Zina portnova presentation for primary school. Dedicated to the young heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Download video and cut mp3 - it's easy with us

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The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) Pioneers-heroes of the Great Patriotic War Pioneers-heroes Zina Portnova ChildhoodBorn on February 20, 1926 in Leningrad. She studied at an ordinary city school number 385. In June 1941, the seventh-grader Zina and her sister Galya went on vacation to their grandmother in Belarus, to the village of Zuya near the Obol station in the Vitebsk region. There they were caught by the war.
"Young Avengers" When the underground Komsomol organization "Young Avengers" was organized in the city, Portnova became its member. The "Avengers" not only distributed and pasted leaflets, but also obtained information about the actions of the Germans for the partisans. The feat of Zina Portnova Portnova managed to get a job in a German canteen for personnel. After working there for a while, she managed to carry out a brutal but effective operation - she poisoned food. More than 100 Germans were injured. Interrogation and escape From August 1943, Komsomol member Zina Portnova was a scout of the partisan detachment named after K.E. Voroshilov. In December 1943, returning from a mission to find out the reasons for the failure of the Young Avengers organization, she was captured in the village of Mostische. During one of the interrogations in the Gestapo, grabbing the investigator's pistol from the table, shot him and two more Nazis, tried to escape, was captured. Death On the morning of January 13, 1944, the Nazis brought a crippled, gray-haired and blind girl to execution. She walked, stumbling with bare feet in the snow. She was shot in a ravine next to the railway; her body was left unburied. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 1, 1958, Zinaida Martynovna Portnova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The name of Zina Portnova was given to a street in the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg.
In the urban village of Obol (Belarus): - there is a street of Zina Portnova; - the school bears the name of Zina Portnova, a bust and a memorial plaque are installed in the foyer of this school; - a museum of the underground organization "Young Avengers" works and a bust is installed, - on Nina Azolina street it has been preserved the house where Zina Portnova lived, on which a memorial plaque was installed. On the A215 highway in the urban village of Obol (Belarus) there is a memorial stele, which lists active members of the Obol underground group, including Zina Portnova. On the Heroes' Alley in front of the Shumilinsky Museum of History and Local Lore, a portrait and the name of Z.M. are carved on a granite slab. Portnova. Zina Portnova was officially numbered among the "pioneer heroes" of the Soviet Union. In 1978, an artistic marked envelope dedicated to the heroine was published. The monument to Zina Portnova in the village of Yagodnoye, near Tolyatti, is the territory of the former pioneer camp "Alye Parusa".

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A native of Leningrad, Zina Portnova was born in 1926 and before the war led the ordinary life of a Soviet girl. For the summer school holidays, the parents sent Zina, along with her younger sister Galya, to her grandmother in the Vitebsk region, in the village of Zuya, Shumilinsky district. After the surprise attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR, the threat of occupation immediately hung over the Vitebsk region. The grandmother's attempt to send her granddaughters home to Leningrad failed - the Germans blocked all roads. So, the girl remained in the occupied territory.

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Zina Portnova, a young partisan underground fighter, a pioneer, who died a heroic death at the age of 17. The fate of the girl amazes with its tragedy anyone who learns the history of her feat and martyrdom. A native of Leningrad, Zina Portnova was born in 1926 and before the war led the ordinary life of a Soviet girl. For the summer school holidays, the parents sent Zina, along with her younger sister Galya, to her grandmother in the Vitebsk region, in the village of Zuya, Shumilinsky district. After the surprise attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR, the threat of occupation immediately hung over the Vitebsk region. The grandmother's attempt to send her granddaughters home to Leningrad failed - the Germans blocked all roads. So, the girl remained in the occupied territory.

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Zina Portnova, carrying out an assignment from a partisan detachment, tried to get in touch with the surviving underground fighters. But the mission failed, she was identified and arrested in the village of Mostishche. By that time, the Nazis already knew a lot about the role of Zina in "Young Avengers". Only her participation in the poisoning was not known. Therefore, they tried to negotiate with her so that she would hand over the surviving members of the underground. But the girl was unbending. One of the interrogations carried out in the village of Goryany ended with the fact that Zina was able to grab the investigator's pistol and shoot him and two more Germans who were present during the interrogation. The escape attempt failed, Zina was shot in the leg. And when she tried to shoot herself with the last bullet, the gun misfired

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In fact, the children, members of the underground, began their actions with trifles: they pasted anti-fascist leaflets, engaged in petty sabotage against the Germans. Fruza herself found access to the local partisan detachment and adult underground fighters and coordinated actions with them. Gradually sabotage by the "Young Avengers" becomes more and more serious. They managed to set fire to carriages with flax plundered by the Nazis and sent to Germany, set fire to industrial enterprises working for the Nazis, bombing.

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One of the largest operations was the poisoning of more than a hundred German officers. And here is the merit of Zina Portnova. Working as a dishwasher in the cafeteria, where the officers sent to the refresher courses ate, Zina poisoned the food. She herself then miraculously managed to avoid death and responsibility. The Germans forced her to eat from a bowl of poisoned soup. She fearlessly took the spoon and ate some of the soup, thus deflecting suspicion. Her grandmother saved her from the poison with the help of folk remedies. A strong body coped with it, and the girl survived.

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After this sabotage, Zina Portnova joined the partisan detachment. Here she was admitted to the Komsomol. In August 1943, a traitor, implanted in the underground of the Young Avengers, surrenders all members of the organization. Only Fruza Zenkova and several young underground fighters manage to escape. After numerous tortures and interrogations, in October 1943, thirty young men and women were executed by the Nazis.

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Details Created on 03/04/2015 09:01 Updated 09/15/2015 14:28

PortnovaZinaida Martynovna(02.20.1926-10.01.1944) - pioneer-hero, Soviet underground fighter, partisan, member of the underground organization "Young Avengers", scout of the partisan detachment named after K. Ye. Voroshilov on the territory of the Byelorussian SSR occupied by the Nazis. Member of the Komsomol since 1943. The hero of the USSR.

Zinaida was born on February 20 in the city of Leningrad in a working class family. Belarusian by nationality. She graduated from 7 classes. At the beginning of June 1941, she arrived for school holidays in the village of Zuya, near the Obol station of the Shumilinsky district of the Vitebsk region. After the invasion of the Nazis into the territory of the USSR, Zina Portnova ended up in the occupied territory. She did not want to leave with the refugees, so she decided to stay in the city of Obol.

Since 1942, a member of the Obolsk underground organization "Young Avengers", the head of which was the future Hero of the Soviet Union E. S. Zenkova. From the first days of the occupation, boys and girls began to act decisively. The "Young Avengers" distributed and pasted anti-fascist leaflets, and also obtained information about the actions of the German troops for the Soviet partisans. With the help of this organization, it was possible to arrange a number of sabotage railroad... They blew up a water pump, which delayed the dispatch of ten fascist echelons to the front. Distracting the enemy, the Avengers destroyed bridges and highways, blew up a local power plant, disabled a couple of trucks, and burned a flax mill.

While working in the canteen of retraining courses for German officers, she poisoned food at the direction of the underground (more than a hundred officers died). In response, the Nazis unleashed a wave of mass terror on the city. During the proceedings, wanting to prove her innocence to the Germans, she tasted the poisoned soup. Miraculously survived. Zina was saved from death by a strong body and her grandmother, who managed to soften the effect of the poison with folk remedies. The partisans understood that Zina could not stay in the village further, taking her to his detachment. The grandmother and her younger sister Zina hid with relatives in another village.

In August 1943 Zina became a scout for the partisan detachment named after. K. E. Voroshilov. The girl participates in the explosions of trains. The Obolsk underground in 1943 was practically destroyed. With the help of provocateurs, the Gestapo collected all the necessary information, and also carried out mass arrests. The command of the partisan detachment ordered Portnova to establish contact with the survivors. She managed to establish a connection, but she did not report to the detachment about it. Having found out the reasons for the failure of the Young Avengers organization and already returning back, in the village of Mostishche, Zina was identified by a certain Anna Khrapovitskaya, who immediately reported to the police. The police detained the girl and took her to Obol. There, the Gestapo was closely engaged with her, since she was listed as a suspect in sabotage in the dining room.

“The Gestapo man went to the window. And Zina, rushing to the table, grabbed a pistol. Obviously catching the rustle, the officer turned abruptly, but the weapon was already in her hand. She pulled the trigger. For some reason I didn't hear the shot. I just saw how the German, clutching his chest with his hands, fell to the floor, and the second, who was sitting at the side table, jumped out of his chair and hastily unfastened the holster of his revolver. She pointed the gun at him too. Again, almost without aiming, pulled the trigger. Rushing to the exit, Zina pulled open the door, jumped into the next room and from there onto the porch. There she shot almost point blank at the sentry. Having run out of the building of the commandant's office, Portnova rushed down the path like a whirlwind.

"If only I could run to the river," thought the girl. But the noise of the chase was heard from behind ... "Why don't they shoot?" The surface of the water already seemed very close. And beyond the river the forest was black. She heard the sound of machine gun fire, and something prickly pierced her leg. Zina fell onto the river sand. She still had enough strength, slightly raised herself, to shoot ... She took care of the last bullet for herself.

When the Germans ran very close, she decided that it was all over, and pointed a pistol to her chest and pulled the trigger. But there was no shot: a misfire. The fascist knocked the pistol out of her weakening hands. "

The Germans had no doubts about the girl's participation in the underground, so she was not interrogated, but simply methodically tortured. The torture lasted more than a month. They were interrogated, as a rule, at night. They promised to save her life if only the young partisan confesses everything, names all the underground fighters and partisans she knows. And again, the Gestapo met with the unshakable firmness of this stubborn girl who surprised them, who was called the "Soviet bandit" in their protocols. However, Zina did not surrender the names of other underground workers. In early January, it became known in the Polotsk prison that the young partisan had been sentenced to death.

“… Morning came, frosty and sunny. Sentenced to be shot, there were six of them, were taken out into the prison yard. Some of the comrades grabbed Zina by the arms and helped her walk. At the prison wall, surrounded by three rows of barbed wire, from the early morning, old people, women with children, crowded. Some brought parcels to the arrested, others expected that among the prisoners who were taken to work, they would be able to see their loved ones. Among these people stood a boy in worn-out felt boots and a quilted jacket torn to shreds. A cart with a barrel drove along the street, packed with white snowdrifts - water was brought to the prison. A few minutes later the gates opened again, and the guards withdrew six people. Among them, in a gray-haired and blind girl, the boy hardly recognized his sister ... She walked, stumbling with her blackened bare feet through the snow. Some black-mustache man supported her by the shoulders. "Zina!" - Lyonka wanted to shout. But his voice broke. Zina, along with other people sentenced to death, was shot on the morning of January 10, 1944, near the prison, on the square ...

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 1, 1958, Zinaida Portnova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin.


medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union (1.07.1958)

The order of Lenin


Portnova Zinaida Martynovna on Wikipedia

Heroes of the country. Portnova Zinaida Martnynovna

Museum of Military Glory MBOU Secondary School No. 6 in Pyatigorsk Young war heroes "We were given medals in 41st, and only in 45th had passports ..." June 22, 1941 May 9, 1945 two calendar pages two days of the life of the planet Earth two days of history Humanity and between them ... 1418 days and nights fighting blazed 1418 days and nights our people waged a liberation war long and difficult was the path to Victory! Children were at the forefront of life for the entire warring people. They will survive the people, their history, ideals, future! War - there is no more cruel word! War - there is no more cruel word! War in its cruel blindness also unites the incompatible: children and blood, children and death. War - there is no more sad word ... Their sons were next to the fathers, And the children walked along the roads of war ... Young heroes of the war To the rear of the enemy without a rustle and sound The partisan detachment was leaving. Young partisans Belarusian partisans Young war heroes Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. They studied, helped the elders, played, ran and jumped, broke noses and knees. Their names were known only to relatives, classmates and friends. Young heroes of the war The hour has come - they showed how huge a small child's heart can become when sacred love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies flares up in it. Cosmonauts - Vladimir Shatalov and Konstantin Feoktistov during the war were the "sons of the regiment". Vladimir Shatalov Konstantin Feoktistov Help to the front LENYA GOLIKOV (Leonid Aleksandrovich) (1926-43), a young partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, posthumously). As a pioneer, he joined a partisan detachment (Novgorod and Pskov regions); scout. Lenya Golikov Killed in battle. ZINA PORTNOVA (Zinaida Martynovna) (1926-44), a young partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1958, posthumously). Scout of the partisan detachment "Young Avengers" (Vitebsk region). Tortured by the Nazis. Zina Portnova VALYA KOTIK (Valentin Aleksandrovich) (1930-44), a young partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1958, posthumously). Since 1942, a liaison underground organization in the city of Shepetovka, a scout of a partisan detachment (Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine). Killed in battle. Valya Kotik Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya KOSMODEMYANSKAYA Zoya Anatolyevna ("Tanya") (1923-41), partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1942, posthumously). Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya before execution. November 29, 1941. Member of the Komsomol since 1938. Pupil of the 201st secondary school in Moscow; voluntarily left for a partisan detachment, a scout. Executed by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo (Moscow region). The body of the executed Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Young Guards of Krasnodon Ivan Zemnukhov Sergey Tyulenin Oleg Koshevoy Ulyana Gromova Lyubov Shevtsova During the years of battles, our country is doing everything to save children from suffering. But at times these efforts were in vain. And when the children, by the merciless will of war, found themselves in the inferno of suffering and hardship, they behaved like heroes, mastered what, it would seem, even an adult could not always overcome. Children of war We, of course, did not go into attacks, And, alas, we did not bomb the fascists, But we also contributed to the cause of the glorious victory over them. Someone then became the son of the regiment, He did not fight in the last ranks, And the other, who had lost his father, took care of the younger brothers and sisters. A little boy fell asleep at the machine, Woke up, rubbed his eyes, And continued his work ... Tatyana Shishova For military merit tens of thousands of children and adolescents were awarded orders and medals: Orders of Lenin were awarded - Tolya Shumov, Vasya Korobko, Volodya Kaznacheev; Order of the Red Banner - Volodya Dubinin, Kostya Kravchuk, Sasha Filippov; Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree - Valery Volkov, Sasha Kovalev; Orders of the Red Star - Volodya Samorukha, Shura Efremov, Vanya Andrianov, Vitya Kovalenko, Lyonya Ankinovich. Hundreds of young heroes were awarded the medal "Partisan of the Great Patriotic War", over 15,000 - the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", over 20,000 - the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", Heroes of the Soviet Union - Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova. They withstood this war and won together with the adults. Not sparing themselves in the fire of war, Not sparing strength in the name of the Motherland Children of the heroic country Were real heroes Robert Rozhdestvensky. Not sparing themselves in the fire of war, Not sparing strength in the name of the Motherland Children of the heroic country Were real heroes Robert Rozhdestvensky.