Leadership Competency Test. We create an electronic test to assess the competencies of document specialists. Test tasks OLK

Instructions for testing for the assessment of competence

According to the FBBM methodology, the following motives are subject to assessment:

Based on the test results, 4 reports will be generated for each respondent, including the competency profile not only descriptively, but also graphically.

II. Test-takers work with an account, in the modeon- lain cheadquarters of the consulting firm ATG-CNT Consult.


received from the administrator.

4. Fill in personal data in Russian in the window that appears on the screen. Move the cursor and click "Next".

5. The text appears on the screen - an introduction to the first part of the test - CAPTain Objektiv - these are 183 statements and self-assessment. Follow the test instructions.

Be sure to choose one answer, no matter how difficult this choice may be!!!

6. After the end of the first part of testing, the second one starts immediately -

CAPTain Subjektiv is 38 blocks of questions. Follow the test instructions.

Mark the selected answer - Move the cursor to the circle next to the selected option and click the mouse, a dot will appear. After the answer is marked, move the cursor and click the mouse "Next".

At the end of the test, the test results appear as hyperlinks. Can be saved to a flash drive.

7. At the end of the second part of the test, the third begins immediately -

FBBM test to assess motivation. Follow the test instructions. Mark the selected answer - Move the cursor to the circle next to the selected option and click the mouse, a dot will appear. After the answer is marked, move the cursor and click the mouse "Next".

At the end of the test, the test results appear as hyperlinks. Can be saved to a flash drive.

In case of interruption of the testing process, for example, you accidentally clicked "Continue later", do the following:

1. Log in to your account at www. .

2. Select a language from the presented list, move the cursor and click the mouse.

3. Enter "Username" and "Login", received from the administrator.

Move the cursor and click "Login".

Testing will continue from the point where it was interrupted.

Below is a list of questions and answers for testing the QOL for public service, similar to which will be used in testing.

It must be understood that this type of testing is not a test of knowledge, but only serves to determine the personal qualities of a person applying for public service. That is why test tasks, except for the category "Analytic", do not have the correct answer. All test tasks are interconnected and, in case of giving false answers, the result can be greatly distorted and incorrectly determine your personal qualities.

Test tasks OLK

1. Task. What quality unites the following words: brother, matchmaker, brother-in-law, grandfather, son-in-law

  1. relatives
  2. family
  3. sect
  4. detachment

2. Task. Determine the missing number: 47, 38, 29, 10, ...

3. Task. Determine the main content of the text: “The family has warm relations, they support and understand each other perfectly”

  1. warm relationship
  2. support
  3. understanding
  4. Friendly family
  5. everyone is friendly

4. Situation. Your colleague is not organized. What advice would you give to a colleague so that his behavior does not negatively affect the work and its results?

  1. morally support a colleague, tell him that everything will turn out right
  2. advise him to break one task into several smaller ones
  3. advise him to learn from more efficient employees
  4. advise him to be smarter
  5. advise him to look for the most interesting side of the work

5. Question. In which of the following processes do you feel most collected and organized?

  1. in order
  2. in constant compliance with the requirements of every working day
  3. in the clear implementation of plans, tasks and instructions
  4. in independent action planning
  5. in the ability to show balance and stability

6. Situation. Your work is related to the availability of accurate information received from colleagues. What quality of personality is necessary to show in order to consistently receive reliable information?

  1. find a common language with colleagues who know valuable information
  2. talk with colleagues on various topics of interest to them
  3. build trusting relationships with all colleagues
  4. show your sociability and charisma
  5. show kindness and respect for colleagues

7. Question. Which of the following, in your opinion, contributes to successful interaction at work and, as a result, positive results at work?

  1. accurate understanding of information and colleagues
  2. professional literacy
  3. clear presentation of information content
  4. complete professional knowledge
  5. manifestation of sincerity, honesty, openness in communication with colleagues

8. Situation. At work, you are faced with the task of always being accurate, meeting the requirements of the service, and being conscientious. What behavior, in your opinion, is necessary to meet the expectations of the employer?

  1. work confidently and seriously
  2. be efficient at work
  3. be creative, offer creative solutions
  4. be flexible, quickly adapt to working conditions
  5. be responsible for the results

9. Situation. One of the colleagues shows leadership qualities and is eager to become the leader of the department. What sign will indicate such an employee?

  1. a colleague who demonstrates to others the results of his work and work on bugs
  2. a colleague with whom you enjoy the results of joint work
  3. a colleague who maintains excellent physical and mental shape and promotes a healthy lifestyle for employees
  4. a colleague who shows himself and promotes impeccability in the execution of instructions from the management
  5. a colleague whose work is distinguished by its greatest usefulness and creativity

10. Question. Which of the following characterizes your initiative?

  1. I always offer proactive solutions and ideas
  2. I always carry out my style of work
  3. I always adapt myself to the existing pace and style of work
  4. I always respond to conditions that affect work
  5. I always respond to orders and tasks of the head

11. Situation. You were instructed to organize and conduct a solemn event. Which of the following qualities would you apply?

  1. the ability to collaborate with specialists in planning and implementing a holiday
  2. the ability to be a vivid example of activity, zeal and initiative in the implementation of instructions
  3. ability to manage, purposefully regulate the course of events
  4. the ability to motivate employees to be socially active
  5. ability to independently conduct ceremonial events

12. Situation. For the most coordinated work of the department, the management plans to elect a leader, a responsible head of the department. What personal quality should management focus on when choosing a leader?

  1. the ability to supervise the work of oneself and colleagues
  2. ability to positively influence colleagues
  3. ability to inspire colleagues
  4. Ability to communicate ideas and plans clearly to colleagues
  5. the ability to see the consequences of collective work events and be ready to independently take responsibility for them

13. Situation. Among the employees of the department, the management is looking for a leader with the following qualities: demanding of himself, commitment, responsibility for the results of work. In what activities can you track the leadership qualities of an employee?

  1. task in which it is necessary to take into account the interests of all participants
  2. tasks, the result of which depends entirely on the ability to influence people
  3. tasks in which it is necessary to be objective and be able to criticize
  4. tasks associated with gradually increasing responsibility
  5. tasks in which it is necessary to be able to express and defend beliefs

14. Situation. Have you noticed that your colleague, in a situation of urgent decision-making, always takes responsibility and tries to explain the actions of colleagues. How do you evaluate the employee's behavior, why does he do it?

  1. he is dedication to his work, his behavior makes sure that he did everything he could
  2. he skillfully concentrates and orients himself in a situation of urgent decision-making
  3. he is a good performer, knows what he wants and knows what to do
  4. he understands that he is responsible for the result of the work
  5. he worries about the consequences of his work

15. Question. What is most often expressed, in your opinion, as an indicator of the ethics of a person in the professional sphere?

  1. in your constant support of a positive image
  2. in recognizing you as colleagues and associates
  3. your lack of tolerance for wrongdoing
  4. in the constant display of professionalism
  5. in the exact execution of professional tasks and assignments

16. Situation. Your colleague is out of vacation and can't get back to work. During his absence, some staff have mastered the new program of work. Colleague refuses to do current job demanding training in new program. Choose one of the reasons for his behavior?

  1. the employee does not plan to stay in the department
  2. employee is misjudged by management (spoiled by management)
  3. the employee is not interested in mastering new technologies
  4. the employee strives to be visible and significant
  5. employee has free time

17. Situation. Your management, clarifying the goals of the department, has set a new, more complex task for you, which will lead to the modernization of the department's functions. What action will you take first?

  1. put the results of actions in perspective
  2. optimize actions, use the minimum number of operations
  3. take effective action
  4. Respond promptly to management instructions
  5. act thoughtfully, rationally and systematically

18. Situation. If in a working environment you are faced with a service recipient who requires special treatment and attention to himself, expresses dissatisfaction with his life and society as a whole. How will you behave?

  1. I will not succumb to emotions, I will be stable and balanced
  2. I will emotionally support the service recipient, calm him down
  3. I will demonstrate to the service recipient all my diligence and commitment
  4. I will demonstrate my reliability, professional literacy
  5. create a sense of trust and security in the service recipient

19. Question. What do you think is the highest rating for your work?

  1. this work is what the department needs
  2. it is clear that the soul is invested in this work
  3. very satisfied with the results
  4. no complaints, all is well
  5. work done in good faith

20. Question. In a situation where you are faced with an aggressive and angry person who is loudly indignant and does not want to understand you, what do you do?

  1. I will show self-control, and I will not evaluate this person
  2. I will anticipate the conflict, I will avoid meeting it at a distance
  3. I will act as advised by others (parents, friends)
  4. ignore this person, pretend that he is not there
  5. I will win over this person, I will evoke a sense of trust

21. Situation. You own confidential information that is of interest to many people, including those close to you. How will you do it?

  1. with loved ones you need to share everything
  2. I will refuse to violate confidentiality, including to relatives
  3. I will explain that I have been warned about liability, including criminal
  4. I will notify law enforcement authorities about interested persons
  5. avoid conversations about confidential information and work

22. Situation. You noticed that one of the colleagues began to talk often about visiting a religious organization, moreover, he offered to attend a presentation of the ideas and beliefs of this religious organization. How will you do it?

  1. give him a negative opinion
  2. listen to the person with understanding
  3. explain to him that there are places reserved for distribution
  4. ignore the person
  5. take the address of the presentation

23. Situation. The head of the department insists (both directly and indirectly) that you compromise, violating, at the same time, code of ethics. How will you do it?

  1. discuss with management the terms of a compromise
  2. I ignore the leader who provokes the situation
  3. For further work I will make a compromise
  4. I will inform my colleagues about the actions of the management, I will ask for support
  5. I will report the actions of the management to the administration or law enforcement agencies

24. Question. What can you advise a person who is experiencing anxiety and excitement due to the fact that he does not know his roots. He can't trust anyone, doesn't trust anyone or anything?

  1. take part in social events
  2. live as written in the constitution and holy books, which he himself can choose
  3. work on yourself, developing trust in people, find people who can support him
  4. live the way the people around him at home and at work lived and live
  5. advise not to become limp, set a goal and go towards it

Psychological tests are designed to assess personal qualities, intelligence, psychophysiological properties of a person. Indeed, knowing what a person wants, what he can, and what his character is, one can make assumptions about what kind of activity it would be preferable for him to engage in. But by themselves, the individual measurements of these properties do not allow us to draw any holistic conclusion.

Let's say the test showed that you are an emotionally stable extrovert, who also knows how to count well in your head. This data in itself may be of interest only to you, for the purpose of self-knowledge.

Therefore, the tests used by psychologists for the purpose of selecting and evaluating personnel needed to be interpreted by specialists regarding the purpose of their application. Psychologists summarized the data obtained and, on the basis of such an analysis, drew conclusions about the potential suitability of an employee or candidate for a particular position. Thus, psychological tests involve the projection of immediate test results - indicators on psychometric scales - onto some secondary criteria.

The Laboratory has long and successfully used the principle of using reference profiles of professions. Knowing the requirements for professional activity, it is easy to guess what psychological qualities a person must possess in order to most successfully cope with his duties. The respondent, passing through complex psychological testing, received a report in which his individual psychological profile was compared with the reference profiles of professions included in the program. And in the report, a rating list of these professions appeared with similarity coefficients that showed how suitable this or that specialty was for a person. This approach was used not only to provide career guidance services, but also for companies that, conducting a mass selection of candidates for various vacancies, wanted to know what alternative vacancies a given candidate with given psychological properties could apply for.

But it is possible to project the results of psychological testing not only on professions, but also on individual professional important qualities, activities and, of course, competencies which “blossomed victoriously” in every self-respecting Russian company (commenting on some irony that sounds about innocent competencies, I emphasize that they have spread in Russian HR management like a fashion when everyone without exception wears its subject, even those to whom it does not suit).


At the moment, in most medium and large Russian companies there are corporate competency systems. For some, they were once developed by one or another consulting company. In some organizations, it was "lowered from above." Someone developed them on their own. But, as a result, competency systems, as corporate personnel assessment criteria, exist almost everywhere.

I must say that among the many systems of corporate competencies of various companies, there are much more similarities than differences. And this is not because the competencies for them were developed by the same well-known consulting company, but because the “portrait of an ideal employee” in the Russian mentality comes down to the same features - organization, loyalty, leadership, stress resistance, development orientation , teamwork, etc. Compare with your list of competencies and underline familiar words!

As it is sung in one old song of "Soviet times":
"You just have to be beautiful,
noble, fair,
Smart, honest, strong, kind,
Only and everything…”

So socially approved behavioral manifestations become the criteria for assessing personnel.

Let's take a look at the hypertext dictionary of methodological terms on our website.

COMPETENCE- the requirement of the organization to the employee, prescribing him responsibility for a certain result in a certain area in the organization (within a certain "area of ​​responsibility"). The second meaning, which is often used in the context of ASSESSMENT, defines COMPETENCE as the standard of behavior desired by an organization in a particular job role (business situation) that ensures the organization's successful achievement of its goals.

We are talking, of course, about the "second meaning" of this word. In fact, there are many definitions of the concept of “competence”, but all of them, one way or another, come down to the idea that this is a behavioral criterion. And since human behavior can be observed, it is convenient to use competency criteria in expert assessment methods - where experts can serve as observers: the Assessment Center and 360 degrees.
However, such a method as the Assessment Center is expensive and labor-intensive, and therefore is used, as a rule, only for assessing key specialists and managers. Collecting feedback using the 360-degree method can be carried out not in all companies, since its success is highly dependent on the socio-psychological climate in the team, in addition, for obvious reasons, it is not applicable for evaluating candidates. Thus, the need is indicated for such an assessment method that would be easy to use, relatively cheap and would allow predicting human behavior in working situation. This is definitely a psychological test. But in order to solve our problem - assessment within the framework of the system of corporate competencies - it is necessary that the test results are projected onto the competency criteria.

It must be said right away that no assessment method should be applied separately, in isolation. Each of them needs to be supplemented by another, alternative method. Psychological testing should be supplemented with interviews. In this case, we are talking about such a method as an interview on competencies. Psychological testing is a statistical, quantitative method. Interview - expert, high-quality. The combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment methods dramatically reduces the likelihood of error.

Building a model of the relationship between psychological factors and competencies

How are psychological factors projected onto competencies? It is not difficult to imagine what psychological properties, for example, an employee demonstrating customer-oriented behavior should have. First, a certain motivation. He should like to work with people, to help them, to receive gratitude from them for this. Secondly, in some production situations, he must have a certain vocabulary. And this is the property of the intellect. Thirdly, he must have friendliness, avoid conflicts, strive to find mutual understanding with people. Motivation, intelligence and personal qualities can be measured using psychological testing and the results can be translated into the "language of competencies". To do this, the Laboratory specialists, who speak the language of psychometric criteria, get acquainted with the content corporate system competencies of the Customer and carry out the procedure of multidimensional expert scaling, when each expert evaluates each psychometric criterion for each competency criterion. This takes into account the consistency of experts, and reveals significant relationships between the two systems of criteria.

It is clear that, in fact, psychological tests do not evaluate a set of behavioral manifestations given in the description of competence, but give a probabilistic forecast of the manifestation of such behavior in a production situation. Its accuracy depends, firstly, on the qualifications of specialists who build a model of the relationship between psychological scales and competencies, and, secondly, on constant external conditions that affect human behavior - the general atmosphere in the company, relations with management and colleagues, etc. d. The specialists of the Laboratory are highly qualified and have extensive experience in building such communication models, especially since they are the authors and developers of psychological tests used to assess personnel. However, discrepancies between the prediction of human behavior based on test results and peer review using 360-degree methods and the Assessment Center sometimes happen. And it's natural.

The psychological test cannot take into account the impact of social environment factors. If a person with leadership potential does not demonstrate it in the observed behavior, then this does not mean that the test is wrong. It's just, perhaps, that the Japanese practice of “hammering nails” operates in the company, when the manifestation of leadership by subordinates in the company is “extinguished in the bud”.

Nevertheless, practice shows that if the procedure for conducting an expert assessment of personnel is built correctly and the criteria system is valid, then the discrepancies between the expert assessment and the results of psychological testing will be minimal.

Case Study

The laboratory developed a model of the relationship between psychological test factors and competency criteria for a Moscow manufacturing company. This company has established a system of periodic personnel assessment using the 360-degree method. The same people were evaluated by the 360-degree method and tested. The results of psychological testing were translated into values ​​according to competency criteria. The 360-degree assessment was carried out directly on competencies. The results of the two types of evaluation were compared with each other within the same sample (40 people).

The first column contains the names of the competency criteria (testing and 360). In the second, the correlation coefficients between the estimates by the two methods. In the third one, the probability of error, which should not exceed 0.05 in order to conclude that the relationship obtained is significant.



p level




























For reference: is the correlation coefficient of 0.54 a lot or a little? Since this coefficient varies from -1 to 1 (and not from 0 to 1), then, roughly speaking, a coefficient of 0.54 corresponds to approximately 77% of the output accuracy. And this is a very good result!

Problems in building a model of the relationship between psychological factors and competencies

There are many pitfalls hidden in building a correct model of the relationship between psychological factors and competencies.

Firstly, this is the problem of “grading” competencies (breaking down into levels). This problem is relevant when using a unified corporate system of competencies for all employees of the organization. Hierarchy labor collective and differences in specialization require a breakdown of competencies into levels. These levels allow, building profiles for competencies, to some extent, to take into account the specifics of various groups of personnel. At the same time, the levels of competencies do not form a single scale. So, for example, in a four-level system of competencies (from 0 to 3), the first level of competence Customer focus can be described as a set of such behavioral criteria as personal attention to the client, courtesy, providing the client with complete and truthful information, etc. And the third level is the organization of the activities of the entire department or company in order to build a system of relationships with customers, which increases the attractiveness of the company and its products for them. Agree that the first and second cases require a different set of human qualities and types of behavior! Fortunately, the results of psychological testing can be projected to a specific level of competence development.

Another problem is that, although tests are statistically validated, the model of communication with competencies is usually created by experts. And at this stage, the probability of error increases. It happens that even when the opinion of experts about the connection between the psychological criterion and competence is unanimous, in practice it turns out that it is still erroneous. But it is the comparison of the data of psychological testing and peer review using the 360-degree method or the Assessment Center that allows you to make adjustments to the model, validate it.

Case Study

For large transport company a model of the relationship between tests and competencies was developed, including the frequently encountered competency "Leadership". For some competencies, the values ​​“coincided” immediately (high correlation of values ​​calculated from the test results and those obtained during the Assessment), for others they did not. In particular, for the “Leadership” competence in our communication model, at first the values ​​did not converge well, when they began to check it, it turned out that not all the proposed test scales are involved in the assessment of this competence. The validation stage confirmed that the ideal profile for this competence includes such psychological factors as: the desire for active work, a dominant position, the ability to understand many issues and effectively solve problems (including outlook, logic). However, it turned out that for this company, for its ideal leaders, sociability and command of speech are of no importance, although experts called these factors significant for the Leadership competence.

In another project, experts based on interviews with the leaders of the organization revealed that middle managers constantly have to work in a difficult, emotionally intense environment that requires a lot of physical strength. From which the experts concluded that active, sociable and emotionally stable people should most successfully cope with such activities. But a comparison with the results of internal evaluation showed that the model works exactly the opposite way - the highest results in the model are shown by the least suitable managers. The conducted mass testing showed that successful leaders in the conditions of this organization should not be so much hardy and "fearless", as the experts imagined them, but rather moderately cautious and not too sociable people.

These cases show that the stage of validation of the model of connection between psychological scales and competencies is technologically necessary. Even if in a small company it is not possible to collect the necessary amount of data at a time (minimum - 15 people more successful and less successful within the competence or certain position) and immediately build a statistically valid relationship model, it is worth accumulating test results and expert assessments candidates and employees in order to be able to compare them in the future and check whether the test scales you intend are really significant for this company, this specialty, this competence. Although it will take some effort, the result will pay off all the effort.

  • 1. The components of competence do not include:
    • a) leadership;
    • b) human resource management;
    • c) leadership;
    • d) responsibilities.
  • 2. Conscious incompetence is:
    • a) low productivity, lack of perception of differences in constituent parts or actions; the employee does not know what he does not know, what knowledge and skills he needs;
    • b) low productivity, recognition of shortcomings and weaknesses; the employee realizes what he lacks for successful work;
    • c) improved performance, conscious efforts towards more efficient actions; the employee is able to consciously adjust his activities.
  • 3. Professional competence does not include:
    • a) functional competence;
    • b) intellectual competence;
    • c) conscious competence;
    • d) social competence.
  • 4. In the structure of professional competence, the elements of qualification do not include:
    • a) behavior;
    • b) knowledge;
    • c) skills;
    • d) skills.
  • 5. There is no type of competence:
    • a) individual;
    • b) corporate;
    • c) key;
    • d) mixed.
  • 6. Type of competence, the main components of which are productivity, equity, sustainability and empowerment:
    • a) individual;
    • b) corporate;
    • c) key;
    • d) mixed.
  • 7. Author of the first approach to the definition of corporate competence:
    • a) M. Armstrong;
    • b) M.K. Rumizen;
    • c) R. Boyatsis;
    • d) G. Kannak.
  • 8. Competence is:
    • a) the ability of the employee to coordinate their activities with colleagues and be useful to team members;
    • b) knowledge, skills and possession of skills;
    • c) a certain characteristic of a person, necessary for the performance of certain work and allowing its owner to obtain the necessary results of work;
    • d) the ability of an individual who has a personal characteristic to solve work problems to obtain the necessary results of work.
  • 9. Not a carrier of competencies:
    • a) an employee;
    • b) industry;
    • c) organization;
    • d) a living organism.
  • 10. Individual competence is:
    • a) the degree of mastery of the methods of self-realization and development of individuality within the profession, readiness for professional growth, the ability for individual self-preservation, resistance to professional aging, the ability to rationally organize one's work without overloading time and effort;
    • b) a system of interrelated knowledge, skills and abilities, personal characteristics, motivations, as well as models of behavior based on this, allowing to effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to the employee at a given workplace at a given time;
    • c) the competence of personnel at the level necessary for the organization to achieve its main goals: economic, scientific and technical, industrial and commercial and social;
    • d) integration of abilities, skills, abilities, i.e. a synthesis of knowledge covering all the skills available in the relevant key units of the organization, located at the center, and not at the periphery of its competitive success.

Test 2

  • 1. Competence is:
    • a) knowledge, skills, possession of skills;
    • b) a certain characteristic of a person, necessary for the performance of certain work and allowing its owner to obtain the necessary results of work;
    • c) the ability of an individual who has a personal characteristic for solving work tasks to obtain the necessary results of work;
  • 2. The substitution of the competences of the VUV or the PVK threatens:
    • a) getting invalid results;
    • b) obtaining a conflict situation that reduces the result to zero;
    • c) discrepancy between the amount of costs and the results obtained;
    • d) the fact that the results obtained in the process of applying the model will be fragmentary, not providing the desired quality of work.
    • d) professionally important qualities: individual qualities of the subject of activity that affect the effectiveness of the activity and the success of its development.
  • 4. Extremely big set competencies can lead to:
    • a) to obtain a conflict situation that reduces the result to zero;
    • b) to simple values ​​of the costs of operating the model relative to the results of its application;
    • c) to the discrepancy between the amount of costs and the results obtained;
    • d) to the impossibility of obtaining valid results.
  • 5. The competency model is:
    • a) a structured set of required, identifiable and measurable competencies with behavioral indicators;
    • b) a structured detailed description of the job position based on professional competencies;
    • c) a set of competencies that allows the employee to perform their professional official duties as efficiently as possible;
    • d) a set of competencies interconnected into a single semantic unit.
  • 6. The reason for the defective work of the competency model when receiving a conflict situation that reduces the result to zero is:
    • a) lack of understanding of the usefulness of the competency model among the personnel of the organization;
    • b) an extremely large set of competencies;
    • c) competencies that are incomplete in structure;
    • d) immeasurability of competencies.
  • 7. Behavior indicators are:
    • a) professionally important qualities: individual qualities of the subject of activity, affecting the effectiveness of the activity and the success of its development;
    • b) standards of conduct that correspond to the effective actions of an employee with a specific competence;
    • c) a structured detailed description of the job position based on professional competencies;
    • d) the ability of an individual who has a personal characteristic to solve work problems to obtain the necessary results of work.
  • 8. Consequences of the immeasurability of competencies:
    • a) the impossibility of obtaining valid results;
    • b) getting invalid results;
    • c) obtaining a conflict situation that reduces the result to zero;
    • d) simple values ​​of the costs of operating the model relative to the results of its application.
  • 9. Defect of the competency model, which is eliminated in the process of its “running in”:
    • a) incomplete indicators of behavior;
    • b) inconsistency of the model configuration with the purposes of its application;
    • c) repeatability of competencies;
    • d) an extremely large set of competencies.
  • 10. A way to eliminate the defect of the competency model "competence repeatability":
    • a) improve the process of collecting information;
    • b) inform the staff using all corporate information channels available in the organization;
    • c) double-check the presence in the competence structure of all its elements;
    • d) check using the method of paired comparisons.

Test 3

  • 1. Possibilities of using the competency model in recruitment:
    • a) drawing up a collective agreement;
    • b) drafting job advertisements;
    • c) drawing up a plan for labor rationing.
  • 2. The report on the evaluation of the performance of work includes:
    • a) interpersonal relationships in the team;
    • b) the main character traits of the employee;
    • c) recommendations for the further development of the employee.
  • 4. Assessment center is:
    • a) assessment of the participants' competencies by observing their real behavior in business games;
    • b) a center for assessing the competencies of participants through comprehensive testing.
  • 5. The assessment center allows you to evaluate:
    • a) the level of development of competencies;
    • b) the level of income of the employee;
    • c) the social and psychological state of the employee.
  • 6. The procedure included in the Assessment Center is:
    • a) sports competitions;
    • b) structured interview;
    • c) career guidance.
  • 7. There are three types of Assessment Center:
    • a) circular, one-sided, abbreviated;
    • b) direct, double-sided, universal.
  • 8. The competency-based assessment method is called:
    • a) “180°” technique;
    • b) “365°” technique;
    • c) “360°” technique.
  • 9. List the three reference groups of the 360° methodology:
    • a) a group "top", "side", "bottom";
    • b) a group "from above", "behind", "around";
    • c) group "on top", "side", "behind".
  • 10. How many stages does the 360° method include:
    • a) three;
    • b) five;
    • at four.

Test 4

  • 1. The elements of competence include:
    • a) general knowledge, professional knowledge, professional skills, communication skills, management skills;
    • b) motivation, general knowledge, professional skills;
    • c) general knowledge, professional knowledge; professional skills, communication skills;
    • d) professional skills, communication skills, managerial skills.
  • 2. The sequence of steps in building a model of personal competencies according to G. Hamel and K. Prahalad:
    • a) the business process model of the organization, the strategy of the organization, the model of personal competencies, key business competencies;
    • b) key business competencies, organization strategy, organization business process model, personal competencies model;
    • c) key business competencies, organization business process model, organization strategy, personal competencies model;
    • d) model of business processes of the organization, model of personal competencies, key business competencies, strategy of the organization.
  • 3. Professional knowledge- this:
  • 4. For each competence, a scale is drawn up, including five levels. The first level is called:
    • a) the level of incompetence;
    • b) the level of limited competence;
    • c) basic;
    • d) high competence.
  • 5. Competency management levels are:
    • a) the level of personality;
    • b) level of organization, level of personality;
    • c) level of organization;
    • d) the level of management of the organization.
    • b) a certain characteristic of a person, necessary for the performance of certain work, allowing its owner to obtain the necessary results of work;
    • c) standards of conduct that correspond to the effective actions of the employee;
    • d) knowledge, skills, possession of skills.
  • 7. The system, which includes the concept, program and organization of the educational process, is called:
    • a) a system for forming a job profile;
    • b) system of personal competencies;
    • c) development of professional competence;
    • d) organizational and corporate competencies.
  • 8. General knowledge is:
    • a) knowledge gained in professional activities;
    • b) the skills necessary for the implementation of functional duties;
    • c) presentation and self-presentation skills;
    • d) knowledge gained as a result basic education and self-education.
  • 9. Author of Competing for the Future:
    • a) G. Hamel;
    • b) K. Prahalad;
    • c) R. Boyatsis;
    • d) G. Hamel, K. Prahalad.
  • 10. Position profile is:
    • a) a detailed description of the position based on professional competencies;
    • b) standards of conduct that are consistent with effective action;
    • c) important qualities for the profession, regardless of this or that organization;
    • d) a behavioral characteristic that affects the performance of work.

Test 5

  • 1. A logical description of the elements and functions of the competencies used in the organization is:
    • a) competency model;
    • b) competence;
    • c) indicator of behavior;
    • d) cluster of competencies.
  • 2. The competency profile is:
    • but) handy tool, which allows you to work with the competency model, actually representing its fragment;
    • b) grouping from competencies of clusters and levels;
    • c) a set of competencies that an employee corresponding to the position held should have;
    • d) basic standards of conduct.
  • 3. The competency profile is compiled in the form of a figure:
    • a) a circle
    • b) diagrams;
    • c) a square;
    • d) parabolas.
  • 4. The competency model is most often used in the field of:
    • a) business;
    • b) accounting;
    • c) personnel management;
    • d) research activities.
  • 5. The type of specific activity through which the competency model works is:
    • a) planning;
    • b) model;
    • c) method;
    • d) function.
  • 6. The competency model finds application:
  • 8. The competency model, which contains the basic standards of behavior and the same set of behavioral indicators for all positions, is:
    • a) competencies without a level;
    • b) competencies by levels;
    • c) precise competencies;
    • d) two-level competencies.
  • 9. The qualitative content of the competency model should meet the following criteria:
    • a) the immeasurability of competencies;
    • b) the maximum set of competencies with repetitions and intersections;
    • c) high level of development of competencies;
    • d) compliance with the strategic goals of the organization.
  • 10. The ability of an individual who has a personal characteristic to solve work problems is:
    • a) competence;
    • b) competence;
    • c) indicator of behavior;
    • d) standard of conduct.
  • Competence is: a) knowledge, skills, possession of skills; b) a certain characteristic of a person, necessary for the performance of certain work and allowing its owner to obtain the necessary results of work; c) the ability of an individual who has a personal characteristic for solving work tasks to obtain the necessary results of work;
  • Factors affecting the efficiency of the employee (select the odd one): a) domestic; b) organizational; c) managerial; d) personal; e) evaluation.
  • Competence is: a) a mechanism that allows turning strategic business imperatives into models of effective behavior of enterprise employees: from managers to workers;
  • The content of competency models includes: a) planning; b) a complete set of competencies and behavior indicators; in) innovative technologies; d) levels of competencies.

Successful development of the company, as a rule, requires competent personnel. To date, the most effective method for assessing the abilities of an applicant is considered to be an interview on competencies.

What is a competency interview?

Competency interview is an interview method based on an assessment of the degree of development of a person’s qualities necessary for successful implementation activities related to a particular position. The interview is conducted in order to identify the personal and business abilities of the candidate, which affect the effectiveness of the implementation of a particular type of activity.

Interviews are conducted in the form of situational questions and answers. The candidate for the position is asked to explain how he would behave in a certain situation. Before proceeding to the interview, the applicant must be prepared.

A competency-based interview solves the following tasks when choosing a candidate for a position:

  • evaluates the level of a specific set of personal and business qualities of a future employee;
  • predicts the behavioral reactions of a person in a particular situation;
  • helps to make the choice of the most suitable candidate, capable of effectively performing a certain type of activity.

The structure of the interview consists of blocks of questions. Each block is aimed at identifying the degree of manifestation of each criterion corresponding to a particular position. The number of questions may vary depending on the time available and the purpose of the interview.

What qualities can be identified?

To assess personnel for compliance with a particular position, a set of certain qualities is compiled, which are checked by potential employees during an interview. Usually, 7-10 competencies are compiled that an employee must possess in order to achieve success in their field.

The list of competencies is compiled depending on the level of the position held: HR manager, company director, top manager, etc.

The list of the main qualities that are most often assessed by applicants for a vacancy during an interview on competencies, regardless of the position of the future employee:

  1. Leadership is the ability to inspire the team to achieve the desired result, maintaining effective relationships between employees.
  2. Ability to plan and organize things.
  3. Initiative is the ability to make decisions independently.
  4. Communication skills - the ability to competently, clearly and clearly communicate information orally and in writing.
  5. Resilience to stressful situations - the ability to control oneself in stressful situations, to have stability in performing work in case of lack of time or other impeding factors.
  6. The ability to work as a team and delegate authority - the ability to provide assistance in a group to achieve a common goal, the desire to resolve conflict situations, the desire to put forward their own ideas to solve the issues raised, to show interest in the point of view of other employees.
  7. Multitasking.
  8. Business awareness is the ability to see and seize favorable commercial opportunities.
  9. Goal orientation is the ability to set and achieve goals.
  10. Flexibility is the ability to adapt to different situations, including non-standard ones, without loss of efficiency.

When is a competency-based interview used?

Competency interviews are used in the following cases:

  1. Interviews with a candidate for a vacancy when applying for a job to determine the skills and abilities that a person should have in a particular position.
  2. Development level definitions professional qualities of a person in order to analyze the behavior of a person in various situations in order to plan a career move or form a team to complete tasks within a specific project.
  3. Planning for the individual development of an employee (identifying strengths and weaknesses to build a further plan for individual growth).

What is it, why is it needed and how is it carried out? In our article, you will study all aspects of certification.

Why is a human resources management system so important in an enterprise? you will learn what it is and why it is so important.

You will find all the tips on personnel assessment methods in an organization.

How to conduct a competency-based interview:

  • Conducting a behavioral interview requires careful preparation:
  • formation of a concept model;
  • compiling a list of questions to assess the qualitative characteristics of the applicant;
  • preparation of candidate assessment forms for the position.

The concept model is a list of qualities and characteristics that a candidate for a position must have in order to successfully fulfill his duties. For each profession, an individual list of characteristics is compiled.

For example, when recruiting for a managerial position (top manager), the following candidate's abilities are checked:

  • Leadership.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Ability to work in a team and delegate responsibilities.
  • Initiative.
  • Communication skills.
  • Ability to analyze information.
  • Multitasking.

To assess the ability to display a particular characteristic, the candidate is asked questions on each competency. Questions are formulated as examples that describe a specific situation where the candidate must demonstrate his behavior.

Questions related to the same competence are asked several times in a scatter, but in different wordings. This approach allows you to objectively assess the manifestation of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate.

For every question in without fail a certain amount of time is allotted: from 5 to 7 minutes.

In our country, some Western methods of conducting interviews on competencies are used: STAR and PARLA.

After compiling the form of questions, it is necessary to form a candidate assessment form for the position. For a more effective interpretation of the interview results, a list of characteristics and a scale for assessing behavioral qualities are prescribed in the form.

The most common is a five-point scale for assessing the abilities of a candidate.

No. p / p Grade Description
1 ND Lack of skills in this skill.
2 Competence is not developed. The negative manifestations of this characteristic are demonstrated.
3 1 "Below average": the competence is in the development stage, the manifestation of positive indicators is about 30%.
4 2
5 3 Medium level: negative and positive manifestations were demonstrated in the same proportion.
6 4 Skill level. The maximum number of positive manifestations of competence was demonstrated.

Examples of questions to determine competence


Questions allow you to assess whether the candidate is able to see the guilt in his actions and whether he strives to fulfill his obligations.

  • Tell me, what responsible task was entrusted to you by the head?
  • Demonstrate a situation when you took responsibility, but soon realized that you overestimated your capabilities.
  • Recall a time when you failed to achieve your goal.

Employee motivation

To assess whether the candidate is able to help the employee cope with the situation and give him motivation for fruitful work, the applicant must answer the proposed questions.

  • Describe a time when you needed to get more out of an employee.
  • Tell how your subordinate lost interest in work.

The questions presented will help to identify the candidate's ability to assist in the team to achieve a common goal, the desire to put forward their own ideas to solve the issues raised.

  • Remember how you needed to unite with employees to solve a common problem.
  • Tell me about a time when you found it most difficult to work in a team?

Result orientation

To assess a person's ability to set goals and achieve them, despite any obstacles, the following questions will help.

  • Recall a period when work on a project was unproductive.
  • Tell me when you set yourself big task and achieve it despite obstacles.
  • Do you consider yourself persistent? How much?
  • Tell me about a time when your perseverance came in handy.

Planning and organization

The questions presented will help to identify how the candidate is able to plan affairs and make decisions on the organization of activities aimed at the implementation of the project.

  • Tell us about your experience in planning and implementing tasks and projects.
  • Tell us how you calculated the budget for this project.
  • How did you organize the implementation of the project?
  • Did you have any difficulties in implementing this project?

A competent interviewer, after analyzing the answers, reveals how suitable the candidate is for a particular position.

Competency Interview - effective method recruitment, able to assess the main qualities of the applicant, on which the successful operation of the organization depends: leadership, initiative, responsibility, teamwork, the ability to set goals and achieve them, etc.

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