrival boards in front of the entrance windows). Decorative pigeons for enclosures should be provided with a place for spacious walking.

For the most part, pigeons are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. But competent breeders in this matter always adhere to certain rules for their placement. Each pair of birds must have at least 1 m2 of space to accommodate. A large overcrowding of pigeons leads, as a rule, to a decrease in the intensity of reproduction.

Calculations of the required volume of the room are made on the basis of the following standards: for one pair of pigeons of heavy, large breeds, 1 m3 of air is required. For keeping one pair of birds of lighter breeds - 0.5-0.75 m3. One pair of small pigeons will be sufficient 0.5 m3.

Biologist Konrad Gesner devoted the third volume of his work "History of Animals" to birds. He simply arranged their descriptions alphabetically, without any classification. His book interested many people in zoology.

It is desirable that in one group there should be no more than 10-15 pairs of pigeons. The fewer pigeons in a group, the less contact there will be and the lower the risk of cross-contamination. When developing a project for a future dovecote, you need to take into account all the necessary dimensions. For 8-10 pairs of pigeons, as a rule, a dovecote is built, the length of which is 3.5 m, width - 2.5 m.The height of the front side of the room is 2.1 cm, the back wall is 2 m.

A room for a larger group of pigeons should be of the following dimensions: floor area - about 4 X 3 m.The owner will be comfortable serving his birds if the height of the room is about 1.8-2.5 m. it is inconvenient to catch birds at height.

Door size: with a height of 1.6-1.8 m, its width should be 70-85 cm. The total area of ​​the windows is approximately 8-10 less than the floor area. During the cold season, large windows significantly reduce the indoor temperature. The binding of windows can be done in any shape. The main thing is that it does not contradict the general style of the room.

It is advisable to equip each section of the dovecote with two entrance windows - entrance for pigeons. As a rule, they are made 20–25 cm high and 15–20 cm wide. The size of the entrance is determined depending on the breed and size of the pigeons. The same factors determine the height of the entrance from the floor. If pigeons of flying breeds are placed in the dovecote, then the entrances can be located at a height of 1-1.5 m, for decorative and meat pigeons - no higher than 15-20 cm from the floor.

When constructing a dovecote, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of supplying electricity. Then it will be possible to monitor the condition of the pigeons at any time and adjust the length of daylight hours.

Materials for building a dovecote

WITH Dovecote shades can be made of various materials, the main condition is that they should not have cracks so that the birds are not disturbed by drafts.

A wooden dovecote is upholstered with iron and painted on the outside to protect it from rodents. From the inside, wooden walls are plastered or veneered with plywood with the obligatory putty of joints between the sheets, after which the walls are whitewashed. If the wooden walls are supposed to be simply whitewashed without preliminary plastering, then the boards do not need to be planed. The rough surface of the walls will better hold the whitewash. In a brick dovecote, it is more expedient to plaster the inner walls and ceiling so that they are smooth, and then whitewash.

Welded metal walls from the inside are sheathed first with boards, plywood is placed on top of them, followed by whitewashing. Lime whitewash gives the interior walls a neat look. Regular indoor whitewashing with fresh lime is a fairly reliable method of disinfection.

In areas with cold winters, dovecotes of the insulated type are built. To do this, you need to build double walls of the room from the selected material, and then lay insulation between them.

The roof of a dovecote can be of very different shapes: single-pitch or gable, equilateral with a ridge, and also gable edged. The shape of the roof does not really matter, but it will be more convenient to make the roof slope in a ratio of 1: 10 to the width of the dovecote. A wooden roof will be less damaged by precipitation if it is covered with iron, slate or roofing material. It is good to cover the iron roof with 2-3 layers of roofing material. In addition, the ceiling of the dovecote under the iron roof should be sheathed from the inside with some kind of heat-insulating material. Then inside the dovecote it will not be too cold in winter or very hot in summer. In winter, the temperature in the dovecote should not be lower than 5-7 ° C of heat, in summer - exceed 20 ° C.

It is more expedient to make the door to the room double. Moreover, it is advisable to make the outer door solid from boards and metal, in its upper part you can place glass, tightened with a metal mesh. The inner door can be a lattice, tightened mesh. There should be sufficient distance between the doors to form a kind of vestibule. It can accommodate shelves for storing feed, mineral mixture and a box for medicines. During the summer, during the daytime, the outer door can be kept open to add light and improve ventilation.

Have high-flying flightless pigeons have four basic flight styles - "lark", "butterfly", end and sickle.

An outboard shield is made above the outer door - walking. At its level, there is a notch with a sliding door on the inside. The paddle should be tightened with a metal mesh. Outside the walk, at the door, a board is attached - a filler - for planting domestic pigeons that have returned from flight. It is more convenient to make the attachment on hinges, then it can be lowered when cleaning the run.

Experienced pigeon breeders make adjustable huts for their pigeons, they are very easy to use and are especially necessary for sports pigeons. For such a taphole, a special plug-in frame is mounted in the window, consisting of loose and swinging rods from the bottom. They are made of thick wire. In addition, a stop is inserted into the frame, which can be rearranged.

If the pigeon house contains birds of sports breeds, then you can equip a special receiver in the form of a cage. During training and competition season, it is attached to the tap hole. When the pigeon returns from the competition, it is placed in the receiver, from here it can be easily reached and the control ring removed. The rest of the time, they can freely enter their home through the receiver and easily leave it. Sometimes, restraints are placed on the notches. If the dovecote has two entrances, then on one of them there is a limiter for the entrance, on the second - for the exit.

Good ventilation of the pigeon house is essential for the health of pigeons, but it cannot always be replaced by open windows. It is possible to simply and reliably clean the air in the room with the help of supply and exhaust ventilation. Two holes are made for it: an inlet opening at a height of about 10-15 cm from the floor. It should be covered with bars from uninvited guests. The exhaust hole is located on the ceiling or wall below it as high as possible. For the winter, all ventilation windows are closed with doors so that the room does not cool down. Doors should adjoin the wall as tightly as possible. Light windows should not be placed on opposite walls in order not to create conditions for the occurrence of drafts. It is advisable to build these windows without window sills and tighten them with a metal mesh from the inside.

In the XVII century. the first regional works on birds in Italy, England, Silesia were published. Descriptions of birds in South America, India and some islands were left by many Christian missionaries who participated in the development of overseas territories.

There will be no dampness in the dovecote if the floor is arranged correctly. It is built, as a rule, at least 25 cm above ground level, so the dovecote is placed on brick cushions of this height. In addition, the floor should not allow heat to pass through. Best material for him it is a tree. Therefore, the floors can be made from smoothly curved and tightly fitted planks. This will greatly facilitate cleaning inside the dovecote.

You can make an adobe floor based on construction residues: crushed stone, gravel, construction waste, etc. The base must be at least 20 cm in height. Then a flooring is made of compacted oily clay 10 cm thick, broken glass and coarse grained sand are added to the clay. Broken glass will help protect the dovecote from rodents. It would be good to sprinkle the floor on top with coarse sand, peat, sawdust or shavings. The thickness of the litter should be at least 5 cm.

1 issue of the children's electronic mini-encyclopedia "Birds around us"

The classification is given by: Kuznetsov, B.A. Keys to vertebrates of the fauna of the USSR. Part 2. Birds, M., 1974

Squad Dove-like -Columbiformes

Pigeon family -Columbidae

Pigeongray- Columba livia L.

Features of the external appearance

A medium sized pigeon. The coloration is bluish-gray, the upper tail is white. The rock dove can be easily distinguished from other relatives by its white loin and two dark stripes across the wing. Weight 240-360 g.


Distributed in North Africa, southern parts of Europe and Asia from the British Isles to Japan inclusive. In a semi-domestic state, after humans, it settled much further north to the Baltic, Middle Urals, Tobolsk, and approximately to 60˚ north latitude on the Yenisei.

Basically a sedentary bird, sometimes making irregular but significant migrations.


Inhabits rocks, mountain gorges, ravines, steep river banks, forests and open spaces avoids. Breeds, as a rule, in colonies. Nests are often made in human buildings.


It feeds on seeds of various plants, both wild and cultivated, that it collects on the ground.


Spring cooing and mating in semi-domestic pigeons begins very early - in February. Wild pigeons start nesting much later: mating occurs in late March - early April, eggs are laid by the end of April. The formation of a pair is preceded by the energetic cooing of the male, who, caring for the female, takes peculiar poses, makes current flights.


The nest is located in a crack in a rock, in burrows along cliffs, in niches, on a cornice or a protruding stone, etc. It is built by a male or a female and is a carelessly folded flat pile of branches and roots with a barely noticeable tray.



Like other members of the family, rock pigeons are monogamous; couples tend to persist throughout life. Reproduction throughout the entire range can take place at any time of the year, however, in the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere, it most often occurs in March - October. Mating is always preceded by a mating ceremony, during which the male spins around the female, pursues her, inflates his neck, bends his head to the ground and spreads his wings. He can also take an upright stance, stretched out on his paws and fanning his tail. The dance is certainly accompanied by loud cooing. At the end of the ceremony, the male and the female take care of each other - they clean their feathers and "kiss", touching their beaks. During mating, the male takes off on the female's back and balances on it with the flaps of its wings, and after it makes a ritual flight, noisily flapping its wings behind its back.

The natural habitat of blue doves is rocks, and in the wild they make a nest in rocky crevices or caves that are hard to reach for predators. Synanthropic populations adapted for life in settlements, choose places for building a nest that resemble natural landscapes - cornices and voids under roofs, unvisited attics, beams under bridges and other similar structures. Enclosed spaces are preferred. Despite the fact that these birds nest next to people, finding this nest is often difficult. The nest itself is quite primitive and is a small heap of thin twigs and blades of grass with a small depression. During construction, the responsibilities of the parents are strictly distributed - the male is engaged in the extraction of material, while the dove puts it in place. Often the same socket is used several times in a row, each time increasing in size.

During the year there are up to 7-8 clutches, each of which usually consists of two (less often one) eggs, laid with an interval of two days. The eggs are white, with a smooth and slightly shiny shell, ranging in size from 35 × 25 to 43 × 32 mm. Both parents incubate in turn, but the female spends most of the time in the nest. The male usually sits in the middle of the day, waiting for the female to return from the watering hole. If the dove does not return for a long time, the father coos impatiently, beckoning to her. Blind chicks with rare yellowish down appear asynchronously in 16-19 days. During the first days, both parents feed the chicks with belching from the goiter, the so-called "pigeon milk" - a nutrient mixture produced in the goiter of birds (a feature typical for all species of pigeons). The mixture is high in fat and rich in protein, but low in carbohydrates. As the chicks grow, plant seeds are added to the food - first as an additive to milk, and then in solid form. Sometimes, even during the feeding period of the chicks, the female begins to incubate the subsequent clutch, while the male continues to look after the offspring. Chicks begin to fly in about 35-37 days, and already at this age they look like their parents. Sexual maturity occurs after 5-7 months of life, and the females begin to reproduce a little earlier than the males.


The rock pigeon feeds mainly on plant foods: seeds, berries, fruits of fruit trees. In places where a person lives, he easily adapts to eating food waste and waste grains (wheat, barley, corn, etc.). Occasionally eats insects. In general, compared to other species, it is quite unpretentious in choosing a source of food - ornithologists found only 37 taste buds (nerve endings, taste receptors) in it, while humans have about 10 thousand of them. One study in rural US found that poultry diets were 92% corn kernels, 3.2% oats, 3.7% cherries, and small amounts of knotweed, elm, barley, and sumac seeds. The way in which pigeons drink water is noteworthy - they draw it into themselves, as if from a straw, while the vast majority of birds captures a few drops with their beak and then throws their head back, allowing the liquid to slide down the throat.

It feeds alone or in groups, usually in the morning and in the afternoon, sometimes making long flights 10-50 km from the overnight stay to the feeding places. In the wild, it finds its food in the thickets of the bush. He willingly visits crowded places, railway embankments, landfills, elevators, livestock farms.

Natural enemies

Feathered predators hunting doves - peregrine falcon, merlin, golden eagle, common and passerine kestrels, sparrowhawk, long-eared owl, Virginia eagle owl and some other birds. On the ground, birds can be trapped by cats, possums, raccoons and foxes.

Dove and man


The relationship between man and this bird has a very ancient history - many scientists assume that the rock dove is the first bird tamed by man. It is now well known that numerous breeds with very different characteristics have a common wild ancestor (another species, the rock pigeon, also took part in the formation of individual breeds). However, this was not always the case, and until the second half of the 19th century, the theory of the constancy and immutability of species prevailed, according to which each breed was unique. In 1868, Charles Darwin's work "Changing Animals and Plants under the Influence of Domestication" was published, in which domestic pigeons took one of the central places. Studying various breeds of birds and conducting experiments on their crossing, the scientist came to the conclusion that their diversity is the result of selection, and the common ancestor is the wild dove.

The exact time when the history of domestication of these birds began is unknown; according to various estimates, this could have happened from 5 to 10 thousand years ago. There are three main theories about this. One of them says that this could have happened in the Middle East in the area of ​​the Fertile Crescent in 8 thousand years BC, when agriculture began to develop - people learned to grow wheat and barley. Attracted by the junk grain, the birds themselves began to settle near the person, and people began to eat them. Another assumption is that in ancient times temples were built on rocky coasts where pigeons lived, and birds used these structures to arrange nests. Finally, the third hypothesis states that people collected bird eggs for further consumption, and then, to facilitate the task, they began to keep the birds in their caves, where they began to breed.

Carrier pigeons

Carrier pigeons with messages

According to the general opinion of experts, domesticated pigeons were originally used by humans as a food source, but they gained the most popularity in the world as a carrier of messages. It is believed that the ancient navigators drew attention to the ability of blue-gray pigeons to return to their nesting sites, since the birds released into the sea always tried to return back to the rocky shores, their natural habitat. Long before our era, carrier pigeons were used by many cultures of the Mediterranean. The earliest known fact to date is the liberation in 2900 BC. NS. birds from ships approaching the shores of Egypt in order to warn the authorities about the arrival of important guests. In 2350 BC. NS. king Akkad (Mesopotamia, the territory of modern Iraq) drugs in places of imprisonment.


Main article: Pigeon breeding

Domestic pigeon

Over the long history of breeding, man has managed to breed a large number of varieties of pigeons, significantly differing from each other in physique, size, color and flight abilities, but nevertheless having a common ancestor - a wild blue pigeon. Currently, more than 800 breeds are known, which, according to their practical application, are divided into three main groups: sports, meat and decorative. About 200 breeds of domestic pigeons are bred on the territory of Russia.

The breeding and keeping of pigeons, known in Russian as pigeon breeding, is carried out in specialized nurseries called pigeons. For mating and raising offspring, dovecotes are equipped with steam, or nesting boxes. Distinguish between purebred breeding and crossbreeding - in the first case, birds of the same breed are mated in order to preserve valuable qualities, in the second, selection is made between different breeds to obtain new or improved qualities.

The Muslim white dove is a sacred bird that carried water in its beak to Muhammad for washing.

In Russia, the capital of pigeon breeding is the city of Georgievsk, located in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters of the Stavropol Territory.

On the other hand, large crowds of birds are a hassle for public utilities, polluting buildings, sculptures and green spaces with droppings. In addition, experts came to the conclusion that sisari are gradually destroying architectural monuments, pecking out the seeds brought in by the wind from microscopic cracks and thereby increasing their size. As a result, some megacities around the world have introduced rules aimed at limiting bird populations, such as a ban on feeding under the threat of a monetary fine. In addition, grain with contraceptive chemicals is thrown to the birds and birds of prey, natural enemies of blue doves, are used.

At airports, pigeons, like other birds, can interfere with aircraft and get into turbines.

Some consider pigeons to be "dirty" birds, spreading dangerous diseases. Indeed, in birds and their droppings, up to 60 different pathogens can be detected, such as avian influenza, histoplasmosis, torulosis, psittacosis, etc. However, the method of transmission of infection from bird to human is difficult to achieve, and cases of the disease are thus either isolated or not registered at all. According to an official statement from the American Pigeon Veterinarian Association ( Association of Pigeon Veterinarians), made in 1986, "the breeding, keeping and training of pigeons poses no greater health risk than keeping other public or domestic animals."

Classification and subspecies

The dove belongs to the genus of pigeons ( Columba), the family of pigeons ( Columbidae). Its closest relative is the rocky dove ( Columba rupestris), and after him white-breasted ( Columba leuconota), speckled ( Columba guinea) and Ethiopian ( Columba albitorques) pigeons. According to fossil finds, the formation of the species took place 40-50 million years ago, at the end of the Eocene - the beginning of the Oligocene.

This bird was first scientifically described by the German physician, botanist and chemist Johann F. Gmelin in 1789 in the 13th edition of Systema Naturae. The Latin name columba is related to ancient Greek. κολυμβίς "dive", as well as either primordially

Once (in winter 2014) Mikhail I.K. went out onto the porch and noticed a sick pigeon. The pigeon was wounded and frozen. Mikhail IK fattened him up, gave him drink and cured him. And he named him Gosha (Go-Go). When Gosha stood on the wings, he no longer wanted to fly away from his home. Soon he began to fly to the church on the Gora (Gora Zherebtsova) and bring his friends to the house. Before Gosha came to the house of Mikhail I.K., pigeons (red and white) already lived in our house, there were many young animals from them, but they also flew away. And before Gosha, the pigeons did not arrive at the house of Mikhail I.K. and Albina L.K. A few weeks ago, Gosha and his child unexpectedly appear.

Most of the family members were at a loss. See why Raising a fir-tree Child Raising a Mother - a dove Cub - Before growing up Father - a dove Never!

Then Mikhail IK was not taken aback and renamed Gosha into Gunka. The baby Gunka was named Gosha. Gosha squeaked all the time, asking for food. His rosy nose has always attracted others. Gosha's colors are white and black, not black and white. Always dirty breasts. He found himself a wooden pole and sits there for hours, sleeps there until his "lads" are gone. So I decided to create a Gaucher Research Paper. ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN!

Gosha (Go-Go, George) Gosha grows and lives in human society. MAIN QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. Get into the confidence of the pigeons. 2. Learn about the secret life of Gosha and other pigeons. 3. Teach pigeons to trust a person.

The first day. Distrust on the first day gives way to curiosity. Soon they don't care that I walk next to them (row 1). Gosha tries to avoid me and tries to eat when I left (row 2). They are afraid of a quick step and unexpected jerks. CATEGORIES KAYA 1 THEMORI KAYA 2 THEMORIES KAYA 1 THEMORY 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 Row 1 Row 2

Second day. The study of the structure of the pack begins. Everything that I managed to find out: NUMBER OF STACES: 2 STACES UNITED IN A COMMUNITY COMPONENTS OF THE COMMUNITY: Alpha male (2); Alpha female (4); Outcast (1); Young growth (3); Omega male (7); Omega female (3); Single (1); Chief (1); Test stuntman (2).

Day Three. Gosha is not afraid of me, but he is wary. He no longer beeps for food. We begin to give names to pigeons: Vasya, Borisych, Yuri Dmitrievich Shparo, Arthur, Natasha. IN THE PHOTO: GOSHA WITH OMEGA FEMALES. q NOTE: GOSH'S MOTHER IS ALPHA FEMALE

Day four. After several weeks of separation from the charges (as the experiment says) Gosha and the pigeons recognize me and are more friendly. Row 1 5 4 3 Row 1 2 1 0 Relationships towards me were unstable Relationships towards me became stable

Day Five. Unexpectedly for the experiment, Gosha and Yuri D. Sh. With other pigeons unknown to me began to follow me like goslings after their goose. They looked a little like, and then fell behind.

Phase 1 ended on Day Six. failure Finally, the pigeons began to eat from the hand! with pigeons. I already wanted to close the experiment ahead of schedule, when they remembered that 99.9% of trust in a person had not been verified. To do this, I offered my brother Lev G.K. to feed the 2nd phase ended with the hands of the community of pigeons. 99.9% confidence. And suddenly, unexpectedly for the experiment, they began to eat from the hand of a stranger who did not feed them. 99.9% completed. But what about 0.1%? Phase 3, where you need to earn 00.1% trust.

The Dove Project is a research program launched by zoopsychologist B.F. Skinner during World War II. It was developed before it existed electronic systems guidance.

The pigeons were chosen because they are lightweight, affordable and easy to train.

1. Pigeons are trained to peck at a target in aerial photographs. Once a certain skill is achieved, each pigeon is placed in a casing inside the pipe.

2. Pipes with pigeons are fixed in the fuselage of the bomb. There are three pigeons in each neck. Three birds were needed to increase accuracy.

3. After the bomb was closed, the pigeons could see the area through a glass screen, onto which an image was projected using a lens system.

4. After launching the bomb, when they saw the target, the pigeons should have started pecking at the screen. As long as the dove pecks at the center of the screen, the projectile flies straight; but the displacement of the pecks away from the center causes the screen to roll, and this, in turn, through the flight control system, makes the projectile change course.

Despite skepticism about the idea, the National Defense Research Committee invested $ 25,000 in this research.

However, Skinner's plans to use pigeons in a Pelican rocket were deemed too eccentric and impractical.

The nose cone was intended for use on the PELICAN bomb.

The program was closed on October 8, 1944, as the military decided that "further development of the project would seriously delay work on other projects, which, in the opinion of the competent authorities, will have a more visible and immediate effect for military purposes."

Project Dove was reactivated by the Navy in 1948 under the name Project Orcon under the direction of Dr. F.V. Taylor.

In artificially simulated tests, the pigeons performed "surprisingly well". Scientists were convinced that pigeons could control the projectile under optimal conditions, correcting their own errors and those of the projectile.

55.3% of completed launches were successful.

But after 3 years of development and testing of the equipment, the project was rejected, since the range of the Orcon system could not exceed the range of any optical system, and could only be used in the daytime.

The project was abandoned in 1953 when there was no doubt about the reliability of the electronic control systems.