How to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings. How to reflect in the accounting an increase in the authorized capital of an LLC at the expense of its own property. Increase of authorized capital in joint-stock companies

If the company works successfully and after paying all taxes it has retained earnings, then its founders have the right to increase authorized capital society for the amount of this profit.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Law N 14-FZ, an increase in the authorized capital of a company at the expense of its property is carried out by decision general meeting participants. This decision must be voted for by at least 2/3 of the total number of votes of the participants in the company. However, the need for a larger number of votes to make such a decision may be provided for in the company's charter. At the same time, a decision to increase the authorized capital of a company at the expense of its property can be made only on the basis of data from the financial statements for the year that preceded the year during which such a decision was made.

In accounting, this operation is reflected easily:

Debit 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss) Credit 80.

As we already know, information about the amount of the authorized capital of the company and the size of the share of each of its founders is contained in the charter and the memorandum of association of the company - paragraph 1 of Article 12 of Law N 14-FZ. Therefore, with an increase in the authorized capital of a company, appropriate changes must be made to its constituent documents. These changes are subject to state registration in the same state body where the company was originally registered, that is, at present with the tax office.

As a rule, the increase in the nominal shares of the founders at the expense of the retained earnings of the firm is made in proportion to their existing shares. Thus, the percentage of the share of each founder to the total amount of the authorized capital of the company does not change. Only the nominal value of the share changes. So it is spelled out in paragraph 3 of Article 18 of Law N 14-FZ.

However, the same law establishes an important restriction on the way to increase the authorized capital of a company at the expense of its property. It is contained in paragraph 2 of Article 18 of Law No. 14-FZ. It says that the amount by which the charter capital of a company is increased at the expense of its property should not exceed the difference between the value of the company's net assets and the amount of its charter capital and reserve fund.

The company's net assets are calculated based on the requirements set out in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia dated January 29, 2003 N 10n, 03-6 / pz. Although the procedure for calculating net assets contained in this document is prescribed only for joint stock companies, practice shows that companies with limited liability can also use it.

Determining the amount of net assets is not difficult. To do this, you need to find the difference between the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet of the company involved in the calculation. The composition of assets must be included outside current assets, which are reflected in the first section of the balance sheet, and current assets, shown in its second section. In this case, the debts of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital are excluded from the calculation.

The liabilities should include long-term commitments on loans and credits and other long-term commitments, short-term commitments on loans and credits, accounts payable, debts to founders for payment of income, reserves for future expenses and other short-term liabilities.

To put it simply, net assets are the amount that would remain at the disposal of the firm if it suddenly repaid all its liabilities at a time. This is the asset that the firm can "freely" dispose of, since it is not bound by any counter-obligation.

Let us recall that if, according to the results, the value of the company's net assets is less than the authorized capital, then it is obliged to reduce it. This requirement for limited liability companies is contained in paragraph 4 of Article 90 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the firm does not do this, then its creditors may well require it to return their money. At the same time, the tax inspectorate, as a registering body, will have the right to apply to the court with a demand for the compulsory liquidation of the company.

But all these issues can be completely resolved at the level of the founders of the company. Much more significant is the problem of paying personal income tax from the amount of increasing the share of founders at the expense of retained earnings.

There are two completely opposite points of view on this issue. Let's figure it out.

The first point of view, which is disadvantageous to taxpayers, is supported not only by employees of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, but also by a large number of specialists. It consists in the following.

There are situations when it is necessary to increase the authorized capital at the expense of the profit received. This raises the question of how best to do this, given the tax implications of this step.

The easiest way for owners to achieve this goal is not to withdraw profits from the company, having decided to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings. An alternative is to distribute dividends, and then increase the authorized capital through additional contributions. Let's analyze the tax implications of each method.

The easiest route leads to double taxation

An increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the company's property (retained earnings) leads to a proportional increase in the nominal value of the shares of all participants (clause 2 of article 17, clause 3 of article 18 of the Federal Law of 08.02.98 No. 14-FZ "On limited liability companies "). As a result of such a decision, the society itself does not have income owners.

However, the Russian Ministry of Finance is confident that the income comes from the participants. And from this income taxes must be paid during the period of registration of changes to the charter of the company. Such clarifications are given in letters dated 09.11.11 No. 03-03-06 / 1/732, dated 26.09.11 No. 03-03-06 / 1/588, dated 25.08.11 No. 03-03-06 / 1/518 ( in relation to legal entities) and letters dated 26.01.07 No. 03-03-06 / 1/33, dated 17.09.12 No. 03-04-06 / 4-281 (in relation to individuals). I agree with the regulatory authorities, in particular, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (ruling No. 81-О-О dated January 16, 2009) and the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District (resolution dated December 02, 2010 No. A32-38158 / 2009).

Note that with an increase in the par value of shares due to retained earnings, the JSC does not generate income in accordance with the special rule of subparagraph 15 of paragraph 1 of article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to officials, this benefit is targeted and does not apply to LLCs.

In some cases, the courts came to the conclusion that at the time of the increase in the authorized capital, the member of the company did not receive income. Indeed, this does not change the actual shares of the participants in the authorized capital of the company, their property (obligation) rights. Real income arises from the sale of a share increased in nominal terms (decisions of the Federal Arbitration Courts of Moscow No.KA-A41 / 1046-09 dated February 26, 2009, No. No. A29-5650 / 2007, North Caucasian districts dated February 25, 2010 No. A32-38158 / 2009-51 / 646, Volga districts dated February 16, 2009 No. A65-11409 / 2006).

It turns out that it is possible to defend the legality of a tax-free increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the company's retained earnings only through a court of law. Therefore, in our calculations, we will proceed from the more common practice - the income of the participants arises and the tax is paid during the period of registration of changes to the company's charter.

In the long term, the troubles of the participants with the payment of tax after the increase in the authorized capital does not end there. When they decide to get rid of their share, they will have to pay tax on the same amount again.

It does not matter in what way the legal entity decides to part with the share in the LLC - to sell, leave the company and receive the actual value of the share, or liquidate the company and receive the property upon distribution. In any case, the participant will not pay income tax only on the cost of the initial contribution and related expenses (subparagraph 2.1, paragraph 1 of article 268, subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Individuals reduce the income received by the amount of the deposit only when the share is sold (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). It is logical to reduce this income by the amount of income from which the tax was previously paid - as provided for in relation to transactions with securities (paragraph 8, clause 13 of article 214.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But for transactions with property rights, there is no similar rule, as well as the right to include in expenses at least the amount of previously paid tax.

In the event of a withdrawal from society or its liquidation, the consequences for individual participants are even worse. According to the Ministry of Finance of Russia (letters dated 15.06.12 No. 03-04-06 / 3-170, dated 07.06.12 No. 03-04-06 / 3-157, dated 21.06.10 No. 03-04-06 / 2-126 , dated 06.09.10 No. 03-04-06 / 2-204), in such situations, article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not apply and the entire amount received is the income.

Consequently, this method of increasing the authorized capital of an LLC is potentially problematic.

Alternative way: receive, then give

It is also possible to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings in a roundabout way. At the expense of the property of the owners, by making additional contributions (Art. 19 of Law No. 14FZ). For this, the founders of the company first receive dividends (distribute profits), then decide to increase the authorized capital and make additional contributions.

For subsequent transactions with shares, taxation is governed by the previously mentioned rules. But the amount of participants' contributions includes additional contributions. Only individuals will have to pay the tax again upon liquidation of an LLC or exit from it. In these cases, it is possible to recommend the individual participant to sell his share to a legal entity.

If profits are distributed first, the tax burden is reduced by almost half.

Obviously, the option with the payment of dividends is more convenient from a tax point of view. It not only allows in the process of increasing the authorized capital to pay taxes in a smaller amount compared to the first option, but in the future the owners will be able to take into account the amount of the additional contribution when receiving income from the disposal of the share.

However, in the practical implementation of the alternative method, the question arises at whose expense to pay taxes arising from the payment of dividends. That is, should these amounts be deducted from the capitalized profit or the amount of increase in the authorized capital should be left unchanged. And the participants will take taxes at their own expense. Consider the tax consequences of all the described scenarios (see table).

On numbers

The authorized capital of the LLC is 100 thousand rubles. Both participants have equal shares - 50 percent each (50 thousand rubles). The profit of the LLC to be distributed is 200 thousand rubles, each of the participants accounts for 100 thousand rubles. (20050%). In the first option, the profit was capitalized. In the second and third, dividends were distributed and made additional investments in the amount of received dividends (second option) and distributed (with additional investments in the amount of tax withheld by LLC - third option). After some time, both participants sell their shares at a price of 225 thousand rubles.

Comparison of options for increasing the authorized capital

Indicators, thousand rubles Entity Physical person

Option 1. Increase of authorized capital due to retained earnings

150 (50 + 100) 150 (50 + 100)
The amount of tax after the increase in the authorized capital 20 (100 20%) 13 (100 13%)
Disposal of a share
175 (225 - 50) 175 (225 - 50)
35 (175 20%) 22,75 (175 13%)
55 (20 + 35) 35,75 (13 + 22,75)

Option 2. Increase of the authorized capital due to additional deposits

Dividend Tax Amount 9 (100 9%) 9 (100 9%)
91 (100 - 9) 91 (100 - 9)
Share cost after increase in authorized capital 141 (50 + 91) 141 (50 + 91)
Disposal of a share
Member's taxable income 84 (225 - 141) 84 (225 - 141)
The amount of tax on disposal of a share 16,8 (84 20%) 10,92 (84 13%)
Total. Tax paid 25 (9 + 16,8) 19,92 (9 + 10,92)

Option 3. Increase of the authorized capital due to additional deposits with supplements

Dividend Tax Amount 9 (100 9 %) 9 (100 9 %)
Amount allocated to increase the authorized capital 100 100
Share cost after increase in authorized capital 150 (50 + 100) 150 (50 + 100)
Disposal of a share
Member's taxable income 75 (225 - 150) 75 (225 - 150)
The amount of tax on disposal of a share 15 (75 20%) 9,75 (75 13%)
Total. Tax paid 24 (9 + 15) 18,75 (9 + 9,75)
The founder and his company [From the creation of the LLC to the exit from it] Anischenko Alexander Vladimirovich

2.4. Increase of the authorized capital due to retained earnings

If the company works successfully and after paying all taxes it has retained earnings, then its founders have the right to increase the authorized capital of the company by the amount of this profit.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Law N 14-FZ, an increase in the authorized capital of a company at the expense of its property is carried out by decision of the general meeting of participants. This decision must be voted for by at least 2/3 of the total number of votes of the participants in the company. However, the need for a larger number of votes to make such a decision may be provided for in the company's charter. At the same time, a decision to increase the authorized capital of a company at the expense of its property can be made only on the basis of data from the financial statements for the year that preceded the year during which such a decision was made.

In accounting, this operation is reflected easily:

Debit 84 Retained earnings (uncovered loss) Credit 80.

As we already know, information about the amount of the authorized capital of the company and the size of the share of each of its founders is contained in the charter and the memorandum of association of the company - paragraph 1 of Article 12 of Law N 14-FZ. Therefore, with an increase in the authorized capital of a company, appropriate changes must be made to its constituent documents. These changes are subject to state registration in the same state body where the company was originally registered, that is, at present with the tax office.

As a rule, the increase in the nominal shares of the founders at the expense of the retained earnings of the firm is made in proportion to their existing shares. Thus, the percentage of the share of each founder to the total amount of the authorized capital of the company does not change. Only the nominal value of the share changes. So it is spelled out in paragraph 3 of Article 18 of Law N 14-FZ.

However, the same law establishes an important restriction on the way to increase the authorized capital of a company at the expense of its property. It is contained in paragraph 2 of Article 18 of Law No. 14-FZ. It says that the amount by which the charter capital of a company is increased at the expense of its property should not exceed the difference between the value of the company's net assets and the amount of its charter capital and reserve fund.

The company's net assets are calculated based on the requirements set out in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia dated January 29, 2003 N 10n, 03-6 / pz. Although the procedure for calculating net assets contained in this document is prescribed only for joint stock companies, practice shows that limited liability companies can also use it.

Determining the amount of net assets is not difficult. To do this, you need to find the difference between the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet of the company involved in the calculation. The composition of assets must include non-current assets, which are reflected in the first section of the balance sheet, and current assets, shown in its second section. In this case, the debts of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital are excluded from the calculation.

The liabilities should include long-term commitments on loans and credits and other long-term commitments, short-term commitments on loans and credits, accounts payable, debts to founders for payment of income, reserves for future expenses and other short-term liabilities.

To put it simply, net assets are the amount that would remain at the disposal of the firm if it suddenly repaid all its liabilities at a time. This is the asset that the firm can "freely" dispose of, since it is not bound by any counter-obligation.

Let us recall that if, according to the results, the value of the company's net assets is less than the authorized capital, then it is obliged to reduce it. This requirement for limited liability companies is contained in paragraph 4 of Article 90 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the firm does not do this, then its creditors may well require it to return their money. At the same time, the tax inspectorate, as a registering body, will have the right to apply to the court with a demand for the compulsory liquidation of the company.

But all these issues can be completely resolved at the level of the founders of the company. Much more significant is the problem of paying personal income tax from the amount of increasing the share of founders at the expense of retained earnings.

There are two completely opposite points of view on this issue. Let's figure it out.

The first point of view, which is disadvantageous to taxpayers, is supported not only by employees of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, but also by a large number of specialists. It consists in the following.

According to article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the object of taxation for personal income tax is income received by taxpayers. According to paragraph 1 of Article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when determining the tax base, all income of the taxpayer, received by him both in cash and in kind, or the right to dispose of which he has arisen, as well as income in the form of material benefit, determined in accordance with article 212 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The income received from the company by its founders in the form of the difference between the new and original par value of the property share in the authorized capital is not subject to personal income tax in only one case - if the increase in the par value of the founders' share is carried out as a result of revaluation of the company's fixed assets. For this, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has a special clause 19 of Article 217.

And if the increase in the share occurred as a result of the distribution of the company's profits, then there is no reason to exempt such income from personal income tax. According to experts who adhere to this point of view, the taxpayer should be guided by subparagraph 10 of paragraph 1 of Article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, that is, the increase in the nominal value should be attributed to "other income received by the taxpayer as a result of his activities in the Russian Federation."

The tax authorities and the accounting employees who joined them are not lost in determining the date of receipt of income. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 225 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the total amount of personal income tax is calculated based on the results of the tax period in relation to all income of the taxpayer, the date of receipt of which relates to the relevant tax period. It turns out that the taxpayer's obligation to pay tax is associated with the fact of receiving income. At the same time, it does not matter whether the income was actually received or whether the taxpayer has just acquired the right to dispose of it.

Thus, in the case under consideration, the date of receipt of income is the date of the decision to increase the authorized capital of the company and, accordingly, the par value of the shares of each participant.

Well? Seems quite logical? Let's now look at the arguments of the opponents.

They rely not only on quotes from Chapter 23 "Personal Income Tax" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but operate with definitions throughout the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Law N 14-FZ.

Indeed, they say, the object taxation of personal income tax is the income received by the taxpayer. But what is income? Its definition is given in article 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - it is an economic benefit in cash or in kind. And what happens when the authorized capital is increased?

As stated in paragraph 1 of Article 87 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a limited liability company is commercial organization, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares, the sizes of which are determined in constituent documents... The company is an independent legal entity and owns property. At the same time, please note that the property of the company is separated from the property of its founders.

Thus, the founder does not have ownership of the property of the company created by him. He has in relation to him the rights of obligation, certified by shares, as indicated in paragraph 2 of Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These rights are as follows:

the right to receive net profit in proportion to the share of the founder;

the right to receive the actual value of the share (in cash or in kind) in the event of the withdrawal or expulsion of the founder from the company;

the right to a part of the company's property after its liquidation;

the right to participate in the management of the company, to receive information about its activities, etc.

It is easy to see that the first 3 groups of rights are property rights. When any of these rights are actually exercised, the owner of the share receives income, for example, dividends, the actual value of the share in money or property. In this case, the property of the company really becomes the property of its participant. There are no other such cases in the legislation.

The founders of a limited liability company have the right to increase the authorized capital of the company at the expense of its retained earnings. However, after all, the profit distributed in this way does not go directly to the participants, it actually remains in the ownership of the society. Only the nominal value of the shares of the founders increases. In other words, the potential for them to make a profit.

This potential will actually be realized only when the owners of the shares exercise any of their property rights granted to them by their shares in the authorized capital. Yes, that's when such income will already be subject to personal income tax. But the increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the retained earnings of the company does not in itself entail income for its founders.

In addition, it is inappropriate to equate the increase in the nominal shares of the founders at the expense of retained earnings and income in kind. After all, what is a share in the authorized capital? This is a complex property right of a participant, as well as some related non-property rights. And in article 211 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the in-kind form of income is defined as the receipt of goods, works, services or other property. So, in tax legislation, thanks to paragraph 2 of Article 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of "property" does not include "property rights". Therefore, the increment in the share of the founder cannot be defined as the receipt by him of income in kind.

By itself, an increase in the nominal size of the share does not lead to a decision on the distribution of profits and their payment. And without this, the founder of the company does not have actual income, which means that there will be no object of personal income tax.

Oddly enough, but confirmation of such a position can be found in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 8, 2004 N 04-04-06 / 5. Although it is an answer to a particular request, this answer is given in general terms, and therefore applies to other similar situations. The following was said there.

“The difference between the new and the original value of the shares of the participants of the limited liability company, formed in connection with the increase in the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings, is the income of the participants of the company, which is subject to taxation.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 223 of the Code, the date of actual receipt of income in cash is determined as the day of payment of income.

If the payment of income is carried out only after the sale (sale) of the share of a member of the company, the payment of tax is made within the established time frame for the relevant tax period to which the actual date of receipt of the above income belongs. " That's it!

On the other hand, when answering the same private request, the same Ministry of Finance of Russia in a letter dated September 30, 2004 N 03-05-01-04 / 29 warmly supported the first point of view on this issue.

They agreed that "a change in the size of the authorized capital of a limited liability company in itself is not subject to taxation on personal income tax." However, "the difference between the new and the original par value of the shares of the participants of the limited liability company, formed in connection with the increase in the authorized capital of the limited liability company at the expense of retained earnings, is the income of the participants of the company, received in kind, subject to taxation."

Both the first and second letters were signed by the deputy directors of the same Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Apparently, there is no unanimity among officials either.

So what do you do? What will happen if you do not argue with them in court, but agree with their demand?

Then, on the basis of subparagraphs 1 and 3 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the company will be a tax agent for personal income tax. Therefore, it is obliged to calculate, withhold from taxpayers and pay the amount of personal income tax to the budget.

It is good if the founders are also employees of the company. Then the amount of tax can be withheld from his accrued wages when it is actually paid. At the same time, on the basis of clause 4 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the withheld amount of personal income tax cannot exceed 50% of the payment amount. Withholding personal income tax from the wages of employees is reflected by posting:

Debit 70 Credit 68 "Settlements for personal income tax".

According to the decision of the general meeting of founders of LLC "Orion", held on April 27, 2005, part of the retained earnings of 2004 in the amount of 100,000 rubles. was aimed at increasing the authorized capital of the company. Changes to the founding documents of the company were registered in May 2005.

The founders of the company work in it and receive wages... Consequently, the society can withhold personal income tax directly from the income paid to it.

If the company "follows the lead" of the tax authorities, then it will have to make the following entries:

In May 2005:

Debit 84 Credit 80

RUB 100,000 - reflected an increase in the authorized capital of the company due to retained earnings.

In June 2005:

Debit 70 Credit 68 "Settlements for personal income tax"

RUB 13,000 (100,000 rubles x 13%) - withholding personal income tax, calculated from the income of the founders of the company;

Debit 68 subaccount "Personal income tax settlements" Credit 51

RUB 13,000 - withholding tax is transferred to the budget.

The situation is worse if the founders do not work in the society and do not receive any money from it. Since the company is not able to withhold personal income tax, each founder must calculate and pay tax on his own on the basis of subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the company, within a month from the moment of increasing the nominal share of the founder, must inform tax office that he is not able to withhold personal income tax from a citizen. This is a requirement of paragraph 5 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, at the end of the year, the company must submit to the tax office form N 2-NDFL with the relevant information on the basis of paragraph 2 of Article 230 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This information is submitted no later than April 1 of the year following the year of the increase in the nominal size of the founder's share.


The payment of personal income tax at the expense of tax agents is not allowed. When concluding agreements and other transactions, it is prohibited to include tax clauses in them, in accordance with which tax agents paying income assume obligations to bear the costs associated with the payment of tax for individuals. This is a condition of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - it is spelled out in paragraph 9 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

From the book The Founder and His Firm [From the establishment of the LLC to the exit from it] the author

2.1. Formation of the authorized capital In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 N 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies" (hereinafter - Law N 14-FZ), the size of the authorized capital of the company and the nominal value of the participants' shares

From the book Theory accounting: lecture notes the author Daraeva Yulia Anatolievna

2.4. Increase of the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings If the company operates successfully and after paying all taxes it has retained earnings, then its founders have the right to increase the charter capital of the company by the amount of this profit.

From the book Accounting and taxation of securities and shares the author Ivanova Olga Vladimirovna

2. Accounting for equity capital, the formation of the authorized capital, settlements with the founders and shareholders on contributions to the authorized capital The formation of the authorized capital is carried out in order to create an organization and its organizational and legal form. Organizations are subdivided

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1. Formation, increase and decrease of the authorized capital of business entities 1.1. General Provisions In accordance with Art. 99 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208FZ "On joint stock companies"(Hereinafter - the Law on Joint Stock Companies) by a joint stock company

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1.3. Increase in the authorized capital of business entities 1.3.1. General Provisions The procedure for increasing the authorized capital of joint stock companies is established by Art. 28 of the Law on Joint Stock Companies. The authorized capital of a company can be increased by increasing the nominal

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1.3.3. Increase of the authorized capital of a joint-stock company at the expense of its property In accordance with clause 4.3.2 of the Issue Standards, the placement of additional shares of a joint-stock company by their distribution among the shareholders of this joint-stock company is carried out for

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1.3.4. Increase of the authorized capital of a limited liability company at the expense of its property According to Art. 18 of the Law on Limited Liability Companies, the amount by which the authorized capital of a company increases at the expense of the company's property should not

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6.3. Accounting for retained earnings or uncovered loss Information on the presence and movement of the amounts of retained earnings or uncovered loss of the organization must be reflected on account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss).” This is an active-passive

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12.7. Accounting for retained earnings (uncovered loss) To summarize information on the presence and movement of retained earnings or uncovered losses at agricultural enterprises, an active-passive account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered

From the book The Founder and His Firm: All Questions [From Creation to Liquidation] the author Anischenko Alexander Vladimirovich

13.4. Accounting for retained earnings 13.4.1. How is retained earnings (uncovered loss) taken into account? Generalization of information on the presence and movement of the amounts of retained earnings or uncovered loss of the enterprise is carried out on account 84 "Retained earnings

From book Economic analysis the author Natalia Klimova

Increase in profits You need to improve coaching on the following parameters: sales volume; retention of people; profit. If you take any steps to increase sales or profit, you cannot save on it. Sometimes you can come to the client to see what they have.

From the author's book

89. Analysis of retained earnings and estimated reserves Retained earnings are the part of the capital of the residual rights holders (owners) that accumulates unpaid profit in the form of dividends, which is an internal source financial resources

From the author's book

112. Accounting for the authorized capital, additional and reserve capital. The authorized capital is the aggregate of the founders' contributions, registered in the constituent documents. The authorized capital is accounted for on passive account 80 "Authorized capital". Analytical accounting for account 80

From the author's book

113. Accounting for retained earnings (uncovered loss) of the enterprise Recording of retained earnings (uncovered loss) is kept on passive account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”. Account 84 is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of amounts

From the author's book

2.1. Formation of the authorized capital In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 14 of Law No. 14-FZ, the amount of the authorized capital of the company and the nominal value of the shares of the company's participants are determined in rubles. Although foreign founders have the right to make deposits in foreign currency,

From the author's book

Question 46 Analysis of the formation of retained earnings Analysis of retained earnings is advisable to start with the study of its composition and the dynamics of changes in individual items. The structure of retained earnings should include the following articles of Form No. 2 "Report on

The authorized capital can be increased, including through retained earnings from previous years. This decision is made by the shareholders (participants) of the LLC or JSC. To make a decision on the increase, the initial authorized capital must be paid in full (clause 6 of article 90, clause 2 of article 100 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The amount by which the authorized capital of the company is increased at the expense of its property cannot exceed the difference between the value of the company's net assets and the amount of its authorized capital and the reserve fund (Article 18 of the Federal Law of 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ (hereinafter - the Law on LLC ), clause 5 of article 28 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ (hereinafter - the Law on JSC)).

Since the increase in the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings is not associated with the receipt of investments, but is carried out at the expense of the firm's own resources, the percentage ratio of the shares of participants (shareholders) as a result of an increase in the authorized capital does not change.

Increase of the authorized capital in LLC

In the event of an increase in the size of the authorized capital of an LLC at the expense of retained earnings of previous years, the nominal value of the shares of its participants increases. The approval of the decision to increase the authorized capital is attributed by law to the competence of the general meeting of participants. At the same time, it was determined that it can be made only on the basis of financial statements for the year preceding the year in which such a decision is made (clause 1 of article 18 of the LLC Law). To comply with this procedure, the company should take the following steps:

1) by the general meeting of participants, make a decision to increase the authorized capital and amend the charter (approve it in new edition);

2) submit to the inspectorate documents for state registration of amendments to the constituent documents of the company, and amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

Application for state registration of amendments to the constituent documents in the form R13001 recommended by the Federal Tax Service of Russia and posted on the official website in the section "State registration and accounting of taxpayers" (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 08.07.2009 No. MN-22-6 / [email protected]);

Application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, not related to amendments to the constituent documents in the form R14001, recommended by the Federal Tax Service of Russia and posted on the official website in the section “State registration and accounting of taxpayers”;

The decision of the general meeting of participants to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings of previous years and amending the charter;

Changes to the charter (charter in a new edition);

Payment order for payment of state duty.

As practice shows, the tax authorities, in addition to the main list of documents, require in addition the calculation of net assets and a profit and loss statement for the previous year with a mark on its delivery to tax authority... By signing the statement, the company confirms the fact of compliance with the requirements for the presence of retained earnings and that the amount by which the Criminal Code is increased does not exceed the difference between the cost of the private equity and (MC + reserve fund) (paragraph 1, paragraph 4 of article 18 of the LLC Law ). However, in practice, in the absence of a calculation of net assets, registration refusals take place, since tax authorities confuse an increase in the Criminal Code under Article 18 of the Law "On LLC" with Article 19 (post 9 AAS dated 27.05.2011 No. 09 AP-10120/2011-AK).

Based on the results of state registration and (or) making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the tax authorities will issue to LLC two certificates on making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form No. R50003.

To summarize information on the status and movement of the authorized capital, account 80 "Authorized capital" is intended (chart of accounts of accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n). The amount of retained earnings is reflected on account 84 "Retained earnings". Note that the balance on account 80 must correspond to the size of the authorized capital, fixed in the constituent documents of the company. Entries on this account are made only after the necessary changes have been made to the constituent documents.

The general meeting of the LLC participants made a decision to increase the authorized capital of the company at the expense of retained earnings in 2012 in the amount of 55,000 rubles. Postings will be made in the company accounting:

At the end of 2012:

DEBIT 99 CREDIT 84 - reflected retained earnings of the reporting year.

On the date of state registration of changes:

DEBIT 84 CREDIT 80 - in the amount of 55,000 rubles.

RUB 55,000 - the authorized capital was increased due to retained earnings.

In the accounting records of the founder of an LLC (legal entity), an increase in the par value of a share in the authorized capital at the expense of the company's property is not a basis for changing the initial value, since this does not lead to an increase in the cost of acquiring it. Consequently, the initial cost of the share accounted for on account 58 "Financial investments", subaccount 58-1 "Shares and shares", does not change (clauses 8, 18 PBU 19/02).

In the opinion of the controllers, the amount by which the par value of the share increased is recognized as income of the participant.

Therefore, if the organization - the founder of the LLC is guided by a safe option and recognizes income in tax accounting as the difference between the nominal value of the share before and after the increase in the authorized capital, then in accounting (clauses 4, 7 PBU 18/02, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 19.11.2002 No. 114n) it reflects the permanent difference and the corresponding permanent tax liability (PNO).

PNO is reflected in accounting records:

DEBIT 99 CREDIT 68 - PNR is reflected in the amount of 20% of the difference between the par value of the share before and after the increase

Increase of the authorized capital in JSC

The authorized capital of a joint-stock company can be increased at the expense of retained earnings of previous years by (clause 1 of article 28 of the Law on JSC):

Increase in the par value of shares;

Placement of additional shares.

As a result of the implementation of the first method, the placement of shares is carried out by means of their conversion. In this case, the shares of the previous issue are canceled, and the shareholder acquires shares of the new issue with a different par value. As a result of the increase in the authorized capital by means of the second method, new shares are acquired by the shareholder. In both cases, the competent body for making a decision on increasing the authorized capital is the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors.

Unlike an increase in the authorized capital of an LLC, a similar process for joint-stock companies is complicated by the need to issue shares. In this regard, the inspection makes state registration of changes in the company's charter only if a report on the results of the issue of securities registered by the FSFM is submitted.

The procedure for increasing the authorized capital takes place in the following order:

1. Making a decision to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings of previous years by increasing the par value of shares or by placing additional shares.

In the event of an increase in the Criminal Code, the issue of amending the charter is not required for consideration by the general meeting of shareholders (clauses 1, 2, article 12 of the JSC Law). These functions are performed by the decision to increase the authorized capital and the registered report on the results of the issue of securities. In addition, the decision to increase is at the same time a decision to place securities, therefore, it must indicate all the main parameters of shares and details of their placement. The content of the decision must comply not only with the requirements of the Law on JSCs, but also with the norms of the Law on the Securities Market (Federal Law of 22.04.1996 No. 39-FZ) and emission standards (order Federal Service on financial markets from 25.01.2007 No. 07-4 / pz-n).

2. Approval of the decision on the issue of securities.

In fact, the text of the decision on the issue of securities repeats the content of the decision on the placement of shares with some additions. The approval of this decision falls within the competence of the board of directors or the body performing its functions in accordance with the company's charter.

3. Passing the procedure for state registration of the issue of securities.

To do this, the issuer submits an application to the FFMS, which is accompanied by the approved decision on the issue of shares, the decision on placement and other documents provided for by the Law on the Securities Market and the Issue Standards, including the calculation of net assets and a description of the property due to which the increase in the authorized capital. Subject to compliance with legal requirements, the FFMS carries out state registration the issue of securities with the assignment of an individual number to it, and the issuer is issued a notice of registration of the issue of securities.

4. Placement of shares.

It takes place by making entries on personal accounts in the register of shareholders. Such entries are made on the day specified in the registered decision on the issue of securities.

5. Passing the procedure for state registration of the report on the placement of shares.

To complete the issue, the issuer submits to the FFMS an application for state registration of the report on the placement of securities, the report itself, approved by the competent authority of the JSC, and other documents confirming compliance with the requirements of the legislation on securities. This stage ends with the registration of a report on the results of the placement of securities.

6. Passing the procedure for state registration of the new edition of the charter (changes to the charter).

It practically duplicates the procedure for registering changes for LLC. Except that joint stock companies need to submit to the inspection a report on the results of the issue of securities registered with the FSFM. In addition, it should be noted that a joint-stock company submits to the tax authority that carries out state registration of legal entities only an application for amending the constituent documents in the form of R13001 (approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.06.2002 No. 439).

The authorized capital of the JSC is equal to the par value of two hundred shares. The par value of one such share is 1,000 rubles. The JSC made a decision to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings by increasing the par value of each share by 500 rubles. As a result, the authorized capital will increase by 100,000 rubles. (200 pcs. × 500 rubles).

After registration of changes in the authorized capital, the following entries are made in accounting:


RUB 100,000 - reflected an increase in the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings.

Analytical accounting for account 80 is organized in such a way as to ensure the formation of information on the founders of the organization, stages of capital formation and types of shares.

Accordingly, after the amendments are made to the constituent documents, entries are also made in the analytical accounting on account 80, reflecting the change in the par value of the shares owned by shareholders.

The general meeting of shareholders of the joint-stock company made a decision to increase the authorized capital through an additional issue of shares at the expense of retained earnings of previous years (100 shares, 100 rubles each). The authorized capital is increased by own funds firms, so shareholders do not pay for additional shares that are distributed among them.

Thus, as of the date of the decision on the placement of the additional issue of shares, the company does not make any entries in the accounting records. At the same time, on the basis of the decision to increase the authorized capital, the following entries are made in accounting:


RUB 100,000 - increase in the authorized capital through additional placement of shares;


RUB 100,000 - an increase in the par value of shares due to an increase in the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings of the JSC.

Personal income taxshareholders (participants)

According to the Ministry of Finance of Russia, (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 17.09.2012 No. 03-04-06 / 4-281, dated 27.02.2012 No. 03-04-05 / 3-227, dated 27.10.2011 No. 03-04-06 / 4-287) the difference between the initial and new par value of shares (stakes), as well as additionally received shares, is income and is subject to personal income tax. The finance department substantiates its position with the following arguments:

The Tax Code exempts from personal income tax only income received by shareholders (participants) in the form of additionally received shares (shares) or changes in their nominal value as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets (clause 19 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In support of this argument, the Ministry of Finance of Russia refers to the Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 16, 2009 No. 81-O-O);

Despite the fact that the share of participation of each shareholder (participant) in the authorized capital remains the same, there is an increase in the total volume of property rights belonging to him, for example, rights to receive dividends, as well as the value of such property (shares) on a gratuitous basis;

In the event of an additional issue, the shareholder receives income in kind in the form of newly issued shares. With an increase in the par value of shares, material benefits are obtained.

Let's analyze these arguments. According to the authors, it cannot be argued that in any other case, except for an increase in the authorized capital as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets, income is received by a shareholder (participant) of the company. A conclusion about the presence of income can be given only on the basis of the application of the norms of the Tax Code in the aggregate. We note that the question of whether shareholders in the event of an increase in the authorized capital due to retained earnings arise for the purpose of taxing personal income tax was not considered in the aforementioned Definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. From the text of the Definition it follows only that the conditions of the benefits established by paragraph 19 of Article 217 of the Code are strictly defined and do not apply to the situation described in the complaint.

Let us turn to the second argument that, given that the share of the shareholder in the authorized capital of the company remains unchanged, an increase in the par value (number) of shares leads to an increase in the total volume of property rights. The Tax Code establishes that income is recognized as a benefit received in cash or in kind, which can be estimated (Article 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, as follows from the provisions of corporate law, the taxpayer does not receive any benefits in this particular situation, when the share of participation only increases. So, his right to receive dividends is in no way related to the nominal value (number) of his shares (stocks), but depends only on the percentage of his participation in the authorized capital of the company, which does not change. The situation is similar in settlements with shareholders (participants) upon liquidation of a company: the remaining property is divided between them in proportion to their participation in the authorized capital. And in this case, the benefit will be the difference between the invested and received funds, regardless of the size of the share. Thus, the position of the Ministry of Finance of Russia on the increase in the volume of property rights at the time of the increase in the authorized capital does not find regulatory confirmation. All these arguments have been repeatedly stated in judicial acts of arbitration courts that supported companies in disputes with tax authorities (decree of FAS SZO dated 23.04.2008 No. A26-3819.2007, dated 26.03.2008 No. A66-5098 / 2007, FAS MO dated 26.02.2009 No. KA -A41 / 1046-09, FAS UO dated May 27, 2007 No. F09-3942 / 07-C2).

Guided by the provisions of corporate law, the courts linked the emergence of income not with the moment of increasing the authorized capital, but with the sale of shares (stakes), obtaining the actual value of the stake when a participant left the company, or transferring the property of the liquidated company to shareholders (participants). However, after the appearance of the Definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the position of the arbitration courts began to change (decree of the FAS SKO dated 02.12.2010 No. A32-38158 / 2009-51 / 646, FAS VCO dated 10.02.2011 No. 2011 No. VAS-5515/11 refused to transfer this case to the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation)). When considering these cases, the courts took the side of the controllers, but did not give any arguments to substantiate their position, limiting themselves to citing the Constitutional Court's Definition.

In our opinion, the initial approach of arbitration courts to assessing the moment of income origin is more consistent with the concept of income as an economic category.

We will give an additional argument in support of this point of view, for which we will consider the consequences to which the application of the position of the Ministry of Finance will lead to taxation of income from the sale of a share in the authorized capital of an LLC.

Thus, a company participant has the right to reduce the amount of income received from the sale of a share in the authorized capital of the company by the amount of documented expenses for the acquisition of property transferred in payment for the specified share in the authorized capital (paragraph 2 of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation ). In the event of an increase in the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings, the member of the company does not bear any costs. Thus, the amount of the deduction will be limited by the documented cost of the costs of making the initial and additional contributions to the MC. As indicated by the Ministry of Finance of Russia (letter from the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 28, 2011 No. 03-04-05 / 3-452), the Tax Code does not provide for a decrease in the amount of income received from the sale of a share in the authorized capital of a company by the par value of such a share.

Following the approach declared by the financiers, the LLC participant will pay tax on the amount of the increase in the par value of the share twice: the first time - at the time of its increase, and the second time - at the time of the sale of the share. We believe that this contradicts the principle of inadmissibility of double taxation of the same income.

We foresee objections that, in contrast to the sale of a stake in the authorized capital of an LLC, such a situation does not arise during the sale of shares. Indeed, the tax legislation (paragraph 8, clause 13, article 214.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) provides for the possibility of accounting as part of the cost of purchasing securities that amount of income that was previously taxed. However, the mechanism incorporated in this norm is used when income is received (the appearance of a taxable object) at the stage preceding the sale of a share: at the time of acquisition of these shares. Therefore, we again return to the question of whether the taxpayer receives income in kind or in the form of material benefits from the additional issue or conversion of shares into shares with a higher par value as a result of an increase in the authorized capital of the organization at the expense of retained earnings. As shown above, the increase in the volume of property rights of shareholders does not occur, but new objects come into his ownership. civil rights... Based on the wording of Articles 211 and 212 of the Tax Code, the qualification of the consequences of these business transactions as income in kind or in the form of material benefit is possible in cases of certain "savings" on costs or gratuitous receipt of property. From an economic point of view, retained earnings represent the potential shareholder income that can be received in the form of dividends. When deciding to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings, the shareholder thereby refuses to receive income, reducing his property sphere. This situation is fundamentally different from the classical examples of gratuitous receipt of property, which are donation and inheritance. In connection with the above circumstances, the assessment of such a transaction as gratuitous or made with savings is highly doubtful.

Income tax for companies

Shareholders' income in the form of an increase in the par value of shares or received in the form of the value of additional shares is not taken into account when determining the base for income tax (subparagraph 15 of article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Consequently, with an increase in the authorized capital due to retained earnings, the shareholder company does not have tax consequences (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 24.10.2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/685, dated 04.09.2009 No. 03-03-06 / 1/570 ).

At the same time, the financial department believes that the rules on exemption apply only to shareholders, while organizations participating in LLCs under similar circumstances have non-operating income taxed at a rate of 20 percent (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.11.2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/732, dated September 26, 2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/588).

This approach was critically assessed in the decree of the FAS of the Volga District (decree of the FAS PO dated February 16, 2009 No. Part 1, 2, Article 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) In addition, we note that following such instructions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia will lead to double taxation of an increase in the par value of a share during its subsequent sale, which is a violation of the principles of fair and proportionate taxation.

Such contradictions confirm the complexity and diversity of issues related to the increase in authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings, so it is better for a company to think over its possible steps in advance and be ready to defend its interests.

Expertise of the article: Alexey Alexandrov, Legal Consulting Service Garant, Legal Adviser; Dmitry Ignatiev, Legal Consulting Service Garant, Ph.D. n.

The founders of the LLC, on the basis of the positive minutes of the general meeting of the founders, decided to increase the authorized capital at the expense of the organization's net profit. The founders of the company are two legal entities. The question is: is it possible to increase the authorized capital in the LLC at the expense of the net profit reflected in the network 84. Is it necessary to pay tax on the amount of the increase in the authorized capital by the founders (13% from dividends and reflect this in the income tax declaration) ? What is the date to pay this tax, the date of the protocol or the date of some other document, so as not to fall under the interest of the IFTS on dividend tax?

1. Yes, you can.

2. Organizations - members of the LLC, with an increase in the par value of shares, have non-operating income (the amount of the increase). Such income must be subject to income tax at the rate of 20 percent, respectively, reflected in the income tax return, i.e. it should be paid not by the organization in which the authorized capital is being increased, but by the participants of the LLC.

3. Because LLC members legal entities, then you need to pay income tax on the increased authorized capital in general order established for organizations in accordance with the selected taxation system.

4. In the accounting of LLC, you need to make the following entries:

Debit 84 Credit 80 - the increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the retained earnings of the company is reflected

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System


In accounting, reflect the increase in the authorized capital on the date of state registration of the changes made to the charter of the organization. This is due to the fact that the amount of the authorized capital reflected in accounting must correspond to its size recorded in the constituent documents of the organization (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 21, 2007 No. 07-05-12 / 03).

Depending on the source of the increase in the authorized capital, make the entry in the accounting:

Debit 83 Credit 80
- the increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the additional capital of the company is reflected;

Debit 84 Credit 80
- the increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the company's retained earnings is reflected. *

Include the state duty for registration of changes in the charter in the composition of other expenses (clause 11 of PBU 10/99). For the amount of the paid state duty, make the following entries in the account:

Debit 68 subaccount "State duty" Credit 51
- the state duty was transferred to the budget;

Debit 91-2 Credit 68 subaccount "State duty"
- the cost of the state duty is attributed to other expenses.

Oleg Good,

State Adviser of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, II rank


With an increase in the authorized capital at the expense of the company's property, the tax base for corporate income tax does not increase. As a result of such a transaction, the organization does not receive any economic benefits and, accordingly, taxable income ().

At the same time, when the par value of the shares increases, the organizations - members of the LLC have non-operating income (the amount of the increase). Such income must be subject to income tax at the rate of 20 percent (clause 1 of article 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation *). The Ministry of Finance of Russia explained that the privilege provided for