Hobbies outside of work in the resume. Interests and hobbies in the resume, an example of the most optimal for certain positions. What to write on your resume? Resume hobbies gain employer's attention

A resume gives the employer a clear idea of ​​the potential employee. A good resume makes a good impression in the interview. After reading the "Hobbies" section, your interlocutor better understands your preferences and correlates them with the requirements of the vacancy for which you are applying. Some people have two or more hobbies, but for best results, don't list every single one on your resume. In other words, you have to pick a few main points and focus on them. Here are a few options that deserve to be mentioned on a resume, will impress the employer and increase your chances of finding a job.

Best resume hobbies

1. Reading

Reading is one of the best hobbies to list on a resume. A well-read person always commands the respect of others. By specifying reading as a hobby, you emphasize that you have a rich imagination, show an interest in the world around you and gain new knowledge. People who read a lot are usually good at communication. This is another reason why reading should be listed as a hobby.

They say a person is never as close to perfection as in a job interview. But in order to get on it, you often need to go through additional stages of selection, such as submitting a resume or a questionnaire. At the same time, many applicants embellish the truth or openly lie. But experienced personnel officers know how to bring a potential employee to clean water. For this, seemingly insignificant questions about goals, hobbies and priorities serve. What should be considered when listing a hobby on a resume? Let's find out about the pitfalls of this point of information about ourselves.

What to write in the "Hobby" section of your resume?

In order to benefit your employment, follow these rules:

  • Choose the right hobbies. You may have a lot of them, but you should not list them all and thus tire the HR officer. Write only about those that are relevant, and limit yourself to four positions. You need to give the potential employer a better understanding of you, which can help them get an invitation for an interview.
  • You must show that you have the qualities that can be applied in the work, and this is what the provision of information about your hobbies in the resume is aimed at. Example: Suppose you are the coach of a local amateur soccer team. You can talk about your planning skills, organizing other people's activities, problem solving skills, and responsibility. This can be very useful for those who have no work experience (university graduates, students), as well as those who have not worked in their specialty for some time or want to take a higher position.
  • Don't include political hobbies on your resume. This is a sensitive topic, and not everyone can share your views. Unless you are applying for positions where your political affiliation may be important, you should avoid any mention of such hobbies or affiliations.

Should I include a hobby section on my resume?

If this information can be perceived ambiguously by personnel officers, then is it worth writing about it? The answer to this question is yes, but you need to carefully weigh each word. You give more information about your personality when you include a hobby on your resume. Example: You are applying for a sales position at a sports store. An employer won't mind seeing your hobbies or skates listed. Information about a hobby should be informative; if it does not carry a semantic load, then you should not include it and take away the time of the hiring manager who will study your profile.

List of the most popular hobbies

Not sure what to write in the "Hobby" section of your resume? Here is a list of the most common options:

What hobbies employers would like to see in their employees

As you can see, hobbies and hobbies in your resume tell more about you and can show the employer your professional suitability or convince him that you are not the best candidate for the desired position. However, do not forget, you should not lie - at some point the truth will still open, and you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation.

Very often, when looking for a prestigious job, before a personal meeting, employers ask to send a resume. Typically, established companies with large staff simply do not have enough time to interview every job seeker. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of a resume with all seriousness, since it will be the business card of an applicant for an open vacancy.

Summary. General concept. What to write on your resume?

Resume - a document in which the applicant must display his own and provide a personal characteristic. Writing it competently is the first step that can bring you closer to your cherished goal.

When writing a resume, you must adhere to the following plan:

Additional information in the resume

If everything is very clear with all the points of the summary, then a problem arises with additional information. Very often, many people ask the question: "What information should be displayed in it?" It should be noted that this item is not mandatory, but its presence is welcomed by employers, especially when employed in a domestic company.

Additional information may include information about the personal qualities, interests, hobbies, and hobbies of the applicant. Competent drafting of this paragraph gives an almost 100% guarantee of an invitation for an interview. Hobbies and interests in the resume will make it stand out from the rest, characterizing a person not only as a good specialist, but also as a versatile personality.

Why are employers interested in employees' hobbies and hobbies?

Leaders of promising companies are always interested in how employees spend their free time. And this is not an idle curiosity. For them, the main thing is that the enterprise should not only work stably, but also develop rapidly. However, if an employee prefers to spend time with friends while drinking alcoholic beverages, then the next morning there is nothing to expect fruitful work from him.

When selecting potential employees for executives, it is very important that interests and hobbies are correctly portrayed on the resume.

An example for the position of a history teacher: in the "additional information" item, the candidate indicated a hobby for museums and excavations. Such information characterizes him on the good side, showing how much and selflessly he loves his subject.

Negative aspects of the "Additional information" paragraph

When choosing interests and hobbies for a resume, you must be extremely careful, as some information may cause a negative reaction from the employer. In no case should you embellish yourself and come up with a non-existent hobby. Experienced employees will instantly be able to see through the deception, and the applicant will find himself in a rather awkward position.

When filling out this item, many make the same mistake, listing standard hobbies. However, at the same time, they do not even think about how much they correspond to the desired position. Sometimes the vacancies even contradict the described interests and hobbies in the resume. Example: A salesperson applicant has indicated on his resume that he is an active football fan. Will the future employer be interested in such information and will the prospect of seeing his employee be pleased in an unpresentable form with bruises and abrasions?

It is especially necessary to be careful in the case of extreme sports enthusiasm. Such information should be indicated only if it is directly necessary for work.

What hobbies should you include in your resume? Versatile options

As a rule, the manager is interested in the hobbies of the future employee only in order to know how this can affect his work. Therefore, it is better to voice options that complement and reveal professionalism that is directly related to a particular position.

Interests and hobbies in a resume are an example of standard options:

  • engaging in a variety of sports;
  • hobby for music, cinema, fiction;
  • creative pursuits such as drawing, photography;
  • study or PC operating systems;
  • passion for foreign languages.

How do employers use hobby information?

Having learned what a person likes to do in his free time, you can almost accurately guess his character and abilities. Experienced psychologists, looking at a resume, pay special attention to the candidate's hobbies, since this point can tell more about a person than all the previous ones, and even predict his career.

How exactly do the described interests and hobbies reveal their essence in the resume? An example is the selection of candidates for the position of advertising manager. If the applicant is fond of cycling, then his character is based on overcoming difficulties, striving forward, endurance and Data will best affect the duties performed, and the career growth of such an employee is ensured.

Using psychological associations, you can accurately determine a person applying for a certain position:

  • knitting, sewing - concentration, perseverance, patience;
  • photography, painting - creative and artistic abilities, an impeccable sense of taste;
  • extreme hobbies - self-confidence, determination;
  • psychology - sociability, stress resistance, sociability.

If a hobby has nothing to do with work, then do not despair, it still needs to be indicated in the resume. Such information will indicate a diversified development and will be very useful. A hobby for sports will suit office workers, thanks to it, life balance will be restored, which will help relieve fatigue and mental stress.

So, when filling out a resume, you should not ignore the point about interests and hobbies, since it is he who is able to give the applicant's documents originality, arousing interest in his person and highlighting the candidates from the general list.

A hobby is a hobby that a person receives from childhood. It can appear at any age, but it is best to get it from childhood. We all do some kind of work in accordance with our interests, which can give us happiness and joy, which are called hobbies.

My hobby is watching TV. I really enjoy watching TV in my free time. Watching TV is my hobby, but it never interferes with my studies. I prefer to do my homework first and watch TV later. I think I have a good hobby because watching TV gives me good knowledge in many areas.

What about my hobby? This is most likely what I do with great pleasure in my free time from work and household chores. It is different for everyone, for example, my mom loves to embroider, dad loves to go fishing and hunting. This is their hobby.

I have a lot of favorite hobbies. I love reading, I love cycling, and I love the story. But my main hobby is painting, and I started painting when I was little. Mom and Dad very often gave me felt-tip pens of various colors, colored pencils and beautiful, snow-white drawing paper.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste, you are in luck, because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: making things, making things, collecting things, and learning things. The most popular hobby group is doing things.

Each person has a hobby and some free time to do what we love the most. I also have a hobby. And since I'm a student, I don't have much time on school days. Moreover, I study at a Russian school, so I have only one day off - Sunday.

Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. Hobbies are what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people love music, others love to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer landscaping or hiking or taking photographs.

Life is so arranged that each person has their own interests and talents for something. Someone knows how to draw well, someone collects stamps and rare coins, someone loves fishing and hunting.
All of them do it better than all the others, since, as the people say, they have a heart for this.

In my opinion, the world is full of various activities and hobbies for people. Many of them are fairly common and common, such as fishing, reading and drawing. But there are also such unusual and exotic ones as the search for aliens, Bigfoot, solving the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.

It is believed that it is not necessary to indicate a hobby on a resume. They say that these one or two lines in the resume only steal the precious attention of the HR manager, and there is zero benefit in them. But there is a different opinion. Hobbies are different, and vacancies are also different.

Here are some examples of situations in which mentioning a hobby can work in your favor:

a) you can distinguish yourself from your competitors with a useful and unusual hobby. For example, you are fond of astronomy, you even have a telescope with which you observe the stars. At companies like Google, these "eccentricities" are very much appreciated. Firstly, such a hobby is betrayed by an analytical mindset (who doubts, try to master astronomy); secondly, the infatuation illustrates an interest in modern technology;

b) if a hobby is indirectly related to work, you can “set off” your main merits (knowledge, skills, experience) with it. For example, if you are applying for a leadership role and have experience organizing hiking trips, this is a big plus, as a hobby shows you have leadership, organizational skills, and a sense of responsibility for all team members.

What hobbies are worth mentioning on your resume to show yourself in the most favorable light?

We have compiled a list of hobbies and compared them with professions for which mentioning the relevant hobby can be helpful.

Is your profession on the list, and is your hobby also yours? Then make changes to your resume without delay, because any detail can decide the outcome of a job search, and a hobby is important.

1) Yoga

The list is far from complete: it can include all professions that involve stressful situations. What does yoga have to do with it? This is a type of activity that helps to maintain emotional balance, to gently control what is happening around due to the conscious perception of their own states. Therefore, people who are friends with yoga are less conflicted, more emotionally stable.

In addition, yoga presupposes a healthy lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, which certainly appeals to employers.

2) Extreme sports

The list can be supplemented with professions in which such qualities as passion and the ability to assess risks are important. After all, excitement without the ability to assess the situation and retreat at the right time brings harm rather than success.

3) Video creation

A copywriter is not required to be able to edit video clips, but if he can do it (we are talking about the basic level), this is a plus. Let's say a company wants to assign a copywriter to run a blog. Video skills will allow a copywriter not only to write articles, but also sometimes add a small video edited from available materials to the blog. The same goes for the content manager. A PR director or event-meneger who has an idea of ​​how a video is made will be able to more correctly evaluate the material created for the company and give recommendations for its improvement.

4) Sports requiring endurance (marathon running, triathlon, cycling)

Sports that require endurance are important for people who work with tasks stretched out in time, while it is important for success that the specialist is in good shape all the time and knows how to dose efforts so as not only to rush forward in one section, but to be the first to come to the finish line ...

5) Team sports (football, basketball, volleyball and many others)

It makes no sense to list the professions here: passion for team sports is a plus for everyone who works in a team, forgive the tautology. It's cool if you have experience of being a team captain: be sure to reflect this in your resume; it is a testament to your outstanding leadership and organizational skills.

6) Blogging

Being passionate about blogging isn't just important for professions like copywriting or journalism.

The author of this article once thoroughly familiarized himself with the foreman's blog: the expert shared with real estate owners a variety of (and extremely useful) advice on the topics of renovation, home improvement, hiring a construction team, etc.

Theoretically, a blog can be kept by a worker, a locksmith, or an auto mechanic: can you imagine what a convenient opportunity an employer gets to assess the competence of an applicant who has a blog on a professional topic?

7) Gambling (e.g. poker)

Yes, this kind of hobby can also be an advantage - for example, for financiers, bank employees, brokers.

Gambling is often surrounded by a negative halo, but let's not forget that the same poker is the ability to count, analyze, and assess risks. The psychological factor also plays a role: experienced players say that the ability to “read” the opponent (recognize his emotions, intentions) is no less important than what is called “poker mathematics”. Perhaps one should be careful with the mention of this hobby. Add it to your resume if you can prove your qualifications by winning poker tournaments - as this is more a sport than a leisure.

8) Photography

A marketer is unlikely to photograph objects for an advertising campaign himself (there are professional photographers for this), but if he has experience working with photography, he will be able to competently select images for specific purposes, assess the competence of photographers-contractors.

In general, photography as a hobby will be a plus for all creative professions - where artistic taste is important in the work.

9) Playing musical instruments (harmonica does not count :)

A universal hobby, which testifies to the presence of taste (in this case, musical), the ability to discipline oneself and achieve set goals (those who doubt the last statement can try to learn to play the violin).

10) Any unusual hobby

Basically, it is not so important what your hobby is - basket weaving or martial arts - it is important that you can succeed in activities that interest you.

So if you decide to mention a hobby, mention your accomplishments in that field as well. For example, you won a competition / competition, your work has been featured in the media, your blog has high traffic, etc.

What NOT to be mentioned as a hobby

Do not include reading books in this column.

First, the inclination to broaden the horizons is not an achievement, but a necessary quality, so there is nothing to brag about here.

Secondly, this hobby is very often mentioned on the resume, so if you do the same, you will look like the majority, and this is not the best option when looking for a job.