The most beautiful script for the last call. Scenario of the last call in the style of a movie (movie). Lyric music has gone

Holiday " Last call"/High school graduation


The "Last Call" holiday (the second name is "The Last Lesson", since the main idea of ​​the event is to give graduates an opportunity to remember all the lessons of the school curriculum) has been held in our school for many years. This holiday usually takes place on May 25, after the solemn assembly, in the assembly hall of the school. The hall is prepared accordingly: desks and chairs are placed for graduates, and chairs for teachers, parents and guests (the hall itself must also be decorated accordingly). The scenarios were tested, the holidays were great. The event is designed for about an hour and a half. It is advisable to start preparing the holiday in advance (one and a half to two months), and to think over all the issues in advance (decoration of the hall, arrangement of tables and chairs, invitations, flowers, musical accompaniment, speeches of teachers, parents, etc.) and those responsible. It is also very important to correctly distribute the words among the graduates, to rehearse the script in such a way that the children on the stage do without the help of adults, and feel free on the stage. Most of the graduates are involved on the stage, but several people stay in the hall during the performance, they hand flowers to the teachers (according to the script).

Graduates take the stage

Sing a song"Childhood, childhood, where are you running ..."

Childhood, childhood, where are you running,
Childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry.
I haven't played enough with you yet
Childhood, childhood, where are you going? Wait.

And I want, and I want again

Ride on a scooter around the yard.

Childhood, childhood, where have you gone
Where I found a cozy corner.
I can't catch up with my dear childhood,
It remains to remember with sadness.

And I want, and I want again
Run on rooftops, chase pigeons.
Tease Natasha, pull the braid,
Ride a scooter around the yard

Graduates read poetry

We're all at the school doorstep

And before us in life there are a hundred ways.

And everyone will choose their own path

And there will be many years to go along it.

But it won't be today, tomorrow!

But it will be tomorrow, not now!

Well, today we are still by right

Let's go for the last time in our


And we will remember how many, many years

We were in a hurry to go to lessons on call.

And sometimes we got "deuces",

Yes, in general, there were many school troubles!

And I will sit at the school desk

And next to them are school friends.

And it will hurt me a little

That I will never be -

Neither a schoolgirl nor a student

Not a girl with a big bow!

Only sometimes we will dream

Our school class and school house!

I look back and childhood

He will wave a timid hand to me.

And nowhere to go

Do not shout "Wait" for time!

I will look back and again

I'll see a cute school class!

Let it be! We are ready!

Let it be! And now

The song of the graduates to the melody of the song from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession"

Graduation somehow suddenly knocked on the door

Do you really believe me and do not believe?

It seems that yesterday we sat down at our desks

These years, like one month, flew by!

Chorus: The last bell will ring,

We will go beyond the school threshold,

But I don't want to leave

We will never forget the school!

Graduates take turns speaking the words.

It wasn't easy getting an education.

It is not easy not only to receive, but also to give an education!

Thanks to our dear teachers!



Differing in intelligence and ingenuity

Not amenable to the bad influence of their students

Poems - congratulations to the first teachers

For the first time many years ago we were brought to school.

We were afraid of everything then, we were so small.

And there were tears in our eyes, we have flowers in our hands.

You greeted us with a smile and took us to classes.

You always gave us so much affection and warmth,

Everything that we have achieved, we owe you.

Years go by, we grow up, and that day is not far away,

When we will bring our children to school.

You will meet them with a smile and take them to the class.

And you will recognize us in our mischievous children.

How will our fate be? Where will it take us?

But we will always remember you

Our first teacher!

Graduates present flowers to the first teachers. It is possible to provide the word.

All that was with us before this day,

Today we want to remember, friends ...

A lesson, a change, and a call again,

And so reluctance to go to class

Guys, what's on schedule?

CALL (lesson of Russian language / literature)

1. one of the graduates has a bell in his hands, the bell in which denotes "change of lessons"

2. Several graduates have textbooks for grades 10-11 in their hands, which the guys lift up as needed, demonstrating the "change of lessons"

to the melody of the song "Earth in the window ..."

And again to the composition, and again to the composition….

We are preparing all day long

CALL (history lesson)

to the melody of the song "Blue Carriage"

We sit on history, worry: will they call, or will they carry it over again?

If you have not prepared for the lesson, then it will not be in vain!

Chorus. Dates, events in my head are confused.

If only one more time to look into the book!

Each of the summoned speaks slowly ...

It's great, after all, that we won't take the exam!

CALL (math lesson)

to the melody of the song "Forest Sun"

Alas, we are destined to fight with mathematics.

It looks like the head is made of amber pine.

In it you skillfully fanned the coals of the fire.

That's all over, it's time to leave.

Chorus. We know, among us, there are few geniuses.

Do not judge us harshly for the last time! (2 p.)

CALL (biology lesson)

You are our bunny, we are bunnies, you are our kitten, we are kittens.

You are our pestle. We are stamens, you are our microbe, we are motes.

You are photosynthesis, we are plants. You are our bush, we are the roots.

You are our cell, we are the core, you are our shin. We are the hip ...

... We sleep badly at night, we cram biology, because we want you to like it - 2 rubles.

CALL (chemistry lesson)

The sun rises behind the mountains
Tears are dripping from my eyes.
Full of sadness and misery
I will tell the story.
We love to chemistry very much -
Mix everything in a test tube.
But, however, our teacher
He doesn't want us to bet five.
Fluorine molecule, two chlorine atoms,
Plus a nitrogen atom, a piece of mumiyo.
Add dry golden sand -
And it crashed again, here, damn it, e-mine ...
Five grams of oxygen, one of hydrogen
A kilo of carbon, a piece of mumiyo.
I splashed some water, blew a little -
Once again it exploded, here, damn it, e-mine ...

CALL (geography lesson)

to the melody of the song "The Bremen Town Musicians"

You come to the lesson with a map, we travel together at a desk.

Rivers, mountains, countries, cities, we will always find them on the map. (2 p.)

This knowledge will be useful to us, you can not be afraid to get lost.

And when we travel around the world, we will not forget your lessons. (2 p.)

CALL (local history lesson)

About everything that is in the world, everyone in his own time learns.

And he will tell everything that happened, a lesson in Cuban studies.

Who was the ruler in the Bosporus, how is Ust-Labinsk glorified,

The teacher, a young specialist, will tell us everything.

CALL (foreign language lesson)

You came to the lesson with a gentle, affectionate look, And you want to conduct a dialogue ...

Tell me in Russian, what do you want, what do you need,

Then, maybe, it will make sense. (2 p.)

After all, it is very difficult for us to understand your speeches, that is why we do not go to contact.

You tell me in Russian, what do you want, what do you need, Then, maybe, it will make sense. (2 p.)

CALL (physics lesson)

Don't wait for him, mom, a good son. Your son is not the same as he was yesterday

He was dragged in by the physics quagmire, Then the doctor's nerves will heal.

With the teacher we love, physics is relatives, there would be only a three in the magazine for children,

there would only be a three, but a three is fatter ...

CALL (physical education lesson)


Another lesson ended, we barely got up from the desk,

Heard one more lesson, and everyone ran to gym.

We all became athletes, and if we want,

in any competition, of course, we will win ...

CALL (informatics lesson)

What is happening in the world, but there will be a lesson, there will be a lesson, you believe, but we believe,

We visit this lesson once a week, And we will learn all the notes, give us a time limit.

How will it all end? There will be a test.

There will be a test, are you sure? Of course I'm sure!

So, get ready, because I have checked this rumor, but you don’t believe it, the parallel class is coming!

CALL (social studies lesson)

We love that you taught us, we love that we studied with you,

that you always entered a noisy classroom with stern but kind eyes,

we like that you can make some noise, argue, discuss doubts with you ..,

and you can even sing songs with you, about what happened and what will happen to us ...


Our dear teachers!

Forgive us, we are to blame, we brought a lot of grievances,

and were sometimes rude, and life without problems is not for us ...

We will understand, albeit late, albeit early, as knowledge is needed in life,

And we tell you "thank you ", with all our hearts we love you

And as a token of our gratitude and respect, let me present flowers.

Graduates are giving flowers

To the teacher of the Russian language and literature

for the ability to reveal and show the beauty and richness of the native language.

For math teachers

for the firm conviction that two times two is four.

History teacher

for the ability not to get lost in historical events.

Social studies teacher

for the ability (to keep us on our toes / strain us) in each lesson.

Physics teacher

for the ability to teach children to distinguish a barometer from a voltmeter.

Chemistry teacher

for the ability to confirm knowledge empirically.

Biology teacher

for loyalty to our smaller brothers.

Geography teacher

for the ability to organize a trip without leaving the classroom.

Foreign language teachers

for the ability to instill love for foreign language like a family.

To the teacher of Kuban studies

for the introduction of love for a small homeland into light - to the point of transparency - our heads.

Computer science teacher

for the fact that he managed to grow stunted sprouts of computer knowledge in the barren desert.

Physical education teacher

for the ability to teach to overcome any obstacle.

I can't say without excitement

You gave us your heart and soul,

And we are all in your debt.

On this May solemn day

We finally became adults.

And let you, dad - mom, warm you,

The warmth of grateful hearts

Leaving the stage

The floor to the homeroom teachers

Thanks to our homeroom teachers

for the love carried through all adversity.

Watching a video (a video about school life was prepared in advance by graduates)

Congratulations to the administration

And, of course, with the release of 2017, we want to congratulate the school administration in the person of

School principals ...

Deputy Directors __________________________________________________________

The ship is sailing through the waves of knowledge, and you are at the helm.

You lead the entire crew of the ship clearly and skillfully.

Of course, sometimes it got stormy, but you could convince everyone,

That the storm is just a breath, that it is only two miles to the ground!

And we found words worthy, and we will say without unnecessary phrases:

We are very grateful to you for everything! And we all love you very much!

Leaving the stage

The floor is given to the principal of the school, flowers are handed over.

Congratulations to the school staff

We want to say words of gratitude and gratitude to people who did not teach us lessons,

but, nevertheless, one cannot do without them at school.

Dear Deputy Director for Economic Affairs, social teacher... clerks, librarian, medical, technical staff and school meals.

We wish you health, we wish you well,

To make your life better tomorrow than yesterday.

Let your strength not decrease, let joy shine in your eyes.

May happiness not leave you either in your life or in your business.

Graduates are presenting flowers.

Everybody goes up to the stage

Alumni song to the melody "Beyond the Mists"

So I got ready for the lesson for the last time, Our unlucky, our eleventh grade.

There, beyond the fogs, blue, distant, There, beyond the fogs, the coast beckons us. (2 p.)

And we will break through, we are no stranger to storms, We will fight and seek our dream.

And behind the fogs, blue, distant, the School will always believe in us and wait. (2 p.)

Graduates read poetry - words to parents

Well, that's all, and you can put an end,

And the chapter seems to have been completed.

But three more lines are not finished yet,

and important words are not spoken.

Our dear parents!

We are all beloved children here:

Your boys and your girls.

Your little ones, your little ones,

There are no us dearer, nearer and more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons.

How many hard and long years

Lived for daughters and sons!

First tooth and first word

The first step and all the first again:

Books, poems, kindergarten, first grade,

Joy of success and tears more than once.

Your diseases and your wrinkles

Your fatigue and your grayness,

All this was given to you by your children,

This is how these beloved ones are given.

Take on their misfortune and sorrow

You have not been tired all these years.

How much it hurts you now to give us away

How you want to keep us.

And even for a year or two,

Seeing children in front of you.

Graduates present flowers to parents

Yes, the story of the school is coming to an end

Chapters completed, dreams examined.

No longer hoping for someone's clues,

We ourselves must solve all the problems.

Not every trail will be smooth

Not all trials will be easy

And life lies in front of us like a notebook,

In which there is not a line yet.

Graduates sing Vitas' song "Star"

So many times I asked myself a question
Why was I born, I grew up and grew
Why do the clouds float and the rains fall
In this world, don't expect anything for yourself

I would fly to the clouds - yes there are no wings
That starlight beckons me from afar
But the star is not easy to reach, although the goal is close
And I don't know if I have enough strength to throw

I'll wait a little longer
And I'll get ready to go
Followed by hope and dream

How many more roads I have to go
How many peaks I have to conquer to find myself
How much do I fall from a sheer cliff
How much to start from scratch, and is there any point

I'll wait a little longer
And I'll get ready to go
Followed by hope and dream
Do not burn out my star, wait

Graduates leave the stage, enter the hall.

Feedback from class teachers

The class teachers take turns singing to the melody of the song "Do you believe me or not"

Underlined text, the homeroom teachers sing together, and the last verse is sung by the graduates.

Our children have grown up

The last bell rang

I am happy and anxious

Do you believe me or not?

Believe it or not ...

Yes, of course, I believe you,

And I ask you, do not be alarmed,

I suggest you better remember

Events of these years ...

Two recent years.

Yes, I remember the day I met

We greeted with caution

But each other perfectly

We understand now ..

Is it right, my class?

I remember how our classes

Conflicted with each other

And we didn't always understand

Each other as it is now

This is how it is now.

I remember I was in sorrow

CRA then wrote

25% twos ...

Believe me or not

Believe it or not ...

Yes, of course, I believe you,

But it gets worse

I saw my protocol

With a deuce, everyone was second

With a deuce, every second ...

But on the other hand, in the Olympiads

Mine overtook yours

Well, and in the passes a little,

Believe me or not

Believe it or not ...

Yes, of course, I believe you,

But we are not bastard either,

And in sports

We are always the first ...

We are the winners ...

We met fire on the bridge

KVN performed

They ran away from gym ...

No, this is not about us

Well, just an angel, not a class

But this is about us ...

And we drew a newspaper

They lit up at the disco

Disappeared from consultations ...

No, this is not about us

Well, just an angel, not a class

But this is about us ...

Remembering these years

Concluding our dialogue

We want to tell you together

We will remember you for a long time

But each more is a class

Well, of course, your class

Do you believe us or not?

Believe it or not ...

Yes, we certainly believe you.

Can there be any doubt

We are grateful for everything

It's not a secret at all ...

Do you believe us or not?

Believe it or not

Additional materials

Graduates' poems

Usually, in June, according to school tradition

An unforgettable act is being held ...

And we will scatter like free birds,

Without breaking long-term contact.

We waited, worried, for this moment:

And here it is - the will, in the hands of the certificate!

But my heart, I know, is beating for some reason,

Not only for girls, but also for guys.

Alumni song

For a long time exams like a black cloud attacked us with inevitable darkness,

But we broke through in all directions, even without tanks, fire, or artillery.

Finally, all the topics have been told, all the theorems have been successfully proved.

All units in the journal have been corrected, and all "5" have been put in the protocol.

Chorus: Let's get to the school porch, let's sing a song to the end,

Let's sit down, my friend, let's keep quiet, let's look into each other's eyes!

Graduates' poems

Wide doors will open wide

And you cross the threshold

You are young and excited

You don't even believe

That this is the beginning of the road.

And maybe really on our doorstep

We will remember with you now

About the first call and the first lesson,

On the first path to first grade.

11 years have flown by, and we can't believe it now,

That once, in a noisy flock, we came to our first class

Imperceptibly time rushed, a year as a day, and a day as an hour

Imperceptibly we walked every year from class to class.

We divided the luck and the hardships in half

And the school became dearer to us from year to year.

And today, parting, we say thank you to everyone,

From the bottom of our hearts we wish both teachers and relatives.

For 11 years we have been going to this day: we have a certificate in our hands, and before us is an independent, adult life!

My years are growing

Will be eighteen.

Where do I work then

what should i do?

Turning over the list of professions,

reel on your mustache -

all work good,

choose the taste!

Needed workers -

joiners and carpenters!

It's good for the carpenter

but an engineer is better,

I amI would go to build a house,

let me be taught.

Engineer OK,

and the doctor is better

I would go to treat children,

let me be taught.

Doctors feel good

but lawyers are better,

I would go to lawyers,

let me be taught.

Yes, the office is good

but in nature it is better

I'd go as a geologist,

let me be taught.

The geologist is good

and the broker is better,

I would go to brokers,

let me be taught.

Yes, the stock exchange is good

but it's better on the plane

I would go to the pilots,

let me be taught.

The pilot is good

and the journalist is better,

I will go to journalists

let me be taught.

The journalist is good, but the models are better

I would go in a model

let me be taught.

Models are good, but a deputy is better,

I would go to parliament,

let me be taught.

The deputy is good, but the teacher is better.

I would go to the teacher,

let me be taught.

Song about teachers

1. If I were a sultan, I would go to school.

And I became a teacher, I would read books

But on the other hand, in such cases

How many troubles and worries, ah, save, Allah.


2. We, sultans, know how hard it is for you,

Do everything, take everything into account with these children.

Tears are pouring down, but we want to say

Thank you from us many, many times

Chorus: It's not a bad thing to be a teacher ...

It is much better to live in peace.

3. We sincerely want to wish everyone happiness

And for new victories to gain strength

We send our classmates a fiery hello

Let's just say there is no better person in this world than you.

Chorus: It's not a bad thing to be a teacher ...

It is much better to live in peace.

Graduates' words

Our dear teachers! We are grateful to you for being with us on this important day for us.
We are bold, impulsive, fickle, restless!
And you: wise, strict, balanced and all-forgiving!
We are so different, but still we are together !

Alumni song

What is the main thing in pedagogy?
Love for children.
Love for children? Are you sure?
Yes, I am sure.
I know for sure
And I personally checked it myself.
I know for sure
And I personally checked it myself
Children will respond with recognition
For this love.
How is a teacher perfect?
An open mind.
Just a soul, you think?
I suppose.
And if your heart
He opens it to the children.

And if your heart
He opens it to the children.
Then the lessons reign
Peace and quiet.

Graduates' words

It's already time for exams, behind all the fears and "tails"

Just as it is impossible to start living anew, so it is impossible to return the old days.

We no longer need to sit at the school desk, we no longer stand at the blackboard,

Do not look for free rivers on the map, and you do not need to fill out the diary.

Alumni song

We call our school

Little country.

There are people with kind eyes,

There, the life of love is full.

Children can have fun there

There is no evil and grief.

They didn't let us be lazy

And they gave light to everyone.

Small country - 2 p.,

We will tell everyone, we will tell everyone,

Where is she, where is she.

Small country - 2 p.,

Where the soul is light and clear,

Where there is always spring.

Go to words about parents

How fast and inexorably time passes ... And all this time our mothers and fathers were next to us. Exactly a month ago, at the Last Call holiday, you were with us and told us parting words before the exams. With your help and support, we have overcome all challenges. Today is our prom and it's great that you are with us, here in this hall.

Song to parents

Holiday (2 times) we celebrate with the family

Party (3 times) graduation

Certificates will be issued

The relatives have a reason to meet again.

Chorus: grandmothers next to mothers,

And the rest of the relatives

They look at us with adoration

And they want to congratulate us!

Poems for parents

Thank you, our dear parents!

Forgive us if we offended you.

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience

For the gray hair on the temples of my father

And for the wrinkles of my own face

And we bow down to you to the ground

Thank you, dear ones, that we have you!

The floor is given to parents

Final song

Our school felt a little sad

Silence came to the offices.

Pets go on the road again

The farewell song is heard again.

Don't be sad, smile goodbye

Remember school days, remember

Wish your wishes come true

Wish your friends a new meeting.

Chorus: Friends are breaking up,

tenderness remains in the heart,

We will cherish friendship, goodbye,

see you soon!

Note: while preparing the script, materials from the newspaper "The Last Call" and the collection of A. Yaroslavtsev "Hello, School!" (Krasnodar, 1994), as well as our own developments.



Music noise, vanity,
Rainbows holiday, nights without sleep -
In a school notebook, covered to cover,
Spring will put a point today.

All the commotion was whirled around the spring,
But, as usual, on time,
Our successes, mistakes, accomplishments -
The final call will summarize everything.

The trill of the school bell rings, the bell (a girl in the Bell costume) appears on the stage, runs around the circle, stands up to the microphone.

Call. Hello dear teachers, parents are guests! I'm a school bell. Exactly 11 years I saw off our graduates from class to class, and today I came to see them off on the long road of life, the ladder of classes ended. Today it will end as soon as my sad farewell song is played.

Dear graduates! My time has come, it does not stand, I invite you to the last school line.


Attention, friends, attention!
Our holiday begins.
Good and happiness wishes
Let it not end today.
Saying goodbye to school with sadness,
A piece of her magic
They promise to keep in the heart
The culprits of the occasion.
Confused and happy
Now they will appear before us.
And their feelings are unique
They will not be able to express in words.

Leading: School! Stand at attention by the alumni meeting of the 2008-2009 academic year, aligning with the school graduates.

School song melody.

The hall includes graduates with class teachers.

Greetings 11 A class- class teachers V.P. Shiryaeva and Prokusheva L.N. ( classroom teacher and the first teacher accompanies the class).

We meet 11 B grade- class teachers Popova N.A. and Belousova N.I.

The threshold of the school porch crosses 11 Classroom teachers NN Rassadnikova and Degodyeva T.G.


Spring took possession of the land without a fight.
In the calendar due date.
School says goodbye to you today
Today is the last call

The festive line dedicated to the Holiday of the Last Bell and the release of 2009 should be considered open.

The anthem of Russia is played.

Leading... So this solemn and exciting day has come, the day when the last school bell will ring for you. Hearing him, you will turn with sadness, look back at the years that will never return. This is the happiest and most carefree time that has given you a lot of good things: strong knowledge, useful skills, loyal friends, first love. You are the most unique for the school. According to the established tradition, the floor for congratulations and announcement of the order on admission to the Unified State Examination is given to the director of OSOSH N 1 ... ...


Leading: Today your school friends, students of grade 10 A, have come to congratulate you.

4 tenth graders are entering the stage.

1st presenter.

In a year we will be standing in your place,
We will worry as much as we do now.
We wish you good luck from the bottom of our hearts.
And we ask you to listen to advice from us.

2nd presenter.

If someone immediately got caught with a spur,
For an act this "deuce" threatens you
Remember how many good teachers
And hope for indulgence at this moment.

3rd presenter.

And we will continue your business at school,
Let's head the paved path.
Go boldly to the cherished goal,
And in a year we will follow you!

4th presenter.

Today we take the baton
From your strong hands, graduates.
You launched a rocket to knowledge,
We will launch our shuttles for her.

1st presenter.

And so from year to year, from century to century
Man strives upward, towards knowledge.
And you - successfully continue your path,
And for us - to hold our school banner with dignity!

Tenth graders perform a song to the melody "Everything will pass." Annex 1

  1. Soon the bell will ring in silence
    Fun and sad.
    No lessons, no change -
    It will suddenly become immediately empty.
    And we won't have older friends
    Kind and cheerful.
    And you will come as guests, now
    To your home school.


Everything will pass - both sadness and joy,
Everything will pass - this is how the light works.
Everything will pass, you just have to believe,
That love does not pass, no

  1. We will miss you very much
    At the time of big tests.
    You will have to get used to it now.
    To new completely worries.
    But remember us sometimes
    And the faces will brighten.
    Through flying, whirlwind years
    School friendships last.

2nd presenter... How we do not want to part with our graduates! After all, they are the smartest!

3rd presenter... Beautiful!

4th presenter... Kind!

1st presenter... Talented!

2nd presenter... Sensitive!

3rd presenter... Raised!

4th presenter... How can we do everything so that they stay for at least a year in our school ?!

1st presenter... Need to think!

2nd presenter (joyfully)... O! Close the doors before exams and lose your keys!

3rd presenter... No! Better to let the exam tickets go down the drain, so that they fly, fly! ..

4th presenter... Or maybe sneak into school and make mistakes in your essays! Well?

1 .leading. Take it easy! This is just now passed on to us. (Shows a printed sheet.) An order from Moscow. From the Ministry of Education. I am reading. "In connection with the new requirements of modern society for the youth of our country, in connection with the coming year of youth, I order: to increase the number of years of study in schools by three years, starting from May 2009 Minister __________".

Leading (together)... Hooray!

1st presenter (referring to 11 grades)... Why aren't you happy, eleventh graders? Do you want to stay?

To the music. graduates are on the stage.

1st graduate.

Very soon we will say goodbye to school,
Our last bell will ring.
We anxiously sit down at our desks,
As once upon a time in the first lesson.
We were taught good within these walls;
We went to school as to our family.
Here we spent our childhood
Here we met our youth.

2nd graduate. We devote the first lines of our speech to the first teachers.

The first teacher forever
You will stay. All school years
We peered into cute features--
How much kindness and warmth are in them!
What love, patience stock
You need to learn all of us,
Understand, help, forgive
or to scold, -
At the same time, love each and every one.

3rd graduate.

There is no more beloved person in school!
Your radiant eyes are dear to us,
A smile and praise for the cause -
Your kind words are so valuable!
But the main thing is that we have been given a great start,
And we are grateful to you for this.
So in life your knowledge will come in handy!
And henceforth we will try to learn,
So as not to let you down, but to show you,
What knowledge you gave to many at "five".
And we will remember that from your hands
We went to the world of big sciences.

4th graduate. Words of gratitude and gratitude are expressed to the most persistent and selfless teachers of the school - our class teachers.

Very sad for the last time
To hear the overflows of the call ...
He will call us with you
For lessons under the school roof.
We can't believe that already
We don’t have to wear a "shift"
Run away from lessons sometimes
Wait for a fun break.

5th graduate.

You don't have to stand at the blackboard
And drive along the map with a pointer,
You don't have to write cheat sheets
And with a plea to catch clues.
Everything will be left behind ...
There is a big road ahead.
We say to the school: “I'm sorry,
Please do not judge us harshly. "
Well, to you, dear, family,
The best in the world, our
Amazing teachers
We will say thank you very much.

6th graduate.

Forgive us for all our sins,
What have these been doing over the years?
We admit our guilt:
We weren't the best.
How much pain, resentment and tears
You were not unintentionally inflicted.
Please forgive us
We loved you very much anyway.

Dear our very first and coolest, class teachers and the kindest and fairest director, Tatyana Valerievna, we ask you to contact us.

The answer from the teachers.

  1. My friend! You, making the earthly path,
    Tied his fate with my fate!
    Now no distance, no year
    We will never be parted!
    Do you remember, as a carefree and cheerful boy
    Did you see the school for the first time?
    I saw delight in your eyes -
    And I saw a smile on my lips.
  2. And you are a snub-nosed girl with a bow
    Do you remember entering the school house?
    Dressed like a doll, all in flowers,
    And curiosity sparkles in my eyes.
    The strings of days fly even faster -
    And there are no more awkward ducklings.
    They all turned into swans
    And the wings grow faster behind your back!
  3. And now you are ready to fly.
    The expanse of life is calling you.
    And the school now has only one concern -
    So that you all become high-flying birds!
    Let the wind beat your wings into your blood,
    Don't get tired of moving forward.
    And I ask you, remember every time:
    The school remembers you and hopes for you!
  4. Undoubtedly, you have grown up,
    Independently - you can understand everything.
    But, remember sometimes the teachers,
    After all, you see, there is something to remember?
    Who was next to you on your life route?
    Who helped overcome the steep turns?
    For everyone, for them, today, you are, in fact,
    Pieces of their wounded soul.
  5. The whole school celebrates this day
    Spring holiday on the threshold of summer.
    And as always, lilacs bloom in the gardens,
    The trill of the nightingale does not stop until dawn.
    Isn't that why the stage is dressed in flowers?
    Isn't that why the hall is brightly decorated?
    That a big change awaits you all
    Not at school, already in your life.
  6. The school marathon is over for you.
    You have passed it from the bell to the bell.
    It is not for us to judge how difficult it is,
    But, time to tell you: "Goodbye"!
    And according to tradition, at the moment of parting,
    With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eyes
    Please accept our sincere wishes,
    God grant you! Goodbye! Good hour!

7 young men with flowers go to the center of the hall, go to the site, stand in front of the teachers.

7th graduate.

We stand in front of you today
At the solemn, cherished hour
And we know: you are behind us again
And again you worry about us.
So unobtrusive and modest
In a stream of different school days
They gave their love exactly
All were accepted as “their children”.

8th graduate.

To root for everything in the world
To delve into everything, to give all your life,
So that children gain knowledge,
And life's purpose could be understood.
Thank you, our dear director,
We are grateful to you to tears.
We don't know where you get your strength
Pulling such a heavy cart!
Teacher, your hard work
Probably nothing can be measured,
Your every day theater and battle
And there is strength to believe in victory!
Bearers of teachings light
You are altruistic by nature
And in human culture
There are no such professions anymore!

9th graduate.

Thank you! Bow to earth
Accept from all graduates,
And in the same way, loving carefully,
Teach your disciples.
We will remember you like that
And we can't change our memory
Graduates are now in front of you
They want to kneel.

The boys get down on one knee, handing flowers to the director, class teachers, first teachers. At this time, the melody of the song "Thank you teachers" sounds.

The teachers leave the stage.

Graduates perform a song to the theme of the song "Crossroads". Appendix 2

So our call has gone away,
That he called us to the lesson,
And the time comes to cross the threshold.
The school threshold is at the start of seven roads.
Together we went the way in 10 years,
The one that left a trace in the memory
About those days gone by
School, teachers,
And ahead of our life is the scope.


Crossroads of seven roads
Here we are!
Young hearts are full of our faith.
And there is one last chance
For us to perform our school waltz,
This dance is farewell and bright for us.

The dance group is built on a waltz.

Call. You are so carried away that you completely forgot about me. The holiday is mine too.
Let me not speak sincerely with you, but I follow the course very, very strictly. I would not speak even now, but some very important persons persistently asked me to give them the floor.

Takes first graders by the hand and leads them onto the stage to the melody of the song "First grader, first grader"

  1. Once we were given a microphone -
    Let him not be silent!
    We will begin to miss you,
    But our hour will come too!
    Even though I'm ugly now
    Freckled pupil
    I will grow up and I will also be called a graduate!
  2. On the last school bell
    We have come to you today.
    They brought you a wish of luck as a gift!
    We won't be very long
    Dithyrambs for you to sing!
    Just what is that word?
    I need to look somewhere ...
  3. You have a lot of such words
    Studied for ten years.
    Image maker, integrals,
    "Relax, menn!", Mobile, buffet!
    We also know about the buffet.
    In vain, eh, at school for a whole year
    Half a lesson "freezes"
    There are high school graduation people in it!
  4. What good kids!
    Well, where else can you meet these?
    Everyone loves to study and listens to mom,
    And they eat porridge without leaving a single gram!
    And there is one among them
    who, imagine, does not smoke,
    And the class cleans up and
    often on duty !!
  5. You are scientists, of course!
    Ten years to count, write!
    From such a cool study
    You can break your head!
    Nothing, don't be upset!
    Knowledge is power, not a burden!
    A month, two collect,
    And faster straight to the university!
  6. We promise you today
    Follow the school here!
    Increase the glory of the school,
    All that is asked is to teach!
    It's better to run, jump further
    Sing beautifully and without falsehood!
    Adults will be respected
    And take the exam for five.
  7. The final exam is coming soon,
    The time is coming
    We sincerely wish
    TOGETHER: You don't have a feather!


These are the dashing ones
first-graders are daring.
These kids are kids
They will give you flowers now.
Petal - wish
Pull on yourself.
And you will immediately know
What lies ahead for you.

Three first graders present large paper flowers to class teachers 11 A, 11 B, 11 C.

(Height-80 cm, the number of petals is the same as the number of students in the class.) Appendix 3

Music background.

10th graduate.

This is how the road ended suddenly,
The one we have walked for so many years.
We are now at the school doorstep
The only way forward - there is no alternative.

Life, like time, cannot be turned back,
We step forward into the wide open distance.
There, ahead, we will find our way in life,
We are only sorry to part with you.

11th graduate.

The last stick of pasta was written
Chalk worn down to the last crumb.
The moment of this is not something that I feared.
I just, it seems, did not have time for something.

It seemed so many years ... the same thing,
But delusion is as old as ancient Rome.
Now I understand what worries me,
After all, every school moment is unique.

12th graduate.

I can’t return to these walls,
My last lesson is over.
But, strange !!! More than anyone else in the world
Now, I want to postpone this term.

Duration of parting with school and friends,
Which I could not wait for ten years ...
It has arrived! And something suddenly happened to us ...
And what? Nobody wants to hear that answer.

Song to the motive "Poplar Fluff"

  1. Remember guys how it all began,
    We were little ones, we were called pearls.
    With round eyes we looked at the world
    And they pored over each letter in the copy.

School time - lessons of darkness:
Russian, foreign language, drawing,
Algebra, history and physics,
Labor, natural history.
School time - spring is in my soul,
Cute girls bows
And boys' daring eyes
And there are bunnies on the walls.

  1. Ten years, like in a fairy tale, rushed, rushed.
    Every year we climbed a class higher.
    Children's drawings were replaced by a drawing,
    New items attracted me.

School time - lessons of darkness:
Physics and Geometry,
OBZH, botany and literature,
MHC and singing.
School time - teachers
Cool watch, meetings,
Where you scolded us sometimes,
For knowledge gaps.

  1. Childhood floats far, far away.
    How to get back to it? Unknown remedy.
    We're a little sad, but we know for sure
    That we leave the heart particles in the school.

School time - friends are everywhere:
Classmates and classmates -
This friendship is "no spill of water"
Will not be erased with an eraser.
School time and behind
Days of fun and carelessness.
Sometimes we will miss
Yours, school, tenderness.

Thank you. Thank you,
For being a mother to us.
And we want to wish you
So that you count everyone on the "5"!

Light music.

Dear our most strict and kind, fair and wise teachers, we ask you to go to the center of the square. Envy us all. We were taught the mind to reason and even achieved success: the students call the teachers parallels.

Flowers are given to teachers.

13th graduate.

Today we say goodbye to school
And tomorrow we have to make a decision:
There are many different and useful professions,
Which road should we choose?
-Where should we go with a certificate?
What institute should we give it to?
Who can help us in this matter?
Of course, dad, mom and family.

1st graduate.

Thank you, our dear parents.
Forgive us if you are offended in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience.

2nd graduate. Our dear parents! In this hall, and in the whole wide world, there is no one closer and dearer than you. It is your parting words that will play a decisive role in our future life.

Parents' speech.

Well, that's all, worries are gone.
School days and years behind
But there's still a lot of work ahead
The whole life, guys, is ahead.

There is no need to slow down the pace of school life,
With a run, it's easier and a longer jump,
While thoughts sparkle with the sun,
Take another step towards it.

The light of knowledge will not hinder you,
Light is always more pleasant than haze
Flowers bloom under the sun
And fade away without its warmth.

Go to the storm of higher knowledge,
School gave you a lot,
The foundation is there, now you are on your own
They must decide their own affairs.

There are many different and good professions,
And although the paths are difficult to them,
I'm sure - you are not afraid of difficult
And you have to walk through them.

It doesn't really matter who you are
It's more important how you live your life
It is more important that awaken in your soul
And what, you will see, is the meaning of all life.

Decide for yourself, choose
Everyone has their own destiny,
But don't ever forget
That we have only one life.

It's not so difficult to break firewood,
It's harder to create and create
But so that life does not seem boring,
You can't dissolve drooling in it.

I want you to be happy
To bring happiness to others,
And how bright and sweet today
Through tens of years and winters!


That's behind your year of study ...
And the first takeoff, and the first fall ...
And on this day we wanted
Do you remember every moment ...
While you are together, class, still close ...
And there is a long, difficult path ahead.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
To ask forgiveness - for something!
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in your difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of all dreams, and dreams!

Just a few seconds and a couple of steps separate you from your new title, the 2009 GRADUATE title. Having taken 2 steps forward, you will become not just 11th graders, but Graduates. School equal up, at attention! Alignment with graduates!


Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
We wish you happiness and good luck again!

Solemn music sounds, graduates cross the line drawn on the square.

Leading: Today is the most long-awaited and most wonderful day. 55 of the most talented, cheerful, cheerful graduates will leave the school firmament. When you leave the school house, we would like you to leave it happy. You are in luck, now you will become witnesses of the rarest phenomenon. Our courtyard has turned into a square of stars, where everyone will have their own light, standing on it you have to make a wish, which will certainly come true, you just have to believe and go forward !!!

Each graduate stands on the Star drawn in the square.

An instrumental melody sounds.


The line is close to completion.
The last call ... A moment of excitement!
I wanted that on this holiday
All your stars have not gone out!
In memory of the kids about you
Stars will light up now!
And on the asphalt - your name!
Traditional stellar finish!

The song "Dozens of the kindest words" to the tune of the song "Do not leave me beloved" performed by "ViaGra".

  1. We do not know what to do with this misfortune,
    After all, we had everything in the world, but not that,
    10 years have passed, were, were not
    So, probably, it was destined, but ...
    How to say in words what the heart says
    And what is it about in the chest, worrying, knocking
    As if praying to God at the blackboard,
    There is only one embarrassment on my lips, but ...
    Dozens of the kindest words
    You are from your students
    Accept in heart and soul.
    Smile nearby and sadness
    Thank you very much for everything.

(In losing, the couples on the stage waltz.)

  1. You gave us 10 years of your life
    Difficult years you shared with us in half
    Let's scatter like swift birds
    Opening the window from the school, but
    We do not know what to do with this misfortune
    After all, we had everything in the world, but not that
    What is ahead we do not know
    Let everything be as destined, but
    Dozens of the kindest words
    You are from your students
    Accept with heart and soul
    Smile nearby and sadness
    We're sorry to part with you
    Thank you very much for everything.

(Graduates, holding hands, swing to the beat of the melody)

Dozens of the kindest words
You are from your students
Accept with heart and soul
Smile nearby and sadness
We're sorry to part with you
Thank you very much for everything.


So that is all. Last time
You will enter the classroom for lesson
I probably can't believe you now,
That the bell will ring for the last time

There is so much joy and sadness in it
And wishes and parting words!
There is a sad, tender look in him from childhood,
But there is no way back for you!


You were in a hurry to grow faster,
But you didn't know yesterday
Like a ray school building,
The last call guides you.
He sings - and it becomes a pity
What's already in golden September
You won't fly over the rope
During recess in the schoolyard ...


Let him ring louder, farewell,
So that everyone can feel
This gentle, but a little sad
Calling you off to the world!

The right to submit the last school call for the 2009 alumni is granted to… and….


The rings are over the beloved school
The call is both clear and cheerful!
Ring the bell! Shimmer
And pour out a song in your heart.
Dreams, hopes, expectations
Everything is in the future, everything is ahead,
But, and now over the school building
Ringing bell, ringing, ringing!

Leading: The Solemn Line dedicated to the Holiday of the Last Call is closed. The line ends and the holiday continues. Farewell photography, friendly handshakes, and the last classroom hours are all awaiting you today and now!

I approve

Director of MBOU RSHG No. 2 __________ E.T. Tsisar

Scenario of the festive line dedicated to the holiday "Last Bell"

(Fanfare sounds)

Leading :

Good morning, spring morning

Met us at the familiar gate.

Elegant, with flowers, cheerful, contented

All school people gathered for the holiday!

(Musical background - waltz)

Leading : -

We welcome all of our students, respected and worried parents to our traditional end-of-school lineup! Pay attention to ours:

- first graders (applause),

Fourth graders who have successfully completed primary school, ninth graders, because for some of them today is also the last school day in our school (applause).

- Tenth graders,

- who have another serene year ahead! (applause)

- We are pleased to welcome the headmaster of the school - Elena Tarasovna Tsisar!

Our head teachers - Tamara Nikolayevna Kuptsova, Svetlana Nikolayevna Nadkirnichnaya, Leonid Petrovich Predolyak!

- Our luminaries of all sciences, dear teachers!

- We are glad to meet our guests:

Chairman of the Razdolnensky village council - Head of the Administration of the Razdolnensky rural settlement - Chernyavsky Pavel Petrovich;

Chief of Staff of the Administration of the Razdolnensky District - Makarova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Leading :

    - for the first time the school releases its pets into a new, adult life.

Leading :

This academic year was special, it is significant for its events: the 70th anniversary of the great Victory in the Great Patriotic War, The anniversary of the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation.


- The school year is coming to an end,

Summer is just around the corner.

But there is one moment ahead:

The result of many years of study.

- The result is beautiful without a doubt:

Our graduate who is 10 years old

Grew up, grew wiser, grew up within these walls,

Left a bright mark on the school!

- The whole school to the elders with respect,

Envious in my soul without words,

With delight, thrill, excitement

Welcomes all graduates!

(muses ... "When we leave the schoolyard")


Attention! Solemn moment. To your endless applause, I invite graduates of the Municipal Budget educational institution"Razdolnenskaya school - gymnasium №2 named after L. Ryabika" 2015!

For 11 years this class was able to prove all theorems, confirm all axioms and derive their own formulas. They refuted all stereotypes and revealed all facets of talents.

Active, artistic, creative, romantic girls and boys are real stars in our school horizon. Cheerful, resourceful, charming, perky. Bright personality - in this class there are no stars alike. Persistent, confidently striding towards the intended goal. The infectious smiles on their faces at school became both lighter and warmer, and the teachers never had to be bored with them.

And to match them - their inimitable class mothers - the first teacher Yakushevskaya Valentina Petrovna and class teacher Kanivets Victoria Vasilievna!


- The solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the last bell is announced open!

School, while playing the State Anthems of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea, stand at attention!

(Anthem of the Russian Federation, Anthem of the Republic of Crimea)


- Every year matured students leave school,

In order to write the laws of life not at the blackboard.

You leave, but they stay here to raise more generations,

Our most important people who have a vocation to teach!

Dear alumni, on behalf of those who helped you to go through the 11-year school path, constantly thought about you, experienced your joys and sorrows with you, rejoiced at your victories, was upset because of failures, on behalf of teachers and all school workers to you the director of the school is Tsisar Elena Tarasovna!

(Director's speech, awarding with diplomas)

Leading: - Surely the graduates remember that on September 1 they were admonished by the honored guests to study well. Today they came to congratulate you and wish you success in your new independent life. The floor to our honored guests.

(Speeches of honored guests)

(muses number Zanina Valeria song ___________________)


It seems to me that the next guests of our holiday will cause a lot of the most pleasant, most joyful memories for all those present. Your shift has come to the holiday, the future graduates of our school in 2025. Meet, here they are!

(melody "Top-top", first graders come out)

(Appendix 1 - congratulations to first graders)


Do you remember how 10 years ago we stood in a row in the classroom,

And because of them you could hardly be seen ...

But now you are so solid!

Today again with you your most important,

your first teacher, your second mother.

The floor is given to the first teacher of our graduates - Valentina Petrovna Yakushevskaya!

(1st teacher's speech )

Leading :

There is a big country in the world.

She is always in every heart.

Where miracles are everywhere.

The purest joyful laughter here.

And there are enough smiles for everyone.

Good always wins here,

And a terrible evil is punished.

My childhood, wait!

My childhood, do not rush!

(dance of 11 grades and students primary school )


Dear graduates, your friends, tenth graders, are looking forward to their release. We meet them.

(Tenth graders' speech () – dance


And now our graduates have to pass a small test.

(music by A. Pugachev "Calculate the path of the star ...", exit and performance of the master - Appendix 3)


Ranged the school bells

Eleven years of lessons have passed

Ever since you became disciples

And today you are graduates!

Everyone froze in anticipation, like at the blackboard

Graduates are saying goodbye before you!

(alumni performance + song)


Dear graduates, the time has come to take the first independent steps into adulthood. So let's release balloons into the sky as a symbol of the passing of childhood.

Bright festive fireworks

Let the colored balls fly!

Let them decorate the world everywhere

The golden years of childhood!

(music sounds, graduates line up in a circle to the music;

Fanfare, release balloons into the sky)

The ball is a symbol of childhood, with which you are parting today ... The ball is your innermost dream ... Make a wish, and let it come true ... This is how we release our dreams, this is how we release our hopes ...


- School is the whole world.

A world of love, a world of tears, a world of feelings, a world of dreams,

The world everyone was in

From which they leave only once.

- Now the hour has come - we know it,

And at this special hour

You are gratefully invited.

To the light waltz, to the school waltz!

_ Let the birds sing vertebrae,

Flowers are growing, gardens are blooming.

Let the school waltz spin faster

This will not happen again

There are no more joyful, more solemn minutes!

(Graduates perform waltz)


Everything goes back to school, you can’t do without it, nothing can be replaced, you can’t avoid the last call in your life.

Sad as it may seem, you still have to give an order that will separate our today's graduates from the rest of the schoolchildren.

- We can't get away from these minutes,

And everyone is familiar with these feelings.

Your school childhood is leaving us,

Leaves you with this cute call.

- The right to give the last call is given to the 11th grade graduate Nikita Dukach and the 1st grade pupil Akimova Sofia.

(last call)


Ringing over the past and over the present,

Over everything that you have saved and that you have not saved,

It rings over your leaving childhood,

Merry and sad last call.

School, seeing you off,

Good road wishes.

Bright, happy fate,

Looks with hope and believes

That, having closed her doors,

You can find yourself in life

Full of anxiety and struggle.

Dear graduates! So the last bell rang for you. There are exams ahead, but today the school, teachers, junior school friends are saying goodbye to you. And now, traditionally, our first-graders, your future shift, want to congratulate you and give you memorable bells!

(first graders give bells to grade 11, music)


Dear graduates! A big life opens before you with all its joys, difficulties and endless roads. Choose yours and walk on it confidently. This is how the school taught you. Be grateful to her for this, for your first successes and mistakes, for the marks in your diary, for the friends she gave you. Goodbye! Behind you only school - ahead of you - your whole life!

(farewell circle of honor)


- The solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the last bell is declared closed!

(Anthem of the Russian Federation, Anthem of the Republic of Crimea)

The right to be the first to go to their last school lesson in life is given to 11-graders, and our first-graders will lead them.

- Remember this day! Remember these minutes! Remember this hour!

Remember this moment!

(11 grades and 1 grades go to school) - Music


- The school year is over! A resounding summer is ahead!

Summer is a wonderful time! Get together kids

To the sea, to the river, to the forest, to the sun!

Games are tired of waiting for you!

Let your class rest!

We wish everyone a wonderful vacation!

We thank everyone for participating in the celebration, but it is not over. Graduates invite teachers, parents, guests to their benefit performance. They are waiting for you in the assembly hall of the gymnasium.

Republic of Khakassia, MBOU "Priiskovaya secondary school"

Last bell 2013

The class teacher of the 11th grade is Salikaeva T.A.

Lead 1... Years flew by in middle school

And now the time is coming

When will the last one be given here

Call for high school students.

Lead 2... It contains sadness and joy, laughter and tears,

Memories of yesteryear

Gifts, wishes, roses,

Farewell to schoolchildren.

Lead 1. We are delighted to welcome everyone gathered today in our hall. For many years now, the sounds of the “School Waltz” have been heard at holidays in all schools of our big country, stirring the hearts and souls of teachers, parents and friends of those who are going to leave the walls of their native school. This is sadness and joy, regrets and hopes ...

Lead 2. For teachers, this is a part of their life, which they lived with the children, giving them their knowledge, experience, love.

Lead 1. For parents, this is a nervous shock, the realization that children are already adults, and now new chores await them.

Lead 2. For the children themselves, this is a farewell to childhood, to the amazing school world.

Lead 1. Let us first welcome our dear teachers to this hall.

Lead 2. It is with special pleasure that we want to welcome our respected teachers who are on a well-deserved retirement. …………

Lead 1. Why is there so much free space in our hall? Having started our holiday, we definitely forgot about someone! Someone else hasn't come?

Lead 2. Ah, everything is clear! There are no heroes of the occasion, our graduates! It is with great pleasure that we correct our unforgivable mistake.

Lead 1

Last call! He laughs and cries.

Of course, each of you is worried ...

Now everything means a lot to you -

Remember this solemn hour!

Attention! Solemn moment! To your endless applause, we invite the 2013 graduates of the Priiskovaya secondary school to the hall.

(Music sounds. Graduates enter the hall)

Lead 2.Dear Guys! We are glad to see you in this hall now: young, beautiful, with joyful faces. Today you are different from all other schoolchildren, because in your eyes you can now see both sadness from the understanding that this is the last day of childhood, and the joy that you finally lived to see this Last Call.

Lead 1. Now you will experience on yourself what is given only on this day, only once in your life. These are mixed feelings: excitement, pride, interest in the new life that lies ahead, and bitterness from the realization that you will forever lose your class as a whole. But in spite of everything, today is your day, and everything belongs to you: congratulations, smiles and glances of all guests.

Lead 2. Dear graduates! We know that today your hearts are filled with excitement for the future, before new life... Believe me, it has always been this way. At all times, people held various examinations before their teachers, before themselves, before life itself.

Lead 1. And the symbol of the end of your long school journey, in addition to the last school bell, is one very important document. Which? Now let's try to figure it out:

For some, a road is prepared for oblivion,
But the one that will be read here
Staying in everyone's heart is calculated.
There are a lot of orders in the routine of school affairs ...
But this is your road to life!
Lead 2. And who should issue this order? Who is the main person in our school? (the audience answers).

That's right - the director.

In order not to go astray

To set the motion vector -

The school has a fair and strict

But the best director!

Lead 1. The floor is given to Olga Vladimirovna Smal, the director of our school, to read the order on admitting students of the 9th and 11th grades to the final certification and congratulations.

2nd presenter... Today our holiday is attended by students from schools, parents, and the teaching staff. We are also pleased to welcome guests of honor:



1st presenter... We invite our guests to say parting words to the graduates.

Guest speeches …………………………………… ..

Staging. Performed by teachers. (On a separate sheet)


Teachers disperse to music (fanfare).

Graduate 1.

The sun stopped suddenly at dawn.
Then they gathered in their first class.
And on the school doorstep with excitement
We saw you for the first time.
And you accepted us without fear,
You liked everyone as one.
And suddenly good fairy tales came to life:
Snow White, Pierrot, Aladdin.

Graduate 2.

There were all sorts of things,
But I want to say without embellishment:
Your heart gave us warmth
Warmed us like the sun.

Lead 1. I hope you already guessed what this is about. And it is about that very fine September day in 2002, when each of the current students of the 11th grade for the first time crossed the threshold of the school. Everyone has a first teacher, whose image they will carry through their whole life.

Lead 2: The word for congratulating the graduates is given to the first teacher - Olga Alexandrovna Koryagina …… ..

Graduate 1.

Many years ago for the first time

The bell rang for us.

Small and funny

We have come to your lesson.

Issue 2.

In the lessons we sat

Poor listening at times.

Laughed and spun

Upsetting you with this.

Issue 3.

You did not take offense at us,

Didn't look down on you

Maybe they grumbled at times

And they scolded us a little.

Issue 4.

And now we won't get tired

Thank you for everything

Whoever we become in life

Never forget you

Flowers and a gift are presented to the first teacher.

Lead 1: Dear graduates! Now the youngest students of our school - first graders and second graders - will congratulate you.

(kids performance)

    By school hours, you are already old people -
    The last graduated from the class.
    And we are still newbies in school life,
    But we will soon catch up with you.

    We will study all your subjects too,
    We will learn the answers from all the problems
    We will also receive awards soon
    At all subject Olympiads.

    In study, work, in physical education and sports
    We will break all your records soon.
    In all matters and on holidays at school
    We will only play the main roles!

    The native school will be in good hands,
    You can go boldly through life.
    We wish you a fair wind
    Health, success, good luck along the way.

    Six lessons the hard way

You should straighten your back,

You should turn your neck

You should warm up your muscles.

But the bell rings again

Calling for a lesson.

    Wait! Wait people!

And there will be no lesson!

For children-graduates

The call limit is over!

    Here are the last pages

Closed your diaries

Now the girls are graduates

And the boys are graduates.

    We envy you now

After all, you finished your studies

But we feel a little sorry for you

The hour has come to say goodbye to the school.

    We sincerely wish

You should enter the institute,

And in student years

Do not forget our school!

    Today everyone gives you compliments
    Everyone gives you a round of applause today.

Everyone congratulates you on the last call.
How nice it is to be a graduate! (in chorus).

We hand the bell -

Its ringing school symbol.

Let it be very perky, sonorous

He will become a talisman.

You can turn on the song of the first graders

1-graduate. Just like you, we came to this beautiful country of Childhood. Then the school seemed bigger to us, the stairs were wider, and the bell was louder.

2: - Kids! Put your ears on top of your head! The luminaries of all school sciences will speak for you.

3: - Masters of tests and compositions.

4: - Professors for passing tests and exams.

1: - Senior students - school graduates.

2.Order of eleventh graders: -

Lovely first graders and second graders!

We are a little older than you

And we burn with desire

To convey to you the order

And our wishes.

4. "Gnaw" science for later

You don't leave

Then there will be soup with a cat!

Read the classics!

5: To talk on the "carpet"

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Don't bother your neighbor!

6: -Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to your elders!

All faster for a change

Don't rush to rush!

7. Love physical education -

It will come in handy in life

Correct the figure,

Build your muscles.

8: And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important.

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

You are stronger with them!

9: Well, bolder on the long journey,

School, interesting.

And on the road, do not forget

Home, friends and song. (give gifts to first graders)

Leading : The word for congratulating the graduates is given to the class teacher of the 11th grade Tatyana Anatolyevna ………………….

With you every morning we meet the dawn,
So it seems as if we have known each other for a hundred years.
And they could not have met the sun without you:
We share joy and sorrow with you as friends,
And in any of our disputes, you are our chief judge,
We are used to being with you, it is difficult for us without you:
After all, we are your favorite, best class.
We will become adults, but, as in our childhood,
We will mentally talk with you about everything,
To help you again at the decisive hour:

After all, we are your favorite, best class.

Flowers for the class teacher

Ved. 2


11 years you studied

And at school they learned and saw a lot.

But you are unlikely to have achieved such victories,

If only your parents would not help you.

Ved. 1

They may not have solved the problem,

Perhaps we are weak in algebra and chemistry,

But with all their soul they protected you

From failures, from laziness, from blues.

Ved. 2

And now they look excitedly,

On matured, grown-up children.

And you have your parental word

At the solemn moment they want to say!

Ved. 1 On behalf of all parents, the floor is given (Parents' speech)

Graduate 1... (first rhyme Mommy, school is over)

Mom, school is over, and there is no need to learn lessons.

My God, how many nerves are ruined ...

How glad I am, mommy! Are you glad?

Why are you crying, my dear, did you bite your lips obstinately?

Smile, because school is over

Well, laugh, dear mom!

Ten years more than one instant, they walked both crookedly and straight.

Ten years of your patience, fear, tears and doubts, mom.

I know you are very happy and admire your sweet daughter.

Why is autumn in your eyes, do you cover your face with a handkerchief?

Maybe she remembered me as a little girl, felt her palm in her hand?

As she whispered: scarlet flower, do not shawl in the classroom, baby.

Listen, child, strict teachers, do not draw on your notebooks!

And she met me at the door, kept my portfolio in order.

And now your daughter has grown up, but tears are running stubbornly ...

Well, school is over. Point.

Congratulations, mom! This is me - your daughter!

Many thanks to our mums and dads, without whose help we would have had a hard time. What an energy charge we received from them, especially after the call from the class teacher.

Graduate 2

If the son is always and everywhere the first

there are enough stars from the sky

it's all parental nerves

the heavens are moving towards him.


If a daughter grows up to the joy of others,

clever, sportswoman and artist,

so it was mom who tried-

and a mentor was also a close friend.

Chorus: Dear moms and dads! We love you! (song)

Clip: Form for a teacher from graduates ……………………………….

Graduate : Attention! Attention!

Following the dictates of the times, we are holding the "Recognition" medal ceremony.

Medal applicants have been tested for several years in various nominations, including school subjects.

    The "Recognition" medal is awarded to OV Smal. in the following nominations:

In the nomination "Putin himself is not a decree to her" as the most strict and attentive, understanding and all-knowing best school principal.

Dedication to the director

You are our school guardian of order.

And only by its appearance

Allow to be taken smoothly

All conflicts and grievances.

If anyone dares to fight

In the school's peaceful corridor

As soon as you seem -

Those who are in a quarrel will be reconciled.

Calm talkers

In the classroom, you carry,

And for teachers - salvation

In their very difficult work.

for the ability to find the square root in everything, to raise everything to the power of even our knowledge.

Dedication to the math teacher:

There are many interesting items,

They are always important to us,

Without mathematics, all of us

And not there and not here.

Equations for us, like poems,

And the integral will lift your spirits,

And logarithms are like songs

And the formulas are pleasing to the ear

2. The Medal "Recognition" is awarded to I. V. Sarap.

In the nomination "Everything is in order, everything is fine, all exams will pass" as Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Dedication to the head teacher:

You are the goddess of scheduling

You have made an effort,

So that the lessons are fully

We would be able to visit.

In the nomination "I would have learned Russian just for what you taught us" the ability to reveal and show the beauty and richness of the immense native language.

Dedication to the teacher of the Russian language and literature:

Akaki is freezing without his greatcoat, trembling, poor fellow, in the wind.

Tatiana is tormented by Onegin, Gerasim groans without Mumu.

Like them, our friendly class

Can't live long without you.

We love you like Lensky Olga,

Like Chatsky - Sophia ... It's a pity,

It's time to part us

But we will come back to you more than once!

3. The "Recognition" medal is awarded to O. A. Koryagina. in the nomination "From seven to ten" as the best "Second mother"

Thank you for being in the world,
For teaching us everything patiently,
What they told, what is Conscience, Honor,
After all, you were our first teacher!
Thank you for loving us so much,
Although they sometimes came to us severely,
For the fact that you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything

4. The Medal "Recognition" is awarded to T.A. Salikaeva.

In the nomination "You will not take patience" as the most kind, sympathetic and understanding class teacher

We cannot express in words

The way you have suffered with us.

Our will is three b medals

They gave you for your patience!

You all know, friends,

That you can't imagine us

Without our beloved classroom.

You knew how to forgive everyone

We were loved, stupid.

We are ready for you

In a few years

Our daughters and sons

Lead to a new class

You were a gift from us.

In the nomination "We are with a computer for you" for the ability to teach without the presence of computers, literally on the fingers, to manage complex computing equipment

We keep pace with the century

We are familiar with the computer.

He is a helper to man

All dreams are available with it.

We are very grateful to you -

You could teach us

And even access the Internet!

5. The Medal "Recognition" is awarded to Yu.A. Ponomarenko.

In the nomination “How long we didn’t resist, you tried to educate us” as the deputy director for educational work.

For discipline you are strictly

Follow from the very morning.

So as not to smoke at the door,

So that the kids do not swear.

We had fun together with you,

We celebrated the holidays together

So that these days are not forgotten

Accept a medal from us

In the nomination "Chemistry beautifies and treats us and, apparently, will soon feed us"

You've been cheating for hours

In the lessons with us,

They pacified our impulse

So that the explosion does not turn out.

Mendeleev table

We will all dream for a long time.

In the nomination “Take care of nature - it will still be useful to you”.

Dedication to biology teacher

Biology was taught

The stigma, the pistil passed,

DNA and ribosomes

Carbohydrates, chromosomes,

How to protect nature

We will know now at "5".

6. The Medal "Recognition" is awarded to LA Chistobaeva.

In the nomination “There is no future without the past”.

Dedication to the history teacher

Stories of glorious great dates

We will carry in memory through life

We learn with our hearts what was once

Imagine all the age-old paths

We're leaving forever

Only we will not forget you

And loving history

We will continue our

In the nomination "Teacher of a foreign language" for the ability to instill a love for a foreign language as a mother tongue.

Sometimes you were strict with us
And they scolded us for mistakes,
You were dissatisfied with many,
But still they forgave a lot ...
You taught us, for a long time selflessly,
You tried to show our talent.
Thank you for what we can do,
To speak overseas languages

7. Medal "Recognition" is awarded to NV Korzunova.

In the nomination "Do not twist the colorful globe, it will come in handy again."

Dedication to the geography teacher:

Let some are not given much

Their horizons are closed by the newspaper

And she loves steep waterfalls

And the mountains that peaks at the zenith!

By different countries, across the seas, deserts

We walked in geography with her -

Our interest in learning will not cool down

Let's go - if only the money would start

In the nomination "You know everything about numbers and have taught us the same"

The laws of numbers are very strict

And become mathematicians

Given, alas, not very many,

Indeed, in this difficult age,

Geometry and algebra meaning

Nowadays, everyone can appreciate

Therefore, for our correct decisions,

We must thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

8. Medal "Recognition" is awarded to SP Khotkin.

In the category "Knowledge of Ohm's Law does not exempt from liability" for the ability to convey the meaning of any physical phenomenon, without spending any energy.

To conduct an experiment

Learning science was forced

And now the moment has come

When we learned something

You may have to meet with physics

But we will no longer be so afraid of her.

In the nomination "You may not be an athlete, but you must be an athlete"

In the young month of April, the snow melts near the school,

And the physical education teacher kicks out the run.

The children rushed with a whistle, my heart is beating wildly,

Only something pricks somewhere and dazzles in everyone's eyes,

Today sport is the most important thing

He decides everything in life.

The girls have figures - in!

And the young men are getting stronger.

In the nomination "We are all a little Sergei Shoigu" for the ability to survive in any conditions

“If you want to know how to apply a bandage.

Then run on OBZH, do not forget to grab:

Gauze bandage (10 meters)

And a crutch (or better two).

And then everything in the world to you

There will be just tryn grass. "

9. Medal "Recognition" is presented to Klyuchagina T.V.

In the nomination "Painting by Repin: Cossacks write a letter to Putin"

Morning outside the windows of the school class.

A cheerful call gathers the guys ...

Young geniuses of brushes and paints

New albums create masterpieces!

Maybe sometime in three hundred years

Wonderful canvases of these children,

Future geniuses of paints and brushes.

Will the Paris Museum be decorated?

10. The "Recognition" medal is awarded to GP Grigorieva.

The years pass. We'll probably regret it

That we only read the beginnings and ends.

Maybe in life we ​​will never find out the truth,

Who was right: children or fathers?

From "Lukomorye" to "War and Peace"

We have come a long way together with you.

And with humor, grotesque and satire

We have learned a lot.

And let the mistakes sometimes grieve

But all the same you managed to teach us,

That a word can be harder than steel,

And a word can heal wounds.

Thank you for opening

There are so many good smart books for us,

For what you gave us with love

Our great and mighty language!

11. The "Recognition" medal is awarded to EL Ivanova.

You taught us how to solve problems.

Though life will puzzle us more than once,

We will not forget your lessons

And we will solve all the tasks correctly.

We want to wish you order on a holiday,

So that everything in life is decided, as in a notebook,

Everything worked out, came out on time.

Thank you teacher for the lessons!


Graduate 1. There are teachers in the hall today
Which did not have to teach us.
But a year later, they are just like today,
They will see off their pets.

Thank you, Teachers!

Presenting flowers to all teachers who are in the hall

Again May is on the doorstep and graduation class.
You see off a part of yourself again.
We want to give you our earthly bow
For your patience and your love!
There will be a new lesson and you have a new class,
The bustle of school days will whirl you again.
But we know you will remember us,
After all, you gave us great love.
We wish you health for a thousand years,
Light classes, more salaries and on time!
You have patience in everything, but less so that troubles,
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts - continue the lesson!

Song to teachers

congratulation technical staff, to the cook

Issue 1

You did not know peace from us

And sometimes you scolded us.

And even though we were not friends,

But we appreciated you all the same.

After all, you drove dirt after us,

We washed everything until the morning

For this honor and praise!

We say thanks to our tech. staff

Congratulations to the chef ………………………………


We played different roles at school -

Child, adult, student,

The teachers dreamed of playing ...

And today is the role of a graduate.

Today in front of you in this film

Our class will appear in full splendor.

From childhood to the last call

Our whole life is embodied in it.

Film grade 11

Final song for the clip

Lead 2 . Here comes the culmination of our holiday. There is very little time left before what we are all gathered here for. You may not have thought about the fact that all the previous years were lived by you for the sake of this moment. Think about these words!

Lead 1. You have become adults. After this minute you are no longer just girls and boys, you are now graduates! Very soon you will say goodbye to your dear and beloved school, carefree life, and your beloved teachers.

The time for goodbye is approaching.
How many years have flown by and winters?
The schooling process is over,
Childhood today will melt like smoke.
The girls became so beautiful:
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy
Great paths are open to you in life.

Lead 2:
Boys are all adults, no doubt
You have matured, and you will not be recognized.
Lord, give these children luck
So that they do not know adversity and grief!
Our dear, good, glorious!
We are parting, but we will remember more than once:
How funny you were as kids
And now you are leaving us!

Lead 2. Bold smells burst into the windows
Summer is already on the doorstep
On the day when childhood says goodbye to you,
On the day when dreams and dreams come true.
Here it is, your last bell rings!
Lead 1. Let him fly through the air to the stars,
Find a corner for him in your heart.
School, farewell, sad, crystal,
Voiced, alarming, last call.

Lead 2. The right to give the last call is given to a graduate ... ..

(The high school student takes the first grader by the hand, they pass through the playground among the graduates. The last bell rings!)

Graduate 1 The last bell rang
The beloved call was silent.
We end the conversation
And we invite everyone to the courtyard.

Graduate 2.
Your dreams, your desires
Memories, expectations,
Everything that we have lived for these years
We have invested a lot in this ball.
Let him fly under the clouds.
We do not say goodbye - yet!
Everyone goes out to the schoolyard and releases a large balloon into the sky with the inscription: "Graduation 2013 Mine school"


From the bright childhood of the threshold ... "

Release colorful balloons into the sky
Children's dreams, let them fly away with them.
Now you have become more serious and should,
Dream about more than even a year ago.
Dream, achieve - peace on earth,
So that the birds fly and bloom in the spring.
So that the native land flourishes with us.
So that no one forgets their parents.
Let the balls fly up, let the children dream
Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
Well, today, having become graduates,
Release fireworks of balloons into the sky.

Traditionally, the last bell at the school is organized by the eleventh graders themselves - they are the ones who choose the form of the celebration, the storyline of the conference, prepare the main concert numbers and congratulations to the teachers.

The success of this holiday largely depends on how accurately the chosen plot fits into the specific school situation of specific graduates. Someone else's brilliant jokes and script will remain strangers if they do not overlap with the traditions and relationships that have developed in the school.

And one more secret: the chosen scenario should be liked, first of all, by the graduates, and then the Last Bell will sound like magic music for everyone!

The best option is to take as a basis the idea you like or a ready-made script and fill it with your own content, changing something, omitting or adding something. We offer several ideas for the script of the Last Call.

1. Original ideas for the script of the Last Call.

Life in our country is constantly changing, and we are changing along with it. Many modern graduates, experienced in television and media shows, also want, as a plot for their holiday of the last bell, something unusual or stylized for a certain program or movie.

It is no coincidence that a very popular form of congratulating teachers has become the awarding of various nominations, prizes, etc. So, by analogy with the annual Golden Gramophone award, the plot of congratulating teachers is written ... It is also very dynamic, modern and unobtrusive, all the moments traditional for the last call are inscribed in such a plot as "Filming a movie" - you can see it in the document:

Of course, the classic presentation with beautiful touching poems and dedicatory songs to each teacher is a wonderful and proven way of holding such events, but if the release is active, artistic and creative, they will be cramped within this framework. As an alternative option, you can take as a basis the KVN-kih entertainments and concert numbers as a gift, as in "Travel in a hot air balloon", adjusting it for yourself.

In the scenario "Journey to the Island", the theme of the adventure is revealed in a more traditional way. And graduates who are "obsessed" with IT-technologies, most likely, will like the idea of ​​conducting the Last Call in a computer style, as an example we recommend watching the scenario "School's Super Site".

(to download - click the file)

It is better to decide which plot to choose by a majority vote, because it may turn out that an idea connected, for example, with any of the popular TV shows: "Minute of Glory", "Dom-2", "Star Factory" or a parody show, will win. If it is interesting for graduates, why not, because in any plot you can include traditional greetings for kids, and words of gratitude to teachers and parents, and touching words of farewell.

2. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and

Dr. Watson. "

A very winning idea is to make the last call in the style of any popular movie, for example, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."

Let the main intrigue be that famous detectives are investigating what event they managed to find themselves on. Such naive ignorance can be explained by the fact that our heroes are British and are not very familiar with Russian school traditions.

Detectives appear only after high school students enter the hall to the sound of fanfare and line up. Visiting guests seem to break into the planned order of the holiday. It will look plausible if the school administration itself - the director, the head teacher - play along with Holmes and Watson, saying that they will deal with them later, but for now let the detectives stand on the sidelines.

It is best if the detectives stand at the opposite end of the hall from the director and the head teacher: this way the event will have two “poles”. The administration will set the official tone, the guests from England will give their comments.

We advise you to make the director's persona the first "evidence": Holmes says that he has data on this person. He reads them out: “By profession, a teacher ..., she / he is the mother / father of school experiments. The character is balanced, persistent. Vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has a keen hearing and an imperious voice. He sees everything, hears everything, knows everything. " So the assumption is born that this is the chief of this institution.

As if confirming his conclusion, the director read out the order on admitting the children to the exams.

This is followed by a presentation by first-graders, which focuses on the idea of ​​growing up quickly. The detectives conclude that the young people who have gathered once dreamed of the same thing. Parents' lyrical speech about the transience of time gives a hint that young people have reached a certain milestone in their lives.

The performance of the eleventh graders with a comic oath of fidelity to the precepts of their “senior comrades” is a reason to assume that those gathered in the hall are leaving their native land. In general, any concert number or the performance should induce Holmes and Watson to think that they are graduates. And the traditional procession of first graders with a bell prompts them to think that for these teenagers the school bell is ringing for the last time.

Well-recognizable phrases from the film, well-chosen for the plot of the entertainer, will create an atmosphere of humor and light sadness, which, against the background of the solemnity of the moment, will be a very good shade.

Scenario of the holiday The last bell in the style of your favorite cartoon "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" can be viewed .

When organizing this holiday, do not forget that in addition to the solemn and official component, the last bell at school is also a symbol of farewell to childhood, and therefore it is quite possible to “invite” beloved heroes of fairy tales or books to the role of presenters. We offer several ideas on how this can be implemented:

3. The idea of ​​the script "The Little Prince".

To arrange a holiday with the storyline associated with the work of Exupery, you need to think over the musical accompaniment well. It will be great if the graduates at the beginning of the holiday are met not only by their parents and teachers, but also by characters from Exupery's fairy tale: Rose, Fox, King and, of course, the Little Prince - such a welcome will set a special mood from the very beginning.

Let this last call open the opening speech of the Prince, who will continue to conduct the event in the manner and style of his hero.

Taking a course on such a quivering literary image, we suggest that you make the first number of the program a performance by couples engaged in ballroom dancing. After a beautiful waltz, it is appropriate to read a poem about strong friendship. Let it be a duet between Prince and Fox.

We advise you to precede the official speeches of the director and head teachers with warm words about their merits, for example, from the lips of another character in the tale - Rose.

But the stubborn King could well have announced such numbers as a staged song for first-graders "What do they teach in school." Graduates would be pleased to receive a kind of greetings from ninth-graders, who are also faced with the problem of choosing their own path - this idea can be played out in a small sketch or sing about it in ditties.

4. The idea of ​​the script "The Last Bell - Farewell to Childhood".

This option can also be a good idea - invite to
last call eleventh graders of fairytale and cartoon characters from their childhood: Cheburashka, Thumbelina, teenage mutant ninja turtles, tin soldier, etc. And it is better to invite professional animators for these roles, who will take an active part in the program and set the tone for the whole event.

It is these characters who are dear to any youthful heart, even at the entrance to the school, they will present the graduates with lapel badges in the form of bells, and then they will be taken to the assembly hall.

After the official greeting, you can arrange a small concert, like in kindergarten... Why not? Suggest high school students in advance to redo school theme different popular songs: one - two verses each class can perform them.

Prepare humorous riddles about teachers, about first love or school life. For example, “In a white field there are blue / Lines stretched out. / And friends go under them, / Lead each other by the hands ”(alphabet and writing).

An excellent entertainment moment can be a general round dance (or a round dance of those who wish, if there are more than 40 graduates). At the same time, we advise you to sing a funny song from the cartoon "Big secret for a small company" ("It's no secret that friends do not grow in the garden"). Also, arrange a physical minute or fun starts. To do this, you need to call those who wish from the hall.

It is quite appropriate to present each class with a diploma with a comic inscription and wishes of excellent passing exams and a cheerful graduation. This will be a good ending to the holiday.

If a fabulous plot is chosen, then it is also better to carry it out in a fabulous style, to see how this can be done, we suggest in this scenario:

(to download - click on the file)

5. The idea of ​​the "School bell kidnapping" scenario.

In this case, start the holiday as expected: a hymn, reading the order for admitted to exams, good parting words from teachers. Suddenly a noise goes through the "ranks" of the school administration: the director and the head teachers are talking, looking around. Let someone with a bewildered face run into the hall and loudly announce that everything is gone - the school bell has been stolen! Hence the whole drama: how to conduct a call last? We strongly advise at this moment to appear dressed up in costumes of all kinds of evil spirits of the heroes and unceremoniously start a dance, along the way pestering the graduates.

Then the leader of the mummers must demand five (or how many) "excellent students" as hostages, whom he will subject to various tests: dance macarena, wrestle with evil spirits in a tug-of-war, singing a famous excerpt from an opera under karaoke (for example, "Heart of Beauties" from "Rigoletto" by Verdi).

So that the rest of the people do not get bored, the main villain can force them to finish writing their poems: you give the beginning of the lines that need to be continued in rhyme (In our class ... / "Two" is the best ...).

With each completed task, the "striped devils" in the hall become less and less, then their crying leader gives the school bell.

Parents can also offer their ideas or come up with a couple of surprises for graduates (for example, invite artists or animators for the official part or order a buffet table, bowling alley, or a field excursion after it ends).

When organizing a holiday, try to make a quality mix of obligatory official ceremonies, established traditions and entertainment moments. The heroes of the occasion, along with the awareness of the importance of what is happening, should feel the atmosphere of the holiday, attention to themselves and, in turn, be sure to have time to say their words of gratitude to teachers and parents.