Federal Agency for Tourism. Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators. See what "Rostourism" is in other dictionaries

    Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation (Rosturizm)- 1. The Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing state services, managing state property, as well as law enforcement functions in the field of ... ... Official terminology

    A kind of federal executive bodies of Russia. The main functions are law enforcement, provision of public services, management of public property. The status of federal agencies was ordered in 2004 as a result of the administrative ... ... Wikipedia

    Federal agency is a kind of federal executive bodies of Russia. The main functions are law enforcement, provision of public services, management of public property. The status of federal agencies is ordered in 2004 in ... ... Wikipedia

    The Federal Agency for Tourism is the federal executive body in the Russian Federation. Created by the decree of the President of Russia of November 18, 2004 N 1453. The Agency carries out functions of conducting state policy, normative legal ... ... Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of the federal executive bodies of Russia, operating after the administrative reform of 2004, and their heads (except for ministries and ministers who are externally part of the Government ... ... Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of the federal executive bodies of Russia, acting after the administrative reform of 2004, and their heads (except for ministries and ministers who are part of ... ... Wikipedia

    The structure of federal executive bodies (the term constitutional law) is a list of all federal executive bodies. Approved by the President of the Russian Federation at the suggestion of the Chairman ... ... Wikipedia

Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators

The Federal Agency for Tourism informs that, in accordance with Art. 4.1. Federal Law of November 24, 1996, No. 132-FZ "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Tourist Activities), tour operator activities in the territory of the Russian Federation are allowed by a legal entity subject to the following conditions:

Availability of financial security for the liability of the tour operator (an agreement or contracts of insurance of civil liability for failure to fulfill obligations under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product and (or) a bank guarantee or bank guarantees for the fulfillment of obligations under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product);

Compliance of persons holding the positions of the head of the tour operator, his deputy, chief accountant, other official who is entrusted with maintaining the accounting of the tour operator, the requirements established by part three of Article 4.1 of the Law on Tourism Activities;

Tour operator membership in the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism ;

Availability of the personal liability fund of the tour operator (in the case of activities in the field of outbound tourism);

Availability of information about the tour operator in the unified federal register of tour operators.

The requirements for the financial security of the liability of the tour operator are determined by Chapter VII.I of the Law on Tourism Activities.

Tour operator liability financial security is not required for:

an organization providing excursion services on the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than 24 hours in a row;

state and municipal unitary enterprises, as well as state and municipal institutions carrying out travel arrangements within the territory of the Russian Federation in order to solve social problems;

a tour operator operating in the field of outbound tourism and having a personal liability fund of the tour operator formed in accordance with Article 11.6 of the Law on Tourism Activities in the amount of at least seven percent of the total price of a tourism product in the field of outbound tourism for the previous year.

Please note that the implementation of tour operator activities by a person, information about which is not available in the unified federal register of tour operators, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months to one year; for legal entities - from five million to ten million rubles.


Federal Agency for Tourism- federal executive body in the Russian Federation. Created by decree of the President of Russia of November 18, 2004 N 1453.

The agency carries out the functions of conducting public policy, regulatory and legal regulation, the provision of public services and the management of public property in the field of tourism.

On August 12, 2008, Anatoly Ivanovich Yarochkin was appointed the head of the agency (previously Vladimir Igorevich Strzhalkovsky was).


  • submits to the Government drafts of federal laws, normative legal acts and other documents;
  • independently adopts regulatory legal acts;


  • determines the priority directions of state regulation of tourist activity in Russia;
  • informs in the prescribed manner tour operators, travel agents and tourists about the threat to the safety of tourists in the country (place) of temporary stay;
  • promotes tourism products in the domestic and world tourism markets;
  • holds tenders and concludes government contracts for placing orders;
  • carries out an economic analysis of the activities of subordinate state unitary enterprises;
  • creates representative offices outside Russia in the field of tourism;
  • organizes in the prescribed manner congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Rostourism" is in other dictionaries:

    Rostourism- FAT Federal Agency for Tourism http://www.russiatourism.ru/ state, RF ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

    Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation (Rosturizm)- 1. The Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing state services, managing state property, as well as law enforcement functions in the field of ... ... Official terminology

    Cases of suspension of activities of tour operators in Russia in 2010-2014- 2014 On September 15, the company Versa, one of the largest tour operators in St. Petersburg, suspended its activities. Versa tours for the coming months were bought by about 6 thousand people. On September 12, the St. Petersburg travel agency Sea of ​​the Sun announced ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    This term has other meanings, see Ministry of Culture. The request "Ministry of Culture of the USSR" is forwarded here. A separate article is needed on this topic ... Wikipedia

    - (Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia) ... Wikipedia

    - (Rosturizm) General information Creation date November 18, 2004 Higher agency Ministry of Culture Headquarters Moscow, Myasnitskaya street, house 47 55.768806, 37.644639 ... Wikipedia

    Government program- (Government program) The state program is an instrument of state regulation of the economy, ensuring the achievement of long-term goals. The concept of a state program, types of state federal and municipal programs, ... ... Investor encyclopedia

    Suspension of activities and bankruptcy of travel companies in Russia- 2014 On July 16, one of the oldest Russian tour operators, the Neva travel agency, announced the suspension of its activities. The statement on the website of the tour operator says that the tour operator is unable to fulfill its obligations to tourists and customers. ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Cases of bankruptcy of travel companies in Russia in 2010-2012- Below is background information on bankruptcy cases of travel companies in Russia in 2010-2012. 2012 In August, the Moscow tour operator El Voyage began to face financial difficulties. On August 9, El Voyage notified her agents of ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Cases of bankruptcy of travel companies in Russia in 2010-2012- 2012 On April 5, it became known that the Moscow tour operator ITC (International Travel Club), which is a member of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, suspended the sending of tourists and informed its partners about the temporary financial difficulties ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Medvedev dismissed the deputy head of Rostourism Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order on the resignation of the deputy head Rostourism Nikolai Korolev. The document was published (.pdf) on the government website. “Free the Queen ... of the Ministry of Culture. For the post of deputy head Rostourism he was appointed in 2014. In February, Medvedev fired the head Rostourism Oleg Safonov and appointed to ... Rostourism explained the procedure for refunding money for tours to Georgia ... money for tours and air tickets to Georgia, the message says Rostourism... The funds must be returned in full. In order to return ... transportation was not performed at any section, "they recalled in Rosturizme... In addition, the tourist may request an alternative tour. Foreign ... with a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor at the location of the agency ", - explained in Rosturizme... On June 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree prohibiting Russian ... Tour operators confirmed their readiness to stop selling tours to Georgia .... This was announced on the air of the TV channel "Russia 24" Rostourism Zarina Doguzova. " Rostourism recommended that all tour operators refrain from selling tours to the territory ... Rostourism called the rules for refunding air tickets to Georgia ... money at the point of purchase of tickets. This is reported on the website Rostourism... It is noted that for tickets departing from Georgia before 8 ... 8, the money will be refunded in full. According to Rostourism, today on the territory of Georgia there are about 1.5 ... Russia is 2-2.5 times more than the clients of tour operators. Rostourism recommended that Russian citizens refrain from traveling to Georgia, and tour operators ... Rostourism asked tour operators to stop selling tours to Georgia ... protests amid anti-Russian sentiment. Federal Agency for Tourism ( Rostourism) issued a statement in connection with the situation in Georgia. The agency recommended ... Russian tour operators to suspend the sale of tours until the situation normalizes. Besides, Rostourism recommends tour operators to inform about the current situation in ... Rostourism did not support the idea of ​​organizing tours to Chernobyl Visiting the exclusion zone in Chernobyl is unsafe for travelers, therefore Rostourism does not support the idea of ​​organizing tours there. About this on air ... for and against, and just think about health, "- said the head Rostourism... She noted that in Russia and in the world there are many ... Tour operators reported on tours abroad at 38 rubles. ... maybe supervising Rostourism ministry. In 2018, instead of the Ministry of Culture, it was the Ministry of Economic Development. His representative forwarded all questions to Rostourism... Now Rostourism, whose leader ... May 7, otherwise Rostourism will send information to the Ministry of Economic Development, which will take the measures provided for by law, the representative approves Rostourism... Those who are caught in ...

Business, 07 Feb, 19:57

Medvedev appointed Doguzova the head of Rostourism ... plans to appoint her to this position were told by RBC sources. "In Rostourism a new young and energetic team is coming to give a new impetus to ... tourism in Russia. Golodets also stated that under the former leader Rostourism a “good foundation” for development was laid. According to her, the federal ... February Medvedev signed an order to dismiss the head of Rostourism Oleg Safonov. Previously Rostourism transferred from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Economic Development, in the middle ...

Business, 07 Feb, 18:26

The new head of Rostourism was the head of the department in the AP ... Zarina Doguzova as the head Rostourism... This position became vacant on Tuesday, when Oleg Safonov, who headed Rostourism since 2014 ... by the Russian Geographical Society on the initiative of Vladimir Putin. Agree with the Ministry of Economic Development Rostourism, as stated in the regulation on this federal agency, must create ...

Society, 05 Feb, 19:30

Medvedev dismissed the head of Rostourism Oleg Safonov ... the release of Oleg Safonov from the post of head Rostourism... His upcoming resignation was previously reported by RBC sources. Previously Rostourism was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture ... relieved of the post of head Rostourism... The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the press service of the government reports. Medvedev recalled that Rostourism was transferred from ... the resignation of Safonov and the appointment of a new head Rostourism do not comment. Safonov did not answer RBC's call. V Rosturizme at the request of RBC at the time ... Rostourism criticized the idea of ​​paid travel abroad .... ... In this regard Rostourism does not support the initiative ... to introduce an exit tax when crossing the state border, " Rosturizme... Artificial limitation of competition with ... a situation "that" plunges Russia more and more into world isolation. " V Rosturizme clarified that they had not received the letter. Tour operator "Aturis-Tour" on New Year's Eve announced the termination of work ... to clients and emphasizes that his liability for non-performance of contracts is insured. Rostourism confirmed that he had received a notification from the tour operator about the termination of activities. In ... the responsibility of "Aturis-tour" is 115 thousand 202 rubles, added to Rosturizme... "Aturis-tour" has been operating since 2006, it follows from ... The Ministry of Economic Development proposed to tighten control over tour operators ... All outbound tourism operators from 2017 must provide in Rostourism information on the number of clients who acquired full-fledged ... responsibilities in the previous year Panorama Tour transferred only 5.6 million rubles. V Rosturizme then they were forced to admit that the legal entity "Natalie Tours" "deliberately hid ... data on the number of tours sold." In the press services of the Ministry of Economic Development and Rostourism, which since September is under the jurisdiction of this ministry, did not answer ... Rostourism excluded "Pearl River" from the register of tour operators Rostourism excluded the tour operator "Pearl River", whose clients could not fly out of ... the decision was made due to the inability of the companies to fulfill their obligations under the contracts. Rostourism stressed that the exclusion from the register does not relieve the tour operator from the obligation ... from the rest of Russian tourists staying on the island. Hainan ", - added to Rosturizme... On October 8, it became known that the clients of the Pearl River cannot ... Rostourism urged Russians to be vigilant after shooting in Strasbourg ... the Christmas market in Strasbourg. This is stated in the message of the department. " Rostourism recommends that Russian tourists staying in the Lower Rhine department be vigilant ... of people and follow the instructions of the local authorities, "the department said. According to Rostourism, the country's authorities announced the strengthening of security measures at all Christmas ... Rosturizm proposed to discuss the situation with tourists of the "Pearl River" Chapter Rostourism Oleg Safonov came up with an initiative to hold an interdepartmental meeting on December 10 ... on the island of Hainan and Russian cities, ”the message says. According to Rostourism, problems with the implementation of flight programs that were carried out for the "Pearl River ..." of the flight program for the "Pearl River" Rostourism sent another appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As pointed out in Rosturizme, for all tourists on vacation ... Rostourism excluded "RossTour" from the register of tour operators The booking center "RossTour" is excluded from the unified register of tour operators Rostourism, according to the agency's website. Tourists can now submit a written request ... Burnt voucher: what Natalie Tours clients will get ... as well as the number of clients, each outbound tourism operator must report Rosturizm... How to get paid from the personal responsibility fund "Panorama Tour" sold .... The Ministry of Economic Development, in whose jurisdiction last month was transferred Rostourism, stated that they would work “to introduce mechanisms for the financial sustainability of tour operators ...

Business, 27 Sep 2018, 11:42


Business, 27 Sep 2018, 11:42

Visa-free strategy: how the authorities want to relax the rules of entry to Russia ... until 2035 and will strengthen the staff that came under his jurisdiction Rostourism, said then the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin. Strategy Development Assignment ...

Society, 17 Sep 2018, 10:04

Servant of two masters: who will oversee the tourism industry ... budget funds, the then head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev cited the figures. Deputy Head Rostourism, who was responsible for the implementation of the federal target program, has already been relieved of his ... Rostourism Oleg Safonov may leave his post, in June three sources close to the Ministry of Culture and Rosturizm... Safonov's successor ...

Business, 13 Sep 2018, 13:33

Farewell, "Natalie": how the story of the famous tour operator ended ... "Natalie Tours", the Association of Tour Operators of Russia reported. Summer meetings in Rosturizme Vorobyov stated that the tour operator needs 700-800 to restore the activity ... ", nor the Travel Agency Natalie, which were engaged in outbound tourism. But Rostourism Closed down activities and LLC "Tour Operator" Natalie Tours ", which was engaged only in ...

Society, 11 Sep 2018, 05:55

Business, 07 Sep 2018, 16:25

Tour Operator Danko Announces Suspension Of Operations Federal Agency for Tourism ( Rostourism) September 7 will consider the possibility of exclusion from the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators .... In 2017, Danko sent overseas, according to the Rostourism information, almost 15.4 thousand people, having sold them tours to ... from the personal responsibility fund of the tour operator. Now in it, according to information Rostourism, 3.6 million rubles.

Business, 03 Sep 2018, 21:21

Rostourism excluded "Natalie Tours" from the register of tour operators ... ". The corresponding order of the head of department Oleg Safronov is published (.doc) on the website Rostourism... “To exclude information about the following tour operators from the unified federal register of tour operators ... said that he was looking for investments for a“ restart ”. Later in a meeting at Rosturizme he said that 700 are needed to resume Natalie Tours ... Rosturizm announced the return of children stuck in Bulgaria to Russia ... problems with the Russian tour operator "Turovo", returned to Russia after the intervention Rostourism and Russian diplomats. This is reported on the website of the federal agency ... that the Bulgarian tour operator Noy Travel owes Turovo € 216 thousand. Rosturizme announced that on August 31, 24 more children will return to Russia ... Federal Tourism Agency announced the return to Russia of package clients "Natalie Tours" ... the time of cancellation of all tours of the company, said the chief transport advisor Rostourism Dmitry Gorin, RIA Novosti reports. He clarified that they returned exactly ... Tour operator "Intravel Stoleshniki" ceased its activity ... document (.docx), which is posted on the website of the Federal Agency for Tourism ( Rostourism). The legal entity of the tour operator, which had the right to send tourists abroad ... this company does not exist. In 2017, the company, according to the Rostourism data, sent abroad less than 1.4 thousand people who ... Rosturizm called the rest in the USSR the prototype of the "all inclusive" system ... "all inclusive" has Soviet roots. This was announced to RT by the head Rostourism Oleg Safonov. “I would like to emphasize that the prototype for the creation of the system is“ everything ... The head of the Federal Tourism Agency called the timing of the return of tourists "Natalie Tours" ... abroad, will return to Russia by the end of the week, said the head Rostourism Oleg Safonov, RIA Novosti reports. “Over the next ten days ...

Regarding the growth of outbound tourism in a number of areas, "Safonov said. Chapter Rostourism noted that on the basis of the Association "Tourpomosch" funds have been created, the total volume ..., consumers of tourism services are provided with sufficient financial guarantees. V Rosturizme pointed out that the total amount of financial support for the tour operator "Natalie ...

A voucher for Chemezov: what data of tourists were instructed to process "Rostec" ... requests from Rostec and Rostourism to the president. Now the government is working "to organize the execution of this order," they added in Rosturizme... Press Secretary of the President ... the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators, which maintains Rostourism, 4444 companies were listed. If the operator of the "Electronic ticket" is not Rosturizm, Oleg Safonov will leave his post, three sources close to Rosturizm and the Ministry of Culture supervising it. Two ... Alexey Kasprzhak. His adviser Boris Verbenko insists that the proposal to head Rostourism the director of "Artek" did not receive information. Representatives of the Ministry of Culture, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets ... Rostourism proposed to create a domestic analogue of Booking.com ... Booking.com, believe in Rosturizme... The department assures that there is no talk of banning the international aggregator. Deputy Head Rostourism Nikolai Korolev proposed to run in ... are in the country. The Ministry of Culture, in turn, sent a request to Rostourism Rostourism... "This is an absolutely standard procedure, which is of a technical nature," Yarilova emphasized ... that in order to consider the issue specified in the appeal, an instruction was given Rosturizm work it out together with specialized industry associations and the expert community ...