Cheese production technology. Approximate calculation of profit, profitability payback. Registration of permits

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Russian businessmen appreciated the attractiveness of the cheese market a few years ago, when domestic production began to grow. Modern trends continue to this day: the product is in demand on the market.

For the production of high-quality cheese, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, to maintain the product at the optimum temperature in the room.

We draw up documents for a cheese manufacturing enterprise

Before starting production activities and purchasing equipment, you should take care of obtaining the necessary permits, draw up the appropriate documentation.

This cost estimate will include:

  • obtaining the right to purchase (lease) land and construction;
  • company registration;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • licensing and certification of products.

All this should be taken care of in advance, otherwise unforeseen circumstances may arise already in the process of making hard cheese.

As for the choice of organizational and legal form, it would be preferable to carry out activities through LLC (with a simplified form of taxation) or individual entrepreneur... Both options will significantly reduce taxes on taxes.

Since cheese is a product of the dairy industry, its certification is a mandatory procedure.

For example, on Russian cheese it is necessary to obtain a declaration of conformity of the code OKP 92 2511... It is issued for the manufacturer or for a contract, indicating the exact quantity of the batch.

The following documents must be provided:

  • application;
  • the constituent documents of the applicant;
  • the contract;
  • phytosanitary registration certificate;
  • mock-ups of labels;
  • veterinary certificate.

We acquire a mini workshop for the production of hard cheese

To establish the production process, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment, which will consist of:

  • long-term pasteurization baths with a volume of 100 liters;
  • paraffiner, with a volume of 75 liters;
  • bathtubs IPKS, with a volume of 200 liters;
  • cheese press;
  • two forms for cheese;
  • 2 refrigerating chambers;
  • desktop.

Long-term pasteurization bath


IPKS bath

Basic requirements for feedstock

The taste of hard cheese depends on the quality of the main components.

Compliance with the following conditions is mandatory:

  • milk must come exclusively from healthy cows;
  • the level of active acidity on a pH meter should not be lower than 6.8;
  • lack of antibiotics in the composition;
  • basic fat content, in the limit of 3.5 - protein content not less than 3.0% - acceptance temperature not higher than 12 ° С

Contracts should be concluded with milk suppliers, in which the above requirements for the quality of milk, its quantity, payment terms, deferral (if necessary), delivery methods should be prescribed.

Russian cheese production technology

Cheese production technology is a complex biochemical process that occurs under the influence of microflora and enzymes and requires a strict sequence in the production process.

Stages of cheese production:

  • preparation of milk;
  • coagulation of milk and obtaining a homogeneous mass;
  • ripening of cheese;
  • salting cheese.

Hardware technological scheme

The hardware technological scheme of cheese production is shown in the following photo:

In cheese making, special requirements are imposed on the quality of raw materials.

Milk preparation

It should contain a sufficient amount of protein, thus increasing the yield of the product and reducing the consumption of raw materials. First of all, milk must be cleaned and cooled to prevent the development of microflora and subsequent spoilage. This process uses milk filters or separators.

Milk is cooled to a temperature of 7-8 ° C on plate coolers of the required capacity.

Milk maturation

Milk ripens from 12 to 24 hours, during this period it gains acidity.

Excerpt necessary for both raw refined milk and pasteurized milk. In pasteurized milk, add lactic acid bacteria starter (or rennet).

It is allowed to use fresh milk with the addition of matured milk (2 to 1 ratio).

After that, the milk should be cooled to the curdling temperature. Its normalization is carried out in separators-cream separators, and pasteurization - in pasteurization and cooling units at temperatures of 74-76 ° C for about 20 seconds. With the help of heat treatment, vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes are inactivated and milk is prepared for coagulation (up to a temperature of 32 ° C). The acidity of milk before the clotting process should be at least 20-22 Turner degrees.

Rennet clotting

In a cheese-making bath, it is prepared for rennet coagulation, namely, a bacterial leaven is introduced; a solution of chloride and calcium. If necessary, add rennet. For the manufacture of Russian cheese, a sourdough from lactic acid and aromatic streptococci is often used (in an amount of 0.8-1.1%).

Quite often in production process use mature milk (one fifth of the total) in order to increase the calcium content and the quality of the curd. The addition of rennet guarantees the formation of a firm clot in a short time.

The process of milk coagulation occurs at a temperature of 32 ° C for half an hour. The resulting curd is cut and dried for 45 minutes, and a third of the whey is removed. In order to accelerate dehydration, it is recommended to carry out a second heating of the curd (t 40 ° C - 30 min.).

The curd mass is dried after the second heating for 50 minutes.

Thus, the duration of the entire treatment is about 2-3 hours. The grain size should be 5-6 mm.

The cheese salting process and product formation

Salting hard cheese is carried out at the very end of the drying of the curd, after removing 70% of the whey. Concentrated salted brine is added to the grain, stirring for 30 minutes. Now you can move on to shaping the product.

With the help of a pump, the curd is fed to the whey separator, from where it is poured into molds.

Self-pressing should occur within an hour, subject to a single overturning. After that, on specialized equipment (press), the curd mass is pressed for another 4 hours, where its active acidity significantly increases.

The cheese is dried for 10 days, after which it is covered with a paraffin polymer alloy.

It is also necessary to carry out technochemical control of cheese production for compliance with generally accepted standards.

Cheese production business plan

Costs for raw materials, premises and equipment for a mini-cheese factory

To start production activities, the mini-plant needs production room, with an area of ​​300 square meters with engineering and technical communications. It will house a cheese production workshop, a warehouse for finished products and a utility room for employees. It can be purchased or rented.

Let's assume the monthly rental price is 5,000 rubles.

Price production line will be 207,880 rubles (capital costs).

Working capital will consist of:

  • procurement of raw materials;
  • monthly payroll.

For cooking 1 kg. hard cheese (containing 45% water) requires 9 liters of milk. The average cost of 1 liter is 16 rubles. Starter culture from lactic acid and aromatic streptococci: 1 dose for every 1000 liters.

Based on the monthly output - 5,000 kg. hard cheese, the costs will be:

  • Milk - 35,000 liters x 13 rubles = 455,000 rubles;
  • Starter cultures - 45 pieces, 30 rubles each = 1350 rubles;
  • Payment utilities per month will be 10,000 rubles.

Thus, the cost of the finished product will be equal to 466,350 rubles per month. (5 596 200 rubles per year).

We recruit staff:

  • director - 30,000 rubles;
  • technologist - 22,000 rubles;
  • cheese maker - 18,000 rubles;
  • storekeeper - 15,000 rubles;
  • 3 workers - 30,000 rubles.

Total payroll: 115,000 rubles per month (1,380,000 rubles per year).

Revenue and profits from the sale of cheese

Calculation of annual revenue: monthly production x cost of 1 kg. cheese = 5,000 x 250 rubles x 12 months. = 15 million rubles.

Gross annual profit(revenue-cost price) = 9 403 800 rubles.

Total expenses, taking into account the initial investment in equipment - 7,184,080 rubles.

Profit before tax (gross profit - total costs) = 2,219,720 rubles Profit after tax (15%) - 1,886,762 rubles. This will be the amount of net profit.

Profitability ratio(net profit / revenue) will be 20.06%.

It should be noted that in the case of purchasing a functioning mini-shop, it becomes possible to save up to several million rubles.

Main directions of cheese marketing

Define pricing policy and the prospective markets for the produced hard cheese are needed at the initial stage of developing a business plan for a mini-factory.

In the first months, you can sell products in the region where the production facilities are located. And only then, as the volume of production increases, it will be possible to increase the sales market in other areas.

Enterprises that mainly produce cheese hard varieties, subsequently expand their assortment, making cottage cheese, sour cream, glazed curds, etc.

The main advantage of such products is the short production time (one to two days). Thus, the profitability of the enterprise is increased.

According to sales statistics, hard cheeses with an average cost are in the lead. Elite varieties of high fat content cannot overcome even 10% of the total consumption. It turns out that target audience will be a middle-income buyer.

Therefore, it will be more profitable to produce hard cheese in the middle price segment.

Of course, the main consumers will be shops and supermarkets, cafes and restaurants, with which long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation should be established. Later, after overcoming the payback period, it may even conquer the international market, selling products for export.

Cheese is the most valuable food product. And the production of cheese at home (like) is also profitable business... This product is always relevant, because it is included in the diet of most Russians. Homemade cheese is much healthier, tastier, and cheaper than one bought at the grocery store. Moreover, it contains absolutely no preservatives and other chemical components. To start your own business, you need to purchase raw materials and equipment. It will be much easier to start entrepreneurs dealing with goats or cows. After all, they can process milk from these animals and, as a result, receive the final product without additional financial costs.

Making cheese at home

Cheese making is a stable source of income that does not require large capital investments. This fact is due to numerous factors. The main ones are:

  • low cost of equipment necessary for running a home business;
  • the ability to produce a wide variety of cheese varieties at home using the same equipment;
  • high demand for all types and varieties of products;
  • even a novice entrepreneur can set up a sales market.

Any entrepreneur can learn how to make cheese at home. There is nothing extremely difficult about this. With the advent of experience, a homemade cheese maker will be able to produce elite varieties of such a useful product.

Home-made cheese types

Any cheese, regardless of what type it belongs to, will always be in great demand. Cheese making, as well as, is a stable business. Taking into account the methods of curdling milk, all cheeses can be divided into two main categories.

Each category can be divided into several more subcategories and subspecies. Over time, any homemade cheese maker will be able to become an expert in the cheese industry and learn to understand all types of cheese.

Three kinds of cheese - three kinds of profit

In the functioning of the "cheese business", all varieties of this product have their own purpose and strengths... At home, you can produce three types of cheese:

  1. Solid. It does not require special storage conditions and is expensive. Such cheeses are stored for several months, and some for several years. The only condition is that the room must be well ventilated with an air temperature of + 12 ° C.
  2. Cottage cheese. It is a perishable product, but quick to prepare. It can be put on sale the next day after production. To extend the shelf life, it is enough to put the cheese in the refrigerator.
  3. Semi-solid. This product combines the features and benefits of the above two types. The production of semi-hard cheeses, in contrast to hard varieties, takes less time, while the product itself is stored much longer than cottage cheese. In addition, these cheeses increase the range, which contributes to an increase in the percentage of sales and profit from the sale of finished products.

Features of different varieties allow a business to quickly respond to all kinds of market changes, come up with short and medium-term strategies for the development of home entrepreneurship. The basement, where special conditions are created, complete with hard cheese, is a bank with deposits, a source of stable profit.

Advice: you should not start producing several varieties at once, it is better to limit yourself to 1-3 types. In the future, having evaluated the dynamics and rates of sales, it will be possible to make a decision to increase the assortment.

It should be noted that for the production of different varieties, one main product is needed - milk. In addition, the equipment is used the same (the only exceptions are some types of cheese). Only the recipes and production technologies differ.

Raw material requirements

For the production of cheese, you will need milk, sourdough or rennet. Some manufacturers use dyes to give the finished product a more beautiful color.

The main raw material used to manufacture the product is milk. It can be either goat or cow. It is better to use milk immediately "from under the cow", then the fat content of the cheese will be higher. Although partially removed, it will do. After all, the main condition is the quality of the product, and it depends on the health of the animals.

In order for the mini-workshop to function without interruption, an agreement should be concluded for the supply of milk with the farm. The document must indicate the quantity of products supplied, payment options and quality requirements.

Sourdough is essential for acid formation. In the future, the taste of the cheese will depend on it. Some of its types are sold in stores, others can be prepared at home:

Recipe number 1... To make a starter culture with your own hands, you need to take 0.5 liters of fresh whole milk and place it in a dark place for a day (+ 30 ° C). This raw material is added to milk when making homemade cheeses that do not need a press.

Recipe number 2... You can also prepare sourdough with yeast. To do this, add 120 g of the product to a glass of warm milk. Then remove the mixture in a warm place and leave to ferment for 24 hours. Then you need to drain half of the milk and add fresh milk. The procedure should be repeated six more times over the course of one week. During the specified time, the raw material will mature and be ready for use.

Another main component is abomasum (a product obtained from the stomachs of young animals). Milk begins to curdle within an hour after the addition of enzyme preparations. In stores, they are more often found in the form of tablets and extracts. In addition, you can also see “vegetable” rennet on sale, because most cheese lovers are vegetarians.

Equipment for cheese dairy - price

For the production of homemade cheeses, as well as for the production, special equipment is required. Part of the inventory is always at hand for any hostess, some items can be made by hand. For home production, you may need:

  • cheese dairy;
  • forms of various volumes;
  • Press;
  • containers for milk (bottles, buckets and cans);
  • thermometer;
  • funnels;
  • table scales;
  • measuring spoons for dispensing bulk ingredients.

The cheese dairy is necessary for curdling milk and separating whey. This process implies the exact observance of the temperature regime for a specific period of time. In modern automatic cheese dairies, curdling takes place without human intervention. The only thing that is required is to set the time and temperature. This equipment is more suitable for small farms... For cheese making at home, small cheese dairies without a timer with the function of maintaining a constant temperature are more appropriate. The price of a cheese making machine depends on several criteria and ranges from 130,000 to 400,000 rubles:

  • from power;
  • from capacity;
  • from the presence of additional regulating devices.

The mini-cheese dairy can process 100 liters of milk per day. And since the product will be produced in limited volumes, there is no need to create special conditions for the maturation and preservation of the cheese. This means that there is no need to purchase additional equipment.

DIY mini cheese dairy

Some time ago, prices for mini-cheese dairies were sky-high, but with the advent of domestically produced models on the market, prices have dropped significantly. Today they cost a little more than the same usual multicooker or bread machine.

The main advantage of mobile cheese factories is that they can be used to prepare not only homemade cheese, but also cottage cheese, sour cream, and yogurt. In addition to everything else, such a device is compact, takes up little space, does not require complex maintenance and consumes little energy. The cheese dairy requires an ordinary socket and water. Processing 18 liters of milk takes approximately two hours. The output is 2 kg of hard cheese.

If you wish, you can make a cheese dairy with your own hands. For living conditions, a 1.5 kW heating element is quite enough. The dairy must be able to connect to running water. For accurate compliance with temperature conditions, the device should be equipped with a special thermostat.

Molds for cheese at home

Each type of cheese has a special shape that has developed historically. Ripening, ease of handling, and transportation all strongly depend on the shape and size of the product. For example, a soft cheese like Camembert ripens from end to center. And if the product is too thick, then it simply does not have time to ripen to the end, and mold will begin to appear on its surface. If you make hard cheese too small, then it dries faster than ripens.

The purchase of special forms is advisable only when the skills of cheese making have already been acquired. Moreover, they are more appropriate for mass production. For home-scale cheese making, there is no fundamental difference in which form to lay the cheese mass. It can be either rectangular or cylindrical.

In the learning process, you can use homemade equipment. To make a mold for cheese, you need to take a 0.5 liter bucket of mayonnaise and pierce it with a heated knitting needle. Then cut the lid so that when immersed it reaches the middle of the bucket. That's all - the cheese mold is ready.

If the household has a 1-liter can, then you can use it to make the mold. The bottom of the container should be pierced with a nail so that the torn edges of the holes "look" outward. This will prevent deformation of the cheese. The inside of the jar should be lined with a cloth, and then filled with cheese mass and closed on top with a cloth. The mass is ready for spinning. Excess fluid will flow out through the hole.

Russian cheese production technology

A wide variety of cheeses can be produced at home. The manufacturing technology of each type is different, although the process uses the same equipment.

The process of making Russian cheese consists of the following operations:

  • milk pasteurization;
  • adding a special starter culture;
  • curd formation;
  • curd formation;
  • pressing;
  • salting;
  • ripening.

Russian cheese is made from thermally processed milk with a fat content of at least 50% in dry matter, moisture - 40%, salt - 1.4-1.8%. Cheese weight 11-13 kg. A suitable shape is a cylinder 16-18 cm high and 34-36 cm in diameter. The finished product has a distinct cheesy, slightly sour taste and smell, a dense texture, a pattern of flattened, slit-like eyes. The surface is smooth and without subcrustal layer.

In thermally processed milk add 15-30 grams of calcium chloride per 100 kg of milk and 0.8-1% bacterial starter culture containing aroma and lactic acid streptococci, which play an important role in the maturation of this type of cheese.

Coagulation of the mixture is 20-30 minutes at t 30-32 ° C. The bunch should be dense, so that sharp edges are obtained at the break. Then it should be cut into cubes of 8-10 mm (curd). By the end of the aging process for 10-15 minutes and kneading (30-40 minutes), the size of the cubes will decrease to 6-7 mm. During this time, up to 30% of the serum is removed,

Reheating is carried out at a temperature of 40-42 ° C and lasts no more than 20 minutes. Then the curd is kneaded for 30-50 minutes. This is done to dry out the mass, partially lose the stickiness and increase the acidity. Then another 40% of the whey is separated, after which the curd is sent to molds lined with damp serpyanka (reinforcing material). The mass is compacted and then pressed.

Advice: do not throw away whey after boiling. If you take it back to the cheese dairy, add two liters of milk, a little apple cider vinegar and heat it to t + 92 ° C, then you can get delicious and appetizing cottage cheese, which means the first profit.

Before pressing, it is better to replace the serpyanka with a damp napkin, so the cheese will turn out to be more beautiful. During the first hour, the cheese is pressed under a pressure of 10-15 kPa, after which it is increased to 20 kPa, and then to 30-40 kPa. After eight hours, the pressure is reduced to 20-25 kPa. The total pressing time is 8-12 hours.

The next stage is salting in a 20-22% solution. The process time depends on the acidity, temperature of the product and the brine itself, and increases depending on the weight of the cheese. For example, a 1 kg head takes 10-12 hours. The final step is drying and maturing. Shelf life 4 months in film or paraffin at 2-4 ° C.

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Making cheese, like, is profitable and promising business, which can be organized by anyone without experience and special education. It is more profitable to open this business in a village or village next to a large locality, in more remote areas, it is more difficult to translate this idea into reality, since good distribution channels are needed.

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Our regular readers often contact us with questions about how to implement this or that idea presented by on the portal "1000 ideas"... Therefore, we decided to launch a new series of articles, which tells how in Russian conditions it is possible to implement many projects that successfully work abroad.

How to organize your own cheese production

Cheese production is considered a popular business in our country. Cheese, like many other foods that are present in the diet of almost all people, will always be in demand. The cheese factory is profitable enterprise... Many entrepreneurs come to this business literally from scratch. Others have some work experience or even their own business in the food and livestock industry.

The latter, of course, find it easier, since they have an idea of ​​many features and nuances of such production. However, regardless of whether or not you have experience in this area, you need to start your business by drawing up the maximum detailed business plan... This will allow you to estimate the costs of opening your own cheese factory, the difficulties that you will have to face, predict production and sales volumes, analyze demand, and think over the assortment. Don't forget, too, that food production requires a lot of permits, including the issuance of various certificates.

It is necessary to decide on the pricing policy and sales markets for your cheese products at the stage of developing a business plan. For this, customer demand is preliminarily estimated in all market segments. At first, you can sell your products in the region where the production is located, and then, as volumes increase, increase the sales market at the expense of other areas.

Making cheese is quite cost-effective, but organizing it requires a lot of start-up capital. If you are unable to find such tools, you can start small. As, for example, did the Canadian entrepreneur Ella Kinloch (Ella Kinloch), which put on sale DIY cheese making kits called "Make Cheese". So far, she offers two types of sets - Lotsa Motsa for preparing mozzarella and Proud Poutine - for making a traditional Canadian dish with curd cheese. An unusual product from the "do it yourself" series is sold at a price of about 750 rubles per set.

Cheese is a high-calorie protein product with high nutritional value, which is due to the content in it of all substances necessary for the human body in an easily digestible form, including proteins, fats, peptides, Ca, P salts, amino acids. According to technological characteristics, natural cheeses are subdivided into rennet and fermented milk products. The first type of cheese is produced by curdling milk with rennet, while fermented milk is made by fermenting milk with sourdoughs. Cheeses that are presented in Russian stores are divided into four main classes:

  • firm (rennet with a firm consistency: Russian, Swiss, Dutch varieties, etc.),
  • semi-hard (rennet with a dense consistency: Roquefort, Latvian, spicy cheeses, etc.),
  • soft (rennet or fermented milk cheeses with a soft consistency: Slavic, amateur, etc.)
  • brine (ripening in brine and containing a mass fraction of sodium chloride: sulguni, Imeretian, Adyghe, feta cheese, etc.).

Each of these groups can be subdivided into separate subgroups. Hard cheese is made on the basis of curd, which is separated from the whey, washed and squeezed. Then the resulting cottage cheese in the required amount is placed under a press, where it remains for some time until the taste appears. On average, cheese aging takes about a month. Moreover, the longer it is aged, the higher its taste and the sharper the taste. The heavier the load that is applied to the cheese, the denser the structure of the finished product will be.

The highest quality varieties are considered those cheeses that are obtained from whole milk. Soft cheeses are produced using approximately the same technology as hard ones. The main difference is that soft cheese spends much less time under the press. It can be kept for a maximum of a week or not at all. Such cheese is eaten immediately after production or in the coming weeks. It cannot be stored for a long time, unlike hard varieties, since it contains a large amount of liquid. Soft cheeses are made from whole milk or skim milk. There are other differences in the technology for the production of different types of cheese, which will be discussed below.

Hard cheeses are in great demand rather than soft ones. Moreover, according to experts, this demand will only grow over time. Enterprises that mainly produce hard cheeses are expanding their assortment by making cottage cheese for sale. The production of the latter, in contrast to hard cheese, takes not a month, but a few days, which makes it possible to increase the profitability of the enterprise.

Cheese production technology is rather complicated. This process takes place under the influence of enzymes and microflora. During the entire production process, a low temperature is maintained in the chambers for temporary and permanent storage of ingredients and finished products, which allows for high-quality ripening of the cheese.

Regardless of the class of cheese and the volume of processed milk, cheese production consists of several main stages: acceptance and preparation of milk for curdling, production of curd grains, molding, pressing or self-pressing, salting, maturation and storage. At the first stage, milk is weighed, after which specialists carry out the necessary tests to determine its quality. If the milk matches established requirements, it is cleaned, cooled, pasteurized and separated.

Cheese grains are produced in cheese vats and kettles. This equipment performs various operations: it normalizes milk (if this was not carried out at the stage of preparing milk for coagulation), heats it to the coagulation temperature, adds the necessary components (bacterial starter culture, rennet, calcium chloride). With its help, a part of the whey is selected, the curd is kneaded and the protein clot is cut.

In order for the milk to "mature", it is kept at a temperature of about 10-12 ° C for 12-14 hours. Depending on the recipe, ferments of lactic acid bacteria can be added to it. These additives change not only the properties, but also the composition of the milk, which increases its coagulability and ensures the necessary processing of the curd. At the same time, whey is released from the grain much faster, acidity also increases and the time required for cheese ripening is reduced. The limiting acidity of milk after this procedure, according to the requirements, should not exceed 20 ° T.

To curd milk faster, cheese makers use enzymes of animal origin and preparations based on them. The drug is added as a solution to milk heated to 28-35 ° C, after which it is thoroughly mixed for ten minutes. This allows you to achieve an even distribution of enzymes in the liquid. Then the milk is left until the protein clumps form. Sometimes the temperature of the milk may rise. The duration of the milk clotting depends on the type of cheese. For hard varieties, this period is about half an hour, for cheeses with a low fat content - about 40 minutes, and for soft varieties - an hour and a half.

The specialist determines the readiness of the clot by its fracture strength and density. If the protein curd is ready, it undergoes additional processing: when kneading, whey with milk particles dissolved in it is removed from the raw material. During this procedure, the volume of the grain decreases slightly, but it acquires a more rounded shape, elasticity and strength, and stops sticking to each other. The kneading time depends directly on the temperature of the milk, which, in turn, is determined by the recipe for making a particular type of cheese.

When the beans are well mixed, they are reheated with steam and hot water. These operations allow you to remove excess moisture from it. Heating occurs with constant stirring, since when the curd is reheated, lumps begin to form, which impede uniform drying of the mass. The grain is heated in two stages.

First, the temperature is set to 39 ° C, and upon completion of processing, a different temperature is set for each type of cheese. After reheating, the grain is kneaded and dried again, therefore this stage of production is called drying. The duration of kneading depends on the acidity (the higher it is, the sooner the grain dries up). As a result of drying, the grain is reduced in size due to the removal of excess whey.

You can manually determine the degree of readiness of raw materials for the next stage of production. When squeezed, the optimally dried grain sticks together; when shaken, it crumbles into individual particles. If you rub them between your palms, the grains disintegrate. The finished grain is sent for molding, as a result of which it acquires density.

Cheese is formed in two main ways - in bulk and from a layer under a layer of whey. In the first case, so-called whey separators are used in large-scale industries, and in the second case, molding machines with a horizontal or vertical design. On small businesses cheese from the bed is formed in cheese-making baths, and in bulk - using perforated ladles, dispensing with expensive equipment. When molding, the curd should be at a lower temperature. Therefore, in rooms where cheese molds are installed, the temperature is always maintained at about 19-20 ° C, and the molding procedure itself is carried out very quickly (in 30-40 minutes).

During pressing, excess whey is removed from the cheese. For this, presses with various degrees of compaction are used, which is permissible for a particular type of product. Presses are horizontal, vertical, carousel, tunnel, etc. Self-pressing is carried out in conventional forms, which are turned over from time to time. In the latter case, the cheese is pressed under its own weight.

The cheese can be subjected to self-pressing as a preliminary stage, and at the same time to subsequent pressing with increasing pressure. This allows for almost complete removal of moisture, which is especially important for hard cheese. The cheese is under the press, on average, 15-20 minutes, as a result of which its surface becomes perfectly smooth and even, without cracks and pores. Exact time may vary depending on the type of cheese. It is also important at this stage to maintain the room temperature at 18-20 ° C.

After molding, the cheese is sent for salting. The most common way of salting cheese is in salt basins (with or without special containers) using brine. The brine is a solution of sodium chloride with an average concentration of 20%. In it, the cheeses are aged at a temperature of 8-12 ° C. The time required for salting the cheese depends on its specific surface area (the brine must be uniformly absorbed into the cheese), the composition and properties of the products, as well as the exact concentration and temperature of the brine. It takes a few hours to salting soft cheeses, while hard cheeses are soaked in brine for several days.

After being removed from the brine, the cheese is placed on stationary racks or in portable containers in a salting room, where it is dried for 2-3 days at a temperature of 10-12 ° C. Then the cheese is transported to the chambers for ripening, which consists in reaching a certain level of acidity and depends on the humidity of the air and the temperature maintained in the chamber. While the cheese is there, the temperature should be about 12-15 ° C with a humidity of 88-94%, and by the end of ripening, these indicators gradually decrease to 10 ° C and 80%, respectively.

For even precipitation, the cheeses are turned over from time to time (once every one to two weeks, depending on various factors). When unwanted deposits (for example, mold) appear on the surface of the cheese, it is washed, dried and sent back to ripening. This can significantly reduce production losses.

In order to further preserve the integrity of the top layer of the cheese and prevent the development of mold on it, improve the quality of the product and avoid the need to constantly process the cheese during ripening, protective coatings based on paraffin are applied to their surface. For this, the so-called "paraffiners" are used. The surface on which the layer of the molten paraffin wax composition is applied must be dry, and the temperature of the cheese should be about 10-12 ° C. Paraffined cheese does not need laborious maintenance - quite regularly, every one and a half to two weeks, wipe it with a dry napkin. In addition to paraffin, a polymer film is also used to protect the cheese from spoilage.

Milk, cream and skim milk, food pepsin, bacterial and biological starters, enzyme preparations, table salt, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, calcium chloride, potassium nitrate, wax compositions or polymer film are used as raw materials for the production of hard cheese. Of course, both the raw materials and the drugs used must be of the required quality and comply with GOST, which is used for the production of cheeses. Milk is the main raw material for cheese products, therefore, cheese makers enter into an agreement with dairy farms for the supply of products, which indicate all the requirements for the quality of raw materials, quantity, payment terms and delivery methods.

The line for the production of cheese consists of several sections: a workshop, an area for sourdough, a salting section, a cold room for storing finished products. The workshop will need the following equipment: horizontal boilers for cheese making, a buffer tank for the grounds, a column forming and pressing device (cheese molds, a press for final pressing, devices for servicing cheese molds, strapping and fittings).

For the starter room, you will need starters, an automatic dosing unit for starter, a heating system, supply of skim milk or a dairy-free substrate, steam sterilization of the top bottom of the starter, a control system. In the salting department, centrifugal pumps are installed that provide the flow of brine, salting basins and containers.

Refrigerating chambers and refrigerating units are used for storing finished products. To organize a workshop, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 300 sq. meters with a ceiling height of 3.5 meters. There will be a cheese production line, a warehouse, and amenity rooms for staff. The room must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, have water supply and sewerage, as well as a convenient access for transport.

The organization of a small-capacity mini-workshop will cost 5-7 million rubles. A line for the production of hard cheeses with a volume of 1400 kg per day costs 12-13 million rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Another 4-4.5 million rubles will be required for its delivery and installation. The equipment where the finished products will be stored costs about 350 thousand rubles. The cost of renting premises for production can vary greatly, depending on the region and location.

Working capital (purchase of raw materials, monthly wages fund, etc.) is about 7 million rubles. Add to this the cost of obtaining all the necessary permits. Thus, a plant for the production of the most common hard cheese varieties will cost 30 million rubles. When you buy an existing production, this amount can save you several million. The payback period for the cheese dairy is at least 3.5-4 years at such costs.

Sysoeva Lilia
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Cheese is obtained by curdling milk with rennet or lactic acid, followed by processing and ripening of the cheese mass. Cheese contains proteins that, when ripe, are broken down into individual amino acids. The digestibility of cheese is 98-99%.

The chemical composition of cheese includes complete proteins (about 25%), which are easily absorbed by the body, milk fat (about 30%), minerals (calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc.), fat and water-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, B, B2, PP). Cheeses are high in calories and physiological value. Nutritional value, easy digestibility and pleasant taste make it possible to use cheese not only as an excellent food for healthy and sick people, but also as an appetizer to whet the appetite before meals. The cheese is obtained from cow, goat, sheep and buffalo milk. During the production process, it will retain all the essential nutrients of milk, with the exception of carbohydrates. During cheese making, a significant portion of the water is removed from milk, resulting in a concentrated food product.

The industrial production of cheese in Russia began in 1866, when, on the initiative of the prominent public figure Nikolai Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, the first artisan cheese factory was opened in the village of Otrokovichi, Tver province.

Advances in technology have allowed producers to better control the cheese making process and have also contributed to the standardization of cheeses prepared with modern production methods. Another result of industrialization was the international spread of the most famous types of cheese. Names that were previously used only for locally sourced cheese are now used to describe a method of making that cheese that can be applied anywhere, and as a result, mozzarellas are now available today, made in Scotland and Canada, and Cheddar cheeses are made in Ireland and the United States. For many other cheeses, the production methods have remained virtually unchanged. Such cheeses retain their traditional regional character, thereby providing an infinite variety of cheeses in the world (Tverdokhleb G.V., Dilanyan Z.Kh. 1991).

Literature review

Cheese production technology

The general technological scheme of cheese production is reduced to the following operations:

1 Acceptance and assessment of milk quality. In cheese making, special requirements are imposed on the quality of raw materials. Milk should be cheese-friendly: curd quickly, separate whey well, be a good environment for the development of microorganisms, preferably a high dry matter content, which increases the yield of the product and reduces the consumption of raw materials;

2 Cooling milk to 4 ° C. It is carried out to prevent the development of microflora and spoilage of milk;

3 Reservation of milk no more than 8 hours. Necessary for the continuous operation of the enterprise;

4 Heating up to 40-45C. It is carried out to reduce the viscosity of milk, as well as to transfer the refractory fraction of fat into a liquid state, which subsequently improves the process of cleaning and separating the cream;

5 Milk cleaning;

6 Separation of milk. In the process of separation, milk is normalized in terms of fat and cream is separated;

7 Normalization for protein, if necessary;

8 Pasteurization at 74 +/- 2 ° C. It has several goals:

Destruction of vegetative forms of microorganisms.

Inactivation of enzymes in the native state.

9 Preparing milk for clotting;

10 Cooling to a clotting temperature of 29 - 32 ° С;

11 Leave the mixture.

The prepared product contains:

Specially selected starter cultures

· calcium chloride

· rennet extract

Matured milk, if necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to sourdough, as the entire maturation process depends on it in the production of cheese. Calcium chloride is necessary to increase calcium ions in milk, which in turn bind proteins, which helps to form a better clot. Sometimes milk of increased maturity is used in production in the amount of 15 - 20% of the total. This milk also increases the amount of calcium ions and therefore the quality of the curd. Milk maturation is carried out as follows:

Cooling pasteurized milk to 8 ° - 10 ° С

· Introduction of bacterial starter culture 0.1 - 0.3%

Maturation 8 - 10 hours until acidity 20 ° - 21 ° T

· Heating up to 30 ° С and adding to the general mixture.

Curdling milk and getting cheese mass:

1 Coagulation of milk 30 - 60 min;

2 Cutting the clot 3 - 10 mm - to start separating the whey;

3 Arrangement of grain;

4 Kneading the curd 10 -20 min. It is necessary to accelerate the dehydration of the mass;

5 Removal of 30% serum;

6 Second heating 38 - 56C. It is used to intensify the release of serum;

7 Partial salting in grain (adding water);

8 Kneading and removing another 30% of the whey;

9 Shaping. It is necessary to combine the curd into a single layer. There are 4 ways to mold cheese:

1 from the reservoir,

2 from the bunch,

3 in bulk,

4 in bulk.

10 Self-pressing of grain. It is carried out for the purpose of dehydration of curd grains and removal of free moisture;

11 Pressing 2 - 6-12 hours. Purpose: - obtaining a closed cheese head - creating a compacted head surface - reducing the moisture content of the cheese mass - regulating the microbiological process;

12 Chilling cheese;

13 Ambassador. During the salting, certain taste qualities are formed, microbiological and biochemical processes are regulated, and the consistency of the product is stabilized. There are 4 ways to salt cheese:

1 thick salt,

2 in brine 10 - 12 ° С,

3 in grain,

4 in the curd.

14 Drying and packaging of cheese in polyethylene or paraffin (

In the process of cheese ripening under the influence of microorganisms, deep transformations take place with constituent parts cheese. Flavoring and aromatic substances accumulate. In the first 7 days, lactose is completely fermented, then proteins break down to polypeptides and amino acids. For most cheeses, the ripening temperature ranges from 16 ° C to 28 ° C. The duration of the process is from 2 weeks to 6 months.

The quality of the cheese depends on the raw material used - milk, which must have a density of at least 1.027 g / cm3, acidity - 16-18 ° T, calcium content - 125 mg, coagulate well under the action of rennet, form a dense clot with good whey separation, be a favorable environment for the development of lactic bacteria. The quality of the cheese depends on the salting process. Table salt gives the cheese a certain taste, regulates microbiological and biochemical processes during its ripening, promotes the formation of a crust of the product, affects the consistency, pattern and yield. The most common method is salting in brine, carried out in salting basins by immersing individual heads in the brine. For salting, a brine is used with a salt concentration of 13-18% for brine and soft cheeses and 22-24% for hard cheeses. The brine can be whey or water. Whey brine is used for salting brine cheeses. Cheese is salted at a temperature of 8-10 ° C for several days.

V modern conditions the main factors that determine the quality of the milk being harvested are compliance with hygiene requirements, microbiological parameters of milk, feeding and health of cows, acid-base balance of the body and the absence of diseases, as well as the presence of residues of antibiotics and other inhibitors that have a detrimental effect on lactic acid bacteria. Cheese making puts forward certain requirements for milk in many respects. Thus, in world practice, the upper range of the content of somatic cells in 1 cm 3 of a milk sample from a quarter of a cow's udder has been established - 5.105 cells, for collected milk it is lower - 3.105 - 5.105 cells. A clearly pronounced change in the chemical composition of milk takes place when the content of somatic cells is 1.106 in 1 cm ^ 3 (A.P. Nechaev 2007).

Milk from vaccinated cows must be supplied separately from bulk milk and processed for technical purposes. The use of such milk for dairy products is harmful to technology, public health and, especially, the health of children. In addition to the above, the duration of rennet coagulation can be extended to 2-3 hours instead of 20-30 minutes.

The main source of contamination of milk and cheese produced from it by pathogenic staphylococci are cows sick with mastitis. Admixtures of mastitis milk negatively affect the microbiological and biochemical processes of cheese production, as a result of which the yield and quality of cheese decreases. Therefore, a decrease in cow diseases with mastitis is a condition that contributes to an increase in the production of raw milk.

At present, milk quality deteriorates due to long-term storage of raw milk in the reception area (more than 6 hours at low temperatures). Manufacturers should take into account that after storage of raw milk at 40C for 3 days, the proportion of psychrotrophic microorganisms is 10% (in quality milk). Due to their lipolytic and proteolytic activity, the cheese suitability of milk decreases, which, in fact, we have defects in dairy products. An increase in temperature above 100 ° С, their number decreases due to competitive microflora, and an increase in temperature above 150 ° С is dominated by BGKP; the higher the seeding of chilled milk, the higher the relative amount of psychrotrophic microorganisms.

Lipolytic processes caused by psychrotrophic microorganisms in milk lead to the formation of free fatty acids and cause a rancid taste in milk and dairy products. Proteases from psychrotrophic bacteria are more heat stable than lipases. Extracellular proteases, which are formed by the psychrotrophic bacteria Pseudomonas Flavobacterium, withstand ultra-high-temperature processing of milk at 140 ° C. Proteases from the psychrotrophic bacteria Pseudomonas retain partial activity after holding for 10 min at 120 ° C. Lipases and proteases of Pseudomonas fluorescens are not inactivated at 90 ° C and even withstand this temperature for 20 min.

The quality of raw milk should be assessed by the amount of psychrotrophic microflora in it. The risk factor for the deterioration of the quality of dairy products is characterized by the value of psychrotrophic bacteria 104 - 105 CFU / cm3. Cheese made from raw milk, even at a storage temperature of 40C for 4 days, is characterized by a high content of free fatty acids, which impairs organoleptic characteristics. The main sources of psychrotrophic bacteria are soil and water. Their presence in milk can cause spoilage: bitter, fruity and impure taste, viscous consistency, the prevalence of these bacteria in milk indicates insufficient cleanliness of the equipment or ingress of soil and water.

It is impossible to remain silent about the presence of nitrates and nitrites. They can prevent butyric acid fermentation, but can harm the health of consumers of milk, cheese and whey. When producing cheese with a high second heating temperature (Swiss, Ukrainian, Carpathian, Novoselytsky, Carpathian, etc.), which uses propionic acid bacteria, the use of nitrates is not recommended because these bacteria die.

It is known that the prepared milk already contains nitrates and nitrites on average 1100.10-7 g / cm3 and 2.81.10-7 g / cm3 .. their maximum amount falls on June-August. In the production of cheese from such milk, partially nitrates and nitrites (410.10-7 g / cm 3 and 8.2. 10-7 g / cm 3, respectively) pass into whey, which is widely used as a food product and for feed for young animals, which poses a certain health hazard. In cheeses, the amount of nitrates reaches 380.10-7 g / kg ( / zimin / 00600 / 00535.html).

Unfortunately, raw milk in terms of nitrate and nitrite content is not controlled in the conditions of enterprises due to the complexity of the analysis method. And, of course, the use of starter cultures of direct introduction into non-cheese milk is unacceptable.

The food market in our country is very diverse and is represented by a large assortment of various goods. Despite the seeming saturation, aspiring businessmen may well create good competition for existing food manufacturers. Cheese products are one of those commodities that can be a profitable investment to produce. Cheese production today is one of the most profitable areas in the food industry.

Business brief analysis:
Business setup costs:700,000 - 1,000,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with population: without Borders
Industry situation:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 10 - 12 months

The advantages and disadvantages of this business

Cheese production has the following advantages:

  • this product is in demand in our country - according to the statistics of cheese consumption per capita, we are in the first thirty of the world rating;
  • after the import substitution program the amount of cheese on the shelves retail outlets significantly reduced due to the termination of the import of the product from abroad, in connection with which the formed niche can play into the hands of novice businessmen;
  • raw materials for cheese production are not expensive and are widely available in our country.

Naturally, as with opening any business, the following risks may arise in the production of cheese:

  • oversaturation of the sales market in some regions of the country. Before starting production, it is necessary to carefully study the market for similar products in order to assess the possibility of competing with existing manufacturers;
  • rather short shelf life of finished products, as well as the need to control the temperature regime in warehouses;
  • possible risk of producing low-quality products due to insufficiently high indicators of raw materials used in production.

Business options

When opening a workshop for the production of cheese, you can establish a mini-production at home or a large-scale workshop that produces a large assortment of finished products in large volumes.

The choice and determination of production capacity may depend on the following factors:

  • the size of the start-up capital of a businessman;
  • the entrepreneur's desire to associate himself with high risks but, at the same time, provide yourself with a large profit;
  • experience in this area or a team of qualified specialists;
  • the existence of a raw material base close to the location of the workshop;
  • the need for your cheeses in the market for finished products.

Required documents for starting a business

To open and legally carry out a business in the field of cheese production, the following documents will be required:

  • certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • certificate of registration as a tax payer;
  • when renting a finished premises - a lease agreement with all documents confirming the owner's rights;
  • during the construction of a workshop - approval of a construction project, a documented conclusion on the allocation of a site for construction;
  • permission to commission the facility allocated for the workshop premises;
  • production flow charts (recipes for finished products indicating the parameters of all operations);
  • documentary approval of the produced assortment, which will be produced by the projected workshop;
  • the approved list of equipment installed at the enterprise, as well as data on employees and their medical examinations;
  • contract for the removal of technical and household waste;
  • workshop disinfection contract;
  • positive conclusion of the fire inspection and SES on the possibility of launching the workshop.

Before starting the production of cheese, first of all, you should take care of the quality of the raw materials used for this. The main raw materials used in this industry are:

  • regular and skim milk;
  • cream;
  • pepsin for food purposes;
  • biological and bacterial starter cultures;
  • table salt;
  • sodium nitrate and potassium.

Cheese production technology may differ depending on the type of original product. General scheme for making cheese looks like this:

  • the stage of preparation of raw materials (milk) for subsequent coagulation. In the presence of a small amount of raw materials to obtain a higher yield of the finished product, it should contain as much protein as possible. Milk is subjected to cleaning, cooling, pasteurization and separation;
  • the stage of cheese ripening. In specially designed boilers, cheese grains are formed, for which the milk is brought to a certain temperature, ferments, special enzymes and calcium chloride are added. The resulting mixture matures for up to 14 hours, then curdles;
  • stage of formation. On this stage the clot is given the desired density and excess moisture is released. Further, at a lowered temperature, cheeses with eyes of the required shape are molded;
  • pressing stage. After this stage, the cheese has a perfectly smooth and even surface without pores. In the production of soft cheeses, this operation is either completely absent, or is carried out in less time (maximum a week);
  • ambassador. After shaping, the cheese is salted in special containers or pools filled with a saturated salt solution. For hard cheeses, the duration of the salting is several days, for soft - up to several hours;
  • drying and ripening. It occurs in chambers with a set temperature, humidity and air velocity with constant overturning. At the end, the cheese is covered with a special protective coating.

Selection of suitable premises

When choosing a room for organizing a cheese production workshop, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • the area of ​​the premises, depending on the production capacity, should be from 20 square meters;
  • hot and cold water supply must be present;
  • the workshop must be equipped with a heating, ventilation and sewerage system;
  • natural lighting should be present, in its absence or lack, it is compensated by artificial;
  • the configuration of the premises should ensure the elimination of the intersection of raw materials and finished products;
  • there must be a convenient entrance for the supply of raw materials and the export of finished products.

Required equipment

To open a workshop for the production of cheese, you will need the following equipment:

  • containers for raw materials and finished products;
  • technological tables;
  • racks;
  • bath for pasteurization;
  • paraffiner for covering the finished cheese;
  • Press;
  • molds for cheeses of the required configuration;
  • refrigeration units for storing raw materials for production and finished cheese.

Selection of assortment

When selecting the manufactured assortment of finished products, one should be guided by the technical capabilities of the premises and equipment, as well as the demand for a particular finished product.

In general, cheese producers can make the following products:

  • by the peculiarities of production technology (rennet, brine, fermented milk and whey);
  • by the method of production (hard, soft and fused);
  • according to the origin of raw materials (cow, goat, sheep, etc.);
  • by the presence of additional processing operations (with spices, with additives of plant and animal origin, with mold, smoked).

Required raw materials and search for suppliers

The following requirements are imposed on the quality of raw materials to obtain a product that meets all the necessary indicators:

  • milk used for production must be obtained exclusively from healthy cows;
  • milk acidity readings must be at least 6.8;
  • the fat content of milk cannot exceed 3.5%, while the protein composition is not less than 3% of the total mass;
  • milk cannot contain antibiotics;
  • the temperature of the raw material during its acceptance should not exceed 12 degrees.

The search for suppliers should be carried out among the farms available close to the workshop, and the closer they are, the lower the cost of transportation will be.


To open a workshop, you will need the following workers and specialists:

  • production technologist;
  • workshop foreman;
  • equipment operators;
  • veterinarian;
  • auxiliary workers;
  • cleaning ladies;
  • supply and sales managers;
  • accountant-cashier.

Advertising and distribution channels

The main buyers of the products produced by the cheese-making department can be:

  • the population as the final consumer;
  • ordinary shops and supermarkets;
  • catering establishments;
  • wholesale companies specializing in the sale of cheeses.

To promote manufactured products on the market, you can take the following actions:

  • opening a company store;
  • visiting shops and supermarkets with price lists and product samples;
  • holding various promotions to reduce prices, as well as tasting their products at retail outlets;
  • "Cold" advertising calls to potential buyers;
  • creation of your own website, which will contain information about the range of cheeses and prices.

Financial costs of production

To start the production of cheese, you will need the following minimum investments.

One-time costs:

  • purchase industrial equipment- from 550 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • repair and preparation of premises for the launch of production - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • personnel training - from 30 thousand rubles.

The total amount will be from 690 thousand rubles.

The monthly production costs will be:

  • rental of premises - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for water, electricity - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • workers' salaries - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials for production - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - from 50 thousand rubles.

total amount monthly production costs can range from 300 thousand rubles.

Approximate calculation of profit, profitability payback

The size of future income, as well as the effectiveness of investment in opening a cheese workshop can be determined by the following main economic indicators:

  • profit from the sale of manufactured products;
  • the level of profitability;
  • payback period of capital investments.

As practice shows, the level of profitability this business depends on a large number of factors and initial production parameters and is at the level of 10-15% depending on various kinds of factors and can bring a monthly profit of 200 thousand rubles or more and pay off in less than a year.

You need to understand that economic indicators depending on various factors, they can change significantly and only the hard and well-coordinated work of your team will help you get a stable profit.

The history of the organization of a specific cheese business

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