Acid rain chemistry presentation. Presentation on the topic "Acid rain" in powerpoint format. Negative Ecological and Biological Consequences of Acid Rain

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acid rain

causes and consequences

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Acid precipitation is precipitation that is more acidic than normal. The measure of acidity is the pH value (hydrogen index). The pH scale goes from 0 (extremely acidic), through 7 (neutral, i.e. pure water) to 14 (alkaline). The lower the pH value, the higher the acidity. If the acidity of the water is below 5.5, then the precipitation is considered acidic. In the vast territories of the industrialized countries of the world, precipitation falls, the acidity of which exceeds the normal value from 10 to 1000 times (рН = 5-2.5). The term "acid rain" was first introduced in 1872 by the English scientist Robert Smith in his book Air and Rain: The Beginning of Chemical Climatology. The smog in Manchester caught his attention.

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Even normal rainwater is slightly acidic due to the presence of carbon dioxide in the air. And acid rain is formed by a reaction between water and pollutants such as sulfur oxide and various oxides of nitrogen. These substances are emitted into the atmosphere by road transport, as a result of the activities of metallurgical enterprises, thermal power plants. Combining with atmospheric water, they turn into solutions of acids - sulfuric, sulphurous, nitrous and nitric. Then, together with snow or rain, they fall to the ground.

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The consequences of acid rain are observed in the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, the republics of the former Yugoslavia and in many other countries of the globe. The death of reservoirs and aquatic inhabitants; forest degradation; soil erosion; Release from rocks and minerals of Al, Hg and Cu.

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Acid Precipitation Prevention Measures

To combat acid rain, efforts must be made to reduce emissions of acidic substances from coal-fired power plants. And for this it is necessary: ​​the use of low-sulfur coal or its purification from sulfur; installation of filters for purification of gaseous products; use of alternative energy sources.

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Presentation on the topic: Acid rain - an urgent environmental problem

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Presentation on the topic: Acid rain is a pressing environmental problem

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The first mention of acid rain dates back to the middle of the 19th century. In 1872, the attention of the English explorer Angus Smith was drawn to the Victorian smog in Manchester. However, the global danger of the phenomenon was realized only in the 60s. 20th century Acid rain affected the Scandinavian countries, Canada, the USA, Western Europe, etc. Therefore, this problem was raised by Switzerland at the UN Conference on the Environment (Stockholm, 1972).

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Sources of acid-forming emissions Sulfur and nitrogen are supplied to the atmosphere by natural sources (cycles in the biosphere, volcanic activity, etc.). However, anthropogenic factors play a major role. Emissions of these compounds from economic activities (fossil fuel thermal power plants, metallurgical enterprises, etc.) amount to 255 million tons. In Europe alone, sulfur dioxide emissions in some years reach 20-40 million tons. In Russia, stationary sources have put more than 7 million tons of acid-forming substances into the atmosphere. About 2 million tons of oxidized sulfur and nitrogen compounds entered the European part of the country as a result of transboundary transport.

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Sources of acid-forming emissions A certain contribution to the formation of acid precipitation is made by solid-propellant rockets "Shuttle", "Proton" and "Energiya". From the combustion products of rocket fuel, acid traces are formed, consisting of particles of hydrogen chloride, nitric oxide, aluminum oxide, etc. So, with one launch of the Shuttle missile system, 225 tons of hydrogen chloride, about 88 tons of nitrogen oxides, and 310 tons of aluminum oxide enter the atmosphere.

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Formation of acid rain. Sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere undergoes a series of chemical transformations leading to the formation of acids. Partially, as a result of photochemical oxidation, sulfur dioxide turns into sulfur oxide (VI) (sulfuric anhydride) SO3: 2 SO2 + O2 ↔ 2 SO3, which reacts with atmospheric water vapor, forming sulfuric acid aerosols: SO3 + H2O → H2 SО4H2SO4 ↔ H+ + HSO4 - The main part of the emitted sulfur dioxide in humid air forms an acidic polyhydrate SO2 nH2O, which is often called sulfurous acid H2 SO3: SO2 + H2O → H2 SO3H2SO3 ↔ H + + HSO3 - Sulfurous acid in humid air gradually oxidizes to sulfuric: 2H2 SO3 + O2 → 2 H2 SO4 Aerosols of sulfuric and sulphurous acids condense in atmospheric water vapor and cause acid precipitation. They make up about 2/3 of acid precipitation. The rest is accounted for by aerosols of nitric and nitrous acids formed during the interaction of nitrogen dioxide with atmospheric water vapor: 2NO2 + H2O→ HNO3 + HNO2 HNO3 ↔ H+ +NO3-HNO2 ↔ H+ +NO2-

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Negative ecological and biological consequences of acid rain: Deterioration of atmospheric visibility Acidification of freshwater reservoirs and reduction of fish stocks Acidification of soils and decrease in their fertility Damage and death of forest formations Destruction of some animal species Acceleration of corrosion of bridges, dams, metal structures Harm to human health Acceleration of destruction of monuments of world architecture

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Lake acidification Freshwater lakes in Canada, the USA, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia and other countries have suffered from acid rain. So, in Canada more than 14,000 lakes are acidified, in the eastern part of the USA - about 9,000, in Sweden - more than 6,500 reservoirs, in Norway - 5,000. In Russia, the lakes of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula were especially affected by acid precipitation. On the Kola Peninsula, 37% of surveyed lakes are strongly acidified, and about 30% of water bodies are at risk of acidification. In many lake ecosystems, the increase in water acidity (lowering the pH value) has led to the degradation of fish populations and other hydrobionts.

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Soil acidification Acid rain adversely affects soils: - Reduces soil fertility. At a pH value of less than 5.0, a progressive decrease in their fertility begins, and at pH = 3, they become practically barren. - Reduce the rate of decomposition of organic matter. Most bacteria and fungi prefer a neutral environment. At pH = 6.2, the number of bacteria in 1 g of soil is 13.6 x 106, and at pH = 4.8 - 4 x 106. - They leach many nutrients from the soil. This leads to a decrease in the yield of agricultural crops (cotton, tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits, etc.) by an average of 20-30% .tons in terms of grain.

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Impact on forest formations Due to atmospheric precipitation: - plant growth decreased and natural reforestation worsened; - decreased resistance of plants to drought, frost salinity; - disrupted the processes of transpiration, respiration and photosynthesis. An increase in the area of ​​damaged and dead forests was noted in Europe: in 1860 they occupied about 1000 hectares, now they are over 50 million hectares. In Russia, annually the centers of pests and diseases cover up to 4 million hectares of forest formations. In Sweden, Spain, Austria, the share of degraded forests is 22-39%, in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Great Britain, Norway - it reaches 49-71% of the total forest area. In Western Europe, conifers (European spruce) are especially affected by acidification. The supply of sulfur and nitrogen compounds changes the chemical composition of soils and the mode of plant nutrition. Violation of the diet leads to discoloration and drying of conifers. This process affected not only conifers, but also broad-leaved formations (oak, beech, sycamore, hickory, etc.).

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Harm to human health For human health, aerosol particles of acid precipitation are of particular danger. Large particles are retained in the upper respiratory tract. Small (less than - 2 microns) drops, consisting of a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids, penetrate into the most distant parts of the lungs. With these aerosols, carcinogenic heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead) can enter the body. Thus, during the tragic London fog of 1952, more than 4,000 deaths were attributed to the increased content of sulfur oxides and sulfate particles in humid air. High concentrations of mercury in fish tissues were noted in acidified lakes in the USA, Norway, and Finland. The harm is obvious. Eating such fish inflicted on the body causes various diseases contaminated with acid (Minamata disease) in people when consumed. water sediments.

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Damage to monuments of world architecture Due to acid precipitation, the Colosseum and St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, Delphi (the sanctuary of Apollo), temples and tombs in the industrial regions of Japan, etc. are destroyed. The huge stone obelisk of Cleopatra, transported from Egypt to the UK, has undergone more damage due to acid rain in 85 years in London than in 3000 years in Alexandria. The leader in the impact of acid rain on buildings and architectural structures in Western Europe is Manchester, where in 20 months. acid precipitation dissolved more than 120 g of stone (sandstone, marble, limestone) from 1 m2 of structures. Next come Antwerp (Netherlands) - losses of more than 100 g/m2 - and cities such as Athens, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, where acid rains have dissolved 20-40 g of stone from each 1 m2 of structure. (According to the University of Dublin (Ireland)

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Today, no one doubts that acid rain is one of the causes of the death of life in reservoirs, forests, crops, and vegetation. In addition, acid rain destroys buildings and cultural monuments, pipelines, renders vehicles unusable, reduces soil fertility, and can seep toxic metals into aquifers.

The main cause of acid rain is the presence in the composition of the atmosphere

Earth's sulfur dioxide SO 2 and nitrogen dioxide NO 2 , which as a result

occurring in the atmosphere of chemical reactions, turn into, respectively,

sulfuric and nitric acids, the fallout of which on the surface of the earth has

impact on living organisms and the ecotype as a whole.

Acid rain corrodes metals, paints, synthetic compounds, and destroys architectural monuments. Plants are the most affected by acid rain. However, the acid does not directly damage the trees. Acid precipitation causes leaf diseases, oxidizes the soil, washing out nutrients from it and saturating it with toxic compounds.

The impact of acid rain on humans is also not only direct. Of course, the microparticles of sulfates and nitrates contained in the air increase the risk of an asthma attack, bronchitis, and harm the cardiovascular system. Acid rain also kills fish.

  • One of the main methods of struggle is the installation at each enterprise of expensive treatment facilities, the filters of which will prevent the emissions of heavy metals and hazardous oxides.
  • Another way to solve the problem is to reduce the number of vehicles in large cities in order to reduce exhaust emissions.
  • In addition, it is necessary to restore, and not cut down forests, clean polluted water bodies, recycle, and not burn garbage.

Presentation on the topic "Acid rain" in chemistry in powerpoint format. The presentation tells about the processes of sulfur combustion, the process of formation of acid rain and their impact on plants.

Fragments from the presentation

  • Sulfur and nitrogen oxides are formed during the combustion of coal, oil, and during the operation of cars. Sulfur dioxide is also released during volcanic eruptions.
  • Dissolving in atmospheric moisture, they cause "acid rain" that affects vegetation, destroys living organisms in water bodies, causes diseases in people, and destroys metal structures and building materials.
  • Therefore, it is very important to understand the cause of acid rain and learn how to prevent its occurrence.


  • To study the combustion processes of sulfur: a) in air, b) in oxygen
  • To study the dissolution of sulfur combustion products in water
  • Find out how acid rain is formed
  • To study their effect on plants

What you need for the experience Burning sulfur in the air:

  • Sulfur color (sulfur powder)
  • glass cylinder
  • Burning spoon
  • watch glass
  • spirit lamp
  • We collect sulfur powder in a spoon
  • We set fire to sulfur in a spoon in the flame of an alcohol lamp
  • We bring a spoon with burning sulfur into the cylinder
  • We observe white smoke from burning sulfur
Adding water

What you need for the experience Burning sulfur in oxygen:

  • Sulfur color (sulfur powder)
  • Hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide (to produce oxygen)
  • glass cylinder
  • Burning spoon
  • watch glass
  • spirit lamp
  • Green plant leaf (Chlorophytum)
  • Pour about 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution into the cylinder, add manganese dioxide
  • Oxygen evolution begins according to the reaction 2H2O2 \u003d 2H2O + O2 (manganese dioxide is the catalyst for the reaction)
  • Pour sulfur into a spoon and set it on fire in the flame of an alcohol lamp
  • We bring a spoon with ignited sulfur into the cylinder and oxygen
  • Sulfur burns with a bright purple flame
  • White smoke is generated
Adding water
  • Pour water into the cylinder using a flusher
  • In the resulting solution we put a leaf of a green plant chlorophytum
  • Close the cylinder with a watch glass and leave for a day
In a day

The photo shows how severely damaged the leaves of chlorophytum under the action of "acid rain"

Added litmus, chalk and magnesium

  • Using a pipette, we drop 2 drops of "acid rain" - a solution of sulfur combustion products in water onto strips of red and blue litmus paper
  • Dripping "acid rain" on a piece of chalk
  • Dripping "acid rain" on magnesium shavings
  • The red litmus paper remained unchanged, while the blue turned red
  • Chalk bubbling, carbon dioxide is released
  • Magnesium began to dissolve, hydrogen was released


  • During the experiment, the oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide does not occur. But this reaction takes place in the atmosphere and in industry when heated in the presence of a catalyst.
  • Acid rain destroys plant cells, dissolves magnesium and chalk.
  • Metal parts and architectural monuments, if they are constantly exposed to acid rain, will collapse (due to corrosion).
  • To prevent acid rain, it is necessary to capture impurities of sulfur dioxide (from the pipe).


Acid rain and volcanic emissions. Their role in changing nature

As part of the school project “Problems of global climate change”

Chemistry teacher: Ratushnaya Olga Evgenievna

St. Petersburg


For the first time, the problem of acid rain became the subject of serious discussion at the XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), held in Madrid in September 1975.

In 1983 The "Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution" came into force, which states that countries should strive to limit and gradually reduce air pollution, including pollution that goes beyond their own state.

What is contained in a volcanic ejecta cloud?

It contains small particles of glass, silicon and crushed stone. Such a composition acts on everything that comes across it

paths like sandpaper

According to United Nations experts, volcanic gases released into the high layers of the atmosphere after a volcanic eruption and spreading across the planet with air currents can stay there for 14 months and change the intensity of solar radiation. The heaviest particles

fall to the ground and can cause problems in the respiratory tract

in humans for up to 3 months after the eruption.

Some meteorologists see these phenomena as a positive thing, considering them to be a natural mechanism for controlling the temperature of the planet, reducing its overheating.

and the risk of catastrophic consequences such as drought,

floods, heat and rising sea levels.


During volcanic eruptions, sulfur oxide (IV) predominates, hydrogen sulfide enters the atmosphere in a smaller amount, as well as sulfates in the form of aerosols and solid particles. Every year around the world, 4-16 million tons of sulfur compounds (in terms of SO2) are released as a result of volcanic activity.

Volcanoes affect the natural environment and humanity in several ways.

First of all, direct impact on the environment of erupting volcanic products.

Secondly, the impact of gases and fine ash on the atmosphere and thus on the climate.

Thirdly, the effect of heat from volcanic products on ice and snow.

Fourth, volcanic eruptions are usually accompanied by earthquakes, etc. But the effects of volcanic matter on the atmosphere are especially long-term and global, which is reflected in the change in the Earth's climate.

Acid rain

The term "acid rain" was first introduced in 1872 by the English explorer Angus Smith.

Acid rain is one of the causes of the death of life in water bodies, forests, crops and vegetation.

acid rain

acid rain - this is precipitation, the acidity of which is increased. The measure of acidity is the pH value.

Pure water has pH=7.

If acidity

water below 5,

then precipitation is considered


Reasons for education

The main cause of acid rain is the presence of sulfur dioxide SO 2 and nitrogen dioxide NO 2 in the Earth's atmosphere, which, as a result of chemical reactions occurring in the atmosphere, are converted into sulfuric and nitric acids, respectively.


Sulfur is found in such minerals as coal, oil, iron, copper, and other ores; some of them are used as fuel, others are sent to chemical and metallurgical enterprises.

During processing, sulfur passes into chemical compounds, for example, into sulfur dioxide.


Most anthropogenic emissions are dominated by sulfur oxide (IV) and sulfates.

Sulphates are emitted during fuel combustion and during industrial processes such as oil refining, the production of cement and gypsum, and sulfuric acid.


Natural sources of nitrogen oxides are lightning discharges and lightning, as well as biogenic substances.

Volatile organic compounds enter the atmosphere mainly from natural sources (65% of the total).

The main source of these substances is plants, as a result of which complex organic substances are formed.

The effects of acid rain in nature

As a result of acid precipitation, the balance in ecosystems is disturbed, the productivity of agricultural plants and the nutritional properties of soils deteriorate.

The effects of acid rain in engineering

As a result of corrosion, metal structures are destroyed.

The effects of acid rain in architecture

Acid precipitation destroys structures made of marble and limestone.

The historical monuments of Greece and Rome, having stood for millennia, have been destroyed right before our eyes in recent years.

The effects of acid rain

Every region has buildings that have been destroyed by acid rain. List the buildings and monuments of architecture in your region that, in your opinion, have been affected by acid rain.

Ways to protect nature

One of the main methods of struggle is the installation at each enterprise of expensive treatment facilities, the filters of which will prevent the emissions of heavy metals and hazardous oxides.

Another way to solve the problem is to reduce the number of vehicles in large cities in order to reduce exhaust emissions.

In addition, you should:

  • reforestation, not deforestation
  • clean up polluted waters
  • recycle, not burn garbage


“We have learned to swim in the water like fish, to fly in the sky like birds, it remains only to learn how to live on Earth like people.”