Professions in the food industry. Food professions. Where to get basic education

Every profession is needed, every profession is important. Choosing a professional career is a rather difficult task. This is not taught in school. The main thing is to focus on your abilities, and you can learn everything.

Types of industrial production

At the moment, there are three main types of industry. These include the following:

  • light industry;
  • heavy;
  • chemical.

Depending on the type of production, the professions of industry have significant differences.

Light industry

This industry includes enterprises for the manufacture and processing of such raw materials:

  • flax;
  • cotton;
  • jute;
  • silks;
  • wool and much more.

Organizations that produce fabrics and other consumer goods also belong to the industry light industry... That is, these are all enterprises that manufacture consumer goods.

The main occupations of this type of industry would be as follows:

  • designer-fashion designer;
  • seamstress;
  • cutter;
  • tailor;
  • sewing equipment operator.

If the first four professions are closely related, the last one is considered the most difficult. It implies the ability to understand any sewing equipment and promptly eliminate its malfunctions.

Note. This moment is especially important in the serial production of a large enterprise. Otherwise, there may be disruptions in the creation and sale of products.

Heavy industry and professions

This type of production is particularly complex. Heavy industry includes mining and manufacturing. Basically, all work in production is related to metal. This could be the following:

  • welding;
  • straightening;
  • milling
  • grinding and much more.

Depending on this profession, this type of industry will be as follows:

  • welder;
  • milling machine;
  • boring machine;
  • blast furnace;
  • miner;
  • turner;
  • fitter and others.

As a rule, men work in this area. Although you can meet women. The weak half of society gives its preference to such professions as a welder and a milling machine operator.

Chemical industry

This area of ​​production is considered the most interesting and difficult. To choose a profession of this type of industry, knowledge is required not only in chemistry, but also in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. All this is taught in school, as well as in higher education.

The chemical industry offers a rather complex profession. Examples:

  • chemist;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • chemical technologist.

Choosing the latest classification of professions, you can study in the following areas:

  • pharmacist;
  • food technologist;
  • technologist for the production of detergents and others.

These professions are no less important in human life. It will take a long time to study.

general information

Each educational institution annually conducts a recruitment of future students who, after qualified training, will become specialists in various industries. As a rule, the choice of a profession in industry, the list of which is constantly growing, can be made in advance. To do this, you need to correctly assess your capabilities and abilities.

MOU Snezhnenskaya secondary school

Public lesson on technology grade 11

Teacher: Velichko G.L.

Topic : "Professional activity in light and Food Industry»

Lesson objectives : 1 Identify food and light industries

2. to get acquainted with the professions and professional qualities of workers in the food and light industry;

Tasks : Learning tasks .

Ensure the assimilation of knowledge: about the branches and professions of the light and food industries,

Developmental tasks :

the ability to compare, work with text, analyze and draw conclusions.

Educational tasks :

to educate schoolchildren to be organized, the ability to concentrate attention, the desire to use time rationally, to form the experience of equal cooperation between the teacher and the student; the ability to evaluate their activities.

help students in vocational guidance;

Lesson type: modular

Teaching methods: group and individual work, discussion, illustrative method.

Equipment : Computer, projector, technological maps lesson, multimedia presentation.

During the classes:


Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the professions in the field of trade, Catering and light industry. These professions are part of the public service sector. To serve is to serve people. This is a service of a kind population, a service of every day, where a specialist (seller or waiter, cashier or cook, fashion designer or seamstress) deals with the satisfaction of the urgent needs of people, with a variety of human moods, tastes, characters, and individualities. We need to learn the professions of the food and light industry, and what qualities need to be developed in ourselves, choosing a profession from this area? What is the content of the work of these workers?

1 slide. The topic of our lesson is "Professional activity of the light and food industries."

Today in the lesson, I invite you to learn about the professions of the light and food industries yourself, working with the text of the textbook. professional qualities her workers. For this, we swami will be divided into two groups. 1 - a row - work in the professional activity of the light industry, and 2 - a row of the food industry. A guide to independent work for you will be the flow charts, which I will now distribute to you. These cards contain educational elements - the stages of your activity. (1 column), goals are prescribed for each stage, the approximate time required to complete the tasks. Methods for checking the correctness of the tasks completed, as well as at the end of the assimilation of each element, you yourself give yourself points, the final column lists the assessment criteria. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me for help. I will put additional points for your oral answers and completed assignments in the margins of your notebooks.

3 slide.

The group of industries providing the population with fabrics, clothing, footwear and other consumer goods is combined into a separate industry - light industry.

At the stage of primary processing of raw materials, the light industry has close contact with agriculture, as well as the raw material base for the light industry is the chemical industry - the production of artificial and synthetic materials (artificial silk and leather, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber).

4 slide .

Light industry is a complex industry that includes more than twenty sub-sectors that can be combined into three main groups: textile, clothing, leather, (fur, footwear).

5 slide .

6 slide.

As you might have guessed, today in the lesson we are talking about professions related to the type of "person - technology" and "person - person". A sine qua non for successful labor activity of all specialists of the "person-to-person" type is professional communication, the need to establish contact with other people. If an employee does not have patience and endurance, is inattentive to people, then in this case we can talk about the employee's professional unsuitability for professions of this type. Moreover, in our time, the requirements of people for the culture of service, for the level of qualifications of workers, their ability to correctly perceive and evaluate mental condition buyer, client, his mood, motives of behavior.

Being in plain sight all the time, working quickly and accurately, while remaining benevolent and condescending - this may not be within the power of everyone. But it is in this daily and difficult work for the good of other people that the meaning of the activities of trade and public catering workers lies.

7 slide.

8 slide

9 slide.

The food industry includes industries that provide the population with food. It includes dairy, meat, fat and oil, macaroni, confectionery, wine and beer industries.

More than any other branch of the food industry is associated with agriculture, from which it receives raw materials. Intersectoral links with mechanical engineering and energy are important

10 slide

Product processing Agriculture includes bakery, pasta, dairy, confectionery, meat products, fish processing, etc.

The industries are divided into two groups

11 slide

The first group of the industry:




Tea room



12 slide

The second group is the industry:





13 slide

Food industry professions

14 slide

What professions exist

in light and food industry

Seamstress confectioner

Embroiderer baker

Knitter head of equipment

Textile biotechnologist

Weaver testometer

Spinner stove-maker

Cutter packer



Fashion designer

From time immemorial, the goods were separated from the buyer by the counter. This order seemed to be eternal and unshakable. Now the buyer moves freely around the store, tries on, assesses the price of the product and only at the exit pays for all his purchases. The seller in this store does not stand still: he advises the buyer, assists him, arranges the goods, packs it, performs the work of the cashier. Contact with the buyer does not last long, but during this time he must "give" the buyer a maximum of useful information about the product in a friendly and unobtrusive manner.

The technical equipment of trade enterprises is also changing. Computers now help and facilitate the collection of information about the received and sold goods.

Mechanical scales are replaced by electronic ones. Cash register connected to a computer, "reads" the cost of the goods using a barcode and marks the information about the sold goods in the check.

Enterprises engaged in trading activities, are subdivided into several groups: 1. Stores of consumer goods, 2. Universities, 3. Specialized stores, 4. Shopping malls, 5. Warehouses - shops, 6. Stores selling by catalogs, 7. Internet - shops.

Practical work.

a) Test yourself as a commercial agent. Try to sell an item, advertise it so that the buyer cannot refuse. Choose the best commercial agent.

b) ROLE-PLAYING GAME "Seller - Buyer".

The task of the seller is to calmly and benevolently respond to the hot-tempered "buyer".

Working with crosswords, by groups


Let's check what we have learned in the lessons. We will answer your questions.

Which industry is called "light industry?"

What are the three main groups of light industry?

What type of professions are the professions of light industry?

What kind of production does the food industry include that provides the population with food?

What are two groups of the food industry?

To master the professions of light industry, what school subjects should you pay more attention to? Explain why?

must know? And explain why?

. Lesson summary.

D.Z. For the next lesson, prepare a presentation about the professions of the food and light industry that interest you

Each profession has its own requirements for the person who decided to master it. Workers in trade and public catering, solving part of our life problems, must be attentive and benevolent, have patience and endurance, and strive to bring joy to people.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the content of the labor of some professions, you will be able to better understand yourself and answer the question: "Can I choose this or that profession?"

Technologist food production - a specialist responsible for the quality of food products at all stages: from the receipt of raw materials to the moment of packaging finished products. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in labor and economy (see the choice of profession by interest in school subjects).

High-quality food is the key to the health of the country's population. Therefore, the profession of a food technologist will always be in demand and its importance only increases, especially in modern conditions... An extremely important task has been set before the food industry of the country - to increase up to 70-80% of processed agricultural products. And this is possible only in the case of the emergence and implementation of effective competitive new technologies, the development of which is also involved in food production technologists.

Food products are represented by a huge number of products. Accordingly, the technologies of their production are also different.

Training of specialists takes place in the following areas:

  • meat and dairy industry technology;
  • technology of bread, confectionery and pasta;
  • fermentation and wine-making technology;
  • canning production technology.
  • Specialization, as a rule, is chosen by technologists during the training period.

But in whatever direction the technologist works, his main task is to prevent disruption of the production cycle. The slightest deviation from the technology and recipe for the production of the product will lead to the rejection of the whole batch. Only by constantly monitoring all components of production can the quality of products be ensured. So, for example, if for the production of sausages suppliers brought meat of the wrong kind, find out the reason for this and demand the supply of meat required quality is obliged to the technologist. It is also the responsibility of the technologist to monitor the air temperature in production halls producing dairy products or wines. Serviceability of equipment, timely delivery of the required number of packages - all this is controlled by the technologist.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities of a food production technologist:

  • quality control of raw materials and manufactured products;
  • monitoring compliance and ensuring the correctness of the existing production technology;
  • checking the quality of the finished product;
  • control over the correctness of packaging, labeling and storage conditions of products;
  • optimization of production technology;
  • control over the correct operation of the equipment;
  • analysis of problematic production situations;
  • development of recipes and technologies for the production of new products;
  • development of technological documentation;
  • calculation of consumption rates of the necessary raw materials, time consumption;
  • calculation of the cost of manufactured products;
  • preparation of orders for raw materials and necessary equipment;
  • preparation of documentation for product certification;
  • control over the implementation of sanitary rules in production.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Constant demand in the labor market;
  • stable work;
  • rather high wages in large companies.


  • responsibility for shortcomings in the work of other services;
  • intense work rhythm;
  • overtime work;
  • some industries have a shift schedule.

Place of work

Food production: meat and dairy factories, dairy processing enterprises, confectionery factories, bakeries and pasta factories, canneries, as well as factories for the production of mineral waters, weak alcoholic beverages, wines, spirits. Technologists are also in demand at factories for the production of food acids, bakery and alcohol yeast in laboratories of various industries.

Salary as of 02/20/2020

Russia 30,000-100,000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—140,000 ₽

Important qualities

  • a responsibility;
  • patience;
  • stress resistance;
  • the ability to quickly make decisions in case of emergency;
  • accuracy;
  • good memory.

Where to study to be a food technologist

Technologists can get vocational training in two directions:

  • in universities of food specialization in the departments "technology of bread, confectionery and pasta", "technology of meat and dairy industry", "technology of fermentation and winemaking", "technology of food", "technology of canning production";
  • in universities of chemical technology - on the universal specialization "food biotechnology" or "biotechnology".

Higher education:



  • Food College № 33 - Bread, Pasta and Confectionery Technology
  • Moscow Technological College of Nutrition of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanova
  • Moscow educational complex. Victor Talalikhin
  • First Moscow educational complex
  • Moscow College of Management, hospitality and information technologies"Tsaritsyno"


Salary as of 02/20/2020

Russia 30,000-100,000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—140,000 ₽

Labor remuneration depends on the company in which the technologist works, work experience and qualifications.

Career Steps and Prospects

At first, young specialists hold the position of a junior technologist. Career growth is possible in the following sequence: technologist, senior shift technologist, chief technologist, director of operations.

Portrait of a modern food production technologist:

As a rule, food technologists work women with higher education - 69% of the total; men, respectively, 31%. The percentage of young people under the age of 30 is 63%. Food production engineers are most in demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Volgograd.

No matter what happens in human society, no matter what direction of development civilization chooses, only one thing remains unchanged - our need for food. The lack or excess of food has always dramatically affected the development of human society. In some cases, it was the complete lack of food that led to the outbreak of wars, in the flames of which more than one ancient civilization burned down. It is not surprising that in our time a food technologist is a very important specialty, and the life and health of people depend on his professionalism.

How it all began?

Food production has been constantly improving, following the development of scientific and technological progress. Once upon a time, our ancestors baked meat and vegetables over a fire, but since then technology has leaped forward.

According to research by nutritionists, the average person eats over a hundred different foods every month! And the production of each of them is under the strict control of competent specialists. In general, without this circumstance, it will generally be difficult for an enterprise to count on some kind of fame and popularity of its product, since modern consumers simply will not pay for low-quality products. In addition, even one case of poisoning can put an end to a prestigious, long-cultivated brand. Errors are excluded here.

In general, those people who followed the preparation of food have existed almost always, but in its modern form the profession of "food technologist" appeared relatively recently. In our time, there is a shortage of quality food, and therefore control over food production is becoming increasingly important. In addition, nowadays agricultural technology has stepped far forward, which has led to the possibility of growing in large quantities those crop products that in the recent past did not differ in availability.

Therefore, it took industrial technology to process so many food products. Technological technicians have an extremely important role in this area, since they are the ones who develop and control all stages of the production of high-quality and safe products suitable for human nutrition. This is especially important if it is planned to manufacture products that will be used in baby food.

Where is this profession in demand?

As the statistics of the employment service in all regions of our country show, a food technologist will definitely not be left without work. This especially applies to those areas where the food industry is traditionally developed (Kuban, for example). It should be remembered that this profession is closely related to the need for maximum automation of labor and the constant maintenance of a high interest in its products on the market. Think about it right away when deciding where to study to be a food technologist! Otherwise, you run the risk of simply being disappointed in your chosen profession, and this will definitely not bring you anything good.

Therefore, a person who decides to connect his life with this path needs not only to know the theoretical base perfectly, but also to be a good rationalizer, capable of making practical adjustments to the food production process. In many cases, it is the technologist who determines the degree of competitiveness at modern market, which does not forgive any mistakes in principle.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the profession

As in all cases human activity, the profession of "food technologist" has both undoubted advantages and certain disadvantages. TO positive sides include the high demand for these specialists in the labor market and the high social significance their activities. As for negative qualities, it should be remembered that working conditions will not always be ideally comfortable.

Type and class of professional activity

By the type of activity, the profession of a technologist should be attributed to the variety "Man - Nature". This means that specialists will have to actively interact with objects of animate and inanimate nature, they need to have good perseverance and observation. Of course, the profession of "food processing engineer" may well be attributed to the type "Man - Technician", since it presupposes a good knowledge of the features of numerous mechanisms for their correct control. This requires people to have good motor skills as well as a love of manual and technical activities.

In addition, the profession belongs to the class of "performing", since in many cases special creative imagination is not required to be shown, but you need to work, strictly observing the requirements of standard instructions. You need organization, diligence and a high degree of accuracy.

What does the activity involve?

What does a food processing engineer generally do? He monitors the sequence and quality of execution of all stages of food production, gives comments and suggestions on how to correct any deficiencies identified in the process of activity. The whole purpose of his work is to get the consumer of high-quality and absolutely safe products, the use of which does not threaten human life and health.

What else should a food processing technician do? He, for example, studies and analyzes the quality of the raw materials from which the products will be made, as well as the materials used in production, and the finished product itself. He is responsible for conducting technological calculations and preparing all the necessary documentation, studying the reasons that led to the appearance of defective products on sale. Accordingly, the specialty "food technologist" presupposes the skills of drawing up a plan to prevent such situations in the future and eliminate the consequences of an already occurred production defect. In addition, in many factories, these same people are also responsible for ensuring that employees comply with safety procedures.

Now let's give a more expanded list. job duties the specialty in which you may intend to work in the future:

  • In a number of cases, it is the technologist who is responsible for organizing production, correctly placing equipment, etc. In addition, he almost always trains personnel in the correct handling of machines and devices that are available at the enterprise.
  • In restaurants and canteens, he also makes the menu.
  • Distributes work between workers or cooks, simultaneously monitoring the results of the execution of their orders.
  • He is responsible for monitoring the final output of finished products and comparing this indicator with the accepted technological standards.
  • The introduction of new and progressive methods of cooking food products with the optimization of processes for the existing capabilities of the enterprise.
  • He is also responsible for monitoring the operation of the equipment - it is the technologist who calls the technicians in the event of a breakdown. The same specialist is responsible for complete quality control of the food produced at the production site.
  • Examining existing regulations, makes up new recipe combinations.
  • It is the technologist who can and should study the emergence of new trends in the market in order to introduce something new and useful in production.
  • He is engaged in the development and "presentation" of new variants of dishes to the market, at the same time being responsible for their "promotion".
  • Controls how fully the sanitary and epidemiological standards are observed at the enterprise, and, if necessary, corrects this issue.
  • When composing new dishes, the process engineer draws up their technological maps, determining the exact composition and nutritional value of the product.
  • In some cases, these specialists are responsible for the completeness and timeliness of the supply of production with all the necessary tools, materials and raw materials.
  • If necessary, it takes part in various programs to improve the qualifications of employees in order to better meet all the requirements of our time.

In which branches of the food industry are technologists most in demand?

There are many industries in which these specialists are especially in demand, but the largest number of them is noted in the following industries:

  • Release of bakery products.
  • Milk production, as well as its processing, followed by the manufacture of dairy products.
  • Production of food products from meat, as well as enterprises that produce meat.
  • Sugar making, as well as the entire confectionery industry.
  • Conservation of products of the fruit and vegetable industry of plant growing.
  • Wine and beer production.
  • Food release associated with heavy use microbiological cultures.

This is what a food technologist does. The profit of the entire enterprise and the attitude of people to its products often depend on the results of his work, attentiveness and resourcefulness. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that rather high requirements are imposed on future specialists!

What should a future specialist know and be able to do?

To successfully master the specialty, mathematics, biology, chemistry, natural science are extremely important. Every qualified technician should know the following:

  • Properties, assortment, as well as the structure of products manufactured in production.
  • List of equipment used, have an idea of ​​its work.
  • List of standard consumption of all materials, water, raw materials and Supplies, be able to prevent marriage and eliminate the consequences of its appearance.
  • Ideally, master all the rules for drawing up technical documentation.

All this is necessary in order to be able to master any modern technology that was installed at your facility.

What skills should he have?

What else does this work involve? A food technologist must have the following skills:

  • Work in any team, the ability to find a common language with different people.
  • Know all the safety rules at work and follow them unconditionally. This is all the more important because he (as we have already indicated above) may have to be responsible for the observance of these rules by production workers.
  • Ability to work with all types technological equipment available in a specific production.

The individual qualities of the future specialist are no less important. To successfully work as a food technologist, it is important to have the following inclinations:

  • Have a desire to work with large amounts of information.
  • To be able to concentrate on any one issue, to be as diligent as possible.
  • Be not too squeamish, since when working, you often have to deal with objects of living (and not too living) nature.
  • A person should have pronounced mathematical abilities, since he has to count a lot and constantly.
  • Have and want to work a lot with your hands. Without this, too, nowhere.

Working conditions of specialists

In some cases, technologists work alone, but where more often they have to join large enough teams. As a rule, the profession of "food technologist" involves working in an indoor environment. These are the shops of various factories, workshops, slaughterhouses, fish processing facilities, etc. One has to work, being constantly on the move, often resorting to manual labor. The work of a technologist requires constant stress, not only physical, but also mental.

In their work, these specialists are often severely limited. job descriptions and the requirements of enterprise managers. It should be especially emphasized that this type of activity necessarily requires the presence medical book... According to the current legislative norms, without this document, no one even has the right to be inside the production workshops, where the direct production of food products takes place.

Are there any medical restrictions for working in this specialty?

As you may have noticed, technologists spend a lot of time on the move and often do manual labor. Unsurprisingly, some diseases can be a barrier to getting a job. Before studying to be a food technologist, check with your doctor for the following problems:

  • All pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular apparatus.
  • Pathology of the organs of hearing and vision.
  • Immune system problems.
  • Severe food allergies that are life-threatening to be in food production.
  • All types of contagious infectious and viral diseases.

If a person has any of these diseases, then the hard work of a technologist will inevitably lead to poor health. In addition, in some cases, the diseases of a specialist are simply dangerous for consumers of manufactured products (tuberculosis, dysentery).

Where to get basic education?

Only a person who has received a secondary special or higher education... Upon graduation, he receives the profession of "food technologist". What exams do you need to take for this? As a rule, most educational institutions require the following:

  • Mathematics.
  • Russian language exam.
  • Physics and / or chemistry.
  • In some cases, computer science is required.

If you want to become a food technologist, where to study? In general, it is difficult to give a concrete answer to this question, since in every more or less large city in our country there are specialized technical schools or universities. Of course, if you want to work in a particularly large production, you should choose the educational institution that is located in the local regional center. As a rule, their graduates find it much easier to find higher-paying jobs. Here's how you can get the profession of "food technologist". Where to study for this, you should find out specifically in your city.

What kind of facilities can technologists work on?

If we talk about specific objects of the food industry, where a graduate can work after training, then they are most in demand here:

  • Milk processing and dairy production enterprises.
  • Slaughterhouses and workshops for meat processing.
  • All other factories and plants, one way or another related to the production of food.
  • Catering establishments including canteens, cafes, bars and restaurants.

That's what training as a food technologist is for. It should be said that in many cases these specialists receive a decent salary. Finally, we have repeatedly mentioned their relevance in the labor market, which is clearly important in our difficult time.

Are there opportunities for further career growth?

For some reason, it is generally accepted that technologists have no particular prospects in the field of further career growth... Fortunately, this is far from the case. There are several ways to move on, not limited to running around the shops. First, there are many related areas in which you could apply your strength. So, in the same food industry there are vacancies for leading developers and engineers, and you can also become a director! More often than not, people from this industry do not leave anywhere, preferring to get the position of "food processing engineer". What exams will I have to take for this? Most likely, you will need to complete preparatory courses for retraining personnel, which are available in almost all more or less large enterprises.

There is an opportunity to retrain as a chef of a prestigious restaurant, pastry chef, and knowledge in the same 1C (and without this program anyway, you will not be in the way). As we said, some technologists choose to become managers. Often, you can get a second specialized education in the same place where they teach to be a food technologist. The most enterprising students immediately receive two specialties, which greatly facilitates their employment in the future.

After that, they manage shifts, workshops. In principle, with success in this field, you can get the education of the same manager, since management most often does not interfere with such aspirations of promising employees. That's what a food technologist is for! A technical school or university that trains such specialists will never be left without a constant influx of applicants.

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"Enterprise Restructuring" - Typology of transformational measures. Restructuring - restructuring. Modern definitions. The enterprises faced the necessity of restructuring due to various reasons: Approaches to the definition of the concept of enterprise restructuring. Fundamentals of enterprise restructuring. The concept of "enterprise restructuring" existed in Soviet times.

"Production function" - Q5. 3.1.3 Cost minimization. Figure 3.2 Capital-to-labor ratio and MRTS. ?. C. L *. Marginal Products of Labor and Capital: As defined by MRTS: Applied Economics. Q4.

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"Production management" - The main functions of management. Comprehensive check of all or some aspects of the firm's activities. Economic methods are aimed at creating a favorable climate in the team. Exchange of information with other people. Economic methods do not work automatically, it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the result.

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There are 6 presentations in total