Retrospective. Retrospective bonus program for wholesale clients What is the "retroactive period"

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Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


retrospective, retrospective; retrospectively retrospectively, retrospectively (from Latin retro - back and specto - I look) (book). Containing a statement or review of the past, moving from the present to the past. A retrospective view.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Aya, th; -ven, -vna (book). Turning to the past in retrospect. R. look. R. screening of films. n noun retrospective, -and, f.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word retrospective in the literature.

And, for example, the fratricidal struggle in the temple during the siege of Jerusalem, although it took place more than thirty years after the crucifixion of Jesus, retrospectively sheds light on his time, for it represented the logical finale of the same drama, the culminating manifestation of the disease that has long tormented the Jewish people.

This hateful penalty work on a given topic had the desired effect on Perigrin, who considered it not only gross abuse directed against his own behavior, but also retrospective insulting the memory of his grandfather, who during his lifetime was famous for his cunning rather than honesty in the trade.

In part, I have already spoken about Anna Vasilievna's relationship to me as a child, describing our life in Zavidovo and Rybinsk, but I understood it very much retrospectively.

The meeting with Anna Vasilievna was arranged for Elkin Maria Rostislavovna Kapnist, whom he met by chance in the Crimea, and when he met, he shared his work plans - he was busy then retrospective an assessment of various versions of the death in 1916

A strong personality, Harris was able to inspire the crews and improve the organization of the bomber command, however retrospectively many of his views and decisions appear to be erroneous.

From the analysis of the Aristotelian concept of time, it also becomes retrospectively it is clear that Kant's understanding of time moves in the structures identified by Aristotle, and this says that Kant's ontological basis orientation - with all the differences in the new question - remains Greek.

The ontological structures of presence obtained so far must retrospectively highlight their temporal meaning.

No, they were not right, passivity in the face of active evil cannot be retrospectively justified by no turn of events.

Makar Devushkin's obsession to upset Varenka's marriage to the landowner Bykov retrospectively repeats the dream of the real Dostoevsky to free his sister from marriage with a guardian.

However, judging by the fact that the date of the reply note, February 20, 1949, was attributed by the hand of the younger brother only retrospectively, one must think, he hardly suffered from forgetfulness.

Fyodor, the defender of his older brother, memoirist Andrei Mikhailovich made an attempt to defend himself against charges of treason, which retrospectively brothers Michael and Fyodor could lay on him.

No, the situation is simpler: Radek and Romm, under the leadership of the GPU, built retrospectively in 1937 a diagram of the events of 1932.

Subjective retrospective the assessment of early homosexual experience depends mainly on the sexual orientation of the boy and on the circumstances under which it happened.

Diachronic linguistics was divided into prospective and retrospective.


RETROSPECTIVE oh, oh. retrospectif, -ive adj. lat. retro back + specio look. O turned into the past, containing a review of past events... BAS-1. In general, "Dramatic" wears a strong, very elegant way of speaking nowadays, retrospective, and this is precisely what makes it unusually curious. BDCH 1851 105 6 134. We received from St. Petersburg, but more historical, that is, retrospective than reporting news. Hertz. ... A. Bludova. It is an omnipotent science - already because, to say, it is retrospective. 1927. Amphitheaters Firebird. Retrospectively , adv. Then in Samara, when I was a middle school student, it never crossed my mind to find out whether there was discrimination between genuinely Russians and foreigners. Only now, in retrospect, I can say that there was no such discrimination. Yu. K. Meyer Zap. last. cuirassier. // POA 6 570. - Lex. SIS 1937: retrospective / clear.

Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms. - M .: ETS Dictionary Publishing House Nikolay Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .

See what "retrospective" is in other dictionaries:

    RETROSPECTIVE- looking backward, extending to the past or the previous (retrospective look at the past). Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. RETROSPECTIVE facing the past. Complete dictionary ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    RETROSPECTIVE- RETROSPECTIVE, retrospective, retrospective; retrospective, retrospective, retrospective (from Latin retro back and look specto) (book). Containing a statement or review of the past, moving from the present to the past. Retrospective ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Retrospective- (looking back in time, touching the past). Wed My retrospective stories, published under the title "Yudol", caused bewilderment in some people. Lѣskov. About quakers. Wed Very happy (you played)! I obscured, admiring ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    RETROSPECTIVE- RETROSPECTIVE, oh, oh; veins, vna (book). Turning to the past, in retrospect. R. look. R. screening of films. | noun retrospective, and, wives. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    retrospective- adj., number of synonyms: 1 looking to the past (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    retrospective- (looking back in time, concerning the past) Cf. My retrospective stories, published under the title Yudol, have caused bewilderment among some people. Leskov. About the Quakers. Wed Very happy (you played)! I noticed, admiring ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Retrospective- adj. 1.rel. with noun retrospective, retrospection, associated with them 2. Peculiar to retrospective, retrospection, characteristic of them. 3. Located in the time sequence of creation, moving from the present to the past (about works ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    retrospective- retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, retrospective, ... ... Forms of words

    retrospective- facing back or into the past, referring to the past, to past events ... Explanatory translation dictionary

    retrospective- retrospective; short the shape of the veins, in ... Russian spelling dictionary


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Today, various types of loyalty programs are widely used in retail to attract and retain customers. This marketing technique is also relevant for increasing the volume of wholesale purchases.

In the sphere of wholesale trade, the usual loyalty system has a number of features and implementation nuances.

The essence of the program

Each company adjusts to its needs, sales plans, changing the mechanisms, conditions, time frames for the accrual and use of bonuses. In wholesale retail, various modifications of the retrospective bonus program, or retro bonuses, are popular.

Retrospective loyalty program for wholesale customers(rebate) - a marketing mechanism to encourage buyers, support wholesales... The system assumes remuneration of the wholesale buyer at a certain point in time (for example, quarterly) for purchases in the previous reporting period... The amount of remuneration is determined depending on the volume of purchases of the wholesaler (distributor) and the fulfillment of the conditions for receiving bonuses.

To build a long-term and profitable relationship between the seller and the distributor, contractors enter into special contracts. The contracts reflect the terms, conditions, mechanisms for calculating and using retrospective bonuses. Distributors and other wholesale buyers also have the right to use the retrospective discounts received as a tool to incentivize their purchasing partners by giving them a part of the bonus.

Methods for providing retro bonuses

In wholesale retail, merchant companies offer customers a number of ways to get retro bonuses:

    Material reward- the wholesaler receives an incentive in the form of a return of part of the money he spent on the purchase of goods in the previous reporting period. This is the most profitable option for wholesale buyers to receive retro bonuses, since the money received can be spent for any purpose (often a fixed percentage of the cost of the purchased product).

    Cash bonus- is paid, as a rule, for the fulfillment of the terms of sale, the implementation of a set volume of sales (often a fixed amount).

    Option- a special marketing proposal for a specific wholesaler. The company offers a customer to buy a specific product at a discounted, discounted price for a fixed time. The number of preferential goods, as a rule, is not limited. The wholesaler decides for himself whether to use the offer or not.

    Bonus product- goods as a gift for the counterparty in gratitude for the loyalty to the company. For each wholesaler, the "gift" is selected individually based on the analysis of his purchases. From the point of view of taxation and accounting statements this is a rather complicated way of providing retro bonuses. Therefore, you need to use the services of an experienced lawyer and draw up an additional contract to receive a "gift".

    Virtual currency- providing the opportunity to pay for future purchases with retrospective bonuses. Depending on the importance of the counterparty for the seller company, the percentage of payment, the term for using points, and additional conditions may be limited.

Conditions for calculating retro bonuses

Companies can meet different criteria and conditions for earning flashback points. Often the following criteria for awarding points are used to organize a retrospective bonus program:

    fulfillment of the sales plan- accumulation of a certain amount of sales in the previous period with detailing to specific groups of goods;

    early repayment of debts- if the products are taken in installments (debt), then the seller can encourage the refund by accruing additional points;

    growth in the number of distributors in trading network Is also a popular incentive to reward wholesale buyers. New distributors will significantly increase sales, gain additional profit for the seller, so this direction of the distributor's activity should be encouraged.

The conditions for obtaining retro bonuses are determined for each counterparty individually. They are formed on the basis of an analysis of the indicators of cooperation, the importance of the wholesaler, the degree of his loyalty.

Manzana Group develops effective loyalty programs to support wholesales. Our specialists individually approach the execution of each order, taking into account all the wishes of customers and the specifics of their business. Are you planning to organize a retrospective bonus program - then we are waiting for you in our office.