Assistance in state registration of a company. Registration of ooo, how to open your own company. on founders - legal entities

To create your LLC, you need to go through the procedure for its state registration with the Tax Service, located directly at the location of the future organization. Many are interested in the question of how to register an LLC: independently or with the help of a specialized company. In fact, the process of registering an organization is not so difficult, so an ordinary citizen can cope with such a task.

Choice of LLC registration method: LLC registration can be carried out in two ways:

  • Self registration... Experts do not recommend that you independently deal with the paperwork, since the tax inspector can find inaccuracies in them and return them to the founder. No refunds will be given for each such attempt.
  • Registration through a specialized company... Experts will not only help to prepare the necessary package of documents, but also select an address, register a ready-made company in the PFC and FSS.

The procedure for registering a company begins with the preparation by the head of the minutes of the constituent assembly of the future company with limited liability.

As a rule, experts recommend going through the LLC registration procedure on your own, as this will allow you to better understand the entire process of the organization's activities, gain important experience and knowledge in this area. At the same time, using the help of registrars, you will not only receive a ready-made package of documents, but also the address at which you can register an LLC, and you will also be assisted in registering both the Pension Fund and the Insurance Service.

Each of the methods for registering an LLC has a certain list of positive and negative sides... The pros and cons can be clearly displayed in a table, from which the answer to the question "how much does it cost to register an LLC?"

Regardless of whether you decide to register an LLC yourself (2019) or through registrars, first of all you will have to come up with a name for your organization. It must be in Russian and must include an indication of the organizational and legal form.

In some cases established by law, the name of the LLC must also have an indication of the type of activity it carries out. We are talking about insurance companies, pawnshops.

Another important task that faces every person who decides legal registration of LLC- find . This can be done in three ways:

  1. Rent a room especially for this
  2. Buy an address for LLC registration from a company specializing in providing registration addresses legal entities.
  3. Use your home address.

Documents for LLC registration:

As the final stage of the actions required to register an LLC, the instruction highlights the submission of documents for registration. If all the documents have been filled out properly, then within three working days you will be able to receive your documents confirming the fact of the end of the state registration of the LLC. In general, the entire set of documents consists of:

  1. Registration certificate.

Having received all the documents in your hands, it is important to check the correctness of the information they contain. If the state registration of an LLC is carried out to the address of the head of this company, the following documents will need to be submitted to the tax authority:

  • Passport with a photocopy of registration.
  • A copy of the certificate that confirms the ownership of the apartment.
  • Consent from the owner of the apartment for the state registration of the LLC at the selected address.

The next step is to decide on the codes of the organization's activities and Consult on the correct choice of code for your entrepreneurial activity you can consult a lawyer or a specialist in the tax office. will be provided by our specialists of the company Pravoved.

Next - making authorized capital... At the moment, the legislation establishes the minimum allowable amount of capital, which can be contributed directly during the state registration of an LLC. In 2019, the amount of such capital is 10 thousand rubles. At this stage, the decision of the single founder is being prepared, which should contain information:

  • Approval of the name of the LLC.
  • An indication of the exact location of the organization.
  • Determination of the amount of the contributed authorized capital.
  • Approval of the charter.
  • Appointment of the head of the organization.

If several founders take part in the creation of an organization, an appropriate agreement must be drawn up. This document is not constituent documents, it contains only agreements between the founders, for example:

  • The size of the authorized capital.
  • The size of the shares of each founder.
  • The procedure for joint activities.
  • Responsibility for non-fulfillment of obligations.

Upon completion of the preparation and execution of all documents, it is required to contact the tax office at the location of the future organization and provide them with the following package of documents required for the state registration of an LLC:

  1. Statement.
  2. Decision to create.
  3. The charter in duplicate.
  4. A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee.
  5. Letter of guarantee for providing an address for the organization.

Our employees are ready to pick up a legal address for registration of a limited liability company for you as soon as possible. And accordingly, in the tax that is needed.

Filling out an application for registration of LLC:

The current application form for state registration of a limited liability company can be downloaded via the Internet and filled out at home. You can print the application in one copy. When filling LLC registration application you need to follow some rules:

  • When filling out this document by hand, you need to use a pen with black ink, write only in capital block letters.
  • When filling out an application on a computer, you must use capital letters, font size - 18.
  • Providing the originals of the TIN of the head and founders of the organization for registration with the tax office is not required. However, if the applicant or members of the LLC have this document, information about it must be included in the application. Otherwise, the registration of the LLC will be refused.
  • On sheet H, information about the applicant must be indicated by hand, in the presence of a notary or an employee tax office, to which the documents for registration are transferred.
  • There is no need to number blank sheets, print them out and submit them to the registration authority.

Preparation of the charter of a limited liability company

Another document that the founder must submit to the registration authority for registration of the LLC is the charter.

The charter of the LLC must be printed in two copies, both of which are submitted to the tax office. Upon completion of registration, the head of the legal entity receives a document with the tax seal.

All documents must be fastened together with a simple paper clip. It is not required to stitch documents before submitting them for state registration.

If all the founders are involved in the delivery of documents, it is not required to certify the signatures of a notary during their personal visit to the tax office. However, in this case, the presence of all founders is mandatory, both when submitting documents and when receiving them.

Submission of documents to the tax

LLC registration - payable service... At the moment, the size of the state fee is 4000 rubles. Payment can be made by any founder at a convenient branch of the bank without commission. The paid receipt must be attached to the first sheet of the application.

To register a limited liability company, the applicant must submit the following package of documents to the tax office:

  • Completed application. If the founder did not have the opportunity to print it himself, he can take it from the tax office.
  • A receipt for the paid state fee.
  • The charter in duplicate.
  • Protocol or decision on the establishment of LLC.
  • Certificate of the availability of own premises for the future organization or a letter of guarantee from the owner of the property.

If the head of the organization is not a founder, his presence at the submission of documents for registration is not required. After the transfer of documents to the tax office, the founders receive a receipt with the appropriate mark of the inspector.

Receiving documents after registration

After 3 days from the date of submission of the application, all founders or a person authorized by them by power of attorney must return to the tax office to receive documents. Upon completion of registration, they will be given a package of documents, which includes:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity.
  2. Certificate that the LLC was registered with the tax service.
  3. List of records of LLC in the state register of legal entities.
  4. The charter on which the seal of the tax service must be affixed.

The procedure for registering a limited liability company is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Self-registration of an LLC can be costly for founders.

LLC registration online:

If all the documents have been filled out properly, then within three working days you will be able to receive your documents confirming the fact of the end of the state registration of the LLC. In general, the entire set of documents consists of:

  1. LLC registration certificate.
  2. Evidence confirming the fact of the organization's tax registration.
  3. Of the Charter with a note of registration.
  4. Sheet on making an entry in single register legal entities.

Having received all the documents in your hands, it is important to check the correctness of the information they contain.

Urgent registration of LLC in Moscow:

Urgent registration of an LLC in Moscow may be required in several situations:

  1. if the organization is created in order to take part in a competition or tender;
  2. if an individual entrepreneur manages to find absolutely new niche in a business that can only be profitable in the absence of competition.
  3. In such a situation, one should not exclude the fact that competitors may also be aware of the existence of such a niche;
  4. if an individual entrepreneur received a very attractive offer of cooperation.

It is for this reason that many entrepreneurs prefer to pay extra for the urgency of the services provided and become the owner of a new company within five days.

It is worth noting that the registration of an LLC is urgently carried out in compliance with all stages of opening an organization. To speed up the procedure, such registration is carried out without the participation of the direct owner of the future company.

Specialized companies provide their clients with the opportunity to open a legal entity at low cost in a short time. The cost of urgent registration of a company directly depends on the number of services provided.

The maximum period for registration of a company is 5 days. It is impossible to reduce it, since according to the requirements of tax legislation, the tax office has the right to consider documents for a new company within 5-8 days.

Turning to a professional for help, you will be able to register a company within the established minimum time frame. Urgent registration of companies includes the following preparatory procedures:

  • certification of the signature of the general director of the opening business company directly in the office to a lawyer;
Urgent registration of LLC, carried out by professional lawyers, involves the provision of other services:

for example, using their agreements, lawyers will be able to produce a seal for you in a short time;

  • using their skills, lawyers as soon as possible prepare and submit all the necessary information to the Pension Fund, MHIF and FSS;
  • lawyers will be able to quickly receive a letter from the statistics body with the activity codes chosen by the owner of the opening company;

an experienced lawyer will help his client register with the cadastral register, make an appointment for the general director, and make an appointment for the chief accountant.

Only an experienced specialist is able to carry out an urgent registration of a company. This procedure requires adherence to a large number of time-related nuances. As a rule, the maximum period for such registration does not exceed 10 days. Urgent registration of companies includes the following preparatory procedures:

  • formation of a package consisting of statutory documents;
  • filling out an application in the form prescribed by law;
  • certification of the CEO's signature
  • submission of documents to the Federal Tax Service

We offer our services in legal services for organizations and entrepreneurs on a subscription basis for any civil law issues. The subscription fee includes:

  • - free legal consultation(oral, written);
  • - development, adjustment, supervision of various documents (contracts, claims, etc.);
  • - Correspondence with counterparties, government agencies, clients.
  • - representation in negotiations, meetings, courts, government agencies
  • - registration work
  • - subscription services for accounting (including reporting)

We are waiting for your calls and applications, there is a system of discounts!


Registration type


Positive sides

Negative sides

Self registration

The size of the state fee is 4000 rubles.

You will have to pay up to 1,500 rubles for notary services. If the founders apply to the tax office on their own, there is no need to certify the documents.

Founders receive good experience for the preparation of documents.

Significant savings on registrar services.

High risk of refusal to process documents ( cash are not returned).

If the company does not have a legal address, registration is not carried out.

Registration through a company

Firm services up to 10,000 rubles.

The state registration fee is 4000 rubles.

Up to 1,500 rubles for notary services for certification of documents.

The founders are insured against refusals to register an LLC.

Significant time savings, as a representative of a specialized company travels to the registration authorities.

The company's specialists are engaged in obtaining an address for the future LLC.

Founders will have a cursory knowledge of their documents.

Founders leave their passport details to unknown people (therefore, you need to choose only well-known companies).

Additional costs for the services of a specialized firm.

Purchase of a ready-made company

The cost of the company is from 20,000 rubles.

The state fee for making changes to the register is 800 rubles.

Up to 1,500 rubles must be paid for notary services.

The opportunity to purchase an LLC with a history, which is important for participation in a tender where requirements are imposed on the duration of the company. The risk of acquiring a troubled organization (the problem may be identified several years after the acquisition of a limited liability company).

You can immediately place an order, or ask a question!

Lawyers of the company Pravoved will immediately contact you for legal assistance:

Good afternoon friends. Since 2019, the registration of an LLC has undergone a number of changes. The main one is that now 80% of LLC registrations are made through EDS (Electronic Digital Signature). The remaining 20% ​​simply do not know about it and spend at least 7,000 rubles more on a notary and state fees. But almost no one can answer the question of what kind of digital signature it is and how it works. Here I will answer two main questions:

Peculiarities of LLC registration via EDS.

  1. An EDS for registration of an organization is issued by a licensed special operator. For example Kontur, Tensor, Astral, RusTelecom, etc. Their number is small.
  2. The EDS itself is issued to the individual founder / director. If there are two founders, an EDS is required for each of them. After creating an EDS, individuals can use it, but for the created organization it is useless. In the future, an organization will need an EDS for a legal entity, for example, for submitting reports and making changes to the charter.
  3. Registrar firms act as intermediaries between you and the special operator. They can be divided into two categories:
    • The first one has an agency agreement with a special operator and shares the risks with him, issues an EDS herself and certifies your identity. Such a registrar is responsible for the unlawful issue of an EDS or its illegal use.
    • The second only helps you to issue an EDS. The proper name of such a registrar does not appear anywhere. In fact, you trust him on parole, often via the Internet and it is not clear to whom. It is because of such "black" registrars on the Internet that they want terrible rumors, I think you have heard about them.
  4. To create an EDS, you need to personally verify your identity and personally sign all the necessary documents. If you are told that you need to send your passport and snils, but then you do not need to come to the office, this is a sure sign of a "black" registrar. Then a whole bunch of one-day companies can be created on you, and it is not clear who did it. You must have the originals on hand:
  5. Agreement with the company of the registrar with the order form, what you ask to do.
    Power of attorney
    EDS generation certificate
  6. Submission of reports via EDS is technically more difficult, but at the same time you do not pay 3000 rubles to a notary and 4000 rubles a state fee. For this reason, most registrations take place with the participation of registrar firms. For example such as Ours. The service, of course, costs 5,000 rubles, but the savings of 7,000 rubles exceed it. Instructions for registering an LLC in 2019.

Instructions for registering an LLC in 2019.

I will describe a simple and understandable procedure for registering an LLC in 2019 through our website. How everything happens and in what time frame. It all starts with a call or meeting with a lawyer. He picks up a questionnaire that must be completed. On the basis of it, a limited liability company will be registered.
Let's get started:
  1. Name of company.
    To be completed in Russian in full and abbreviated form indicating organizationally legal form... For example: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "TRADING HOUSE DOMASHKA" LLC "DOMASHKA" Additionally, you can specify the name on foreign language in full and abbreviated form.
  2. The address (location) of the organization. The full address is indicated up to the office. Now you cannot specify the house, unless you occupy the entire building. Additionally required:
    • Letter of guarantee from the owner
    • Copy of title deed
    If you are the owner or register an organization for your own apartment, then a letter of guarantee is not required.
  3. Taxation system.
    It is difficult to answer this question on your own. Our accountant will help you decide what to choose. The choice is between OSNO, STS 6% or STS 15%.
  4. Data on founders.
    For an individual you must provide a passport 1 and 2 spread with a residence permit. Legal entities provide the OGRN organization and the passport of the head of the organization.
  5. Data on the General Director.
    It is necessary to indicate the general director, if he is one of the founders, then the passport data is already there.
  6. Phone number.
    Mandatory requisite for registration. But you need to know that this phone is becoming available to banks, information systems, guarantors, consultants and other "spammers". It is common to use a temporary SIM card so that your personal phone does not get into the dial-up base.
  7. E-mail address.
    Too obligatory requisite for registration. It will also make it publicly available as an entrepreneur mail.
  8. The size of the authorized capital.
    Minimum size authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. If there are several founders, then how the shares will be distributed. It turned out short, nothing superfluous, but not a little. For a better understanding, I will lay out an example of a questionnaire.

But don't know where to start? Official registration of a company on a turnkey basis with the help of Regi is simple, fast and profitable. By contacting us, you will receive all the necessary assistance and legal support when registering a company.

The service of registering a company in Moscow includes going through all the stages: preparation required documents, registration of a company in the tax office, obtaining registered documents, providing a legal address, paying the state half, opening a bank account and making a seal for a legal entity. As a result of state registration, you will receive a complete set of documents required for further business activities.

We are ready to register a company for you in the shortest possible time and at a low price. By entrusting this work to us, you will save your time and money, and we will also minimize your legal and economic risks of entrepreneurial activity in a newly created company. If necessary, we will provide you with a non-mass legal address with postal service, with confirmation from the owner and the ability to accept checks. Additionally and absolutely free of charge, we will help you open a bank account.

* Making a seal and opening an account is included in the price.

** Legal address is provided if necessary

We offer you:

1. All the necessary documents for the registration of a legal entity will be drawn up in full accordance with the current legislation, and will be submitted to the registering authority only within the specified time frame;
2. We carefully check the set of documents for errors that could lead to the need to start all over again. Experienced lawyers will eliminate all the shortcomings and ensure the correctness of the documentation;
3. You will receive documents for a legal entity without even taking direct part in the process. It is enough just to issue a power of attorney for our representative in order to avoid any bureaucratic formalities;
4. We will take on such important steps as the delivery and receipt of documents in tax authorities, making a seal, selecting the necessary OKVED codes corresponding to the activities of the new company, as well as choosing suitable system taxation;
5. Competent lawyers will issue all the necessary licenses and other permits for you.

Basic questions on company registration:

What is required of you?

To start the process of registering a new company, you need to provide our lawyers with the following information:
✔ the name of the new LLC and the size of its authorized capital;
✔ data on all founders and director of the company;
✔ types of activity - OKVED codes;
✔ taxation system (simplified tax system or general);
✔ legal address, address of the location of the company.

Our specialists will carefully analyze the documents and data you submitted, on their basis they will prepare a complete package of documentation for registration, including:
✔ an application for state registration completed in accordance with the legislation (form R 11001);
✔ completely ready charter organizations;
✔ the minutes of the meeting of the founders or the decision of the sole participant to open the company;
✔ orders for the appointment of the general director and chief accountant of the company;
✔ print made according to your wishes.

Registration of a company and legal registration of all the necessary documents in the tax office are the first steps in starting a business. How is it correct and legal to register a turnkey company in Moscow with a legal address? Faced with this issue, they encounter difficulties and various bureaucratic obstacles. As a result, they are denied registration and spend time correcting errors or re-registering. As a result, this leads to material losses, and the mood for a positive design of the company disappears.

To protect yourself from many troubles, it is better to trust the specialists, which will save you time and money. Benefit from outsourcing your problems to a specialized law firm obvious. Among other things, you will be able to direct all your efforts to launch existing and search for new economic projects.

Company registration - turnkey company registration

Our organization will provide assistance, advice and all-round support to entrepreneurs in resolving the issue of state registration of a company with the tax office at an acceptable cost. We are ready to provide comprehensive services - from preparing the necessary documents to opening a bank account. We know how to arrange a legal address for registration of a company with confirmation and postal service in a short period of time, in any area of ​​the city. Our specialists will take care of the preparation of documents without putting them in a distant box. We start working on the same day.

We will accompany the documentation at all stages of registration, we will provide the necessary legal services, useful advice. Do not worry, registration of an LLC company will take place quickly, reliably, and cheaply for you. We work under a contract. The final cost is negotiated before signing it. We approach work taking into account individual characteristics. Each case is dealt with by a specific group of specialists. In addition, we undertake consultations, paperwork, search for premises for a new enterprise, including by renting. We take care of questions with a notary, state register, tax office.

Registration of a company with a legal address

The legal address for registering a company must be indicated in the constituent documents, in the decision of the founder to establish the company and in the application for state registration of a legal entity. It is illegal to register a company without a legal address (no office, no lease agreement). Each organization should have its own location address, which is indicated in a single state register legal entities. You can buy a legal address for registering a company in Moscow with our help, we will select for you a non-mass and reliable legal address from the owner, with postal service. Opening an account with our legal address is not a problem.

Registration of a company in Moscow on a turnkey basis will allow you to save your time, not waste your material resources... Our experience and well-established connections will help to avoid downtime, queues, and loss of precious time. We will help you register your company, we will provide a legal address for rent.

We work under a contract, we take all responsibility for possible risks. The state registration of the company in the tax office will take place quickly with us.

To order the service, come to us. Our representatives will tell you in detail the order of work, will acquaint you with the prices and terms of the entire complex. If you still have questions, we are always ready to answer them by phone.


The most Best offer in Moscow for the registration of companies on a turnkey basis!

8 in 1

LLC registration + selection of OKVED+ EDS + seal + legal. address for 6 months + registration in funds + opening of a P / S in a partner bank + accounting service for a promotion 5 months free


18,500 rubles



After registering an LLC in our company, upon concluding an agreement for accounting services,5 months of accounting service for free.

The Business Class company reserves the right to suspend or change the conditions of the promotion at any time. Hurry up! Waiting for you!

Turnkey LLC registration in 3 days with online submission via EDS

Our services EDS Seal Duty

Yur. address

Opening r / s
in the bank
Preparation of documents for self-registration of LLC 3 000 ₽ not required 4 000 ₽ 7 000 ₽
Registration of a company with your legal address by digital signature 3,500 ₽ 1,500 ₽ not required 0 ₽ 5 000 ₽
Registration of a company with our legal entity address for 6 months by EDS 3,500 ₽ 1,500 ₽ not required 13 500 ₽ 18 500 ₽
Registration of a company with our legal entity address for 11 months by EDS 3,500 ₽ 1,500 ₽ not required 15 500 ₽ 20 500 ₽

Benefits of registering an LLC online via EDS:

1. It is not required to pay the state. duty ( saving 4,000 rubles);

2. Notary fees are not required ( saving 2 900 rub.);

3. Making an EDS in 3 minutes at our office;

4. Short time LLC opening - 3 working days;

5. It is not required to visit the IFTS to register an LLC;

6. After the opening of the LLC You will receive an EDS, which can be used for 12 months on the website of state services, the Federal Tax Service, the traffic police and other portals;

7. The creation of an LLC can take place in any city of Russia without leaving Moscow.

You can get ready-made documents from the IFTS in 4 ways:


Representative by proxy;

V in electronic format on Email;

"Post of Russia" to the address of your registration even in another city of the Russian Federation, which you indicate when registering an LLC through an EDS.

If for some reason you do not want to receive documents in person or by "Russian Post" we will receive documents by power of attorney without your presence at the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 46, this offer is valid for registered LLCs in Moscow.

To obtain documents from the IFTS without your trip, you will need:

A notary works in our office,our clients are served out of turn.

Attention: the price of registering a company on a turnkey basis includes all costs, including printing and production of an EDS. The cost is final, no hidden or additional fees.

Our main advantages in comparison with other law firms:

    we prepare a full package of documents not the next day, but in front of you in 10 minutes;

    we cooperate with owners of premises throughout Moscow, you have the opportunity to choose legal address with verification by any IFTS;

    we provide SRO admission in 1 day;

    You can open an account in our officewithout a visit to the partner bank(the bank manager finds in our office);

    after registering a turnkey company, upon concluding an agreement for accounting service, 5 months free;

    the notary works next to our office.

We are waiting for your calls
Monday - Friday from 09:00 to 18:00
You can also send us a request through the message forms "Request a callback" or "Ask your question"

What is included in the service registration of LLC

Plastic bag
With your
legal entity address
With our
legal entity address for 6 months.
With our
legal entity address for 11 months.
Consulting on LLC registration
Consulting an accountant on choosing a taxation system
Selection of activities (OKVED)
Preparation of a notification for the transition to a simplified taxation system (if necessary)
Preparation of a complete set of documents for the IFTS
Preparation of documents for opening an account in a partner bank in our office
When concluding a contract for Accounting service, 5 months free
EDS production
Making a seal
Receiving an information letter about registration with the State Statistics Committee (statistics codes)
Registration numbers of PFR and FSS
Legal address for 6 or 11 months (included in the price)
Price 3 000 ₽ 5 000 ₽ 18 500 ₽ 20 500 ₽

Attention: the price of registration of a turnkey LLC with a legal address includes all costs, including printing and production of an EDS. The cost is final, no hidden or additional fees.


Step # 1
You call us

Your first step to the company registration service is a phone call to receive free consultation.

Step # 2
Preparing documents

Preparation of a complete set of documents for the registration of LLC, IP service. We select OKVED codes. Assistance in choosing a legal address (if you do not have your own).

Step number 3
We certify documents with a notary

A notary works near our office.

Step number 4
We pay the fee

The state fee in the amount of 4000 rubles, we can pay ourselves, you do not need to stand in queues.

Step number 5
Submission / receipt of documents to the IFTS

You do not need to visit the IFTS and stand in lines, we will submit and receive documents at the IFTS without your presence, if you choosePackage Maximum.

Step number 6
Making a seal

Production of a seal is included in the cost of the service registration of a turnkey LLC and paid by us.

Step 7
Opening a bank account

Preparation of documents for opening an account in a partner bank in our office.

Step number 8
Registration numbers of the FSS, PFR funds

After registering a company, we will provide you registration numbers Your organization in the funds (FSS, PFR) is free.

Step number 9
LLC registration completed

Business Class company wishes you success in your business, successful deals and prosperity.

With us, registration of an LLC will be quick and easy for you.

Our guarantees for the registration of an LLC in Moscow

We are interested in doing our job only excellently. Registration of an LLC is one of the main areas of our activity, which we are constantly engaged in and cannot allow the slightest disruption in the working process.

If the refusal to register an LLC happens through our fault, our company pays for the services of a notary and state. fee at your own expense.

Refusal to register an LLC is not economically profitable for our company, therefore we pay great attention to the careful and accurate preparation of documents.

Question answer

In the Maximum Package we provide a full service for registering a company. Opening a turnkey LLC includes a number of procedures:

    state registration of LLC in MIFNS No. 46 in Moscow;

    receipt of an information letter on registration in the Statistical Register of Rosstat;

    receiving Notices from funds (FSS and PFR);

    opening a bank account of the organization with the connection of the Internet banking system:

    making a seal, etc.

To issue a turnkey LLC in our company means that the price indicated on the website includes all costs, including state fees and notary fees.

The specialists of our consulting group will advise you on all issues of interest and provide comprehensive professional assistance on the turnkey LLC registration service.

Is it possible to register an LLC, the participants of which are foreigners?

State registration of an LLC, which includes foreign participants, is possible. The scheme of the procedure for registering companies with participants who are not citizens of the Russian Federation is similar to the creation of an LLC, which includes citizens of the Russian Federation. The difference is that the corresponding government agency it is necessary to provide, in addition to the main set of documentation, copies of documents proving the identity of non-resident participants, translated into Russian and certified by a notary.

Legal address - what is it?

The legal address for registration of an LLC is the location of the legal entity, where it is possible to contact its Sole executive body - The Director General, Director or President.

Is it possible to quickly open a turnkey LLC in Moscow?

Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs"the period for which the legal registration firms equal to three working days. You should not trust the announcements promising to carry out an urgent registration of LLC - this is contrary to the law and does not correspond to reality.

Create LLC in case of several participants?

If a company is registered with two or more founders, the registration of a legal entity is made in general order... The participants must additionally conclude an LLC agreement on the establishment of the company. We will prepare an appropriate contract, this procedure is included in the cost of our services.

Which tax system is best for my firm?

It all depends on what kind of business you are in. If your activity is aimed at providing services - repair, cleaning, examination, appraisal, design, maintenance of sites, etc., and the volume of your expenses is not very large, it is better to choose 6% of the income. This is due to the fact that you are not engaged in the purchase of goods or raw materials for production. This taxation system is very simple - if 100,000 rubles are received on the current account, the tax will be 6,000 rubles, if 1,000,000 rubles. - the tax, accordingly, will already be 60,000 rubles.

What if I'm going to open an online store?

In this case, 15% is most likely suitable for you - income minus expenses. In order to choose the optimal taxation system, you need to make necessary calculations and calculate your business, taking into account the amounts that come to you and the money needed to buy goods. We will help you make the right choice.

Open an LLC with VAT-what can I say?

The opening of an LLC with VAT is usually ordered from us by experienced entrepreneurs who work with suppliers who use VAT deduction. Since the VAT deduction makes it possible to reduce the tax base of the parent company, they only sell their goods to companies with VAT.

How many types of activities are possible in an LLC? Can I trade children's clothes, open a sausage shop and paint custom-made portraits at the same time?

Of course, anything is possible. When registering a legal entity on a turnkey basis, our specialists will select for you all the necessary activities ( OKVED codes), so that they are fully consistent with all areas of your company.

Do I have to pay for the state myself? toll and waste time in queues at the bank?

We will take care of all the hassle, you do not need to worry about anything. You can safely go about your business, our employees will accurately fill out the forms, pay the required fee to the registration authority for the LLC registration service and deliver receipts to the tax authority.