What the huntsman does. The profession is a huntsman. Huntsman who is this? I. General Provisions

Profession type and class
The huntsman's profession belongs to the "Man-Nature" type, it implies interaction with wildlife. People of this type of profession are united by a love of nature.

Profession presentation
There is one amazing profession that only a select few know about. She is called - the huntsman. The word "huntsman" is ancient, has German roots and is translated as "shooter or hunter". Once upon a time, from hunters and children of hunters, rifle detachments were created, which successfully fought against enemies. Today it is quite a peaceful profession.
A huntsman is a person in charge of animals and birds in the territory entrusted to him. He knows everything about his charges - about their movements, health, reproduction, habits and vulnerabilities. Its task is to ensure the balance of the ecosystem, which allows to preserve all animals and birds, to prevent their extinction or overabundance. For this, the huntsman uses all the means available to him.

Activity content
V functional responsibilities gamekeepers included the following tasks: control over a certain area and observation of the animal population.
The huntsman will have to monitor the life of animals, monitor and guarantee the preservation of the ecological balance in the territory entrusted to him.

The huntsman's profession includes other duties, he also ensures the safety of people, and must also eliminate any threats to their lives. After all, guests and professional hunters who have a hunting license come to the gamekeeper's grounds. The huntsman will have to arrange hunting and lodging for them. Thus, it is possible to eradicate malicious poaching, the fight against this phenomenon is part of the huntsman's duties.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist
Must know:
hunting rules in the region;
provisions on the huntsman round, a nature reserve, a hunting farm, a production site;
instructions, orders, orders and other guiding materials on hunting management in the region and the region;
the boundaries of the huntsman's bypass, wildlife preserve, hunting farm, production site;
habitats and concentration of hunting animals;
sowing and planting sites of forage and protective plants;
location of biotechnical facilities;
methods of accounting and production of wild animals;
safety rules for hunting, individual and collective hunting;
the procedure for conducting biotechnical and reproductive measures;
ways of dealing with harmful animals.

Should be able to:
register and kill wild animals;
train hunting dogs;
keep documentation, draw up protocols;
organize and conduct individual and collective hunts.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist
To become a good gamekeeper will help:
striving for a secluded life in nature;
a responsibility;
a calm attitude to difficulties and the absence of some significant benefits of civilization;
good knowledge of zoology, biology, environment;
love to the animals;
good health;
physical endurance.

Working conditions
As a rule, the place of work of a huntsman is considered to be a hunting ground, a nature reserve or a forest.

Basic education
The huntsman is engaged in, in particular, feeding wild animals in harsh natural conditions, for example, elk and wild boars require additional food in the winter. At certain times of the year, hungry animals are quite capable of harming plants and crops.
The huntsman is also engaged in hunting. Indeed, at a certain time, it is required to shoot some animals that can get sick or become aggressive under the influence of external circumstances. There may also be an excessive reproduction of some species of animals, which can lead to the destruction of the natural balance: illness, overcrowding and hunger.
The huntsman's profession includes other duties, he also ensures the safety of people

Ways to get a profession
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the profession is passed down from generation to generation. There is nothing surprising. If a person from childhood gets used to a certain way of life, is well oriented in the area, observes the duties of the father, most likely he will become a good game manager.
Universities in Russia do not train gamekeepers, so the profession does not provide for special education.

Areas of application of the profession
You can find work in large hunting farms, where there is a change of personnel. As you gain experience, you can apply for individual lands.

Professional holiday
The first "Forest Legislation" in Russia was adopted back in the Soviet Union on September 18, 1977. This document, in fact, was a recognition that no matter how great Natural resources countries, they are not limitless, which means they must be preserved and protected by the state. Three years later, in October 1980, the Day of Forest Workers was established, which entered the register of commemorative and holidays in our country. This is how all forest workers and forestry workers acquired their own professional holiday.
September 17 - Day of workers of the forest and timber industry.

The human need at all times is communication with wildlife, in which the inner world is filled with a sense of calmness, silence and harmony. Happy is he who has love for the world around him and its protection combined in his main work with the vocation and meaning of his whole life.

Jaeger and forester - the first defenders of forestry

The forestry workers are professionally engaged in the protection of the flora and the care of our smaller brothers: a huntsman and a forester. The similarity of these professions lies in the service of one territory, with the only difference that the huntsman is responsible for the animal world, the forester monitors the forest, controlling The work of the huntsman is not particularly difficult - it seems so at first glance.

Often these are former hunters, not by hearsay familiar with all the intricacies of communication with wild animals. A specialized education to work in forestry is of course considered a preferred factor, but not as important as the skills available.

Jaeger as a profession

The huntsman, whose home is actually the forest, has the following duties:

  • control over the hunting grounds entrusted to him and the events taking place on them;
  • ensuring the safety of animals listed in the Red Book;
  • maintaining the number of commercial animals;
  • shooting sick and aggressive specimens in order to eliminate the possible danger to the local habitat;

  • artificial regulation of excessive breeding, which causes crowding and hunger in the wild. For this, in addition to a good knowledge of all types of animals, the huntsman has to show mathematical abilities to account for forest dwellers. Using special formulas, he makes an approximate count of individuals of each species all year round. This is required to control the natural balance and the validity of the number of licenses issued for the production of a particular type of animal.

Daily hard work

A huntsman is a person who knows neither weekends nor holidays, whose work takes up most of the time: from early morning to late evening.

The winter season, which threatens with serious cold weather and deep snows, is hard for not only humans, but also animals. The equestrian huntsman during this period tries to provide wild animals with additional food, delivering, and sometimes carrying heavy bags of feed (grain and root crops) on his own shoulders. Moreover, this hard work sometimes has to be done daily, until the very end of the snow drifts; after all, in difficult times, wild animals can rely solely on human compassion and help.

It would seem that the period of frost and cold should be compensated for by carefree and restful summer days. In fact, this is not the case.

The hot months under the scorching rays of the sun and endless mosquito bites are the peak of preparations for the winter: repair and renovation of feeders and feeding areas, as well as procurement of feed and salt licks. The latter are reserves of table salt, usually arranged in stumps and troughs from fallen trees, in places where animals pass to water. Salt, which improves metabolism in the body and increases its vitality, contributes to the optimal assimilation of rough winter food, causes an increase in the fertility of females and the normal development of young animals. Also, salt knocks down the increased acidity, which is formed from the consumption of ungulate needles, and in the summer, when inhaled, it relieves animals from other forest flies.

Hunting organization

The autumn period brings worries related to the opening of the hunting season and its end. A huntsman is a person who coordinates work with teams of hunters and has excellent organizational skills aimed at the success of the enterprise and the safety of guests, namely the organization of a productive hunt and a comfortable overnight stay. As the owner of the forest, the huntsman thoroughly possesses invaluable experience and knowledge about the behavior of the animal, its bedding and whereabouts at the required moment. He can also almost accurately determine where an elk or deer graze, and where a herd of wild boars lies.

Therefore, hunting, which is always rich in prey, evokes positive emotions in the guests and an irresistible desire to return to these places more than once. An integral part of the safari is evening campfire bikes, true and not very true, which are an invariable tradition and unite completely different people.

Hunters, both beginners and seasoned ones, always adhere to 3 unspoken rules:

  • Respect the animal being hunted. Do not shoot females and process even the smallest piece of meat that has been harvested.
  • Observe safety precautions.
  • Be anxious about the weapon, in no case direct it at other participants in such a fascinating process.


A normal hunter is always characterized by a sense of personal responsibility, morality and morality, which does not allow mercilessly destroying animals for the sake of money. The same cannot be said about poaching, the fight against which, both in the forest and on the river, is the most dangerous part of the work that the huntsman performs.

This is illegal shooting of animals, jamming of fish with explosives and electrolysis, generating a current of several thousand volts, which leads to the extermination of representatives of the fauna and has been an inexhaustible problem for many years. The huntsman often goes around the territory of the reserve on weekends: it is on these days that poachers are likely to visit the forest. When meeting with a poacher, the huntsman's rights are allowed to check the documents of the latter and draw up a protocol fixing the criminal violation. Despite the strengthening of control over the activities of poachers, the latter manage to work ahead of the curve, using modern baits and special electronic devices. Poachers behave differently when detained. Some calmly react to the fact of detection red-handed, understanding the severity of what is happening and admitting their own guilt. Others begin to threaten and scandalize; in this case, the huntsman can threaten with a service weapon.

Poaching - global and unpunished

Poaching is pushed by the possibility of earning money: badger fat is highly valued on the market, which provokes the merciless destruction of badgers. The high cost of hunting licenses, as well as their limited number for certain types of animals, are also incentives to commit illegal activities.

The impunity of poachers, whose representatives are often the "powerful of this world", makes the defender of the forest sometimes defenseless against them. The minimal fine, reaching ridiculous, in comparison with the carcass of a killed animal only instills in the fauna destroyer a feeling of complete impunity. The huntsman is, first of all, the protector of our smaller brothers, characterized by helplessness against the terrible force of arms.

Public duties of the gamekeeper

In addition to the main activity, the huntsman's duties include working with the local population: this is also an explanation of new laws, meetings with schoolchildren in order to teach the correct norms of behavior in the forest and conduct introductory and educational excursions. This also instills in the children the desire to learn the profession of a huntsman, whose work is mostly based on great enthusiasm: after all, who will protect nature, besides ourselves?

Low salaries in the forestry industry, poor material and technical base are just the usual obstacles that slow down hard work... The work of a gamekeeper is a great pleasure from communicating with nature and living side by side with it, which brings incomparable happiness and encourages a person to complete dedication and great love for all living things.

There are professions that give a person a sense of lightness. What can a huntsman be serious about? Outdoor work, beauty all around - trees and flowers. but huntsman profession- this is a job for very hardy individuals. To some extent, this occupation, as well as, requires the presence in the employee of specific qualities of a strong person, for example, endurance, strength, patience and concentration.

Description of the profession of the gamekeeper

The huntsman's functional duties included the following tasks: control over a certain territory and observation of the animal population. As a rule, the place of work of a huntsman is considered to be a hunting ground, a nature reserve or a forest. The huntsman will have to monitor the life of animals, monitor and guarantee the preservation of the ecological balance in the territory entrusted to him. The huntsman is engaged in, in particular, feeding wild animals in harsh natural conditions, for example, moose and wild boars need additional food in the winter. At certain times of the year, hungry animals are quite capable of harming plants and crops.

Although the huntsman is also engaged in hunting. Indeed, at a certain time, it is required to shoot some animals that can get sick or become aggressive under the influence of external circumstances. There may also be an excessive reproduction of some species of animals, which can lead to the destruction of the natural balance: illness, overcrowding and hunger. The huntsman's profession includes other duties, he also ensures the safety of people, and must also eliminate any threats to their lives. After all, guests and professional hunters who have a hunting license come to the gamekeeper's grounds. The huntsman will have to organize hunting and lodging for them. Thus, it is possible to eradicate malicious poaching, the fight against this phenomenon is part of the huntsman's duties.

Personal qualities of representatives of the huntsman profession




In principle, a great job for non-cowardly loners. But by and large, you can create quite decent conveniences for yourself. And salary is a salary, and some additional income, and legal, it is quite possible to organize yourself. There would be a desire.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

The huntsman's duties include control over the territories entrusted to him. Usually these are hunting grounds. I must monitor the populations of wild animals, if necessary, exercise control over them so that the ecological balance is maintained in the forest.

For example, to feed moose and wild boars in the fierce winter, or in those places where starving animals can harm humans - to destroy gardens and crops.

Or, on the contrary, to shoot sick, aggressive or overbred animals so that the rest of the animals can avoid infection with diseases, hunger and crowding. It also saves livestock and makes life safer for people in countryside... The huntsman also organizes hunts in the areas entrusted to him. I have to help the guests who have come to hunt in every possible way, if they have a license to do so - to organize for them the safest environment and lodging for the night; help find, drive out and shoot the beast. Included in the duties of the gamekeeper and the fight against poaching.

3. What education is required to get your position?

It's not about education, it's about skills. Education can be both secondary and incomplete secondary. But the huntsman must live in the countryside and put up with all the inconveniences of such a life. You need to be well versed in the habits and life of animals, it is good to distinguish them even by a piece of wool on the bushes, not to mention the tracks, to be a good hunter and be able to walk for a long time, at a good pace and over long distances over rough terrain.

4. Describe your day at work.

There is never a clear schedule, every day there are new things that need to be done at different times.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

Comfort is out of the question. This work is mainly in the bosom of nature.

6. What do you like most in your business?

Personally, I love nature more than cities; silence is more than noise, and fresh air and freedom are of great importance to me. That's why I work as a gamekeeper.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

I don't like it when crowds of noisy tourists or hunters come and break the rules. However, meeting such guests is an inevitable part of the job.

8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied with it or not)?

The salary is low, but it allows you to live normally in the countryside.

9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you?

Several assistants work with me periodically, at a time when there is too much work. They are very nice people.

10. What human qualities, in your opinion, are the most important in your business?

Love for nature, courage.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people before the opportunity to visit different countries).

You get great pleasure to observe nature as it is, take care of it and live side by side with it. In fact, this is a huge happiness.

12. Do you have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give?

13. Why did you choose this job?

Since childhood, I was attracted to hunting and fishing, and the biology lesson was my favorite at school.

I think everything is lit.

A few years ago, the Kamyshlovsky society of hunters and fishermen consisted of almost 800 lovers of this, perhaps, the most ancient male hobby. Hunting has long ceased to be a way of obtaining food, turning into a hobby or, fortunately, less often, into a wild, poaching way of making money. Today, there are officially about 500 hunters in the society. Its chairman V.P. Bandura talks about the goals of this public organization and, of course, how they are embodied in practice.

- There is an opinion among the people that our society is needed only in order to issue permits for the killing of poor animals, - V.P. Bandura. - This is fundamentally wrong. We act on the basis of federal laws - on hunting and wildlife. There are also regional hunting rules and the charter of our society. Here are the main documents according to which the work is being carried out.

There are three hunting farms on the territory of the district and the city - Kamyshlovskoye, Borovskoye and Kvashninskoye, seven huntsmen work in them. In the Soviet Union, there was a system of primary hunting organizations that operated at enterprises. There were quite a few of them in Kamyshlov, mostly in factories. Now this system has disintegrated, but the primary organizations in society remain.

- According to the charter, these are small teams of seven people, - Vladimir Petrovich continues. - There are many such primary organizations, where people of the same interests are united, in the region and in the city. Hunting for ungulates is a collective process, it is almost impossible to cope alone, so the hunters unite. And besides, it is easier to carry out our tasks in groups. The first, the main one, is the protection of the animal world, the second is biotechnology, and only in third place is hunting.

From whom to protect the animals?

First of all - from a person. A greedy, ruthless poacher.

- This is the biggest problem not only in our territory, but at the level of the country, even the whole world. It remains as it was. Most often, cases of poaching are recorded from January to March, when the hunting season ends. We are on duty, of course. But is it possible to keep track of everything on such a large territory? Recently, our public huntsmen-inspectors have at least ceased to be powerless. We have been striving for 15 years to be allowed to legally inspect the car at the scene of the incident, check the clothes, shoes, license, and weapons of the hunter.

Poachers are not only harmful to nature. On the territory of the hunting grounds they break the warning signs-notices, not realizing that they are causing harm not to the huntsman, but to the forest.

Since January 2018, fines for poaching animals have risen sharply. For example, earlier a person who illegally killed a female roe deer paid a fine of 80 thousand rubles, for a male - 60 thousand. Now it is 200 and 140 thousand rubles, respectively. If the incident took place on the territory of a wildlife reserve, the fine almost doubles.

Strategic stock for roe deer

The second task of the hunter society is biotechnology. This word means the construction of auxiliary facilities and animal feeding. Rangers and hunters build feeding troughs and sheds for animals in the forests, equip salt licks for animals, pebbles and flutters for birds, sow forage fields, prepare hay and brooms, and during the winter make sure that the feeding troughs are not empty.

- Is this the responsibility of every hunter?
- Of course. A license is not simply issued during the season, it must be earned. There are standards for basic biotechnical measures. Sheds, for example, are laid one in a thousand hectares. Each can contain 600-700 brooms or one and a half tons of hay. When there is little snow, like this winter, the roe deer move freely, they move long distances, they can feed in different places. Basically, it feeds on young growth of trees - these are aspen, birch, willow. This is much better for her than hay, she gets both moisture and vegetable protein. And the preparation of brooms, in military terms, is a strategic reserve. If the winter is heavy with snow, then the roe deer stops, cannot go far, and eats up the entire food supply on its territory. Then we deliver the brooms, put them on the snow so that the moisture gets in. And sprinkle with salt on top.