Production of croutons equipment for a small volume. Documents and licenses. Selection of premises for equipping production

The fast pace of modern life, which is constantly increasing from year to year, requires the maximum return of physical and moral strength from humanity. It is difficult to stay afloat sitting on a soft couch at home. So people have to hurry, run and hurry, not looking around and sometimes not having time to dine on time.

Snacks are a popular fast food

An active lifestyle has shaped the need for foods that you can eat on the go without spending a lot of time on it. This is how snacks (from the English Snak - light snack) appeared and quickly gained popularity. They are small dry food packaged in small portions in convenient packaging.

The number of fast food products included potato chips, cereal flakes, a variety of nuts, salted fish, dried fruits and, of course, crackers. This snack product did not become great discovery for the Russian consumer. He just moved from domestic cuisines to the civilized market, where he very quickly gained popularity and love of a large number of fans.

Making snack rusks is a profitable business

The technology for the production of croutons is not very complex and provides a high economic effect... The raw material for the production of snacks is bread baked from wheat or rye flour. Depending on the initial product, the production of one hundred grams of ready-made crackers will require about one hundred and forty grams of bread, some spices and vegetable oil. Even for an uninitiated person, it is quite obvious that the benefits from the production and sale of crackers are quite large.

Equipment for the production of croutons is available at a price to any novice entrepreneur. Start-up capital of one hundred thousand dollars and production room up to one hundred square meters will be sufficient for successful work... It is very important that the enterprise has a technologist for the production of rusks. The quality and taste of the products produced largely depend on his experience and skill level.

Having established regular sales of goods, constantly maintaining an aggressive advertising campaign, you can return the money spent in six months.

Consumer demand orientation

Any bakery is faced with a constant problem - the need to process unsold or low-quality products. Equipment for the production of croutons is the best way out of the situation. The basis for the production of this popular product is ready-made bread. Dried baked goods are best suited for this purpose.

The disadvantage in the large-scale production of demanded products is the laboriousness of improving the technological process. Consumer tastes are highly variable, and therefore, to be successful, manufacturers need to constantly focus on changing taste preferences.

Large enterprises are not very agile in operational changes in production orientation. Regularly researching demand and quickly responding to new trends in food fashion is within the power of small mobile enterprises.

The croutons production line consists of a bread slicer, an oven for drying semi-finished products, equipment for the introduction of food additives and a packaging machine.

Stages of the technological process

To cut pieces in the form of cubes or small cubes, a bread slicer is used for the production of crackers. By repeatedly passing bread slices through knives, you can achieve semi-finished products of the desired shape and required size.

Heat treatment of crackers is carried out in frying ovens, maintaining the temperature within two hundred degrees.

In order for snacks to get a specific taste and smell, they must be processed with food additives. In order for the spices to better fix on semi-finished products, the surface of the bread is pre-sprinkled with vegetable oil. If the production is small-scale, then the aromatization process can be carried out manually. In spacious containers, with the help of special spatulas, the croutons are mixed for even enveloping with flavoring seasonings.

For large volumes, a special dragee machine is used for the production of croutons. It is a deep, spacious container or drum in which bread snacks are mixed with the help of wide blades.

The finished product cools down to room temperature, after which it is sent to the packaging machine.

What are crackers

By the type of flour, snacks are:

  • light - wheat;
  • dark - wheat-rye;
  • black - from Borodino bread.

The rapidly growing interest in crackers required manufacturers to constantly search for fresh ideas and develop new recipes. The assortment of the product is due to the variety of flavors. Here, the search for food addictions and interests is limitless. Today, crackers with the taste of meat products, fish, caviar, cheese, sour cream, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits are in great demand among consumers. Snacks can be salted or sweet.

Who buys crackers

Lovers of a foamy drink are very respected by salty snacks. The production of beer croutons required the development of a separate line of popular products aimed at people spending their free time on vacation with family and friends.

The consumers of snack products are equally women and men of the most different age categories. But most of all, fast food is in demand among young and active people.

We present to your attention a business plan for the production of croutons (sample). The given sample business plan is very easy to update in relation to the legislative and tax realities of 2013, it is enough to insert your indicators into the tables and make a recalculation. It is very convenient to do this using special programs or Excel. The payback period for the presented project is only 1 month. The production is cheap and super-profitable, does not require large start-up investments.


Crafts production and sale project

1. Description of the project

LLC "Ways of Success" was registered on 01.01.08. The main activity of the company is the production and sale of straw crumbs (polypropylene packaging). For this activity, you should draw up a lease agreement for a room of 30-40 square meters. The management planned to lease premises in the village of Fomino with a rent in the amount of 20,000 rubles per month.

The product is dried slices of bread, thinly cut into strips, which are packed in a polypropylene film bag. Packing products in portions by weight 50 g and branded packaging.

The assortment list of products at the initial stage is as follows: "crackers with bacon", "crackers with paprika", "crackers with dill". Further, with the expansion of the company's activities with the reinvestment of part of the capital, it is planned to expand the range additional types croutons (for example, you can enter into production "croutons with horseradish and jellied meat", "croutons with sour cream and onions", "croutons with chicken", "croutons with garlic", etc.).

Technology production process involves the use of special formulations that are developed by leading experts.

In the production process, only imported equipment will be used.

The following volume of production is planned: about 3200 kg per month (which is 52.8 thousand units finished products). The maximum possible volume of crackers production is calculated and reflected in table 1.

Table 1. Calculation of production output "Suhariki"

(maximum volume)

Number of units in 1 shift

Number of shifts per month, pcs.





The raw material base in Uyezdny is most conducive to the introduction and expansion of such production, which is due to the following factors: availability, relatively low cost of the main components, taking into account all the specifics of the organization of the production process.

Personnel: at maximum load, 2 employees are enough per workshop. Summary table of wages employees of the company is presented below in table №2.

Table 2. Salary of company employees


Salary, thousand rubles per month

Total salary costs in 2008, thousand rubles

Total salary costs in 2009, thousand rubles


Employee 1, 2




394 thousand rubles

394 thousand. rubles

The sales policy of the company is based on satisfying the tastes and requirements of potential consumers in high-quality bread products.

The product is competitive on the market because it has high quality, low costs, and a low price level.
Production requires the following equipment:

1. Machine for slicing bread into strips, with a productivity of 80kg / hour, costing $ 1450
2. Machine for roasting bulk, with a productivity of 25kg / hour (for croutons), costing 720 $
3. Dragee machine, with a productivity of 80kg / hour, costing $ 650
4. Semiautomatic packaging machine, with a capacity of 500 packages of 50g per hour, costing $ 1100

In total, the minimum cost of a line for the production of crackers (capacity 20kg / h or 330 packs / hour for 50g) is 3920 dollars, in rubles is 101.92 thousand. rubles.
Additional equipment: containers, cardboard, plastic or wooden boxes for intermediate storage and drying of croutons, etc. auxiliary. tools (scoops, spoons, scales, etc.).
This equipment can produce 2640 packs of 50 g of croutons per shift or 160 kg of croutons.

Consumption rates (for the production of 160kg of croutons):

  • 320kg of dense bread, like "Darnitskiy",
  • 1.6KG spices,
  • 8 Kg polypropylene film with a pattern,
  • 30kW of electricity.

Specificity of the chosen production line: the productivity of bread straw slicers and dragees is 3-4 times higher than that of other automatic machines of the production line, therefore it is advisable to purchase 2 semiautomatic packing machines and 2 ovens for frying croutons, which will increase productivity by 3-4 times. In addition, after cutting on a bread slicer, the croutons must be pre-dried before placing them in a cheap rotary oven. Drying before frying lasts 2 days in cardboard or wooden boxes. This is important to avoid crushing the straw during rotation. In order not to dry the croutons before frying, you can use the ovens for frying without rotating elements.

Continuation (sections 2 market analysis, 3 sales plan, 4 production plan, 5 financial plan, 6 calculating the need for assets, 7 assessing the effectiveness of the project, 8 assessing the risks) more ...

Equipment for the production of rusks

"Makiz-Ural" supplies various sets of equipment for all technological operations for the production of croutons: cutting bakery products, frying (drying), adding spices, packing in bags.

Crackers production technology

The production consists of the following stages: cutting of bakery products, roasting, processing with spices and food additives, aging and packaging.
The bread is cut into slices 7-12 mm thick. Then there are two options:
  1. With the help of a bread slicer, you can get blanks for croutons in the form of cubes. By re-passing the slices through the slicer in a mutually perpendicular direction, we obtain bread sticks. Further, to obtain cubes, it is necessary to pass the resulting blanks through the bread slicer again.
  2. The bread is cut into 10 mm slices. Next, cubes with a size of 10x10x10 mm are obtained on a cube cutter. by passing the previously obtained slices through it.
Then the sliced ​​crackers are placed on metal sheets and roasted in an oven or oven. The temperature for roasting rye croutons is 180-200 0 С. The heat treatment time depends on the moisture content of the original product.
After frying, the croutons are sprinkled with food additives, spices, flavorings are introduced depending on the type of products. This operation can be carried out manually for small production volumes, and for large and medium volumes it is possible to use a mixing drum (dragee machine) or wrapper.
After frying and adding spices, the croutons are packed on filling and packaging machines.
Raw material requirements:
It is advisable to use finely porous bread with the addition of rye flour (such as "Borodinsky"). You can either bake it yourself or order it in bakeries. The quality of croutons is higher from such bread. But you can also use regular wheat bread.

Research the demand for snacks, snacks, and croutons in your area. Also, find out all about the range of competitors. Perhaps you will find a free niche and be able to enter the market with a long-awaited novelty.

When drawing up a business plan and starting the process of organizing production, look for buyers.

The main risks

Despite the abundance of snacks on store shelves, there is no particular competition in this segment so far. The main risk of a beginner entrepreneur is a wrong assessment of his capabilities and non-compliance legislative framework... Study all regulations and requirements for production, compose detailed business plan and try to anticipate all possible unforeseen expenses.


The production can also be located in a small village. This way you can save on renting premises. But the best option for organizing the marketing of products is a city with a population of at least 1 million. Study offers for commercial real estate and calculate how much the shipping costs for shipping products will cost in both cases. The best option is the suburbs of large cities.

A medium-sized production facility requires an area of ​​80-100 m². Approximately the same total area is needed for warehouse, household and office premises. The equipment requires a voltage of 380V to operate.


The production line for making croutons should consist of the following mandatory machines:

  1. Bread cutting machine.
  2. Drying ovens.
  3. Additive devices,
  4. Filling and packaging devices.

You can search for each of these machines separately, but experts recommend purchasing full cycle automated lines. Depending on the country of manufacture and productivity, the cost of a set of equipment ranges from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles.

It is advisable to give preference to manufacturers who offer equipment service in your area.

In addition to the line, you will need various tools (scales, scoops, mugs, measuring spoons), inventory (containers for drying and storing rusks), pallets, tables, racks. This will require about 100 thousand rubles.

For transportation of products wholesale customers a truck should be purchased.

Raw materials and consumables

For the production of 150 kg of croutons (2,500 packs of 60 g), about 300 kg of dense bread and 1.6 kg of spices are needed. With the purchase of bread and special spices, everything is clear - the expiration date and quality are strictly checked.

To pack 2,500 packs, you need about 8 kg of metallized polypropylene film. The market offers different qualities of packaging paper, respectively, it becomes possible to save on this cost item. If you don't want your brand to be associated with disgusting quality, don't buy cheap packaging material.

The shelf life of products depends directly on the quality of the packaging. Also, cheap packaging materials tear quickly, often even before they fall into the hands of the buyer. As a result, you will not save money and will suffer serious damage in terms of reputation. Also, for transportation, you need to order corrugated cardboard boxes.


The minimum number of employees depends on the level of automation of the equipment. As a rule, 5-6 people are needed to ensure the operation of the technological line, including the senior shift. Such industries operate in two shifts. This means that the number of workers should be 10-12 people.

Compliance with technological processes is ensured by the technologist. Maintenance inspections and simple equipment repairs are carried out by a mechanic. Also, in the process of work at the enterprise there must be a production manager.

A full-time sales manager should be hired to support product sales and expand the customer base. A full-time accountant is required to handle financial reporting. A storekeeper should be hired to receive and deliver goods at the warehouse. If you are delivering products yourself, you need at least one driver.

Documents and licenses

If you plan to expand production, reach a higher level and attract investments, it is better to register an LLC.

The organization of food production is subject to the traditional rules of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Your enterprise will be controlled not only by district, but also by regional services. They validate the product range, conduct quality checks and take regular control measurements.

Derzhspozhstandart carries out checks of weighing equipment. To issue a barcode, you need to go through the registration procedure with a trade and industrial organization. Permitting documents for the start of production must be given by the fire inspection.

All food products must be manufactured in strict accordance with GOST. But for the production of crackers it is necessary to develop, agree and approve its own technical conditions. This document is needed in the absence of GOST for a certain type of product, the need to supplement it or combine the requirements prescribed in different standards. Also, the TU must indicate all the procedures to comply with these requirements. The development of technical specifications can be ordered from a specialized company. The creation of a document takes about seven working days, the average cost is 35 thousand rubles.

Full package design permits costs about 15,000 rubles. The process of resolving these issues can take from one to three months. It is better to hire a specialized legal company to go through all the procedures. This will speed up the process and get a guarantee that everything will be formalized in full compliance with the law.


The minimum start-up capital for organizing the production of crackers is about 900 thousand rubles. Approximately 600,000 rubles are spent on purchasing equipment, renting and repairing premises, and purchasing raw materials. About 300,000 - running costs.

With a successful start and an established sales system, experts estimate the payback period at 6-8 months.


It is most profitable to sell this type of product through large retail chains and wholesale companies. Create a bright and memorable trademark, packaging design. Do not immediately aim at the federal scale. Start by conquering the regional market.

Your the target audience- students, young people aged 17-30. Actively use the Internet, outdoor and print advertising directly at the points of sale. Organization of promotions, tastings, promotions, prize draws operate flawlessly. But the best advertising ploy will be the high quality of the products and the constant updating of the assortment.


The production of snacks, croutons and snacks is different high profitability... Observing all sanitary standards for manufacturing, offering a quality product, you will very quickly achieve good financial performance.

The production of food products, which belongs to the snack group, is now rapidly gaining growth and is popular in most countries of the world. One of the varieties of goods that such an industry can produce are different kinds crackers, which are very popular in our country. Despite the large number of potential competitors, a business in the production of rusks in Russia may well bring good income even to a novice businessman.

Why exactly the production of croutons

So, the production of crackers - how can this business be of interest and what are its positive aspects? Among the obvious advantages of such activities within our country are the following:

  • High demand for this type of product - at present, in terms of sales, it already significantly exceeds the chips, which have always occupied one of the first positions in the sales of snack group products;
  • A relatively simple manufacturing process that does not require special parameters of the premises, remoteness from residential areas and is not associated with harmful emissions;
  • Low price of equipment. In order to buy equipment for the production of croutons, you will need an amount of 300 thousand rubles or more, which today is quite acceptable for many people who have decided to use their savings and start their own business;
  • Fast payback period. According to statistics, its average duration ranges from 6 months to one and a half years.

As for the disadvantages, one of the main disadvantages is high competition - in Russian Federation and in neighboring countries that import their products to us, there are a lot of enterprises that have mastered the production of crackers for beer, with various additives, of various shapes and composition.

Steps to start a croutons business

Any type of business can bring profit and stable income - you just need to competently approach the process of organizing the entire process, taking into account all possible risks and pitfalls that may lie in wait for a novice entrepreneur. The business plan for the production of croutons is a sequential implementation of the following steps:

  • Calculation of the approximate volumes to be produced;
  • Determination of the type of product and production technology;
  • Choice settlement, in which it is planned to open a plant for the production of crackers;
  • Business registration, obtaining permits;
  • Searching for premises for production, renting it or purchasing it;
  • Selection of equipment according to the volume of production, as well as the amount of funds that you are willing to spend. Purchase of devices and lines, installation and trial run;
  • Determination of the required raw materials and auxiliary materials;
  • Staff recruitment;
  • Establishing sales of finished products.

Possible types of products

At the moment, when opening such a business, it is possible to produce the following types of crackers:

  1. By the type of raw materials from which they will be produced:
  • Wheat;
  • Rye;
  • Rye and wheat.
  1. Depending on the type of croutons additive:
  • Bacon-flavored;
  • With the taste of sour cream and herbs;
  • Cheese-flavored;
  • With the taste of mushrooms;
  • With the taste of jellied meat and horseradish, etc.

Determination of the planned volume of issue and the area for placement will depend on the available amount Money, the place of residence of the entrepreneur, the presence of competitors and other third-party factors that may affect the cost and return on investment of the entire enterprise.

Business registration process

First of all, before carrying out any actions on buying, selling, renting, concluding contracts, you will need to officially register your activities. The process of obtaining and processing documents for such a business will include the following operations:

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Service as individual entrepreneur or legal entity... The production of crackers can be organized both in one and in another form. It is worth choosing based on the planned production volumes, the number of business founders, as well as the expected sales routes;
  • Registration as a tax payer;
  • Development of technical documentation for production;
  • Obtaining permits from supervisory services (fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station, labor protection inspectorate);
  • Opening a current account (for an individual, if necessary, for legal entities it is mandatory);
  • In the event that the registration is carried out in the form of LLC, the creation of a charter, an order for the appointment of a general director.

Selection of premises for equipping production

When determining the necessary premises for the location of the workshop, one should adhere to the following basic norms and requirements:

  • The area of ​​the selected workshop will depend on the volume of production and should be from 50 square meters;
  • In addition to a place for placing equipment, it is necessary to allocate a room for storing raw materials and manufactured products;
  • To save money on renting premises or purchasing it, you can choose a building located on the outskirts of the city, however, you need to understand that in this case, the costs of transporting materials for the workshop, as well as delivering products to potential customers, may increase;
  • It is necessary to equip the system fire safety in the workshop;
  • Since the technology for the production of crackers and their storage presupposes certain humidity and temperature conditions, the serviceability of ventilation and heating should be ensured;
  • According to production standards, the height of the ceilings at the plant must be at least 3 meters.

Production technology and necessary equipment for the workshop

The production technology of products will depend on what types of crackers are planned to be produced, but in any case it will include the following basic operations:

  • Slicing bread. During this operation, you should not turn to manual labor - for such purposes the best option there will be a bread slicer for croutons;
  • Roasting in a special oven at high temperatures. The duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes;
  • Adding spice for croutons. Performing such an operation requires a machine for mixing with additives - a dragee unit;
  • Product cooling - carried out on conveyor belts;
  • Packing of croutons - made on a special filling machine, which ensures the exact weight and high quality of sealing the bags with the product;
  • Packing in a batch and sending for storage and sale.

When choosing the necessary machines and devices, the main criteria will be the required performance and equipment price. Alternatively, a ready-made line for the production of croutons, depending on the manufacturer, can cost you much less than separate installations. The cost of a line for croutons can range from 300 to 1500 thousand rubles and depend on many factors: whether it is new or used, in which country it was designed, how easy it is to maintain and what product output it can give.

Required raw materials, auxiliary materials for production and personnel selection

The production of crackers will require the purchase of such materials and tools:

  • Baked bread. It is imperative to monitor its quality - for the production of crackers, you need to use dense varieties with a uniform structure, well baked and without voids inside the loaf. In the event that you decide to organize a full production cycle and bake bread yourself, you will need to purchase ingredients for its production (flour, yeast, sunflower oil, salt, etc.);
  • Additives for croutons. Their assortment and names will depend on what kind of products you intend to receive in the end. Presently the greatest demand use such as bacon, sour cream with herbs, cheese and jellied meat with horseradish. Average consumption of spices per 100 kg of finished product is about 4 kg;
  • Packing material. The largest manufacturers recommend the use of two-layer metallized polypropylene with interlayer printing - it ensures the safety of the product inside, is absolutely safe and allows drawing on the packaging High Quality.
  • Corrugated cardboard for boxes, in which the produced croutons will be packed. As a rule, one box contains from 25 to 50 units of small packages.

As for the recruitment of personnel, then this action it is worth paying special attention and recruiting employees from among applicants who have specialized education, work experience at similar enterprises, and also issued a health book - this is required condition for the opportunity to work in enterprises Food Industry.

Features of product sales and advertising

The sale of finished products can be carried out in the following way:

  • Selling crackers in bulk to firms and organizations that will then sell them by retail. This method is convenient in that you can immediately sell large volumes, albeit at a lower price;
  • Self-sale software trading platforms(shops, supermarkets, kiosks, cafes);
  • Organization of your own points of sale.

In order to work out customer base and advertise your products, you should pay attention to the following methods:

  • To develop a name for the croutons and a colorful packaging design that will attract the attention of consumers. In this case, it is better to turn to specialists - although you will have to pay a certain amount of money (from 10 thousand rubles) for such a service, such costs always justify themselves;
  • Order advertising in the media, place information on the Internet;
  • Conclude marketing contracts with retail outlets that involve placing your products in a place visible to the buyer (gold shelf);
  • Be very careful to monitor the quality of the goods produced, since any advertising will sooner or later stop working if the product itself does not appeal to customers.