How to revoke a letter of guarantee. Sample letter of guarantee for payment: writing algorithm. Sample letters of guarantee

A guarantee or business letter is not a simple document, it is a confirmation of the performance of any actions and even compliance with the conditions set. In it, you can fix the deadline for the completion of work, a guarantee of the quality of the service provided, the fact of remuneration or cash payment. In order to correctly compose a letter of guarantee, it is worth relying on existing design samples and forms.

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A sample of filling and a form of a letter of guarantee for payment of debts and for payment for the purchased goods or products

Consider the form of a letter of guarantee for payment of debt and several examples of filling it out. It is desirable that you draw up a document on a special letterhead of the organization, as well as that there be a seal and signatures of the main persons of the company.

Designed samples:

A business letter to pay for purchased goods or products looks like this:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the performance of work

The document must contain a clause indicating the performance of work, as well as the deadline for fulfilling obligations to the organization.
Form of the letter:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the supply of goods from the manufacturer

Often, organizations themselves put forward requirements for the application for the receipt of goods. However, there is also a standard form:

Example of a letter for the delivery of goods:

Sample filling and letter of guarantee letter of employment or from the employer

The employment guarantee letter is a secondary document. It contains information that you have been considered for a specific position. In addition, your salary may be written. Some employers do without this document and simply prepare an order for admission to work. Here are some examples of an employment guarantee letter:

Most often, letters of guarantee are required by foreign citizens. They require a certified document to prove that the organization can employ them and provide conditions for the employee to work.

Sample filling and letter of guarantee for employment

This document differs from the previous one in that it must contain information about your admission to the organization - the exact date. Also, the employer is obliged to fix in it your salary, the number of the employment contract and the number of the order. Here is a letter of guarantee for employment and an example of filling out a sample:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for practice and training

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee to the tax

When registering an LLC, the tax authorities often require a letter of guarantee from the head of the company, which would confirm that the company has a legal address. Such a document must be written by the owner of the premises provided to the organization.
Letter of guarantee:

Sample Fill:

There are many types of letters of guarantee, they differ in purpose and function. Each of them is formed in accordance with the rules and norms of business correspondence. A properly executed letter of guarantee speaks of the conscientiousness of the sender and his high level of professionalism.

Letter of guarantee- This is a regulatory document that is a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations between companies, for example, on payment of an invoice or delivery of goods, as well as the timing of the order. Such a document is a formal instrument of business communication.

The letter of guarantee must be written on a sheet of A4 format. When writing such a document, it is worth using an official, business style.

The components of a letter of guarantee are as follows:

  1. Document header

In the upper right corner of the document, the recipient and sender are written, both the name of the organization and the full name of the director, in the left outgoing number.

  1. The main body of the document. Here the applicant must prescribe what the guarantee consists of.
  2. Final part. At the end of the document, the applicant must sign and stamp.

Payment guarantee letter

The payment guarantee letter indicates that the sender undertakes to make payment on time. Here you must specify exact payment amount, and it is obligatory both in capital form and in digital form. It is also necessary to include in the document all the details of the company and bank details. In some cases, the sender indicates responsibility for late or incomplete payment.

At the end of the document is signed not only by the applicant, but also by the company's financial director or accountant.

A letter of guarantee for payment is formed to an already concluded contract and is a kind of addition and obligation.

Letter of guarantee for the performance of work

A letter of guarantee for the performance of work is intended to confirm the completion of a certain number of works. Such a letter is provided by the contractor before the conclusion of the contract. Here it is necessary to write a specific list of works with the designation of the deadlines for the implementation of each stage of work.

Note - The letter of guarantee for the performance of work may contain a note on the quality of the work performed. Such a mark demonstrates the conscientiousness of the performer. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, quality is declared at once by several rules depending on the type of product or service, for example, GOST or SNiP.

Letters of guarantee

Sample filling and form of guarantee or letter of guarantee from a potential landlord

OOO "Retrans"



The address:_________________



k\s __________________



OOO Novy Mir

Vasiliev O.Yu.

Letter of guarantee

Subject to the conclusion of a lease agreement, I authorize, when registering LLC Novy Mir, to use as the location of the non-residential premises that belonged to me: Lermontova 128.


Certificate of registration of ownership

Director of LLC "Retrans" ______________________________________________ Karnaushenko V.S.

Letter of guarantee for the supply of goods from the manufacturer

Most often, large companies, due to their long presence in the market, have formed their own clearly defined requirements for filling out an application of this type. However, there are also standard forms of the filling form.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate not only the name of the product, but also its article.

Letter of guarantee of employment or from the employer

An Employment Guarantee Letter is a kind of commitment by an employer to hire a candidate for a particular position. Here the candidate's data, the full name of the position and salary are indicated.

Such a letter is most often required for persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation.

Letter of guarantee for employment

This document, despite the general similarity with the previous one, has a number of differences, primarily in that it has clear wording admission to the job of the candidate fixed ordered to enroll in the staff.

Letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner

Such a letter is necessary to guarantee the foreign person that the applicant is ready to bear all expenses related to his arrival, departures to the country, residence, and is also ready to take him to work.

Letter of guarantee for practice and training

Such a letter is provided, as a rule, for educational institutions by an enterprise as a guarantee that a student will enter an internship or study at a company. Such a letter is written in the name of the rector.

Letter of guarantee to the bank

A letter of guarantee is written in the same way for legal entities, the fact is that there are no other options for writing a letter of guarantee to a bank. Such a document is filled out depending on its function and occupies an important place in the activities any companies.

Letter of guarantee to the tax office

A letter of guarantee to the tax office is written on behalf of the owner and is a confirmation of the presence of a legal address. This confirmation is essential for tax service when registering an LLC.

Repair letter of guarantee

This letter is used when the contractor undertakes to carry out repairs in a timely manner. It may also be the obligation of the administration to allocate funds for the repair work of the municipal facility.

Warranty letter for equipment

The letter of guarantee for the equipment is intended as an obligation of the contract executor to maintain the equipment in working and proper form for a certain period of time. An example of such a commitment would be:

Thus, a number of features of the formation of a letter of guarantee can be distinguished:

  1. First of all, it is important to remember that this document is a guarantee, which means that it must contain relevant data and notes.
  2. Each letter of guarantee has its own structure, namely, a header, the main and final part of the document.
  3. There are many options and purposes of a letter of guarantee, the form of writing for each type is the same, only the main text will change.
  4. A letter of guarantee can be issued both before the conclusion and after, it all depends on its type.
  5. In addition to the director's signature, the payment guarantee letter is signed by the accountant or financial director.

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestseller "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". The owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former franchise owner and online store owner.

With the help of a payment guarantee letter, the customer guarantees that he will fulfill his obligations. The article gives a step-by-step algorithm for compiling a letter of guarantee and provides an example of a letter of guarantee for payment.

From the article you will learn:

A payment guarantee letter is a document imposing on a legal entity or individual an obligation to pay for goods or services.

A common situation is when this document is sent by a party after receiving a claim from a counterparty. In such cases, a guarantee letter of payment becomes a way to resolve the conflict.

What is the purpose of a payment guarantee letter?

The main purpose of a letter of guarantee on payment for services under the contract is to provide firm guarantees that the customer will actually pay for the services in full and on time.

If the supplier trusts the customer, he can provide services or deliver goods before receiving payment. If the customer has poor solvency, the provision of services in advance will be denied.

Purpose of the letter of guarantee:

  • the buyer or customer of services undertakes in writing to pay for services or goods;
  • the seller or service provider receives a guarantee that his services or goods will be paid for;
  • in the event of litigation, this document will be used as evidence of the existence of an agreement between the parties.

What guarantees are contained in the letter?

The letter of guarantee for payment contains guarantees that the services rendered will be paid for. Be sure to indicate the amount and term of payment (schedule of transfer of funds).

How to write a payment guarantee letter?

The text of the letter of guarantee for payment is drawn up by the secretary of the company, which is the customer of services or the buyer of goods. Then the document is signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant. The letter of guarantee is then sent to the service provider.

When preparing your letter, pay attention to the following points:

  1. To issue a letter of guarantee for payment, use a standard A4 sheet or company letterhead.
  2. After compiling the letter, register it in the Journal of outgoing documentation. The document must be assigned a registration number and indicated in the left corner of the payment guarantee letter form.
  3. The document comes into legal force after it is certified by the signatures of the head, chief accountant and the imprint of the main seal of the organization.

How to write and issue letters of guarantee is described in article.

How to write a letter of guarantee for payment: algorithm and sample

Use the standard form of the organization to draw up a warranty notice, which already has all the necessary details and fields. If you are writing a letter on a blank sheet of A4 format, then the following template of a guarantee letter for payment and the algorithm for filling it out will come in handy.

  1. Enter the original document number and date in the upper left corner.
  2. The name of the company - service provider, position, surname and initials of the head, indicate in the upper right corner of the document.
  3. Name of business paper "Letter of guarantee" or "Obligation to pay" located lower in the center.
  4. Start your letter with the phrase: "We ask you to provide services (deliver goods) according to application No....". Please enter the date of your application here.
  5. The next paragraph begins with the phrase: "We guarantee payment from the current account No. ..."(account number and bank name). Next, specify the amount and the date by which the specified amount will be transferred.
  6. Specify what will happen in case of non-payment. This may be a fine or a percentage for each day of delay. For example: “If there is no payment within the specified period ...” (indicate the percentage for each day of delay and give a link to Article 823 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the use of other people's funds).
  7. At the end of the document, the signatures of the general director and chief accountant, the seal of the organization are put, the main details and contact details of the customer enterprise are indicated.

style requirements

A payment guarantee letter refers to business documentation. Presentation requirements:

  1. Formal business style. Do not use slang, ambiguous words and words in a figurative sense.
  2. Brevity. There is no need to explain in detail the reasons for the delay in payment, talk about financial difficulties and a difficult situation. It is enough to give guarantees of fulfillment of obligations.
  3. concreteness. To give credibility to the guarantees contained in the letter, indicate the exact amounts and specific data. Avoid phrases like "We are committed to repay the debt as soon as possible." Instead, write: “We undertake to transfer the amount of 100 (one hundred) thousand rubles by 06/25/2018.”
  4. Clarity. Avoid ambiguous phrases and sentences. All information contained in the text of the message must have an unambiguous interpretation.

How to send a letter of guarantee?

You can send a letter in one of three official ways:

  1. The document is sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
  2. The letter is sent to the office or secretary of the organization that is the provider of the service or the supplier of the goods. Prepare two copies of business paper, on one of which the secretary will mark acceptance.
  3. The document is sent by fax or email. The paper version is sent later by registered mail or handed over personally.

How to write a letter of guarantee for payment, is described in article.

Sample letter of guarantee for payment for services:

Ref. No. 4555

Director of Temp LLC I. I. Petrov

Letter of guarantee

Nadezhda LLC guarantees payment for the rendered consulting services in accordance with the concluded contract No. 148 of 05.05.2018. The amount of 50,000 rubles will be paid by May 31, 2018.

In case of non-compliance with the guarantee obligations to pay the specified amount within the prescribed period, we will pay penalties in the amount of 0.1 percent of the debt for each day of delay in payment in accordance with Article 823 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Director of Nadezhda LLC(signature P.P. Semenkov)

A letter of guarantee for payment is one of the ways to impose obligations on the customer of goods or services. The supplier or contractor fulfills its obligations until payment is received. The letter is drawn up in free form, but contains a number of mandatory details: registration number, date, name of the supplier or contractor, as well as information about the amount of the guaranteed payment and the customer's bank account number.

In trade relations, situations often arise when one of the partners cannot pay for a product or service immediately. There are many ways to get a deferred payment, for example, to conclude an additional agreement with a supplier, to receive a loan or borrowed capital, to make an installment purchase or to issue a documentary guarantee. An up-to-date sample of a guarantee letter for payment for goods can be downloaded at the end of the article.

In fact, the document has no significant legal force, and nothing prevents the buyer from breaking a written promise to pay on time. However, this kind of documentation can:

  • restore the limitation period, i.e. the GP confirms that the debtor recognizes and accepts the debt;
  • compensate for the absence of a concluded contract, for example, if the goods have been delivered and the contract has not yet been signed, then the “guarantee” will exclude legal problems;
  • correct errors in the contract, for example, if the agreement between the partners is entered into by an unauthorized person, then the GP will eliminate the legal blot.

In some cases, the supplier may independently request a payment guarantee letter (a sample can be downloaded for free at the end of the article), even if the terms of the contract are not “burning”. For example, a guarantee is required to be provided to third parties as confirmation of the terms of delivery and payment.

The presence of such a document does not relieve the parties from responsibility and fulfillment of the terms of the agreements concluded. For example, if under the contract the buyer is obliged to pay for the products within 10 days, and specified 35 days in the guarantee, then the supplier has the right to accept the terms of the GP, but at the same time charge a penalty for violation of the terms for transferring payment for the supplied products.

The procedure for compiling a "guarantee"

There is no unified form for compiling a letter of guarantee. It is pointless to establish a single form, since in each case the content and text of the request-guarantee are determined on an individual basis. We suggest using a sample form of a payment guarantee letter (you can download it for free).

We draw up a guarantee on a sheet of A4 format, it is permissible to use the letterhead of the organization. Then follow the simple rules:

  1. First of all, we write down the name and address of the recipient of the “guarantee”, we also indicate the position of the head of the company and his full name.
  2. We indicate the name of the documentation, sample: "guarantee letter of payment for the goods."
  3. We describe in detail the conditions and essence of the appeal. Without fail, we indicate the details of the contract and settlement documents, prescribe the terms and procedure for settlements between partners. We indicate the amount to be transferred, the frequency of payments and special conditions, if any.
  4. If the GP is drawn up to adjust the details, terms of the agreement, then it is necessary to describe in detail the new conditions and details.
  5. We sign the document with the head and chief accountant. We put the date and seal of the company.
  6. We register the document in the journal of outgoing documentation.

You can download a sample payment guarantee letter for free.

In the business sphere, a letter of guarantee can be written for a variety of purposes: confirmation of payment under a contract for the supply of goods, ensuring the obligation to hire, provide services, return money. The legitimacy of this kind of use of letters often raises questions from both parties - participants in the agreement - about how the document is composed.

What is a letter of guarantee

A document written as a written confirmation by one party to perform some planned action in relation to the other party is called a letter of guarantee. You may need a confirmation action to confirm your intentions with a business partner or to agree with a supplier's offer when the usual consent is not enough.

Application in legal practice

The scope of letters of guarantee is business correspondence with the aim of persuading the fulfillment of certain conditions or obligations of the agreed volumes and terms. The legislation does not regulate such papers, therefore the correspondence is carried out within the framework of the norms of office work and requires special clarity of presentation, excluding ambiguous interpretation.

Is a letter of guarantee evidence in court?

Based on the practice of court cases and Decree No. A 40 / 10855-08 of the Federal Arbitration Court (Moscow District), letters of repayment of debts to the creditor are not considered an official promise to fulfill the obligation, being rather a confirmation of the author's intention or agreement with assumed responsibility. There is also no guarantee of performance in the event of litigation.

Letter of guarantee form

The document formalizes the intention to subsequently conclude an agreement with the recipient. Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the conclusion of a transaction as the acceptance by one party of an offer to conclude an agreement from the other. An offer on the term of delivery of goods, provision of services and consent to payment can be guaranteed both as an offer and as an acceptance.

Letter of guarantee as an offer

Article 435 of the Civil Code of Ukraine calls an offer a document sent to a legal entity with a proposal to consider the contract concluded if the offer made is suitable for the addressee. For example: the company that wrote the guarantee expresses its readiness to consider itself as having entered into an agreement with the addressee who accepted the offer. This is the case when the obligation is an offer.

The letter of guarantee includes important conditions. The proposal to pay for repair services must contain an obligation to start and finish work, criteria for evaluating work, and other conditions essential for a work contract specified in Articles 702 and 708 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, articles 438 and 434 of the Civil Code suggest that the transaction be considered completed, even in the absence of a bilateral main agreement.

Guarantee of acceptance in a letter

Article 438 of the Civil Code provides the opportunity for the certification paper to be an acceptance confirming consent to the proposal voiced earlier: for example, as a response to a multi-address commercial offer on the company's website. Such consent does not require a specific indication of the conditions, but implies confirmation of unambiguous consent to the conditions proposed by the counterparty (Article 438 of the Civil Code).

Types of letters of guarantee

The essence of the guarantee is a confirmation of the obligations assumed by one partner in relation to another. Guarantees for monetary debts are common, since they can be presented to the court as a response to a claim, if such a need arises. It may be necessary to issue a warranty certificate for certain work or repairs.

To pay for goods

Proof of payment for goods is a popular type of certifying document. The occurrence of unforeseen circumstances that make payment impossible force the debtor to provide security for the sale of goods on credit with payment after shipment. The text should indicate the amount of debt. This case requires the signature of not only the head of the company, but also the chief accountant to confirm the performance guarantees to the addressee.

Warranty obligations for work performed or services rendered

Certification that the promised will be done by a given date is performed as a guarantee for the provision of services. The voluminous task is divided into several stages with control dates. In addition to time limits, they indicate norms or standards by which the customer can judge the quality of services and make claims for a security deposit (if provided). Such paper is sent in case of violation of the deadlines specified in the contract.

Letter confirming the tenant's intentions

A guarantee of the provision of leased space is required for registration by a legal entity that is not the owner of a commercial premises. When the indication of the legal address is necessary (for example, when registering an LLC), the address of the premises occupied under the lease agreement may be indicated. A guarantee letter of intent from the lessor is drawn up by the owner of the leased premises, at the request of the legal entity to which the provision of the premises is guaranteed. A certified copy of the paper on the right of the owner of the premises should be attached to the letter.

Guaranteed future employment

Employment confirmation indicates the intention of the employer to provide a job to a potential employee. This document is required:

  • a student studying on a budget basis;
  • a foreigner who draws up paperwork for the migration service;
  • in other cases, when the availability of a place of work requires confirmation.

How to write a letter of guarantee

There are no official legal norms regulating the rules for writing letters of guarantee of the Russian Federation, although their scope in business correspondence is extremely wide. The general rules of official documents require maximum specificity and unambiguous wording, since they are accepted by the court as confirmation of agreements and transactions.

Blank letter of guarantee

Guarantees are issued on a sheet of A4 format, no more than one page. The rule for drawing up by a legal entity requires the letterhead of the organization, in the header of which the bank details of the company are indicated. It is signed by the head of the enterprise (mandatory) and the chief accountant, if necessary. Confirmation from an individual is written on a regular sheet, the form is arbitrary.

Required details

For confirmation paper, you must specify:

  • outgoing registration number and date of writing;
  • the name of the sending company;
  • Full name of the head of the addressee company;
  • content of the letter;
  • details of the sending organization;
  • position, personal signature and full name of the head (for the acting person, the details of the power of attorney attached to the certifying paper are indicated).

The text of the guarantee letter

To write a competent obligation, follow the recommendations for business correspondence:

  • restrained and correct style of speech;
  • brevity of presentation, expediency of the facts presented;
  • specifically formulated phrases (for confirming papers, such phrases and words as: “we guarantee”, “we undertake”) are typical.

Design rules

  • when filling in the addressee column, the person (or organization) - the recipient of the payment must be indicated;
  • the letter of guarantee of payment of the debt must include the terms for receiving the debt;
  • the text must contain the details of the company guaranteeing the fulfillment of the obligation (it is possible in the company's letterhead);
  • a listing of briefly formulated reasons that prompted to write a guarantee paper is welcome.

Validation of warranties

When certifying guarantees, keep in mind:

  • in a letter written on behalf of an individual, the author personally confirms the guarantees;
  • a paper guaranteeing the payment of debt by the organization or other financial obligations, except for the signature of the head, is confirmed by the seal of the company and the signature of the chief accountant of the company.

Sample letters of guarantee

A written confirmation of any type includes both standard details entered into the template (registration number of outgoing documentation, document name, sender and recipient data) and individual nuances, depending on what function the obligation performs. Features of different types of letters will be discussed below.

About payment

A sample payment guarantee letter might look like this:

  • on the upper left side of the sheet, the details of the recipient are written (example: to the director of Spetsproekt LLC Skvortsov V.A.);
  • the name of the document in the center of the line (on confirmation of payment for the goods);
  • on the left, the registration number and the date of preparation of the guarantee paper must be indicated (example: No. 125/16, 09/18/2016);
  • as confirmation of payment is indicated:
  1. amount payable;
  2. debt justification document;
  3. guaranteed debt repayment periods;
  4. bank details of the payer;
  5. sanctions in case of non-payment (example: we guarantee that payment in the amount of 800,000 rubles for the organization of the seminar "Personnel and production" on application No. 42-16 dated 08/07/2016 will be completed before 10/05/2016. Bank details: Delta OJSC -Bank", Moscow, settlement account No. 12586953. In case of non-compliance with the deadline for transferring funds, for each day of delay, we undertake to pay in the amount of 1% of the guaranteed amount.);
  • details of the director of the company;
  • details of the chief accountant of the company.

Warranty obligation for the performance of work

The obligation is applied in case of violation of the agreed deadlines. Sample letter of guarantee for the performance of work:

  • on the upper left side of the sheet, the details of the recipient are written (example: Nesterenko S.E., director of Ternetia LLC);
  • the name of the paper in the center of the line (example: on the completion of repair work);
  • on the left side of the line indicate the registration number and the date of issue of the guarantee (example: No. 124/16, 05/13/2016);
  • to confirm the completion of tasks, you should:
  1. list the type of work (or stages) and deadlines;
  2. write the details of the justification for the fulfillment of the required (contract, agreement);
  3. clarify where the activity is carried out (example: we guarantee that Golden Hands LLC as a contractor at the address: Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovskaya st., 5, apt. 11, in accordance with Contract No. 2 of 10.03.2016 , will complete all the repair activities in the apartment specified in the Agreement by June 15, 2016. We guarantee the quality of performance.);
  • Full name, position of the head of the company, signature;
  • Name and signature of the chief accountant.

About submitting documents on time

A paper guaranteeing the provision of documents by a certain date is required if it is impossible to fulfill any obligation. An example of a letter of guarantee for such a case:

  • in the upper left part of the sheet, the details of the recipient are written (example: to the general director of CJSC "Lira" Lukin O.E.);
  • the name of the paper in the center of the line (example: on the provision of documents on time);
  • on the left side of the line indicate the registration number and the date the guarantee was drawn up (example: No. 78, 03/07/2010);
  • The obligation states:
  1. type of required documents and terms of submission;
  2. details of the justification of the requirement;
  3. reasons for the postponement (example: we guarantee that Prometey CJSC undertakes to submit information for the period from September 1 to June 30, in accordance with Requirement No. 32557 dated July 21, 2014, until August 5, 2014. It is not possible to provide documents earlier due to with the fact that the chief accountant of Prometey CJSC is on vacation until July 29, 2014. No one is assigned his duties during the vacation period.Appendix: a copy of the order on granting vacation dated July 9, 2014 No. 182);
  • signature of the head of the company (example: director of CJSC Prometey S.V. Timoshin).

About hiring

The obligation to hire is sent to a specific organization or to the hands of a future employee. You can correctly compose it according to the following sample letter of guarantee:

  • on the upper left side of the sheet, the details of the recipient are written, if known (example: at the place of the request);
  • the name of the paper in the center of the line (example: about hiring);
  • on the left side of the line indicate the registration number and the date the guarantee was drawn up (example: No. 536, 06/07/2016);
  • The obligation states:
  1. Full name of the hired employee and position;
  2. the procedure for remuneration;
  3. employer's guarantee (example: LLC "Study" guarantees to hire Alenkina P.A. as a teacher of mathematics from 09/01/2019 LLC "Learn" undertakes to set Alenkina P.A. official salary in the amount of 55,500 rubles per month We guarantee official registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and a full social package.);
  • signature of the head of the company (example: director of LLC "Learn" M.A. Livon);
  • signature of a financially responsible person (example: chief accountant of LLC “Learn” I.V. Malov).

Advantages and disadvantages of a letter of guarantee as a replacement for a contract


  • no need to draw up a bilateral agreement;
  • subject to all the conditions required from the acceptance and offer, the transaction is considered legal;
  • legal proceedings recognize these obligations.


  • the volume of the letter is not enough to describe the details of the transaction;
  • the written form of a business letter does not imply a detailed definition of the rights and obligations of the parties;
  • lack of distribution of the degree of responsibility of the parties.

Sign a guarantee paper in conditions of limited time or inappropriate development of a detailed agreement in compliance with all procedural points. With all the convenience of this form of concluding an agreement, it leaves ample opportunities for the emergence of controversial issues, which will have to be resolved by litigation.
