Sports events for March 8 for high school students

Semyonova E.N. MBOU "Chikhachevskaya secondary school"

Semyonova Elena Nikolaevna,

MBOU "Chikhachevskaya secondary school",

Bezhanitsky district,

Pskov region

Intact b: - fostering respect and good feelings for girls and women

Hall decoration: - festive decorations, cheerful music, flowers and written congratulations on posters, a sign with the name of the competition on the stage, tables for competitors, equipment for competitions.

Explanatory note: This holiday is a tradition of our school. We carry it through the stages of training, i.e. in three streams. In the last academic year, it was especially interesting for high school students. This was evidenced by the comments of students and colleagues on the pages electronic Diary and photos from the holiday. This event can be adapted for middle-level students as well.

1 presenter..: Dear friends, we gathered in this hall in order to congratulate our lovely women and girls on the upcoming day of March 8 and give them this evening good mood and our kind words….

Beautiful day, March 8th,
When everything sparkles around
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
I wish you health, happiness,
So that they never feel sad
So that you always prosper
In the name of happiness and goodness.

1 presenter .. - Maybe there is a larger date

And, probably, not one.

Spring is opening.

By denying aging

The heat of creativity in the blood

Turns the time

To Peace, Friendship and Love.

Therefore, we exalt her,

Affirming being

Gold number eight

As your dignity.

2 hosts - “Oh, female! All our glory
She obeys you herself,
Oh delicious right
Captivate us and drive us crazy! "

Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" is played. The presenters exit. The sound decreases a little, and the presenter begins to read poetry against the background of the music.

1st presenter: - A star falls from the midnight sky,
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But it remains with you forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
From heart to heart from dream to dream
The light of a woman will continue on an invisible path,
Open only to eternal Kindness,
Both the Truth and the inimitable Love ...

(Music turns off)

So that they languish in you
And affection, and courage reserve,
So that without resistance at your mercy
The tigers dormant in us surrendered!

1st presenter: Hello !!! Hello dear spectators, wonderful participants of the competition, dear jury! We are glad to welcome you to our contest "The most charming and attractive". Today we have gathered in this hall in order to bow before female beauty, charm, charm.

2nd presenter: A woman ... Throughout the ages she was worshiped by artists, poets, musicians ... How many flowers, poems, and whatever, lives were thrown at her feet. Which of the men did not try to comprehend the secret of her charm? But the female gender is always a mystery. Today we have the opportunity to try to lift the veil over this mystery. So, we start our competition

1st host: First of all, I would like to present our competent jury. (Jury performance is in progress.)

Lead teacher:

Three girls are taking part in the competition. Let's welcome them.

(Girls are invited to the stage. They come out to the music for the stage.)

Meet the representatives of the fair sex of the school's classrooms.

2nd presenter :. The competent jury will announce the results after each competition. And now we ask the participants to take their places. We declare first competition "WARM UP"

(the competition is conducted by a student from the class, each participant takes questions in turn)


1) What stands between the window and the door? (letter "and")

2) What is easy to pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (fluff)

3) What does the watchman do when a sparrow is sitting on his hat? (sleeping)

1) Which hand is better for stirring tea? (the one with the spoon)

2) In which country did fashion first begin to be created? (in Italy)

3) In which country did jewelry from precious stones originate: rings, brooches, earrings, bracelets, tiaras? (in Egypt)

1) Egyptians made up, both men and women. What, according to established tradition, did they tint? (eyes, eyebrows, lips)

2) In the 12-17 centuries it was worn around the neck, on a gold chain or at the belt, inserted into a fan, inserted into a frame made of turtle, ivory, gilded silver. With miniatures and engraving. What is it about? (about the mirror)

3) Name 5 plants that remind of the names of people (Rose, lily, pansies, Daisy, Ivan da Marya)

1 host .. Applause to our participants !!!

2nd presenter: "The kingdom of women is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance," wrote the great Jean-Jacques Rousseau. How little a woman sometimes needs to conquer a man's heart forever. A flirty curl, a charming curl, an unusual gait - and a man is already at your feet. Let's see how our participants are proficient in this art. I declare second to oncourse.


Participants are invited to go through like fashion models. At the same time, for the participants, it is necessary to prepare in advance boots of 2 types, boots of at least 41 sizes, number them, let the participants pull out the numbers.)

1 - presenter - Applause !!! In the meantime, our participants are resting, the jury sums up the results of two competitions, we will not let the audience get bored. Please be active and you can help our competitors.

(a quiz is held, tokens are distributed for correct answers)

Spectator competition "Connoisseurs of flowers"

1) “She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil only knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. " These are lines from Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. What colors are we talking about here? (about mimosa)

2) The Latin name of this flower is translated into Russian as a sword. What is this flower? (gladiolus)

3) Translated from Greek, the name of this flower sounds like a rain flower. In the spring of 1734, Dutch children noticed an unknown flower near the water. The entire population of the coastal village came running to look at him. Residents remembered that in the fall, during a storm, a Genoese ship sank nearby, from where this flower fell into the coastal soil, which has since become revered in Holland, like a tulip. What flower are we talking about? (about hyacinth)

4) The homeland of this flower is Mexico, where its tubers were eaten, not paying attention to the tops. 400 years ago, this plant was brought to Europe to diversify the vegetable menu of the French, Spaniards and Germans. But the tubers were not to the taste of the Europeans; they liked the bright flowers of various colors and shapes much more. The flower was called by different names. What is the name of this flower? (dahlia)

5) What flower served as a distinctive mark of actors in the Middle Ages in England? By order of Queen Elizabeth, actors could appear outside the theater in an ordinary dress, but always with this flower on their shoes. Soon, with this flower, but not on her shoes, but behind her ear, Elizabeth herself began to go to the reception. As such, she is depicted on a silver coin of her time. What is this flower? (the Rose)

Well done! Save your tokens, you can present them to the contestants at the end of the holiday. And now the word of the jury.

2 hosts .. You constantly inspire poets,
Writers, actors and minds.
Without you, Pushkin would not have written verses,
And we would not have heard the Lermontov stanzas!

1 ved: Next ( third) poetess competition,

Participants need to finish the phrase by finding the right rhyme.

1) Maybe the Losers would go on the run,

But all around impassable ... ... (taiga)

2) To do modern makeup,

Acquired a beauty ... ... ... (trellis)

3) One can and many jars

The milkmaid is lucky to …………… (market)

1) In Lukomorye, the cat decided

That he is local ......... (guarded)

2) Sumo champion for cargo

It's good to have a big ……… .. (belly)

3) The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:

“Like me, they are also fed ……… (feet)

Applause to our participants !!!

2-ved: We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
And we sing love songs.

Be happy, cheerful, loved,
Nice, gentle, and not grumpy,
Be friends with song, humor and laughter,
And keep pace with the century!

Next (fourth) the competition is the most sensitive.

"Princess on the Pea"

For the competition, you will need chairs, buttons on the leg and rags. Only girls participate in the competition. A blank is made for each girl: a chair is placed, buttons with a leg are placed on it, the buttons are covered with a rag. Then the girls should sit on a chair, move their booty a little and say how many buttons are on the chair. The winner is the girl who is the first to correctly name the number of buttons. Buttons can also be replaced with caramels or large beads.

1 - host .. Applause !!! In the meantime, our participants are resting, preparing for music competition, the jury sums up the results of the two competitions, we will continue the game with the audience. The male half of our school team has prepared a holiday greetings

(boys from 11, 10, 8 grades perform)

Well done, and now the word of the jury.

2nd Ved: competition "Chastushechny».( 5)

Our contestants are invited to sing 2-3 ditties in which the wonderful qualities of the girls will be sung.

(maestro, music)

1st host: - Next competition - dancing. (6 ) This competition is held by lot. The participants will have to show their skills in the following types of dance: waltz, Russian folk dance and modern dance. Whoever gets what - fate decides!

(draw lots - dance inscriptions, prepared music is put)

Well done, and now while the jury is preparing, let the girls gain strength for further competitions

Spectator competition "Explainers".

According to three characteristic signs, a word must be indicated.

1) grows in the garden; put in a salad; it happens on the dress (polka dots).

2) Sometimes they sit there; it is not fashionable to use them now; before they were all worn in the rain (galoshes).

3) Girls have it; happens to the sand; in the village it is needed in July (scythe).

4) It grows in the field; there is such a game; when the nose looks like it (potatoes).

Now I say a word, you give 3 different concepts for it.

1) Pedagogical council (this takes place at the school; the director speaks there; they decide something and scold someone).

2) The dining room (all students love it; everyone rushes to it; it's hard to run after it).

3) Chalk (some people love to eat it; it is always not enough; it makes you dirty).

4) Schedule of lessons (you cannot do without it at school; it hangs on the wall; it is drawn up by the head teacher).

2nd Ved Word JURY

May you have been praised for a long time
Shakespeare, Pushkin, Tolstoy,
Sonnets are written as before
And poets do not sleep at night,
Building bridges to loved ones.

Next competition "Milkmaids» ( 7)
(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who is more milked?)

1 ved: On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sorrow
Even a slight shadow of sadness
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

"Temptress" (8) ( turn on music, time to catch,)

The guys in the hall are given three hearts (paper). Girls should do everything possible so that in 2 minutes the male representatives give them these hearts. What can they do? They can kiss, praise him, tell him a lot of compliments. The actions of girls depend on their imagination and ability to seduce. Guys, if he liked a girl, give her one or even two hearts. After the lapse of time, the girls count how many hearts they have won. The girl with the most hearts wins.

Lead teacher: - And now the most decisive competition. You are witnesses, dear friends, that our participants all deserve the title "The most charming and attractive" and how can we not demonstrate knowledge and skills for expectant mothers. So the competition: " Young mom» (9) ( swaddling, dressing babies and, of course, consoling them) (lyric music "Mama" by S. Lazarev)

1 ved: - While our participants freeze their hands from hot male hearts, and calm down from the excitement of communicating with babies, the jury will finally sum up the results, and a very instructive story is offered to your attention. (9kl students show a variation on the theme of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

2 leading How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart.

(Scenario of a parody of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

(The presenter reads the text, it is advisable to choose musical accompaniment)

God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere;
(Vasily comes out, holding a wad of money in his hands and counts it with a smile on his face)
Perched on a Crow spruce,
(Vasya climbs onto a chair and counts the money again)

I was just getting ready for breakfast,

Unfortunately, the Fox ran close by;
(Natasha comes out with a beautiful flirtatious gait, seeing Vasya, walks around the chair)
(Vasily stands “not seeing” Masha)

The fox sees the cheese
Cheese captivated the fox,
(an insidious plan appears on Masha's face, her face to the viewer)
(Vasily, noticing Masha, hides the money behind his back)

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
Turns his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow
(coquettishly and seductively, making movements with his hands along his figure, he approaches Vasya) “bewitching” music should sound. (Vasya with a smile, but also carefully examines Masha)

And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing:

- Angela“My dear, how lovely!
Well, what a neck, what eyes!
(walks around the chair, gently touching Vasya with his hands)
(Vasya is closely watching the girl so that she does not notice anything ...)

Tell, really, fairy tales!
What feathers! what a sock!
(the girl moves Vasya's hands up and down, while Vasya tries to cover up the money ...)

And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
(runs his hands along the lower part of Vasya's body)
(Vasya is happy ...)
Sing, light, do not be ashamed!
(Gently pulls Vasily off the chair and begins to hug himself with his arms in the chest, hips, trying to quietly count the money in Vasya's hand)
(Vasya is opposed, but not very much ...)

What if, sister,
With such beauty
(the girl says these words, looking passionately into Vasya's face and, imperceptibly for him, runs her hand over the wad of money)

and you are a craftswoman to sing !!!

Veshchuniny's head was dizzy with praise,
From joy in the goiter the breath stole,
(Vasily cannot believe in his happiness, looks at the girl dumbfounded, with hope and full of strength for love…)

And Lisitsyn's friendly words
The crow croaked into the crow's throat:
(Vasya runs up to the girl and hugs her himself, she plays along and hugs him so that money falls from Vasya's hands and crumbles ...)

(Vasya brings his hand to his head (imitation of dizziness) and the exhausted person sits down on a chair with a blissful smile on his face, his eyes are closed)

with him there was such a cheat. (applause)

The jury will give the floor. Summarizing.

Leading:- (read line by line)

1.Happy holiday,

2.Happy holidays clear,

1.Happy holiday,

2. Wonderful, wonderful.

1.Happy holiday of caress,

2. Love and attention,

1. Happy feminine charm!

2.Let in business always and everywhere

1. Success is with you.

2.And today is a bright holiday,

Together: - Be you happier than everyone!

(as an option, you can offer to congratulate specific girls and poems:

FOR BOYS 1) I'm ready to follow you,
And ill fame will not bother you at all ...
But where to get their own heads,
To "lose" them left and right ?!

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Julia,
I feel with my heart, I am burning!

I want to say about Anya,
Moving my shoulder to her,
About the weather, about football,
And you never know about anything ?!

Angela is - the soul will rise,
No desire - a dull look! ..
I am drawn to Zhelochka
Sensitive magnet!

Everything with Rita comes in handy,
I don't need others Rita:
And in fact, and by the way
Better to find Rita.

I look at everything as at icons,
I can’t take my eyes off the lovers ...
Julia, Anya, Zhela, Rita
I always love you all.

We are kneeling before you
We get up, blazing and shivering.

(All the boys kneel down)

There is no end to declarations of love. Go and give the girls flowers!

1st Ved: - Everyone in the hall today cheered for our contestants and also competed. Let's count the tokens, you can present them in the form of points to the participant you like. (Given to the jury)

1st place - title "Miss Charm"
2nd place - …… "Miss Charm".
3rd place - …… .. "Miss Sympathy".

Used Books:

Books of various poets and writers at the exhibition

March 8 is the most long-awaited holiday for all women in the world. Usually, even little girls are not deprived of attention, who, along with their mothers, receive compliments and gifts. March 8 at the school is celebrated on a par with other holidays, and on this day the administration faces a difficult task: to please not only teachers and schoolgirls, but also mothers and grandmothers invited to the concert. The proposed scenario is designed for junior and high school students. By contacting him, you can find the most on March 8 for high school students and find out the design features of the assembly hall.

Some organizational points

Traditionally, the hosts of such events are chosen a boy and a girl - the most active and bright high school students who know how to keep up a conversation with the audience. Hall decoration on March 8 at school - important point... Since fresh flowers are expensive, you can use artificial ones, do not forget about balloons and children's drawings. Funny scenes and anecdotes must be diluted with dances and songs prepared by the students themselves. At the beginning of the holiday, one should verbally congratulate the teachers present and, if possible, give each of them a bouquet of flowers. After graduation, each class leaves for their own offices and continues the celebration with cakes and soft drinks.

Opening of the event

Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!

Lead 2: Hello, dear parents and guests of our event!

Lead 1: Today we gathered in the assembly hall of our beloved school in order to celebrate the day when the beautiful half of humanity is waiting for beautiful words and pleasant deeds.

Lead 2: This day is dedicated to you, dear teachers, mothers, grandmothers and, of course, our students.

Lead 1: Holding March 8 at school has already become a tradition in our small friendly team, and therefore Diana and I and our event participants will try to make this holiday unforgettable. I give the floor ...

A day of tea parties and feasts!

Our mothers, we love you,

We will not forget your love and care!

Witty and funny scenes on March 8 for high school students

Lead 1: Diana, do you think our graduates are as fun as elementary school girls?

Lead 2: Maxim, I have no doubt about it! In order to prove this, we will now ask students in Grade 9-B to walk onto the stage with miniatures.

Scene "Conspiracy against the chemist"

Sidorov, I didn't expect to catch you in the backyard of the school with a lighter! Now you will dance with me! Don't come tomorrow without your parents, I'll tell them that you are addicted to cigarettes!

Sergei Viktorovich, no need for parents! I made firecrackers for Nadezhda Ilyinichna and wanted to set them on fire now.

For your chemist, or what? So don't throw them through the window, Sidorov, but from the roof - let's go and help!

- My 10-A made me so happy today! The guys gave me a subscription to the Thai sauna, manicure, pedicure and chocolate massage is attached! What gold they have, this is how much money they spent on it! After all, this is the best gift for March 8!

Now we know, Ariadna Ilyinichna, who robbed the school piggy bank ...

Scene "Kings Now and Then"

Lead 1: They say that the current generation of children has become completely different: boys and girls do not respect teachers and indulge in obscene antics. Let's see this and listen to the conversation of teachers who left the Soviet school.

Raisa Fyodorovna, what a difficult time now! Once our profession was the highest paid and prestigious. The teachers could be compared to kings, because they were the ones who were engaged in the education of society. Now show me a man at school who could be called a king?

And today children consider themselves to be such, Lidia Pavlovna: they alone are the most omniscient in our country.

Sketch "Dimensionless bag"

Lead 2: Diana, we bet that I can figure out the teacher at first sight!

Lead 1: And how do you do it, Maxim?

Lead 2: It's simple - after all, teachers have the largest bags, in which not only magazines, but also, it seems, a bicycle can fit. Hope that funny scenes on March 8 (we saved this job for high school students) you will certainly like it.

Petrov goes to meet the teacher in English down the corridor and asks to put a mark on him in the diary:

Svetlana Sergeevna, today I answered at the blackboard and got an A! Put it in my diary so that I can please my mother, because tomorrow is March 8!

Okay, Petrov, just wait, I'll find the red pen.

(Svetlana Sergeevna takes magazines, notebooks, diaries, pencil cases and some women's "tricks" - a comb, lipstick, mirror from her oversized bag).

Svetlana Sergeevna, it's already dark outside, it's time for me to go home. You’re here while looking for a pen, and I’ll come up to you tomorrow for an estimate. And by the way, I congratulate you on March 8!

The school party ends ...

Lead 1: Dear guests, our solemn event is coming to an end.

Lead 2: We hope that you really liked the poems for mothers and funny scenes on March 8 (for high school students, it turned out to be a pleasure to prepare such a number!), And upon returning home you will have a pleasant impression of our holiday.

Lead 1: We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, dear teachers, for the work that you put into our upbringing and education; you, dear mothers and grandmothers, for endless support; you, dear girls, for trying your best to gain knowledge and grow up as disciplined students.

Lead 2: And now a little surprise awaits you - a tea party. Teachers, students and parents are kindly asked to separate their classes.

Celebration of March 8 is completed in the assembly hall. Humorous scenes and other activities are appropriate to continue in class. Before that, parents are invited to visit an exhibition of drawings and products. The works presented there were made by students studying in the sections of fine arts, beading, photography and others (if any).


Sounds lyric music and the presenters come out.

Lead 1

Attention! Attention!

Charm enters the scene now

Plus Youth, Attractiveness,

Fun and Skill, Savvy, Optimism.

Let it be with you

They go all their life!

Lead 2

The participants of our competition are like spring flowers: the same beautiful, delicate, sensual. Their beauty fascinates us. Who doesn't love beauty ?! Beauty will save the world!

Lead 1

And so we meet the ______________ team of the 9th grade team

Lead 2

Team _________________________ of the 10th grade team

Lead 1

Team _________________________ of the 11th grade team

Lead 2

Competitions will be judged by a strict but very competent jury.

Jury presentation in progress

Lead 1

And so, let's start ... for each competition the jury will give points, the maximum is "5" points. Accordingly, the team with the most points wins.

Lead 2

And today we will conduct an exciting game "Girls are different ...".

Lead 1

Competition 1

Dear participants! I will ask you to select one representative from each team in order to cut ribbon and solemnly open our competition. Now the representatives of the teams get scissors and go to the ribbon. So, at my command, you begin to cut the tape not across, but along. Each participant from their end - to the center. Whoever reaches the center first (it is marked here on the tape) is the winner. He earns the first point for his team. Since we have three teams, the presenter will help us keep the feed.

Music sounds. The tape has been cut. The winner has been determined.

Lead 2

Competition 2

Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There were various treats on the tables, but all with the letter "K". Within 5 minutes, each team writes down possible meals on a piece of paper.
Lead 1
How many dishes are listed - how many points each team gets.

Competition 3

Our next competition is called "Mind Gymnastics". Each team will be asked 5 questions. You must quickly answer the question. If there is no answer, a member of the other team can give it and at the same time receive an additional point in his piggy bank of points.

1. Name the tallest grass. (Bamboo)

2. The name of which plant consists of a male name and a drink? (Blooming Sally)

3. What medicinal plant has the "animal" name?
(Wolf berries).

4. What is the name of the legendary Russian woman who first flew into the air on an apparatus heavier than air.

(Baba Yaga)

5. In what popular novel is the hero attempted 3 times and only on the 4th time he dies?


6. What is the name of the part of a woman's dress, which contains lakes, swans and other elements of the environment

(sleeve of the frog princess dress)

Clara Zetkin

8. The woman who was the first in the world to be awarded the title of professor.

Sofia Kovalevskaya

9. What was the name of the lady of the heart of Don Quixote?

(Dulsinea Toboskaya)

10. What is more: amount Arabic numerals or their work? (Sum, since multiplying any number by 0 will be 0.)

11. How many nails does a well-grounded horse need? (None: she's already savvy.)

12. When is it easier for a black cat to get into the house? (When the doors are open.)

Competition 4

Lead 1

"They argue about tastes!" - this is the name of our next competition.

Lead 1

We offer you juice boxes. Each box is numbered, but other information is sealed on it. The jury knows under which number this or that drink is recorded. Now you have to drink the juice at speed and name the ingredients of the juice that was in their bag. The girl who copes with the task the fastest gets a point in her team's piggy bank.


"Pumpkin - Apple";

"Carrot - Banana";

"Carrot - Orange";

"Plum - Apple";

"Carrots - raspberries".

Lead 1:

The reasons for love are incomprehensible

But only there is no secret,

What's to the heart of any man

There is a way through a delicious lunch.

And let's say under the guise of a remark,

That each of you can

Introduce culinary talent

A fair trial now.

Lead 2: We learned that the girls in our school are smart, economic and artistic. How do you think( asks 1 leader), what other qualities should they have?

Lead1: I consider it a beautiful gait. Let's take a look at this. Participants are invited to take turns to walk for a while with a book on their heads, to pass it on to the next participant in the relay. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and drops the book fewer times. Girls stand at the start, put the book on your head. GET STARTED!

Lead 1: Ready ... BEGINNING!

Lead 1: Of course, our girls try to follow the fashion. And how they do it, we will now find out. Each command is given:

4 newspaper sheets

Plastic bottle

From these materials, the girls create a fashionable outfit, one participant puts on it and defiles in it around the stage. This task is given 4 minutes. So disassemble the materials. Let's get to work!

While the team is preparing, a fan contest is held.

Competition "Delicious"

The terms of the competition are very simple. Participants should carefully and quickly peel the orange and arrange it beautifully.

Props: oranges, napkins according to the number of participants.

Competition "Dumplings without haste"

In this competition, in two minutes it is necessary to mold a dumpling so that the minced meat does not fall out of the dough. Accuracy and originality are assessed.

Props: caramel without wrapper, square paper according to the number of participants.

Competition "Cheerful Chef"

Participants are invited to throw dumplings prepared in the previous competition into a saucepan from a distance of 2 meters. If several participants got into the pan, then the distance for them increases by 1 meter. The competition takes place until 1 winner is finally determined. Dexterity and accurate hit in the pan are evaluated.

Props: pan, chair

Whoever a woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. Most necessary accessory in addition to the look, it is, of course, a handbag. Here is our next competition called "Handbag". Many young people are puzzled, and what is the secret of this accessory, because at the right time completely unusual objects appear from it. By the way, girls sometimes themselves cannot understand where such a treasure comes from in a purse and do not always quickly find something they need.

Let's find out what secrets this accessory hides (takes out silhouettes of handbags cut out of paper). Each of the handbags contains a table with letters. Among them, horizontally and vertically, you can find words.

For each guessed word, the contestant is awarded 1 point.

Lipstick, powder, varnish, threads, keys, receipt, perfume, hairpin, ring, scissors, needle, cream, pen.

Guess the riddle about one of the fairytale heroines.

She is beautiful and sweet

Her name is from the word "ash".

So quickly ran from the ball,

That even she had lost her shoe. (Cinderella) slide number 17

It is not without reason that I asked you this riddle. Next competition that's what it's called "Cinderella". Remember how her stepmother ordered Cinderella to plant rose bushes, clean all the dishes, sort out the grain? Today our contestants will feel like Cinderella. And the task will be as follows.

Participants will temporarily have to sort out beans, peas, rice and millet into containers.

The competition is evaluated from 1 to 10 points.

Contest "Designer". Each team must cut a heart. Compliance with the originality of the idea, beauty, design is assessed.

Ties are given to girls. According to the stopwatch, the participants begin to tie each tie to their partner. Just to tie is not enough. The knot must be correct, not crumble.

Calligraphy! Competition

Contestants need to write the phrase "I am beautiful!" On a piece of paper. The difficulty is that the felt-tip pen should be held with your teeth.

Props: A4 paper, felt-tip pens according to the number of participants.

At the end of the competition, the best inscription is determined and the winner is revealed.

The jury will determine the winner of the program. The awarding ceremony is in progress.

Sometimes winter comes to visit

And delicate, timid March is unstable.

Only 8 days, and it's already fine,

When the eyes burn so merrily.

Spring is coming. And let it not be hot

But together with her, like a shadow of summer, -

International Women's Day

Spring! How much of this word:

Kindness, love and warmth.

Let in the waiting nature

Her flowers bloom to you!

Anxieties will go away and dreams will come!

Dear friends, our competition program "Girls are different ..." is over.

The competition is over,

The meeting ended

The hour of parting has come.

We are all a little tired

But we were kept warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Happy Spring Festival!

I thank everyone who was with us today. I wish you health, happiness, kindness and spring mood! Until next time! slide number 18

3 competition "Culinary"

    Magpie's signature dish is thieves (porridge).
    2. Zucchini delicacy (caviar).
    3. Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes).
    4. Maxi cake (cake).
    5. What is left of the jam when all the berries have been eaten out of it (syrup).
    6. A bakery product that can be steered (steering wheel).
    7. The product that the crow was going to have for breakfast (cheese).
    8. A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and chicken (omelet).
    9. Fruit kefir our way (yogurt).
    10 Bagel - undersized (drying).
    11. The bird who got into the soup for his thoughts (turkey).
    12. The name of the porridge that Korablev poured out of Denisk's window (semolina).
    13. What did Buratino eat in the tavern, paying for himself, the cat and the golden fox? (crust of bread).
    14. Which of the notes is not needed for the compote? (salt)

15. Runaway bakery product (bun)

"We are cooking porridge" (the teacher reads, the children write out)

- From the proposed poem, write out something from which you can cook porridge.

Magpie - white-sided conceived

Cook porridge - feed the children.

Gathered to the market,

Yes thoughtful.

What does she need to buy

To cook porridge,

Feed your children?

New milk?





Jellied meat?

Sugar and salt?

White beans?

Ghee butter?

Salted fish?

Bay leaf?

Chinese rice?

Prunes and raisins?

Chocolate delight?

Sweet pepper?

Tatar sauce?

Strawberry jam?

Sponge cake?

Leading... Each girl is a hospitable hostess. He will seat all the dolls, feed them with cereals. Or maybe our hostesses will be able to draw up a new recipe for making porridge. 5th competition - "Kashka-Malashka". From the set, you need to select the necessary cards and arrange them in the order in which you will cook the porridge. The competition is estimated at 5 points.

















Music sounds. A competition is underway. The girls go off to change.

Raspberry berry competition

Participants of the competition receive cards that list berries (currants, strawberries, raspberries), fruits (banana, apple, pear), vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper). Within five minutes, the girls must come up with, and then tell about those masks that can be prepared from these products (From what? For what? What is the effect?) For victory, 5 points are awarded for each mask.

Competition " Interesting stories»

Each team prepares a short message for 1-2 minutes. The first command is about the history of the origin of the fork, the other is about the spoon. For the most informative story, 5 points are awarded.

Correct Behavior Competition

The participants of the competition are offered situations from which they have to get out. One team receives a card with the task: “In a crowded bus they poured fruit juice on your new blouse. What to do?"; the other - “The heel is broken, and there is still a long way to go. How to proceed?". The team wins, whose way out of this situation will be more original. 10 points are awarded for the victory.

Contest "Speak Correctly"

Each team receives a sheet of paper with words that need to be stressed (beetroot, fetaki, kebab), pick up a rhyme (broom, flower, refrigerator), explain the meaning of the word (canapé, julienne, fruit drink). For the victory, the team receives 5 points in each category.

Contest "Do it yourself"

Participants of the competition must make an adornment (beads, bracelet or brooch) from improvised means (buttons, beads, pins, pieces of fabric, beads). The team, whose decoration will be more original, will be named the winner. For winning the competition, the team is awarded 10 points.

Competition "These fragrant spices"

One representative from the team participates in the competition. In two minutes, the participants should write down the maximum amount of spices they know. For each spice listed, the participants bring the team 1 point.

Soup competition

One representative from the team participates in the competition. The task of the first girl is to tell you how to cook mushroom soup, and the task of the second is chicken. The completeness and correctness of the answer is assessed. For the victory, the team receives 10 points.

Competition "A whole field of flowers"

Contestants will receive a balloon and felt-tip pens. On command, one of the participants begins to inflate the balloon to the maximum size, and the other girls must draw flowers on it. After two minutes, the balloons are deflated and the jury will count the number of flowers on the balloons. The team that drew more than their rivals wins this competition. 5 points are awarded for the victory.

Contest "Much from nothing"

Contestants receive a card with the phrase "empty refrigerator". The task is to form the maximum number of new words from this phrase within 3 minutes. Letters can be repeated. For each new word, the team gets 1 point.

Competition "A Feast for the Whole World"

Participants in the competition must write a chain consisting of various dishes in three minutes. The first word is "dish". The next word should start with the letter "o" and so on. The team with the longer chain will be the winner. 5 points are awarded for this competition.

« Homework»

All the participants were given the task: to complete the craft using any technique. Each participant is given the opportunity to present her work: to tell about the technique, materials, what it is intended for. Creativity is encouraged. Message for 1 - 2 minutes. On a 10-point scale, the following are assessed: originality, accuracy of work and author's presentation.

Love does not love

Each of the participants is offered some famous phrase about love ( Appendix). Their task is to depict this phrase with the help of pantomime. Those girls who are the most understandable and expressive receive points for their team.

At the end, the jury sums up the results of the entire program. While the jury is working, a song from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!" Is played. The host invites the teams to take a collective photo. The winning team will be awarded a sweet prize, and all its participants will be awarded the title "Lady Perfection".


Phrase options:

    “I am writing to you - what more?
    What else can I say? "

    “I remember a wonderful moment:
    You appeared before me ... ",

    "Love has no age;
    But to young, virgin hearts
    Her impulses are beneficial ... "

    “I love you, love still, perhaps
    In my soul it has not completely faded away ... "

    “I love you, - even though I am mad,
    Even though this is work and shame in vain ... "

    competition Warm-up "(Chamomile).

    To understand all the tricks of housekeeping, you need to know a few tricks. (Chamomile is made of paper, questions are written on the petals, the participants tear off the petal and answer the question. For each correct answer - 1 point)

    How do you know if a cake is baked? (Pierce with a wooden stick or a match: if the dough does not stick to the stick, then the cake is ready)

    How to peel an onion to keep tears from flowing? (Hold the knife under cold running water)

    What should be done so that the egg does not burst during cooking? (Add salt to water)

    What to do to prevent the beets from losing their color during cooking? (Add a little vinegar to the water)

    What needs to be done without adding water to make the salted soup normal? (Several raw potatoes or rice, wrapped in cheesecloth for a while, dip in soup)

    What needs to be done to make potatoes cook faster? (As it boils, put a tablespoon of butter or margarine in a saucepan)

    What are meatballs? (Meat in the form of a ball of minced meat or fish - fried)

    What are meatballs? (A dish in the form of a ball of minced meat or fish, cooked in broth)

    5th contest "Winders".

    One girl from each team is invited. It is proposed to rewind the threads from one ball to another and guess the riddle written on a piece of paper embedded in the ball. The length of the threads in all balls is the same. The threads are rewound on command. Whoever rewinds the thread first raises his hand. The participant gets an additional point if she guesses the riddle. (4 points + 1 point)

    competition "Merry shopping".

    On the cards are verbs and nouns. The team draws two cards. If they match in value - 1 point.

Appendix No. 2

I iron the dress.

Brooch - I will attach it to the dress.

Cat - I'll take it in my arms and stroke it.

Soap - I'll take it with me to the bathhouse and lather my neck.

Toyota car - I will sit and drive.

Violin - I'll play it.

Hat - I'll put it on my head.

Sausage - fry and eat.

Your crystal one - I'll put it on the table and admire it.

Flowers - I'll sniff.

Mustard - I will spread it on bread.

The doll is naked - I will wash it and put it to sleep.

Playing with the fans : "Song Auction"

Attention fans! While the jury is calculating the points that the participants of the game gained in the second round, we will conduct an auction of songs in which female names are present. The winner is the one who is the last to sing a line from the song ... (a token is awarded to the winner).

The jury announces the results of the 2nd round ...

It is with great sadness that I announce that they are leaving the playground ...

The entertainment program will make the school concert in honor of March 8 bright and cheerful. Contests, dynamic games and quizzes will create a festive atmosphere and will be imprinted in the memory of high school students for a long time.

They will enable children to show their best qualities and talents.

    The competition is attended by 3 pairs "boy-girl". The guys will act as fashion designers. Each pair receives a certain amount of paper (at the discretion of the organizer of the competition), scotch tape and scissors.

    The guys' task is to "sew" a beautiful dress for their partner. The task is given 7 minutes.

    Dance competition. It involves several boy-girl pairs. They will have to waltz. Before the start of the competition, the presenter shows all the participants the basic elements of the dance.

    The task of each couple is to dance a waltz and supplement its main elements with their own (invented). The competition lasts as long as the music is playing.

    The winner is the couple who danced the waltz more or less correctly and supplemented it with their own creative elements. The right to determine the winners is given to the guests of the festive concert.

    Game "Come on, guys"

    There are 2 teams of guys, 5 people each. Also, for each group of participants, you need to choose a thin girl so that all players can pick her up. The assembly hall is divided into 2 parts. Team members stand on one side. In the other, you need to put 2 chairs. On each chair you need to put small ladies' accessories: an elastic band, a hairpin, a bracelet, a ring, a chain.

    The team players must take turns to pick up the girl, carry her to the chair, put one of the objects on it and bring her back. The game lasts until all the accessories from the chair are on the girl. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

    3-5 people participate in the competition. To conduct it you will need colored paper, scissors, glue. Each participant must have at least 3 sheets of paper different colors... Before the start of the competition, the presenter demonstrates a simple scheme for making paper flowers. After that, the participants are given 5 minutes to repeat the actions and work out the technique. Then the contestants start making a bouquet for speed. The competition will take 5 minutes.

A very interesting game that will amuse any audience. For carrying out it is necessary to prepare in advance the plates with the inscriptions:

  • Dentist's office
  • School principal's office
  • Zoo
  • Toilet
  • Construction
  • Pension Fund
  • Bakery
  • Uninhabited island
  • Basement

Participants sit with their backs to the audience. Each of them has a plate on the back with the inscriptions suggested above. You cannot say out loud what is written, otherwise the game will lose interest. The guests know what will be discussed, but the participants do not and the participants can answer the questions proposed by the moderator as they please, except for "yes" and "no".

Questions to suggest:

  • Do you often go there?
  • Do you like this place?
  • Who do you usually take with you there?
  • What items do you take with you when you go to this place?
  • What are you doing there? How much money are you willing to spend on this place?
  • Who would you like to take with you next time you go there?
  • Culinary intuition

The contestants are blindfolded and given a fork in their hands. The task is to determine what is in front of them by touching each proposed product with a fork. You can use an apple, onion, potato, tomato, cucumber, etc. in the competition. For each correct answer 1 point.

  • Defile

Participants are invited to pass in the manner written on a piece of paper that they draw out. The options can be as follows:

  • famous yogi;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Fairy princess;
  • a toddler who has just learned to walk;
  • Sergey Zverev;
  • President of Russia;
  • bodybuilding champion;
  • rat Shushera;
  • famous supermodel;
  • ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Draw a flower

4-6 people participate. The guys are building one after another, sideways to the guests. The last player is shown a simple drawing of a flower drawn on paper and asked to draw it, without speaking out loud, on the back of the participant standing in front of him. Now he is already trying to draw what, as he understood, was drawn on his back. And so we reach the first participant, who depicts the final drawing on paper. As a rule, the drawing reaches the last player in a distorted form.

  • Guess the toy

To conduct such a game, the participants need to blindfold and give a soft toy in their hands. Task: guess what kind of toy was in the hands. Usually, this game is fun, because the manufacturers of soft toys allow some weirdness in the appearance of their products.

  • Happy Holidays!

Couples boy-girl involved. It is necessary to prepare aprons, scarves and flowers in advance (according to the number of pairs). The participating couples stand on the starting line. At the finish, opposite each pair, chairs are placed on which a flower, an apron and a scarf are placed. At the signal from the leader, the boys run to the chairs, take the apron, return to the starting line and put the apron on the girl. After that, they again run to the chair, take the handkerchief and return to the girls and put the handkerchief on them. They do the same with a flower, return to their pair, kneel down, hold out the flower and say: "Happy Holidays!"

  • Miss Sponges

Girls are invited to paint their lips with bright lipstick, after which

they will have to leave a lip imprint on a small square sheet of cardboard. WITH back side sign whose sponges are. The members of the jury should evaluate this competition, but it is best to mark the girls in the nominations (Miss Sugar Sponges, Miss Mysterious Lips, Miss Seductive Lips, Miss Smile, etc.).

  • Royal feast

Imagine that you have been invited to a royal feast. Various treats were displayed on the tables, but all their names began with the letter "K". Participants in the allotted time should write down on a piece of paper what these could have been.

  • A game of wits

Each participant has a set of six letters: К, О, С, И, Л, К, А. For each correct answer 1 point, + 1 point for the first one who coped. Questions can be, for example, the following: Winged fashionista, striped dress. Growth, albeit a crumb, will bite - it will be bad! (Wasp). She is about the size of a small dog, but can, like a wolf, throw herself into a fight. Erect ears and predatory teeth. From the fur of a fluffy red fur coat. (Fox) etc.

  • Choose a gift

To play the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards, which are put in different bags. The participant pulls out a card from the first bag, reads the name of the item written on it. Then he takes the second one from another bag, and reads the action that he will perform with this item. The winner is the one with the funniest hits.

1 set of cards (items):

  • toy
  • flowers
  • pomade
  • nail file
  • hairbrush
  • ring

2 set of cards (actions):

  • play and admire
  • sniff and indulge
  • paint
  • torment
  • comb
  • wear on a finger
  • Joke for girls

The girls are told that now they will play one very interesting game... To do this, ask them to stand in a circle, then squat down and put their hands on the floor. After that, the facilitator asks each one in turn to repeat after him the phrase "I (person's name) do not know how to play this game." After everyone has pronounced this phrase, the presenter gets up, shakes himself off and says, looking down at everyone: "Well, why are you here then?"

Games for moms on March 8

  • Question answer

To participate in this game, mothers and their children are invited, who sit separately from each other. Each is given a piece of paper and a pen. Participants are asked questions, the answers to which they write down without voiceover. The pair with the most matches wins.

  • Best Female Singer

Mothers are invited to sing children's songs to the soundtrack. But sometimes during the performance, the phonogram dies down, and the mothers continue to sing, because the main thing for them is not to get lost. After a while, the phonogram is added again and it becomes clear whether the participant coped with the task or not.

  • Mom is back

Participants need to quickly walk a certain distance with a book on their heads, while holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other and sweeping in front of them.

  • What's on the plate?

For the competition, you need to prepare plates with sugar, salt, soda, flour, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet. Participants are blindfolded and asked to feel what is on each plate. The one who named the contents of all the plates correctly receives the medal “For excellent knowledge of cooking”.

  • big washing

You will need a rope with linen, a basin, two assistants. The assistants hold a taut rope on which the laundry is attached with clothespins. A basin is located at the feet of the participants. At the signal from the presenter, the woman collects the linen (unclenches the clothespins). The foot moves the basin in such a way that the laundry gets into it. You can only move the basin with your feet; you cannot lower the rope. The winner is the one who copes faster.

  • Mom is a detective

Women are welcome, 5-6 people. A child rises on the stage and defiles around the stage for 1 minute. After that, the child goes backstage, where some details are changed for him. appearance, after which he returns to the participants. The facilitator says in advance how many differences need to be found. Mothers should name (or write down on a piece of paper) what changes have occurred.

  • Mom and baby

Mothers are invited to participate, who are invited to swaddle a newborn (doll). But for the purity of the experiment, moms are divided into pairs and their touching hands are tied. It is in such a difficult situation that mothers should swaddle.

  • Compliment

The game is played in the form of a verbal duel. Each participant must convince her rival of her superiority. For this, one of the participants says: "I am the most beautiful", the other answers her: "But I am the smartest." Then the third is connected, etc. You cannot repeat yourself. The winner is the one who names more qualities and will never repeat it.

  • Ringing

Contestants will receive hoops. Their task is to place as many children as possible in their hoop. The participant must put the hoop on the child, lower the hoop along the body to the floor and allow the child to step over the hoop. The task is completed for a while. The winner is the participant who managed to catch more people in 1 minute.

Games for preschoolers on March 8

  • Guess Mom

Children - participants are blindfolded. Mothers line up in front of them. By touch, from hand to hand, children must find their mother.

  • Mom is going to work

The competition is for girls. On the tables are beads, lipstick, a mirror, clips and a purse. At the command of the leader, the participants must put on clips, beads, put on lipstick, take a purse and run to the opposite wall.

  • Fun warm-up

All participants stand in a circle, alternating between mother and child. The players pass the object in a circle to the music (you can take any). As soon as the music stopped playing, the participant who had the object in his hands must complete the presenter's task. For parents, tasks are given more difficult (for example, sing, recite a verse, say 10 compliments to the presenter, etc.). It is easier for children, for example, to laugh out loud, kiss all the mothers in a circle in turn, shake hands with everyone, sit down 5 times, etc.

  • Who will be the first to blow off the ball

As a rule, no holiday is complete without balloons. You can also organize a lot of interesting entertainment with them. For example, something like this:

first you need to mark the start and finish line. At the command of the presenter, the children begin to blow each on their own ball. Whose ball reaches the finish line the fastest, he won.

  • Create a human face

For this game on March 8, you will need balloons, scarves, markers. Couples involved - a mother with a child. At the command of the presenter, the mother should inflate the balloon to a medium size, tie a scarf on it in the way that grandmother's scarves are usually tied under the chin. After that, the ball is passed to the child, who must draw a person's face with a marker. Whoever copes with this task faster and better becomes the winner.

Contests for high school girls on March 8

For high school girls, you can organize a competition program "From Smile to Gesture", which will be aimed at the manifestation of any of the six senses (smell, hearing, sight, taste, intuition, touch). When selecting contests for this event, you can use, for example, the following:

  • "Connoisseurs of the senses"

For 1 minute, the participants write down the names of emotions or feelings that a person can experience on a piece of paper.

  • "Mysterious scent"

Girls identify the contents of the jars by smell and write down the answers on a piece of paper. Jars can be mint, coffee, allspice, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, etc.

  • "Jewelry fingers"

There are many different small things in a three-liter jar. Participants with a blindfold should groping for the object that the presenter will name. The task is completed for a while.

  • "Perfect pitch"

The girls are asked to listen to the audio recording with sounds and determine what they heard. The task is performed in turn, the sounds are different for everyone.

  • "Tastes could not be discussed"

Blindfolded participants are invited to drink the juice and determine its taste. Choose juices for the competition with a double taste - plum-apple, carrot-banana, etc.

  • "I sit high, I look good"

A boy appears on stage with many different accessories and small details in his clothes. For a minute, the participants look at him, after which the child leaves so that in a couple of minutes he will reappear on the stage. The task of the participants is to determine what has changed in his appearance.

The winner of such an event leaves the celebration with the proud title "Lady Perfection".

In conclusion competition program the participants will be awarded. So that no one is offended, the awarding can be carried out in nominations.