Measures to change the corporate culture. Recommendations for the formation and maintenance of corporate culture in the organization. "Regulation on corporate culture"

Successful companies are distinguished by a high level of corporate culture. The formation and development of such a level of organizational culture is the result of the efforts of the management of the enterprise. Let's discuss the stages and ways of developing the corporate culture of the company.

After reading the article, you will find out:

  • What is the reason for the interest in the "phenomenon" of corporate culture;
  • How is the development of the corporate culture of the organization;
  • What are the stages of corporate culture in the process of its development.

Stages of corporate culture development

The stages of development of corporate culture can be presented in the following order: the top management of the organization first forms and influences it, and then is engaged in its development.

1. Stage of corporate culture formation.

2. The stage of diagnosing the company's corporate culture.

The development of intercorporate culture serves as a tool for strengthening the position of the organization at the level of industry and market relations. Its value also lies in the fact that it makes it possible to realize the trend of transition from competition to business partnership.

At the same time as the development of intercorporate culture, a business culture begins to form and develop. And, indeed, with the emergence of holdings and the consolidation of business, it becomes necessary to find resources where the interests and capabilities of several companies intersect. And this gives impetus to the development of project management and the awareness of the need to establish not just contractual, conventional communications, but also to the integration of values, visions, ideologies. Business culture serves as a tool that transforms management technologies into technologies for the systematic organization of companies' business activities.

1. General Provisions

A few years ago, the phrase corporate culture was little known, although in fact it, of course, has always existed. However, she was. And the elements of the corporate culture of many Western companies with rich traditions had their counterparts in the USSR: boards of labor leaders, badges, certificates of honor, and so on are the classic expression of corporate culture.

Corporate culture is a set of the most important assumptions adopted by members of the organization, and expressed in the declared values ​​of the organization, which give people guidelines for their behavior and actions. Corporate culture (sometimes called organizational culture) consists of ideas, views, core values ​​that are shared by members of the organization. It is generally accepted that it is the values ​​that are the core that determines the corporate culture as a whole. Values ​​determine both behavioral styles and styles of communication with colleagues and clients, the level of motivation, activity, and more. Therefore, one cannot take for corporate culture only a set of certain external signs, such as uniforms, rituals, etc.

The formation of corporate culture, as a rule, comes from formal leaders (company management) or, more rarely, informal ones. Therefore, it is important that a manager who wants to form a corporate culture formulates for himself (first of all) the basic values ​​of his organization or his unit.

According to various sources, firms with a pronounced, established corporate culture are much more efficient in using HR (human resources). Corporate culture is one of the most effective means of attracting and motivating employees. As soon as a person satisfies the needs of the first level ("purely material"), he has needs of a different plan: in a worthy position in the team, recognition, self-realization, etc. And here corporate culture comes to the fore, one of the important functions of which is to support each member of the team, to reveal his individuality and talents.

The characteristics of the corporate culture are often determined by the field of activity. For example, in the financial sector, it is more definite, strict, the behavior of employees is clearly defined, and the communication style is more formal. The corporate culture in the trade sphere is often very diverse and distinctive; as a rule, it is less definite, allows more variations in behavior, communication, the communication style is less formal, more democratic; vigor, sociability, sociability are welcomed.

One of the important elements of corporate culture is the attitude towards newcomers, the adaptation of newcomers to the corporate culture itself. Implementation into it is often a difficult and painful process. One must not only understand all the subtleties, but also absorb them into oneself. Adapting to corporate culture is one of the most difficult moments after moving to a new location. Some companies specifically conduct adaptation trainings and other activities aimed at adapting newcomers.

Recently, in Russia, employers have ceased to be limited to the required qualifications and personal data when hiring. Much attention is paid to both the professionally important qualities and the qualities necessary for the interiorization of the requirements of the organization, its corporate culture. In some organizations, each applicant for a vacancy is told about the peculiarities of the corporate culture of the organization - so that the person himself makes a decision whether he agrees to follow the traditions adopted in the organization or not.

The formation of a corporate culture is a long and difficult process. The main (first) steps of this process should be: defining the mission of the organization; determination of basic basic values. And already proceeding from the basic values, standards of conduct for members of the organization, traditions and symbols are formulated. Thus, the formation of corporate culture is divided into the following four stages:

¨ defining the mission of the organization, basic values;

¨ formulation of standards of conduct for members of the organization;

¨ formation of traditions of the organization;

¨ development of symbols.

All these steps and their results are very convenient and appropriate to describe in a document such as corporate governance. This document is especially useful in situations of recruiting and onboarding new employees and makes it possible to understand almost immediately how a potential employee shares the values ​​of the organization.

Examples of traditions, external signs by which one can judge the corporate culture of organizations:

all employees go to work in office style attire. No negotiations are scheduled for Friday, because traditionally on this day everyone dresses “at ease”;

all have the same and expensive pens of a well-known company;

“If you work for a healthy lifestyle - don't smoke”;

the day of the company's formation - a stormy holiday with a trip out of town;

if employees are late overtime - at the expense of the company they are treated to pizza with beer;

a certain bonus is paid for each year worked;

everyone communicates on you and by name (this is the setting); no receptions - the door of the President is open, you can go in and ask your question;

be sure to use (at least in public) the products (cosmetics, photos, accessories) that your company sells.

There are many approaches to identifying various attributes that characterize a particular culture at the macro and micro levels. Thus, F. Harris and R. Moran propose to consider a specific corporate culture on the basis of ten characteristics:

• awareness of oneself and one's place in the organization;

· Communication system and language of communication;

· Appearance, clothes and presentation of oneself at work;

· What and how people eat, habits and traditions in this area;

• awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use;

· Relationships between people;

· Values ​​and norms;

• belief in something and attitude or disposition to something;

· The process of employee development and learning;

· Work ethic and motivation.

The methods used for researching a specific corporate culture include the following (according to A. Rusalinova):

1. Observation (reconnaissance, momentary, fixed in significant situations);

2. Interview with the team leader and representatives of public organizations (pilot and partially standardized);

3. A continuous survey of the members of the production group using a standardized questionnaire, which includes questions for calculating group assessment indices and sociometric criteria;

Analysis of production documentation reflecting the nature of the activity and the results of the group's activities.

There are methods of maintaining a corporate culture that go beyond hiring the right people and firing the unnecessary people. The main groups of methods are as follows:

1.1 List of basic terms used in the program

Corporate culture is a set of the most important assumptions adopted by members of the organization, and expressed in the declared values ​​of the organization, which give people guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Value orientations are a socio-psychological concept with the help of which the personal meaning for people of certain material and spiritual phenomena is revealed.

Remuneration is one of the main elements of the system of motivation and incentives for staff work, everything that is of value to the employee or may seem valuable to him.

Business ethics is a set of principles and norms that should be guided by an organization and its members in the field of management and entrepreneurship.

Image - an image, an image, a widespread idea of ​​the nature of an object.

Personnel policy is a holistic and objectively determined strategy for working with personnel, combining various forms, methods and models of personnel work.

Professionally important qualities are the individual characteristics of a person that ensure the success of vocational training and the implementation of professional activities.

Communication is a way of communicating and transferring information from person to person in the form of written and oral messages, body language and speech parameters.

Self-realization is the highest desire of a person to realize his talents and abilities.

Abilities are the individual psychological characteristics of an individual that determine the possibility of success in any activity.

Self-esteem - a person's assessment of his own personal qualities, behavior and achievements.

Professional self-determination is the process of forming a person as a subject of professional activity.

¨ Strengthening the existing motivation [of managers], fighting the fact that they are simply tired of working. Participants must "get" what they need for high motivation

¨ Supporting and limiting initiatives

¨ Sewerage of conflict energy. Two important positive sides of the conflict - the drive for change and high energy allow the company to better achieve its goals.

¨ Disclosing the abilities of employees, finding ways of self-realization

¨ Training can be used to diagnose problems of a department or organization as a whole.

¨ Moreover, it is important not to confuse this process with the personnel assessment process.

¨ "You can visit someone else's skin." In the process of training in various role situations, our leader will be able to be in the role of a subordinate, and on himself feel the difference between pressure, manipulation and an equal style of communication. It is this difference that will allow you to start the necessary changes in your own organization.

Most of the world's leading companies are paying more and more attention to the problems of corporate culture, since it is obvious that the components of business success and the key to the successful implementation of strategic goals and objectives are not only a perfect technological production chain, but also employees working in the organization, the socio-psychological climate in the team, the degree of interest of the staff as a result of collective activities.

The corporate culture gives employees the opportunity to identify with the company, forms and develops a sense of commitment, responsibility for all events that occur in the organization, promotes employee awareness of the importance of communication, creates the basis for stability, control and a uniformly defined direction of movement.

The role of corporate culture in the company management system

The role of corporate culture in the management system is very significant, and underestimating it can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the company as a whole.

Regulation and optimization of the main elements of the management system is an important, but by no means the last link in the chain of creating competitive advantages. A natural and logical consequence is the "development" of the corporate culture that supports changes. Corporate culture is a kind of invisible component that binds together the elements of the management system, which makes it possible to effectively and painlessly project all projects onto the existing management system (Fig. 1). A clearly defined regulation of interaction and communication of employees, a culture of making and executing managerial decisions will allow the company to achieve a greater effect from optimizing certain elements of the management system.

When designing and optimizing a management system, it is necessary not only to achieve procedural expediency, but also to form the correct attitude to these activities on the part of the company's employees, which will be the reason for the successful implementation of all management decisions.

Before starting to discuss the process of forming the desired image of corporate culture, I would like to note the distinctive features that are inherent in the existing corporate culture of many companies:

■ lack of a common vision of corporate culture in the company;

■ fragmentation of employees and departments in the process of carrying out their activities;

■ duplication of functions by employees within the subdivision and subdivisions as a whole;

■ absence of a body coordinating and controlling the activities of divisions in the field of corporate culture;

■ lack of documents that would regulate the conduct of events related to corporate culture.

Of course, we drew attention to frequently occurring problems and gaps, however, perhaps in your companies you will find some more pitfalls. The situation with respect to the "development" of corporate culture depends on many factors that have a direct impact on the basic elements of the culture.

It is very important to identify, clearly understand and accept absolutely all the problems associated with the process of establishing a corporate culture, since it depends on which activities you will need to implement in order to achieve success.

The process of forming a corporate culture

The main initiators of the process of formation and development of corporate culture should be the top managers of the company, who will subsequently become one of the key "providers" of organizational changes.

The main directions for the development of corporate culture are as follows:

■ formation and implementation of a unified vision of corporate culture in the company;

■ formation of image and brand strategies, development of design elements and implementation of corporate style in the company (possibly with the involvement of external consultants);

■ formation and development of business etiquette (corporate behavior) in the company;

■ integration of the propaganda of internal corporate norms and values ​​into the process of personnel training and development, primarily for young people and the personnel reserve;

■ development of tools and methodology of motivational policy;

■ organization and management of performing discipline at all levels of company management;

■ organizing and managing the internal advocacy process;

■ organizing and conducting external PR events, building relationships with the media;

■ design, printing and production of a corporate publication;

■ organization and holding of corporate, festive and cultural events;

■ preserving existing and forming new traditions in the company;

■ participation in charity and sponsorship events.

The key point in the process of forming a corporate culture should be a unified and clear vision of its desired image. The vision is what we must work on, what to pay attention to and, finally, what will be the result of our purposeful actions.

The principles that a vision that has been successfully formed and accepted by management should have are:

■ achievability (feasibility) - the vision is designed in such a way that there are no difficulties with its implementation;

■ clarity - a clear and understandable formulation for all employees of the company, excluding double interpretation and false understanding of the meaning;

■ consistency - the vision is developed in accordance with the company's development strategy and eliminates all kinds of contradictions;

■ openness - the vision of corporate culture is promptly communicated by all heads of departments to the employees of the company.

I would like to draw your attention to another very important aspect. In most companies, the main problem on the way of forming a unified and clear understanding of what culture should be is the lack of unity of the professional language. After talking with managers, the following conclusion suggests itself: by corporate culture they mean anything, but not what is necessary.

Sometimes the opposite situation develops when, using different terminology, managers end up talking about common expectations and vision. In this regard, it is very important to achieve the unity of the professional language in order to obtain a result.

In the process of formalizing corporate culture, it is worth paying special attention to some events.

■ Conducting interviews with top-level managers of the company, as well as with heads of middle-level management units who are directly involved in the process of forming and developing corporate culture

■ Development and communication to all employees of the concept of formalization and development of corporate culture.

■ Development of documents regulating the company's activities in the field of corporate culture formalization.

The main documents through which managers must consistently inform employees about the process of formation and development of culture in the company can be the "Regulation on corporate culture" and "Code of corporate ethics". The “Regulations” will allow employees to understand the relevance and need for the development of corporate culture, provide an opportunity to understand the main components of the process, delimit areas of authority and responsibility, and also introduce a system for assessing the effectiveness of the process. The code of corporate ethics will become a kind of set of moral internal corporate norms and rules of conduct prescribed to employees of the company for execution. Successful implementation of this document will increase the attractiveness of the company in the eyes of the external environment and the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction between employees. To make this document "alive" and interesting, it is necessary to conduct a series of trainings and business games for heads of structural divisions. These managers will be one of the main communicators and agents of change in the company, serve as an example of how it is necessary to work in order to achieve success.

During the development and execution of the documentary part of the project, terminology is used that is understandable for absolutely every employee of the company. Any document should be simple, understandable, should exclude a double interpretation of one or another concept of corporate culture, so that after familiarization with it, the employee has a keen interest and awareness of his involvement in the activities undertaken in this area.

Speaking about the practical implementation of those documents, which were described above, I would like to give examples of their possible structure.

"Regulation on corporate culture"

The regulations may cover the following aspects of the formation and development of corporate culture.

1. General Provisions.

■ Regulations for development, coordination and approval.

■ Procedure for revision.

■ Basic concepts.

2.Corporate culture in the company.

■ The role of corporate culture in the management system.

■ Vision of corporate culture.

■ Key success factors of corporate culture.

■ Elements of corporate culture.

■ Principles of corporate culture.

■ Functions of corporate culture.

■ Factors influencing the formation of corporate culture.

3. Regulation of formalization and development of corporate culture in the company.

■ The main directions of formalization and development of corporate culture.

■ The procedure for formalizing and developing corporate culture.

■ Departments directly contributing to the development of corporate culture.

■ Documents regulating the main elements of the corporate culture.

4. Assessment of corporate culture in the company (this section regulates the key performance indicators of the implementation of corporate culture, the procedure for assessing the process of its development, the frequency of the assessment).

5. Responsibility (this section should cover the issues of responsibility for compliance with the provisions of the regulations and control of execution).

"Code of Corporate Ethics"

The "Code of Corporate Ethics" is a document that may contain a different set of sections, since this regulation is an individual reflection of the psychology of a company's business. A special place in it should be occupied by the section regulating the policy of relations with the internal and external environment. So, for example, in order to form effective interpersonal communications, it would be appropriate to regulate interactions between colleagues, between managers and subordinates, relationships with business partners in business and clients, as well as a policy of building communications with shareholders.

Of course, the above are the sections recommended for inclusion in the structure of the regulation, however, if managers deem it necessary to further highlight any areas, this will only improve the content of the document and increase the degree of understanding of what is happening by employees, and, consequently, their interest in this area. in company.

"Handbook of the employee"

Another important document that a company should have is the Employee Handbook, which in English means "Employee's Handbook". This document is indispensable at various stages and stages of development of both corporate culture and the personnel management system as a whole. This regulation is a kind of "company guide" and is useful not only for beginners, but also for employees who have been successfully working in the company for more than one year. The content and size of the document depend primarily on the goals and objectives set by the company's management. Based on experience, I can say that regulations of this kind are usually quite voluminous. However, despite this, interest in them will only increase if you place in them a lot of useful information and links to its sources. When developing this type of document, the following principles must be observed:

■ selectivity and conciseness - the document should contain only informational links to the main regulations, in which you can find the necessary and relevant information;

■ relevance - the document must contain information that meets the realities existing in the company, with the slightest organizational changes, appropriate changes must be made in a timely manner;

■ employee-oriented - all information is presented in a single professional language, understandable for both top managers of the company and ordinary employees.

In addition to the listed key documents that form the basis of the corporate culture formalization process, of course, there are others, the presence of which can increase the awareness of employees and their understanding of the management system in the company. Such documents can be:

■ "Regulations on strategic goals and objectives";

■ "Regulations on internal PR activities";

■ "Corporate Governance Code";

■ "Regulations on holding corporate, festive and public events";

■ "Regulation on the culture of performance in the company."

The presence of all the necessary documents in itself is not a guarantee of successful implementation and subsequent development of corporate culture. It is important to remember that this is just the first step towards the successful implementation of the process of formalizing culture, in other words, regulating the main areas of activity.

I would also like to say that the process of regulating corporate culture, as well as its development, is primarily the work of a team of managers who clearly understand and understand absolutely all aspects and problems of what is happening in the company. In other words, it is collegial work and the responsibility of many managers. If all of the listed regulations are the result of the work of one manager, then we can say with confidence that the project will not be crowned with success. In this regard, in order to increase the efficiency of project implementation in the field of corporate culture, it is necessary to form working groups.

Another successful factor on the way to effective regulation and development of corporate culture is the creation of a corporate culture committee. Many companies initiate the formation of such an internal corporate body that can be an indicator of those events that are held within the framework of corporate culture. The committee should act as the highest collegial body that coordinates and controls the process of formalization and development of corporate culture. Often, the leadership of this committee is entrusted to the HR director, however, at the same time, the company may reserve the right to elect a manager for this position, which it considers suitable.

The main tasks of the corporate culture committee can be considered the following:

■ developing a vision of the company's corporate culture;

■ setting tasks, monitoring the development of basic regulations and implementing measures to formalize and develop corporate culture, appointing those responsible for the implementation of these measures;

■ assessment of the activities of structural divisions and the company as a whole for the development of corporate culture.

Committee members can be functionally directors or business unit leaders who have the ability to generate culture vision ideas and represent directors at meetings. Committee members may be nominated by the functional directors.

I would like to draw your attention to a few points that should not be forgotten when speaking about the activities of the corporate culture committee. It is important to remember that this functional activity is not the main one for committee members. In other words, their sphere of responsibility is limited by other frameworks, and it is not worth to abuse their attention and time. In this regard, the rules for holding meetings should be clearly formed and debugged. Meetings are convened by the chairman of the committee as needed, but at least once a quarter. To avoid "stormy" and unconstructive discussions during meetings, you should familiarize all members of the corporate culture committee in advance with all the necessary information and materials for preliminary acquaintance and discussion. This should be done at least two weeks before the day of the meeting. The preparation of materials for committee meetings, as the author's successful practice shows, should be carried out by structural divisions of the company, each of which is assigned certain areas of corporate culture.

Before moving on to discuss the most interesting stage in the implementation of corporate culture - the procedure for organizational change - let's summarize and combine all of the above into some kind of action plan.

So, we can highlight the main stages of the process of forming the desired model of corporate culture.

1. Diagnostics of an already formed corporate culture, internal corporate values, behavioral attitudes and communications with the aim of subsequently determining the differences between existing and desired models and vision of corporate culture.

2. Determination of the strategic direction of the corporate culture and the company's ability to support changes, identification of "pitfalls" and development of ways to eliminate these problems.

3. Regulation of corporate culture and its main elements.

4. Development and implementation of internal corporate events aimed at the formation, development and consolidation of the declared values ​​and behavioral norms of the company's employees.

5. Evaluation of the effectiveness (success) of introducing the desired model of corporate culture and making the necessary adjustments to the program of organizational changes.

Organizational change program in the company

Finally, we come to a discussion of those aspects of implementing organizational change that raise many questions for most managers.

■ What should an organizational change program look like?

■ Who should develop and implement it?

■ Who are the agents of change, what competencies should they have in order to be successful?

Any organizational change, as well as a change in behavioral attitudes in the company as a whole, requires the development of a kind of universal program, which, in turn, will act as a key tool in the implementation of any organizational change. The main goal of this program is to develop an algorithm for introducing corporate changes. The result of the implementation should be a clear and adequate perception by employees of what is happening in the company, and, consequently, the formation of an internal corporate climate that supports the ongoing changes.

The object of organizational changes is personnel, but let's talk in more detail about the subjects, the so-called "providers". Leaders of three types can be “providers” of organizational change:

■ top managers, in other words, directors of various functional areas of the company;

■ line management;

■ informal leaders.

Each of the above types of audience has its own sphere of influence and its main functions when introducing changes. Let us briefly dwell on the key functions.

One of the most influential and significant groups is undoubtedly top managers. They are some kind of ideological leaders and are responsible for the efficiency of the company as a whole, but they have a limited direct impact on the course of events. Top managers are kind of legislators "Vectors of movement" of changes, ideological trends and trends. This type of leader has all the tools, but the work of top managers is rather strategic in nature, and consists, firstly, in setting strategic objectives within the project, distribution of responsibilities, rights and powers, and secondly, in assessing the implementation of activities and the degree involvement in this process of all divisions of the company, and thirdly, in the subsequent initiation of new projects. A very important role is played by the image of a top-level manager, his style of behavior and manner of communication, and most importantly the degree of trust that he causes. Often in companies, situations may arise when the CEO, for example, enjoys a high degree of trust and understanding among the entire team of the company, but it is important that this does not border on the “personality cult”. This aspect during the implementation of an organizational change program can serve as an effective tool for influencing the behavioral indicators of employees.

Line managers can be called "leaders by duty." They have the authority to independently determine how work is organized and carried out within their area of ​​responsibility. Among the main functions of line managers are the following:

■ full information about changes in their subdivisions;

■ organization of meetings, meetings;

■ tracking the progress of the project in its subdivision;

■ prompt response to any negative reaction caused by the introduced changes;

■ control over the timing of the project stages;

■ timely interaction with top managers;

■ working with informal leaders.

Line managers, according to the author, most involved in the process of organizational change in terms of operational activities. Line managers perform painstaking and sometimes the most difficult work, since they are the ones who bear the organizational and functional responsibility for everything that happens during the project implementation.

And finally, informal leaders or opinion leaders (relayers of ideas). This is a very important group of employees because it has a special status among colleagues. Informal leaders are psychologically and emotionally closer to the whole team. They pursue goals within organizational change, based only on the voluntary manifestation of a desire to contribute to the implementation of innovations. These employees carry out their activities with an understanding and awareness of the fact that their overall success depends on their individual contributions. It is very difficult to find such people in the company, however, having identified them, it is necessary in every possible way to stir up their interest in further cooperation, since their sphere of influence can be much wider than it seems at first glance.

All functional activities of absolutely every "change leader" to one degree or another are aimed at identifying and analyzing possible reasons for resistance to organizational reforms on the part of staff.

The classification of the causes of resistance is based on the source of their origin. They are caused by a lack of understanding of the upcoming changes, fear of a possible inconsistency of the skills of employees with new requirements and working conditions. These reasons are due to the warehouse of a person's personality, his psychology.

Some of the most common organizational reasons for resistance include:

■ fear of inability to adapt to new working conditions;

■ fear of dismissal;

■ fear of a possible change in the level of responsibility;

■ violation of the established rules of the labor process.

Speaking about the personal reasons for resistance, it is necessary to highlight, of course, the following:

■ fear of the unknown;

■ lack of conviction in the need for change ("It works the same way ...");

■ violation of established traditions and relationships;

■ selfishness and individual rejection.

Possibility and degree of influence on data the groups of reasons are different: the process of neutralizing personal reasons is more complicated and time-consuming, because the personality is subject to change, and the change itself is aimed at correcting a person's internal motivation, which determines his behavior and attitude to what is happening. When neutralizing managerial reasons, it is enough to identify and remove an external source in order to change the employee's behavior.

Identifying the root causes of resistance to organizational change is fundamental to choosing the right change implementation strategy.

Identifying the causes of resistance can be approached from two sides: assessing the attitude of staff to change, i.e. his willingness to change, or to assess the resistance to specific change against the background of a positive attitude towards the issue of long-term change.

The process of forming a general picture of staff readiness for change will lead us to a basic statement of potential readiness / unavailability with the presence of many unknown factors.

The most informative at the implementation stage will be the data obtained as a result of studying the reasons for resistance to a specific change.

There are two ways to identify a set of root causes.

1. Personnel questioning at the stage of active implementation of changes.

2. Prediction of possible causes of resistance in a detailed analysis of the introduced change.

Let's summarize

"Providers" of changes are leaders of three types, who are assigned basic functional responsibilities and their spheres of influence are delimited.

The object of organizational changes is all personnel, who, upon completion of the project, must clearly and adequately perceive everything that is happening in the internal environment of the company. The second result of the project is the formation of such an internal corporate climate that would support not only the already introduced, but also all subsequent organizational changes.

Assessment of the degree of readiness of personnel to change is based on determining the real and / or potential reasons for the resistance of employees to any, even the most insignificant, changes, as well as on recommendations for their (reasons) elimination.

The division of personnel into socio-psychological types, the use of the proposed methods for correcting behavior of each type and strategies for overcoming personnel resistance help the "change leader" to quickly choose the optimal tactics of influencing employees, which helps to minimize the negative consequences arising from the implementation of organizational changes, as well as to reduce the time implementation.

Adequate understanding by leaders of all aspects of the process and comprehensive use of organizational change tools leads to a relatively quick and "painless" implementation of any innovation in the company.

No organizational change can be effectively implemented without clear and systematic communication support. In this regard, in the process of introducing corporate changes, the author recommends developing an addition to the organizational change program - a communications program.

Your future communications program should define the basic approaches and principles

communications within the framework of the implementation and development of elements of corporate culture. The goal of this program is to declare uniform principles and rules of work in the process of communication support at all stages of introducing corporate culture.

Communication is considered by the author as the main tool for the formation and development of corporate culture through the impact on the consciousness of employees and the formation of the only correct idea of ​​the corporate culture of the company.

Among the key principles of communication support, I would like to highlight the following.

1. The efficiency of communications - the speed of their implementation.

2. Quality - the communication process must be clearly and logically structured, the perception of communication must be correct in order to avoid any distortion of information.

3. Relevance - communications should be carried out at a specified moment, carry exactly the information that is most important for a given period of time. Also, the principle of the relevance of communication support includes timely response to problems and their subsequent solution.

4. Efficiency - the communication process should be built in such a way that as little effort and resources as possible are spent on its implementation.

5. Purposefulness - targeted use of financing.

6. Honesty and openness - communications must reflect accurate information.

7. Systematic - communications should be continuous and carried out according to a certain plan.

8. Target focus - the communication process should be designed for each audience (target group).

9. Two-way communication - communications should go both "top down" and "bottom up".

The choice of communication tools directly affects the efficiency of the communication process as a whole. When analyzing tools for their applicability, it is necessary to determine:

■ target groups;

communication goals of each of the groups;

■ the need of each target group for information.

Common communication tools include:

■ internal corporate printed edition;

■ corporate radio;

■ Internet;

■ corporate television;

■ corporate events and holidays;

■ targeted training programs.

The communication process involves financial resources (which are used as needed), human, and also temporary. In the course of communications, it is necessary to clearly define whether the communication process requires costs, in what volumes and at what stages, who and in what is involved, as well as the timing of its implementation.

Having identified the principles, resources and tools for communication support, of course, you need to determine the target groups. When planning the communication process within the framework of the formation and development of corporate culture, it is necessary to divide all company personnel into groups, taking into account communication goals, since information is transmitted unevenly depending on the status of employees and the corresponding needs of each group. The main target groups in the company include, of course, top management (directors of functional areas), heads of structural divisions, managers and specialists, the trade union (if there is such a body), as well as the external environment of the company - the labor market.

Providing communication support aimed at certain target audience, it is necessary to remember what kind of reaction you should get to these communications and with the help of which employees will be able to show it. The most common organizational feedback tools are:

■ telephone - at a specific number allocated for sending suggestions and wishes, each employee of the company can ask a question or statement regarding the communication process.

■ poll - conducting a selective opinion poll using a telephone, corporate publication and e-mail of employees of structural divisions.

■ boxes - use of information boxes to collect suggestions, wishes, questions.

■ personal reception - carrying out explanatory work by the main persons involved in ongoing communications.

Indicators of success in implementing organizational change

The implementation of various internal corporate changes should end with an assessment of their effectiveness. Key success factors are indicators of the effectiveness of the process of introducing and implementing the desired image of corporate culture in the company, and therefore of positive organizational changes.

The target groups that are the objects of the main influence of the corporate culture are:

■ internal environment - shareholders, top management (top management), company employees;

■ external environment - clients and business partners.

The key success factors for shareholders will be to maximize their income, for top management - the unity of goals and objectives, a transparent and understandable system of decision-making and reporting, as well as a clear statement of the will of shareholders in incentives.

For the external environment (customers and business partners) - optimization of the service system, long-term and transparency of relations, since a clearly developed interaction regulation will achieve a high degree of mutual understanding, as well as reduce the percentage of conflict situations affecting the interests of both parties.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of work in the direction of the development of corporate culture will be the change in the organizational behavior of employees: the manner of communication, interaction and thinking. The corporate culture should become an “emotional dope” for every employee and maintain a healthy climate in the company. What is a healthy climate in our understanding? This is a developed mentality and high moral qualities of employees, emotional and physical well-being.

people working in a close-knit team, dedication to a common cause, increased internal motivation and, as a result, increased labor productivity. This is participation in the creation and implementation of opportunities for unlocking the individual potential of each employee and, finally, the formation and development of existing and new traditions, personal desires of employees to "storm the unknown distance" together, work for the good of the company and celebrate well-deserved victories together with the company.

In conclusion, I would like to say that every employee is a bearer of corporate culture. I have tried to draw your attention to the fact that the success of the company will depend on the desire and desire of the management team to reach their peak of excellence. Every employee can and should build a corporate culture. Only by starting with ourselves, we will be able to talk about the effectiveness of changes and the results of the company as a whole.


Corporate culture- the system of internal corporate rules and principles of interpersonal interaction between employees, as well as the established culture of relationships with customers and business partners.

Vision of corporate culture- a vivid image of the future of the company and the employee in this company, of what he should be, what idea to carry in himself, what qualities to possess, how to behave and how to appear before the external environment; what he must do to lead the company to unconditional leadership. Key success factors are indicators of the success and effectiveness of the process of introducing and developing corporate culture in the company.

Elements of corporate culture- value guidelines corporate culture, which were formed in the process of formation and development of the company.

Principles of corporate culture- the principles that the company adheres to and in accordance with which it builds its relations with the staff.

Corporate culture means- tools and methods for maintaining and developing corporate culture in the company. The values ​​of the company are the norms of behavior, ideas and philosophy that the company adheres to in its activities. Corporate events are events that reflect and support the core values ​​of the company in the minds of employees; such events are aimed at the development of corporate culture.

Shmakova Ekaterina Dmitrievna - Chief Expert of the Department of Corporate Culture and Social Relations of SIBUR Holding (Moscow)

MANAGEMENT TODAY magazine ■ 04 (46) 2008


Improving the corporate culture of a manufacturing enterprise in modern conditions


The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that in the context of radical socio-economic transformations in Russia, corporate culture has become a significant factor affecting the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. Foreign researchers have found that prosperous enterprises are characterized by a high level of corporate culture development. Modern Russian scientists recognize this fact, they take certain steps to apply and adapt diagnostic techniques by foreign authors. The ability to analyze and evaluate corporate culture contributes to the adoption of management decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

In creating favorable preconditions for the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise, the management's understanding of the role of corporate culture is gaining priority. Corporate culture is a set of values ​​and principles that are shared by most employees and determine their behavior in relation to the organization itself, customers and colleagues.

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in a given enterprise, such that reflect its individuality and the perception of oneself and others in social and material environments, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment.

Each enterprise must form its own corporate culture system in order to achieve the intended goal of the business goal. This system should consist of certain values ​​and be perceived for understanding by the enterprise managers. That is why the corporate culture is being formed, it becomes a kind of business card of the enterprise. At the enterprise, the corporate culture creates a special internal atmosphere that encourages people to fulfill their assigned tasks and mission: the quality and intensity of work of each employee is increased, and labor conflicts are minimized.

The aim of the research in the thesis is to determine the directions of improving the corporate culture of a manufacturing enterprise in modern conditions.

The goal set in the work determined the following research objectives:

Consider the concept and essence of the corporate culture of the enterprise;

Study the structure and content of corporate culture;

Get acquainted with the formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise;

Give a general description of the activities of the enterprise;

Analyze the financial condition of Alatyr Paper Mill LLC;

Analyze the algorithm for the formation of the corporate culture of LLC "Alatyr Paper Mill";

To develop measures for the development of the corporate culture of the enterprise.

Assess the economic efficiency of activities at Alatyr Paper Mill LLC.

The subject of the research is the corporate culture of a manufacturing enterprise. The object of the research is LLC “Alatyr Paper Mill”.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign authors such as I.V. Aleshina, I. Ansoff, K. Baldin, J.-P. Beaudoin, E.A. Ivanova, K. Cameron, E.A. Kapitonov, V.V. Kozlov, I.N. Kuznetsov, T.A. Lapin, V.A. Spivak, E. Shein and others, as well as materials from periodicals and Internet sources.

The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The first chapter of the thesis examines the theoretical aspects of corporate culture management of an enterprise in modern conditions.

The second chapter provides an algorithm for the formation of corporate culture and its analysis on the example of LLC "Alatyr Paper Mill", as well as the development of recommendations for improving corporate culture.

The third chapter determines the economic efficiency of measures to improve corporate culture at LLC Alatyr Paper Mill.

1. Theoretical aspects of corporate culture management of an enterprise in modern conditions

1.1 The concept and essence of the corporate culture of the enterprise

corporate economic culture

There are various definitions of corporate culture.

Zankovsky A.N. defines corporate culture as a kind of software of consciousness, as a value-semantic field capable of setting the direction of the behavior and activities of employees.

Lvov D.V. he proposes to understand corporate culture as a system of events and processes constituted, on the one hand, by typical existential experiences, states, stereotypes of perception and images, on the other hand, by declared and latent norms and values.

Mikhaylina S.A. defines corporate culture as a complex of those necessary knowledge, skills, beliefs, as well as values ​​and norms of behavior shared by this circle of professionals, which are formed in the course of joint activities of members of the organization to achieve common goals and allow them to act in a mutually acceptable way, to play roles that are significant for them.

Despite some similarities, the existing variety of definitions of corporate culture can be combined into three approaches.

1. Corporate culture as a management tool, i.e. that by which leaders are able to create a more effective organization. From the point of view of this approach, the culture of an organization should be understood as a unique set of norms, values, beliefs, patterns of behavior, etc., which determine the way to unite groups and individuals into an organization to achieve its goals.

This approach focuses on how by managing various aspects of culture (value orientations, beliefs, norms, technologies, customer relationships), you can improve the efficiency of an organization. Corporate culture is a psychological asset that can be used to predict the financial results of an enterprise.

2. Corporate culture as a management environment, where the elements of the enterprise interact, the main organizational processes are carried out. In this case, corporate culture is a certain picture of more or less homogeneous and consistent with each other ideas, meanings and generalizations, which are not always visible, operate in the labor process and are shared by various categories of specialists, orienting them and giving meaning to their activities in a certain system.

3. Corporate culture as an object of management, this approach, on the one hand, includes the arguments of the two above-mentioned directions, on the other hand, it covers many theories on the elemental structure, types of culture, the search for relationships between its elements.

So, corporate culture is understood as the dominant moral norms and values, accepted patterns of behavior and ingrained rituals, traditions that are shared by members of the organization and are able to be reproduced in this organization through formal or informal leaders.

There are two levels of corporate culture: internal and external. The first is divided into conscious and unconscious.

1. The internal conscious level is expressed in the deeds and words of the employees of the enterprise and is a screen for reflecting the main values ​​and beliefs of the given institution. They are cultivated by employees, and various symbols, stories and language become manifestations of values ​​and beliefs.

2. Internal unconscious level. Values ​​at this level are fundamental and, accordingly, the most significant for the corporate culture. They "live" in the subconscious of the people working in the firm.

For leadership, the core values ​​of the internal level are of a different nature:

1) in the first case, this is an initial distrust of employees - total control over all their actions, restriction of employees in freedom of action, etc.;

2) in the second - on the contrary, trust between employees and bosses, greater freedom in actions and decision-making, responsibility and teamwork.

Core values ​​are established at the time of the establishment of the enterprise and depend on the beliefs of the founders of the enterprise. The external level of corporate culture - all kinds of cultural "artifacts", visible objects, actions, events. These include:

Dress code or lack thereof;

Actual behavior of employees;

Location of office buildings;

Corporate events / ceremonies, etc.

At all levels of corporate culture, the relationship between the fundamental values ​​of the organization and the system of relationships is traced. The basic values ​​in the organization are often expressed in visible images that affect the relationship both within the firm and the firm with the outside world. Such material objects can be a motto, a hero, a symbol, a tradition, ceremonies and events.

The corporate culture as an established tradition and guiding principles exists in every enterprise. We can say that it is the basis of the life potential of the enterprise: that for the sake of which people became members of one team; how relationships are built between them; what stable norms and principles of life and activity of the enterprise they share.

The following functions of corporate culture can be distinguished:

1. At the stage of getting to know the team, the consolidated system of values ​​and goals helps the new employee to quickly adapt to life in this team, thereby performing a cognitive function.

2. Culture in the team is an indicator of the norms of behavior in it (regulatory function).

3. The accumulation of existing values, their embodiment in the actions of employees (function of public memory).

4. Often, corporate culture affects a person's worldview, and it comes into conflict with personal values. But it is possible that a person adopts the collective value system for his life (meaning-forming function).

5. Communicative function - due to the common elements of culture, norms of behavior and goals, the interaction of employees of the enterprise takes place.

6. Acceptance of culture can awaken latent potential in the employee (motivational function).

7. The culture in the team serves as a kind of obstacle to unwanted tendencies (guard function).

8. Formation of the company's image - clients or partners from the outside do not need to delve into the intricacies of the process, get acquainted with the documentation, they form their opinion about it, proceeding from its system of values ​​and guidelines.

9. Educational function - culture implies constant self-improvement and training, which has a beneficial effect on the employee's work activity.

10. Over time, only the most acceptable components remain in the team, displacing the unnecessary ones.

11. The bearers of the corporate culture are the employees of the enterprise themselves. But most often in companies where the system of values ​​has already been established, it becomes a separate component, part of it, having a tremendous impact on the team itself. Management can appeal to her when hiring a new employee. Corporate culture is not just a psychological factor or an enterprise image. It is, first of all, an effective means of planning and implementing successful business ideas.

It is advisable to consider the influence of corporate culture on the activities of an enterprise in the unity of three directions, namely:

1. The influence of corporate culture on the processes occurring at the enterprise:

Communication processes and communication activities;

Decision-making, career and socialization processes;

Production and labor processes.

2. The influence of corporate culture on organizational behavior:

The behavior of the individual in the organization - the rules, forms of communication (formal and informal), the priority of personal or common interests, the attitude of the employee to the enterprise, collectivism or individualism, etc.;

Motivation - the predominance of external or internal motivation, encouragement, reward, promotion, etc .;

Socio-psychological climate - psychological working conditions, symbols and significance of status, presence and frequency of conflicts, etc .;

Group behavior - attitude to power, leadership characteristics, accepted roles in the team and attitude towards them, cooperation between group members, the possibility of group decision-making, etc.

3. The influence of corporate culture on the competitiveness of an enterprise is expressed in the formation of a positive reputation and an attractive image of the enterprise and the manufactured product (goods or services) among consumers, business partners, and the public.

Achieving the main goal of corporate culture - increasing labor potential leads to an increase in the competence of personnel, which ultimately ensures an increase in the company's profits. This is due to the fact that competent workers can perform work on new equipment, according to a progressive method, generate new ideas, creative approaches.

The types of corporate culture of enterprises are presented in table 1.

Table 1. - Types of corporate culture of enterprises

Type of corporate culture (CC)


Centralization of power, strict service hierarchy, total control over employees. The opinion of the team, as a rule, is not taken into account. The leader makes all decisions individually or in a narrow circle of closest associates

1.2. Liberal (conniving) CC

The management of the organization does not take an active part in managing the team; when solving emerging problems, it tries to take a neutral position, prefers not to intervene in emerging conflicts. Work in an organization often takes its own course.

1.3. Democratic (collegial) QC

Rational distribution of responsibilities among all team members, delegation of authority, collegial adoption of key decisions, the presence of two-way feedback

2.1. Stable QC

Consistency and utmost clarity of the norms, traditions, rules of conduct and other elements of the organizational culture in force in the organization

2.2. Unstable QC

Instability (fluctuations) in the general management system of the organization, lack of clear and uniform norms and rules of behavior for all, selective attitude towards different members of the team

3.1. Integrated QC (High Compliance)

The collective of the enterprise is close-knit, a common public opinion is formed within it. Most employees share and support all elements of the current organizational culture

3.2. Disintegrated QC (low match)

Lack of common public opinion, disunity in views, dissatisfaction of the majority of employees with the norms and rules of conduct adopted at the enterprise; as a result, increased conflict among team members

4.1. Personality-oriented QC

The main value of an organization is its people. The management strives to support employees in every possible way, delves into their needs and problems. Much attention is paid to the development of human resources

4.2. Functionally oriented QC

The focus is on the strict implementation of functional algorithms of activity with strict observance of all existing norms and requirements. Minimum attention is paid to personal interests of employees

Depending on the nature of the impact on the final results of the enterprise, positive and negative corporate cultures are distinguished. At the same time, a positive corporate culture should contribute to improving work efficiency, optimizing all production processes, continuous development of the enterprise itself and its personnel, creating comfortable conditions and a friendly atmosphere in the team, increasing the social significance and status of the enterprise in the relevant field of activity. A negative corporate culture, on the contrary, impedes the normal functioning of the enterprise and the fulfillment of its mission.

Distinctive features of negative corporate culture:

Apathy and disinterest of employees in the results of their work;

Decrease in the level of personal responsibility;

Formal approach to the performance of official duties;

High staff turnover, isolationism (both between structural units and with the outside world);

The presence of rumors and rumors around the organization, undermining its authority and reputation with potential customers, partners, the general public.

The division into positive and negative cultures occurs according to several criteria (table 2).

Table 2. Positive and negative corporate cultures

It is clear that each of the above corporate cultures has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, there are situations when the cultivation of a democratic personality-oriented corporate culture can lead to serious problems (in particular, in crisis and critical moments for the enterprise, when tougher leadership and strict control are required). Therefore, one of the key conditions for successful management is the flexibility of all management elements, including the corporate culture, the ability to promptly and adequately respond to ongoing changes (both in the external and internal environment), the optimal combination (combination) of various leadership styles. with the predominance of one, the most appropriate to the current situation.

In highly organized enterprises during periods of stable development, a democratic integrated personality-oriented corporate culture seems to be the most preferable.

The prerequisites for the formation of corporate culture at enterprises are:

Awareness of the leading values, priorities, attitudes designed to support a promising development strategy;

Investigation of the compliance of corporate culture with the development strategy of an enterprise (business) and identification of differences.

The corporate culture that has developed in domestic enterprises does not always contribute to the effective work of personnel, which is associated with a low level of trust between employees and management, the lack of desire among employees to take responsibility, to show initiative.

An important condition for the development of the labor potential of enterprises is the formation of a positive corporate culture, to meet the development strategy of the enterprise. This requires a revision of the existing labor management systems. The management of corporate culture should constantly be in the focus of managers' attention, submit to the achievement of maximum results based on the approximation of the interests of the administration and employees.

Some executives see culture as a powerful strategic tool for aligning business units and individuals with shared goals, mobilizing employee initiative, building loyalty, and facilitating communication.

The issues of corporate culture management for an increasing number of enterprises are becoming highly significant and relevant, involved in the implementation of strategic business objectives, and not just a "tribute to fashion." A special place is occupied by cases of mergers and acquisitions, when, given the history of the formation of a campaign, two layers must be taken into account in its corporate culture: the old and the new.

Old - these are the archetypes of the parent corporate culture, which is the basis for the formation of a combined company. The new one is the corporate culture of the included company, which introduces new business tasks, brings its own methods of corporate governance, reformatting the old parent ones.

The direct combination of two corporate cultures inevitably generates voluminous problem areas, a nervous socio-psychological climate is created in the team, there is a predominance of negative moods and pessimistic attitudes.

Thus, managers of corporate culture at the enterprise face a difficult and voluminous task - to reverse a negative trend into a positive one, to form their corporate culture on the basis of the general corporate culture of the parent campaign, adapting, integrating, reformatting the traditions, attitudes, expectations, values, relationships that have developed in teams. ...

Considering that the corporate culture is beginning to be viewed as a tool that increases the efficiency of an enterprise that is actively developing, the moment of studying the corporate culture in its development becomes essential, highlighting the innovative part, which is responsible for sensitivity to new challenges, and the conservative part of the corporate culture, which is responsible for its stability. reproduction.

1.2 Structure and content of corporate culture

Corporate culture is a set of fundamental values ​​and standards supported by an enterprise, beliefs, ethical norms, beliefs and expectations that are unprovenly accepted by the majority of employees, set people to guide their activities and determine the way of uniting and coordinating actions of management, structural units and individual employees.

The structure of corporate culture includes: the philosophy of the enterprise, the key goal or mission of the company, the prevailing values ​​of the company, the style of leadership, the system of employee motivation, as well as the system of incentives and penalties for the team. It often happens that the changes planned by the senior management of the company are extremely difficult to take root in the team. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to fit the new principles into the already existing system of values ​​of the given collective.

Corporate culture includes a number of components:

An idea of ​​the mission (purpose) of the organization, its role in society, the main goals and objectives of the activity;

Value attitudes (concepts of acceptable and unacceptable), through the prism of which all actions of employees are assessed;

Behavior models (response options) in various situations (both ordinary and non-standard);

Leadership style of the organization (delegation of authority, making important decisions, feedback, etc.);

The current communication system (exchange of information and interaction between the structural divisions of the organization and with the outside world, the accepted forms of address "boss-subordinate" and "subordinate-boss");

The norms of business communication between team members and with clients (other institutions, government officials, the media, the general public, etc.);

Ways to resolve conflicts (internal and external);

Traditions and customs accepted in the organization (for example, congratulating employees on their birthday, joint trips to nature, etc.);

Organization symbols (slogan, logo, clothing style of employees, etc.).

Moreover, these components must be accepted and supported by all members of the team (or the overwhelming majority of them).

The corporate culture includes the following structure:

1. Intellectual concept of the enterprise, including its mission, values, goals of existence.

2. Organizational structure and chain of command.

3. Enterprise management system.

4. Control mechanisms.

5. Symbols of the company, including elements of corporate identity (logo, anthem, corporate colors, etc.).

6. Everyday behavior of employees, including rituals, habits, etc.

7. Corporate mythology, including stories of successes and failures of the company and its individual employees.

There are the following types of corporate culture:

1. The culture of power.

It is characterized by the concentration of managerial functions in the hands of a small group of people or one person, an authoritarian leadership style, strict control over the implementation of decisions, and a low level of bureaucratization. A culture of power is characteristic of authoritarian organizations.

2. Role culture.

This type is characterized by a high level of bureaucratization, delegation of duties and rights depending on the position held, but not personal competence, collective decision-making, control in accordance with complex procedures.

3. Culture of tasks.

This type is characterized by the presence of small groups of employees responsible for solving a certain range of tasks. Rights and responsibilities are delegated to employees who are able to perform certain actions. A culture of tasks is adopted in organizations where the majority of employees have good professional qualities and are able to work for the result.

4. The culture of individuals.

This type is formed in enterprises, the majority of whose members believe that they work better alone than in a group. This calls into question the existence of such enterprises. However, a firm with a culture of individuality can successfully exist if its employees are interested in each other's professional knowledge and skills.

University of Illinois professor Robert Cook used the following typology of corporate cultures:

1. Constructive cultures. They are distinguished by the willing cooperation of staff with each other, the desire of members of the organization to jointly solve work problems.

2. Passive-protective cultures. They are characterized by the desire of employees of the organization to interact with each other so that their personal interests are not affected.

3. Aggressive defense cultures. In organizations with this culture, employees interact with each other primarily in order to maintain their own position.

The external level of corporate culture is quite manageable: the symbols, mythology, rituals, ceremonies, ceremonies inherent in the enterprise. It is possible to form and improve the basic level, which is quite laborious and complex: the declared values ​​and norms of behavior expressed in the mission, vision, code, internal rules, regulations, regulations, etc.

But there is also an internal level - an informal part of the corporate culture, manifested in the unwritten rules of the relationship of employees both with each other and with the outside world. Precisely because of the discrepancy between the internal level and the external, culture can play a disorganizing role, be unproductive. In these cases, the practical "inclusion" of the employee in activities aimed at realizing the declared value so that it becomes his personal value helps.

The actions of top managers have a decisive influence on corporate culture. Their behavior, the slogans and norms proclaimed by them, and, most importantly, organizational resources aimed at their implementation and approval in the minds of enterprise members, become the most important guidelines for the behavior of employees, which often serve as a more important factor in organizing behavior than formalized rules and requirements.

Corporate culture gives people a sense of belonging, commitment; promotes communication, initiative; creates an efficient, highly productive work collective. And the constant search for a lasting advantage over competitors leads the enterprise management directly to the need to deal with cultural issues.

So, corporate culture is a complex organizational phenomenon that determines the existence of an enterprise and indicators of the effectiveness of its functioning. The corporate culture of an enterprise can be described by a number of quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Moreover, the corporate culture of an enterprise is a complex system that includes a number of heterogeneous elements, among which are:

Objects of the material world;

Objects of the social world;

Social relationships;

Characteristics of objects of the material world;

Characteristics of objects of the social world;

Characteristics of social relationships.

In addition to the complex structure, when describing corporate culture, one cannot fail to mention its heterogeneity as a system. The corporate culture contains three interconnected subsystems:

Ideological basis of the organization (ideology);

Management culture of the organization (management);

Social culture of the organization (society).

These systems relate to each other as equivalent and mutually influencing each other (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Subsystems of corporate culture of the enterprise

These three subsystems essentially represent the links of a single management process, where the management system is the subject of management (including its characteristics), society is the object of management, and ideology is the fundamental basis of relationships and interactions between the subject and the object of management. Thus, the exclusion of any link in the chain leads to the disintegration of the process. Accordingly, the subsystems are of equal importance.

The mutual influence of the subsystems of managerial culture can be traced using the terms of the sociobiogenetic concept of the enterprise. Let us assume that the subsystem of managerial culture is infected with a "virus" (the efficiency of its functioning decreases). First of all, this is manifested in changes in the ideology of the enterprise, which immediately affects the society (the social culture of the enterprise). At the same time, it cannot be said that the nature of the influence on society will be indirect. The influence from the "infected" managerial culture occurs directly, but the influence through the ideological sector will be much deeper and more extensive, as it entails not only external, but also structural changes in the social culture of the enterprise. The "infected ideology" will absolutely directly change and influence the managerial and social culture. Moreover, the initially ineffective ideology will have a decisive influence on the formation and formation of managerial and social culture.

The subjective corporate culture is distinguished by the leading role of the management sector, based on the characteristics of the subject of management (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Subjective corporate culture of the enterprise

The positive aspects of such a distribution of forces in corporate culture:

1. The central element of the system, which is its core, has been determined;

2. To change the system of corporate culture, it is necessary to change only one of its elements, everything else can avoid even correction.

Negative sides:

1. Subjectivity of building a system of corporate culture;

2. A large number of random factors affecting the core of the system;

3. Dependence of the system on one element.

A democratic corporate culture is characterized by the leading role of the social sector, based on the characteristics of the object of management (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Democratic corporate culture of the enterprise

Positive aspects of this corporate culture:

1. Corporate culture can combine various subjective directions;

2. The collective beginning in the corporate culture, giving a synergistic effect of increasing energy for the organization as a whole.

Negative sides:

1. Multidirectional ideological basis of corporate culture;

2. Difficulty of change;

3. Difficulties in managing the system.

The fundamental corporate culture is characterized by the leading role of the ideological sector, the formation of which is carried out purposefully, regardless of the existence of the organization, with an orientation towards objective requirements and subjective requests for its functioning (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Fundamental corporate culture of the enterprise

Positive sides:

1. The underlying objective ideology makes the existence of the organization, all its macro and micro processes predictable and manageable;

2. An objective set of elements of the ideological subsystem makes it possible to put forward objective requirements for the management and social sectors;

3. Unity of criteria for assessing the existence of an organization and the effectiveness of its functioning;

4. The stability of the organizational culture to the influence of external factors.

Negative sides:

1. Difficulty in carrying out the processes of corporate culture change;

2. Decreased flexibility in relation to the external environment.

Thus, it is obvious that an organization with targeted development of the ideological sector forms a more stable corporate culture than a subjective and democratic management culture.

Corporate culture matters to the team for the following reasons:

1. A feature of corporate culture is a sense of security enshrined in the minds of employees from belonging to a company or its value system. It is a set of rules and codes of conduct specific to a given enterprise.

2. When an employee shares the general culture of the company, its priorities and values, his personal responsibility for the result increases. If each member of the work team works with this attitude, then the overall picture of the productivity of the enterprise improves. Newcomers get into the workflow faster and more adequately perceive the events taking place in the team.

3. The presence of common goals and values ​​in the team helps to psychologically tune in to achieve a result together.

4. Corporate culture stimulates the development of the company's image as a whole.

5. The employee identifies with the company, takes pride in being a part of it.

7. The corporate culture exists in the company all the time - from its foundation to its closure. Even if the company does not have a department that regulates its activities. However, competent corporate culture management can significantly improve all indicators of a company's success.

It should be borne in mind that in addition to the dominant corporate culture at the enterprise, the values ​​and norms of which are accepted and shared by the majority of employees, there may be subcultures (cultures of various structural divisions, informal groupings).

By the way, the presence of subcultures at the enterprise is a good sign: this indicates that employees are kept together not only by job assignments, but also by personal interest. The main thing is that the existing subcultures do not conflict with each other and do not enter into dissonance with the general corporate culture of the enterprise.

Thus, in a modern enterprise, corporate culture plays a huge role. The corporate culture determines the employees' perception of the company and is an important source of stability and continuity. Corporate culture is a set of values, norms, opinions that are reflected in the actions of employees at all levels of the enterprise and form an unwritten code of conduct. Corporate culture gives people the opportunity to identify with the enterprise, fosters a sense of commitment, responsibility for everything that happens, awareness of the importance of communications, creates the basis for stability, saves enterprise funds and increases capitalization.

1.3 Formation and development of corporate culture of the enterprise

Corporate culture is formed under the influence of spontaneous and directed factors. The first includes the external environment in which the enterprise operates, including social norms, market and economic situation, the place of the enterprise in society. The second includes purposeful actions of management and ordinary employees to form a corporate culture.

Of course, it is easiest to create a corporate culture from scratch. But this is only possible with the formation of new enterprises. Most of the enterprises operating in Russia have existed for more than a dozen years and have an already established system of internal values, beliefs and rules of behavior. When forming a corporate culture, its elements should be adjusted (replacing undesirable / outdated values, norms and rules with elements that meet modern realities). Moreover, this should be done gradually and tactfully in order to avoid sharp resistance and rejection of innovations on the part of employees (especially with a long experience of work in this organization).

Key factors influencing the formation of the corporate culture of the enterprise:

The personality of the leader;

Business area, technology features;

Norms and requirements of the environment;

Stage of development of the enterprise.

Before proceeding with the adjustment of the corporate culture, it is necessary to diagnose the existing corporate culture as a whole and each of its components separately.

The system of formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise is presented in Appendix A.

Consider the stages of formation and development of corporate culture.

1. Definition of the mission of the institution.

Diagnostics of the corporate culture of the enterprise should begin with the definition of its mission. It means the main purpose of the enterprise, the purpose of creation and the very existence of the organization. Defining a mission is essential for both small and large businesses. It helps the first to feel the significance of their activities for society, despite their small size and modest opportunities. The latter, thanks to this, can unite and see the general meaning and the final results of their work behind separate fragmented processes taking place in each structural unit.

2. Assessment of the norms of official etiquette.

One of the most important conditions for the successful functioning and development of any organization is its positive image in the eyes of the public. And the creation of a favorable external image is impossible without internal consistency between the team members, compliance by all employees with official etiquette and maintaining a single corporate style. Service etiquette means a set of rules for business interaction in labor communities (behavior of people in various situations that arise in the workplace). Office etiquette is based on generally accepted norms of etiquette, such as the rules of greeting (for example, the youngest should greet the elder first, the subordinate - with the boss, etc.), the specifics of negotiating (including telephone), etc. , but taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise.

3. The presence of a corporate style.

The next component of the organizational culture - corporate style - includes the symbols of the enterprise (logo, slogan), the presence of uniform, easily recognizable elements in the design of buildings and in the interior of the interior, a unified uniform for staff (dress code). It is worth dwelling on the latter in more detail.

Dress code (from the English dress code - code of clothing) - a form of clothing required when visiting certain events, organizations, institutions. It is also used to designate clothing regulations that indicate a person's belonging to a particular professional group or a particular organization.

In some organizations, the requirements for the clothing of employees are expressed in the form of wishes and are advisory in nature, in others, a detailed description of the uniform and style of clothing is included in the labor contract, and sanctions may be provided for non-compliance. The dress code usually includes a list of clothes that are unacceptable to be in the workplace.

After a complete thorough diagnosis of the corporate culture, you should begin to adjust it.

The stages of adjusting the corporate culture of the enterprise include:

1. Formalization of enterprise values.

2. Analysis of the management system and documentation of the management process.

3. Analysis of the system of internal communications.

4. Analysis of the motivation system (material and non-material factors).

5. Analysis of informal interaction (traditions, rules, habits, etc.) of personnel.

6. Research of the level of satisfaction and identification of the actual needs of the personnel.

The Corporate Code fixes the key points by which the corporate culture of the enterprise is built in the future:

Strategic perspective;

Priority areas of development;

General principles of corporate conduct;

Tradition and symbolism.

The main result of successful work on the formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise is the commitment of employees. Commitment is a person's identification with their organization, expressed in the desire to work in it and contribute to its success.

Key ingredients of commitment:

1. Integration is the assignment of organizational goals by employees, the unification of employees around the goals of the organization.

2. Engagement is the desire of an employee to make personal efforts, to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals.

3. Loyalty is an emotional attachment to one's organization, a desire to remain a member of it.

Various methods are used to form employee commitment to the goals and values ​​of the company:

1. Components of commitment: branding, corporate media, corporate standards.

2. Involvement: training and development of personnel, corporate conferences, seminars, competitions, incentives for initiatives.

3. Loyalty: social programs, benefits and privileges, corporate events, congratulations, family programs, sports, culture, charity, ecology.

The corporate culture is built as a powerful strategic tool that allows all business units and employees to be oriented towards achieving common goals. The formation and development of corporate culture as an attempt at value-oriented management, which has its own advantages in comparison with regular management, creates the effect of "social relief".

Modern workers strive not only to prosper financially, but also to feel psychologically comfortable at an enterprise whose corporate values ​​correspond to their personal value orientations. Identifying with corporate values ​​helps employees come to terms with the inevitable sacrifices they make in order to become team members.

As for the formation of corporate culture, if the mission and strategy are developed by the management of the enterprise, then the system of values ​​cannot simply be “lowered from above”, just as it is impossible to force them to follow it by order. At the first stages of the existence of an enterprise, its value system, as a rule, coincides with the value orientations of the founders and owners. However, as soon as the latter in the operational leadership are replaced by hired managers, such a direct connection is interrupted. And only by consciously defining and affirming values ​​can this imbalance be avoided.

It should be noted that corporate culture is strictly individual, i.e. in each organization it has its own. It depends on a large number of factors: the cultural traditions of a particular state, its ideology, the scope and direction of development of a particular firm, the gender and age composition of its employees, the location of the office, and much more. All these factors form the main component of corporate culture - its values. They have different manifestations within a given organization.

Corporate values ​​should be gradually implemented and also gradually, harmoniously adopted by employees. This will allow achieving stabilization in activities and major successes in the field of organizational development.

Inherent in any organization, corporate culture is both a means of management and a lever for motivating employees. Forming loyalty to the enterprise, it directly affects the productivity and efficiency of labor activity, the quality of work, the nature of production and personal relations at the enterprise, the creative potential of people and the enterprise as a whole.

Values ​​are a fundamental element of corporate culture. They appear throughout the organization and are reflected in its goals and policies. It is the values ​​shared and declared by the founders and the most authoritative members of the enterprise that often become the key link on which the cohesion of employees depends, the unity of views and actions is formed, and the pursuit of common values ​​is able to unite people into groups, creating a powerful force in achieving the set goals. The mottos and slogans, which in a laconic form emphasize the significant landmarks and attitudes of the enterprise, have a normative significance in the corporate culture.

Myths and legends also play an important role in the enterprise, which can be formed both by the conscious efforts of its leaders and spontaneously from below. They exist, as a rule, in the form of metaphorical stories, anecdotes that are passed down from generation to generation of workers and employees.

They are associated with the history of the emergence of the enterprise, its further development, the life and activities of the "founding fathers" and are called upon to convey general corporate values ​​to employees in a visual, figurative, lively form.

Nevertheless, not all corporate values, realized and even accepted by the employee as such, really become his personal values. Therefore, a prerequisite for this transformation is the practical inclusion of the employee in the activities of the enterprise, aimed at realizing this value. Only by acting in accordance with corporate values ​​on a daily basis, observing the established norms and rules of conduct, an employee can become a representative of the company, corresponding to intragroup social expectations and requirements.

The complete identification of an employee with the enterprise means that he not only realizes the ideals of the company, strictly adheres to the rules and norms of behavior at the enterprise, but also internally fully accepts corporate values. In this case, the cultural values ​​of the enterprise become the individual values ​​of the employee, taking a strong place in the motivational structure of his behavior.

In accordance with the corporate culture of the enterprise, employees adhere to the rules and norms of behavior. The set of rules and norms of behavior, standards of relations between employees, as well as between them and managers or leaders of collectives, divisions of the enterprise is expressed in official documents, codes of honor, codes of corporate conduct, etc.

The Business Code most often contains rules that indicate what should never be done in a given organization, rules that say what needs to be done in a given organization, and rules for what is desirable.

To maintain the existing system of cultural values ​​of the enterprise, it is necessary to constantly influence the formation of value orientations of employees in order to bring them closer to the values ​​of the enterprise itself.

In order to achieve full identification of employees with the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of sequential measures, starting with a careful selection of candidates for employment in the organization.

Another measure for maintaining an organizational culture is the recognition and promotion of those employees who can serve as role models for other members of the enterprise. By identifying such people as exemplary employees, the company encourages other employees to follow their example. This approach to the formation of role models in companies is considered one of the most effective and permanent forms of promoting corporate values.

You can also introduce incentives for compliance with corporate rules and regulations and penalties for neglect of them. Written mentoring in the form of memos, instructions, standards, policies, slogans at workplaces, in the territory and in the back rooms and performing various rituals reminds people of corporate values, rules and standards. This educates workers and makes it easier for newcomers to adapt.

So, the methods of maintaining the corporate culture of the enterprise:

1. Documents adopted by the company: mission, goals, rules and principles of organization.

2. Behavioral norms, style and way of communication between management and subordinates.

3. External attributes, including a reward system, status symbols, criteria underlying personnel decisions (awards and privileges).

4. Stories, legends, myths and rituals associated with the origin of the enterprise, its founders or prominent members.

5. What (what tasks, functions, indicators, etc.) is the subject of constant attention of management.

6. Behavior of top management in crisis situations.

7. Personnel policy of the company, which includes the entire cycle of work with personnel: hiring, promotion and dismissal of employees is one of the main ways to maintain culture at the company.

Of course, this is not a complete list of factors that shape corporate culture, but it gives a general idea of ​​the role of management in its creation, as well as that the culture of an enterprise is a function of purposeful management actions of top management.

Any change in corporate culture requires a lot of effort and a long time in order for employees to accept new values ​​and adapt to new working conditions.

When analyzing the likelihood of successful corporate culture change, the following factors should be considered:

Personal changes in the leadership;

The phase of the life cycle of the enterprise;

Age of the company;

Enterprise size;

The power of the existing culture and subcultures.

Efforts to align the corporate culture in accordance with the enterprise strategy include diagnosing the existing corporate culture, determining the required corporate culture or program of necessary changes in the field of organizational values, systems, symbols and behavior, determining the contradictions between the existing and desired corporate culture and making the changes themselves.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The corporate culture of an enterprise is a set of beliefs, attitudes, behavior models, rules, approaches to work, methods of communication, consciously or unconsciously adopted and followed by the majority of employees of the enterprise.

Corporate culture can be characterized as an expression of basic values ​​and norms in the organizational structure, corporate governance system, personnel policy, carried out within the framework of a specific entrepreneurial activity.

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Organization characteristics

The company is ZAO Metallurgy.
The profile of its activity is a metallurgical plant.
The number of staff is about 4500 people.
The company has been operating for over 40 years.

General situation

A change of owners took place at the plant, followed by a change in the management team. The new leaders have been tasked with ensuring the company's work in accordance with world business standards, bringing the company to an international level, and achieving competitiveness of its products.

The new management team differs from the old youth (the average age of top managers is 35-40 years) and is "pro-Western" both in doing business and in lifestyle and core values. Commitment to new, fashionable, modern technologies is a common characteristic of the new management team. They plan to do everything according to the highest level of technology and technology.

The bulk of the company's personnel are people aged 50-55 and older, whose formation took place during the Soviet era. The management style of the former management of the plant did not differ much from the traditional one in Soviet times (with the same advantages and disadvantages). The employees respected the general director as a father of their own, and were condescending to his mistakes. The current leadership so far only promises, writes "some pieces of paper" and speaks in an incomprehensible language. On the one hand, the older generation is ready to follow the new bosses (if they work sensibly, speak on business, listen to the opinion of the watchmen) in order to revive the former glory of the enterprise; on the other hand, “wars” and redistributions at other combines and factories do not inspire much optimism. In addition, the introduction of new technologies and equipment to a certain extent limits the capabilities of the older generation. Some of them, in principle, don’t believe in anything.

As for the young employees (there are not many of them at the plant at different levels of the hierarchy), their intentions in relation to the plant are not obvious and are not known to anyone, they do not recognize the authorities, what is important and valuable for them is incomprehensible. Only those of them who strive for career growth look up to the leadership. It is necessary to understand what is the interest in working in the company among young people and how to use it to retain young employees and attract new ones.

It is planned to gradually upgrade the plant, to optimize the number and quality of personnel. It is planned to fire employees of retirement age (the process is already underway), and an increase in the number of young, promising employees. It is necessary to restore the influx of new personnel and ensure the change of generations, the transfer of knowledge and experience at the enterprise.

The most difficult aspect is updating the corporate culture. This is a necessary measure for solving the problems of the management team to improve the competitiveness of the plant. All categories of personnel are very different from each other, they have different values, there is no unifying principle, a common vision, rules of interaction, including at the level of performing immediate tasks.

You are an HR director; you have been working at the plant for six months. You were instructed to prepare a work plan for updating the corporate culture for a year, as well as a promising one (for 3-5 years).

  • What information do you need to prepare a corporate culture renewal plan? Where can you get it (sources)?
  • Prepare an indicative work plan for the renewal of the corporate culture for the year.
  • What difficulties can you face in implementing your plan? How can they be overcome?
  • Prepare the rationale, argumentation of your proposed activities.

Renewal of corporate culture. Solution

Indicative corporate culture plan (first year)

The main task of corporate culture in the first year of its formation is to "position" the personnel to the methods and values ​​of the new management, to form a team feeling ("we") and pride in their company.