Responsibilities of the station attendant. Train station attendant. Duty officer of the railway department

[Article] General rights and obligations of the station attendant


The station duty officer (DSP) is a shift commander of the station who, while on duty, alone manages all operations related to the reception, departure and passage of trains, as well as all shunting movements of rolling stock along the main and receiving and departure tracks, and where there is no shunting dispatcher - and along the rest of the station tracks.

At large stations, there may be several on duty at the station, posts or parks, each of whom alone controls the movement of trains within its area of ​​operation. The delimitation of control areas at such stations and the range of responsibilities associated with the movement of trains, each person on duty at the station, post or park are indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station.

No one, except for the station attendant, can give orders for the reception, departure and passage of trains and the production of maneuvers on the tracks along which trains follow or from which the rolling stock may exit on the tracks or routes of trains.

The drivers of the leading locomotives (electric trains) and all other employees serving the train obey the orders of the station attendant at the station.


Persons at the age of at least 18 years old who have graduated from higher and secondary special educational establishments majoring in railway operation, vocational and technical schools State Committee USSR in vocational training by profession of a station attendant, as well as persons who independently prepared for the position of a station attendant and at the same time have at least one year of work experience in railway transport in positions related to the movement of trains (train compiler, switch post on duty, operator, etc. etc.).

All persons appointed to the position of the station duty officer must undergo a medical examination to determine their suitability for performing the work of the station duty officer in accordance with the regulations on medical examination. Those employed periodically undergo a medical examination once every three years.

Persons appointed to the position of a station duty officer must pass the tests and subsequently periodically, once every two years, be checked in their knowledge of: Rules for the technical operation of USSR railways (PTE), Instructions for signaling on USSR railways (ISI), Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the USSR (IDP), rules and instructions for safety and industrial sanitation, job responsibilities... These tests are carried out for:

Reserve attendants at the station - by the commission under the traffic department of the road department, chaired by the head of the traffic department;

On duty at the station, post and park of out-of-class, I and II grade stations - by commissions at these stations chaired by the station chief;

Station attendants of III, IV and V classes - by commissions at these stations, chaired by the traffic inspector.

For the station attendant, the following amount of knowledge is established:

Of the technical operation rules. Introduction. Chapter I. General responsibilities railway workers. Chapter 2. General Provisions... Dimensions (clauses 2.1-2.6). Chapter 3. Structures and devices of track facilities (clauses 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 3.14, 3.15, 3.17-3.20. 3.22, 3.24, 3.27, 3.30, 3.33). Chapter 4 (p. 4.4). Chapter 5. Facilities and devices of the station facilities (pp. 5.1-5.8). Chapter 6. Structures and signaling and communication devices (clauses 6.1, 6.2, 6.6, 6.11, 6.13, 6.16, 6.18-6.22, 6.25-6.27, 6.33, 6.37, 6.38, 6.41, 6.45, 6.47-6.52). Chapter 7. Constructions and devices for power supply of railways (clauses 7.8-7.10). Chapter 8. Inspection of structures and devices and their repair (pp. 8.1-8.10). Chapter 9. Rolling stock. General requirements (clauses 9.1, 9.9, 9.11). Chapter 11. Braking equipment and automatic coupler (p. 11.1-11.6). Chapter 12. Maintenance and repair of rolling stock (clauses 12.1, 12.8, 12.9, 12.11, 12.12). Organization of train traffic. Chapter 13. Train schedule. Chapter 14. Separate clauses. Chapter 15. Organization of technical work of stations. Chapter 16. Train traffic (except for items 16.36-16.46);

Signaling instructions - in full;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work - in full.

Tests in knowledge of rules and regulations are carried out in a production environment. Those who have passed the test are considered to be workers who have shown solid knowledge and ability to correctly apply the rules and instructions in practice.

For employees who did not pass the tests, the examination committee sets additional time (no more than a month) to prepare for repeated tests. Persons who did not pass the tests a second time are transferred to work not related to the movement of trains, or to such work that is related to the movement of trains, but requires less knowledge and corresponds to the level of training of the employee.

Regardless of the conduct of periodic tests, the officials of the commanding and auditing staff, if necessary (when checking the state of the economy and discipline at the stations, if the employee admits violations of official duties, etc.), can additionally check the knowledge of the station attendants and the ability to apply rules and instructions.

The appointment of a station attendant to work is carried out by order of the head of the station (extracurricular and I class) or the head of the road department (all other stations). All newly appointed station attendants must work at least six on duty (depending on the complexity of the work) as second persons under the supervision and responsibility of experienced station attendants. The admission of the station attendant to independent work is issued by the order of the station chief only after he, together with the electrician, makes sure that the employee appointed to the position of the station attendant has mastered the local features of the station, knows how to manage alarm, centralization, blocking and communication devices and act correctly in case of malfunction these devices.


The start and end of work, as well as the weekly days of rest of the duty officer at the station, are determined by a shift schedule with 8 or 12 hours of continuous work. The actual length of the working week should not exceed 41 hours, and the average daily working time should not exceed 7 hours.

Normal work time 36 hours a week.

If the station duty officer is not loaded with direct duties during the entire working time, in agreement with trade union committee can be assigned additional work: sale of passenger tickets, acceptance and delivery of baggage and cargo, service of turnouts, etc. overtime hours should not exceed 24 during a month and 120 during a year.

Once a year, the station attendant is provided with a 15-day state-paid leave, excluding holidays and Sundays during this period. For those on duty at the stations of extracurricular, I and II classes and reserve attendants at the station, the station chiefs (or the head of the road department), in agreement with the trade union committee (or the regional trade union committee), establish additional vacations lasting 6 or 12 working days.

The station attendant receives the right to leave after 11 months of continuous work at this enterprise. Holidays in the second and subsequent years are provided at any time in accordance with a schedule that provides for their distribution evenly throughout the year, so as not to complicate the work of the station. The sequence of vacations is established by the station manager in agreement with the trade union committee.

Depending on the class of the stations, certain monthly salaries are set for station attendants, which include an additional payment for work at night. The work of spare attendants at the out-of-class and class I stations is paid at the minimum rates provided for those on duty at the stations of these classes.

When servicing several stations of other classes, the official salaries of the reserve duty station attendant are assigned in the amounts established for the duty station attendants of the highest class from among the stations on duty served by these duty stations. In order to increase the interest in the best use of production reserves, the growth of traffic and the improvement of the quality indicators of railways, station attendants, in addition to official salaries, are paid bonuses on the basis of special provisions on bonuses.

Workers in a number of positions related to the movement of trains and passenger services, including those on duty at the station, have been given uniforms and insignia. Station attendants out-of-class, I, II and III classes belong to the average commanding staff; those on duty at the stations of IV and V classes - to the junior.


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CD / 448-08


Station attendant

ASTANA -2008

Agreed: Approved:

And about. Managing Director Managing Director

Directorate of transportation for the transportation process


___________ B. P. Urynbasarov ________ K. E. Almagambetov November 12, 2008 November 13, 2008

CD / 448-08

Station attendant's guide

I. Duties, rights and responsibilities of the station attendant

Characteristics of the position of the station attendant

The station attendant (hereinafter referred to as the DSP) is a shift assistant to the station chief, who, while on duty, alone manages all operations related to the reception, departure and passage of trains, as well as all shunting movements of the rolling stock along the main and receiving and departure tracks, and there where there is no shunting dispatcher - and along the rest of the station tracks.

At large stations, there may be several chipboards on duty at posts or parks, each of which solely controls the movement of trains within its area of ​​operation. The delimitation of control areas at such stations and the range of responsibilities associated with the movement of trains, each DSP, duty at the post or park are indicated in the technical and administrative act of the station (hereinafter - TPA station).

No one, except for the chipboard, can give orders for the reception, departure and passage of trains and the performance of shunting works on the tracks along which trains follow or from which the rolling stock may exit on the tracks or routes of trains.

Drivers of leading locomotives (electric trains), drivers of all types of motor-rail vehicles and all other employees serving the train are subject to the orders of the DSP at the station.

Appointment to office

For the post of DSP, persons are appointed at the age of at least 18 years, who graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in railway transport, as well as persons prepared for the post of DSP and at the same time having at least a year of work experience in railway transport in positions related to traffic trains (trainer, switch point on duty, operator).

All persons appointed to the post of the DSP must undergo a medical examination to determine their suitability for performing the work of the DSP in accordance with the regulation on medical examination. Hired chipboards, periodically once a year, undergo a medical examination.

Persons appointed to the position of a chipboard must pass the tests and subsequently periodically, once every two years, be checked in knowledge of: the Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 17, 2000 No. 109-I (hereinafter - PTE), Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 17, 2001 No. 364-I (hereinafter - ISI), Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting on the railways of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 17, 2000

performance of work on maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices No. TsSh-530-I, approved by order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 23, 2003 No. 209-I, Instructions for the maintenance of signaling devices No. TsSh-720-I, rules and instructions for safety and industrial sanitation, job responsibilities.

These tests are carried out for:

DSP, DSP for the post and park of out-of-class stations, I and II classes - by commissions at these stations chaired by the station chief;

DSP of III, IV and V classes - by commissions at these stations chaired by the traffic inspector of the road department (hereinafter - DSP).

Tests in knowledge of rules and regulations are carried out in a production environment. Those who have passed the test are considered to be workers who have shown solid knowledge and ability to correctly apply the rules and instructions in practice.

For employees who did not pass the tests, the examination committee sets additional time (no more than a month) to prepare for repeated tests. Persons who did not pass the tests a second time are transferred to work not related to the movement of trains, or to such work that is related to the movement of trains, but requires less knowledge and corresponds to the level of training of the employee.

Regardless of the periodic tests, persons of the commanding and auditing staff in cases (when checking the state of the economy and discipline at the stations, if the employee admits violations of official duties) can additionally check the knowledge of the chipboard and the ability to apply rules and instructions.

Appointment of chipboards to work is carried out by order of the head of the station (extracurricular and I class) or the director of the branch of the Companies - the road department (stations from 2 to

5 classes). All newly appointed DSPs must work at least six duties (depending on the complexity of the work) as second persons under the supervision and responsibility of the assigned DSP, after passing the tests positively.

The admission of the EAF to independent work is formalized by the order of the station manager (hereinafter referred to as the DS), on the basis of the test report completed and signed by the commission (by all members of the commission, including the electromechanics of the Company's branch - signaling and communication distances).

The employee appointed to the position of the EAF must know the local features of the station, be able to manage alarm, centralization, blocking and communication devices and act correctly in the event of a malfunction of these devices.

Working hours and rest Chipboard

The beginning and end of work, as well as weekly or days of rest of the chipboard are determined by the shift schedule. The actual working week should not exceed 41 hours, and the average daily working time should not exceed 7 hours.

For duty posts of route-relay interlocking, working at out-of-class and class I stations, a normal working time of 36 hours per week is established.

Once a year, paid leave is provided for the chipboard, excluding holidays.

The chipboard gets the right to leave after 12 months of continuous work. Holidays in the second and subsequent years are provided at any time in accordance with a schedule that provides for their distribution evenly throughout the year,

so as not to complicate the work of the station. The sequence of vacations is set by the station management.

Employees of a number of positions related to the movement of trains, including chipboard,

uniforms and insignia have been established. DSP extracurricular, I, II, III classes belong to the average commanding staff; Particleboard IV and V classes - for the younger staff.

The main guiding documents for the work of the EAF

PTEs establish the main provisions and procedure for the operation of railways and railway workers, the main dimensions, standards for the maintenance of the most important structures, devices and rolling stock and the requirements for them, the system for organizing the movement of trains and the principles of signaling. Accurate and unswerving implementation of the PTE ensures the coherence of all links of railway transport, clear and uninterrupted operation of railways and traffic safety.

PTEs are approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - MOTC RK) and are mandatory for all employees of railway transport.

ISI shall establish a system of visible and audible signals for transmission by means of their orders and instructions related to the movement of trains and shunting work. This instruction is approved by the MOTC RK. All employees and structural divisions of railway transport are obliged to comply with the requirements of the ISI by all possible means. Accurate and unquestioning observance of the signals established by the ISI ensures the uninterrupted and safe movement of trains and shunting operations.

IDP, in accordance with the main provisions established by the PTE, specifies the rules:

reception, departure and passage of trains at various means signaling and communication, both in normal conditions and in cases of repair and construction work on railway tracks;

making maneuvers at stations;

issuing warnings to trains and other regulations and rules directly related to the activities of the EAF. IDP is approved by the MOTC RK. A solid knowledge of the EAF of the specified instructions and a clear fulfillment of the requirements that are provided for in it is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the safety of train traffic and the production of maneuvers.

Technical and administrative act of the station(hereinafter - TPA station), on the basis of the requirements provided for by the PTE, ISI and IDP, determines the procedure for using technical means at a particular station, regulates the basic requirements that must be met by each employee in order to ensure safe and uninterrupted reception, departure and passage of trains, and also the safety of intra-station shunting work.

For large cargo, passenger, marshalling and divisional stations, TPA stations are approved by the Chief Engineer of the Company, the Manager of the Transportation Directorate in accordance with the list of stations approved by the order of the President of the Company.

For other stations not included in the list of stations, TPA stations are approved by the heads of the Company's branches - road departments.

In addition to general information about the station and its technical equipment, there are sections in the TPA station that determine the procedure for the EAEU and other employees when accepting and dispatching trains (the procedure for checking the availability of receiving and departure tracks, preparing routes for receiving and dispatching trains, granting drivers of leading locomotives permits to run the haul ), in the production of maneuvers, in compliance with safety precautions.

The form of the TPA station (DU - 41) and the procedure for its development are envisaged

Instructions for the preparation of TPA stations, approved by order of the President of the Company

Particleboard without checking the knowledge of the TPA station is not allowed to work at a particular station.

Other rules and instructions.

The EAF is obliged, in a certain amount necessary for practical activities, to also know: Instructions on ensuring the safety of train traffic during the performance of maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices No. TsSh-530-1; approved by the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 23, 2003 No. 209-I, Instruction on traffic safety during track works; Instruction on the passage of oversized, long, heavy-weight (on transporters of goods along the main railway network of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the President of the Company dated July 26, 2006 No. 556-C; Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by rail.

DSP must also be guided by the Law "On Railway Transport", the timetable and the train formation plan, observe safety rules and unswervingly follow orders and instructions issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company, the Transportation Directorate and the branch of the Company - the road department (hereinafter referred to as the road department) on issues related to his work.

Reception of duty

The chipboard is obliged to come to work on time, rested and dressed in uniform, undergo the current briefing, in accordance with the normative act "On the occupational health and safety management system in JSC" NC "KTZh" and its dependent joint stock companies ", approved by the order of the President of the Company dated March 21, 2008 year No. 125-Ts.

In order to confidently manage the reception, departure and passage of trains and shunting work and ensure the safety of train traffic, immediately after entering on duty, the DSP must undergo a safety briefing and thoroughly familiarize itself with the situation at the station before taking duty. To do this, he must:

get acquainted with the plan work ahead, the available instructions and orders concerning the reception and departure of trains and maneuvers, with the presence and location of rolling stock on the receiving and departure tracks, with the position (vacancy or employment) of adjacent spans (block sections). The way of acquaintance, depending on the nature of work at the station, may be different. So, for example, the nature of the upcoming work can be established on the basis of the submitted shift work plan, instructions received from the station manager, or individual orders of the train dispatcher. The vacancy or employment of the receiving - departure and other routes is established by their personal inspection (at small stations), based on the information of the DSP that is on duty, according to the indications of control devices.

The vacancy or employment of the adjacent spans is established according to the indications of control devices, on the basis of entries in the Train Traffic Log (forms DU-2 and DU-3), and for telephone communications, according to the entries in the Train Telegram Log.

(DU forms - 47);

make sure that the control devices for signaling, centralization and blocking devices (hereinafter - SCB) and communications are in good working order, that they have seals in accordance with the inventory, as well as that the turnouts he personally maintains are in good working order. If during the inspection any malfunctions are found, it is necessary to make an appropriate entry about this (if it has not already been made by the employee on duty) in the "Journal of the inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact network" (forms DU-46) and notify the employee serving these devices (signaling system electromechanic, road foreman, communications dispatcher (hereinafter - SHCHD), train dispatcher (hereinafter - DSC);

check the availability of tools, signaling accessories and strict inventory at the workplace.

According to the established norms in the working room of the chipboard, there should be: a manual signal lamp of yellow, green, red and transparent - white light, yellow and red signal flags in holsters, a manual signal disc;

familiarize yourself with the entries in the Journal of Dispatching Orders of the DU-58 form, the Journals of the DU-2 and DU-3 forms, the Book for recording warnings for trains of the DU-60 form, the Journal of the DU-46 form, the Journal of train telegrams of the DU-47 form, which are maintained by the DSP ...

The entry on duty is made out by entries in the Journal of the DU-2 form or on shift schedule executed movement.

A receipt by the DSP on the acceptance of duty indicates that he fully familiarized himself with the situation, including the content of entries in all books and journals maintained by the DSP, and in the future, having entered duty, he has no right to refer to ignorance of those provisions, which are recorded in these Books and Journals and relate to his work.

If there are signaling devices control devices (counters for artificial triggering of arrival control devices, KGU, UKSPS, PONAB, DISK, KTSM, invitation signals or artificial route preparation), before the above text about the acceptance and handover of duty in the Journal of the DU-2 form, the readings of the counters are also recorded ... Each artificial operation of the counter is a consequence of a malfunction of the corresponding signaling devices, which is caused by a malfunction of these devices, the acceptance of trains on non-specialized tracks or the departure of trains from such tracks, the erroneous assignment of routes for the receipt or departure of trains and other reasons.

The number of such activations per shift, determined by the difference between the meter readings during reception and delivery of duty, makes it possible to draw conclusions about the degree of stability or instability of the signaling devices operation, as well as the clarity of the EAF management of operations for receiving, dispatching and passing trains.

Having taken over the duty, the DSP is obliged to check the attendance of shift workers (trainers, switch points on duty, signalmen), listen to their reports on the state of the workplace, and if there are any deficiencies, take the necessary measures to eliminate them.

Regulations on the discipline of railway workers; - regulation on working hours and rest hours of railway transport workers; -. 1.5. During the absence of the person on duty at the railway station (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in established order... 1.6. ... 2. Responsibilities The duty officer at the railway station: 2.1. Supervises the movement of trains at the station or within the assigned control area, ensures traffic safety, compliance with the traffic schedule and shunting work in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for the technical operation of railways; Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways, Instructions for signaling on railways, a technical and administrative act and the technological process of the station. 2.2.

Job description of a train station attendant

Performs operations for the preparation of routes for reception, departure, passage of trains and shunting movements from the control panel for electrical interlocking devices or signals or gives orders for the preparation of routes to employees of executive posts. 3.4. Controls the correctness of the execution of the given orders according to the readings of the control devices or the reports of the executors; securing trains and wagons on the tracks of the station with braking devices in the manner and according to the norms established by the technical and administrative act of the station. 3.5. Submits compositions for maintenance and commercial inspection, controls their readiness.

3.6. Fulfills the orders of the train dispatcher on the organization of train traffic, negotiates with the attendants of neighboring stations, the drivers of locomotives and other mobile units within the station and adjacent tracks. 3.7.

Job description of the person on duty at the railway station, siding


Supervises their observance of labor and technological discipline. 2.13. ... 3. Rights The person on duty at the railway station has the right to: 3.1. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by the management.

3.2. Receive from managers and specialists structural units information related to the issues of their activities. 3.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.4. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.5. ... 4. Responsibility The person on duty at the railway station is responsible for: 4.1. Per improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties under this job description, within the limits determined by labor legislation Russian Federation. 4.2.

Train station attendant

The switch post duty officer must: perform work included in his job duties or assigned to the station duty officer; apply safe work practices and technological operations, which are stipulated by the requirements of the regulatory documents of Russian Railways and official duties →

  • Instruction. Labor protection for the switch post on duty. Railway station open joint stock company... "Russian Railways". 1. General labor protection requirements. To perform work included in his job duties or entrusted to the duty officer at the station; apply safe work practices and technological operations that are stipulated by the requirements of the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways and official duties ...

The person on duty at the railway station, siding must know: - laws and other regulatory legal acts Of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulations concerning the work of railway transport; - technical and administrative act of the railway station; - train schedule; - technological process of the organization's access road; - train formation plan; - the principle of operation of signaling and communication devices and the procedure for using them; - fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - rules for the protection of the environment; - rules on labor protection and fire safety; - internal labor regulations. 1.7. In his activities, the person on duty at the railway station, the siding is guided by: - ​​orders and orders of the head of the Organization, the immediate leader; - this job description.
Keeps records of the reception and delivery of wagons to the railway, records of the work of locomotive-assembly crews. 2.8. Carries out the arrangement of wagons on the cargo fronts and their cleaning from the fronts of loading and unloading. 2.9. Submits trains (wagons) for maintenance and commercial inspection and controls their readiness for departure.

RIGHTS The person on duty at the railway station, siding has the right to: 3.1. Require the leadership of the Organization to assist in the performance of their duties. 3.2. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the Organization concerning its activities.

3.3. Make proposals to the head of the Organization and the immediate supervisor on the issues of their activities. 3.4. Receive official information necessary to carry out their duties. 4. RESPONSIBILITY The person on duty at the railway station, siding is responsible: 4.1.

An error occurred.

Controls their observance of labor and technological discipline. 2.13. ... 3. Rights The person on duty at the railway station has the right to: 3.1. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by the management.
3.2. Receive from the heads and specialists of structural divisions information related to the issues of their activities. 3.3. Sign and endorse documents within the limits of their competence. 3.4. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their official duties.
3.5. ... 4. Responsibility The person on duty at the railway station is responsible for: 4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2.
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Job description of the duty officer at the station of ojsc rzd

This Instruction has been developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, rules on labor protection in the transportation sector and establishes the basic requirements for labor protection when performing the work of a duty officer at a railway station of JSC Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as a duty officer at the station) .1.5. The station duty officer must know the scope of his job duties: Labor Code Russian Federation; internal labor regulations; regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the railway ... http: // ... →

  • In order to ensure safe conditions and labor protection for those on duty at the railway station of Russian Railways: 1. To approve and put into effect from June 1, 2013.


Functions 2.1. Train traffic management at the station. 2.2. Ensuring traffic safety. 3. Responsibilities The duty officer at the railway station performs the following duties: 3.1. Supervises the movement of trains at the station or within the assigned control area, ensures traffic safety, compliance with the traffic schedule and shunting work in accordance with the requirements established by the instructions and rules, the technical and administrative act and the technological process of the station.

3.2. Evaluates the train situation and the actual position at the station, makes optimal decisions on the organization of train traffic and shunting work, taking into account the current situation. 3.3.

Job description of the duty officer at the station of ojsc rzd download


Draws up and issues warnings, permissions. 3.8. Transmits orders for the reception and departure of trains. 3.9. Maintains train and other documentation. 3.10. Receives (enters) train and operational information from the road automated system operational management of transportation. 3.11. Ensures the implementation of the shift work plan of the station, orders, orders and instructions of the higher authorities of the railway, the railway department on the organization of train traffic and shunting work, traffic safety, labor protection and safety regulations.

3.12. Carries out operational management of subordinate employees involved in the transportation process. 3.13. Supervises the observance of labor and technological discipline by subordinate employees. 3.14. ... (other obligations) 4. Rights The person on duty at the railway station has the right to: 4.1.
  • Order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated March 13, 2014 No. 2426r "On approval of the Instruction on labor protection for the operator on duty at the railway station of JSC" Russian Railways. " 1.6. An operator with a chipboard is obliged to: perform work that is part of his job duties and entrusted to the duty officer at the railway station (head of the railway station) ... →
  • 2. To the heads of railways - branches of Russian Railways: to bring this order to the attention of the employees involved in the requirements of this Instruction. 1.5.

Train station attendant

6 - 12 digits

Job responsibilities. Supervises the movement of trains at the station or within

the assigned control area, ensures traffic safety, fulfillment of the schedule


movement and shunting work in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules

technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, Traffic Instruction

trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, Instruction on

signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation, technical and administrative act and

technological process of the station. Evaluates train conditions and actual

position at the station, makes optimal decisions on the organization of train traffic and

shunting work taking into account the current situation. Performs cooking operations

routes of reception, departure, passage of trains and shunting movements from the control panel

control of devices for electrical interlocking of arrows or signals or gives

orders for the preparation of routes to employees of executive posts. Controls

the correctness of the execution of the given orders according to the indications of the control devices or

reports of performers; securing trains and wagons on the tracks of the station with brake

devices in the order and according to the norms established by the technical and administrative act of the station.

Submits compositions for maintenance and commercial inspection, controls them

readiness. Fulfills the orders of the train dispatcher on traffic management issues

trains, negotiates with the attendants of neighboring stations, locomotive drivers and other

mobile units within the station and adjoining routes. Draws up and issues

warnings, permissions; transmits orders for the reception and departure of trains; runs the train and

other documentation. Receives (enters) train and operational information from the road

an automated system for operational management of transportation. Ensures fulfillment

shift plan of the station, orders, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway,

railway departments for the organization of train traffic and shunting work, safety

traffic, labor protection and safety rules. Provides operational management

subordinate employees involved in the transportation process; monitors compliance

them labor and technological discipline.

trains during the production of track works; Safety rules and procedure for liquidation of emergency

situations with dangerous goods during their transportation by rail; orders, orders and

instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the branch of the railway; methodological, normative and

other guidance material on the terms of reference; technical and administrative act and

technological process of the station; the principle of alarm devices,

centralization, blocking, communication; train schedule, train formation plan, Rules

transportation of goods; rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, production

sanitation and fire safety rules for railway transport; fundamentals of economics,

organization of labor, production and management; Employee discipline regulations

railway transport of the Russian Federation; Regulation on working hours and hours

rest of railway workers.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment.

6th grade: in the performance of official duties of the duty officer on the road and post - average

professional (technical) education without any requirements for work experience;

7 category: in the performance of official duties of a duty officer at a railway station

Grade V - secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the profile at least

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.

7 - 8 categories: when performing the official duties of a duty officer on a railway

Class IV stations - secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the profile

not less than 1 - 2 years; with the sum of points over 5, characterizing the operation of the station when determining

class, - 8th grade;

8 - 9 categories: when performing the official duties of a person on duty on a railway

Class III stations - secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the profile

at least 2 - 3 years; with a total of more than 12 points - 9th grade;

9 - 10 categories: when performing the official duties of a person on duty on a railway

Class II stations - higher professional (technical) education without presentation

work experience requirements or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience

in the profile for at least 3 years; with a total of more than 30 points - 10th category;

10 - 11 categories: when performing the official duties of a duty officer on a railway

Class I stations - higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the profile

at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in

profile at least 3 - 4 years old; with a total of more than 70 points - 11th grade;

11 - 12 categories: when performing the official duties of a person on duty on a railway

extracurricular stations - higher professional (technical) education and work experience in

profile of at least 2 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in

profile at least 4 years old; with a total of more than 130 points - 12th category.

Mechanized duty officer

loading and unloading distances

and commercial transactions

5 - 8 digits

Job responsibilities. Carries out in the shift the operational management of the production

the activities of the mechanized distance. Organizes the provision of all stations,

serviced by a mechanized distance necessary to carry out loading and

unloading works by machines, mechanisms and workers serving them. Keeps a schedule

operational work on a mechanized distance on the presence of goods under loading and unloading

by periods of the day, on the operation of mechanisms, on the progress of the implementation of the cargo handling plan. Keeps books

operational orders and informs the executors of orders, tasks and instructions

management of the mechanized distance, department, road administration and the Ministry of Railways of Russia,

monitors their implementation. Identifies the causes of unproductive machine downtime and

mechanisms. Monitors the progress of loading and unloading operations and takes measures to

prevention and elimination of these violations using support services

mechanized distance. Receives information about the approach and arrival of goods, regulates

labor force, machines and mechanisms in relation to the current situation in

mechanized distance, organizes and controls the movement work force, cars and

mechanisms from site to site. Monitors compliance with vehicle downtime standards and

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.

railway rolling stock under cargo operations, the use of labor,

machines and mechanisms. Draws up shift and daily plans for loading and unloading operations and

monitors their implementation. Reports on the distance completed per day or per shift

work in front of the direction of the distance and the separation of the road. Compiles information about unloaded

wagons, idle time of machines and mechanisms, takes into account the exported cargo and the remains of the unloaded cargo.

Analyzes the work on each production site by type of cargo per shift or per day.

Accepts applications from production sites for the necessary materials and spare parts and

controls the provision of each production site with the necessary materials,

mechanisms, machines, lifting devices, as well as vehicles.

Prepares the analysis of the rhythm of the fronts of loading, unloading and sorting of goods,

studies the existing cargo flows and, together with the operational department of the road, participates in

operational planning of the rhythm of loading and unloading operations, taking into account the technical

the state of the unloading fronts and provides, together with the cargo compartment, rhythmic loading

local cargo, keeps records of the availability of cargo under loading and unloading by periods of the day, keeps records

cases of defects in work and cases of industrial injuries.

Must know: typical technological process of mechanized distance operation

loading and unloading works; charter of mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations

and commercial transactions; typical technological process of a cargo station; network diagram

railways of the Russian Federation; valid orders, instructions, instructions,

instructions, methodological, regulatory and organizational and administrative documents,

concerning the fulfillment of the assigned duties; production capacity

mechanized distance and each production site, their mobility; order

maintenance of technical documentation, established reporting forms and the procedure for their preparation;

organization of production; Regulations on working hours and rest hours of employees

railway transport; Instructions on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents,

related to production in railway transport; rules and regulations of labor protection,

safety engineering, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

education and work experience in operational management of production for at least 1 year, or

secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in operational management

production for at least 2 years.

5th category: when performing the official duties of a duty officer on a mechanized

the distance of loading and unloading operations of the IV group;

6th category: when performing the official duties of a duty officer on a mechanized

the distance of loading and unloading operations of the III group;

7th category: when performing the official duties of a duty officer on a mechanized

the distance of loading and unloading operations of the II group;

8th category: when performing the official duties of a duty officer on a mechanized

the distance of loading and unloading operations of the 1st group.

Train station park attendant

7 - 9 digits

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.

Job responsibilities. Provides compound handling and safety

traffic in the park of the station in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules of technical

operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, Instructions for the movement of trains and

shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, Instructions for signaling on

railways of the Russian Federation, technical and administrative act and technological

the process of the station. Provides formulations for maintenance and commercial

inspection, controls their readiness. Organizes the implementation of shunting work on the hitch-

uncoupling of cars to trains in the station park. Makes adjustments to the train list when

changes in the length and weight of the train and completes the shipping documents in accordance with

the completed arrangement of wagons. Controls the securing of trains on the tracks of the park

braking devices in the order and according to the standards established by the technical and administrative

station act. Issues and issues warnings to trains, makes marks on the route

locomotive crews, hands them transportation documents, conducts train and other

station park documentation. Uses in his work electronic computers for

receiving (entering) train and operational information. Participates in the implementation of the shift plan

work of the station. Ensures the execution of orders, orders, instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia,

railway and branch of the railway on the organization of train traffic and shunting

work, traffic safety, labor protection and safety rules. Implements

operational management of subordinate employees involved in the transportation process;

controls their compliance with labor and technological discipline.

Should know: Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian

Federation; Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions

to ensure the safety of train traffic during the performance of works on technical

maintenance and repair of signaling devices; Traffic safety instructions

trains during the production of track works; Cargo transportation rules; orders, orders and

instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the branch of the railway; Safety regulations and

liquidation procedure emergency situations with dangerous goods when transporting them by rail

roads; methodological, normative and other guidance materials on the terms of reference;

technical and administrative act and technological process of the station; timetable

trains, formation plan; rules and regulations on health and safety and

fundamentals of economics and production management; Regulations on working hours and rest time

railway workers.

education and work experience in positions related to the organization of transportation to

railway transport, at least 2 years.

7th category: when performing the duties of a duty officer in the park of the railway

stations at stations of II, III classes;

8th category: in the performance of official duties of a duty officer in the park of the railway

stations at class I stations;

9th category: in the performance of official duties of a duty officer in the park of the railway

stations at out-of-class stations.

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.

Duty officer of the railway department

11 - 13 digits

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of a single shift of the railway department.

Carries out the planning of train and cargo work of the department; corrects the shift plan-

task taking into account the changed situation. Ensures the fulfillment of the train schedule,

tasks for loading and unloading wagons, delivery of local cargo, transportation of passengers. Organizes

work on the implementation of adjustment tasks for the delivery of empty cars, the transfer of local

cargo to neighboring railway branches. Coordinates with the attendants of neighboring departments

a plan for the exchange of trains at the junction points of the railway department. Coordinates the work

adjacent dispatching areas for train supply; provides practical assistance to train

dispatchers in case of difficulties in train work. Takes action to schedule

late passenger trains. Appoints additional prefabricated, export and

transfer trains with an intensive arrival of local cargo at the station of the railway

roads. Controls the movement of perishable, oversized, discharge and other cargo

special purpose. Carries out control over the operated fleet of locomotives and

the operating mode of the locomotive crews. Controls the timeliness of the provision of "windows";

organizes emergency recovery work and timely troubleshooting

technical devices and equipment. Controls the execution of orders, orders and

assignments of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, management and branch of the railway. Analyzes the results of execution

the main indicators of the work of the railway department, reports to the management on the results.

Supervises the work of the shift dispatchers of the railway department.

Should know: Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian

Federation; Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions

to ensure the movement of trains during the performance of maintenance work and

repair of signaling devices; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic when

production of track works; Safety rules and procedures for the elimination of emergencies with

dangerous goods during transportation by railways of the Russian Federation; orders,

orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the branch of the railway; methodical,

regulatory and other guidance materials on the organization of train traffic and transportation

passengers; technological processes of the railway and railway departments

stations, technical and administrative acts of stations, traffic schedule and formation plan

trains; Rules for the carriage of goods, the procedure for working on a PC; indicators and technical standards

operational work; rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and

industrial sanitation; Fire safety rules for railway transport;

fundamentals of economics and production management; Employee discipline regulations

railway transport; Regulations on working hours and rest hours of employees

railway transport.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment. Higher professional (technical)

railway transport, at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical)

education and work experience in positions related to the organization of transportation and management of

railway transport, at least 5 years.

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.

11th category: in the performance of official duties of a duty officer in the department of the

roads at the offices of the III group;

12th category: in the performance of official duties of a duty officer in the department of the

roads at the branches of the II group;

13th category: in the performance of official duties of a duty officer in the department of the

roads at the branches of the I group.

Hill sorting officer

8 - 10 digits

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work on the recycling of wagons on the hump.

Organizes the implementation of a shift task for the disbandment and formation of teams in

in accordance with the train formation plan and the requirements of the Technical Operation Rules

railways of the Russian Federation, technical and administrative act and technological

the process of work of the station; monitors its implementation. Ensures production safety

shunting work, compliance with safety regulations, effective use

hump devices and locomotives, as well as the safety of rolling stock and transported goods.

Establishes the regime for the dissolution of trains from the hill, coordinates the procedure for the production of shunting

work with a shunting dispatcher and station attendants. Informs workers about the plan

production of work, the presence in the dismissed trains and on the tracks of the sorting fleet of wagons with

devices of automation, mechanization, centralization, signaling and communication, accepts operational

measures to eliminate their malfunctions. Supervises the work of hump operators and

other workers of the mining complex associated with the disbandment of trains on

a sorting hill, conducts instructions with them.

Should know: Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian

Federation; Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions

to ensure the safety of train traffic during maintenance and repair works

signaling devices; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during production

track works; technical and administrative act and technological process of the station;

orders, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, management and branch of the railway on

train movement and shunting work; sorting hump device, device principle

hump automation, mechanization, centralization, signaling, communications and rules for their operation;

Rules for the carriage of goods, the timetable and the plan for the formation of trains; a single network and

conditional marking of wagons, wagon numbering system; driving performance of rolling stock,

the procedure for working on a PC; with systems of shunting radio communication and loud-speaking notification;

Regulations on the discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation;

Regulation on working hours and rest hours of railway transport workers;

rules and norms of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and

fire protection.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment. Secondary vocational (technical)

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.

education and work experience in positions related to the movement of trains, at least 1 year.

8th category: when working on low power slides;

9th category: when working on slides of medium power;

10th category: when working on high and high power slides.

Centralization station attendant

8 - 9 digits

Job responsibilities. Organizes shunting work and ensures safety

traffic in the serviced area of ​​the station in accordance with the requirements established

Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation, Instruction on

the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, the Instruction

on signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation, technical and administrative act

and the technological process of the station. Performs route preparation operations

shunting movements from the control panel for electric switch interlocking devices

and signals. Controls the correctness of the preparation of routes according to the readings of the devices

control, securing trains and cars on station tracks with braking devices

the order and according to the norms established by the technical and administrative act of the station. Requests

consent to shunting movements at the train station attendant during the relocation

carriages outside the serviced control area. Uses in work electronic

computing equipment for obtaining (entering) operational information. Participates in the implementation

shift plan of the station. Ensures the execution of orders, orders and instructions

Ministry of Railways of Russia, railway, railway department for the organization of train traffic and

shunting work, traffic safety, labor protection and safety regulations.

Carries out operational management of train compilers and shunting drivers

locomotives in the service area. Monitors their compliance with labor and technological

discipline. Responsible for the safety of inventory.

Should know: Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian

Federation; Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions

to ensure the safety of train traffic during the performance of works on technical

maintenance and repair of signaling devices; Traffic safety instructions

trains during the production of track works; orders, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, iron

roads, railway branches; methodological, normative and other guidance materials

in terms of responsibilities; technical and administrative act and technological process of work

stations, the principle of signaling and communication devices and the rules for using them; rules and regulations for the protection

labor, safety and industrial sanitation; Fire safety rules for

railway transport; Regulations on the discipline of railway workers

Russian Federation; fundamentals of economics and production management; Labor regulation

time and time of rest for railway workers.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment. Secondary vocational (technical)

education and work experience in positions related to the organization of transportation on the railway

It is not an official version, it is provided free of charge to the members of the Association of Forest Users of Ladoga, Pomorie and Prionezhie - . Permanent arbitration court.


OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECREE from 25 october1996 g. N 9 ON THE APPLICATION BY THE COURTS ... in relation to a person who has reached the age of 18 years, allowed only with his ..., is proof of the child's origin fromof said in her face. Considering...

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